The Monster Times 16 Oct 18 1972
The Monster Times 16 Oct 18 1972
The Monster Times 16 Oct 18 1972
The World’s
of Horror,
DR. PHIBES RISES AGAIN, and also talks to the monster master himself.
A lively round-up of monsters in the news, in the ads, and wherever else they
We discovered to our boundless dismay 13 been creeping up of late plus info on two new European terror tours.
. . .
OUTTA SPACE J6 suitable for framing of the Big G’s official 1972 campaign poster.
Price, a preview of Price’s new film (DR. TMT TELETYPE TICKS ON:
Wnoroski’s Plant Monster expose, a lookat
24 More news,
horror history
scary scoops, and inside info about the stuff of which
is made from TMT’s Man-1 n-the-Vaults Bill Feret.
: Zer
THE MONSTER TIMES, No. 16, October 18. 1972 published by the Monster Times Publishing Company.
Inc., 11 West 17th Street. New York, N.Y. 10011. Subscriptions in U-S-A.: $6.00 for 13 issues, $10.00
for26 issues. Contributions are invited provided return postage is enclosed; however, no responsibility can
be accepted for unsolicited material. Entire contents copyrighted (c) 1972, by the Monster Times
Publishing Company, Inc. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from
the publisher. Subscriber chsige of address; give 8 weeks notice. Send an address imprint from recent
toeor.mmrtyl.o.W-lie.dd.oeed. Printed in U-S-A.
The Monster Times page 3
confessions of the Gill-Man from the CREATURE .-ROM THE BLACK LAGOON
(TMT b), the memoirs of GORGO (TMT 12). and the continuing grunts of discontent
fromGODZILLA. In keeping with this time-honored tradition of providing a medium
through which monsters may speak for themselves, we are proud to welcome to our pages
that griping gorilla. Mighty Joe Young. Mighty Joe (not to be confused with TMT
Joe Kane, who is not particularly young and anything but mighty) has a lot of complaints
he'd like to get off that hairy chest of his so, without further small-talk, here's
the big ape in the flesh to tell you "his" long-neglected side of the sad simian saga . . .
Here's another example of the lack of respect afforded me by the producers . . . they didn't even get my name right!
The "Great Joe Young" indeed! Why. there’s no poetry at all in a title like that!
with the weekend just around the when it counted. Here am taking a lucky
bend, when suddenly a series of punch from one of those neanderthals they
loud knocks was heard on the door pitted me against. You should have heard th<
My sweaty hands fumbled with
the knob for what seemed like
minutes. Then, just as I was on the
verge of finally opening up, our
impatient visitor beat me to the
punch. Bursting through, barely
managing to contain his missive
frame -within the confines of o. -
office, he muscled in and I timidly
looked up to confront lo and . . .
price for
it .. . Yet, I
having acquitted myself as
still lay claim
© Tormented,
goes wild!
admirably as possible under the
circumstances. Let me speak to ' steel bars!
your readers and you will then see
why." I was more than glad to Wrecks pal
oblige him with an interview. And night club!
here it is, the true story of Mighty
Joe Young.
© machine
Defies police
Rescues children
from the big blaze!
MIGHTY JOE REMEMBERS wasn’t such a gentleman not . . . lucky .... entrepreneurs, led by the wily Max
like that fiendishly idiotic cousin of Er, to continue, by the time of O’Hara (alias the wily Carl
I suppose that the most logical mine (no names mentioned) who her twentieth birthday, with her Denham ), they schemed to lasso me
place to begin is at the beginning. found out the penalty for trying to father now dead, our relationship up as part of some Wild West Show
So, that is where I shall begin ... I court a human woman, but still had become even stronger when a headed for N.Y.C. Fat chance. I
don’t really remember very much managed to achieve world-wide group of individuals appeared on sure did show them a trick or two. I
about my parents, except that on account of his the scene who threatened to keep don’t like to boast, but you should
have seen the shambles I made of
this dizzy set of cowboys. Finally,
forced to compromise, O’Hara
timidly pays us a visit at the ranch
with a few of his cohorts in
capitalistic crime. What a prize
Continued on page 29
page 6 The Monster Times
however, Indiana non-credit time-waster, but a real, You might have already heard
For as long as anyone can This year,
University student and professor honest-to-golden-rule college course about this course in PLAYBOY and
remember, kids have always hated
September. That's the dreaded Michael Uslan offers a pleasant that will be offered starting this PARADE magazines, but readers of
month that most schools reconvene change from the back-to-school semester. And to make things THE MONSTER TIMES will be
drudgery of History and English better, you can also get the course honored with the story straight
for the new school year. It's also
and all sorts of obscure by correspondence, and that has to from the horse's mouth i.e..
. . .
the time that your mother dresses
be a welcome relief from all these Prof. Uslan himself. Class is in
you up in those rotten Robert Hall Mathematics courses. For the first
"l-got-this-great-job-by-studying- session, gang, so get out your pens
"back-to-school-specials." It's time ever, Mr. Uslan and Indiana
bad University are offering a course in 200-hours-at-night" correspondence and notebooks, cause COMICS
generally just an all-around
month. comic books. It isn't a joke, or a courses. ARE GOOD LEARNIN'!
What makes this handsome volume the perfect today rank as an enlightening source of
comics textbook is not only Jules Feiffer's entertainment, as well as a bona-fide
excellent analysis of the medium but the American art form.
inclusive (count 'em) 120 pages of the choicest With this idea in mind, class begins
Golden Age stories reproduced in full color.
every Wednesday night. The atmosphere
Even non-fans find this a fascinating work.
is relaxed and devoid of pressure, as there
ten years. Because of this, printed been influenced by everyone from and writer of those comics, flew to misinformation or lack of information.
materials areout each week to
given Tarzan, Doc Savage, and The Phantom to Bloomington, Indiana to speak to the By bringing the great strides made in the
provide background information. Along Popeye the Sailor. class. The room was jammed with industry in the past few years to national
students and television cameras as Denny we hope the
with the two course text books, We switched the style of the class attention to fill in
Steranko’s History of Comics, and a when we started toying with the topic of gave a captivating talk and allowed for right information. The men behind the
choice between Jules Feifer’s Great "relevancyin comic books." Probably the questions and answers. The whole session books deserve the respectability they
Comic Book Heroes, or Dick Lupoff's All most "relevant" series to date is the wound up lasting nearly three hours. The have earned.
