Chem Unit 1
Chem Unit 1
Chem Unit 1
Engineering Chemistry
Unit I
Characteristics of water and its treatment
Unit – I Characteristics of Water and its Treatment
Unique Characteristics:
1. Water is polar in nature.
2. It is a good solvent for the ionic compounds and it dissolves almost all substances (solid, liquid
or gas). Hence, it is known as universal solvent.
3. Has High Heat capacity
4. Has High heat of vaporization
5. The density of water is maximum at 40C, which is equal to 1000 kg m-3. It is Less dense as a
solid than as a liquid
6. It exists in three states ie., solid, liquid and gas. The solid form of water is known as ice. It exists
only below 00C. It exists as a liquid between 0 and1000 C and as gas (steam) above 1000C. Hence
the boiling point of water is 1000C (373K) and freezing point is 00C (273K).
7. Pure water is a transparent, colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid.
8. Pure water is a bad conductor of electricity, but acidified water is an electrolyte.
Physical characteristics:
1. Colour: caused by metallic substances like salt of Fe, Mn, algae, weeds etc. The standard unit of
colour is that which is produced by one milligram of platinum cobalt dissolved in one litre of
distilled water. For public supplies, the colour number on cobalt scale should not exceed 20 and
should be preferably less than 10. Colour determined by an instrument is known as tintometer.
2. Turbidity: due to colloidal suspension, finely divided matters. The turbidity is measured by a
turbidity rod or by a turbidity meter with optical observations and is expressed as the amount of
suspended matter in mg/l or parts per million (ppm). For water, ppm and mg/l are approximately
equal. The standard unit is that which is produced by one milligram of finely divided silica
(fuller’s earth) in one litre of distilled water.
3. Taste: it is interlinked directly with odour.
4. Odour: due to presence of living organism, decaying vegetation.
The extent of taste or odour present in a particular sample of water is measured by a term
called odour intensity, which is related with the threshold odour or threshold odour
number. Water to be tested is therefore gradually diluted with odour free water, and the mixture
at which the detection of odour by human observation is just lost, is determined. The number of
times the sample is diluted represents the threshold odour number. For public supplies, the water
should generally free from odour, i.e. the threshold number should be 1 and should never exceed
5. For potable water, temperature of about 100C is desirable. It should not be more than 250C
6. The total amount of dissolved salts present in water can be easily estimated by measuring the
specific conductivity of water..
Chemical characteristics:
1. Total Solids and Suspended Solids
Total solids (suspended solids + dissolved solids) can be obtained by evaporating a sample of
water and weighing the dry residue left on the filter paper. The suspended solid can be found by
filtering the water sample. Total permissible amount of solids in water is generally limited to 500
2. pH value of Water
The chloride content of treated water to be supplied to the public should not exceed a value of
about 250 ppm. The chloride content of water can be measured by titrating the water with
standard silver nitrate solution using potassium chromate as indicator.
5. Nitrogen Content
The presence of nitrogen in water may occur in one or more of the following reasons:
Free ammonia: It indicates very first stage of decomposition of organic matter. It should not
exceed 0.15mg/l
Albuminous or Organic Matter: It indicates the quantity of nitrogen present in water before the
decomposition of organic molten has started. It should not exceed 0.3mg/l
Nitrites: Not fully oxidized organic matter in water.
Nitrates: It indicates fully oxidized organic matter in water (representing old pollution).
Nitrite is highly dangerous and therefore the permissible amount of nitrite in water should be nil.
Nitrates in water are not harmful. However the presence of too much of nitrates in water may
adversely affect the health of infants causing a disease called methemoglobinemia commonly
called blue baby disease.
The nitrate concentration in domestic water supplies is limited to 45 mg/l.
6. Metal and other chemical substances in water:
Iron – 0.3ppm, excess of these cause discolouration of clothes.
Manganese – 0.05ppm Copper – 1.3ppm Sulphate – 250 ppm
Fluoride – 1.5 ppm, excess of this effects human lungs and other respiratory organs.
Fluoride concentration of less than 0.8 – 1.0 ppm causes dental cavity (tooth decay). If fluoride
concentration is greater than 1.5ppm, causing spotting and discolouration of teeth (a disease
called fluorosis).
