Dengue Disease Spectrum Among Infants in The 2001 Dengue Epidemic in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dengue Disease Spectrum Among Infants in The 2001 Dengue Epidemic in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dengue Disease Spectrum Among Infants in The 2001 Dengue Epidemic in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
0095-1137/03/$08.00⫹0 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.41.8.3919–3921.2003
Copyright © 2003, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
An investigation in a referral pediatric hospital has indicated that during a recent dengue outbreak in
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, dengue in infancy constituted 20% of total dengue virus infections with low
mortality rates in this hospital. In developing countries, strengthening of dengue management capabilities at
hospitals can prevent dengue-related deaths in infants.
Dengue, the most significant mosquito-borne viral disease, collected from these infants were analyzed for dengue virus-
affects humans of all age groups worldwide (TDR News, vol. specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibodies by en-
66, p. 10, 2001). In some parts of the world, it is mainly a zyme-linked immunosorbent assay using two commercial kits
pediatric public health problem. In Thailand, dengue in in- (PanBio, Brisbane, Australia, and Omega, Alloa, Scotland)
fancy (ⱕ2 years of age) is a serious medical concern, consti- alternatively, depending upon availability. Dengue virus infec-
tuting 7.7 and 2.9% (rates observed in two different hospitals) tions were confirmed by clinical and laboratory criteria. Facil-
of dengue virus infections (5, 6). However, the case fatality rate ities were not available at this hospital to isolate the virus from
is low due to early diagnosis and prompt treatment (6). Den- acute-phase serum samples.
gue in infancy has also been reported from India and Sri Lanka Dengue virus infection was diagnosed in 74.5% (143 of 192)
(1, 3). of cases. Figure 1 shows the age, sex, and frequency distribu-
In India, dengue epidemics have been reported in many tion of cases of children with dengue virus infection. In this
parts of the country. The incidence was reported to be high study, nearly 20% (29 of 143) of these cases were infections of
among children ⱖ8 years of age, and some infants presented infants ⬍1 year of age. Ages ranged from 1 to 11 months; the
with severe forms of dengue (2). Due to lack of awareness of mean age was 7 months. There was no report of mortality due
dengue in general, the present surveillance system in India is to dengue in this hospital during the study period. Clinical
unlikely to generate reliable dengue epidemiological database features and laboratory findings determined for the study pa-
information, which is essential for better clinical assessment tients (infants [⬍1 year of age] and older children [⬎1 to 15
and management. years of age]) are shown in Table 1. Almost all of the children
Between September 2001 and January 2002, an epidemic of
had fever at the time of admission. While infants had high-
dengue occurred in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Nearly 800
grade fevers, most of the older children had intermittent fe-
cases were reported to the health system. A total of 192 chil-
vers. Fever, hepatomegaly, and rashes were seen in 100, 93.1,
dren (⬍15 years of age) with clinical dengue attending Kanchi
and 55.2% of the infants, respectively. Edema of the lower
Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital (KKCTH) were investigated
extremities, retroorbital puffiness, and vomiting and convul-
for confirmation of dengue. KKCTH is one of the major re-
sions were seen in 17.2, 27.6, and 24.1% of the infants, respec-
ferral pediatric hospitals in Tamil Nadu. A descriptive study
tively (Table 1). The laboratory findings are given in Table 1.
