Pertusist Among Young Children in Selangor
Pertusist Among Young Children in Selangor
Pertusist Among Young Children in Selangor
The resurgence of pertussis infection worldwide, including Malaysia, is alarming. Young children have the highest
reported pertussis incidence and death rates. However, little is known of the risk factors of pertussis in Malaysia. In this
study, we aimed to determine the risk factors of pertussis infection among children. We conducted a case-control study
involving 143 children aged ≤2 years from Selangor, Malaysia. The children were identified from eNotifikasi, a web-
based notification site, from 1 January to 31 December, 2018. Information on clinical presentation and risk factors
were collected during investigation of the case by the district health office. Multivariate analysis showed that the odds
for pertussis were higher among children aged <3 months (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 5.54; 95% confidence interval
(CI); 1.835, 16.710) and among children who had not received their vaccination according to age (aOR 5.641; 95% CI;
1.845, 17.245). The mean duration of cough among the cases was 10.22 days (SD 8.964); that of the controls was 6.47
days (SD 7.098). Paroxysmal cough (93.6%) was the predominant symptom among the cases. A total of 42.6% of
cases were aged <2 months, whilst most of the controls were aged >5 months (40.4%). Up to 42.6% of cases and 68.7%
of controls were immunised according to their age. Therefore, it is important to ensure that children are vaccinated
once they have attained the appropriate age.
Keywords: Children; DTaP; factors; immunization; pertussis
Kemunculan semula jangkitan pertusis atau batuk kokol di seluruh dunia, termasuk Malaysia, adalah membimbangkan.
Kanak-kanak merupakan kumpulan dengan kadar insiden dan kematian tertinggi direkodkan. Walau bagaimanapun,
maklumat risiko jangkitan tersebut amat sedikit di Malaysia. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan bagi menentukan faktor
risiko jangkitan pertusis dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Kajian kes kawalan dijalankan melibatkan 143 kanak-kanak
berusia ≤2 tahun. Subjek dikenal pasti melalui sistem eNotifikasi dari 1 Januari sehingga 31 Disember, 2018. Maklumat
berkaitan dengan tanda-tanda klinikal dan faktor risiko diperoleh semasa siasatan kes oleh pejabat kesihatan daerah.
Analisis multivariat mendapati bahawa risiko penjangkitan pertusis adalah tinggi pada bayi berusia <3 bulan (aOR
5.54; 95% CI; 1.835,16.710) dan kanak-kanak yang tidak menerima vaksinasi seperti dijadualkan (aOR 5.641; 95%
CI; 1.845,17.245). Purata jangka masa batuk dalam kalangan kes adalah 10.22 hari (SD 8.964); purata jangka masa
batuk dalam kalangan kawalan adalah 6.47 hari (SD 7.098). Batuk paroksisma (93.6%) merupakan gejala utama pada
kes. Sejumlah 42.6% kes berusia <2 bulan, manakala majoriti kumpulan kawalan berusia >5 bulan (40.4%). Sebanyak
42.6% kes dan 68.7% kawalan telah diberi vaksin mengikut jadual. Kesimpulannya, adalah penting bagi kanak-kanak
diimunisasi mengikut jadual yang telah ditetapkan.
Kata kunci: DtaP; faktor; imunisasi; kanak-kanak; pertusis
secretions of an infected person or indirectly by touching the risk factors associated with pertussis infection
a contaminated surface (WHO 2017a). To date, humans are among children in Selangor and to describe the clinical
the only known reservoir for B. pertussis (Tiwari 2005). presentation of the cases.