7. Dissolved Oxygen:
The amount of oxygen dissolved in a given quantity of water at a particular pressure &
temperature. Oxygen gas is generally absorbed by water from the atmosphere but it being
consumed by unstable organic matter for their oxidation. Hence, if the oxygen present in water is
found to be less than its saturation level, it indicates presence of organic matter and consequently
making the waters suspicious.
Significance of DO:
It supports fish & other aquatic life in river water.
Determines whether the biological change is brought about by aerobic or anaerobic micro-
Controls river pollution.
Minimum level of DO-4 mg/lit , to support the aquatic life in good condition.
Significance of BOD:
The amount of organic matter present in the river water.
Complete oxidation occurs in indefinite period, the reaction period is taken as 5 days at 20˚C.
The rate of oxidation and demand depends on the amount & type of organic matter
present in river water.
Dissolved Oxygen
Water usually contains about 8 ppm of dissolved oxygen per liter at room temperature. The
dissolved oxygen in water attacks the boiler material at high temperatures.
2Fe +2H2O +O2 2Fe (OH)2 ↓
Ferrous Hydroxide
4Fe(OH) 2+ O2 2[Fe2O3.2H2O]↓
Ammonia 1.5
Cadmium 0.003
Chloramines 0.5 - 1.5
Chloride 200 - 300
Chlorine 5
Chromium 0.05
Colour in drinking water No visible colour
Copper 2.0
Cyanide 0.07
DDT and metabolites 0.001
Dissolved oxygen No health-based guideline value is recommended
Fluoride 1.5
Iron No health-based guideline value is proposed
Lead 0.01
Manganese 0.4
Mercury 0.006
Molybdenum 0.07
Nickel 0.07
Nitrate 50
Nitrite 3
pH No health-based guideline value is proposed
Sulphate No health-based guideline value has been derived
Total dissolved solids (TDS) No health-based guideline value is proposed
Uranium 0.015
µs/cm Conductivity meter 300 (ICMR)
Total dissolved
mg/L TDS meter 500 (BIS)
Total suspended
mg/L Gravimetric 500 (WHO)
Degree Portable
Temperature —
Celsius thermometer
Phosphate Microgram/L —
BIS: Bureau of Indian Standard, WHO: World Health Organization, and ICMR: Indian
Council of Medical Research.
The process of removing all types of impurities from water and making it fit for domestic or
industrial purposes is called water treatment or water technology.
Hardness of Water
Hardness is the property present in water which prevents lathering of soap.
Water from different sources, differ in taste and odour. This difference is due to the presence of
dissolved salts and minerals. Based on the quality, water can be classified into two types.
They are,
1. Soft water
2. Hard water.
Soft water
Water which gives good foam lather with soap solution is called soft water. This is due to the
absence of ‘Ca’and‘Mg’salts.
Hard water
Water which does not give much foam lather with soap solution is called hard water. On the
other hand, it forms a white scum or precipitate.
When the temporary hard water is heated strongly, the following reactions take place.
Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3 ↓ + H2O + CO2
Calcium bicarbonate Calcium carbonate
Mg(HCO3)2 MgCO3 ↓ + H2O + CO2
Magnesium bicarbonate Magnesium carbonate
Calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate are decomposed into calcium and magnesium
carbonate. These salts are insoluble in water and settle at the bottom of the vessel. It can be
removed by filtration. The filtrate obtained, is soft water.
Clark’s process
In this process a calculated quantity of slacked lime (calcium hydroxide) is added to temporary
hardness of water. This converts the soluble bicarbonates into insoluble carbonates which are
removed by filtration. Filtered water is thus free from calcium and magnesium bicarbonates and
is soft.
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 CaCO3↓ + 2H2O
Calcium bicarbonate Calcium hydroxide Calcium carbonate
Mg(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 MgCO3↓ + CaCO3↓ + 2H2O
Magnesium bicarbonate Calcium hydroxide Magnesium carbonate
Units of hardness
The following four common units are used in hardness measurements.
1. Milligrams per litre (mg/l)
2. Parts per million (ppm)
3. Degree Clark’s (0Cl)
4. Degree French (0Fr)
Milligrams per litre
It is defined as the number of milligrams of CaCO3 present in one litre of water.
Parts per million
It is defined as the number of parts by weight of CaCO3 present in million (106) parts of water.
Degree Clark’s
It is defined as the number of parts of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per 70,000 parts of water.
