The Monster Times 16 Oct 18 1972

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The World’s

of Horror,


ou might have noticed that we’re late

(again) with this issue but before you
. . .

start sharpening your guillotines, let us

explain the whys and wherefores behind
this admittedly tragic situation. We could,
of course, plead temporary insanity, were it MIGHTY JOE REMEMBERS:
not for ihe fact that there is nothing Long considered a second banana to the scene-stealing Kong, Mighty Joe Young telli

temporary about it. Or we could claim that

why he thinks he should be granted his rightful place in the Horror Hall of Fame.
we were the victims of circumstances
beyond our control, the pawns of forces we THE KOLLEGE OF KOMICAL KNOWLEDGE:
could barely comprehend. Or we could tell
the Truth which was that we were
. . .

enjoying our First Annual Skull Island

6 The Comics go to college in Prof. Michael Uslan's Indiana U. course on
the history of that long-neglected native art form. The Prof, tells you all ab

Vacation and, between our frolics amidst PRICE IS RIGHT:

Vincent, that Media Editor R. Allen Leider previews Price's latest outing,
the lush tropical fungi and a steady diet of
the isle’s magic mushrooms, we just lost
10 is.

DR. PHIBES RISES AGAIN, and also talks to the monster master himself.

track of the time. You believe us, d-don’t

Yes sir gang Your eyes are AOK!
. . . That’s what it said, THE MONSTER TIMES
And speaking of losing track, we’d also SOCIETY
like to take this opportunity to apologize
to those subscribers who did not receive
is here . . . the best dang fan club around.

the last couple of issues of TMT on time.


A lively round-up of monsters in the news, in the ads, and wherever else they
We discovered to our boundless dismay 13 been creeping up of late plus info on two new European terror tours.
. . .

that issues had been arriving late in a

couple of states, but we’ve since dispatched SAY IT LOUD, I’M GREEN & I’M PROUD!:
And sayingit louder and prouder than ever is King of the Monsters and
a couple of influential fiends of ours to ^
straighten out the hassles and lean a little
15 TMT columnist Godzilla, who has a most startling announcement to make!

bit on the person or persons responsible for

the ghastly delay. Let us repeat: Sorry. That's right .. and our once in a lifetime centerfold is a souvenir

OUTTA SPACE J6 suitable for framing of the Big G’s official 1972 campaign poster.

Now that we’ve gotten all that out of

the way, we find we’ve got no more space TMT
to tell you about what’s in the issue. Too
bad, too, because we’ve got a feature story
J8 and waiting to send him back is film critic Ed Naha.


about MIGHTY JOE YOUNG, a candid
conversation between Media Editor R.
Allen Leider and the venerable Vincent
22 Part II of Jim Wnoroski's survey of monsters of the garden variety.
More mayhem from those perverse plants bent on conquering the world (again!).

Price, a preview of Price’s new film (DR. TMT TELETYPE TICKS ON:
Wnoroski’s Plant Monster expose, a lookat
24 More news,
horror history
scary scoops, and inside info about the stuff of which
is made from TMT’s Man-1 n-the-Vaults Bill Feret.

feature on a fully-accredited comic book MONSTER MAIL:

More mysterious messages and monstrous missives from our readers in the outer lirnity
course at Indiana U., and much, much
more, including all the regular TMT 26 ofMonsterdom from Transylvania to the Black Forest to Red Bank, N.J.
. . .

features . but, unfortunately, we won’t

. .
get a chance to even mention them, let Comics maven Joe Brancatelli reviews PHASE, a deluxe pro fanzine featuring
alone to leisurely discourse upon their
many and sundry merits. You’ll just have
26 superstars Neal Adams. Denny O’Neil. Steve Skeates, and other luminaries. PAGE 13 >

to keep turning the pages and find out for

yourself especially
. . about “THE
. Where would we be without AIP? Minus our startling cover for this issue,
MONSTER TIMES SOCIETY!” Thanks go to American-International for this shocking eyeful
for starters.
from the pressbook for their latest chiller. DR. PHIBES RISES AGAIN.

: Zer
THE MONSTER TIMES, No. 16, October 18. 1972 published by the Monster Times Publishing Company.
Inc., 11 West 17th Street. New York, N.Y. 10011. Subscriptions in U-S-A.: $6.00 for 13 issues, $10.00

for26 issues. Contributions are invited provided return postage is enclosed; however, no responsibility can
be accepted for unsolicited material. Entire contents copyrighted (c) 1972, by the Monster Times
Publishing Company, Inc. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from
the publisher. Subscriber chsige of address; give 8 weeks notice. Send an address imprint from recent
toeor.mmrtyl.o.W-lie.dd.oeed. Printed in U-S-A.
The Monster Times page 3

In its but glorious history, THE

brief MONS ER TIMES has played host to the

confessions of the Gill-Man from the CREATURE .-ROM THE BLACK LAGOON
(TMT b), the memoirs of GORGO (TMT 12). and the continuing grunts of discontent
fromGODZILLA. In keeping with this time-honored tradition of providing a medium
through which monsters may speak for themselves, we are proud to welcome to our pages
that griping gorilla. Mighty Joe Young. Mighty Joe (not to be confused with TMT
Joe Kane, who is not particularly young and anything but mighty) has a lot of complaints
he'd like to get off that hairy chest of his so, without further small-talk, here's
the big ape in the flesh to tell you "his" long-neglected side of the sad simian saga . . .

by Mighty Joe Young

as told to Allan Brandman
page 4 The Monster Times

Here's another example of the lack of respect afforded me by the producers . . . they didn't even get my name right!
The "Great Joe Young" indeed! Why. there’s no poetry at all in a title like that!

coulda been a contender, coulda been

It was 5:00, Friday afternoon, I I

somebody But no, no one looked out for me


with the weekend just around the when it counted. Here am taking a lucky

bend, when suddenly a series of punch from one of those neanderthals they
loud knocks was heard on the door pitted me against. You should have heard th<

crowd roaring and lauding at me. They was

of The Monster Times office. Our callin' me a ... a apei The indignity
modestly conceived little studio of it all!

literally quaked in response, bits of

plaster shimmering their way down
to the floor. The editor, brave
fellow that he is, grabbed me by the

collar, looked me in the eye and

said: “Answer that door!” My feet
did not budge. He repeated the
command. Once. Twice. Finally,
sensing the acute state of paranoia I
was in, he grabbed me again and
this time flung me to the door.

My sweaty hands fumbled with
the knob for what seemed like
minutes. Then, just as I was on the
verge of finally opening up, our
impatient visitor beat me to the
punch. Bursting through, barely
managing to contain his missive
frame -within the confines of o. -
office, he muscled in and I timidly
looked up to confront lo and . . .

behold, none other than our old

friend and mentor Mighty Joe
Young! Usually a most jovial
fellow, a pleasingly passive
sort of disposition, he now
appeared most upset . indeed, . .

boiling with rage. I endeavored to

ease his anxiety and calm him
down. Managing to secure a bunch
of fresh bananas from the next
door neighbor, I gave them to Joe
and led him into our drawing room.
Naturally, we had to clear away all
the furniture to make room for
him, and even then the only way he
could comfortably fit in was if he
lay down. Knowing Joe, that
wouldn’t bother him too mu^h.
Actually, the last time I’d seen him
was close to four years ago on a
surprise visit to his homestead in
Kenya, where he’s been living for
the past twenty years. It was only a
The Monster Times page 5


brief stay, but he did seem quite were both hairy, just like me. In
content and was a perfect host. fact, it’s all more or less a blur until PET OF NIGHT-CLUB SOCIETY!
Presently, he told me at length that fateful here day when this
about the source of his frustration. little rich girl took such a shine to See those ten most
In a nutshell, he apparently believes me that she secretly bartered one of
that the new generation of sci-fi terri/it thrills
horror fans are not according him
AT0M ' B0MB ever pictured!
the respect due to a simian of his
stature. Fed up with being merely
regarded as an amiable offshoot and GORILLA '
reared by girl!
poor man’s answer to the great
King Kong, he has decided to IN AMAZING ACTION!
the public for his rights.
men and horses!
petition mightier than
Savagely he demanded, and I quote
you word
longer stand
for word:
in the
“7 shall
shadow of
O night club star!

Kong! He was great indeed, but, is

it fair that I should be judged solely

strongest men!
compared to he? I staked my claim Balances
to fame in an era of far less
flamboyance and had to pay the
O Balmo, over head!

price for
it .. . Yet, I
having acquitted myself as
still lay claim
© Tormented,
goes wild!
admirably as possible under the
circumstances. Let me speak to ' steel bars!
your readers and you will then see
why." I was more than glad to Wrecks pal
oblige him with an interview. And night club!
here it is, the true story of Mighty
Joe Young.
© machine
Defies police

Rescues children
from the big blaze!

See . h ere they are right away comparing me

. .

to King Kong, a gorilla almost twice my size,

with a whole incredible legend behind him. To
add insult to hyperbole, they made a sketch
that didn't resemble me at all! The
"Atom-Bomb Gorilla," huh? Here I am
probably the most peaceable simian in the
world, and they compare me to a
bomb . . . unless maybe they’re just referring to
the rest of the film.

her daddy’s most priceless

possessions, a flashlight, to get me.
Everything would have worked out fine if my
master, Terry Moore, hadn't been lured away
See how cheap I came! Anyhow,
from our jungle nest by the wily Robert things were really pretty good for
Armstrong (who's already got the fates of my me over at her spread. I was fed
cousin Kong and his son to answer for) and the This pressbook ad neatly catalogues the 10 steps that led me through a living heck and straight
bulbs of Broadway. As if Broadway decent, had plenty of space to roam
bright into the pits of obscurity. And let me reiterate, contrary to what they say here, I am not, nor
wasn't bad enough, Terry was last seen in and goof around on, and was given have ver been, anybody's pet. I am nobody's pet . . nobody's 1. Ach, you lose your mind!
I .

Miami at the Republican convention wearing a

enough affection to stifle a dozen
straw hat and smoking a funny cigarette!
orphans. I mean, this girl really did
have something special for me. If I pompously lofty death— the us apart forever. A nasty lot of

MIGHTY JOE REMEMBERS wasn’t such a gentleman not . . . lucky .... entrepreneurs, led by the wily Max
like that fiendishly idiotic cousin of Er, to continue, by the time of O’Hara (alias the wily Carl
I suppose that the most logical mine (no names mentioned) who her twentieth birthday, with her Denham ), they schemed to lasso me
place to begin is at the beginning. found out the penalty for trying to father now dead, our relationship up as part of some Wild West Show
So, that is where I shall begin ... I court a human woman, but still had become even stronger when a headed for N.Y.C. Fat chance. I
don’t really remember very much managed to achieve world-wide group of individuals appeared on sure did show them a trick or two. I
about my parents, except that on account of his the scene who threatened to keep don’t like to boast, but you should
have seen the shambles I made of
this dizzy set of cowboys. Finally,
forced to compromise, O’Hara
timidly pays us a visit at the ranch
with a few of his cohorts in
capitalistic crime. What a prize

collection of jelly fishes! The only

decent Joe (Ha! Ha! Pretty clever, I
think) among them seems to be this
guy they call Tex, who, sure
enough, is the lead cowboy. Still, I

don’t particularly cotton to the

way he’s been looking at my
master. Meanwhile, Mr. O’Hara is
relentlessly appealing to my
master’s romantic fantasies of the
bright lights and glitter of
Broadway. I attempt to forestall
O’Hara’s big plans with an
appropriate speech of my own.

Continued on page 29
page 6 The Monster Times

however, Indiana non-credit time-waster, but a real, You might have already heard
For as long as anyone can This year,
University student and professor honest-to-golden-rule college course about this course in PLAYBOY and
remember, kids have always hated
September. That's the dreaded Michael Uslan offers a pleasant that will be offered starting this PARADE magazines, but readers of
month that most schools reconvene change from the back-to-school semester. And to make things THE MONSTER TIMES will be
drudgery of History and English better, you can also get the course honored with the story straight
for the new school year. It's also
and all sorts of obscure by correspondence, and that has to from the horse's mouth i.e..
. . .
the time that your mother dresses
be a welcome relief from all these Prof. Uslan himself. Class is in
you up in those rotten Robert Hall Mathematics courses. For the first
"l-got-this-great-job-by-studying- session, gang, so get out your pens
"back-to-school-specials." It's time ever, Mr. Uslan and Indiana
bad University are offering a course in 200-hours-at-night" correspondence and notebooks, cause COMICS
generally just an all-around
month. comic books. It isn't a joke, or a courses. ARE GOOD LEARNIN'!


