Reliability Scale: All Variables: Case Processing Summary
Reliability Scale: All Variables: Case Processing Summary
Reliability Scale: All Variables: Case Processing Summary
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha Part 1 Value .777
N of Items 25a
Part 2 Value .868
N of Items 25b
Total N of Items 50
Correlation Between Forms .807
Spearman-Brown Coefficient Equal Length .893
Unequal Length .893
Guttman Split-Half Coefficient .867
a. The items are: X01, X02, X03, X04, X05, X06, X07, X08, X09, X10, X11,
X12, X13, X14, X15, X16, X17, X18, X19, X20, X21, X22, X23, X24, X25.
b. The items are: X26, X27, X28, X29, X30, X31, X32, X33, X34, X35, X36,
X37, X38, X39, X40, X41, X42, X43, X44, X45, X46, X47, X48, X49, X50.
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted
X01 31.60 73.156 .000 .907
X02 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X03 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X04 31.90 70.767 .265 .907
X05 31.60 73.156 .000 .907
X06 32.20 73.511 -.070 .911
X07 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X08 32.20 70.178 .313 .906
X09 32.50 72.944 .021 .908
X10 31.80 69.733 .461 .904
X11 31.80 69.733 .461 .904
X12 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X13 32.10 66.322 .764 .900
X14 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X15 32.30 66.678 .792 .900
X16 32.20 68.178 .552 .903
X17 32.20 70.622 .261 .907
X18 32.40 75.822 -.387 .913
X19 32.40 68.711 .610 .902
X20 31.60 73.156 .000 .907
X21 32.20 73.511 -.070 .911
X22 31.60 73.156 .000 .907
X23 31.60 73.156 .000 .907
X24 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X25 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X26 31.70 74.011 -.176 .910
X27 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X28 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X29 32.40 74.711 -.238 .912
X30 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X31 31.90 74.100 -.142 .912
X32 31.70 72.233 .153 .907
X33 31.70 73.567 -.094 .909
X34 32.10 69.656 .366 .905
X35 31.90 71.211 .210 .907
X36 31.60 73.156 .000 .907
X37 31.90 69.211 .462 .904
X38 31.80 70.178 .396 .905
X39 31.70 70.011 .575 .903
X40 32.40 68.711 .610 .902
X41 32.10 65.656 .846 .898
X42 32.20 65.956 .827 .899
X43 32.00 68.889 .467 .904
X44 32.20 65.956 .827 .899
X45 32.60 73.156 .000 .907
X46 32.30 66.678 .792 .900
X47 32.10 68.100 .549 .903
X48 32.00 66.667 .738 .900
X49 31.90 69.211 .462 .904
X50 32.00 66.000 .821 .899
Hasil Uji Validitas Variabel Hasil Belajar (X)
No Butir Soal rhitung rtabek 5% (10) Kriteria
1 .000 0.632
2 .575 0.632
3 .575 0.632
4 .265 0.632
5 .000 0.632
6 -.070 0.632
7 .575 0.632
8 .313 0.632
9 .021 0.632
0 .461 0.632
11 .461 0.632
12 .575 0.632
13 .764 0.632
14 .575 0.632
15 .792 0.632
16 .552 0.632
17 .261 0.632
18 -.387 0.632
19 .610 0.632
20 .000 0.632
21 -.070 0.632
22 .000 0.632
23 .000 0.632
24 .575 0.632
25 .575 0.632
26 -.176 0.632
27 .575 0.632
28 .575 0.632
29 -.238 0.632
30 .575 0.632
31 -.142 0.632
32 .153 0.632
33 -.094 0.632
34 .366 0.632
35 .210 0.632