In Color For A Dime, the students are all Green Lantern/Green Arrow book following week was Marvel's turn for a Having just finished studying the
brought up to date. published by DC. Denny O'Neil, editor rebuttal, and Steve Engelhart, associate sociological and psychological effects and
Several earlier heroes are considered to have provided the basic inspiration for the most invincible superhero of them all. Superman. Doc Savage
with his Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic and Popeye with his super-strength are two of the Superman forerunners most frequently cited. This
is a 1934 magazine ad for the good Doc Savage.
The proverbial Old Abandoned Warehouse house Enterprises presents the most AWEful NOTE: Add 20r postage and handling per
which you've heard about in so many comics, AWE-inspiring AWEsome AWEtifacts AWEva.l item for orders totalling less than $20.00.
movies and pulp adventure and detective able at AWE-striking AWE-right prices! Indi Make checks and money orders payable to:
novels is open for business. Abandoned Ware- cate which items you want ABANDONED WAREHOUSE
page 9
The Republicans didn't show up in San Diego
for a convention, this year, but the comic fans
did. And the committee
convention (Mike
Towry, Richard Alf, Pam May. Donna McGary.
Bill Caron, Roger Freedman and Shel Dorf)
proudly point out that there was not one dollar
of I.T.T. money behind their three-day affair.
implications of comics, we are shortly to 1950's claimed that comic books cause
examine comic books as an art form, as was more in need of
juvenile delinquency,
literature, and as folklore. One of the help than the readers were.
highlights over the last few weeks was the The entire censorship scandal of the
showing of old 1940's super-hero serials 50's arose after some people became edgy
including Batman and Captain Marvel. about the large amount of blood-and-guts
horror comics on the stands. True, there
were some that were poorly done, overly
Clark (Superman) Kent demonstrates the art of
gory and gruesome, and sensationalistic, quick dothes-changing for the benefit of the
but there were far more that were novices at Indiana U.
masterpieces of the day-particularly
those of the EC group (whose only
publication today is MAD). Here men like
home beginning this summer. The man in
Already many colleges and high sr ools its vast potential, and I'm proud to be the
have written to me asking for h' > in trailblazer for it on the campus scene.
old-fashioned horror film loaded VINCENT PRICE introduced him to American theatre.
Opposite Helen Hayes in the Broadway
role as
the returning Phibes is sinister actor is not supposed to participate
cultural life of the community. Why not?
in the
thrills and chills.
cast atLondon’s Gate Theatre. He got it film funeral is noticeably lacking without gourmet cook, a lecturer and the only that. When I was doing THE FLY we had problems with American theatre is the only true in England and other parts of a power of evil.” Does he regard Monster
and a subsequent job as Prince Albert in him peering down at the remains and actor ever to serve on the White House several scenes in which we kept breaking pay is so small that actors are forced to Europe. In Hollywood, actors have been or Horror films as a special art form? “I
the play Victoria Regina which chuckling sinisterly. And his new found Art Committee. up. We finally shot the scenes from play film parts of lesser or no artistic made into freaks for the most part. An think my films are quite different from
page 12 The Monster Times
latter category are Peter Jeffery and John helps build dead , ^
Carter as the bumbling Scotland Yard
inspectors who
chase Phibes to Egypt and
somehow just miss him about ten times in
89 minutes. One scene has them stranded
in the desert 1,000 miles from civilization
asking each other for directions to Phibes’
secrethideout. They actually try to
match up the dunes around them with
the dunes on the map. It’s almost Laurel
it lying
What!? You say you’re a loyal
MONSTER TIMES reader but you
this ghastly
right away
. . . this
dragon minus his fiery breath'. But numbered among the most
wait . don’t panic, it’s not too
. .
erudite, discriminating Monster
late! We pledge to keep the fact Fans on this or any other
that you are not a member in planet . . . YOUtoo can stand tall
good standing of the MONSTER and unbowed whenever that cry
say, THE SLUDGE FROM UNDER THE art nouveau carefully researched by the TIMES SOCIETY a ferociously rings out, “Is There A Monster In
SEA or like that. made THE FLY that
I art director. In fact, Vincent Price may guarded secret providing you the House?”
had a monster in it and maybe the have brought to the scream screen the
HOUSE OF WAX, but most of my films, first cultured monster: A refined
the POE films for example, are gentleman who has a passion for painting,
Make me member in good standing of
psychological thrillers. Most of the great music and murder. Even murders are
his J
films in this genre are this psychological cultured. The first seven being right out I enclosing $2.00. Please rush me my
type. In Europe there is a cult of very of the pages of the Michaeiangelo Bible. official MT SOCIETY certificate, badge,
who go overboard for these Phibes is also a gourmet. Unfortunately I and membership card as cannot live I
arty people
another day without them. too wish to I
Poe films and I’ve read the reviews in he has no palate and is forced to sample |
be numbered among the most erudite,
French and English magazines and I those gourmet delicacies through a hatch I discriminating Monster Fans on this or
wonder if it’s the same film I made. They in his neck. But what the heck, culture is |
any other planet. am of sound mind I
consider these films to be very arty.” culture, even if it is a pain in the neck for and body and fully realize that during
I the Dark Ages would have been burned
some. Look forward to DR. PHIBES
If you have any interest in London. From April through
Telepathy, Precognition, October, Pan-Am is featuring 15
Clairvoyance, Extrasensory day Psychic Scene tours, which
Perception, Direct Spiritual include exploration of all the
Communication, Trance above-mentioned subjects,
Mediumship, The Ancient starting at $748 if you're leaving
Wisdom and Teachings of from New York. There is an
Astrology, Druidism, Palmistry, additional charge if you want to
The Newer Horizons of depart from another major
Unidentified Flying Objects, American city. The Winter
Deeper Researches into the Psychic Scene tour is an 8 day
Healing A/ts, Psychic excursion that runs from
Portraiture, Floral November through Mar l and
Glairsentience,any of the above, price here begins at $498.
or all of the above, then you Happy haunting . . . and don't
might be interested in Pan-Am's take any wooden psychic
"Psychic Scene" Tour of experiences.
A big hand for the little
lady. ButRonricos a rum.