It has always been a classroom crime to

be found hiding a comic book behind
your text book. In my class, “The Comic
Book In Society” at Indiana University,
you can only get in trouble for hiding a
text book behind your comic book.
Imagine for a minute what it would be
like to enroll in a class with thirty-five
other students and have a weekly rap
session about the relevance of the latest
DC and Marvel comics to hit the stands.
This, in fact, is what my course is all
Yet since the
mid-fifties, all of
Ever since was a small child, there has

the accusations made

always been a stigma attached to the
against comic books
reading of comics. Parents were afraid
have been proven false.
that were the cause of juvenile
In the past few years, the
delinquency, mental retardation, bad
comics have entered a new
eyesight, and a host of assorted diseases.
maturity and professionalism, and

What makes this handsome volume the perfect today rank as an enlightening source of
comics textbook is not only Jules Feiffer's entertainment, as well as a bona-fide
excellent analysis of the medium but the American art form.
inclusive (count 'em) 120 pages of the choicest With this idea in mind, class begins
Golden Age stories reproduced in full color.
every Wednesday night. The atmosphere
Even non-fans find this a fascinating work.
is relaxed and devoid of pressure, as there

are no tests or note-taking in this course.

The only things necessary to achieve a
good grade are participation in
discussions, a short paper on anything at
all about comic books that each student
finds personally interesting, and a final
project that entails collaborating with a
few others and producing an original
comic strip based on techniques and
philosophies picked up in class


The stuuenis enroneo in tne course are
diverse. Every college grade is represented
by the thirty men and six women in the
class. Some students are comic book
freaks, while others have only followed
comics occasionally through their 18-21
years. Still others haven't read any in over
The Monster Times page 7

Co«n#<l ® Mmon.1 Period icjI Pub.ln.

editor, and Gerry Conway, scripter,

journeyed to the Mid-West wilderness to
speak. The interest in what was taking
place was great, and all three guests,
myself in addition, were asked to appear
on two separate talk shows.
By this time in the course, word was
spreading that Indiana University had
some twenty-year-old junior teaching an
accredited class in comics. I received calls
from some of the greatest men in the
industry offering congratulations and
support. Carmine Infantino of DC, Stan
Lee of Marvel, Jack Kirby of both
companies, Fred Toole— the man behind
"Dennis the Menace "—Fred Rhoads of
"Sad Sack" fame, and more.
The mass media found themselves a bit
taken back by a comic book course in
college. was approached by fifteen radio

networks for interviews, including WCBS

in New York, WBZ in Boston, and KMOX

in St. Louis on which did an hour talk


show. The listeners would call in on that

last one and try to stump me with comic

book trivia. held my own under fire.


Both newspaper syndicates, AP and UPI,

sent stories out on their wires. NBC-TV
picked it up and filmed a four minute
segment for their "Nightly News" with
John Chancellor. CBS's Indianapolis
affiliate station also filmed a class.

Suddenly my students began coming to

class dressed up, taking the seat that best
showed their profile. Recently such
highly dissimilar publications as
Supplement Magazine completed stories
on my revolutionary class. We were
making history and accomplishing one of
the purposes of the course; to make
comics become accepted.


The biggest reason for people
considering comic books to be trash is

ten years. Because of this, printed been influenced by everyone from and writer of those comics, flew to misinformation or lack of information.
materials areout each week to
given Tarzan, Doc Savage, and The Phantom to Bloomington, Indiana to speak to the By bringing the great strides made in the

provide background information. Along Popeye the Sailor. class. The room was jammed with industry in the past few years to national
students and television cameras as Denny we hope the
with the two course text books, We switched the style of the class attention to fill in

Steranko’s History of Comics, and a when we started toying with the topic of gave a captivating talk and allowed for right information. The men behind the
choice between Jules Feifer’s Great "relevancyin comic books." Probably the questions and answers. The whole session books deserve the respectability they
Comic Book Heroes, or Dick Lupoff's All most "relevant" series to date is the wound up lasting nearly three hours. The have earned.
In Color For A Dime, the students are all Green Lantern/Green Arrow book following week was Marvel's turn for a Having just finished studying the

brought up to date. published by DC. Denny O'Neil, editor rebuttal, and Steve Engelhart, associate sociological and psychological effects and

Several earlier heroes are considered to have provided the basic inspiration for the most invincible superhero of them all. Superman. Doc Savage
with his Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic and Popeye with his super-strength are two of the Superman forerunners most frequently cited. This
is a 1934 magazine ad for the good Doc Savage.


"The Comic Book In Society" is

divided into several sub-topics. We began

the year by talking about comic art
history from caveman days through to
the development of the modern comic
book. This section included a hot debate
in class as to the question of the
originality of Superman. By the time class
ended, it was decided that Superman had
page 8 The Monster Times


THE OLD ABANDONED WAREHOUSE is here! Now you can Some of the items are for older fan enthusiasts, and some
jtt order rare and hard-to-get books about monsters, comics, ask you to state age when purchasing. Don’t be put off by
W pulps, fantasy and assorted betwitching black sundries, the formality, the pulsating Post Office isn’t.


professionally done fanzine
heavily oriented to articles.
Covered are such subjects as Gil
Kane, Joe Kubert (and Tor), and
Comic Conventions. Well chosen
artand photos accompany the
text. $1 .50

SCREEN FACTS 23/24 (double

issue). This is a prize for horror
film fans. The entire issue (50 +
pages) consists of magnificent
full-page from Universal

horror films. Look again at

Karloff, Dwight Frye, Rondo
Hatton, and many grisly others.


Adebert Kline. A hard-cover
re-issue of a famous
science-fiction novel located on
Venus. Of special interest are the
four illustrations by J. Allen St.
FUJITAKE. A thin 16-page I Denis Fujitake, an artist of the John, one of the great masters of
KIRBY POSTERS. The gods of Baldiur, Honir) in glorious booklet (8% x 11) featuring the Jeff Jones-Berni Wrightson fantasy art. $3.00
Jack Kirby's new pantheon, four Kirbycolor, on 11 x 17 posters, gothic black-and-white style of school. — $1.00
I .

of them (Heimdall, Sigurd, |

Good stock. $3.00


Macintyre is a Canadian artist

who is young and very talented.

His work is collected in a series

of 21 full-page drawings done in
a textured, dramatic, and
stylized manner. Startling BOGARTS FACE Hardcover 5" x
Patrick McGoohan 7" book containing nothing but
portraits of
Bogie in his various moods. Photos of
(the Prisoner), Jimi Hendrix, Jim
him as a convict, or trench-coated, or
Morrison, and fantasy themes. tough or dapper. Published at $3.00.
$2.50 Now at a bargain half-price

The proverbial Old Abandoned Warehouse house Enterprises presents the most AWEful NOTE: Add 20r postage and handling per
which you've heard about in so many comics, AWE-inspiring AWEsome AWEtifacts AWEva.l item for orders totalling less than $20.00.

movies and pulp adventure and detective able at AWE-striking AWE-right prices! Indi Make checks and money orders payable to:

novels is open for business. Abandoned Ware- cate which items you want ABANDONED WAREHOUSE


- SCREEN FACTS 23/24 $3.00
COMIX: A HISTORY OF previously explored in any - DIG YOUR OWN GRAVE $2.50
COMIC BOOKS IN AMERICA. history of the field. Thoroughly -ALTER EGO 10 $1.50
This is an attractive hard-cover illustrated in both - PORT OF PERIL $3.00 -BOGART'S FACE $1.50
book covering the comic book black-and-white and color, the -COMIX: A HISTORY OF COMICS IN AMERICA $7.95
phenomenon up to today's books appeal extends even to its -KIRBY POSTERS $2.50 AMOUNT
undergrounds, a territory not bright-colored dust-jacket. $7.95

page 9

The Republicans didn't show up in San Diego
for a convention, this year, but the comic fans
did. And the committee
convention (Mike
Towry, Richard Alf, Pam May. Donna McGary.
Bill Caron, Roger Freedman and Shel Dorf)
proudly point out that there was not one dollar
of I.T.T. money behind their three-day affair.

Several hundred aficianados (and one very

confused NEWSWEEK reporter-see Sept. 4
issue) descended upon the El Cortez Hotel,
beginning August 18 for the third San Diego
Comic Convention. Among the celebrities in
attendance were Jack Kirby (top-notch comic

implications of comics, we are shortly to 1950's claimed that comic books cause
examine comic books as an art form, as was more in need of
juvenile delinquency,
literature, and as folklore. One of the help than the readers were.
highlights over the last few weeks was the The entire censorship scandal of the
showing of old 1940's super-hero serials 50's arose after some people became edgy
including Batman and Captain Marvel. about the large amount of blood-and-guts
horror comics on the stands. True, there
were some that were poorly done, overly
Clark (Superman) Kent demonstrates the art of
gory and gruesome, and sensationalistic, quick dothes-changing for the benefit of the
but there were far more that were novices at Indiana U.
masterpieces of the day-particularly
those of the EC group (whose only
publication today is MAD). Here men like
home beginning this summer. The man in

Harvey Kurtzman, Wally charge is Dr. William Driscoll of the

Al Feldstein,
Wood, Jack Davis, Bill Gaines, "Ghastly"
Department of Continuing Education at
and Will Elder Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Ingels, Frank Frazetta,
combined their talents to produce “Tales 47401. Inquiries can be sent to his office.
From The Crypt” (since adapted to the In addition, am currently at work on a

text book covering the course areas.

screen), "Weird Science-Fantasy," and
So what does the future hold for book and
creator illustrator), Roy Thomas
others.By the end of the fifties, monster (Marvel Comics editor and award-winning
books were carrying all the impact of comic books in the academic realm? writer). Bob Clampett (Beany-and-Cecil
“Casper the Friendly Ghost!”
Europe has been treating them seriously mastermind and the most convincing of several
as a legitimate art form for years. In Italy, cartoon directors who claim to have created
they are major part of the culture. In
a Bugs Bunny), Harry Harrison (s-f author and
veteran of the early days of E.C. comics), Mike
France, the Louvre opened its doors to an and
Friedrich (pupular comic scripter)
exhibit of comic art. America, the mother underground cartoonists John Pound and Scott
of the comic book, has been ignoring her Shaw.
offspring until recently. Finally an Despite an electrical failure that plunged the
dealers' room into darkness, and despite a
exhibit has been established in the New
prankster dumping shark repellent into the
The Shadow was the forerunner of a breed of York Cultural Center, and the comic swimming pool (this rendering it bright yellow
mysterious detectives. . . .
book has crept into the classroom as and uninhabitable by humans, as well as
serious study. Other educational sharks), a good time was had by all. The lights
were finally fixed, Clampett showed and fielded
experiments are taking place around the
questions on his classic Warner Brothers
This class is an experimo: an country with unprecedented success. The
cartoons, Kirby explained the concepts of his
experiment that appears to be wo mg. comic book is now beginning to live up to

Already many colleges and high sr ools its vast potential, and I'm proud to be the
have written to me asking for h' > in trailblazer for it on the campus scene.

setting up comic book courses of rheir

own. It isn't hard, especially whe you . . . until the arrival of Batman, the ultimate
deal with a subject as controvert :l as crimefighter and the most relentless pursuer of
this. The controversy began flowing evildoers of them all.

within the class as soon as we Lagan

talkingabout comic book censorship
The students split over whether
violence and bloodshed shoulo be
allowed in comics. Some felt they sh >uld,

since showing a violent scene in a

criminals. . .

subdued manner with little bloo bed


masks the real world from the readers and

rather exposes them to a false concept of
life. The other side contended that COURSE
latest D.C. creations and fine panels took place
youthful readers should not be exposed Asattempt to convince the public as
on underground comics (with Shaw, Pound and
to such things, as it may adversely affect to the worth of comics, find nothing I
L.A. Comic Company publisher Mike Moore
them. There was also a sharp difference but co-operation from my home base of and artist Pete Serniuk) and overground (with
Thomas, Friedrich, Harrison and, again.
of opinion as to who should censor vhat operation— Indiana University. They have
a child reads. Some said no one bin the matched my enthusiasm by The sad note? Chairman Mike Towry's
child himself, others claimed the parent commissioning me to write the course in opening address was postponed from Friday
had this duty, and a few though’ the a special booklet form so it may be made morning to Saturday afternoon and. again, to
Comics Code Authority, though ar haie, available to the public as an international
Sunday evening. He never did give it, so it is
now scheduled for the first day of next year's
was the best idea. Everyone w in correspondence course. Anyone in high
San Diego con. Watch this space for
agreement, however, that Dr. Fre- °rick school, college, or out of school will be details-'cause it had better be good!
Werthan, the psychiatrist who h the able to enroll in the course and take it at -MARK EVANIER

page 10 The Monster Times The Monster Times page 1

‘There! That’ll teach you to go around telling everyone I’m schizophrenic!”

