Catalysts: Biocatalysis With Laccases: An Updated Overview
Catalysts: Biocatalysis With Laccases: An Updated Overview
Catalysts: Biocatalysis With Laccases: An Updated Overview
Biocatalysis with Laccases: An Updated Overview
Ivan Bassanini, Erica Elisa Ferrandi, Sergio Riva * and Daniela Monti *
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche “Giulio Natta” (SCITEC), CNR, Via Mario Bianco 9, 20131 Milano, Italy; (I.B.); (E.E.F.)
* Correspondence: (S.R.); (D.M.)
Abstract: Laccases are multicopper oxidases, which have been widely investigated in recent decades
thanks to their ability to oxidize organic substrates to the corresponding radicals while producing
water at the expense of molecular oxygen. Besides their successful (bio)technological applications,
for example, in textile, petrochemical, and detoxifications/bioremediations industrial processes,
their synthetic potentialities for the mild and green preparation or selective modification of fine
chemicals are of outstanding value in biocatalyzed organic synthesis. Accordingly, this review is
focused on reporting and rationalizing some of the most recent and interesting synthetic exploitations
of laccases. Applications of the so-called laccase-mediator system (LMS) for alcohol oxidation
are discussed with a focus on carbohydrate chemistry and natural products modification as well
as on bio- and chemo-integrated processes. The laccase-catalyzed Csp2 -H bonds activation via
monoelectronic oxidation is also discussed by reporting examples of enzymatic C-C and C-O radical
homo- and hetero-couplings, as well as of aromatic nucleophilic substitutions of hydroquinones or
quinoids. Finally, the laccase-initiated domino/cascade synthesis of valuable aromatic (hetero)cycles,
elegant strategies widely documented in the literature across more than three decades, is also
monomeric glycoproteins containing three cupredoxin-like domains that bind four copper
atoms [3].
The catalytic mechanism of laccases has been well characterized and involves the
formation of radical species that can follow different pathways giving either dimers or
polymers of their parent substrates by oxidative coupling reactions or yielding dead end
products through intramolecular rearrangements. Furthermore, radical species may play as
mediators by oxidizing non-phenolic compounds, and thus causing, i.a., bond cleavage [6].
In general, the physiological function of these enzymes is indeed related to their ability
to catalyze polymerization or depolymerization processes. For example, in fungi these
biocatalysts are involved in lignin degradation, in plants are key in the lignification process
and cell wall formation [5], while in insects they seem to participate in the sclerotization of
the cuticle [7].
Both the possibility to use laccases in synthetic or degradative processes and their
wide substrate specificity make these enzymes suitable “green tools” for a plethora of appli-
cations in different fields, such as textile, paper, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics [6,8].
In particular, their main technological applications are in the textile industry, e.g., for textile
properties improvement and in processes related to fiber bleaching and dyeing, in the pulp
and paper industries for the delignification of woody fibers, and in the food industry for
food improvement [1,6,9]. The industrial interest toward laccases is also well documented
by the large number of patents filed during the last years, as recently reviewed [10].
Besides these applications, laccases have gained wide attention in recent years for the
one-pot synthesis of complex scaffolds, the selective modification of natural products by
oxidation, as well as the biocatalytic activation of normally inert Csp2 -H bonds. Presently,
to the best of our knowledge, they have not found large scale (industrial) applications.
However, as it is nowadays well documented in the scientific literature, these enzymes
have indeed high potential for a significant impact in organic synthesis. In this review,
we will describe the numerous reaction outcomes that can derive from their catalytic action.
Scheme 1. Schematic representation of the active site of the laccase from Trametes versicolor and of
the reactions catalyzed in a redox cycle [1].
Scheme Laccase-catalyzed
2. 2. Laccase-catalyzedredox cycles
redox cyclesforfor
substrate oxidation:
substrate oxidation:(a)(a)
direct substrate
direct oxidation;
substrate (b)(b)
oxidation; substrate oxidation
substrate oxidation inin
presence of of
a chemical mediator;
a chemical (c)(c)
mediator; cofactor
cofactorregeneration in in
regeneration multienzymatic
multienzymatic coupled
biotransformations [1].[1].
When a practical point of
the substrate of view, thepossesses
interest synthetic applications
the proper redox of enzymes verylaccases
potential, often require
can be
Scheme 2. Laccase-catalyzed redox to directly reaction
for substrate
systems, including
it to the(a)corresponding
those applying
direct substrate organic
(b) substrate
the presence of a chemical mediator; (c) ofoxidation
a direct dissolving inhydrophobic
regeneration substrates,
in multienzymatic
not achievable duecoupled as redox
to steric as those where the
hindrance/active biocatalyst
is immobilized/compartmentalized and the biotransformation is carried out in either
and/or redox potentials incompatibility, the use of the so-called “chemical mediators”,
When orsubstrate
flow-based bioprocesses.
acting asthe
redox of interest
intermediates in apossesses the proper redoxstrategy
nature mimicking-fashion potential, laccases
(e.g., can be
the cytochrome
used to directly oxidize it to the corresponding organic radical(s) (Scheme
chain), is generally applied with success. Accordingly, the free radicals originating from 2a). Instead,
the aoxidations
direct oxidation
of theseinchemical
not achievable due can
mediators to steric
interact with bulky site or
high redox-
and/or redox potentials incompatibility, the use of the so-called “chemical
potential substrate targets (Scheme 2b). This versatile redox apparatus, known in the lit- mediators”,
acting as redox
erature by theintermediates in a nature mimicking-fashion
name of “laccase-mediator-system” (LMS),strategy (e.g.,one
represents the of
the most re-
portedis generally applied with
laccase application bothsuccess. Accordingly,
in organic synthesis,the free
i.e., forradicals originating
the oxidation from
of activated
oxidations of these chemical mediators can both interact with bulky
groups to the corresponding carbonyls or acids, and in (bio)technological and or high redox-
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 4 of 30
Since laccases substrates show in most cases a poor solubility in water, the use of
water-miscible organic cosolvents is very common and generally well-tolerated by these
enzymes. A systematic evaluation of the effects of various organic solvents on the activity
of the plant laccase from Rhus vernicifera, in either free or immobilized form, was performed
in 2010 by Wan and coauthors [20]. The results showed that the amounts of organic cosol-
vents that could be applied without a significant decrease in laccase performances vary
depending on the specific solvent, but could be up to 50% v/v. A very good tolerance
toward different water-miscible cosolvents, e.g., ethanol, methanol, dimethyl sulfoxide
and acetone, was shown also by the alkaline laccase from Bacillus licheniformis LS04 [21].
Several examples showing the use of organic cosolvents and of water-organic solvent bipha-
sic systems in biotransformations catalyzed by fungal laccases, such as the laccase from
Myceliophthora thermophila [22–24], Trametes versicolor [25–27], and Agaricus bisporus [28–30],
have been reported in the literature as well.