GALLOP- Light and dry, smooth
but devastating. Often downed,
ING never bested. Not for 112 years.
You may remember (or you may
Ronrico. A rum
if you wanna be that way
about it) that when our Monster
$818— which
INFERNAL another
major chronicler of
the New York
News, comes word of still
fare, first-class
DANTE'S INFERNAL GUIDE of Austria. Holtzer, considered off every two weeks, but if you
TO YOUR SCHOOL is a by many to be the world's want to go, better hurry . . . the
light-hearted look at the rigors foremost ghost hunter, heads a last flight is scheduled to leave
of school life as seen from the motorcoach tour that includes New York on October 2.
authoritative side of the desk.
The text is by high school
teacher Frank Behrens, who uses
Gustave Dore's 19th Century
illustrations for Dante's Inferno
Each page
as chilling visual aids. 1 sjieud twenty** i years making mousin',
featuresa sentence of copy •t A roomful ol monsters!
matched by an appropriate Dore
illo and, while the idea wears
thin after a
pages, the
those TMT readers too and we've got to admit we wisr
the Damned. Published by
young to read PLAYBOY, as we had thought of it first. Oh
Simon and Schuster, the book
well as those who have already well, at least our distaff staffers
sells for $2.95 and will
outgrown it, it seems that Hugh don't have staples in their
doubtlessly be appreciated (the
Heffner harbors a liking for navels . . . although a few do
text, anyhow) more by teachers
monsters, too. This cartoon have electrodes attached to their
than by inmates . . . er, students.
appeared in the June '72 issue heads.
$ 0C C $
we've been around and that's the MONSTER TIMES . . . look at the list below!
* volume Dy comic
P } Mi Jim Steranko. This issue
, |1 covers the far-out heroes
jfmS of comics "Golden
A giant fan magazine
fully devoted to Flash
A9e '“ back in the
' r ‘Htw*
.Tr6 far-away '40's. Chapters
Gordon. Tremendous
artwork by comic book
on Blackhawk, Captain
giants Jeff Jones, Mike
Marvel and family,
Kaluta, Ken Smith,
Bulletman and many
Frank Brunner, Reed
us a special
chapter on The Spirit
Frazetta and many
and a never-before others. Interview with
BATMAN published Spirit story. A
385 pages of the dark Buster Crabbe, review of
bargain, and the the Flash Gordon Serial.
Crusader in color and wrap-around color cover
black and white. Forty Read TMT's review in
FICTION years of The Batman,
.$3.50 + 25$
FILM Denis Gifford's first
Denis Gifford's latest "pictureback" that immortals Bob Kane, Flash and the gang WORLD
book chronicling the covers the great monster Jerry Robinson, Neal 1
versus the evil hordes of Flash and his erstwhile
history and develop-
Q Ming, The Merciless. companions.
Arden and
all) . . . the others. Introduction by
<isil SUPERHEROES "-“jaw
Thrills and chills galore Doctor
in the film industry. ones. The book has E. Nelson Bridwell, (ji as Ming sets icy traps for Zarkov, plunge into the
Includes a list of over more photos than most writer and editor of the our intrepid trio. And surrealistic watery
500 sf films. A must for books around and Batman Newspaper you've never seen an ice depths of Mongo to find
t AUfOK^.
any sf movie collector. excellently written to strip. Hardcover with omr kingdom until you've exci tement and
TMT reviewed this make enjoyable for color dust-jacket seen one drawn by Alex adventure and
it full . . .
Dr. Kenneth Smith, the PORTFOLIO
master of fantasy
CHAPLIN Full-color cover houses
conjures up a nookful of
68 pages of Charlie this monsterously
Chaplin at his very best. beautiful collections of
fanciful stories written
and drawn to bring total ROGERS
enjoyment. See funny
from his early years to monsters, demons, A THOUSAND AND CALENDAR
his recent triumphant warlocks and a whole ONE DELIGHTS Massive, 380 page book Each month has its own
monsters, ugly Over 260 of those in color and black and poster-size illustration
return to America this mess of other gruesome stills
monsters, wistful
old favorite movies from white reprinting all the by a famed comic artist,
year, the book contains baddies. Not for the
many rare collector's faint of heart. $2.50 . .
the 1940's. Text by classic Buck Rogers plus a biographic
and excellent, Alan G. Barbour, the newspaper strips. The paragraph on each hero
down-right monsterous
stills + 25 $ postage.
perceptive text. Special foremost expert on comic character
first sf illustrated. Calendar
monsters. . . $3 + 25 $ films of the 40's. 300 a marvel even comes with giant black
lude is Still
postage. . . $1. pages of humor, and forty years after his light color poster for a
mystery and the serials debut. Color interiors And drawn by
PHANTASMAGORIA 2 E.C. HORROR old ads and editorials
all in one book. . . S3.95 and dustjacket. . . $7.95
Steranko. .
. $3 + 25$
Tne second volume of COMICS OF THE '50'S plus artist biographies.
Comic greats like Al
+ 50$ postage. + $1.00 postage. postage.
Ken Smith's love affair Beautiful, 208 page
with the creepy and the book in full-color, giant Williamson, Frank
10" by 14" Frazetta. Wally Wood.
between the full-color .# Twenty-four
Horror classics of horror
E.C. Jack
Davis and many
sf/fantasy stories in the and gore all in one book. . . .$19.95 + $1.00
postage. Crimefighters finally
E.C. tradition an Also included are all the
massive portfolio
THE MAKING OF take up cape and cowl to adventures of America's
STAR TREK DAYS OF THRILLS fight social injustice in most tamed comic team.
sailor and spinach The This time the Green
Over 400 pages of inside AND ADVENTURE connoisseur in three of
America. Green
information on the Monster-sized softcover Lantern theand Green Crusaders take on a
his earliest stories. Manson
lost-but still loved— sf book covering the movie Arrow take them all on: Charlie type
Including the Jeep,
show, STAR TREK. serials from Ace the corrupt landlords, lunatic and inspire a
Written by Star Trek's
Olive Oyl, Sweepea, poverty, injustice, crime tribe of Indians to rebel
Drummond to Zorro. Grandpa Popeye,
m Roddenbery,
biographies, show
Written by film expert
Alan G. Barbour and
and all the others in
the Sea-Witch
in the streets. Join them
on their search for the
real America aided by
against their oppressors
cents + 25$
loaded with stills and rib-tickling high-sea
, synopses and other Denny O'Neil stories
rare serial shots from the Hardcover
adventures. and Neal Adams
pages Trek of Star 30's and 40's. .$3.95 +
material. .. $1.25 +
$7.95 + 50$
50$ postage. World's most famous postage.