However, a recent study in naïve baboons noted that the
species can be infected with B. pertussis (Warfel et al. M ATERIALS AND M ETHODS
2016), and entirely airborne transmission of the bacteria
can occur (Warfel et al. 2012). Pertussis tends to occur STUDY SETTING
in younger infants and cause a severe life-threatening According to Malaysia’ Act 342 ( LOM 2006), all
condition (Edwards 2014; Esposito & Principi 2016). suspected pertussis cases must be notified to the nearest
In 2014, there were an estimated 24.1 million cases district health office. All notified cases are captured in
globally in children aged <5 years, including 5.1 million the real-time, web-based notification system, eNotifikasi.
cases among infants (WHO 2018a; Yeung et al. 2017). Any suspected case with suggestive clinical features of
The incidence rate of pertussis in Malaysia also shows pertussis infection diagnosed by health facilities must
an increasing trend, from 0.2/100,000 population to be notified to the nearest district health office (DHO). A
1.0/100,000 population, over the past twenty years (MOH confirmatory laboratory test, either by PCR or culture,
2017). However, it is believed that the true incidence must proceed together with the notification. A positive
of pertussis is notably higher than the data captured test is classified as a confirmed case. In Malaysia, PCR
by reporting and surveillance systems due to incorrect is mainly used for laboratory confirmation of pertussis,
diagnosis, under-reporting and low consultation, especially as it yields results quickly (DCD 2010). Subsequently,
among adolescents and adults with mild symptoms the DHO investigates each notified case using a Pertussis
(Esposito & Principi 2016). In Malaysia, pertussis is a Investigation Form. Here, we conducted a case–control
mandatory notifiable disease and is monitored under a study using the data captured in the form in Selangor,
surveillance system (WHO 2018b). Besides, the increasing Malaysia from 1 January, 2018 to 31 December, 2018.
prevalence of pertussis infection increases the healthcare
burden (Koh et al. 2016; Van Hoek et al. 2014). For SAMPLE SIZE
pertussis cases, the estimated overall loss of quality of The minimum sample size calculated using PS: Power
life is 0.097 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) (Van and Sample Size Calculation (Dupont & Plummer 2009)
Hoek et al. 2014). In 2012, the medical-related cost in based on multiple risk factors (Curtis et al. 2017; Deeks et
Malaysia was around 2% of the average monthly wage al. 1999; Glanz et al. 2013), with a confidence interval (CI)
(Koh et al. 2016). of 95% and power of 80%, was 150 (50 cases and 100
Multiple international studies have shown a number controls), allowing for a 20% missing data rate.
of risk factors linked to pertussis infection, such as
waning immunity against pertussis in the community SAMPLE SELECTION
(Cherry 2012), infection transmission from asymptomatic
individuals (Althouse & Scarpino 2015) and vaccine Stratified random sampling was performed (Figure 1).
refusal or delay (Glanz et al. 2013). However, research Initially, a list of positive and negative cases was obtained
from the eNotifikasi system. Both lists were stratified
on this issue in Malaysia is very scarce. Furthermore,
into all nine districts in Selangor based on the addresses.
the increasing trend of the anti-vaccine movement adds
Then, a proportion of positive cases was selected from
to the underlying problem of vaccine defaulters, thus
each district based on the total number of cases required
contributing to the resurgence of pertussis. Unpublished
using the simple random technique by SPSS software
data by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) shows
(IBM 2013). Cases were defined as children aged ≤2 years
that the number of vaccine refusal cases increased from
with laboratory-confirmed pertussis. For every case, we
600 in 2013 to 1600 in 2016 (Faridah 2017). Although included two controls from the same district. Controls
the vaccination rate in Malaysia has always been high were captured from the list of discarded (negative)
(WHO 2018a; 2018b), there remain pockets of vaccine cases using the simple random technique. Children were
refusal in many communities. This poses a threat to the excluded if the DHO had been unable to investigate them
local population, as the risk for VPD outbreak, including and if the child had died during the investigation. The
pertussis is high (Phadke et al. 2016; Smith 2017). Thus, same applied to the control, with the additional exclusion
the main aim of the present study was to determine criterion of no sample obtained.
