Cs 52 Instructions

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The CS-52 is a software application to set up the ID-52A or ID-52E from your PC. This manual shows system
requirements and how to use the software.

System requirements
The following hardware and software are required: Select either of the following programming methods:
Through a USB Cable
Operating System (OS) •• USB Cable (Data communication compatible)
•• Microsoft Windows 10 (32/64bit)  Use a proper cable according to your PC’s USB port.
•• Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32/64bit) Micro-B ↔ Type-A: User supplied
Except for Microsoft Windows RT. Micro-B ↔ Type-C: OPC-2418 (optional)
•• USB Port (USB 1.1, 2.0, or 3.0 port)
LLThe instructions are based on using Microsoft
Windows 10. With a microSD card
•• microSD card (User supplied)
•• A microSD card reader or microSD card slot
LLWhen “USB Connect” is set to “SD Card Mode” on the
transceiver, and the transceiver is connected to the PC
through a data communication compatible USB cable,
you can directly access the microSD card that is set in
the transceiver from the PC.
([MENU] > SET > Function > USB Connect)

About a microSD card Programming information

•• To prevent data loss, you should first read the
NOTE: The microSD and microSDHC cards are not
transceiver setting data into the CS-52, or copy the
supplied by Icom. (User supplied)
setting data (ICF file) of the microSD card to the
Icom has checked the compatibility with the following PC, and read the data into the CS-52. Then edit or
microSD and microSDHC cards. enter new software parameters.
 (As of October 2020) •• Before editing or entering new data, make a
backup file onto your PC. A backup file enables
Brand Type Capacity
easy restoring even if the setting data is
microSD 2 GB accidentally deleted.
microSDHC 4/8/16/32 GB •• While reading or writing (uploading) the data
LLThrough the rest of this document, the microSD card and through the USB cable, NEVER turn OFF the
microSDHC card are simply called microSD cards. transceiver or the PC, and NEVER disconnect the
LLThe microSD cards listed above are usable with the USB cable. Otherwise, the data could be lost or
ID-52A or ID-52E, but their specifications are not deleted.
guaranteed by Icom. •• While reading or writing the data to or from the
microSD card, NEVER remove the microSD card
or turn OFF the transceiver. Otherwise, the data
USB driver installation could be corrupted or the microSD card could be
To use the USB cable between the transceiver and a
PC, you must first install a USB driver. Updating the CS-52
The latest USB driver and installation guide can be The firmware and programming software may be
downloaded from the Icom website. updated for expansion or improvement of functions.
Carefully read the guide, before installing the driver. You can update the programming software to the
https://www.icomjapan.com/support/ latest version by downloading the update program
from the Icom website and installing it.
Icom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of
Icom Incorporated (Japan) in Japan, the United States, the United LLIf an error dialog is displayed that indicates the versions
Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand,
and/or other countries.
of the transceiver’s firmware and the programming
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft software do not match, update the transceiver’s
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. firmware and the programming software to the latest
All other products or brands are registered trademarks or version.
trademarks of their respective holders.

Installing the programming software
1. Sign in to the PC as the administrator. 7. After the installation has completed, click
L Confirm that no other applications are running. <Finish>.
2. Download and unzip the file.
3. Double-click “setup.exe.”
L If the “User Account Control” dialog is displayed,
click <Yes>.
• “Choose Setup Language” is displayed.
4. Select “English” (or “Japanese”) and then click
L In this document, “English” is selected.

Select language

8. A “CS-52” folder is created in the Windows Start

menu, and a shortcut icon is added onto the


5. On the “Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for

CS-52” screen, click <Next>>.

• See the Help file of the programming software for
assistance with the functions or settings.
To open the Help file, click “Help” in the top
menu of the programming software and select
“Contents,” or simply push the [F1] key of the
PC’s keyboard.
• You can uninstall the programming software
using the “Apps & features” in the “Apps” menu.
To get started, click on Start > Settings > Apps >
Apps & features.

6. On the “Choose Destination Location” screen,

click <Next>>.
L If desired, click <Browse...> and select another
destination folder before clicking <Next >>.



Setting up from a PC using a USB cable
To setup from a PC using a USB cable, follow the steps described below.
Step 1 Connecting the transceiver and your PC using a USB cable
Step 2 Setting the transceiver to the Clone mode
Step 3 Making an Initial setup
Step 4 Reading the settings from the transceiver (p. 4)
Step 5 Editing the parameters (p. 4)
Step 6 Setting the transceiver to the Clone mode (p. 4)
Step 7 Writing the setting data to the transceiver (p. 4)

Step 1 Connecting the transceiver and your PC using a USB cable

1. Install the USB driver.
L The latest USB driver and “USB Driver Installation
Guide” can be downloaded from the Icom website.
2. Turn OFF the transceiver.
3. Connect the USB cable, as shown below.
4. Turn ON the transceiver.