Even the current Recession is

if proceeded to eliminate the doctors one at
beginning to slacken a bit, there is a time, using as weapons the seven

one Price that continues to plagues Moses inflicted upon the

Egyptians. With his mute, voluptuous
rise . and that's Vincent. Up
. .

assistant, Vulnavia, Dr. Phibes erased all

from the celluloid grave once again,
seven doctors, then placed himself in a
Vincent Price has just completed state of suspended animation. The film
the sequel to his popular Dr. Phibes ended with the tomb door closing on the
feature, entitled (unsurprisingly hibernating Dr. and Mrs. Phibes.
AGAIN. The venerable veteran of Now, it seems that the Sun-Moon
the horror film agreed to talk to conjunction that occurs every two
TMT Media Editor R. Allen Leider thousand years is upon us and this
and the substance of that automatically revives Dr. Phibes. It seems

conversation along with

. .a .
that prior to his auto accident, Dr. Phibes

report on the new Phibes had built a sort of underground summer

presented house in Egypt under an ancient tomb.
flick ... is in all its
Some summerhouse! It looks like the old
candor below.
Roxy Theatre (complete with stage and
rising organ). Legend tells that when the
Sun and Moon conjoin an underground
river flows from the tomb. This river
holds the secret of eternal life. Phibes

decides to return to this place to revive

his wife. But it’s not that easy. Phibes has
a rival this time. Professor Beiderbeck has
his own dark reasons for wanting the
secret. Fate and a writer get Beiderbeck
and Phibes on the same ship to Cairo.
With Peter Cushing as Captain no less.
Beiderbeck is in good company with his
mistress and henchmen archeologists.
Phibes brings Vulnavia, a life-sized
mechanical-manned orchestra, a Rolls
Royce, and a case with his wife in a deep One of many hopeless neurotics appearing in DR.
freeze. It looks like a wall from Horn and PHIBES RISES AGAIN. This bald-pated villain is
his own worst enemy, though, and the type of
Hardart’s 42nd Street Automat. (One
person you always see with a fresh pair of
wonders that if this is so, if Phibes also band-aids around his wrists.
has a LARGE bag of nickels.)
Phibes now begins to even the odds. square. One is sandblasted to bones.
He corks Hugh Griffith (as Lord Finally, in the great hall of Phibes’
Ambrose, the archeologist) in a giant Gin underground Bijou, Beiderbeck and
bottle and pushes it overboard. Once in Phibes meet in personal combat ever the
by R. Allen Egypt, Beiderbeck’s crew is treated to a key that opens the gates to the sacred
Leider series of deadly entertainments. One is river. Meanwhile, downstairs,
stung to death by scorpions. One is Beiderbeck’s mistress faces a slow
crushed to a torturous finale. Who, if anybody, wins

old-fashioned horror film loaded VINCENT PRICE introduced him to American theatre.
Opposite Helen Hayes in the Broadway
role as
the returning Phibes is sinister actor is not supposed to participate
cultural life of the community. Why not?
in the

thrills and chills.


Well, it’s here. DR.
Price of RISES AGAIN... production of Victoria, he became a
much sought-after actor and within two
Off the record, Vincent Price has little
time to scare anyone. He has long been an
shouldn’t an actor use his fame to
further the cultural life of those who
the diabolic sneer returns (as Dr. Phibes)
to race Quarry (as Professor
Robert AND AGAIN years was in Hollywood destined to
become, among other things, one of the
art buyer for Sears and Roebuck, a
private collector, a book editor (the most
admire him? Most of Hollywood is full of
pretty faces and broad shoulders who
Beiderbeck) halfway around the world to
discover the secret of eternal life.
AND AGAIN. don’t give two cents for the higher things
in life. They get involved with popular
For those who missed (or don’t causes, that’s fine if they believe in them,
remember) the first Phibes epic, Dr. R. ALLEN LEIDER but they don’t try to elevate people to
Anton Phibes was a brilliant concert appreciate the finer things of civilization
organist who was disfigured in a car to improve their lives. I would like to see
accident. His wife was rushed to the the bible return to it’s time-honored and
Ever since donned my first pair of
1 :
hospital, but seven doctors botched the rightful place as the center of family
3-D glasses and watched the twisted,
operation and left poor Mrs. Phibes in a thought. It’s a truly marvelous book. Not
deformed menace from the HOUSE OF
half-life/half-death sleep. Phibes then just for religious reasons, but for literary
WAX loom across the screen and beyond
reasons and reasons of thought, culture
Phibes has the last laugh once again, this time at it, Vincent Price has been one of my
and basic ideas. There’s almost nothing
the expense of one of his arch-rival Prof. favorite Fiends. Now about to make a new
you can’t find in the bible somewhere.
Biederbeck's assistants, who is treated to an monster legend, he returns to the screen
unwanted eyeful of a small but deadly That’s why I brought out this
Michaelangelo Bible. I can’t stand to
you may remember, is the skull-faced
think that in Hollywood they like to
1920 pop-mod artisan who
organist and
pretend to be highbrow. Their homes are
rubbed out the seven doctors who MONSTERS MAKE IT RIGHT
full of classics that nobody reads, and
botched his wife’s operation by inflicting
“Personally,” says Vincent, “I think
paintings nobody looks at. It’s just a
upon them the plagues Moses brought
we exponents of horror do much better phony front like Hollywood scenery.”
down upon the Egyptians. Phibes now
returns to discover an ancient secret that than method actors. We make the
will return his wife to a living state. unbelievable believable. From research THE HIGH PRICE OF EVIL
And what part could be better for I’ve done with psychiatrists I’m
Vincent Price? He has been a fixture in convinced that horror films do no harm But getting back to horror films, does
theatre and cinema for twenty-four years, to anyone at all. Many children get rid of behind so Herbert Marshall and I status whatsoever just to pay the rent. Vincent Price actually believe in evil after
much of it spent scaring the daylights out their hate on the villains in these films wouldn’t have to face each other. We just Not that I’m not grateful, it’s just a sad having played witches, witch hunters,
of delighted audiences around the globe. instead of on their parents. It is a kept laughing ourselves sick. It took a on the state of the parent art.”
reflection making a recording called “Witchcraft”
And all because of a bet. It was while he catharsis, an emotional deansing that was whole day to shoot the scene. I’m often Hollywood? Vincent Price has candid and dealing with most other standard
was studying at the University of London greatest horror actors of all times. No one recent and distinguished volumes of the root of the Greek theatre. There’s asked why
do so many horror movies.
I views on that too. “I went into the forms of evil the screen offers.
more “ nothing new about it. Although
that hewas dared by a friend that he try has done to popularize the horror which are the Michaelangelo Bible” and Aside from the fun of making these theatre thinking an actor is a cultured “If there is a power of good,” states
“ sometimes for the actors it is more than
in the play “Chicago” being
out for a role film genre than Vincent Price. In fact, a the Treasury of Great Recipes”), a films . . . well, I’ve got to eat. One of the man,” said Price, a Yale Grad, “but that’s Price, “then it follows that there must be

cast atLondon’s Gate Theatre. He got it film funeral is noticeably lacking without gourmet cook, a lecturer and the only that. When I was doing THE FLY we had problems with American theatre is the only true in England and other parts of a power of evil.” Does he regard Monster
and a subsequent job as Prince Albert in him peering down at the remains and actor ever to serve on the White House several scenes in which we kept breaking pay is so small that actors are forced to Europe. In Hollywood, actors have been or Horror films as a special art form? “I
the play Victoria Regina which chuckling sinisterly. And his new found Art Committee. up. We finally shot the scenes from play film parts of lesser or no artistic made into freaks for the most part. An think my films are quite different from
page 12 The Monster Times

‘Don't you carnivorous plants ever get tired

of eating ham all the time?”


promotes mental health,
fights cavities, and . ,

latter category are Peter Jeffery and John helps build dead , ^
Carter as the bumbling Scotland Yard
inspectors who
chase Phibes to Egypt and
somehow just miss him about ten times in
89 minutes. One scene has them stranded
in the desert 1,000 miles from civilization
asking each other for directions to Phibes’
secrethideout. They actually try to
match up the dunes around them with
the dunes on the map. It’s almost Laurel

Yet another hungry plant puts an appearance

and Hardy. Fiona Lewis, as Beiderbeck’s
in DR. PHIBES RISES AGAIN. This one is not mistress, is luscious. Who can blame
bent on conquering the world, however; all he Beiderbeck for wanting her forever? The
wants is another little piece of your heart. technical work is superb. Brian Eatwell,
who designed the sets for the earlier
the key? Will Diana be saved? Will there Phibes film, is back with more lavish
be a sequel? 1920 art nouveau trappings, including the
PRICE IS RIGHT splashy underground HQ for Phibes inside
Price turns in a slick, deliciously witty the pharoah’s tomb. John Gales’ lively
and sinister performance as Dr. Phibes, organ score moves the film from place to


it lying

the character he created. Peter Cushing

has an (unfortunately) small part as the
captain of the ship as does British comic
place swiftly. But, the overall success for
this filmmust go to Vincent Price and
Louis Heyward, the producer, who lined
Terry Thomas as a shipping executive. up the first rate staff of actors and
Most of the other players are new faces technicians that make PHIBES RISES
and they do very well. Included in the AGAIN a sure bet for this year.

What!? You say you’re a loyal
MONSTER TIMES reader but you
this ghastly
right away
. . . this

don’t belong to THE MONSTER instant . . . NOW! It’s easier to do

TIMES FAN CLUB? Why, a than you might imagine, too.
MONSTER TIMES reader without All you have to do is fill out

a MONSTER TIMES SOCIETY the coupon below and sent it

membership card, special along with $2.00 (in check,
certificate, and badge is like money order, or good old cold
D r a c u la without his hard cash) and YOU too will be a
fangs Frankenstein without his
. . .
member of that proud, respected,
monster ... a fire-breathing select legion YOU too will be . . .

dragon minus his fiery breath'. But numbered among the most
wait . don’t panic, it’s not too
. .
erudite, discriminating Monster
late! We pledge to keep the fact Fans on this or any other
that you are not a member in planet . . . YOUtoo can stand tall
good standing of the MONSTER and unbowed whenever that cry
say, THE SLUDGE FROM UNDER THE art nouveau carefully researched by the TIMES SOCIETY a ferociously rings out, “Is There A Monster In
SEA or like that. made THE FLY that
I art director. In fact, Vincent Price may guarded secret providing you the House?”
had a monster in it and maybe the have brought to the scream screen the
HOUSE OF WAX, but most of my films, first cultured monster: A refined
the POE films for example, are gentleman who has a passion for painting,
Make me member in good standing of
psychological thrillers. Most of the great music and murder. Even murders are
his J

films in this genre are this psychological cultured. The first seven being right out I enclosing $2.00. Please rush me my
type. In Europe there is a cult of very of the pages of the Michaeiangelo Bible. official MT SOCIETY certificate, badge,
who go overboard for these Phibes is also a gourmet. Unfortunately I and membership card as cannot live I
arty people
another day without them. too wish to I

Poe films and I’ve read the reviews in he has no palate and is forced to sample |
be numbered among the most erudite,
French and English magazines and I those gourmet delicacies through a hatch I discriminating Monster Fans on this or
wonder if it’s the same film I made. They in his neck. But what the heck, culture is |
any other planet. am of sound mind I

consider these films to be very arty.” culture, even if it is a pain in the neck for and body and fully realize that during
I the Dark Ages would have been burned
some. Look forward to DR. PHIBES

And arty is the word for Phibes. The

I at the stake as a wizard for this.
first Phibes movie was loaded with 1920 RISES AGAIN.
The page 13


And speaking of Kong (as when have been a staunch teetotaller look of the ad’s copy, it appears
are we not), the Supersimian has (no, that's not someone who that the Ronrico copywriters
been appearing in a whole slew smokes dope), limiting his had been sampling their product
of ads of late, hawking chemical consumption to the before sitting down at their
everything from Volkswagens magic mushrooms rumored to typewriters. But don't
(see TMT 7) to rum. Ironically have grown wild on old Skull worry ... the King has survived
enough, Kong was reported to Island. From the incoherent grosser indignities than this.

Ron Rico. Didn't his girl have a

strange animal magnetism?

