Jamie Smart - The Top 10 Secrets of Conversational Hypnosis
Jamie Smart - The Top 10 Secrets of Conversational Hypnosis
Jamie Smart - The Top 10 Secrets of Conversational Hypnosis
Conversational Hypnosis
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Date: 2008.06.22 00:10:55
By Jamie Smart
Table of Contents
Read This First 3
Introduction 4
What is Conversational Hypnosis? 4
Why Learn Hypnosis (Conversational or Otherwise)? 5
Free Stuff 20
More Information. 21
About the Author 22
Acknowledgments 22
Once you do, you will be sent a new hypnotic language pattern every single week for
you to learn. It will only take a minute to read, but as you practice what you learn in
everyday conversations, you will be amazed at the degree to which your skills and
abilities to influence others are increasing.
If you want to really accelerate your learning, go to the Salad website and order
your own deck of Ericksonian Hypnosis CardsTM. These cards are quite simply the
fastest way there is to develop your skills in using hypnotic language. The 52
language patterns you will be sent by email correspond to the patterns on the cards,
so when you have both, it will really turbo-charge your learning. For more
information about how you can learn fast just by playing cards, go to
This e-book is for people who are interested in using hypnosis to influence
themselves and others. It will be of particular interest to coaches, therapists,
hypnotists, trainers, managers, salespeople, networkers, students of NLP, doctors
and other healers.
One of the first things that attracted me to Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) was
language. I’ve always loved language, and was amazed when I heard about some of
the things that you can do with it. I was particularly taken by the idea that the way a
person used language could massively influence the people they were speaking with.
As I learned more, I found out about Milton H Erickson MD (the groundbreaking
hypnotherapist) and was fascinated by his ability to induce trance in a person during
the course of an ‘ordinary’ conversation. I was hooked. I told myself “You have to
learn how to do this!” So I did. In the course of my studies, I tried lots of
approaches, and experimented. I tried things that worked, and many more that
didn’t. This short e-book is a distillation of some of the most powerful approaches
I’ve learned for inducing a hypnotic trance conversationally.
As you read this you'll start to see opportunities for using the hypnotic language
patterns all over the place. Read on and I'll show you a way you can accelerate
your learning of these patterns later.
• Increase your skill as a public speaker, able to paint vivid pictures in people’s
imaginations, and get them to immerse themselves in the experiences you
present to them.
• Amplify your ability to coach others, using language elegantly to help them
discover solutions to difficult problems.
• Get more control over your own state, and help to change other peoples’ state of
mind, quickly, positively and covertly.
• You can even get people to go into a trance! How cool is that?!?
• Have a lot of fun! My world has become far more interesting since I learned
Become more persuasive and influential, able to get people to buy into ideas,
products and services.The Tips
Before you start using conversational hypnosis, it is important to get a clear goal in
mind. What responses do you want to elicit from the other person? How will you
know when you’ve got those responses? If your goal is to get the person to go into a
trance, how will they look when they’re in that trance? Make a clear mental image of
the person (or people) you are working with, having the responses you desire.
Your nervous system is goal-seeking. When you set a clear mental goal, you get
your entire nervous system working for you to achieve that goal. If you want
someone to go into a trance, make a clear mental image of them in that state. If you
want them to have a sudden transformational shift, make a mental image of them
having one, then hold it in mind. If you want someone to laugh, start by picturing
them doing so (to really super-charge the process, hear what you’ll hear and feel
what you’ll feel as well).
Pictures are one of the most powerful ways of communicating with your unconscious
mind, so if you create a mental image of your goal, in positive terms, it creates a
clear message to your unconscious.
Your beliefs about yourself and the world have a massive effect on how you respond.
Your beliefs about your client will be communicated to them in everything you say
and do. If you believe that your client won’t go into a trance, then they won’t. If you
believe that they’re an excellent hypnotic subject, then they’re much more likely to
If you have difficulty believing that your client is an excellent hypnotic subject, then
just pretend. Milton Erickson used to say “You can pretend anything and master it”,
so while you’re at it, pretend that you’re an extraordinarily fast learner, and have
already begun to master the process of conversational hypnosis.
This idea of ‘pretending’ may seem a bit ‘low-tech’, but it actually has a proven track
record. You see, your unconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between a real
experience and a vividly imagined one. If you vividly imagine that your client is an
excellent hypnotic subject, your unconscious will start to communicate that belief to
them. These communications will come out in the language you use, the gestures
you employ, your voice tone etc.
The amazing thing is that these subtle communications are exactly the sort of thing
that their unconscious mind will pick up on! It’s actually a far more powerful level of
communication than just saying to someone “You are a superb hypnotic subject”, so
it’s well worth exploring.