USB cable
Micro-B or Type-C

To the [USB] port To a USB port

Step 2 Setting the transceiver to the Clone mode

z Set the transceiver to the Clone mode.
(MENU > SET > Others > Clone > Clone Mode)
• “Ready...” is displayed.

Step 3 Making an Initial setup

When you start the CS-52, the Initial Setup window is displayed. Before using the software, follow the steps
below to make a initial setup to send the transceiver version information.

1. Click the “COM Port” radio button.

2. Click <Search...> to display the ID-52 Search
• When the transceiver version information is not
correctly sent to the software, some items may
Select the appropriate transceiver and click
not be displayed on the software.
• If you want to make the initial setup again, select
• The COM port number will be set in the input field.
“CS-52 Initial Setup” in the Windows Start menu.
3. Click <OK> to open the programming screen.
((Windows logo) > START > CS-52 > CS-52
Initial Setup)

1 Click

2 Click and select a port

3 Click

Setting up from a PC using a USB cable

Step 4 Reading the settings from the transceiver

Follow the steps below to write the setting data that is edited with the CS-52 to the transceiver using a USB

zz Click , or select “Read ← TR” in the <Clone>

menu to read the data from the transceiver.

NOTE: Make a backup copy of the original setting

data on the PC before editing.

While reading from the transceiver

Step 5 Editing the parameters

zz Enter Memory channels, call signs, repeater lists,
TIP: If you have an ICF file to write to the
set scan and other settings using the CS-52.
transceiver, click or select “Open... Ctrl+O” in the
LLSee the CS-52 Help file for assistance.
LLSave the setting data in the Icom Cloning Format
<File> menu, and then select the file.
(ICF) file format in a folder on your PC.

Step 6 Setting the transceiver to the Clone mode

zz Set the transceiver to the Clone mode.
(MENU > SET > Others > Clone > Clone Mode)
•• “Ready...” is displayed.

Step 7 Writing the setting data to the transceiver

You can write the edited Memory channels, call signs, repeater list, scan and other settings to the transceiver.
NOTE: Writing the setting will overwrite the current setting data on the transceiver.

1. Click , or select “Write → TR” in the <Clone> 4. After the writing is completed, turn OFF the
menu. transceiver, then turn it ON again to operate it
2. Select the items you want to write to your with the edited setting data.
transceiver, and then click <OK>.
3. Click <OK> on the confirmation dialog.
•• Starts writing to the transceiver.

While writing to the transceiver

Writing completed

Setting up from a PC using a microSD card
To setup from a PC using a microSD card, follow the steps described below.
Step 1 Saving the setting data onto a PC NOTE: If you use a brand new microSD card, first
Step 2 Making an Initial setup format the card using the transceiver. See the
Step 3 Editing the parameters (p. 6) ID-52A/ID-52E Basic Manual for details on the
Step 4 formatting procedure.
Writing the setting data to the transceiver (p. 6)

Step 1 Saving the setting data onto a PC

1. Save the transceiver’s setting data onto the
microSD card.
L Insert a microSD card into the transceiver, and
save the setting data from “Save Setting” on the
transceiver’s MENU screen.
( [MENU] > SET > SD Card > Save Setting)
2. Turn OFF the transceiver, and then remove the
microSD card.
3. Insert the card into the PC’s card slot or an
external card reader, as shown below. “Setting” folder
4. Copy the transceiver’s setting data (ICF file),
stored in the “Setting” folder of the card to a PC
local folder.

NOTE: When “USB Connect” is set to “SD

Card Mode” on the transceiver and the
transceiver is connected to the PC through a
microSD or
card data communication compatible USB cable,
you can directly access the microSD card
that is set in the transceiver from the PC.
Transceiver Into a card reader PC
Into the microSD ([MENU] > SET > Function > USB Connect)
card slot

Step 2 Making an Initial setup

When you start the CS-52, the Initial Setup window is displayed. Before using the software, follow the steps
below to make a initial setup to send the transceiver version information.

1. Click the “microSD” radio button.

2. Click <Open...> to display the data file selection
• When the transceiver version information is not
correctly sent to the software, some items may
3. Select the setting data (ICF file) copied from the
not be displayed on the software.
transceiver in step 4 of “Saving the setting data
• If you want to make the initial setup again, select
onto a PC,” as described above.
“CS-52 Initial Setup” in the Windows Start menu.
4. Click <OK> to open the programming screen and
((Windows logo) > START > CS-52 > CS-52
read the selected file.
Initial Setup)

1 Click

2 Click and select a file

3 Click

Setting up from a PC using a microSD card

Step 3 Editing the parameters

1. Enter Memory channels, call signs, repeater list,
TIP: If you have an ICF file to write to the
set scan and other settings using the CS-52.
transceiver, click or select “Open... Ctrl+O” in the
2. Save the setting data in the Icom Cloning Format
<File> menu, and then select the file.
(ICF) file format in a folder on your PC.
LLSee the CS-52 Help file of the for assistance.