Degree French
It is defined as the number of parts of CaCO3 equivalent hardness per 1,00,000 (105) parts of
Relation between the hardness units
1 mg/lit=1ppm=0.07 0Cl =0.10F
It is the most insoluble salt, thus can be easily precipitated in water treatment processes.
Amount equivalent to CaCO3 = Weight of hardness producing salt or ions X Molecular
Weight of CaCO3
Molecular Weight of hardness producing salt or ions
• When the concentration of the salts reaches their saturation point, they are thrown out in the
form of precipitates on the inner walls of the boilers or heat exchangers.
• The least soluble one gets precipitated first.
Removal of Sludge
Sludge formation can be removed by
Frequent blow down operation and
Using soft water
Disadvantages of sludge formation
Wastage of fuel
Decrease in efficiency and
Danger of explosion of boiler.
Scale (Hard deposit)
On the other hand, if the precipitate forms hard and adherent coating on the inner walls of the
boiler, it is called scale. Scales are formed by substances like calcium carbonate (CaCO3),
Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4), Calcium Silicate (CaSiO3) and Magnesium hydroxide (Mg (OH)2).
Removal of Scales
1. At the initial stage, scales can be removed using scraper, wire brush etc.
2. If scales are brittle, they can be removed by thermal shocks.
3. By using suitable chemicals like dil. acids (for CaCO3 scale), EDTA (for CaSO4 scale) with
which they form suitable complexes.
4. If the scales are loosely adhering, they can be removed by frequent blow down operation.
Caustic Embrittlement
Caustic Embrittlement means inter crystalline cracking of boiler metal. It is a type of boiler
corrosion, caused by using highly alkaline water in the boiler. Boiler water usually contains
small amounts of NaHCO3 and Na2CO3. In high pressure boilers, Na2CO3 undergoes hydrolysis
to produce NaOH.
i)2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + H2O+CO2
ii) Na2CO3+H2O 2NaOH+CO2
The NaOH thus formed flows into the minute hair cracks that are usually present in inner side of
the boiler by capillary action. As water evaporates, its concentration increases and dissolve the
The process of removing hardness producing substances from water is known as softening of
Softening of water can be done in two methods. They are
I. External treatment(or)External conditioning method
II. Internal treatment(or)Internal conditioning method
(or) soluble complexes. These chemicals are also called boiler compounds.
Some important internal conditioning methods are
(i) Phosphate conditioning
(ii) Carbonate conditioning
(iii) Calgon conditioning
(iv) Colloidal conditioning
In this process the hard water is allowed to percolate through a bed of sodium zeolite (Na2Ze).
The hardness causing ions (Ca2+andMg2+) in hard water is replaced by loosely held sodium ions
in zeolite bed.
(i) The outgoing soft water contains sodium ions.
Na2Ze+Ca(HCO3)2 CaZe +2NaHCO3
Na2Ze+Mg(HCO3)2 MgZe +2NaHCO3
After the softening process, the zeolite is completely converted into calcium and magnesium
zeolites and it gets exhausted.
At this stage the hard water supply is stopped and the exhausted bed is regenerated by treating
with a concentrated (10%) NaCl (brine) solution.
CaZe + 2NaCl Na2Ze + CaCl2
Cation exchange resins are regenerated by passing a dilute solution of HCl through them.
RCa+2HCl RH2 + CaCl2
Cation Exchange Resin
Similarly, the anion exchange resins are regenerated by passing a dilute solution of NaOH
through them.
R1Cl2+ 2NaOH R1(OH)2 +2NaCl
Anion Exchange Resin
lime and soda ash to be added is estimated. In case of temporary water hardness the following
reactions are take places:
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → 2CaCO3 + 2H2O
Mg(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → 2CaCO3 + MgCO3 + 2H2O
MgCO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3
In case of permanent water hardness the following reactions are take places:
CaSO4 + Na2CO3→ CaCO3 + Na2SO4
MgSO4 + Na2CO3→ MgCO3 + Na2SO4
MgCO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3
There are two type lime-soda process : cold lime soda process and hot lime soda process.
