Format For Course Curriculum: L T P/S SW/F W Total Credit Units
Format For Course Curriculum: L T P/S SW/F W Total Credit Units
Format For Course Curriculum: L T P/S SW/F W Total Credit Units
Course Objectives:
This course teaches the students to express themselves in basic French and familiarizes them with the Present tense. Students will be able to
engage in basic conversation in French and will be able to frame sentences using negation, interrogation, etc.
Pre-requisites: NIL
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I : Introduction to French Language
Brief introduction of French and Francophone countries
Presenting oneself 15%
Getting information about someone else
Greeting and taking leave
Asking/giving personal information
Module II : A rendez-vous
Pronouncing and writing numbers in French
Spell and count numbers
Telling the time 15%
Temporal expressions
Communicating in class
Fixing an hour, place for a meeting.
Module IV : An interview
Descriptors/Topics :
Description of objects, people and places
Nationalities 25%
Speaking about one’s professions
Expressing Actions using regular –er ending verbs; avoir, être; reflexive verbs – usage, conjuagation
Interview of celebrity
Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will be able to express themselves in writing and orally in basic French.
This course content focuses on the speech of the students in a lucid and a concurrent manner using appropriate vocabulary and pronunciation
techniques. Extra stress will be given on their understanding of grammatical structures and the foreign accent of the language
Pedagogy for Course Delivery: Communicative, interactive Lectures, including project work, role play, conversation, text translations and
practice exercises
Text Reading:
Christine Andant, Catherine Metton, Annabelle Nachon, Fabienne Nugue,
A Propos - A1, Livre de l'élève et Cahier d'exercices.
Communicative, interactive Lectures, including project work, role play, conversation, text translations and practice exercises
Additional Readings:
Collins 3-in-1 French Vocabulary, Grammar, Verbs, Jumelage -1, J’aime lire, Teach Yourself French (Hachette)