Recently, the possible application in laccase-catalyzed biotransformations of the so-
called natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES), alternative non-toxic reaction media com-
posed by mixtures of hydrogen bond donors, e.g., polyols, and hydrogen bond acceptors,
e.g., ammonium salts, has been investigated by different research groups. Some prelimi-
nary studies on the influence of various NADES on the activity and stability of microbial
laccases [31,32], showed that both choline- or betaine-based media could be applied as
“green solvents” in place of organic solvents. Further investigations highlighted the need
of a careful choice of NADES components. For instance, a strong inhibitory effect was
observed when using choline chloride as hydrogen bond acceptor, but it could be easily
overcome by replacing the chloride anion with either dihydrogen citrate or dihydrogen
phosphate anions [33]. In addition, the possible effect of NADES on the overall reaction
environments, e.g., on the reaction pH, has to be carefully taken into account since both
laccase activity and stability could be significantly affected [34].
As recently reviewed [35], as far as laccase immobilization concerns, a wide number
of supports, either inorganic, organic, or hybrids, have been investigated during the last
few years, mostly prompted by the technological application of this class of enzymes in
bioremediation and in the textile industry. The use of immobilized laccases in organic
synthesis is documented as well [1,36]. For example, in 2005, immobilized samples of the
M. thermophila laccase were obtained by adsorption on glass beads or celite and used in the
oxidation of the model substrate 5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthlen-2-ol, thus studying the influ-
ence of different organic solvents on enzyme selectivity [23]. More recently, the T. versicolor
laccase was instead covalently immobilized onto magnetic fibrous silica-based nanopar-
ticles, carriers showing high surface/volume ratio and good mechanical properties [37].
The immobilized biocatalyst showed excellent stability by retaining about 80% of its initial
activity after 15 reaction cycles and was successfully applied, in the presence of suitable
chemical mediators, in the oxidation of different aromatic alcohols to the corresponding
aldehydes, as well as in the one-pot synthesis of a set of chromene derivatives. Alternatively,
the same laccase has been recently immobilized using, as support, a magnetic-graphene
oxide-based nanocomposite [38]. The performances of this heterogeneous biocatalyst were
tested in the synthesis of various sulfonamide derivatives, which could be obtained with up
to 90% yields. Moreover, the immobilized laccase could be reused for eight reaction cycles,
at the end of which the residual activity was about 85% of the starting one, thus showing
quite good operational stability.
Surprisingly, despite the growing interest toward the use of immobilized enzymes in
flow systems, i.e., the so-called flow biocatalysis [39,40], the examples with laccases in this
field are still scarce and showing quite preliminary results. For instance, a flow bioreactor
was recently prepared by immobilizing the T. versicolor laccase on gold-impregnated poplar
wood samples and tested in continuous flow biocatalysis experiments [41]. The immo-
bilized biocatalyst showed a remarkable stability by retaining about 90% of its starting
activity after 25 cycles. However, the bioreactor performances were tested only in the
oxidation of the artificial chemical mediator ABTS [2,20-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 5 of 30
sulfonic acid)] and not in other target reactions of synthetic interest. In another very recent
example, laccases were included in a study of 3D-printed continuous flow bioreactors [42].
Unfortunately, when compared to other types of enzymes, e.g., alkaline phosphatase and
glucose dehydrogenase, the results obtained with laccases showed very high levels of
experimental error that hampered a definitive evaluation of this flow system. As stated
by the authors, this variability could be possibly due to different oxygen diffusion rates in
the flow system, thus suggesting the need of its further implementation to achieve a better
control of reaction kinetics.
The exploitation of TEMPO or ABTS and laccases for the oxidation of primary alco-
hols and even benzylic secondary alcohols was reported years ago [57,58]. Later on, the
laccase from T. pubescens, together with TEMPO, was used to catalyze the regioselective
oxidation of the primary hydroxyl groups in a panel of sugar derivatives to the corre-
Figure 1. Examples of chemical mediators employed in laccase-mediator system (LMS). (a) 3-Hy-
droxyanthranilic acid (HAA); (b) 2,20-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS);
(c) 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl piperidine-1-yloxy (TEMPO); (d) N-hydroxybenzo-triazole (HBT); (e) vio-
luric acid (VLA); (f) methyl ester of 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-benzoic acid (syringic acid).
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 6 of 30
The exploitation of TEMPO or ABTS and laccases for the oxidation of primary alco-
hols and even benzylic secondary alcohols was reported years ago [57,58]. Later on, the
Thefrom T. pubescens,
exploitation together
of TEMPO withand
or ABTS TEMPO, was
laccases forused to catalyze
the oxidation the regioselective
of primary alcohols
and even benzylic secondary alcohols was reported years ago [57,58]. Later on,tothe
oxidation of the primary hydroxyl groups in a panel of sugar derivatives the corre-
from carboxylic
T. pubescens, acidswith
together via the intermediate
TEMPO, was used aldehydes
to catalyze (Scheme 3a). The efficiency
the regioselective oxidationof
of thesystem
initially tested
in amono-
panel and disaccharides
of sugar derivatives (i.e.,tophenyl β-D-glucopy-
the corresponding
carboxylic and then thisintermediate
via the LMS approach was also(Scheme
aldehydes exploited3a).toThe
achieve the partial
efficiency of thisoxidation
of a water soluble cellulose sample [59]. The same approach was exploited
was initially tested with mono- and disaccharides (i.e., phenyl β-D-glucopyranoside), for the efficient
and mildthis
oxidation of morewas
LMS approach complex bioactiveto
also exploited glycosides,
achieve the e.g., thiocolchicoside
partial oxidation of (Scheme
a water
3b) [48].
soluble cellulose sample [59]. The same approach was exploited for the efficient and mild
oxidation of more complex bioactive glycosides, e.g., thiocolchicoside (Scheme 3b) [48].
Scheme 3. Exploitation of laccase-mediator systems for the regioselective oxidation of primary hydroxyl groups. (a) Oxida-
tion 3. Exploitation
of glucosides of laccase-mediator
to the corresponding systems
glucuronic for (b)
acids; the oxidation
of theoxidation
primary thiocolchicoside
hydroxyl groups.[48].
(a) Oxi-
dation of glucosides to the corresponding glucuronic acids; (b) oxidation of the bioactive glucoside thiocolchicoside [48].
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW The oxidation of natural polysaccharides by TEMPO (regenerated in situ by7 of differ-
ent oxidants) is an old
The oxidation reaction
of natural and has been by
polysaccharides recently
TEMPO reviewed [60]. In
(regenerated comparison
in situ to
by different
other approaches,
oxidants) is an oldthe use ofand
reaction laccases for the
has been reoxidation
recently reviewedof TEMPO proved to be
[60]. In comparison to very
mild and, promoting
approaches, the use of a lower
for theofreoxidation
the formation
to be veryof mild
soft gels.