For more about belief change, visit the Salad archive or check out our Art of Being
CDs (coming soon to www.saladltd.co.uk).
Trance is a ‘feeling state’, in the same way as happiness, gratitude and love are
feeling states. One of the great things about feeling states is they are infectious, so if
you want someone else to go into a certain state, just go there first yourself.
The quickest way to get a punch on the nose is to start distributing them. The
quickest way to get a smile from someone is to start distributing them. Whatever
state you want the other person to go into, go there first yourself.
So how exactly do you ‘go there first’? There are many different ways, and as you
begin to practice, you will start to discover the approaches that work most effectively
for you. Here are a few of them:
• One of the quickest and easiest ways to change your state of mind is to change
your physiology. Jumping up and down, shaking your hands or beating your chest
are all ways to break out of undesired states. By the same token, adopting the
postures and stances that you take when you are accessing certain states can
activate those states. Either sitting or standing, adopt the physiology (posture,
gesture, head position, breathing rate, muscle tension) that you exhibit when you
are in a certain state (E.g. trance, the zone, flow, relaxation, creativity etc.)
Notice how quickly you start to enjoy experiencing the sensations of that state.
• “Fake it to make it.” Pretend. When you pretend to go into a certain state, your
nervous system gets the idea very quickly, and the state soon manifests. You can
pretend to be in whatever state you like: the more convincingly you do it, the
more you will get into it (and vice versa). The more convincing you are to
yourself, the more the other person will follow you into the state.
• An anchor is any representation in the human nervous system that triggers any
other representation. It is conceptually similar to Pavlovian conditioning (think
bells and salivating dogs.) You can anchor yourself intentionally, for example:
b) See what you saw then (looking out through your own eyes), hear what you
heard and feel what you felt.
c) As you feel the sensations increase in intensity, squeeze the thumb and
forefinger of your left hand gently together for a few moments, then release
d) Now ‘break your state’ (E.g. by remembering what you had for lunch
yesterday.) Wait a few moments.
e) Squeeze your thumb and forefinger together again. The state will return.
With practice, you will be able to drop into a trance (and many other states) quickly
and easily, whenever you wish. When you’re in rapport with someone and you go
into a trance, they will follow.
Rapport has been described as what happens when we get the attention of
someone’s unconscious mind, and meet them at ‘their map of the world.’ It is more
commonly understood as the sense of ease and connection that develops when you
are interacting with someone you trust and feel comfortable with.
Being able to get into rapport with other people isn't just a key for successful
influence; it's also one of the most fun, enjoyable and relaxing skills you can learn.
People like to be around people who get into rapport with them.
The linguistic techniques of conversational hypnosis work most effectively when you
are in rapport with the person or people you are communicating with.
Why is it important?
People are social creatures, and we often need to work with other people to achieve
what we want. This means that an ability to communicate influentially is one of the
most valuable skills a person can have.
These are examples of meeting someone at their map of the world using verbal
techniques. There are many ways to get into rapport both verbally and non-verbally,
using behavioural techniques, vocal flexibility and internal shifts of consciousness.
For details and exercises, check out NLP for Business & Personal Success
Once you’re in rapport, you can highlight specific key words and phrases to
communicate directly with the unconscious mind. This means that you can use a
seemingly ordinary conversation to mask subliminal messages, and guide a person’s
unconscious mind in a certain direction. This is referred to as ‘analogue marking’.
Here are some tips:
• Decide on the message you want to send to the person’s unconscious mind (Eg.
“Feel really comfortable”, “Allow yourself to relax”, “Buy now” etc).
• Think of a context you can talk freely about, where that message (or messages)
would not be out of place (Eg. talking about a health spa).
• Talk about the context, using a sentence that can accommodate the embedded
message (Eg. “I went to this new health spa, and I was able to feel really
comfortable, because they’ve created this place where you can allow yourself
to relax while accomplishing something beneficial and useful”).
• When you get to the embedded messages, do something to mark them out for
the person’s unconscious mind. You can…
With practice, you will be amazed at how quickly you are able to do this easily.
(To hear this being demonstrated for use in sales, persuasion and influence contexts,
check out Ethical Influence with NLP at
The pitch and tone of voice you use toward the end of a sentence determines at a
deep unconscious level what ‘kind’ of sentence it is:
Which do you think is most useful to use when making suggestions to the people you
wish to get into a trance? Of course! Descending voice tone.
Practice saying sentences (Eg. “Have you got any questions?”) with a rising pitch,
then a level pitch, then a descending pitch.
The descending pitch opens up the ‘command module’ in someone’s brain. People
are more likely to do what you want them to do if the request is made with a
descending pitch, because their brain will process it as a command.
Identify the directions you want to guide someone’s consciousness in (and potentially
the specific actions you want them to take). Practice making those suggestions using
‘command tone’ then notice what a difference it makes.