25 £ postage.
Exciting new book by
famed sf writer, Philip
Jose Farmer. Farmer, a P.O. Box 595, Old Chelsea
long time ERB fan,
startlingly proves the
existence of Tarzan.
Where do you go to get the latest and
the newest of the nefarious titles now
superheroes now in his — HISTORY OF COMICS CALENDAR S3.00 & 250 — MOVIE MONSTERS S2.50 & 50
own fabulous 385 page — TARZAN ALIVE SS.9S & 500 — SCIENCE FICTION FILM & 500 S2.S0
Berni Wrightson, the color and black and — FLASH GOROON-INTO THE WATER WORLD S — CHAPLIN S1.00
baneful one, produces white book. Classic — FLASH GORDON IN THE ICE KINGDOM S12.95 —DAYS OF THRILLS AND ADVENTURE S3.95 5 50 0
stomach churning cartoons from all of —A THOUSAND AND ONE DELIGHTS S3S5 & 500 CITY
masterpieces guaranteed Supie’s eras. Art by the
to chill the soul. originator of Superman
Beautifully done color and many others. Also a
— POPEYE & 500
E.C. '50's S19.9S & Sl.00
— SUPERMAN & S7.95 SI. 00
Superman checklist.
— PHANTASMAGORIA S3.00 & II 25 — BATMAN & S7.95 $1.00
review in TMT
6. . . $5 + . . . $7.95 + '$1.00 AMOUNT ENCLOSED _
25$ postage. postage.
The Monster Times page 1 5
even the most loyal, trusting, and mouths . . . needless to say a politician’s
dream! Oh yes, I’m also considering
believing of the Green Beast's fans. It
Woody Allen.
seems that GODZILLA (GOD to
TIME: Politically speaking, arc you a
you) will be adding yet another
righ t -winger or a left-winger ?
element of horror to a 1972 GODZILLA: Unlike most politicians.
presidential race that has already I’ve never been able to fly on just one wing.
exhibited more than its fair share of
TIME: As President what would be ,
same. That's right. His Majesty the some of the first things you 'd do ?
Beast has announced his candidacy GODZILLA: First, I’d give Mary Tyler
for the thankless post of President of Moore an Emmy award. don’t think Jean I
America when a candidate as discuss some of mv innovative ideas in this GODZILLA: Certainly not! I have no
knowledgeable, as well-informed as week’s column, but campaign duties desire to place myself upon a “throne,” a
Godzilla, this King of all monster, should elsewhere demand my attention. Instead, pedestal of indifference and false virtues.
lose valuable votes simply because he made appearing below is an interview conducted You can call me God.
a few moving pictures.” “I think it’s just by TIME magazine last week that may give
great,” remarked Hubert Humphrey, you the necessary insight into my plans for TIME: Yes, well ... Mr. Godzilla, how
interviewed three days ago at home with America. With your unyielding support do you feel about all the attention given to
his wifeand family. “It’s important that a and faith, we can pull it off . together
. . your Japanese origins? Do you think your
candidate appear forceful. I don’t think we can transform GODZILLA, FORMER enemies will keep you out of the White
the— how shall I say—
psychological KING OF THE MONSTERS into House on this technicality? Some of Godzilla's myriad legions of loyal fans
deterrent of Godzilla’s Japanese origin GODZILLA. PRESENT PRESIDENT OF gather to demonstrate their support.
GODZILLA: I have an announcement Unfortunately, most of them are a bit too
should'Sffect the final decision. By golly, THE PEOPLE!
to make that has been a well-kept secret for young to cast their vote for the Great Queen
he’s got my vote!” Other political figures
nearly twenty years now. I am not a
were asked to comment on my untimely
Japanese citizen. I was born in the
and unexpected candidacy. “I can’t say I
Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn, just two life,but larger than TIME as well.
approve of some five-hundred-foot tall
blocks north of Bay Parkway. Well, aroused readers, before I bring this
fire-breather pussyfooting around this here
TIME: Why . . . I . . . Ladies and week’s column to its dose. I’d like to thank
Gentlemen...! don’t know what to all the great people who took the time to
Godzilla directs s say . . .
drop me a line! Don’t despair, kids ;
party candidate King Kong, who'll b GODZILLA photos are in the works, so
quite a story. it’s
the very same election under the banner of MLF keep those cards and letters coming in.
Back in ’54 I found working very difficult
(Monster Liberation Front). Stay tuned to this
and getting a job nearly impossible. Over Next ish I’ll be back to my usual self with
page next time for further fantastic developments!
the summer I would entertain some of the some never-before revealed facts about
cotton-candy natives of Coney Island with Minya (the SON OF GODZILLA), plus a
“fireworks” every Tuesday and Thursday complete filmography of the one and only
evenings, but the job didn’t pay well and I GHIDRAH, THE THREE HEADED
literally grew out of my childhood MONSTER. So, until next time, remember
fascinations for “The Cyclone” and my memorable motto: BE IT EVER SO
“Parachute Jump” kiddie rides. I decided HUMBLE, THERE'S NO KING LIKE
to try my claw in motion pictures and GODZILLA!
stomped my way to California.
But—wouldn’t you know it— those fickle Until next time, -r ^
producers of the time were content with
Mr. Ray Whosaharrv’s dynamation
dummies. So I boarded the slow boat to
Japan, turned east at the Fuji Islands and
the rest is history.