The of these materials,
properties of these specifically
materials, those obtained
specifically thosebyobtained
the LMSby oxidation
the LMS ofoxidation
guar polygal-
of guar
promoting a lower degree of oxidations, resulted in the formation of soft gels. The prop-
actomannanes, was recently
polygalactomannanes, wasinvestigated by Galantebyand
recently investigated coworkers
Galante and reported
and coworkers andin a se-
riesinof publications [61–67].
a series of publications [61–67].
mechanism of of
TEMPO usually prevents
usually thethe
prevents oxidations
oxidations of secondary
of secondary alco-
hols. Exceptions are given by benzylic, allylic and propargylic secondary
hols. Exceptions are given by benzylic, allylic and propargylic secondary alcohols. In analcohols. In an
example [68], Passarella,
[68], Passarella, Riva
oselective synthesis of the alkaloid (+)-aloperine exploiting the LMS for the
elective synthesis of the alkaloid (+)-aloperine exploiting the LMS for the oxidations oxidations ofof
two alcoholic intermediates, as shown
alcoholic intermediates, as shown in Scheme 4:in Scheme 4:
Scheme 4. Exploitation
4. Exploitation of LMS
of LMS in the
in the synthesis
synthesis of the
of the alkaloid
alkaloid (+)-aloperine
(+)-aloperine [68].
Scheme 5. Applications of LMS in multienzymatic and cascade processes aimed at the preparation of enantioenriched
Scheme(route (a)) or alcohols
5. Applications (route
of LMS in(b)) [73,74].
multienzymatic and cascade processes aimed at the preparation of enantioenriched
amines (route (a)) or alcohols (route (b)) [73,74].
The synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is a fertile ground for the
exploitation of multienzymatic
The synthesis synthetic methodologies.
of active pharmaceutical A three-step
ingredients (APIs) biocatalytic
is a fertile ground proce-
for the
dure for the conversion
exploitation of methylsynthetic
of multienzymatic and ethyl cyclopentene- A
methodologies. and cyclohexene-carboxylates
three-step biocatalytic proce-
for the
the enantiomers
conversion ofofmethyl
the corresponding chiral 3-oxoesters,
and ethyl cyclopentene- useful intermediates en
and cyclohexene-carboxylates
route to APIs, was described by Brenna et al. in 2017 [75]. In the designed
into both the enantiomers of the corresponding chiral 3-oxoesters, useful intermediates synthetic path-en
way, the laccase/TEMPO system was applied to oxidize the intermediate
route to APIs, was described by Brenna et al. in 2017 [75]. In the designed synthetic allylic alcohols
way, the from the allylic hydroxylation
laccase/TEMPO of starting
system was applied cycloalkene
to oxidize carboxylatesallylic
the intermediate catalyzed by
Rhizopus oryzae resting cells entrapped in alginate beads) to the corresponding
(obtained from the allylic hydroxylation of starting cycloalkene carboxylates catalyzed by unsaturated
RhizopusThe obtained
oryzae products
resting were thenin
cells entrapped subjected
an enetoreductase (ERED)-mediated
the corresponding unsatu-
hydrogenation of the alkene bond in the same reaction vessel in a sequential
rated ketones. The obtained products were then subjected to an ene reductase (ERED)- mode working
30 ◦ C in acetate
atmediated buffer (Scheme
hydrogenation 6).
of the alkene bond in the same reaction vessel in a sequential
In this framework, Martínez-Montero
mode working at 30 °C in acetate buffer (Scheme 6).exploited the T. versicolor laccase and
et al. also
TEMPO to easily convert a series of racemic allylic sec-alcohols into the corresponding
α,β-unsaturated ketones. These intermediate products could then be reduced by different
commercially available EREDs, in concert with a glucose/glucose dehydrogenase (GDH)
system for NADPH cofactor regeneration, into the corresponding saturated ketones as
enantio-enriched species (Scheme 7) [76].
Scheme 6. Multienzymatic synthesis of chiral cyclic γ-oxoesters by (i) allylic hydroxylation catalyzed by Rhizopus oryzae
whole cells, (ii) oxidation of the allylic alcohols by LMS, and (iii) alkenes reduction by ene reductases [75].
route to APIs, was described by Brenna et al. in 2017 [75]. In the designed synthetic path-
way, the laccase/TEMPO system was applied to oxidize the intermediate allylic alcohols
(obtained from the allylic hydroxylation of starting cycloalkene carboxylates catalyzed by
Rhizopus oryzae resting cells entrapped in alginate beads) to the corresponding unsatu-
rated ketones. The obtained products were then subjected to an ene reductase (ERED)-
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 8 of 30
mediated hydrogenation of the alkene bond in the same reaction vessel in a sequential
mode working at 30 °C in acetate buffer (Scheme 6).
In this framework, Martínez-Montero et al. also exploited the T. versicolor laccase and
TEMPO to easily convert a series of racemic allylic sec-alcohols into the corresponding
α,β-unsaturated ketones. These intermediate products could then be reduced by different
commercially available EREDs, in concert with a glucose/glucose dehydrogenase (GDH)
system for NADPH cofactor regeneration, into the corresponding saturated ketones as
enantio-enriched species (Scheme 7) [76].
Scheme 7. Use of LMS in the multienzymatic synthesis of enantiomerically enriched saturated ketones from the correspond-
Scheme 7. Use of LMS in the multienzymatic synthesis of enantiomerically enriched saturated ketones from the corre-
sponding allylic sec-alcohols
racemicracemic [76]. [76].
allylic sec-alcohols
Scheme 8. Chemoenzymatic preparation of enantio-enriched cis or trans 3-methylcyclohexan-1-ols from a starting tertiary
allylic alcohol: (i) [1,3]-oxidative rearrangement by a laccase/TEMPO+BF4- system; (ii) stereoselective reduction of the acti-
vated ketone by an ene reductase; (iii) ADH-catalyzed stereoselective carbonyl reduction. Alternative cascade processes
were developed by coupling the ene reductase with either a pro(R)-ADH (iv) or a pro(S)-ADH (v) [77].
ment using Bobbitt’s salt (TEMPO+ BF4-) in combination with T. versicolor laccase was suc-
cessfully demonstrated and studied in detail. Two reaction media were engineered: a ho-
mogeneous aqueous system, highly efficient for the transposition of substrates devoid of
electron withdrawing groups (EWGs), and a heterogeneous system exploiting an immo-
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 bilized laccase preparation to perform the reaction on EWG-containing macrocyclic 9 of 30
alkenols or tertiary alcohols in acetonitrile.
Scheme Chemoenzymaticpreparation enantio-enrichedcis
preparationofofenantio-enriched cisorortrans
3-methylcyclohexan-1-olsfrom froma astarting
allylic + -
[1,3]-oxidative rearrangement
rearrangement by aa laccase/TEMPO
by laccase/TEMPOBFBF + 4 system;
4 system;
- (ii)(ii) stereoselective
90% (Scheme 9b). In addition, starting from suitably substituted furan-2-yl carbinols
reduction of of the
the acti- as
activated ketone
vated ketone bybyananene
ADH-catalyzed stereoselective
stereoselective carbonyl reduction.
reduction. Alternative
substrates, this procedure allowed the efficient preparation of (2H)-pyran-2,5(6H)-diones
were developedbybycoupling
eithera pro(R)-ADH
a pro(R)-ADH (iv)
(iv) oror a pro(S)-ADH
a pro(S)-ADH (v)(v) [77].
in a single step.