I was running a one-day session on NLP for a branding agency a few years ago, and
I told them about command tone. One of the participants was from Australia, and
asked what effect the characteristic antipodean ‘question tone’ would have. I replied
“It won’t have any effect at all?” with a rising voice tone, and she got the point. If
you want people to follow your instructions, command tone down will make it more
likely to happen.
It’s great to have a goal for your communications (see Conversational Hypnosis Tip
#1), and it’s fantastic to do lots of funky embedded suggestions, but how do you
know if the suggestions you’re making are having the desired effect? Easy: watch
and listen. Hypnosis relies on having the sensory acuity to notice the effect you are
having, particularly in the visual domain. As people begin to relax into a trance
state, certain changes start to take place, for example:
With practice, you will find it easier and easier to notice the subtle changes that alert
you to the fact that you’ve succeeded in inducing a trance state. Obviously, if you
are getting a person into a different state (e.g. get them to become happy,
excited, ready to buy) there will be external evidence of that. When you know
what you are looking for, it’s much easier to recognize when you’ve got it.
• Develop your peripheral vision. Your peripheral vision notices movement and
changes, while your focal vision is good for examining fine detail. When you
develop your peripheral vision, it’s much easier to notice the changes that let you
know trance is developing. For exercises on how to do this, see Salad NLP Tip #7.
Each time you use conversational hypnosis, it’s a new learning experience for you
and the person or people you are working with. When what you are doing isn’t
working, do something else. And how do you know what’s working and what’s not?
Watch and listen.
When I first started learning NLP and hypnosis, I read many references to the
unconscious mind. People explained that the conscious mind is capable of doing step
by step thinking, while your unconscious makes intuitive leaps. The conscious mind
can hold a limited number of things in awareness, while your unconscious can
track everything that’s going on around you. The conscious mind is a recent
innovation, while your unconscious has been around for ages.
A few tips:
• Your unconscious will always serve your best interests. If you ask a question &
don’t get the answer you want, assume that there’s a very good reason for that!
Then ask a different question.
• Start with smaller things then work your way up to the big stuff. Rome wasn’t
built in a day.
This tip is one of the simplest, but one of the most important. Different people
process information in different ways and at different rates of speed. When you are
using conversational hypnosis, it is important that you give people time to process
(this is in contrast to stage hypnosis, where the hypnotist will often use rapid
suggestions to confuse the subject, overload their conscious mind, and make them
more compliant).
As the person goes more deeply into a trance state, it can be useful to slow down
your rate of speaking slightly, and leave larger gaps between sentences.
You can even adjust your speaking rate to match their breathing rate: speaking on
their out-breath will deepen a trance, speaking on their in-breath will lighten it.
As you develop your ability to watch and listen, you will notice people responding to
your suggestions with involuntary signals such as twitches, blinks, skin colour
changes, minor head nods and the like. You can consider these as communications
from the person’s unconscious mind. (Milton Erickson considered everything a person
said and did as such a signal!) You may even choose to acknowledge the signals by
saying “That’s right” (but remember, less is more).
• Get a set of the language patterns to study. They are available in various books
on NLP & hypnosis, including Salad’s Hypnotic Language Masterclass Manual
(coming soon to www.saladltd.co.uk). The patterns are also available on Salad’s
Ericksonian Hypnosis CardsTM, with examples of how to use them.
• Write out examples of the language patterns to wire them in to your neurology
at a deep level. If you write out every pattern 100 times, it will go a long way to
embedding them automatically in your speech.
• Use Salad’s Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards to play card games using the language
patterns. Play makes learning fast and fun, so games increase your learning
speed. Then you can become curious about just how quickly your unconscious
will begin to surprise you by allowing these patterns to emerge in your language
• Choose a pattern each day, then practice using that pattern in your conversations
that day. You will be surprised at just how quickly you are able to integrate the
• Start speaking even if you don't know what you're going to say to complete it
your sentence. Word selection is an unconscious function, so your unconscious
can take care of it.
As usual, set a goal for your communication (E.g. for the person to access their
resources, learn quickly, relax easily, be successful etc). Then allow your
unconscious to help reflect this in your suggestions. Of course, the other
Conversational Hypnosis Tips also apply!
We are pleased and proud to offer you the chance to own your very own set of
Ericksonian Hypnosis CardsTM - exclusive to Salad. These cards are simply the fastest
way there is to learn the language patterns of Ericksonian Hypnosis.
They have been created by Jamie Smart, experienced NLP trainer (SNLP accredited),
and author of our free online NLP tips which currently go out to nearly 10,000 people
per week.
Jamie was inspired by a great hypnotic language product called “Zebu cards”.