If you have any interest in London. From April through
Telepathy, Precognition, October, Pan-Am is featuring 15
Clairvoyance, Extrasensory day Psychic Scene tours, which
Perception, Direct Spiritual include exploration of all the
Communication, Trance above-mentioned subjects,
Mediumship, The Ancient starting at $748 if you're leaving
Wisdom and Teachings of from New York. There is an
Astrology, Druidism, Palmistry, additional charge if you want to
The Newer Horizons of depart from another major
Unidentified Flying Objects, American city. The Winter
Deeper Researches into the Psychic Scene tour is an 8 day
Healing A/ts, Psychic excursion that runs from
Portraiture, Floral November through Mar l and
Glairsentience,any of the above, price here begins at $498.
or all of the above, then you Happy haunting . . . and don't
might be interested in Pan-Am's take any wooden psychic
"Psychic Scene" Tour of experiences.
A big hand for the little
lady. ButRonricos a rum.
GALLOP- Light and dry, smooth
but devastating. Often downed,
ING never bested. Not for 112 years.
You may remember (or you may
Ronrico. A rum
if you wanna be that way
about it) that when our Monster

Scene column made its debut visits to castles and fortresses

backin TMT 14, we devoted the rumored to be the present
whole thing to Pan-Am's and/or former homes
DANTE'S "Spotlight On Dracula"
Transylvania Tour. Well, from
. . . Ghosts. The trips last
depart via Swissair, and

$818— which
INFERNAL another
major chronicler of
the New York
News, comes word of still

fare, first-class

GUIDE another terror tour Hans

Holtzer's Legendary Castles Tour
. . . escort,
tips, taxes,
The fiendish flights take
and most

DANTE'S INFERNAL GUIDE of Austria. Holtzer, considered off every two weeks, but if you
TO YOUR SCHOOL is a by many to be the world's want to go, better hurry . . . the
light-hearted look at the rigors foremost ghost hunter, heads a last flight is scheduled to leave
of school life as seen from the motorcoach tour that includes New York on October 2.
authoritative side of the desk.
The text is by high school
teacher Frank Behrens, who uses
Gustave Dore's 19th Century
illustrations for Dante's Inferno
Each page
as chilling visual aids. 1 sjieud twenty** i years making mousin',
featuresa sentence of copy •t A roomful ol monsters!
matched by an appropriate Dore
illo and, while the idea wears
thin after a
pages, the

Dore's masterful portraits of the

populace of Dante's World

those TMT readers too and we've got to admit we wisr
the Damned. Published by
young to read PLAYBOY, as we had thought of it first. Oh
Simon and Schuster, the book
well as those who have already well, at least our distaff staffers
sells for $2.95 and will
outgrown it, it seems that Hugh don't have staples in their
doubtlessly be appreciated (the
Heffner harbors a liking for navels . . . although a few do
text, anyhow) more by teachers
monsters, too. This cartoon have electrodes attached to their
than by inmates . . . er, students.
appeared in the June '72 issue heads.
$ 0C C $

page 14 The Monster Times


Where can you get the latest and greatest books, posters, BOOK SHELF. The MONSTER TIMES BOOK SHELF
and other assorted goodies in available on this or any is always filled to overflowing with the finest books and
other world? There's only one place we know of and . . . posters imaginable. If you don't believe us, then take a

we've been around and that's the MONSTER TIMES . . . look at the list below!
* volume Dy comic
P } Mi Jim Steranko. This issue

, |1 covers the far-out heroes
jfmS of comics "Golden
A giant fan magazine
fully devoted to Flash
A9e '“ back in the
' r ‘Htw*
.Tr6 far-away '40's. Chapters
Gordon. Tremendous
artwork by comic book
on Blackhawk, Captain
giants Jeff Jones, Mike
Marvel and family,
Kaluta, Ken Smith,
Bulletman and many
Frank Brunner, Reed
us a special
chapter on The Spirit
Frazetta and many
and a never-before others. Interview with
BATMAN published Spirit story. A
385 pages of the dark Buster Crabbe, review of
bargain, and the the Flash Gordon Serial.
Crusader in color and wrap-around color cover
black and white. Forty Read TMT's review in
FICTION years of The Batman,
.$3.50 + 25$
FILM Denis Gifford's first
Denis Gifford's latest "pictureback" that immortals Bob Kane, Flash and the gang WORLD
book chronicling the covers the great monster Jerry Robinson, Neal 1
versus the evil hordes of Flash and his erstwhile
history and develop-
Q Ming, The Merciless. companions.
Arden and
all) . . . the others. Introduction by
<isil SUPERHEROES "-“jaw
Thrills and chills galore Doctor

in the film industry. ones. The book has E. Nelson Bridwell, (ji as Ming sets icy traps for Zarkov, plunge into the
Includes a list of over more photos than most writer and editor of the our intrepid trio. And surrealistic watery
500 sf films. A must for books around and Batman Newspaper you've never seen an ice depths of Mongo to find
t AUfOK^.
any sf movie collector. excellently written to strip. Hardcover with omr kingdom until you've exci tement and
TMT reviewed this make enjoyable for color dust-jacket seen one drawn by Alex adventure and

it full . . .

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. . . . . $12.95 + 75
(check out the great
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MARVEL SUPER Mariner, Spider-Man, and Thor— all in glorious
HERO POSTERS Iron Man, Dr. Strange, color on super-heavy
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his recent triumphant warlocks and a whole ONE DELIGHTS Massive, 380 page book Each month has its own
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The Monster Times page 1 5

GODZILLA: Ah, no, no, not yet.

That self-crowned King of the Rodan and Mothra are likely choices, since
Monsters and Foremost Denizen of both possess built-in flying facilities.
the Deep is back again with an Ghidrah is a good possibility with those
announcement that is sure to startle three heads of his—and those three

even the most loyal, trusting, and mouths . . . needless to say a politician’s
dream! Oh yes, I’m also considering
believing of the Green Beast's fans. It
Woody Allen.
seems that GODZILLA (GOD to
TIME: Politically speaking, arc you a
you) will be adding yet another
righ t -winger or a left-winger ?
element of horror to a 1972 GODZILLA: Unlike most politicians.
presidential race that has already I’ve never been able to fly on just one wing.
exhibited more than its fair share of
TIME: As President what would be ,

same. That's right. His Majesty the some of the first things you 'd do ?
Beast has announced his candidacy GODZILLA: First, I’d give Mary Tyler
for the thankless post of President of Moore an Emmy award. don’t think Jean I

Stapleton deserved it.

these United States, an event that
promises to be even more horrifying TIME: You’ll find a lot of opposition
on that point.
than the 1968 production of that
GODZILLA: I don’t care. like Mary
long-running chiller, THE

very much. I think she’s sexy.

TIME (perplexed): What would be the
US. Remember: You saw it first in
second thing you'd do, as President?
TMT. GODZILLA: Now that’s a hard
question to answer.
TIME: Try, please.


CLEAR... On August 25, 1972, I, Kong a lifetime subscription to TMT?
Godzilla, publidy announced my TIME: Sir!
candidacy for President of These United It was very clear after that that I didn’t
States. This came as quite a shock to intend to answer any earth-shaking
representatives of both the Democratic inquiries.The TIME reporter left late that
and Republican parties, since no one in afternoon, befuddled, confused, charred.
these respected groups anticipated my As for me, well, I was off campaigning in
hardened political training and knowledge various cities of the world, proving
of world affairs. “I was campaigning in conclusively that not only am I bigger than
New York City when I first received the
news from one of my aids,” said Senator
McGovern last week. (Afr. McGovern is also
running for President). “I feel Godzilla is nation’s capital,” observed Governor THE TIME INTERVIEW
aware of many of this country’s problems, Wallace. “Considering the similarities in
but I don’t think I’m speaking out of term TIME: We’re talking with the latest
our backgrounds, I doubt he’ll succeed
when I say his essential problem—and the candidate in this truly incredible election,
where I failed, yet I wish him all the luck in
one that will prove fatal in the end is his — the world,” Governor Ronald Reagan
an election that has now taken on nothing
previous career as a motion-picture actor.” less than utterly fantastic proportions.
announced today in sunny California.
President Nixon, questioned briefly at a (Ahem) Mr. Godzilla—uh, may I call you
Fellow followers, don’t let these
news conference last Sunday in Godzilla, or do you prefer “your majesty”
negative statements hinder your just
Washington, agreed. “It’s a sad day for or “sire ” or something to that effect—?
decision this November. I had hoped to

America when a candidate as discuss some of mv innovative ideas in this GODZILLA: Certainly not! I have no
knowledgeable, as well-informed as week’s column, but campaign duties desire to place myself upon a “throne,” a
Godzilla, this King of all monster, should elsewhere demand my attention. Instead, pedestal of indifference and false virtues.
lose valuable votes simply because he made appearing below is an interview conducted You can call me God.
a few moving pictures.” “I think it’s just by TIME magazine last week that may give
great,” remarked Hubert Humphrey, you the necessary insight into my plans for TIME: Yes, well ... Mr. Godzilla, how
interviewed three days ago at home with America. With your unyielding support do you feel about all the attention given to
his wifeand family. “It’s important that a and faith, we can pull it off . together
. . your Japanese origins? Do you think your
candidate appear forceful. I don’t think we can transform GODZILLA, FORMER enemies will keep you out of the White
the— how shall I say—
psychological KING OF THE MONSTERS into House on this technicality? Some of Godzilla's myriad legions of loyal fans
deterrent of Godzilla’s Japanese origin GODZILLA. PRESENT PRESIDENT OF gather to demonstrate their support.
GODZILLA: I have an announcement Unfortunately, most of them are a bit too
should'Sffect the final decision. By golly, THE PEOPLE!
to make that has been a well-kept secret for young to cast their vote for the Great Queen
he’s got my vote!” Other political figures
nearly twenty years now. I am not a
were asked to comment on my untimely
Japanese citizen. I was born in the
and unexpected candidacy. “I can’t say I
Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn, just two life,but larger than TIME as well.
approve of some five-hundred-foot tall
blocks north of Bay Parkway. Well, aroused readers, before I bring this
fire-breather pussyfooting around this here
TIME: Why . . . I . . . Ladies and week’s column to its dose. I’d like to thank
Gentlemen...! don’t know what to all the great people who took the time to
Godzilla directs s say . . .
drop me a line! Don’t despair, kids ;

party candidate King Kong, who'll b GODZILLA photos are in the works, so
quite a story. it’s
the very same election under the banner of MLF keep those cards and letters coming in.
Back in ’54 I found working very difficult
(Monster Liberation Front). Stay tuned to this
and getting a job nearly impossible. Over Next ish I’ll be back to my usual self with
page next time for further fantastic developments!
the summer I would entertain some of the some never-before revealed facts about
cotton-candy natives of Coney Island with Minya (the SON OF GODZILLA), plus a
“fireworks” every Tuesday and Thursday complete filmography of the one and only
evenings, but the job didn’t pay well and I GHIDRAH, THE THREE HEADED
literally grew out of my childhood MONSTER. So, until next time, remember
fascinations for “The Cyclone” and my memorable motto: BE IT EVER SO
“Parachute Jump” kiddie rides. I decided HUMBLE, THERE'S NO KING LIKE
to try my claw in motion pictures and GODZILLA!
stomped my way to California.
But—wouldn’t you know it— those fickle Until next time, -r ^
producers of the time were content with
Mr. Ray Whosaharrv’s dynamation
dummies. So I boarded the slow boat to
Japan, turned east at the Fuji Islands and
the rest is history.
TIME (Flabbergasted): c/o
. . .

The Monster Times, Box 595,

Incredible . . . simply incredible. Tell me,
Godzilla, have you chosen your running Old Chealsea Station,
mates yet? NYC 10011

page The Monster Times

the DEATHMASTER the grave

are the
STARE! that
Fangs go to Ed Naha, who, in his

infinite wisdom, dares to bare the

bitter tooth behind Count Yorga,
that anemic pretender to the
Dracula throne, and manages to
catch AIP producers red-handed in
the midst of committing yet
another cinematic crime. It seems
that Yorga, that dapper dentate
demon, has syphoned off more
than he could drink this time in the
sequel to COUNT YORGA—
VAMPIRE, and author Naha has
some unkind words for the campy

^Pomeone once told me, "There is

nothing worse than a vapid vampire."
(Actually just made that up, but you've

got to admit that I had you fooled for a

American International has put
together 97 minutes of film which brims
with unrealized potent' .1 and hovers
precipitously between black

comedy and
bad melodrama. Robert Quarry appears orphanage worker, Cynthia Nelson (Phillip Frame), Yorga turns them loose

for the second time as the modern day on Cynthia's family. Late one evening the
(Mariette Hartly), his wife. Bitten by the
un-dead Yorga, a dashing and at times love bug, the Count goes all-out to win Nelson family is wiped out in an orgy of
delightfully sarcastic vampire. The bloodshed and Cynthia is carried off to
the affections of his intended. Appearing
character of Yorga could easily assume Yorga's home where she is hypnotized.
at a fund-raising costume ball in a
classic stature in the horror genre if Believing herself to be the victim of a
come-as-you-are outfit, Yorga trades
handled adequately, but, unfortunately, quips with some of the guests. "Do you rather minor car accident, she consents to
the screenplay by Bob Kelljar and like this kind of music?" asks a stay at Yorga's manor until she has
Yvonne Wiler keeps the Count's role mopheaded young pianist. "Only when recovered. one to find a vampire yells his behind
down to a snickering stereotype. ;t's played well," deadpans the Count. The morning after the massacre, a off." When confronted by a dozen or so
After setting his horde of female deaf-mute orphanage worker finds the bloodthirsty female vampires it is Lt.
vampires on a young orphan. Tommy grisly remains of the Nelsons and Madden who utters the famous "I'd like

discovers little Tommy sitting amidst the to inform of you of your rights ..."
carnage. By the time the police arrive, the The character of Yorga is painfully
stylish vampire seeks to make a local
bodies are nowhere to be found. Tommy inconsistent. At times, he shines with
won’t talk, and Jennifer would like to, brittle humor, while in some scenes he is
One of Yoiga's many minions of the
but obviously can't. reduced to a shadow of Bela Lugosi on a
female variety bares her fangs as the Count
looks on nervously in a scene from THE bad night. Yorga's method of attack for
RETURN OF COUNT YORGA, yet ...THE WHOLE TOOTH... instance (a modified goose-step ) is
another biting modem variation on the old anything but hair-raising, arousing more
vampire legend. If the film has any point at
A note found in the living room
indicates that the entire Nelson family chuckles than chills.
all, American- International moguls are
keeping it under their hat. has left abruptly to visit a relative.
Suspecting foul play. Dr. David Baldwin
(Roger Perry), Cynthia's fiance, decides TOOTH . . .