Interestingly, the LMS was also successfully applied by the Beifuss group in 2013 to
catalyze the first-ever reported enzymatic Achmatowicz reaction, a rearrangement which
transforms furfuryl alcohols into dihydropyrans (Scheme 9a) [78]. In detail, LMS was used
to oxidize bulky, disubstituted (5-alkylfuran-2-yl)carbinols using aerial oxygen and
TEMPO, and selectively afforded 6-hydroxy-(2H)-pyran-3(6H)-ones with yields up to
Scheme 9. (a) The Achmatowicz reaction; (b) LMS-catalyzed oxidation of furan-2-yl carbinols [78].
Scheme 9. (a) The Achmatowicz reaction; (b) LMS-catalyzed oxidation of furan-2-yl carbinols [78].
3.2. 2
3.2. Laccases
Csp2-H-H Bonds
Bonds Activators
Modern synthetic chemistry aims
Modern synthetic chemistry aims at at proposing
cal bonds in the framework of complex molecular structures with economical, efficient,
bonds in the framework of complex molecular structures with economical, efficient, and
and environmentally benign approaches. Since their outbreak discovery, transition-metal
environmentally benign approaches. Since their outbreak discovery, transition-metal cat-
catalyzed organic reactions have been used in the construction of a variety of chemical
alyzed organic reactions have been used in the construction of a variety of chemical bonds
bonds since they can minimize pre-functionalization steps and waste formation via the
since they can minimize pre-functionalization steps and waste formation via the catalytic
catalytic functionalization of unreactive C–H bonds [79–83]. In fact, the direct oxidation of
functionalization of unreactive C–H bonds [79–83]. In fact, the direct oxidation of an or-
ganic substrate to afford an organic radical is of particular interest. Organic radicals are
indeed highly reactive species which undergo complex quenching mechanisms in the pro-
cess of dissipating the excess in energy derived from the homolytic bond-breaking at the
basis of their creation. By controlling the different quenching destines available to these
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 10 of 30
Scheme 10. Schematic representation of the possible destinies of laccase-formed organic radicals.
Scheme 10.Schematic
Scheme10. Schematicrepresentation
Specifically, when
when aromatic amines or phenols (substrates generally characterized by
redox Specifically, whenaromatic
aromatic amines
amines ororphenols
phenols (substrates
(substrates generally
characterizedby by
redox potentials suitable to be directly processed by laccase) are biocatalyticallyoxidized,
potentials suitable to be directly processed by laccase) are biocatalytically oxidized,
redox potentials occurs,
radical suitableattofirst,
be directly processed by laccase) are biocatalytically oxidized,
formation occurs, at first, ononthethe
electronegative heteroatoms,
heteroatoms, i.e., i.e.,
nitrogen or ox-
nitrogen or
ygen. formation
Thanks to occurs,
mesomeric at first,
resonance, on the
the electronegative
formed radicalsheteroatoms,
are then i.e., nitrogen
delocalized alongorall
oxygen. Thanks to mesomeric resonance, the formed radicals are then delocalized along all
ygen. Thanks to skeleton
the mesomeric resonance, the formed radicals (i.e., are then group
delocalized along all
carbonaceous skeletonofofthe thefully
π-system (i.e.,the the groupof ofmolecules
shown carbonaceous skeleton of the fully conjugated π-system (i.e., the group of molecules
shownin in Scheme 11), de
Scheme 11), de facto
different ring
ring positions
positions andandCspCsp
2 -H2-H
bondsbonds to-
ward the in Scheme of
formation 11), de C-C
new factooractivating
C-Het different
bonds. The ringofpositions
use specific, and
ad Csp
2-H bonds to-
designed sub-
the formation of new C-C or C-Het bonds. The use of specific, ad hoc designed substrates
strates the formation
the proper of new C-C or
engineering C-Het bonds. The use of specific, ad hocus designed sub-
and the proper engineering of theofoperative
the operative reaction
reaction conditions
conditions allowallow
us to to “select”
“select” the
the and
quenching the proper
processes engineering
of the of
reactive the operative
species reaction
promoting conditions
different allow
reaction us to “select”
quenching processes of the reactive species promoting different reaction mechanisms and
the quenching
and processes of the reactive species promoting different reaction mechanisms
the the formation
formation of different
of different classes
classes of products.
of products.
and the formation of different classes of products.
Scheme 11. Csp2 -H radical activation of fully conjugated aromatic phenols and anilines.
Scheme 11. Csp2-H radical activation of fully conjugated aromatic phenols and anilines.
Scheme 11. Csp2-H radical activation of fully conjugated aromatic phenols and anilines.
The use of laccase-catalyzed Csp2-H bonds activation for the synthesis of complex
The use
molecular of laccase-catalyzed
skeletons Csp2-H bonds
is widely documented activation
in the forthanks
literature the synthesis
to the of complex
molecular acquired
knowledge skeletonsthrough
is widely
the documented
years in the in the of
fields literature thanks toformation
laccase-mediated the synthetic
knowledge acquired through the years in the fields of laccase-mediated
biaryl compounds [84–87], as well as of formal nucleophilic aromatic substitutions formation
94]. compounds
Selected examples[84–87],
will beas well as of
discussed in formal nucleophilic aromatic substitutions [88–
the following.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 11 of 30
The use of laccase-catalyzed Csp2 -H bonds activation for the synthesis of complex
molecular skeletons is widely documented in the literature thanks to the synthetic knowl-
edge acquired through the years in the fields of laccase-mediated formation of biaryl
compounds [84–87], as well as of formal nucleophilic aromatic substitutions [88–94].
Selected examples will be discussed in the following.
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW Radical C-O and C-C Couplings 12 of 34
The development of innovative and, most importantly, mild catalytic synthetic entries
to biaryl compounds is among the most investigated research field of methodological
organic chemistry
somery, [95–97]. Being
biaryl compounds find potential
in fact wide axially stereogenic andand
(bio)technological chiral due to atropoiso-
biological applica-
mery, biaryl compounds find in fact wide (bio)technological
tions, which has made them versatile and highly cherished synthetic targets.and biological applications,
Thus, the
which has made
application them versatile
of enzymatic protocolsandtohighly
enter cherished syntheticistargets.
biaryl compounds of greatThus, theand
interest applica-
tion of enzymatic
resents one of the protocols to enter
most logical, evenbiaryl
if notcompounds
trivial at all,is of great interest
synthetic and represents
exploitation of direct
one of the
laccase most logical,
oxidation even
of anilines if not
and trivial
phenols at all,
(see, for synthetic
instance ref exploitation
[22]). of direct laccase
oxidation of anilines and phenols (see, for instance ref [22]).