Zebu cards are the original hypnotic language cards, and Zebu cards are wonderful.
There’s only one problem: Zebu cards are virtually impossible to get (they’ve been
trading for £50 a deck on e-Bay).
To satisfy the need for a high-quality hypnotic language learning product, Jamie has
combined the humour and warmth you may already know from his tips with his
fascination for powerful hypnotic language to create the ultimate hypnosis skill-
builder. Our Ericksonian Hypnosis CardsTM are an invaluable tool for those wishing to
learn the verbal magic of the acknowledged “world’s greatest hypnotist”, Milton H.
Erickson M.D.
We use card games on our NLP Practitioner trainings to wire in language patterns at
a deep level, so they start to emerge automatically. The speed that people develop
skills on our trainings has been astonishing. Now these cards are available for you to
develop your own skills, whenever you want to.
“At last, a replacement for Zebu! Zebu was an extremely popular card game used for
learning Ericksonian language patterns. Salad have updated and improved the
original idea and produced a pack that is quite simply the most elegant, enjoyable
and efficient way of teaching and learning language patterns.” –
Changes Magazine
"I just received my new Ericksonian Hypnosis cards and I can't thank you enough. I
am a NLP practitioner and when I took my training I was fascinated by Erickson's
work. You have concisely put together the core of his "magic phrases". My learning is
accelerated and I am having fun! Thank you again" –
Karen Hearon - NLP Practitioner
"Jamie Smart has managed to successfully fill a tragic void in the NLP & Hypnosis
marketplace -- for a deck of hypnotic language pattern cards! These should be seen
not just as a great replacement for the famous Zebu(R) cards which mysteriously
disappeared from the market several years ago, but rather... as a high quality
product which stands on its own, and whose contents bear the stamp of Jamie's
unquestioned breadth & depth of skill & knowledge. Such is always worth modeling.
If you could stand to improve the quality of your hypnotic language patterns
integration, Get These Cards, Play with them regularly, and keep your eyes peeled
for more goodies in the future from Salad Ltd." - Jonathan Altfeld, NLP Trainer,
Mastery InSight Institute, Tampa, Florida, USA.
“I just received my set of Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards from Jamie Smart. These are
truly an excellent aid for anyone who is interested in improving their own hypnotic
language skills. I shall recommend that all my students and customers buy a set!” –
Nick Kemp, NLP Trainer & Creator of ‘Letters to Your Unconscious’
"My trainees are always asking me how best to practise their language patterns and
I've had the same advice for them. That is until now. Jamie Smart's Language cards
provide you with a fantastic way of developing exquisitely good skills with language
which help you enjoy improving your language patterns dramatically in a fun and
entertaining way. Original and Cleverly designed, I highly recommend these cards.
Put simply: if you want to become really good with language, these cards will help
you greatly to do it!!! Wouldn't it be nice if there was a fun, enjoyable way of
mastering language patterns? Now there is." –
Owen Fitzpatrick – Master Trainer of NLP
“Jamie Smart is one of the most thorough trainers out there. You will enjoy his
humor, attention and wonderful training style." –
John La Valle - co-author of Persuasion Engineering
“These cards are great. Thanks for putting such a great teaching tool back into
circulation. I used to give out Zebu cards at every Ericksonian Hypnosis class I
taught because it seemed there was no easier way for the class to master these
language patterns. Now your Salad cards can lettuce fill that void. ;) Well done.” –
Doug O’Brien – Licensed NLP Trainer, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Trainer &
former member of Anthony Robbins’ Training Team.
Zebu cards are now selling for £50 or more on ebay, but you can get your own set
of Ericksonian Hypnosis CardsTM from Salad for only £14.95 + postage, handling
& VAT (where applicable). Follow the link to order your own deck of Ericksonian
Hypnosis Cards now:
Free Stuff
At Salad, we are committed to your learning and development, so we want you to
have great stuff. Part of our strategy involves giving our best stuff away, so here are
some links to some of our best stuff.
You can have all this for free!
More Information
Metaphorically Speaking
“The more I learn the more I see the relevance in all areas of life, not just business.
Life changing stuff!” - Guy Peters, Project Manager
Downloads: £37.00 Click Here to Order Now
CD’s: £57.00 Click Here to Order Now
Jamie is author of The NLP Tip, an e-zine which goes to thousands of people around
the world each week (available from www.saladltd.co.uk), as well as the creator of
Ericksonian Hypnosis CardsTM and many other products.
He lives in Leicestershire (UK). When he isn’t helping other people get what they
want, he likes going for long walks in the woods, listening to music and reading.
I’ve been fortunate to learn from a number of great NLP Trainers and other
innovative thinkers and teachers. Thanks to anyone whose efforts have made their
way into this work.