47 pertussis cases and 97 negative controls. The mean age suspected source, with no or unknown contact with an ill
of the cases was 3.9 months (SD 4.4) months; 51.1% were person. Most of the children were born at term and were
female (Table 1). The majority of cases were Malaysian breastfed solely or were on mixed feeding. Regarding
citizens (97.9%) and were Malay (91.5%). Only 42.6% clinical presentation, the mean days of cough before
of cases had received immunisation according to age; cases received treatment was 10.2 days; only 30% of
68.7% of the control group had been immunised up-to- cases had a history of prolonged cough for >14 days. The
age. Around 55.3% of the cases had never have received top three common symptoms the cases experienced were
any DTaP vaccine previously; in contrast, the control paroxysmal cough (93.6%), fever (57.4%) and post-tussive
group had a lower portion of unimmunised children, i.e. vomiting (51.1%); the most common complication was
29.3%. Regarding the source of infection, 51.1% of the pneumonia (21.3%) (Figures 2 & 3).
cases and 53.5% of the controls were unsure of the
9(((4.3706) ((4.0090)
0–1 9 (19.1) 15 (15.2) 24 (16.4)
2 20 (42.6) 18 (18.2) 38 (26.0)
3–4 7 (14.9) 26 (26.3) 33 (22.6)
≥5 11 (23.4) 40 (40.4) 51 (34.9)
Race Malay 43 (91.5) 93 (93.9) 136 (93.2)
Chinese 1 (2.1) 0 (0) 1 (0.7)
Indian 2 (4.3) 2 (2) 4 (2.7)
Other 1 (2.1) 4 (4) 5 (3.4)
Sex Male 23 (48.9) 56 (56.6) 79 (54.1)
Female 24 (51.1) 43 (43.4) 67 (45.9)
Clinical presentation: Days of cough before seeking 10.22 (8.96) 6.97 (7.10)
Age-appropriate Yes 20 (42.6) 68 (68.7) 88 (60.3)
FIGURE 2. The distribution of clinical presentation among the cases and controls
Pneumonia Seizure ICU admission Intubation Encephalopathy
In the bivariable analysis, only the risk factors were 5.1 more likely to develop pertussis than those who had
analysed. We did not analyse the clinical presentation been immunised accordingly (p = 0.002). Children who
and complications further. The analysis showed three had received two (p = 0.019) and three doses (p = 0.021)
significant factors: Age group, immunisation status and were 1.5-2 times less likely to be infected compared to
DTaP vaccine dosage received (Table 2). Infants aged those who did not receive any vaccination. The more
2 months had 4.04 greater odds of being infected DTaP dosages received, the less likely the child would
compared to those aged ≥3 months (p = 0.003). Children be infected.
who had not been immunised according to their age were
Non-Malaysian 1.00
Race Malay 0.69 0.19, 2.59 0.29 (1) 0.590
Non-Malay 1.00
Female 1.00
No 1.00
0 1.00
Other 1.00
Contacts’ health status Yes 1.19 0.58, 2.42 0.22 (1) 0.637
Breastfeeding 1.00
Multivariable analysis was performed using all present. Infants aged <3 months had 5.5 times greater
variables that were significant in the bivariable analysis. odds of being infected compared to those aged ≥5
The final backward stepwise model containing both months. Meanwhile, children who had never received
predictors was statistically significant (χ2 (6, n = 146) any vaccination against pertussis had 5.6 times higher
= 22.013, p = 0.001). The model correctly classified odds of infection than those who had been immunised
71.2% of cases. Neither interaction nor collinearity was according to schedule (Table 3).
≥5 1.00 1.00
unvaccinated children. A meta-analysis noted that apnoea in Selangor and the Selangor State Health Department for
and cyanosis were both moderately specific and sensitive their cooperation during this study. This research received
in infants, while post-tussive vomiting was less helpful as a a PPUKM Fundamental Grant from the Universiti
clinical diagnostic criterion (Moore et al. 2017). Regarding Kebangsaan Malaysia Health Centre.
complications, most of the cases developed pneumonia.
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