In 2005, Ciecholewski et al. prepared a small library of biaryl compounds via laccase-
In 2005,
catalyzed Ciecholewski
radical et al. prepared
C-C homo-couplings a small library
(Scheme of biaryl control
12). A difficult compounds
catalyzed radical C-C homo-couplings (Scheme 12). A difficult control
chemistry of the coupling and over the reaction proceedings itself (a high degree of over the regiochem-
istry of the coupling
polymerization and over the
was observed) were reaction
identifiedproceedings itself (aissues
as two harming high degree of polymer-
connected to some
ization was observed) were identified as two harming issues connected
of the processes they investigated. As it is now generally well documented, the substitu- to some of the
processes they investigated. As it is now generally well documented, the substitution
tion pattern of the to-be-coupled aromatic rings appeared to be crucial, as the presence,
pattern of the to-be-coupled aromatic rings appeared to be crucial, as the presence, for ex-
for example, of electron-donating or withdrawing groups (EDGs, EWGs) in specific posi-
ample, of electron-donating or withdrawing groups (EDGs, EWGs) in specific positions
tions guides the process towards one of the possible C-H derivatized products by selec-
guides the process towards one of the possible C-H derivatized products by selectively
tively stabilizing one activated radical over another [84].
stabilizing one activated radical over another [84].
Scheme 12. Overview of the oxidative homocoupling of salicylic esters conducted by Ciecholewski [84].
Scheme 12. Overview of the oxidative homocoupling of salicylic esters conducted by Ciecholewski [84].
Highlighting the potentialities of laccase-mediated biaryl synthesis, Beifuss and
coworkers providedtheanpotentialities
elegant entry of tolaccase-mediated biaryl synthesis, Beifuss
3-tert-butyl-1H-pyrazol-5(4H)-one and
coworkers provided an elegant entry to 3-tert-butyl-1H-pyrazol-5(4H)-one
biaryl compounds from the bio-oxidation of catechols which proceeded with very highcontaining
biaryl compounds
isolated from13)
yields (Scheme the[98].
bio-oxidation of catechols which proceeded with very high
isolated yields (Scheme 13) [98].
ts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 34
cheme 13. The 3-tert-butyl-1H-pyrazol-5(4H)-one containing biaryl compounds obtained by laccase-catalyzed oxidation
Scheme 13. The 3-tert-butyl-1H-pyrazol-5(4H)-one containing biaryl compounds obtained by laccase-catalyzed oxidation of
f catechols [98].
catechols [98].
Moreover, Ncanana et al. demonstrated how good control over the reaction engineer-
Moreover, Ncanana et al. demonstrated how good control over the reaction engineer-
ing can promote high degrees of selectivity in the laccase-catalyzed coupling of bioactive,
ing can promote high degrees of selectivity in the laccase-catalyzed coupling of bioactive,
natural products. The diterpene totarol was in fact successfully subjected to homocou-
natural products. The diterpene totarol was in fact successfully subjected to homocoupling
pling reactionsreactions
in which in
use ofthe
use of solvents,
different modulating the stabilizing
solvents, modulating effects of effects of the
the stabilizing
the C* radicalsC*
in place of the phenolic O* radicals, promoted the selective isolation
radicals in place of the phenolic O* radicals, promoted the selective of theisolation of the
target C-C dimer in excellent yield reducing the formation of the C-O dimeric byproduct
target C-C dimer in excellent yield reducing the formation of the C-O dimeric byproduct
(Scheme 14) [99].
(Scheme 14) [99].
Scheme 14. C-O and C-C dimers isolated from laccase-catalyzed oxidation of totarol [99].
Scheme 14. C-O and C-C dimers isolated from laccase-catalyzed oxidation of totarol [99].
A significant and unexpected solvent influence on the selectivity of laccase-catalyzed
coupling of tetrahydro-2-naphthol derivatives was also previously observed [23].
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 13 of 30
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 34
15. Formation
SchemeScheme of a of
15. Formation trimeric C-C
a trimeric C-Cadduct
adduct from sesamol
from sesamol in in
thethe presence
presence of laccase
of laccase [85]. [85].
EvenEven if they
if they areareoften
unpredictable bybynature, radical
nature, couplings,
radical when run
couplings, whenof struc-
run of struc-
turally complex and sterically hindered molecules, can allow highly selectivevalua-
turally complex and sterically hindered molecules, can allow highly selective and and valuable
ble late-stage derivatizations normally precluded to classical organic chemistry. As re-
late-stage derivatizations normally precluded to classical organic chemistry. As reported by
ported by Sagui et al. [100], laccase catalysis could be efficiently applied to promote the
SaguiC-Cet al. [100], of
coupling laccase catalysis
the indolic could
alkaloids be efficiently
catharanthine andapplied
promote the in
resulted C-Cthecoupling
of theformation
indolic alkaloids
of a eniminium cationic intermediate (Scheme 16). Following NaBH4 reduction, of a en-
catharanthine and vindoline which resulted in the formation
iminium cationic intermediate
the synthetically (Scheme 16). Following
useful dimer anhydrovinblastine NaBH
(AVBL) was 4 reduction,
isolated the synthetically
in a 56% yield and
usefulfully characterized.
dimer The practicability
anhydrovinblastine of this bioconversion
(AVBL) was isolatedoninthis class yield
a 56% of bioactive
and alka-
fully charac-
terized. was further confirmed
practicability ofthrough the condensation
this bioconversion of this
on catharanthine
class of with the vindoline
bioactive alkaloids was
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 34
analogue 11-methoxy-dihydrotabersonine.
further confirmed through the condensation of catharanthine with the vindoline analogue
Scheme 17. Operating mechanism for the laccase-mediated aromatic nucleophilic substitution reactions.
Scheme 18. Representative examples of laccase-mediated nuclear amination with anilines [101].
Scheme 18. Representative examples of laccase-mediated nuclear amination with anilines [101].
Scheme 18. Representative examples of laccase-mediated nuclear amination with anilines [101].
In subsequent works, laccase-catalyzed nuclear amination was exploited by Hahn
In subsequent works, laccase-catalyzed nuclear amination was exploited by Hahn
In subsequent
and coworker works,
to prepare laccase-catalyzed
bioactive morpholinenuclear amination
derivatives [92,93],was
andexploited by Hahn
by Mikolasch et al.
and coworker to prepare bioactive morpholine derivatives [92,93], and by Mikolasch
and coworkersynthetize
to efficiently to preparenovel
bioactive morpholine
antibacterial derivatives
derivatives from[92,93], and by Mikolasch
corollosporine et al.
[90] and peni-
et al. to efficiently synthetize novel antibacterial derivatives from corollosporine [90] and
to efficiently
cillins synthetize
penicillins asnovel
as shown
[89,91,102], inantibacterial
shown Scheme 19. derivatives
in Scheme 19. from corollosporine [90] and peni-
cillins [89,91,102], as shown in Scheme 19.