to believe Jennifer's story of the mass The film overlooks many potentially
murder and begins to investigate frightening characterizations (such as
vampirism on his own. After consulting mini-vampire Tommy in favor of
George Macready as expert demonologist shoddier and more obvious ones such as
Prof. Rightstat in a scene that makes the the superfluous Brudah and the disfigured
classic Leo Gorcey-Huntz Hall dialogues girl ghouls. The supposedly grotesquely
look intelligent. Dr. Baldwin drags police scarred countenances of the
to Yorga's manor to investigate. By this aforementioned group are superb
time Yorga and his badly scarred, dumb examples of inferior make-up artistry and
(vocally) and generally mongoloid succeed only in making the undcad
assistant Brudah (Edward Walsh) have resemble terminal acne cases.
decided to make Cynthia a vampire. Robert Quarry, in the title role-, seems
Needless to say, there are several utterly confused, never quite knowing
harrowing confrontations and plot how to come on; as a Shakespearean
turnabouts before Cynthia's "moment of villain or Don Rickies. Needless to say, a
tooth" arrives. combination of the two is impossible. All

very disappointing film because it's not nothing more than an amiable diversion.
all bad. In fact, there are some genuinely Yorga may indeed develop into one of
funny scenes. The dialogue between the most popular characters of horror
police Lt. Madden (Rudy DeLuca) and since the old Universal heydays, but at
his men stalking Yorga is priceless. present, he most certainly lacks the bite
"Alright. I don't want any heroes. First of his predecessors.
The Monster Times page 19
page 20 The Monster Times

page 21

The MonsterTimes

DEPARTMENT Interviews, art, posters,
SPIDEY. Also: Monster Movie

Goofs, Doc Phibes, Captive

Wild Women, more from the
BLOOD Baths, and a special
report on COMIC CONS: also
UFO. a new T.V. show.

No. 8, HAMMER Horrors, $2.

All Hammer, All Horror! An
exclusive interview with Chris
WEREWOLF comic strip,
DRACULA filmbook. The
Hammer Checklist, The
No. 2. STAR TREK. Special,
Beauties of the Beast and
$2. A special issue dedicated
much more. Horror galore!
to all aspects of STAR TREK.
The Star Trek Saga, The
missions, an interview with
Capt. Kirk, The last days of
TREK comics, and a special
parody, STAR YECCH! Star

No. 9, SCI-FI Special, $2

Flash Gordon and Buck
Rogers, sci-fi in the comics, a
Metaluna centerspread, sci-fi
reviews, and, introducing:
No. 6. ZOMBIES on Parade.
$1. A survey of all the
zombies in movies, plus the
DEAD. A feature on zombies
in the comics, a review of
Berni Wrightson’s BADTIME
STORIES, and a Dan Green
zombie strip. Plus, a perfectly GWANGI, Spectacular
foul zombie centerfold.
feature and centerfold of the
ever-popular Valley of
Gwangi. Also included is a
survey of vampires in the
comics, review of a Lovecraft
fanzine and Plant Monsters.
Plus: Interview with Alfred
Hitchcock. Blacula, Godzilla
and Children Shouldn't Play
With Dead Things.

>. 1 ($2,001 -No. 11 ($1.00)

>. 2 ($2 . 00 ) -No. 12 ($1.00)

>.3 ($1.00) -No. 1 3 ($1.00)

No. 4. BRIDE OF No. 7, GODZILLA, $2 The >. 4 ($1.00) -No. 14 (SI. 00)
FRANKENSTEIN, $1. A giant king of the monsters gets his
-No. 15 ($1.00)
>. 5 ($1.00)
reviewof THE BRIDE OF own issue, complete with giant
FRANKENSTEIN, features on feature and colorful >. • ($1.00)
THE PULPS, comic book's centerfold. The King Kong 7 ($2.00)

GREEN LANTERN-GREEN Commercial for Volkswagon,

King Kong comics, the Comic >. 8 ($2.00)
ARROW, and E.C. movie,
TALES FROM THE CRYPT. Art Awards, Mushroom >. 9 ($2.00)
Plus the ten crumbiest horror Monsters, Hot Prints, DARK
i. 10 ($1.50)
flicks of 1971. DRACULA DOMAIN by Gray Morrow
goes to court and Jeff Jones
comic art in color.
The Monster Times The Monster Times page 23
poge 22

SEE! Hungry Plants Devour Tall Women In A Single Bite!

SEE! Desperate Scriptwriters Turn Actors Into Mindless Vegetables!
Our Story So Far: Following the success of plant-oenre classics THE
THING and INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, a cabal of SEE! Greedy Producers Take Your Money & Come Back For More!
unscrupulous producers create dozens of low-budget ouickies like NAVY
VS. THE NIGHT MONSTERS in an underhanded attempt to cop a piece SEE! THE MOVIE THAT WOULDN’T DIE!
of the vegetable action. Then a group of greedy Britishers perform a
butcher job on John Wyndham’s novel, DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS, and
manage to escape unpunished. Now it's (gasp!) Roger Corman who
ventures into the grisly garden to see what mayhem he can dig up as we
tune in noyv for Part II of THE ROOTS OF EVIL.

tilled "
dft by our fiendish goryspondent
Bob Sheridan, was WOMAN EATER
Hapless spacewoman runs
which he tells us relates the story of a
into the lady-starved
arms (?) of plant monster in a scene from the sexually obsessed ten foot cactus. It all
ANGRY RED PLANET, but a helpful cohort sounds quite ridiculous, but then you
is on hand to hack the fresh vegetable into must admit those perverted plants can get
thousands of lit*' pieces. Unfortunately.
quite restless at times.
k those weren' jte only hacks involved in
this AIP production. Last and probably least, although
unpreviewed at this writing, is the new
comedy, sex, fantasy, science-fiction,
horror film from grade Z porno producer
Harry Novak.
His latest effort at least has the
intriguing title of PLEASE DON'T EAT
MY MOTHER, and from all indications it
tells the tale of a 28-year-old loser
completely dominated by his overbearing
mama. Unable to turn to girls for
companionship, he delves into gardening
and soon turns up with a pert but pesky
giant talking female plant named
Lulubelle. Easy to anger. Lulu is quick to
go on sudden rampages, eating everything
in sight. It is only when the hungry Miss
by Jim Wnoroski Belle finally threatens the life of our
milquetoast's mother that the title’s

implication becomes fully apparent.

I’d like to tell you not to see it, but
Boris Karloff looks over
everything seems to point toward a film
distressed damsel's shoulder
in 1957 production called cinema offerings. One of these was the
that will at least tickle the funnybone if

VOODOO ISLAND. of nonsense came during a scene where a not stimulate your scientific curiosity.
1956 British outing, THE CREEPING brilliant horror films from that or any
not every film that features
UNKNOWN, which was first presented as other country.
scantily clad native girl ( aren't they all?) Who knows, they might have even
woman-eating plant monsters tails victim to a giant but semi-arthritic unwittingly made a sequel to Corman’s
and actors who turn into a television play then later filmed as a In fact, if any land should feel
movie with Brian Donlevy
artichoke. Obviously not up on Amy LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. And
. zombies ... at least we in the lead role ashamed about how they’ve treated the Vanderbilt’s rule of table etiquette, this that’s something we’d all like to see!!
have that much to be as the indomitable Professor Qualermass. greenhouse for lunch bunch, it’s us right
k 'A thankful for. escapee from the funny “farm” was not In conclusion, we’d have to say that
Though not a plant in the true sense of here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. One of our “
beyond swallowing the beautiful miss, unearthing ” any more plant films would
the word, the evolving monster bore an worst atrocities came late in the fifties
sarong and all. Upon observing the gory not only require a green thumb, but a
uncanny resemblance to a head of lettuce when the late great Boris Karloff lowered
from beyond the stars. This super salad
sight, the unshakeable Mr. Karloff green body as well. We here aren’t
himself to do a little ditty entitled
summed it all up when he uttered, planning to go' that far, but should there
was later followed up by a main meal VOODOO ISLAND. from the
“Perhaps we should have left this journey be any jolly "HO-HO-HO" giants among
titled ENEMY FROM SPACE with budget that ran out the day before
to the unknown up to the experts. ” He you who would like to keep “digging ” I
Donlevy again in the title role, and then shooting commenced and monster suits
was never so thoroughly correct! believe I’ve planted the seed, the rest is
years later we finally got our dessert in seemingly purchased at a Halloween
FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH One of our mystery plant titles. up to you ... so get growing. g
costume fire sale, the most ridiculous bit
with Hammer’s Andrew Kier taking over
V as Quatermass for the ailing Donlevy.
have merely labeled the movie “trash for Other important “goo” monsters from
trash’s sake.”But no matter what side 1

the earth were Jimmy Sangster’s literate

you’re on, all film viewers will have to affair X-THE UNKNOWN, which was
Pressbook art from the 1960 version of Willis
1925 classic. THE LOST WORLD.
O'Brien's agree that the motion picture equals if again shot with a top drawer English cast.
THE LOST PRINT would have been a more not surpasses the “shark fight stock This time the monster bore little likeness
optimistic title for this uninspired remake. footage” seen three times during THE
Here's one that our plant expert missed, another variation of THE LOST WORLD
theme called THE LAND UNKNOWN. Released in 1957. the
to a vegetable, but since it was obviously film sported prehistoric beasts, primitive struggles for survival, and. last but not least . woman-eating plants.

MONSTER FROM THE OCEAN neither animal nor mineral—vegetable

. .

FLOOR, which Corman produced in

could be the only other possibility.
It seems as if someone is always giving 1954.
the plants a raw deal, and all
how everyone likes their peas and carrots
cooked. It’s not nice to fool Mother
MARTIAN MAD And while on foreign shores, we
Also of unlasting import is the
Nature, but people like Irwin (LOST IN should also travel to Italy and view their
infamous “Blurry Bush of Mars”
SPACE) Allen keep trying in films like outstanding 1959 epic entitled CALTIKI:
THE LOST WORLD. For in this cheap sequence found in American-inter-
re-make of the original 1925 Willis
national’s ANGRY RED PLANET. The
times terribly underrated by fans and
animation was scene has been named so not because of
critics alike, the film of an unkillable
O’Brien classic, the
replaced with Venus Fly Trap any hypnotic quality on the shrub’s part,
but because everything in the whole
sponge creature growing to endangering Ik TW MS! MU! Of MIWCTIU ’
SCiflltf S StUUS! JWfk'BO* ’msu m \e*w«!

