MSLSS Multidimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale
MSLSS Multidimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale
MSLSS Multidimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale
The MSLSS was designed to provide a holistic assessment of the wellbeing of young people. It has
five subscales: family, friends, school, living environment and self. Each segment can be considered
separately. It is a validated tool, and has been tested for effectiveness in the USA and middle east.
Data is available on the average scores of a diverse sample of 313 American students aged 14 – 18,
which can act as a comparison.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Family Strongl Moderatel Slightly Slightl Moderatel Strongl
y y Disagree Disagre y y Agree y Agree
Disagre e Agree
1 I enjoy being at home with my
2 My family gets along well
3 I like spending time with my
4 My parents and I doing fun
things together.
5 My family is better than most.
6 Members of my family talk
nicely to one another.
7 My parents treat me fairly.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Friends Strongl Moderatel Slightly Slightl Moderatel Strongl
y y Disagree Disagre y y Agree y Agree
Disagre e Agree
8 My friends treat me well.
9 My friends are nice to me.
1 I wish I had different friends.*
1 My friends are mean to me.*
1 My friends are great
1 I have a bad time with my
3 friends.*
1 I have a lot of fun with my
4 friends.
1 I have enough friends.
1 My friends will help me if I
6 need it.
1 2 3 4 5 6
School Strongl Moderatel Slightly Slightl Moderatel Strongl
y y Disagree Disagre y y Agree y Agree
Source: Huebner, S (2001); Manual for the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale. Available online
1 2 3 4 5 6
Living Environment Strongl Moderatel Slightly Slightl Moderatel Strongl
y y Disagree Disagre y y Agree y Agree
Disagre e Agree
2 I like where I live.
2 I wish there were different
6 people in my neighborhood.*
2 I wish I lived in a different
7 house.*
2 I wish I lived somewhere else.*
2 I like my neighborhood.
3 I like my neighbors.
3 This town is filled with mean
1 people.*
3 My family’s house is nice.
3 There are lots of fun things to
3 do where I live.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Self Strongl Moderatel Slightly Slightl Moderatel Strongl
y y Disagree Disagre y y Agree y Agree
Disagre e Agree
3 I think I am good looking.
3 I am fun to be around.
3 I am a nice person.