TIME (Flabbergasted): c/o
. . .
are the
STARE! that
Fangs go to Ed Naha, who, in his
American International has put
together 97 minutes of film which brims
with unrealized potent' .1 and hovers
precipitously between black
comedy and
bad melodrama. Robert Quarry appears orphanage worker, Cynthia Nelson (Phillip Frame), Yorga turns them loose
for the second time as the modern day on Cynthia's family. Late one evening the
(Mariette Hartly), his wife. Bitten by the
un-dead Yorga, a dashing and at times love bug, the Count goes all-out to win Nelson family is wiped out in an orgy of
delightfully sarcastic vampire. The bloodshed and Cynthia is carried off to
the affections of his intended. Appearing
character of Yorga could easily assume Yorga's home where she is hypnotized.
at a fund-raising costume ball in a
classic stature in the horror genre if Believing herself to be the victim of a
come-as-you-are outfit, Yorga trades
handled adequately, but, unfortunately, quips with some of the guests. "Do you rather minor car accident, she consents to
the screenplay by Bob Kelljar and like this kind of music?" asks a stay at Yorga's manor until she has
Yvonne Wiler keeps the Count's role mopheaded young pianist. "Only when recovered. one to find a vampire yells his behind
down to a snickering stereotype. ;t's played well," deadpans the Count. The morning after the massacre, a off." When confronted by a dozen or so
After setting his horde of female deaf-mute orphanage worker finds the bloodthirsty female vampires it is Lt.
vampires on a young orphan. Tommy grisly remains of the Nelsons and Madden who utters the famous "I'd like
discovers little Tommy sitting amidst the to inform of you of your rights ..."
carnage. By the time the police arrive, the The character of Yorga is painfully
stylish vampire seeks to make a local
bodies are nowhere to be found. Tommy inconsistent. At times, he shines with
won’t talk, and Jennifer would like to, brittle humor, while in some scenes he is
One of Yoiga's many minions of the
but obviously can't. reduced to a shadow of Bela Lugosi on a
female variety bares her fangs as the Count
looks on nervously in a scene from THE bad night. Yorga's method of attack for
RETURN OF COUNT YORGA, yet ...THE WHOLE TOOTH... instance (a modified goose-step ) is
another biting modem variation on the old anything but hair-raising, arousing more
vampire legend. If the film has any point at
A note found in the living room
indicates that the entire Nelson family chuckles than chills.
all, American- International moguls are
keeping it under their hat. has left abruptly to visit a relative.
Suspecting foul play. Dr. David Baldwin
(Roger Perry), Cynthia's fiance, decides TOOTH . . .
to believe Jennifer's story of the mass The film overlooks many potentially
murder and begins to investigate frightening characterizations (such as
vampirism on his own. After consulting mini-vampire Tommy in favor of
George Macready as expert demonologist shoddier and more obvious ones such as
Prof. Rightstat in a scene that makes the the superfluous Brudah and the disfigured
classic Leo Gorcey-Huntz Hall dialogues girl ghouls. The supposedly grotesquely
look intelligent. Dr. Baldwin drags police scarred countenances of the
to Yorga's manor to investigate. By this aforementioned group are superb
time Yorga and his badly scarred, dumb examples of inferior make-up artistry and
(vocally) and generally mongoloid succeed only in making the undcad
assistant Brudah (Edward Walsh) have resemble terminal acne cases.
decided to make Cynthia a vampire. Robert Quarry, in the title role-, seems
Needless to say, there are several utterly confused, never quite knowing
harrowing confrontations and plot how to come on; as a Shakespearean
turnabouts before Cynthia's "moment of villain or Don Rickies. Needless to say, a
tooth" arrives. combination of the two is impossible. All
very disappointing film because it's not nothing more than an amiable diversion.
all bad. In fact, there are some genuinely Yorga may indeed develop into one of
funny scenes. The dialogue between the most popular characters of horror
police Lt. Madden (Rudy DeLuca) and since the old Universal heydays, but at
his men stalking Yorga is priceless. present, he most certainly lacks the bite
"Alright. I don't want any heroes. First of his predecessors.
The Monster Times page 19
page 20 The Monster Times
page 21
The MonsterTimes
DEPARTMENT Interviews, art, posters,
SPIDEY. Also: Monster Movie
tilled "
dft by our fiendish goryspondent
Bob Sheridan, was WOMAN EATER
Hapless spacewoman runs
which he tells us relates the story of a
into the lady-starved
arms (?) of plant monster in a scene from the sexually obsessed ten foot cactus. It all
ANGRY RED PLANET, but a helpful cohort sounds quite ridiculous, but then you
is on hand to hack the fresh vegetable into must admit those perverted plants can get
thousands of lit*' pieces. Unfortunately.
quite restless at times.
k those weren' jte only hacks involved in
this AIP production. Last and probably least, although
unpreviewed at this writing, is the new
comedy, sex, fantasy, science-fiction,
horror film from grade Z porno producer
Harry Novak.
His latest effort at least has the
intriguing title of PLEASE DON'T EAT
MY MOTHER, and from all indications it
tells the tale of a 28-year-old loser
completely dominated by his overbearing
mama. Unable to turn to girls for
companionship, he delves into gardening
and soon turns up with a pert but pesky
giant talking female plant named
Lulubelle. Easy to anger. Lulu is quick to
go on sudden rampages, eating everything
in sight. It is only when the hungry Miss
by Jim Wnoroski Belle finally threatens the life of our
milquetoast's mother that the title’s
VOODOO ISLAND. of nonsense came during a scene where a not stimulate your scientific curiosity.
1956 British outing, THE CREEPING brilliant horror films from that or any
not every film that features
UNKNOWN, which was first presented as other country.
scantily clad native girl ( aren't they all?) Who knows, they might have even
woman-eating plant monsters tails victim to a giant but semi-arthritic unwittingly made a sequel to Corman’s
and actors who turn into a television play then later filmed as a In fact, if any land should feel
movie with Brian Donlevy
artichoke. Obviously not up on Amy LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. And
. zombies ... at least we in the lead role ashamed about how they’ve treated the Vanderbilt’s rule of table etiquette, this that’s something we’d all like to see!!