arrangements that got their petals off by proportions is as skillfully executed a

enveloping the likes of redhead Jill St.
dumb film was shot slightly out-of-focus. horror melodrama as one would ever
There was an ugly rumor at the time that want to see. No doubt a forerunner to
John. That’s some living if you can get it!
the entire production company was high some of Italia’s later horror-suspense fare
Roger Corman, too, spent all of 2'A
on something other than alcohol during such as THE BIRD WITH THE
days grinding out his feature film THE
filming—and this does seem to be CRYSTAL PLUMAGE and FOUR FLIES
corroborated by the fact that original ON GREY VELVET, CALTIKI’s early-
of a giant talking plant that would eat
script was a documentary on “The opening scenes build up an almost
anything from an old lady to a copy of
And we know Romance of Cheese.” But there’s been a unbearable amount of tension which is
yesterday’s Daily News. all
iotof water under the bridge since then not relieved until the film’s final
how hard to swallow the Daily News.
it is

fact that the monsterous vegetable

and AIP told us they’d rather everything moments. The story and direction
resided in a Jewish deli leads serious
be kept quiet, and we shall respect their coupledwith an incomparable music
wishes. by
score Roberto Nicolosi (Ennio
Corman critics to believe that the director
made the ultimate statement on To make up for all the bad pictures, a LMorricone) made for one of the most
and very good to excellent film comes along
unorthodox practices behavior
many other serious critics once in a great while to offset all the poor
patterns, while

page The Monster Times

Peter Boyle, who had the title role in

JOE, will join James Caan in SLITHER at
Well it does look pretty positive that
20th-Fox will start production on THE
a remake, as / originally reported, but a
sequel . . . coming some 30 years
. . . Prints news, reviews, previews, later, . . . and there's a chance that
grues-flashes ferreted out by BILL Humphrey Bogart's son, Stephen, will
FERET, Monsterdom's answer to have a role in it
Rona Barret. Bill is in show-biz; a NIGHT OF THE LEPUS, formerly
singer, dancer, actor and has many RABBITS, is due for release soon.
contacts in the domain of Unfortunately it doesn't quite meet up to
Entertainment; films, TV, Hoc its full potential. Janet Leigh, worthwhile
stage,and all like that. Where other seeing in anything though, co-stars with
monsterpubs get news to you Rory Calhoun, Stuart Whitman and
months after a film's already been DeForest (BonesI Kelley in this tale
released. Bill Feret's TELETYPE (Cottontale?) about mutated-thru-
lives up to its name, and reveals to pesticide-eco logical-imbalance jumbo
you info of horror flix & cetera bunnies. They're about the size of wolves
when they're still only in Story is based on Russel Braddon's “The
production. Impress friend and Year Of The Angry Rabbit” and the title
fiend alike with inside info on “Lepus” is derived from scientific name
monster movies that haven't even (Latin) for our long-eared rodents
been mode yet! Gosharootie, gang! Sun, Moon and Stars Productions will
which is already into its first month of
A new company seems to be on
film shooting.
the Shock scene by the name of Zenith A German production company called
International. Already in the can, Bert I.
David Janssen, Barbara Rush and when- th e-wolfbane-b loo ms-and-the- (get ready) Cinerama Filmgesellschaft will
Gordon’s NECROMANCY should be
be a semi-documentary called
Bradford Dillman star in the forthcoming moon-is-full-and-bright" episode. tensing
released anytime now. SO EVIL HER
ABC-TV Movie of the Week entitled ABC has also acquired the rights to all THE BLOODY COUNTESS, which will
SISTER, the Faith Domergue-Susan
Strasberg starrer, should be winding up
MOON OF THE WOLF. It’s an the James Bond films and has scheduled tell of the actual Countess Erzcebet

shooting shortly. One of the Zenith's "even-a-man-who-is-pure-of-heart, and the GOLDFINGER to be shown on
first, Bathory, who was described as a real

future projects is SOMETHING says-his-prayers-at-night, September 17th. That'll be quite a counterpart of Dracula living in 17th

WAITING with Miss Strasberg again may-become-a-(guessP), Bond-anza. Century Hungary. A film released this

starred, and the possibility of having as year, DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS was

her co-star, a bit of offbeat casting, the about the Countess, and may be classed
songstress of "Your Hit Parade" fame, Pop artist Peter Max has been signed as one of the worst films I have ever seen.
Gisele MacKenzie. (Howabout calling to design a new full-length animated / mean, really, a hip-length plastic
it. . . Your It Parade ?) Other projects version of Lewis Carroll's adventuresome bat-shaped rain cape. But they did say of
scheduled are STARCHILD, BEFRIEND moppet entitled THE COSMIC the Countess that she kept her ageless
JOURNEY. The latter to be an Oriental
chase thriller with Susan Oliver as lead
the Folio One banner
The project

At Brodax at
beauty by bathing
and that at one time she had some 200
slaughtered in one evening. They were
in the blood of virgins,

femme. You may remember Miss Oliver's

AT THE NEW YORK the helm. Mr. Brodax produced the
super performance in the Star Trek pilot
FLEA MARKET magnificent Beatlemania piece THE
film that was later incorporated into the
two-part episode entitled The New York Flea Market, located at 6th
“MENAGERIE.” Avenue and 25th Street, will hold a special Jr., author of SLAUGHTERHOUSE
exposition, swap, and sale of comic books FIVE, being paged to do the
CHAMBER OF TORTURES, formerly on Sunday, September 24, from Noon
is script.

announced as BARON BLOOD, with Hammer relinquishes its hold on

until 7 P.M. Collectors, fans and dealers
Joseph Cotton and Elke Sommer starred take note. Come on down and meet the horror and enters into humor with the
will be released by AIP the first week of MT crew. little black-comedy THAT’S YOUR
October. FUNERAL.


L.A. CON LOS ANGELES This biggest s-f con

Sept. 1-4
30th World SF Con Inter. Hotel
of the year with most
PO Box 1
Los Angeles, Cal. vention of writers in attendance
Santa Monica, Cal. and movies.
Those irrepressible Apes will be
FANTASY FILM FANS CON 72 hours of fantasy returning to the screen again, hot on the
Nov. 24-26 PO Box 74866 AMBASSADOR HOTEL $15 at door films,Ray Bradbury,
Los Angeles, Cal. S8 9/4 heels of their recent CONQUEST OF
Los Angeles, Cal. til
DC Fontanaj Bob Bloch
Creation '72 Statler Hilton S3 advance

Nov. 24-26 16 East Second St. Hotel for 3 days

SF, comics, films, auctions OF THE APES and will mark the 5th
professional guests
Freeport, N.Y. 11520 New York, New York S2 a day at door Apes opus in less than 5 years. Just goes
to show: You can't keep a good ape

Triple Fan Fair and Combined comic and down not for more than a few
. . .

Star Trek Con Detroit Hilton Star Trek Con. months at a time anyway.
Oct. 19-22 $4 at the door
14845 Anne Detroit, Michigan Guests from both fields, dealers.
Allen Park, Mich. 48101 SF, and horror movies, cartoons. James H. Nicholson, formerly with
AIP, now president of Academy Pictures
Corp., is off to London to scout location
TThe CON-CALENDAR is a special exclusive Detractors of such events put them down by or you wish to see classic horror and science
if sites for his first independent venture
feature of THE MONSTER TIMES. Across this saying that they're just a bunch of cartoonists fiction films, or meet the stars of old time HELL HOUSE, the story of an
great ours are quaint and curious
land of and science fiction writers and comic book movie serials, or today's top comic book artist
undaunted haunted House. Master author
gatherings of quaintly curious zealots. The publishers talking, and signing autographs for and writers— or if you just want to meet other
Richard Matheson will be writing the
gatherings called "conventions," and the fans who, like maniacs, spend sums on monster or comics science fiction freaks, like
zealots, called "fans," deserve the attention of out-of-date comics, science fiction pulps, and yourself, and learn you're not alone in the screenplay from his own novel, which will
fans and non-fans alike, hence this trail-blazing monster movie stills. But that's just the reason world. OR if you want to meet the affable contain elements of science-fiction as well
reader-service. for going. If you want a couple of glossy demented lunatics who bring out THE as the super-duper-natural.
To those readers who've never been to one of pictures of Dracula or King Kong, or a 1943 MONSTER TIMES, go ahead and visit one of
these hair-brained affairs, we recommend it. copy of Airboy Comics (God alone knows why) those conventions. vVe dare ya!

The Monster Times

“Why, this is the best script we’ve

ever had ... all the pages are blank!”

If you collect comics, you must read

THE COMICOLLECTOR. This is the Actual Posters Used By Theatres

world's leading magazine devoted to Thousands of Titles Available
Italian pic due for tensing later this this hobby. Each issue contains many
CATALOG SI. 00 Refunded with orc^r)

ads from fans & collectors from all The Cinema Attic Department'LA
year will be TIME OF THE WORLD’S
over the country offering thousands P.O. Box 7772 Phila., Pa. 19101
END. It'll have some location shooting in of comics for sale & trade, and you
can use it to sell & trade too. If you
are looking for back issues, this is the
DEADLY BEES heroine, Suzanna place. Each issue (which runs about

Leigh, again is molested, this time by 75 pages) also contains articles,

artwork, and letter columns, all
THE FIEND, a rather gruesome little pertaining to this hobby. Here is your
Gore chance to buy & swap, and meet with Comic Art’s monthly newsmagazine!
British shocker. galore.

#»” — other people who share your interest.

A sample copy is $1 .00, or send in for
a 4-issue subscription for only $3.00
or 8 issues for $5.00. Or send $7.50
Tie story of what’s going to happen
to your favorite comic characters.
With features by Monster Timesers:
for 12 issues & a free THE
copy of
GOLDEN AGE No. 2. THE SFCA, Brancatelli, Isabella 8f Levitz. 3 for
DEPT. M5. 9875 SW 212 ST.. MIAMI, $1 from Paul Levitz, 393 East 58
FLA. 33157.
Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11203..

( Channel 9) will
take note: WOR-TV
be re-running “Boris
Karloff Presents Thriller” that terrorseries
of a few years back, beginning September
COMEINPERSON - MON.-FRI. 11-4 SAT- 1-5 (Mail Order)
25th, Monday through Saturday at 1 1PM
and on Sunday afternoon at 1PM. In t Pin-Ups Portraits Press Books
addition to hosting each episode, Boris
also appeared in a few, along with such
Physique Poses 50 years of
luminaries as William Shatner, Ursula Scenes from Motion Pictures.
Andress, Rip Tom, and Long John
Carradine. Westerns Horror Musicals etc.
A company called Virgin Films will be
tensing their first eerie effort in RUSH 25C for our Brochure!
Yugoslavia this month. Described as a
medieval horror film, the flick, entitled
CASTLE X, will star the Bee Gees rock
212 East 14 th Street, NYC, Newark
group Maurice, Barry and
Robin Gibb) in straight dramatic roles.
VAULT OF HORROR will he paired The brothers will also be scoring all
incidental music for the film, which will
SCREAM. q/7 a double bill. be directed by Ridley Scott.

In response to your
many cards and letters,
here’s one of our wonderful

Everyone this side of STAR TREK Williamson. Flash Gordon’s greatest

knows about the world’s most fan. And stills? Like you wouldn’t
reknown sci-fi character, FLASH believe.
GORDON. Flash and And in case you’re worried that this
compadres— irasable Doc Zarkov. super Flash keepsake is fragile, forget
delightful Dale Ardeen and the ever it. This 80 page masterpiece is printed
despicable Ming The Merciless— have on super-heavy, super slick stock
made the scene just about everywhere. bound to last several lifetimes. The
Starting off as a comic strip, then
cover is illustrated in full-color by the
transferred to the serials, it even made
original Flash delineator. Alex
television and comic books. 01’ Flash
has sure been around, and now to
Raymond. And the cost? Fifteen
chronicle all those trials and dollars you say? Ten dollars? No, sir,

tribulations comes HERITAGE— this book is available from the friendly

devoted to Flash and Flash alone. folk at The Monster Times for only
HERITAGE has just about S3.50 and 25 cents postage and
everything for the Flash freak, or even handling. So what are you waiting for?
the most casual reader. Is it comic
strips you want? Well, there’s Jeff
Jones and Mike Kaluta and Frank J
The Monster Times. 11 West 17 Street,

Brunner to name a few. Is it an article I Dept H.. New York. N.Y.10011

that you desire? You won’t find a I Dear Monster Times,
better one than "Flash Gordon— Super Please rocket me copies of
Serial" by TMT’s own Al Asherman. the all-Flash Gordon HERITAGE.
They don’t come more informative I Enclose $3.50 plus 25 cents postage
than this, people. Are portfolios your |
and handling for each copy. A total of
$3.75 ... a bargain!
bag? Will Gray Morrow and Kenneth
Smith contributions fill the bill. Not
to mention illustrations by Fritz
Frazetta and Reed Crandall. And if it’s I Address
an interview you demand, don’t go
way. Heritage has a long, free-wheeling City
discussion with Mr. Buster
Crabbe—“Flash in the flesh”, if you | State Z.P
Q. How do you raise a baby monster?
will— conducted by none other than Al 1
A. With a hydraulic lift.
page 26 The Monster Times

everyone selects Classic Illustrated rather

than the real book, nor does everyone
tend to read as superficially as does
Asherman. There are only a few pictures
because they are supplementary
illustrations. I can’t believe that anyone
could use subjective idiosyncrasy like this
to condemn a book. If you want pictures
then read Clarcns’ book but don’t knock
a book because it didn’t have enough
“cool pix” for you. Asherman’s
over-reliance on pictures is shown
throughout the review in his
generalizations and lack of concrete
comment and particularly in his comment
on the Karlof f-Mummy picture.
Asherman inaccurately quotes the picture
of Karloff as Im-Ho-Tep as “the first
Karis." The real line is “the original
Karis.” If Asherman had read the book he
would have noted that Douglas does not
mean that Karloff played Karis, but that
he originated the role which became
popular under the name of Karis. This is
just another example of the shoddy
research which runs throughout the
criticism by Asherman.
I will agree Asherman
with that the