Scheme 19. Laccase-mediated preparation of penicillin derivatives [89,91,102].
Scheme 19. Laccase-mediated preparation of penicillin derivatives [89,91,102].
Scheme 19. Laccase-mediated preparation of penicillin derivatives [89,91,102].
Several examples can be found in the literature describing an analogous synthetic
sequence examplessulfoquinones
to produce can be foundvia
in the
literature describing an analogous
of hydroquinones synthetic
followed by a
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 Scheme 19. Laccase-mediated preparation of penicillin derivatives [89,91,102]. 15 of 30
Scheme 21. Operating mechanism for the laccase-mediated preparation of 2,3- bis-sulfides 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid
Scheme 21. Operating mechanism for the laccase-mediated preparation of 2,3- bis-sulfides 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid
sulphurated derivatives [94].
sulphurated derivatives [94].
An interesting and outbreaking example of laccase-mediated quinone manipulation
was An interesting
presented and outbreaking
by Cannatelli et al. inexample
2015 inofthe
laccase-mediated quinoneα-arylation
form of an enzymatic manipulation of
was presented by Cannatelli et al. in 2015 in the form of an enzymatic α-arylation
benzoyl acetonitrile with ortho-quinones. Specifically, the authors were able to selectivelyof ben-
zoyl acetonitrile
install a novel C-Cwith ortho-quinones.
bond Specifically,
between an aliphatic Csp3theandauthors were able
an aromatic Csp2to selectively
, thus in-
usefula novel C-C
benzylic bond (Scheme
nitriles between22)an [87].
aliphatic Csp and an aromatic Csp , thus obtaining
3 2
Csp2-H2 -HBond
Activationfor forRing
generationof ofreactive
intermediateshas hasbeen
applied to to obtain
obtain domino, cascade and and one-pot
one-pot ring
of of (hetero)cyclic
(hetero)cyclic compounds.Accordingly,
compounds. Accordingly,by byusing
rationally designed
designed substrates
substrates and and
working under
under engineered and andoptimized
(pseudo)quinones for-
mations, nucleophilic
tions, nucleophilic aromatic
aromatic substitutions
substitutions and C-O/C-C
and C-O/C-C radicalradical couplings
couplings can be
can be merged
to obtain tolaccase-mediated
obtain laccase-mediated ring reactions
ring closure closure reactions
[103]. The[103].
neatThe neatofresults
results of these
these transfor-
mations can be described
transformations as formal
can be described oxidative
as formal homo-homo-
oxidative and/orand/or
that is,that
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEWplings, ringis,closing reactions
ring closing that involve
reactions two molecules
that involve two moleculesof theofsame substrate
the same 18 or
substrate two
of 34 or
two partners.
different partners.
It is noteworthy that no expensive, toxic and/or hazardous metal-based chemical
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW It is noteworthy that no expensive, toxic and/or hazardous metal-based chemical cat-
18 of 34
catalysts, which usually require inert atmosphere and specific experimental
alysts, which usually require inert atmosphere and specific experimental conditions, are conditions,
The first example of the preparation of heterocycles by laccase oxidation was the for-
2 -H bond activation.
are needed
needed to perform
to perform this this biocatalytic
biocatalytic Csp2Csp
-H bond activation.
mation of phenoxazinones from 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA, Scheme 23), de-
•• Homocouplings
scribed Homocouplings
by Eggert
The et al. inof1995
first example the [55].
preparation of heterocycles by laccase oxidation was the for-
mation Theoffirst
phenoxazinones from 3-hydroxyanthranilic
example of the preparation of heterocycles byacid (3-HAA,
laccase Scheme
oxidation was the23), de-
tion of phenoxazinones
scribed by Eggert et al. in from
[55]. acid (3-HAA, Scheme 23), described by
Eggert et al. in 1995 [55].
Scheme 23. Laccase-catalyzed oxidation of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA) to the corresponding phenoxazinone [55].
Scheme 23. Laccase-catalyzed oxidation of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA) to the corresponding phenoxazinone [55].
Scheme 23. Laccase-catalyzed Regardless of the preliminary nature
oxidation of 3-hydroxyanthranilic of thistostudy
acid (3-HAA) and the factphenoxazinone
the corresponding that phenoxazinone
formation was attested only by UV/Vis spectroscopy, this approach was soon validated
Regardless of the preliminary nature of this study and the fact that phenoxazinone
by formation
the Regardless
synthesis of the preliminary
of the
was attested antiproliferative
only by UV/Vis molecule actinocin
of this study
spectroscopy, thisand by fact
approachOsiadacz etvalidated
was al. [104] by
(Scheme 24).
formation was attested only by UV/Vis spectroscopy, this approach was soon validated
the synthesis of the antiproliferative molecule actinocin by Osiadacz et al. [104] (Scheme 24).
by the synthesis of the antiproliferative molecule actinocin by Osiadacz et al. [104]
(Scheme 24).
Scheme 25. Substituted phenazines, phenoxazinones (a) obtained from laccase from Bacillus subtilis (spore coat protein A,
CotA). Mechanistic insights on phenazines (b) and benzocarbazoles (c) formation catalyzed by laccases CotA. [105–107].
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 18 of 30
Scheme 26.26. Oxygenatedheterocyclic
Oxygenated heterocyclic products
products that
laccase-mediated homocouplings.
laccase-mediated homo-
Finally, 2,3-DHBs (i, β-5 type dimers in lignin framework) can be selectively ob-
The from ad hocofdesigned
formation substrates.
one of the proposedInstructures
these molecules, R’ some
(which in is a “spectator
cases aregroup” (i.e.,
in mixture) is, again, guided by the structural features of the reacted substrates; all thean
hydrogen, alkyl chains, protected phenols) and the R substituent is either an alkyl or
novel group [27,110,112–115].
are built with no control over their absolute configuration, while, due
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW From a mechanistic point of view, as shown in Scheme 27, the ring closure21 occurs
of 34
to steric hindrance and thermodynamics, 2,3-DHBs and dioxanes are trans-configured.
via a sequence of phenol oxidation, C-C/O radical coupling, and 1,4-conjugate addition.
In general, when R is both an alkyl or an aryl substituent and R’ is a second phenolic
Two novel stereocenters are formed in this domino process.
moiety (cathecol derivative as a substrate), a dioxane ring (structure ii) is usually obtained
as the major product.
In the presence of an allylic alcohol (R = OH) and of an alkyl substituent as R’, the
formation of racemic hexahydrofuro[3,4-c]furans (iii), the core of the natural product pi-
noresinol, is preferred [47,111].
Finally, 2,3-DHBs (i, β-5 type dimers in lignin framework) can be selectively obtained
from ad hoc designed substrates. In these molecules, R’ is a “spectator group” (i.e., hydro-
gen, alkyl chains, protected phenols) and the R substituent is either an alkyl or an aryl
group [27,110,112–115].
From a mechanistic point of view, as shown in Scheme 27, the ring closure occurs via
a sequence of phenol oxidation, C-C/O radical coupling, and 1,4-conjugate addition. Two
novel stereocenters are formed in this domino process.