have that much to be as the indomitable Professor Qualermass. greenhouse for lunch bunch, it’s us right
k 'A thankful for. escapee from the funny “farm” was not In conclusion, we’d have to say that
Though not a plant in the true sense of here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. One of our “
beyond swallowing the beautiful miss, unearthing ” any more plant films would
the word, the evolving monster bore an worst atrocities came late in the fifties
sarong and all. Upon observing the gory not only require a green thumb, but a
uncanny resemblance to a head of lettuce when the late great Boris Karloff lowered
from beyond the stars. This super salad
sight, the unshakeable Mr. Karloff green body as well. We here aren’t
himself to do a little ditty entitled
summed it all up when he uttered, planning to go' that far, but should there
was later followed up by a main meal VOODOO ISLAND. from the
“Perhaps we should have left this journey be any jolly "HO-HO-HO" giants among
titled ENEMY FROM SPACE with budget that ran out the day before
to the unknown up to the experts. ” He you who would like to keep “digging ” I
Donlevy again in the title role, and then shooting commenced and monster suits
was never so thoroughly correct! believe I’ve planted the seed, the rest is
years later we finally got our dessert in seemingly purchased at a Halloween
FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH One of our mystery plant titles. up to you ... so get growing. g
costume fire sale, the most ridiculous bit
with Hammer’s Andrew Kier taking over
V as Quatermass for the ailing Donlevy.
have merely labeled the movie “trash for Other important “goo” monsters from
trash’s sake.”But no matter what side 1
shooting shortly. One of the Zenith's "even-a-man-who-is-pure-of-heart, and the GOLDFINGER to be shown on
first, Bathory, who was described as a real
future projects is SOMETHING says-his-prayers-at-night, September 17th. That'll be quite a counterpart of Dracula living in 17th
WAITING with Miss Strasberg again may-become-a-(guessP), Bond-anza. Century Hungary. A film released this
At Brodax at
beauty by bathing
and that at one time she had some 200
slaughtered in one evening. They were
in the blood of virgins,
Sept. 1-4
30th World SF Con Inter. Hotel
of the year with most
PO Box 1
Los Angeles, Cal. vention of writers in attendance
Santa Monica, Cal. and movies.
Those irrepressible Apes will be
FANTASY FILM FANS CON 72 hours of fantasy returning to the screen again, hot on the
Nov. 24-26 PO Box 74866 AMBASSADOR HOTEL $15 at door films,Ray Bradbury,
Los Angeles, Cal. S8 9/4 heels of their recent CONQUEST OF
Los Angeles, Cal. til
DC Fontanaj Bob Bloch
Creation '72 Statler Hilton S3 advance
Triple Fan Fair and Combined comic and down not for more than a few
. . .
Star Trek Con Detroit Hilton Star Trek Con. months at a time anyway.
Oct. 19-22 $4 at the door
14845 Anne Detroit, Michigan Guests from both fields, dealers.
Allen Park, Mich. 48101 SF, and horror movies, cartoons. James H. Nicholson, formerly with
AIP, now president of Academy Pictures
Corp., is off to London to scout location
TThe CON-CALENDAR is a special exclusive Detractors of such events put them down by or you wish to see classic horror and science
if sites for his first independent venture
feature of THE MONSTER TIMES. Across this saying that they're just a bunch of cartoonists fiction films, or meet the stars of old time HELL HOUSE, the story of an
great ours are quaint and curious
land of and science fiction writers and comic book movie serials, or today's top comic book artist
undaunted haunted House. Master author
gatherings of quaintly curious zealots. The publishers talking, and signing autographs for and writers— or if you just want to meet other
Richard Matheson will be writing the
gatherings called "conventions," and the fans who, like maniacs, spend sums on monster or comics science fiction freaks, like
zealots, called "fans," deserve the attention of out-of-date comics, science fiction pulps, and yourself, and learn you're not alone in the screenplay from his own novel, which will
fans and non-fans alike, hence this trail-blazing monster movie stills. But that's just the reason world. OR if you want to meet the affable contain elements of science-fiction as well
reader-service. for going. If you want a couple of glossy demented lunatics who bring out THE as the super-duper-natural.
To those readers who've never been to one of pictures of Dracula or King Kong, or a 1943 MONSTER TIMES, go ahead and visit one of
these hair-brained affairs, we recommend it. copy of Airboy Comics (God alone knows why) those conventions. vVe dare ya!
The Monster Times
If you collect comics, you must read
ads from fans & collectors from all The Cinema Attic Department'LA
year will be TIME OF THE WORLD’S
over the country offering thousands P.O. Box 7772 Phila., Pa. 19101
END. It'll have some location shooting in of comics for sale & trade, and you
can use it to sell & trade too. If you
are looking for back issues, this is the
DEADLY BEES heroine, Suzanna place. Each issue (which runs about
( Channel 9) will
take note: WOR-TV
be re-running “Boris
Karloff Presents Thriller” that terrorseries
of a few years back, beginning September
COMEINPERSON - MON.-FRI. 11-4 SAT- 1-5 (Mail Order)
25th, Monday through Saturday at 1 1PM
and on Sunday afternoon at 1PM. In t Pin-Ups Portraits Press Books
addition to hosting each episode, Boris
also appeared in a few, along with such
Physique Poses 50 years of
luminaries as William Shatner, Ursula Scenes from Motion Pictures.
Andress, Rip Tom, and Long John
Carradine. Westerns Horror Musicals etc.
A company called Virgin Films will be
tensing their first eerie effort in RUSH 25C for our Brochure!
Yugoslavia this month. Described as a
medieval horror film, the flick, entitled
CASTLE X, will star the Bee Gees rock
212 East 14 th Street, NYC, Newark
group Maurice, Barry and
Robin Gibb) in straight dramatic roles.
VAULT OF HORROR will he paired The brothers will also be scoring all
incidental music for the film, which will
SCREAM. q/7 a double bill. be directed by Ridley Scott.