HORRORS!!! book does have important failings. For

example Douglas in his section describing
the Phantom of the Opera admits that he
Dear Sirs:
never saw the Lon Chaney version. This is
I do not expect you to print this
inexcusable. How can he write about a
letter, but I would appreciate it if
film character if he never saw the
someone could put it in front of Allan
definitive version of the film. This is the
Asherman. A little constructive criticism
kind of comment which Asherman should
always helps.
have brought out rather than asking for
In reference to the Allan Asherman
pictures in a book never designed to carry
book review of Drake Douglas’ book, it
had to be the greatest rip-off that your
magazine has ever pulled. It exhibited
The understatement of the review is
where Asherman writes, “Some attempt
many of the mistakes which your
reviewer found so distasteful and in
ismade at giving the background of the
monster films.” Asherman-three fourths
general showed an inexcusable critical
of the book deals with this and it is the
misunderstanding of the book. After
avowed purpose of the author to do this.
reading this review 1 had the terrible
I’m sorry that you found it boring (this
feeling that I had actually read a different
brief interlude that is) but it did compose
book. There is some concrete evidence
the majority of the book and was the
for this, I have read two editions of the
purpose for its being written.
Douglas book; a MacMillan hardback
Never does Asherman come up with professionals the field were always
($6.95) and a Collier paperback ($1.50). in

The name of my edition is Horror! and

not Horrors, neither have I ever found
any reference to an English edition. I
would suggest at this point that perhaps
any standards for criticizing the book,
rather intent to ramble around on his
own personal
After PHASE 1
hard-pressed to toe the
collective mouth and generally
from rocking the boat.
And that's what's disappointing
line, shut their

the entire work he says
that it is not for
you own a pirated and possibly corrupt Published by John Carbonare; Sal PHASE magazine. It was billed from its
people who “really dig the monster
edition of a very excellent book. Quartuccie, Editor; Jim Ciccdella,
world.” I dig the monster world and I very inception almost three years ago as
The review seems to be a rushed-out Associate Publisher; Doug Faley,
resent your intolerant and prejudiced the magazine that would break from the
product of the American horror-cycle
approach to that world. The book does Associate Editor. mold, disregard the old
sparked by THE MONSTER TIMES. You traditional
hold an important place on my bookshelf restrictions, and in short, "see what the
say that Douglas set out to write a
because it is a serious study of a field
detailed history of the horror film, but he AAoguls of the comic industry are people in the comic art business really
until recently controlled by nostalgia fans
never claims this in the book itself. The quick to point out that comic books like to do." If this is the professional's

book is a literary study with some and children. I don’t want to go into a
labor under a code of conduct stricter best, then one has to feel a profound
mention of the films the writings have
sermon on the values and academic
nature of the field, but please believe me than the one governing the production of amount of pity for them. Not only did
inspired. My advertising copy calls it, “A
that it is not all comic book heroes and "Little Golden Books." What they aren't they not do what they wanted, in most
hair-raising history of the great monsters
watching a film for the ,000th time and so eager to point out, however, is that cases they produced exactly what they
of literature and legend-and the horror

saying “WOW.” Do me a favor Mr. they've done precious little to change this churn out for the comic books. If not for
movies they have inspired, from the
Asherman, next time read the book and code, circumvent its influence, or even the unique creative efforts of Neal
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari to the shock films
then review it intelligently. This review labor creatively within restrictions. Adams, Steve Skeates, Denny O'Neil and
of the 60’s”. Although he misunderstood its

the intent of the book (relying instead on

insulted my intelligence and my hobby.
Since the imposition of the Comics Code Tom Sutton, PHASE would have been a
Bill Fine
the cover blurb) Asherman “being a in 1954, the types of material comic failure. With their work, the book rates as
Munster, Indiana 46321
determined man” didn’t let this stop him books have covered is shamefully low, an item that must be obtained, if for no
from writing about the book. Sadly, the and almost as exciting as a "Little Golden other reason than to see the new
subsequent r’.view emphasizes all the Book." For many reasons— mainly dimensions these men are lending to
qualities of good second grade book
If there is one thing that bothers editors financial— the comic industry has relied comic art.
report. Ashern ' seems to equate a good
more than anything else in the whole on a boorish combination of antiseptic Without a doubt, the most impressive
film/literary cn .cism with the number of world, it’s letters that start with, “1 know violence, plodding, tiresome adventure story in the book is an eight page strip by
dates and pictures given. He forgets that you won’t print this," or “I dare you to
and hygienic romance. The working Neal Adams. Adams is a most talented
in literary studies there are rarely single print this.” It’s most annoying, and most
dates for anything and that the
man ( some of his stellar work can be seen
of these letters don’t merit printing
impression of period study is always given in TMT 4 and 11). a man who is always at
anyway. The singular reason that we TMTs Frank Brunner chipped in with a strip
by phrases such as, “in the early thirties.” printed this one was to clarify our review. entitled the "Sword of Dragonus." with a story odds with the comic book establishment.
For some unexplained reason Asherman The book we reviewed was indeed written by Chuck Robinson. His work is technically excellent,

feels that specific dates are important entitled HORRORS and was indeed unusually saleable and simply a joy to
although they can be found in most published in England (by John Baker of behold. But his concepts of comic art are
television guides. London.) always in conflict with the money men
Amusingly, Asherman complains that As far as your comments disagreeing who bankroll the comic industry.
Douglas’ “knowledge” comes from such with Mr. Asherman’s, that is certainly Neal Adams was the artist on the
questionable methods as seeing the films. your opinion and we’re printing it here.
critically acclaimed GREEN
He also points out that his “somewhat But please, the next time you write us,
cockeyed” ideas about the films are LANTERN/GREEN ARROW comic
don’t pre-judge our letters editor. We’d
hardly valid. Interestingly, Asherman’s strip, yet his chronic lateness on art
appreciate it.
own about
ideas the films (although not deadlines eventually caused suspension of
cockeyed to him) were also developed by the title. You see, kiddies, if you miss a
watching the films. How do you explain deadline it costs the publishers extra
this double standard? 1 would like to Send us so many letters,
money, and no publisher wants to spend
know how else anyone could obtain postcards, boosts, detractions, extra money, especially comic publishers.
knowledge about this kind of film since bomb threats, etc., that the Post He also had the annoying habit of
the majority of the fans (like Asherman) Office will have to deliver our mail
changing Denny O'Neil's stories when he
are intent on keeping the study of horror with a bulldozer. Address all
thought it necessary. He got to be such a
films on the level of a pre-adolescent. correspondence to: THE
MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old gadfly to the moguls, that O'Neil was
“The real mistakes are in the fotos.”
Asherman. Oh come on! Mr. Chelsea Station, N.Y., 10011. forced to issue a memo reminding his
Asherman had better learn that not staff not to miss deadlines, and not to
The Monster Times page 27

change a writer's copy without

permission. (" . . There are pencilled

who take it upon themselves to changi

the copy without consulting the writers.
No! Absolutely not," he wrote in the
memo.) Just recently, Adams was taken
off two National comic strips for missing
more deadlines. The establishment likes
Adams' work, but they can't abide by his
bizarre working habits.
So it is not strange that a maverick like
Adams would flourish in the
do-your-thing format of PHASE
magazine. His story and art were superb,
much too controversial, much too
realistic for the comic books which
specialize in banality.
Entitled "A View from Without" it

relates the tale of an alien report

concerning existing conditions on earth.
Adams' comments here are piercing,
critically and vigorously opposed to
society's injustice, and taking the part of
the alien, he focuses on Vietnam. By a
unique combination of photographs and
comic art, Adams is able to involve the
reader in the horrors of Vietnam with
frightening reality. The story is so
intense, so opinionated, that one can't
expect to see a similar story in comic
books for years to come. When it's too

It might also interest you to know that

Adams was also several weeks late on the
deadline for "A View from Without.
The editors of Phase, Jim Ciccolella,
Doug Foley and Sal Quartuccio, had the
good judgment to wait for the story.
Creativity finally won one.
One of the other outstanding stories in
the book was written by Denny O'Neil

(he of the irate memo) and drawn by

Steve Skeates. Entitled "The Coming of
the Piranas" the story is illustrated in
almost childish fashion, and at first glance
looks especially foolish surrounded by all

those other slickly illustrated stories. Part

of the reason for the simplistic art is
because Skeates is not an artist by trade,
but a writer. For that reason alone the
story is not often two
interesting; it's

writers get to collaborate on a comic strip

without an artist. But the story is quite
effective. It concerns an unnamed hero
who awakes inexplicablyas a giant fish in
a tank and we further learn that all of our
protagonists have similarly been
converted to fish. The story has a
philosophical bent that is greatly
enhanced by the clever device of
transforming people into fish.
Tom Sutton's two-page piece called
called the "Comic Book Freak," which traces
"The Comic Book Freak" is handled in a the fictional adventures of a would-be comics
humorous manner that belies its serious creator named Melvin Mednik.
commentary on comic books. It seems
that one Melvin Mednik’s greatest desire of King Arthur and the Knights of the
is to work for comics for a living. Much Round Table by painter/cartoonist Ken
to his dismay he eventually breaks into Barr. Mr. Barr's cover work, as well as his
the industry, with quite discomforting interior work, is nicely done, but not
results. Its a subtly effective story, and really comic art. Both are oil paintings
does a good job in getting its point across and thus don't qualify, but they are
while entertaining the reader at the same artistically pleasing. The book 80 sports
time. That commodity has become pages, 15 comic strips, 12 full or double

increasingly rare in today's comic page spot drawings and two illustrated
industry. text stories. The price is $3 pier copy plus

The other stories in PHASE are nicely 20c postage from The Old Abandoned
delineated, highly competent, but Warehouse, P.O. Box 595, Old Chelsea
rehashes of stories we've all seen before. Station, N.Y. 10011

MONSTER TIMES contributing artists PHASE is not really what it claims to

Frank Brunner, Jeff Jones, Gray Morrow, be and not the magazine that contains
Mike Kaluta and Ernie Colon all turn in work by comic artists doing their own
nicely done jobs. Stories by comic writers thing. It is, however, an interesting
Wein, Wolfman, Conway (all TMT publication that should be read by
people) and others are less than exciting. anyone at all interested in comic art.

Generally, PHASE is we 1
-packaged. PHASE may well develop further in the
It's printed on heavy, slick white stock future, but depends mainly on the

which lends a bit of permanence to the professionals to free themselves from the
works inside. Comic strips have had to fetters that have inhibited their creative
live their whole "lives" on cheap ability. PHASE has proven it is ready to
newspaper stock, and occasionally it is break the traditional mold. All it needs is
nice to see comic art on decent paper. It some talent capable of doing likewise
also sports a full color, wrap-around cover —Joe Bran^ateili

page 28 The Monster Times

awe and
your sense

For mood and tone and
THE OLD ABANDONED WAREHOUSE is here! Now you can Some of the items are for older fan enthusiasts, and some
colors and details are re-

anatomy and stark por- produced magnificently, order rare and hard-to-get books about monsters, comics, ask you to state age when purchasing. Don’t be put off by

traits of wonder, Frazetta Breathtaking to see and pulps, fantasy and assorted betwitching black sundries, the formality, the pulsating Post Office isn’t.

s the master! Each poster

A. WEREWOLF (cover
tainting for CREEPY 4).
against an
orange moon is the raven-
rig beast of our night-
mares, about to pounce
on the victim who has un-
fortunately discovered
turn! $2.50

B. SKIN DIVER (cover

painting for EERIE 3).
There is the treasure
> nest, spilling its riches LUGOSI. FANTASTIC.
into the ocean depth in Alan Barbour, ed. $4.00 Alan Barbour, ed. $4.00
which the awed skin-diver The world’s favorite Boris Karloff was the A JOB FOR SUPERMAN.
has discovered it. But Dracuia is seen in a book- magni.icent master of dis- Kirk Alyn $5.00
iriginal guise and menace. You
There is a series i..
what is that fearful, mon- radio ful of photos of Bela The first actor ever to
volved here, and this is
strous thing rearing up program. Second, you Lugosi in his weirdest can see dozens and doz- play the part of Superman volume one. You can find
behind it? $2.50 SET. No get a Flight Comman- roles. Softcover twin vol- ens of photographs of his has written this memoir, few better descriptions of
de-coder badges from ume to the Karloff book. various roles in this 52 it is filledwith film-mak-
C. BREAK THE BARBAR- the Secret how comic books evolveq
the 1930‘s are selling Squadron. Excellent stills from the page all-photograph soft ing stories (how he caught
IAN VS. THE SORCERESS for S25.00 each (and And finally color (from newspaper strips
a great Lugosi horror films, cover book. Each photo is
fire while flying), good hu-
(cover painting for Paper- morel), we can offer reproduction raised full-page
and pulp adventure maga^
in and plenty of them. size (8'/ x 11)
? mor, and many, many zines),and there are huh-'
back Library paperback). this reproduction of cardboard of a Captain and is clear and vivid. A
52-pages. photographs. Fun reading,
Brak, with sword and authentic Capt. Midnight de-coder horror-film fan’s prize.
dreds of photos and
even for non-fi:m fans. illustrations. Nifty reading,
on horseback, looks up Midnight radio program badge! All three items
into murky skies to see giveaways! First, there make one set! great art — poster-sized
is it a vision of a woman? isa 45 rpm recording of 3.50 full-color cover by thf
Is that evil she seems to author.
convey? Or menace $2.50

