Xtralis May 2019 Redacted Version
Xtralis May 2019 Redacted Version
Xtralis May 2019 Redacted Version
• Leonardus Ridolfi
• Regional Sales Manager Brazil
Honeywell Overview
NYSE: HON | ~970 sites | ~110,000 employees | Morris Plains, N.J. headquarters | Fortune 100
Our products are used on virtually Our products, software, and We develop advanced materials, We improve enterprise performance
every commercial and defense aircraft technologies are in more than 10 process technologies, automation and worker safety and productivity
platform worldwide and include aircraft million buildings worldwide, helping solutions, and industrial software with our scanning and mobile
propulsion, cockpit systems, satellite customers ensure their facilities are that are revolutionizing industries computers, software, warehouse
communications, and auxiliary power safe, energy efficient, sustainable, around the world. automation solutions, and personal
systems. and productive. protective equipment.
Why early
and accurate
detection is
Total loss
Increasing threat
Impact of threat
Increasing threat
General damage
Activity disruption
Detect Assess Respond
Minimal to no damage
VESDA & ECO Proposition
• Very Early Warning Smoke & Gas Detection
• Very Wide Sensitivity Range
• Active detection performance
• Cumulative detection performance
• Effectively handles high airflow, benefits
• Detector in a safe, accessible location
- Ease of maintenance
- Long life
- Fully compliant with NFPA 72,130, 502,520
& 850
- SIL II & III Certified Products
- Performance Based Design Approach
Monitors airflow to ensure reliable sampling
Aspirated Smoke Detectors
• Multiple active sampling holes • Challenges
to central detector • Cumulative detection – smoke
• Advanced light scattering in to more than one hole
chamber • Ease of install and pipe
• Very Early Waring and network supervision
absolute detection • Centralized Detection and
• Advanced connectivity Maintenance
• Pipe CPVC ¾” • BUT… no addressability
VEA Sampling Port – Placement and Coverage
NFPA 72 – Ch. 17 Initiating Devices Air Sampling–Type Smoke Detector.* In the absence of specific Each sampling port of an air sampling– performance-based design
type smoke detector shall be treated as a spot-type criteria, one of the following requirements
detector for the purpose of location and spacing. shall apply:
(1) The distance between smoke detectors shall not exceed
a nominal spacing of 30 ft (9.1 m) and there shall be
detectors within a distance of one-half the nominal spacing,
measured at right angles from all walls or partitions
Extending upward to within the top 15 percent of the ceiling
(2)*All points on the ceiling shall have a detector within a
distance equal to or less than 0.7 times the nominal 30ft
(9.1 m) spacing (0.7S).
VEA Capabilities:
Ø 0-4000 cfm
Ø VEA can withstand about 30-40 pascal pressure
Ø Pressure differentials are the biggest concern and to
be discussed while creation of design and its
Self Clean Contaminated
VESDA-E VEA–Flexible and Fast Installation
VEA is fast and easy to install
• At an affordable cost
- Initial installation cost
- Long term operating, servicing, and testing costs
Railway and Metro:
Safety and Regulation
Railway/Metro Safety & Regulations
§ FTA-USDOT Strategy promotes continuous improvement to increase
“CORE Capacity objectives” which involves increased safety, security, and
emergency preparedness for first responders. Assess and target resources
and assistance toward the most frequent types of accidents and security
incidents and the most catastrophic risks to passengers, employees and
transit property, with the key goals of:
- Implement integrated safety, security and emergency strategies.
- Reduce severity of incidents and risks to all.
Plain Language
Ø “A cost effective building safety solution that meets qualitative (e.g. suitable, available and better) and quantitative (e.g. 60 seconds detection
time, intelligent, logical and procedure) performance criteria of fire safety requirements”.
Ø Improvised Egress Evac Time response with CFD modelling results for Smoke & Gas vs. total occupancy
Ø How to over come challenges posed by smoke control systems as per NFPA 204, 92 & 90A
Ø How to safeguarding of life and property against fire, explosion, and related hazard associated with developed subterranean spaces as per NFPA 520 &
Ø Today problem facing designer is how to ensure that the presence of SMOKE & GAS and leaks is promptly detected at incipient stages
through all potential pre-fire temperature and toxic profiles in hot/cold days impacting smoke / fumes plume in co-relation to HRR – Heat Release Rate
A PBD Model for Railway Safety Administrative
§ Railway Regulations (criteria).
§ Safety Codes (e.g. NFPA 130).
§ Rail/Metro operator’s requirements. Design
§ AHJs input. Performanc
e Levels
Guidance Level
• Detector sensitivity and longevity are compromised in ‘harsh’ environments due to:
Switch Room
Metro Station
VESDA ECO: Providing early detection where gas measurement is also required
VESDA sampling
pipes are located
where smoke will
travel or originate
VESDA Solution in Rolling Stock…
Typical Applications:
§ Passenger carriage
§ Technical rooms and cabinets
§ Driver cabs
§ Toilets
§ Buffet, power and luggage cars
§ HVAC integration for outside or
inside carriage fire detection
US Reference
MTA (New York City) Long Island railroad - East side Access Station
MTA (New York City) Long Island railroad - East side Access Station and Tunnels
LA Metro Union Station
Waiting Halls & Ticketing Areas
Hartsfield - Jackson Airport Metro Tunnels in Atlanta completed in Aug 2015
Red Line rail tunnel under Cleveland Hopkins
International Airport.
VESDA installed in Feb 2012
ASD Detector
§ The Calgary Trail Tunnel is the larger of two auto roadway tunnels currently under
construction in Calgary, AB Canada. The Trail Tunnel is approximately 700m in length and
consists of two tubes, each with multiple lanes in a single direction. A longitudinal air flow
scheme is deployed with ceiling jet fans.
§ An LTHD (linear thermal heat detection) system is provided for secondary alarm
confirmation. Initial fire event and abnormal gas level detection is performed by VLI/ECO
industrial smoke and gas detectors installed throughout the tunnel.
Design case – Calgary Airport tunnel project
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (The values shown are for example only. Actual levels are
determined by application, modelling and actual measured
levels. The VLI and ECO both retain actual condition data
14 enabling space analysis and are field configurable to maximize
9 10 11 12 13 15 16
Flashing performance).
• The project in Brussels is the Brussels Metro (STIB).
• TTG is protecting +/- 4 km of metro tunnels as well as the metro landings.
• The OSID are preferred because of the ease of installation because the electricity is only cut /- 4 hours after midnight!
• So these 4 hours is the only window to do installations and at night time these are ‘expensive’ hours.
• Also OSID tolerance to movement and vibration is large asset.
• For the long and straight stretches the 150 m is also a considerable benefit.
• OSID are installed with imagers back to back.