In response to your
many cards and letters,
here’s one of our wonderful
the entire work he says
that it is not for
you own a pirated and possibly corrupt Published by John Carbonare; Sal PHASE magazine. It was billed from its
people who “really dig the monster
edition of a very excellent book. Quartuccie, Editor; Jim Ciccdella,
world.” I dig the monster world and I very inception almost three years ago as
The review seems to be a rushed-out Associate Publisher; Doug Faley,
resent your intolerant and prejudiced the magazine that would break from the
product of the American horror-cycle
approach to that world. The book does Associate Editor. mold, disregard the old
sparked by THE MONSTER TIMES. You traditional
hold an important place on my bookshelf restrictions, and in short, "see what the
say that Douglas set out to write a
because it is a serious study of a field
detailed history of the horror film, but he AAoguls of the comic industry are people in the comic art business really
until recently controlled by nostalgia fans
never claims this in the book itself. The quick to point out that comic books like to do." If this is the professional's
book is a literary study with some and children. I don’t want to go into a
labor under a code of conduct stricter best, then one has to feel a profound
mention of the films the writings have
sermon on the values and academic
nature of the field, but please believe me than the one governing the production of amount of pity for them. Not only did
inspired. My advertising copy calls it, “A
that it is not all comic book heroes and "Little Golden Books." What they aren't they not do what they wanted, in most
hair-raising history of the great monsters
watching a film for the ,000th time and so eager to point out, however, is that cases they produced exactly what they
of literature and legend-and the horror
saying “WOW.” Do me a favor Mr. they've done precious little to change this churn out for the comic books. If not for
movies they have inspired, from the
Asherman, next time read the book and code, circumvent its influence, or even the unique creative efforts of Neal
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari to the shock films
then review it intelligently. This review labor creatively within restrictions. Adams, Steve Skeates, Denny O'Neil and
of the 60’s”. Although he misunderstood its
feels that specific dates are important entitled HORRORS and was indeed unusually saleable and simply a joy to
although they can be found in most published in England (by John Baker of behold. But his concepts of comic art are
television guides. London.) always in conflict with the money men
Amusingly, Asherman complains that As far as your comments disagreeing who bankroll the comic industry.
Douglas’ “knowledge” comes from such with Mr. Asherman’s, that is certainly Neal Adams was the artist on the
questionable methods as seeing the films. your opinion and we’re printing it here.
critically acclaimed GREEN
He also points out that his “somewhat But please, the next time you write us,
cockeyed” ideas about the films are LANTERN/GREEN ARROW comic
don’t pre-judge our letters editor. We’d
hardly valid. Interestingly, Asherman’s strip, yet his chronic lateness on art
appreciate it.
own about
ideas the films (although not deadlines eventually caused suspension of
cockeyed to him) were also developed by the title. You see, kiddies, if you miss a
watching the films. How do you explain deadline it costs the publishers extra
this double standard? 1 would like to Send us so many letters,
money, and no publisher wants to spend
know how else anyone could obtain postcards, boosts, detractions, extra money, especially comic publishers.
knowledge about this kind of film since bomb threats, etc., that the Post He also had the annoying habit of
the majority of the fans (like Asherman) Office will have to deliver our mail
changing Denny O'Neil's stories when he
are intent on keeping the study of horror with a bulldozer. Address all
thought it necessary. He got to be such a
films on the level of a pre-adolescent. correspondence to: THE
MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old gadfly to the moguls, that O'Neil was
“The real mistakes are in the fotos.”
Asherman. Oh come on! Mr. Chelsea Station, N.Y., 10011. forced to issue a memo reminding his
Asherman had better learn that not staff not to miss deadlines, and not to
The Monster Times page 27
increasingly rare in today's comic page spot drawings and two illustrated
industry. text stories. The price is $3 pier copy plus
The other stories in PHASE are nicely 20c postage from The Old Abandoned
delineated, highly competent, but Warehouse, P.O. Box 595, Old Chelsea
rehashes of stories we've all seen before. Station, N.Y. 10011
Generally, PHASE is we 1
-packaged. PHASE may well develop further in the
It's printed on heavy, slick white stock future, but depends mainly on the
which lends a bit of permanence to the professionals to free themselves from the
works inside. Comic strips have had to fetters that have inhibited their creative
live their whole "lives" on cheap ability. PHASE has proven it is ready to
newspaper stock, and occasionally it is break the traditional mold. All it needs is
nice to see comic art on decent paper. It some talent capable of doing likewise
also sports a full color, wrap-around cover —Joe Bran^ateili
awe and
your sense
For mood and tone and
THE OLD ABANDONED WAREHOUSE is here! Now you can Some of the items are for older fan enthusiasts, and some
colors and details are re-
anatomy and stark por- produced magnificently, order rare and hard-to-get books about monsters, comics, ask you to state age when purchasing. Don’t be put off by
traits of wonder, Frazetta Breathtaking to see and pulps, fantasy and assorted betwitching black sundries, the formality, the pulsating Post Office isn’t.
A. WEREWOLF (cover
tainting for CREEPY 4).
against an
orange moon is the raven-
rig beast of our night-
mares, about to pounce
on the victim who has un-
fortunately discovered
turn! $2.50
(cover painting for Lancer
Toe to toe, Conan fights
with brute savagery, death nostalgia item today!
in every axe-stroke, against Here's a new, beautiful,
two full-color Flash Gordon
frost giants. The
scene is a blazingly white
decorated box! The VIRGIL FINLAY.
mountain top under an
ice-blue sky! Thorough
^n/atch face and display Donald M. Grant $12.00
drama! box illustration are by Beautiful hardcover
Gray Morrow! Are you
E. CONAN THE CON sorry you didn't have FRAZETTA.
C JEROR (cover painting the chance to buy a Vern Coriell, ed. $2.50
for Lancer paperback) 1930's Mickey Mouse It’s Frazetta —need we
Bursting like a fire- watch before they were say more?
storm into the midst of a worth $300.00? Well, A slim sketchbook which
hellish battle, Conan what are you waiting covers some of the freest
comes, astride his mad- for now! black and white linework
15.00 by this super-artist, Frank
dened charger, cleaving
his bloody way! The back-
lio -
HAL FOSTER'S Foster first four Frazetta. Each figure shows
ground is fire and death Iplilpr'* n and TARZAN (Vol. II). In Sunday page adventui detail, mass, strength, and
and savagery again, page after page the same large format episodes, 60 pages in drama. For collectors of
$ 2.50
that Finlay did for horror as the previously all. Available in very the best You must be
POSTERS $10.00
& sci-fi what Norman published TARZAN limited supply after 40 18 to buy this volume.'
photographs of
Rockwell did for The Sat- AND THE VIKINGS, years. A collector's rich State age when placing
(POSTERS ARE MAILED IN urday Evening Post. this book reprints Hal
STRONG CARDBOARD hundreds. The catalog
TUBES) cost $12.00 by mail
and was the official
admission to the
5LACKMARK. auction. See the props
P auctioned off from
ribution, this PRINCE VALIANT
rillia experir
s not available banner). Hush, Hush,
wide public. Now the SWEET CHARLOTTE
remaining stock has 20 CENTURY FOX (paintings), etc. A
been purchased and it is MEMORABILIA mostalgic trip of trips.