Step 4 Writing the setting data to the transceiver

Copy the saved setting data in Step 3 above to the microSD card, and then write it to the transceiver.
1. Copy the setting data (ICF file) into the “Setting” 2. Remove the microSD card from the PC and
folder in the “ID-52” folder on the microSD card, insert it into the transceiver.
as shown below: 3. Write the setting data to the transceiver.
([MENU] > SET > SD Card > Load Setting)
•• The loaded setting data overwrites the current
LLRefer to the Section 2 of the ID-52A/ID-52E
Advanced Manual for details on loading the setting
4. Turn OFF the transceiver, then turn it ON again to
operate the transceiver with the loaded settings.

•• The loading contents can be selected between
“ALL,” “Except My Station,” and “Repeater List
Only.” When you want to load only the repeater
list into the transceiver, select “Repeater List
•• The original Skip settings in your repeater list
can be kept when loading. When “Keep ‘SKIP’
settings in the Repeater List?” is displayed, select
<Yes> to keep the Skip settings in the repeater
list. See the ID-52A/ID-52E Advanced Manual for


Copy the
ICF file here

Downloading the latest ICF file and CSV files
Download the Zip file containing the latest Comma Separated Values (CSV) files and the ICF file from the Icom

1. Right-click on the downloaded compressed file

Contents of the downloaded ZIP file
and select “Extract All...” to unzip it.
 (as of October 2020)
•• A “52_USA_yymmdd”* folder, for example, will be
created in the same place where the downloaded file •• Settings file (ICF file)
is saved. Example: 52_USA_yymmdd.icf
File name (Example):
52_USA_yymmdd.zip All setting data of the transceiver is saved in the
ICF file. See pages 4 and 6 to set up.
Shows the Shows the
version updated date •• GPS memory (CSV file)
2. Save the unzipped file in a folder on your PC. Example: 52_USA_Gps_yymmdd.csv
•• Repeater list (CSV file)
Example: 52_USA_Rpt_yymmdd.csv

The name of a CSV file represents the content.

•• See page 9 to edit.
•• See page 8 to import.
•• See page 9 to export.

Importing the Repeater list
Read this section before importing the repeater list in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file into the CS-52.
NOTE: When a cable is used, the settings, except the repeater list, can be kept by doing the following

1. Reading the setting data from the transceiver

z Click , or select “Read ← TR” in the <Clone>
menu to read the data from the transceiver.
(p. 4)
L Before editing, make a backup file of all the
transceiver’s data onto your PC in case of data loss.

2. Importing a Repeater list

1. Select the “Repeater List” folder or double-click 4. Click <OK> in the dialog.
on it to show each repeater group on the tree
view screen.


5. In the “Keep ‘USE (FROM)’ settings in the

Repeater List?” dialog, click <Yes> or <No> to
start importing.


• Yes: The original “USE (FROM)” settings set in

"Repeater list" the CS-52 are kept.
folder • No: All the “USE (FROM)” settings are
replaced with the imported CSV files.
Repeater Group
About the “USE (FROM)” setting
2. Click “Import...” in the <File> menu, and then click
Select whether or not the repeater can be selected
as an access repeater (FROM), when you rotate
L The repeater information in a CSV file is imported,
and sorted into groups, according to the group
number. If you select <NO>, the repeater is not displayed in
the “FROM” selection, and is skipped during a DR
NOTE: When you select “Group...”, all repeater scan.
information in the file is imported into the
repeater groups selected in step 1. Importing the GPS Memory (CSV file)
If you select the “Repeater List” folder in step 1, When you import the GPS Memory, select “GPS
“Group...” cannot be selected. Memory” folder or each GPS Memory group on the
tree view screen in step 1.
3. Select the CSV file, saved in “Downloading the
latest ICF file and CSV files” described on the
previous page, and then click <Open>.

Editing and Exporting the Repeater list
Read this section before editing and exporting the repeater list.

1. Editing the Repeater list

1. Select a repeater group in the “Repeater List”
folder on the tree view screen of the CS-52.
2. Edit the necessary items in the repeater list.
LLSee the CS-52 Help file for details.

2. Exporting the Repeater list

1. Select the “Repeater List” folder, or each repeater 2. Click “Export” in the <File> menu, and then click
group on the tree view screen. “Group...” or “All....”
 <Tree view screen of the CS-52> NOTE: If you select the “Repeater List” folder in
step 1, “Group...” cannot be selected.

•• Group...: Exports repeater information entered

in only the selected group.
•• All...: Exports repeater information entered
in all groups.
3. Save the data in a CSV file to a folder on your

Exporting the GPS Memory (CSV file)

When you export the GPS Memory, select “GPS
Memory” folder or each GPS Memory group on the
tree view screen in step 1.

“Repeater List”

Repeater group

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Oct. 2020 © 2020–2021 Icom Inc.

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