was undertaken in collaboration with the pediatricians of this
hospital to evaluate the burden, severity, and outcome of den- The mean hematocrit values were 31.1 and 36.03% for infants
gue virus infections in 143 hospitalized children (0 to 15 years and older children. Nearly 50% of the study subjects had he-
of age) for whom complete clinical data during hospitalization matocrit values ranging from 30 to 40% (Table 1). In the
were available. Here, we report mainly the results obtained present study, only 15% of infants and 21% of the 1- to 15-
from the analysis of dengue virus infections in 34 infants (ⱕ1 year-old group had hematocrit values of ⬎40% and there were
year of age). no significant differences between these two groups. However,
Hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet, and leukocyte counts hematocrit values of less than 30% were seen at a higher
were determined in most of the cases. Skiagram chest and liver frequency among infants (infants ⫽ 35%; older children ⫽
function tests were done for some patients. The serum samples 19.5%) and the difference was significant (Table 1). Although
thrombocytopenia (average platelet count, ⬍100,000/mm3)
was demonstrated for the majority of the patients irrespective
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Centre for Research in of age, the mean platelet count for the infants (56,900/mm3)
Medical Entomology (Indian Council of Medical Research), 4, Sa-
rojini St., Chinna Chokkikulam, Madurai 625 002, India. Phone: 0091-
was significantly less than that for the older children (Table 1).
452-2651820 and 0091-452-2650281. Fax: 0091-452-530660. E-mail: Nearly 51.1% of the infants had platelet counts of less than 80,000/mm3.
FIG. 1. Age- and sex-specific distribution of dengue virus-infected children in a hospital-registered sample.
According to World Health Organization clinical criteria forms of dengue disease elicited IgG responses with or without
(7), dengue fever (DF), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and IgM responses (Table 2), suggesting that the DF and DHF-
dengue shock syndrome (DSS) were diagnosed in 82.8% (24 of DSS cases were due to primary and secondary dengue virus
29), 3.4% (1 of 29), and 13.8% (4 of 29) of serologically con- infections, respectively. The IgM antibody responses against
firmed cases of dengue in infants, respectively (Table 2). Both dengue virus serotype 4 antigens seen with most of the serum
of the sexes were equally affected in the case of DF. All of the samples indicated that dengue virus serotype 4 was the infect-
four infants with DSS were males, the youngest being 30 days ing virus in these patients.
old. While dengue-specific IgM responses were predominant The incidence of dengue virus infections in infancy
in most (23 of 24) of the DF cases, the five infants with severe amounted to 20% of dengue virus infections in children at-
tending a pediatric referral hospital during an outbreak of
dengue in Chennai, India. In general, the clinical presentations
TABLE 1. Clinical features and laboratory findings for dengue and laboratory findings appeared to be the same in both of the
virus-infected infants and older children in the 2001 to 2002 dengue groups, as observed by other researchers (6). However, in our
epidemic in Chennai, India
study, certain features like convulsions, drowsiness, retro-or-
No. of casesa bital puffiness, and rash were observed frequently in infants;
Feature or finding P value
Infants Children vomiting, restlessness, and abdominal pain were predominant
in older children. The occurrence of convulsions in infants seen
Fever 100 100 NSb here may have been due to fever since these infants had high-
Vomiting 24 43 0.004
Rash 55.2 42.1 0.065 grade fever, which may also have been responsible for the
Petechiae 0 17.5 0.00003 drowsiness. An incidence of convulsions in infants with dengue
Hematemesis 0 4.4 0.04 has been reported by others (5). Considering the nutritional
Maleana 3.4 2.6 NS status and possibilities of coinfections in the children, it may be
Hematuria 3.4 3.5 NS
difficult to elucidate signs and symptoms specific to dengue
Epistaxis 0 2.6 NS
Edema 17.2 11.4 NS virus infections pertaining to childhood age groups.
Drowsiness 20.7 12.3 NS Though thrombocytopenia was more pronounced in infants
Convulsions 10.3 3.5 NS than in the older children, complications due to bleeding were
Restlessness 3.4 10.5 0.02
Retroorbital puffiness 27.6 15.8 0.04
Hepatomegaly 93.1 83.3 0.029
Hematocrit value ofc:
⬎40% 15 21.7 NS TABLE 2. DF, DHF, and DSS among infants and anti-dengue
30–40% 50 55 NS virus antibody responses
ⱕ30% 35 19.5 0.01 Total no. of cases reactive with:
Platelet count 56,900 84,400 0.0001 Total no. (%) of
Disease IgM and
reactive cases IgM IgG
Values are percentages, except for mean platelet counts, which are, not IgG
numbers of cases, but numbers of platelets per millimeter cubed. Study patients
were divided into two groups according to age: infants (n ⫽ 29; age, ⬍1 year) and DF 24 (82.8) 23 1
children (n ⫽ 114; age range, ⬎1 to 15 years). DHF 1 (3.4) 1
NS, not statistically significant. DSS 4 (13.8) 2 2
Laboratory findings.