available here! Gil Kane CATOLOG. When one Dig item 470: "severed
has created more than a of the great Hollywood head from Sweet
comic book, because it studios auctioned its Charlotte!" What am I RADIO PREMIUMS
is ^ science-fiction props, posters, bid? ... 3.50 THE GREAT COMIC BOOK DARK DOMAIN. ILLUSTRATED. When TARZAN ILLUSTRATED
HEROES. Gray Morrow $4.00 your radio BOOK ONE.
novel. And it is more . favorite
HERO PULP INDEX. $5.00 A sketchbook of a comic adventure hero offered Hal Foster $5.00
than a novel, becuase of Jules Feiffer
Weinberg & McKinstiy, A frank and nostalgic art master featuring fan- you rings, or de-coders,
The first Tarzan ever to
spy-scopes, or appear in comics form
sword-and-sorcery ed $3.50 backward look at a child- tasy, science-fiction il'us- or
— Where did the Black hood of comic book read- trations and visual delights pedometers, the same was a drawn
daily strip by
artwork hundreds of
Hood appear before comic delights such as girls, offers were usually Hal Foster with the text of
panels of graphic ’
ing. And then adventure
* the Sunday the book printed beneath
d-ama! Originally did the long after (original) comic book monsters, swordsmen, and repeated in
and incredibly successful adventure showing us the girls! This volume is rec- comic sections. And each panel. Designed to
published at 75c, it is still low price of
book reproduces run for a few weeks, Tar-
available now at the 1.00 Shadow series begin? How complete origin stories ommended for serious this
long did Doc Savage run? of Batman, Superman, students of art, those big pictorial ads
illustra- zan has now been going
BIG LITTLE BOOK KIRBY UNLEASHED. The pulp magazines with and Green Lantern, and tion, science with all the original
fiction, fan- for forty years. But this
tasy, swordsmen monsters bounce! Dozens of ads! book contains the firs!
CATALOG. Here are all Jack Kirby is the comic continued adventure hero episodes in the careers of
the Big Little Books book artists' artist, and features are listed in this the Spirit, Flash, Hawk- —
and of girls but over Want to see the Kix
Atomic Bomb Ring
strips ever drawn, re-
printed in clear lines in a
published in the 1930's this book salutes his compact and efficient ref- man, and more! All in age 18.
and 1940's, alphabeti- years of creative genius erence book. beautiful color! Dynamite! wrap-around softcover
cally listed. How many in comic books. A Life 3.50
Flash Gordon titles' Magazine-sized book,
were there? Which films featuring dozens of
were put into BLB and some
beseech the audience to toss over to orphanage! All sweetness and light,
hero, I was instead shuttled off to
the swank Golden Safari nightclub the stage cash handouts which I my master decides we must stop
for my debut. The theater was could catch in a little cup. Now, I and help out, even if it means
jam-packed, I must admit. As for ask you, ain’t that a cute one? risking capture again. And, good
the audience, well, I guess they Somehow, I managed to put up guy that I am, I actively helpby
weren’t too bad considering how
foolish I seemed standing there,
holding up over my head a huge
platform upon which sat my master
playing a keyboard rendition of my
favorite song, Beautiful Dreamer!
However, with each successive
week, the indignities became
increasingly difficult to bear. For
instance, take this asinine
tug-of-war contest staged between
yours truly and a collection of ten
supposedly superior human
specimens. I cried mismatch, but
they wouldn’t listen. Even on my
worst days I could handle such a
task, with scarcely more than a
finger’s effort. What a group!
Ranging from Max the Iron Man, a
squat little dump of lard whose
feats of strength included bending a
tiny sliver of steel (big deal!) to
‘The Swedish Angel,’ a bald-headed
page 30 The Monster limes
Here I am striking a heroic pose, rescuing the last (finally!) tyke from the burning orphanage, but I must admit that experienced a bit of
who should be waiting for me down below? A welcoming committee? No, a gang of state troopers! confusion at this point, mean what with the
It's a sad daywhen an ape of my stature is bested by a common pig! flames around me and the cops below, but
fortunatelyall concluded happily.
write me first.
Robert Tanaka,
San Francisco, Calif.
THE well,
almost everything wierd. 60
E. Fairfield, Mesa, Ariz. 85203.
for #1.
Posters, photos.
containing Godzilla,
Mothrah, or Ghidrah. Sent to: Robert
softcover No.
44 Johnstone
Contact Glenn Hakanson,
San Francisco 94131.
Mark Frank. 801 Avenue "C". Brooklyn. Mint DC and marvel comics 754 each!
N.Y. 11218 Msnster magazines, paperbacks too. Send
those copies that have brought you Cheap, too. Only $4.25 each.
hour upon hour of reading pleasure, Satisfaction unconditionally
be kept in comfort for the rest of guaranteed or your money back.
their unnatural days? Well, now my_ word (minimum 25)
your back issues of THE r THE MONSTER BOX.
Box Corp., Dept. TMT,
c/o Jesse Jones
Phita. 41, Pa.
is $ for
classified ad.
f time- around, we- the staff of
sen ting, after months of
larch, exorbitant costs, and great
tal risk to life and limb alike,
lorig-awaited "Super Sci-Fi
Special" issue. First off, there will
And he’s only one of countless satisfied MONSTER
TIMES subscribers who
have gotten a head start in life by making dead sure that each and every
fascinating, fantasy-and-fact-filled issue is delivered directly to their door. You too
can achieve peace of mind by filling out the form below and becoming a
subscriber in good standing to THE MONSTER TIMES “The Thinking Man’s . . .
Monster Paper.”
With every sub of a year or more, the subscriber gets a free 25-word classified ad, to
be run on our Fan-Fair page. You can advertise comics or stills or pulps, etc. or for
anything else, provided it's in good taste! sfa^Subscribel . Subscribe ! . . .
fantasies that
it Just whit I'vi bun looking fori
5 Subscription rates:
correspondent Gary
Enclosed is $
S 6.00 for 13 issues
ehensive list of TV $10.00 for 26 issues
Maks chick or money order payable tc
;t-fi films constantly making the $18.00 for 52 iauas
late night rounds, complete with his
luperstrip . . . and all the usual his boots at the sight of me, and (b) regularly and