Cold lime soda process
In this process, the reactions take place at normal temperature. The raw water and calculated amount
of chemical mixture of Lime, soda, and coagulant are added from the top into the inner vertical
circular chamber, fitted with a vertical rotating shaft carrying a number of paddles. As the mixture of
raw water and chemicals flows down, there is a vigorous stirring and continuous mixing, where by
softening of water takes place. The heavy sludge (or precipitated floc) settles down in the outer
chamber. Cold L-S process gives water containing a residual hardness of 50 to 60 ppm. The cold
lime soda process is not suitable for all purposes. The cold lime soda process is used for municipal
water and cooling water softener systems.
It involves in treating water with softening chemicals at a temperature of 80 to150oC. Since hot
The process of removal of extra common salt (NaCl) from the water is known as desalination.
Depending up on the quantity of dissolved salts the water is graded as,
1. Freshwater
It contains less than (<) 1000 ppm of dissolved salts
2. Brackish water
It contains1000–35,000 ppm of dissolved salts
3. Seawater
It contains greater (>) than35,000 ppm of dissolved salts.
Brackish water
Water containing dissolved salts with a peculiar salty (or) brackish taste is called brackish water.
It is totally unfit for drinking purposes. Sea water and brackish water can be made available as
drinking water through desalination process.
Desalination is carried out by the following methods
Reverse osmosis
Freezing method
Distillation method
When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semi permeable membrane,
flow of solvent takes place from the region of low concentration to high concentration until the
concentration is equal on both the sides. This process is called osmosis. The driving force in this
phenomenon is called osmotic pressure.
Principle of reverse osmosis
If a hydrostatic pressure in excess of osmotic pressure is applied on the higher concentration
side, the solvent flow reverse. That is solvent is forced to move from higher concentration to
lower concentration. This is the principle of reverse osmosis.
Using this method pure water is separated from sea water. This process is also known as super –
filtration (or) hyper– filtration.
In this method, pressure (15 – 40 kg/cm2) is applied to the sea water to force its pure water out
through the semi permeable membrane leaving behind the dissolved salts. Earlier, cellulose
acetate membrane, cellulose butyrate membrane was used for this purpose. Now – a – days a
number of synthetic semi permeable membranes such as polyamide, polysulphones, etc., are
(i) It removes ionic, non–ionic, colloidal and high molecular weight organic matters.
(ii) It also removes colloidal silica which is not removed by demineralization process.
(iii) The process is cheap, simple and does not require skilled labour.
(iv) The maintenance cost depends on the replacement of the semi–permeable membrane, usually
once in three years.
Electro dialysis involves the separation of salt as ions from saline water. The process is based on
the migration of ions towards oppositely charged electrodes through ion selective membrane
under the influence of electric field.
In this method, the ions (of the salt present) are pulled out of the salt water by passing direct
current, using electrodes and thin rigid plastic membrane pair (natural or synthetic).
When direct electric current is passed through saline water, the sodium ions move towards
negative pole (cathode), while the chloride ions start moving towards the positive pole (anode),
through the membrane. As a result, the concentration of brine decreases in the central
compartment while it increases in two side compartments. Pure water is removed from the
central compartment from time to time while concentrated salt is replaced by fresh brine mater in
the side compartment. For more efficient separation, ion selective membranes are employed. An
ion selective membrane has permeability for only one kind of ions with specific charge. For
example, a cation selective membrane is permeable to cations only, because of the presence of
negatively charge fixed (inside the membrane) functional groups reject anions. Similarly anion-
selective membrane has positively charged fixed functional groups.
An electro dialysis cell consists of a large number of paired sets of rigid plastic membranes.
Saline water is passed under a pressure of about 5-6 kg m-2 between membrane pairs and electric
field is applied perpendicular to the direction of water flow. The fixed positive charge inside the
anion selective membrane repel positively charged Na+ ion, yet permit negatively charged Cl-
ion to pass through. Similarly the fixed negative charge in the cation selective membrane repel
negatively charged Cl- ion, yet permit positively charged Na+ ion to pass through. Therefore
water in one compartment of the cell is deprived of salts while salt concentration in adjacent
compartments is increased. Thus, we get alternate streams of pure water and concentrated brine.
It is most compact unit.
The operation of the unit is simple.
The cost of installation of the plant is less.
Block Diagram
Sources of water
Screening Aeration
(Raw Water)
Storage and
Source of water
The main sources of water is,
(i) Surface water
(ii) Under ground water
These untreated waters are called raw water.
The raw water is passed through screens having large number of small holes, where floating
matters like wood pieces, leaves etc., are removed.