• Heterocouplings
The aromatic substitution reactions discussed in the previous paragraph allowed us
to obtain substituted quinones with different degrees of regioselectivity depending on
both the hydroxyquinone partner and the nucleophile applied. When conducting the
mentioned processes in the presence of a bidentate nucleophile, cyclic structures can be
obtained via a sequence of one inter- and one intra-molecular laccase-mediated 1,4-addi-
tions. As an example, in 2015, Cannatelli et al. reported a biocatalyzed domino synthesis
of 2,3-ethylenedithio-1,4-quinones based on the laccase-activation of the C2 and C3 posi-
tions in the presence of 1,2-ethanedithiol (Scheme 30) [124].
Hahn and coworkers studied the applicability of a domino process based on the
Hahn and coworkers studied the applicability of a domino process based on the lac-
case-activation of structurallyofcomplex
structurally complex hydroquinoid
hydroquinoid substrates
substrates to obtain to obtain poly(hetero)cyclic
clic structures in the presence of different sulfurate or nitrogenous nucleophilesnucleophiles
structures in the presence of different sulfurate or nitrogenous (Scheme (Scheme 31).
An extensive and very detailed analytical study was performed in
31). An extensive and very detailed analytical study was performed in order to character- order to characterize the
ize the complex mixture
mixture of products;
of products; difficulties
difficulties in controlling
in controlling the regiochemical
the regiochemical outcome outcome of the
of the reactions was was highlighted
highlighted by theby the authors.
authors. Again,
Again, the the substitution
substitution pattern
pattern of the sub- of the substrates
strates appeared
appeared as crucial [101,103].
as crucial [101,103].
Hahn and coworkers studied the applicability of a domino process based on the lac-
case-activation of structurally complex hydroquinoid substrates to obtain poly(hetero)cy-
clic structures in the presence of different sulfurate or nitrogenous nucleophiles (Scheme
31). An extensive and very detailed analytical study was performed in order to character-
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 ize the complex mixture of products; difficulties in controlling the regiochemical outcome 21 of 30
of the reactions was highlighted by the authors. Again, the substitution pattern of the sub-
strates appeared as crucial [101,103].
In their investigations, and in related publications from other authors [128], the possi-
In their investigations, and in related publications from other authors [128], the pos-
bility of using sterically demanding, hetero- and carba-cyclic/acyclic 1,3-dicarbonyls as
sibility of using sterically demanding, hetero- and carba-cyclic/acyclic 1,3-dicarbonyls as
nucleophiles in these biocatalyzed processes has been investigated and validated. The struc-
nucleophiles in these biocatalyzed processes has been investigated and validated. The
turally diverse benzofurans obtained by the authors are shown in Figure 2:
structurally diverse benzofurans obtained by the authors are shown in Figure 2:
Scheme 32. Aromatic 1,3-dicarbonyls as carbon nucleophiles toward laccase-activated 1,2-dihy-
droquinones [125–127].
In their investigations, and in related publications from other authors [128], the pos-
sibility of using sterically demanding, hetero- and carba-cyclic/acyclic 1,3-dicarbonyls as
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 22 of 30
nucleophiles in these biocatalyzed processes has been investigated and validated. The
structurally diverse benzofurans obtained by the authors are shown in Figure 2:
Scheme complex
33.33. regiochemical
Biocatalytic entry
entry outcome
to pyrimidinyl
to pyrimidinyl of this domino
benzothiazoles process was further investigated
by using cathecol and a sterically demanding 2-thioxo pyrimidine, as shown in Scheme
The complex regiochemical outcome of this domino process was further investigated
34. The complex regiochemical outcome of this domino process was further investigated
by using cathecol and a sterically demanding 2-thioxo pyrimidine, as shown in Scheme 34.
by using cathecol and a sterically demanding 2-thioxo pyrimidine, as shown in Scheme
•• Laccase-catalyzed cycloadditions
Laccase-catalyzed cycloadditions
Scheme 34. Laccase-initiated domino process to access pyrimidinyl benzothiazoles [28].
When quinones aregenerated
quinones are generatedby bythethelaccase-catalyzed
laccase-catalyzed oxidation
oxidation of 1,4-dihydroqui-
of 1,4-dihydroquinones
• nones
and catechols
and catechols cycloadditions
in the presence
in of a diene,
the presence of aDiels-Alder cycloadditions
diene, Diels-Alder can occur. can
cycloadditions Ragauskas and
occur. Ra-
gauskas and coworkers extensively investigated this topic and published
When quinones are generated by the laccase-catalyzed oxidation of 1,4-dihydroqui- two reports
nones andwith the one-pot
catechols synthesisof
in the presence of a1,4-naphthoquinones (Scheme 35) [129,130].
diene, Diels-Alder cycloadditions can occur. Ra-
gauskas and coworkers extensively investigated this topic and published two reports
dealing with the one-pot synthesis of 1,4-naphthoquinones (Scheme 35) [129,130].
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 23 of 30
Scheme 35. Overview of the obtained cyclic products from laccase-initiated Dies-Alder cycloadditions.
Scheme 35. Overview of the obtained cyclic products from laccase-initiated Dies-Alder cycloaddi-
3.3. Miscellanea
Scant reports have described the oxidation of aromatic methyl groups [57,131], alkenes [132],
3.3. Miscellanea
dibenzyl ethers [58], to the corresponding aldehydes catalyzed by the previously
have described the oxidation of aromatic methyl groups [57,131], al-
kenes [132], and even dibenzylwith
described LMS. However, the
ethers lasttotwo
[58], groups of compounds,
the corresponding aldehydes the conversions
catalyzed by were
generally low. In Table 1, representative examples of the oxidation of benzyl
the previously described LMS. However, with the last two groups of compounds, the con-alcohols to the
corresponding benzaldehydes are reported.
versions were generally low. In Table 1, representative examples of the oxidation of ben-
zyl alcohols to the corresponding benzaldehydes are reported.
Table 1. Representative examples of the oxidation of benzyl alcohols to the corresponding benzalde-
hydes1. via
Representative examples
laccase/ABTS of the oxidation of benzyl alcohols to the corresponding benzal-
dehydes via laccase/ABTS catalysis.
Substrate Product
Product Yield(%)
Yield (%)
toluene benzaldehyde
benzaldehyde 9292
p-nitrotoluene p-nitrobenzaldehyde
p-nitrobenzaldehyde 9898
m-chlorotoluene m-chlorobenzaldehyde
m-chlorobenzaldehyde 8989
3,4-dimethoxytoluene 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde 90
3,4-dimethoxytoluene 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde 90
interesting report in which
report the usethe
in which of laccases
use of in peptide in
laccases synthesis
peptide hassynthesis
been pro- has been
posed deserves a mention. In this study, laccases were used for the selective
proposed deserves a mention. In this study, laccases were used for the selective removal of removal
phenylhydrazide-protecting groups in a mild process that caused neither oxidative
of phenylhydrazide-protecting groups in a mild process that caused neither oxidative mod-
ification nor destruction of methionine or tryptophan side chains [133].
modification nor destruction of methionine or tryptophan side chains [133].