(cover painting for Lancer
Toe to toe, Conan fights
with brute savagery, death nostalgia item today!
in every axe-stroke, against Here's a new, beautiful,
two full-color Flash Gordon
frost giants. The
scene is a blazingly white
decorated box! The VIRGIL FINLAY.
mountain top under an
ice-blue sky! Thorough
^n/atch face and display Donald M. Grant $12.00
drama! box illustration are by Beautiful hardcover
Gray Morrow! Are you
E. CONAN THE CON sorry you didn't have FRAZETTA.
C JEROR (cover painting the chance to buy a Vern Coriell, ed. $2.50
for Lancer paperback) 1930's Mickey Mouse It’s Frazetta —need we
Bursting like a fire- watch before they were say more?
storm into the midst of a worth $300.00? Well, A slim sketchbook which
hellish battle, Conan what are you waiting covers some of the freest
comes, astride his mad- for now! black and white linework
15.00 by this super-artist, Frank
dened charger, cleaving
his bloody way! The back-
lio -
HAL FOSTER'S Foster first four Frazetta. Each figure shows

ground is fire and death Iplilpr'* n and TARZAN (Vol. II). In Sunday page adventui detail, mass, strength, and
and savagery again, page after page the same large format episodes, 60 pages in drama. For collectors of
$ 2.50
that Finlay did for horror as the previously all. Available in very the best You must be
POSTERS $10.00
& sci-fi what Norman published TARZAN limited supply after 40 18 to buy this volume.'

photographs of
Rockwell did for The Sat- AND THE VIKINGS, years. A collector's rich State age when placing
(POSTERS ARE MAILED IN urday Evening Post. this book reprints Hal
STRONG CARDBOARD hundreds. The catalog
TUBES) cost $12.00 by mail
and was the official
admission to the
5LACKMARK. auction. See the props
P auctioned off from
ribution, this PRINCE VALIANT
rillia experir
s not available banner). Hush, Hush,
wide public. Now the SWEET CHARLOTTE
remaining stock has 20 CENTURY FOX (paintings), etc. A
been purchased and it is MEMORABILIA mostalgic trip of trips.
available here! Gil Kane CATOLOG. When one Dig item 470: "severed
has created more than a of the great Hollywood head from Sweet
comic book, because it studios auctioned its Charlotte!" What am I RADIO PREMIUMS
is ^ science-fiction props, posters, bid? ... 3.50 THE GREAT COMIC BOOK DARK DOMAIN. ILLUSTRATED. When TARZAN ILLUSTRATED
HEROES. Gray Morrow $4.00 your radio BOOK ONE.
novel. And it is more . favorite
HERO PULP INDEX. $5.00 A sketchbook of a comic adventure hero offered Hal Foster $5.00
than a novel, becuase of Jules Feiffer
Weinberg & McKinstiy, A frank and nostalgic art master featuring fan- you rings, or de-coders,
The first Tarzan ever to
spy-scopes, or appear in comics form
sword-and-sorcery ed $3.50 backward look at a child- tasy, science-fiction il'us- or
— Where did the Black hood of comic book read- trations and visual delights pedometers, the same was a drawn
daily strip by
artwork hundreds of
Hood appear before comic delights such as girls, offers were usually Hal Foster with the text of
panels of graphic ’
ing. And then adventure

* the Sunday the book printed beneath
d-ama! Originally did the long after (original) comic book monsters, swordsmen, and repeated in
and incredibly successful adventure showing us the girls! This volume is rec- comic sections. And each panel. Designed to
published at 75c, it is still low price of
book reproduces run for a few weeks, Tar-
available now at the 1.00 Shadow series begin? How complete origin stories ommended for serious this
long did Doc Savage run? of Batman, Superman, students of art, those big pictorial ads
illustra- zan has now been going
BIG LITTLE BOOK KIRBY UNLEASHED. The pulp magazines with and Green Lantern, and tion, science with all the original
fiction, fan- for forty years. But this

tasy, swordsmen monsters bounce! Dozens of ads! book contains the firs!
CATALOG. Here are all Jack Kirby is the comic continued adventure hero episodes in the careers of
the Big Little Books book artists' artist, and features are listed in this the Spirit, Flash, Hawk- —
and of girls but over Want to see the Kix
Atomic Bomb Ring
strips ever drawn, re-
printed in clear lines in a
published in the 1930's this book salutes his compact and efficient ref- man, and more! All in age 18.
and 1940's, alphabeti- years of creative genius erence book. beautiful color! Dynamite! wrap-around softcover
cally listed. How many in comic books. A Life 3.50
Flash Gordon titles' Magazine-sized book,
were there? Which films featuring dozens of
were put into BLB and some


form? An excellent pages blazing with
research and reference color! Kirby,
em and more Jack Kirby!
1.00 4.00 The proverbial Old Abandoned Warehouse house Enterprises presents the most AWEful, NOTE: Add 20< postage and handling per
AL WILLIAMSON ALL IN COLOR FOR which you've heard about in so many comics, AWE-inspiring AWEsome AWEtifacts AWEvail- item for orders totalling less than $20.00.
where the published A DIME. Paperback movies and pulp adventure and detective able at AWE-striking AWE-right prices! Indi- Make checks and money orders payable to:
edition of the expensive
work of this master novels is open for business. Abandoned Ware- cate which items you want ABANDONED WAREHOUSE
hardcover book! Many
a-tist has appeared,
whether comic book, writers share their
in —FRAZETTA FOLIO $2.50 (Stele age)
what comic books were S12.00 NAME-
like in the 1940's. They (A) WEREWOLF —HERO PULP INDEX S3.50
make this book both —DARK DOMAIN. S4.00 (State age)
beautiful and a bargain. and Harlan Ellison. 1.50 ICI BRAK THE BARBARIAN
1.00 —KIRBY UNLEASHED. $4.00
PENGUIN BOOK OF well-filled comic art — All five $10.00
COMICS. Hundreds and magazine featuring —FANTASTIC (KARLOFF). S4.00 —PENGUIN BOOK OF COMICS. $455
hundreds of comic strip color cover and a story _LUGOSI. S4.00 BLACKMARK, $1.00
samples (and comic by Ken Barr, a new and A JOB FOR SUPERMAN S5.00 CAPT. MIDNIGHT PREMIUM SET. S3.50
books, too), tracing the powerful story by Neal —HISTORY OF THE COMICS $3.00 —PHASE 1, $3.00
Adams, and excellent —TARZAN ILLUS BOOK 1 S5.00 FLASH GORDON WRIST WATCH. S15.00
itory-telling. Some work by Gray Morrow, —ALL IN COLOR FOR A DIME. S1.50 AMOUNT ENCLOSED-
color pages. Irresistable Jeff Jones. Berni MEMORABILIA CATALOG. S3.50 —TARZAN (VOL. Ill *7.00
for those who want to Wrightson, and many
see what it’s all about. others. Classy product.
4.95 ..." $3.1)0
! .

The Monster Tin* page 29

with it— at least until these

boozed-up jokers, obviously
incensed at the high price of
admission (and I can't say I really
blame them) decided to play some
mean monkeyshines on me. Instead
of tossing over lettuce, they hurled
over their last unused bottle, and it

hits me smack in the head. Furious,

I bellowed with rage until the
curtains were drawn on me before I
could make it curtains for them.
Lucky enough to escape my wrath
for now, they still could not leave
well enough alone and decided to
pay me a visit back stage. At first I
thought it might be autograph
hunters. No such luck. Wobbling
over to my cage) yes, cage! The
indignity of it!), they proceeded to
indoctrinate me in the ways of the
alcoholic. They referred to this here
stuff as rheumatism medicine. But I

know better. Actually, it tasted

pretty good. Maybe these weren’t
such bad fellas after all.
It wasn’t till a few minutes later
that I realized the folly of that last
statement. Annoyed with me for
supposedly having finished their
last bottle, one of these runts
proceeded to bum my index finger
with his cigarette lighter. And that’s
one thing he definitely shouldn’t
have done. Smashing through the
flimsy bars of my cage, I first
disposed of my newfound
“friends," and then made a
wreckage of the Golden Safari. It
was simply apocalyptic, the panic I
created . people desperately
moron capable of breaking wooden
. .

stepping over one another in their

beams with his cranium (big deal!)
haste to escape. Unfortunately, I
to Primo Camera, a most fatigued,
ex-heavyweight was also forced to deal severely
with several lions that had escaped
champion of the world. Like I said,
their confines during the ruckus.
no sweat at all. However, that
Finally, the police were called in,
Camera fella did get me riled. Said
Continued from page 5 my taste in music. and I was eventually carted off to
something about
I couldn’t let him get away with
While awaiting verdict as to
that, could I ? Still, that was
. .

compared with what whether or not I should be allowed

However, all I get is a couple of nothing
bananas and a couple of bars from transpired next. Oh! The indignity
to live (weep!), my master and Tex
arranged for my escape. Even
my favoritetune for the effort. of it all
O’Hara, trying to purge himself of
With me silenced, and the MAKING A MONKEY guilt, helped out. The plan was to
skullduggery complete, it’s off to OUT OF MIGHTY JOE secretly smuggle me out of the
New York we go on a journey that
It began innocuously enough country, and, with me hiding in the
was not without its historical
with this truly preposterous back of a huge track, we were
gimmick of O’Hara’s to dress me up comfortably on our way when we
Not quite receiving a ticker-tape
parade befitting the conquering as an organ grinder’s monkey and came upon the sight of this burning

beseech the audience to toss over to orphanage! All sweetness and light,
hero, I was instead shuttled off to
the swank Golden Safari nightclub the stage cash handouts which I my master decides we must stop
for my debut. The theater was could catch in a little cup. Now, I and help out, even if it means
jam-packed, I must admit. As for ask you, ain’t that a cute one? risking capture again. And, good
the audience, well, I guess they Somehow, I managed to put up guy that I am, I actively helpby
weren’t too bad considering how
foolish I seemed standing there,
holding up over my head a huge
platform upon which sat my master
playing a keyboard rendition of my
favorite song, Beautiful Dreamer!
However, with each successive
week, the indignities became
increasingly difficult to bear. For
instance, take this asinine
tug-of-war contest staged between
yours truly and a collection of ten
supposedly superior human
specimens. I cried mismatch, but
they wouldn’t listen. Even on my
worst days I could handle such a
task, with scarcely more than a
finger’s effort. What a group!
Ranging from Max the Iron Man, a
squat little dump of lard whose
feats of strength included bending a
tiny sliver of steel (big deal!) to
‘The Swedish Angel,’ a bald-headed
page 30 The Monster limes


Here I am striking a heroic pose, rescuing the last (finally!) tyke from the burning orphanage, but I must admit that experienced a bit of

who should be waiting for me down below? A welcoming committee? No, a gang of state troopers! confusion at this point, mean what with the

It's a sad daywhen an ape of my stature is bested by a common pig! flames around me and the cops below, but
fortunatelyall concluded happily.

that’s biological. I get to climb a

scaling the orphanage via a with the three of us back home in
six-story orphange (and a burning
convenient tree, and reaching in to Africa . myself, my master, and
. .
one at that), not the Empire State
rescue children from the flames. Tex. I told you he was looking at
Building why? Because it’s
Down I come now, the building in her kind of funny.
. .

already been done, and because,

the throes of destruction, and the
NICE APES FINISH LAST like I said before. I’m a good guy.
apparently last remaining child
securely in my grip when . . (here
Come to think of it, that’s right, I
So, there you have it: the
we go again!) a cry from above, and am a pretty good guy. Not
autobiography of a real patsy. I
everybody would have done what I
stillone more child left—a little girl guess the moral of this story is nice
has miraculously eluded my
did. So what if I didn’t get to climb
who guys finish last. Not that I’m
the Empire State Building. At least
20-20 vision. Does he or doesn't complaining, but let’s look at the
I didn’t get shot off either ....
he? I do and dam near kill myself facts. What sort of glamour did I
Thanks a lot, everybody, for
in the process, the tree tumbling receive? I fought lions instead of
letting me speak my piece. I feel a
down to the earth with the final dinosaurs ... why? Because the
lot better now, and think I’ll be
wreckage of the building. Still, I budget couldn’t afford it. I didn’t
returning home now before I
have managed to save myself and get to romance the girl why? . . .

“ inadvertently wreak anymore

the girl. But, now look out, the Because I’m too civilized.” I’m
damage to this pathetically fragile
police have caught up with us. even only 12’ tall, not 30’ (like you
little studio.
It all ends up happily though. know who) . . . why? Well, I guess

The Monster Times page 31


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