The process of mixing water with air is known as aeration
The main purpose of aeration is,
Increase the content of oxygen in water and makes it fresh and promotes taste.
Remove unwanted gases like H2S, CO 2and other volatile substances.
Salts of iron and manganese are also removed.
It is the process of removing suspended impurities by allowing the water to stand undisturbed for
2-5 hours in a big sedimentation tanks about 5 m deep. Most of the suspended particles are settle
down at the bottom due to forces of gravity and they are removed. Sedimentation process
removes only 75% of the suspended impurities.
In sedimentation process all the impurities cannot be removed. So certain chemicals are added to
fasten the sedimentation and the process is called coagulation.
Alum [Al2(SO4)3] and sodium aluminate (NaAlO 2) are widely used in water treatment plants.
These are called coagulants.
Al2(SO4)3+3Ca(HCO3)2 2Al (OH)3 + 3CaSO4 +6CO2↑
Alum calcium bicarbonate Aluminium hydroxide
Ozone (gas) is an excellent disinfectant. Ozone is produced by passing silent electric discharge
through cold and dry oxygen.
3O2 (Oxygen) 2O3 (Ozone)
Ozone (O3) is highly unstable and decomposes to give molecular and nascent oxygen [O].
O3 O2 + [O]
Ozone Nascent Oxygen
The nascent oxygen is highly powerful oxidizing agent and kills all the bacteria’s and germs. It
also oxidizes the organic matter present in the water.
1. Ozone not only removes bacteria’s but also removes colour, unpleasant taste and bad odour.
2. If present excess in water, it is not harmful, because it is unstable and decomposes to oxygen.
1. This method is expensive and cannot be employed for municipal water works.
UV Radiation method
UV rays are produced by passing electric current through mercury vapour lamp. This is
particularly used for sterilizing swimming pool water. This process is highly expensive.
1. It effectively kills the majority of bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms.
2. It does not introduce any chemicals to the water and produces no by- products.
3. It does not alter the taste, pH or other properties of the water.
1. This method requires electrical connection
2. Pre filtration is a must for effective disinfection.
Chlorination Method
The process of adding chlorine to water is called chlorination. Chlorination can be done by the
following methods.
By adding chlorine gas
Chlorine (gas or liquid form) produce hypochlorous acid (powerful germicide) with filtered
Cl2 + H2O HOCl+ HCl.
Hypochlorous acid
Bacteria/germs + HOCl Bacteria/germs are killed.
Chloramine is a better disinfectant than chlorine and it gives good taste to treated water.
By adding bleaching powder (CaOCl2)
When bleaching powder is added to water, it produces hypo chlorous acid, which is a powerful
CaOCl2 +H2O Ca(OH)2 + Cl2
Cl2 + H2O HOCl+ HCl
HOCl +Bacteria/ Germs Bacteria/Germs are destroyed
1. This method is very effective and economical.
2. Storage requires only little space.
3. It can be used at both high and low temperatures.
4. It does not produce any salt impurities in the treated water.
1. Excess chlorine when added, imparts unpleasant taste and bad odour.
2. It is effective at lower pH (below 6.5) and less effective at higher pH(>6.5).
When the dosage of applied chlorine to water (rich in organic compounds or ammonia) is
gradually increased, the results are shown in figure. It shows the relationship between the amount
of chlorine added to water and the residual chlorine.
The addition of chlorine at the dip or break is called break point chlorination. This indicates the
point at which free residual chlorine begins to appear. Usually all tastes, odours disappear at
break point resulting in appearance of water free from bad tastes and odour.
It is seen that initially the applied chlorine is used to kill the bacterias and oxidizes all the
reducing substances present in water and there is no free residual chlorine.
As the amount of applied chlorine increases, the amount of combined residual chlorine also
increases. This is due to the formation of chloramines and other chloro compounds. At one point,
on further chlorination, the oxidation of chloramines and other impurities starts and there is a fall
in the combined chlorine content. Thus, the combined residual chorine decreases to a minimum
point at which oxidation of chloramines and other impurities complete and free residual chlorine
begins to disappear. This minimum point is known as break point chlorination.
It oxidizes organic compounds reducing substances and free ammonia.
It removes unwanted colour from water, bad odour and taste.
Destroy completely all pathogens.
Over–chlorination after BPC may lead to unpleasant taste and odour in water.