VOL. 41, 2003 NOTES 3921
less pronounced in infants. Similar observations were reported We conclude from our analysis that mild to severe forms of
elsewhere (5). This may have been due to the early hospital- dengue virus infections can occur in infancy in this region.
ization and prompt treatment provided by KKCTH before the Dengue virus infections should not be ruled out based only on
onset of complications. The mean white blood cell (WBC) the criterion of very young age since there are difficulties in the
counts were 5,500 cells/mm3 for infants and 6,750 cells/mm3 for diagnosis of dengue virus infections in this group, whose mem-
older children. We were unable to demonstrate hemoconcen- bers are very young, fragile, and sensitive and cannot express
tration values corresponding to dengue severity in the absence themselves. The clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory find-
of preillness hematocrit values. Generation and standardiza- ings observed here were similar to those of reports from other
tion of hematocrit and WBC count values from normal chil- regions (1, 5, 6) and not specific to different age groups. He-
dren living in different parts of India are necessary, since ane- matocrit and WBC count values useful for diagnosis of dengue
mia is highly prevalent throughout the country. Until such data in Indian population need to be derived and standardized.
are available, application of international standard hematocrit In the dengue epidemic reported here, infants (ⱕ1 year of
and WBC count values for diagnosis of dengue may not be of age) constituted 20% of hospitalized and confirmed dengue
relevance in this part of the world. virus infections at KKCTH, Chennai, India. A disproportion-
In general, dengue in infancy is due to primary infections, ately high percentage of infants suffered in this epidemic,
which are less likely to develop into severe forms than second- whose proportion of cases is higher than that in Thailand,
ary infections. However, investigations from India indicate that where they have categorized children up to 2 years of age as
severe dengue virus infections do occur in infancy (1). It was infants (5). Dengue virus infections in infancy may pose a
reported of the Delhi epidemic that 9% of the infected infants serious public health problem in India, considering the quan-
presented clinical features of DHF, the youngest of the infants tum of the vulnerable infant population, the proportion of
being 3 months of age (1), and that none had DSS. Studies dengue virus infections among hospitalized infants, and the
from Thailand have also shown a lower incidence of DSS in wide scattering of dengue-prone areas. The mortality rate is
infancy (5). In our investigation, the proportion of infants with low in the present epidemic. However, the scenario might
DSS was higher than that of children with DHF. It is postu- change in impending epidemics. In view of the less-developed
lated that severe forms of dengue are attributable to the cir- immune mechanisms leading to vulnerability of infants to
culation of antibodies to two or more dengue virus serotypes. higher mortality rates, it would be ideal to gear up pediatric
The severe manifestations seen in infants in this analysis sug- hospitals for dengue management capabilities.
gest that the infants might have acquired antibodies to two
dengue virus serotypes by (i) passive transfer of maternal an- We thank T. Balaji of the Centre for Research in Medical Entomol-
tibodies and (ii) sequential exposure to primary infections at ogy, Madurai, India, and Srija of KKCTH, Chennai, India, for techni-
an early age. Establishment of evidence for sequential expo- cal assistance. We also thank the staff and patients of KKCTH, Chen-
nai, India, for their kind cooperation.
sure of these infants to two serotypes of dengue virus would
confirm this explanation. However, one cannot ignore the role
of viral virulence in the disease mechanism.
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