Laccase-mediated C-H bond activation was also successfully employed in the selec-
Laccase-mediated C-H bond activation was also successfully employed in the selective
tive hydroxylation of Csp33-H aliphatic bonds. In 2012, Chirivì et al. were able to unexpect-
edly but conveniently of Csp -H aliphatic bonds.
mono-hydroxylate In 2012,
a panel Chirivì
of ergot et al.atwere
alkaloids ablebenzylic
the C-4 to unexpectedly
position via laccases catalysis (Scheme 36) [134]. Quite notably, the proposed protocol al- position
but conveniently mono-hydroxylate a panel of ergot alkaloids at the C-4 benzylic
via laccases
lowed, catalysis
for the first (Scheme
time, the 36)stereoselective
regio- and [134]. QuiteC-4 notably, the proposed
functionalization of theprotocol
ergoline allowed,
for the first
skeleton. When time, themethoxy
a C-10 regio- and stereoselective
substituent was notC-4 functionalization
present, hydroxylationofwas thestereose-
ergoline skeleton.
lective, a C-10 methoxy
furnishing C-4αsubstituent was not present, hydroxylation was stereoselective,
OH derivatives.
thus furnishing C-4α OH derivatives.
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 27 of 34
Catalysts 2021, 11, 26 24 of 30
Scheme 36. Example of the laccase-mediated stereoselective hydroxylation of an Ergot alkaloid [134].
Scheme 36. Example of the laccase-mediated stereoselective hydroxylation of an Ergot alkaloid
3.4. Innovative Perspectives in Laccases Synthetic Exploitation
Scheme The last example
36. Example of our overviewstereoselective
of the laccase-mediated on laccases synthetic
hydroxylation applications
of an Ergotisalkaloid
an interest-
3.4. Innovative Perspectives in Laccases Synthetic Exploitation
[134]. work by Sulci et al. in which laccase-mediated C-H activation was coupled with a
The last example
stereoselective of our overview
organocatalytic processon[135].
Thesynthetic applications
authors exploited is an interesting
a prolinol-based amine-
basedby Sulci et al. in
organocatalyst, whichi.e., laccase-mediated
the Hayachi-JorgensenC-H
3.4. Innovative Perspectives in Laccases Synthetic Exploitation activation
catalyst, was coupled
suitable for with
the a stere-
activation of
oselective organocatalytic
the α-position of carbonyl process [135]. The
compounds authorscoupled
[136,137], exploited witha prolinol-based amine-
the previously discussed
The last example of our overview on laccases synthetic applications is an interesting
based organocatalyst,activation
laccase-mediated i.e., the Hayachi-Jorgensen
of 1,2-hydro quinonescatalyst, suitableenantiomerically
to prepare for the activation enriched
of the
work by Sulci et al. in which laccase-mediated C-H activation was coupled with a stere-
⍺-position of carbonyl compounds [136,137], coupled
2,3-DHBs in a organo-enzymatic integrated process (Scheme 37). with the previously discussed lac-
oselective organocatalytic process [135]. The authors exploited a prolinol-based amine-
case-mediated activation of 1,2-hydro quinones to prepare enantiomerically
As shown in Scheme 37, the described multi-catalytic system gave products with enriched 2,3-
based organocatalyst, i.e., the Hayachi-Jorgensen catalyst, suitable for the activation of the
a organo-enzymatic
yields and with integrated
moderate process (Scheme
to high (65–92%) 37).e.e., while it failed in promoting
⍺-position of carbonyl compounds [136,137], coupled with the previously discussed lac-
enantioselection in the case of the only reported example of tetrasubstituted stereocenter
case-mediated activation of 1,2-hydro quinones to prepare enantiomerically enriched 2,3-
in position C3. The authors also proposed a catalytic mechanism, which is reported in
DHBs in a organo-enzymatic integrated process (Scheme 37).
Scheme 38.
Scheme 38.38. Catalytic
Catalytic cycle
cycle forfor
thethe laccase-initiated
laccase-initiated asymmetric
asymmetric 2,3-DHB
2,3-DHB formation.
This pioneering
pioneering research
research paves
paves thethe
waywayto to a wide
a wide range
range of of synthetic
synthetic applications
applications forfor
the laccase-mediated C-H activation assuming that the following issues might
the laccase-mediated C-H activation assuming that the following issues might be ad- be addressed
when assembling any integrated multi-catalysts chemo-enzymatic strategies: (1) reaction
dressed when assembling any integrated multi-catalysts chemo-enzymatic strategies: (1)
media compatibility (pH, solvents), (2) enzyme stability and activity, (3) stability and
reaction media compatibility (pH, solvents), (2) enzyme stability and activity, (3) stability
turnover of the organic catalyst, and (4) control over possible cross-reactivity.
and turnover of the organic catalyst, and (4) control over possible cross-reactivity.
4. Conclusions and Perspectives
4. Conclusions and Perspectives
As shown by the last presented example, the limits and the complete potentiali-
ties by the last presented
laccase-mediated syntheticexample,
chemistry the
is limits
still toand the complete
be fully potentialities
disclosed. of
These enzymes
laccase-mediated synthetic chemistry is still to be fully disclosed. These enzymes
represent in fact an oxidative toolbox of extraordinary convenience in terms of mild reac- repre-
sent in media
tion fact anand
oxidative toolbox of
environmental extraordinary
impact. Being robustconvenience in terms of mildbiocatalysts,
and solvent-compatible reaction
media and environmental impact. Being robust and solvent-compatible biocatalysts,
laccases allow one to access complex molecular skeletons in one-pot, chemo-integrated lac- or
cases allow one to access complex molecular skeletons in one-pot, chemo-integrated
multistep/cascade redox processes by consuming the oxidizing power of molecular oxygen or
multistep/cascade redox in
and producing water processes by By
exchange. consuming the oxidizing power
deeply understanding of molecular
the redox features ofoxy-
gen“radical forges” and by learning how to properly combine them with other chemo- of
and producing water in exchange. By deeply understanding the redox features and
these “radical forges”
biocatalysts in moreand by learning
complex how
reaction to properly
systems, combine
the number ofthem withlaccase
possible other chemo-
and biocatalystswill
applications in be
more complex
limited only reaction
by chemistsystems, the number of possible laccase syn-
thetic applications will be limited only by chemist imagination.
Author Contributions: All authors (I.B., E.E.F., S.R., and D.M.) have equally contributed to literature
searchContributions: Alltoauthors
and analysis and (I.B., preparation
manuscript E.E.F., S.R., and editing.
D.M.) have equally have
All authors contributed
read andtoagreed
litera- to
ture search and analysis and to manuscript
the published version of the manuscript. preparation and editing. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Institutional Review Board
Informed Consent Statement:
Statement: Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement:
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