Telekomunikasi Komputasi Elektronika Kendali
Vol. 8. No. 3, December 2010
TELKOMNIKA Vol. 8 No. 3 pp. 195-326 ISSN 1693-6930
December 2010
ISSN 1693-6930
Accredited by DGHE, Decree No. 51/DIKTI/Kep/2010
Vol. 8, No. 3, December 2010
List of Contents
Cost and Benefit of Information Search using Two Different Strategies 195 – 206
Paulus Insap Santosa
Department of Electrical Eng. & Information Tech., Gadjah Mada University
Fast Geometric T2-Fuzzy Based Improved Lower Extremities Stimulation 207 – 216
Hendi Wicaksono
Electrical Engineering Department, Surabaya University
Satellite Imagery and In-situ Data Overlay Approach for Fishery Zonation 217 – 224
Khairul Munadi, Fardhi Adria
Department of Electrical Engineering, Syiah Kuala University
Lag-Lead Compensator for Shape Memory Alloy in Gripping Manipulation 245 – 254
Made Andik Setiawan
Timah Polytechnic for Manufacturing, Bangka Belitung
A Simple Instrumentation System for Large Structure Vibration Monitoring 265 – 274
Didik R. Santoso
Division of Instrumentation, Physics Dept., Brawijaya University
Distributed Monitoring and Controlling Using Microcontroller and Virtual 285 – 292
Internet Protocol
Ahmad Ashari
Electronics and Instrumentation Laboratory, Gadjah Mada University
A Video Streaming Application Using Mobile Media Application Programming 293 – 300
Ary Mazharuddin Shiddiqi, Henry Pratama, Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas
Dept. of Informatics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
ISSN 1693-6930
Accredited by DGHE, Decree No. 51/DIKTI/Kep/2010
Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 2010
High Performance Palmprint Identification System Based On Two Dimensional 309 – 318
I Ketut Gede Darma Putra, Erdiawan
Information Technolgy, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University
Telapak tangan adalah biometrika yang masih relatif baru. Segmentasi ROI (region of
interest) dan ekstraksi fitur telapak tangan merupakan dua isu penting dalam sistem
pengenalan telapak tangan. Masalah utama pada sistem pengenalan telapak tangan adalah
bagaimana mengekstraksi ROI dan fitur dari telapak tangan. Penelitian ini memperkenalkan
metode segmentasi ROI telapak tangan titik pusat moment dua tahap dan kemudian
menerapkan metode Gabor dua dimensi (2D) untuk menghasilkan kode telapak tangan (palm
code) sebagai fitur telapak tangan. Untuk mengukur tingkat kemiripan dua vektor kode telapak
tangan maka digunakan metode jarak Hamming. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan
menggunakan 1000 sampel telapak tangan milik 200 orang berbeda dengan 3 sampel sebagai
sampel acuan dan 2 sampel sebagai sampel uji. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem
mampu menghasilkan unjuk kerja tinggi dengan tingkat keberhasilan mencapai 98.7%
(FRR=1.1667%, FAR=0.1111%, T=0.376).
Kata kunci: biometrik, jarak hamming, metode Gabor, sistem identifikasi, telapak tangan
Palmprint is a relatively new in physiological biometrics. Palmprint region of interest
(ROI) segmentation and feature extraction are two important issues in palmprint recognition.
The main problem in palmprint recognition system is how to extract the region of interest (ROI)
and the features of palmprint. This paper introduces two steps in center of mass moment
method for ROI segmentation and then applied the Gabor two dimensional (2D) filters to obtain
palm code as palmprint feature vector. Normalized Hamming distance is used to measure the
similarity degrees of two feature vectors of palmprint. The system has been tested by using
database 1000 palmprint images, are generated from 5 samples from each of the 200 persons
randomly selected. Experiment results show that this system can achieve a high performance
with success rate about 98.7% (FRR=1.1667%, FAR=0.1111%, T=0.376).
1. Introduction
The personal recognition becomes an important and highly demanded technique for
security access systems in this information area, such as: banking, e-commerce, immigration,
and court. Palmprint is the relatively new in physiological biometrics.
There are many unique features in a palmprint image that can be used for personal
recognition, such as: geometry, principal lines, wrinkles, delta points and minutiae points [1]. A
palmprint has several advantages compared to other available features: low-resolution images
can be used, low cost capture devices can be used, it is very difficult or impossible to fake
palmprint, and their characteristics are stable and unique.
The main problem in palmprint recognition system is how to extract the region of
interest (ROI) and the features of palmprint. There were many prior works about palmprint ROI
segmentation such as: Li et al [2] and Wu et al [3] that segmented the palmprint ROI with
creating special coordinate axis based on reference points between hand fingers. But creating
the special coordinate is relatively difficult. Xiaoxu at al develop some key points to generated
the ROI [4], Ekinci et al [5] repeated the dilation and eriosion morfhology process to extract the
High Performance Palmprint Identification System Based on …. (I Ketut Gede Darma Putra)
310 ISSN: 1693-6930
ROI, while Kumar et al [6] just repeated erosion process. But repeatedly of morfhology process
will increase time complexity of system. This paper proposed new method to extract the ROI of
palmprint. This method is called two steps in central moment.
Many researchers were proposed some methods to extract the palmprint features.
Zhang et al [7], transform the palm lines into set of lines, apply the datum poin characteristics
and match the lines by using lines matching technique. Duta et al [8] extract set of points along
the principals palm lines and compute the score between two relates features (points) of
palmprint. Li et al apply Fourier transform on palmprint and used ring energy and sector energy
to form the palmprint features. Wu et al [9] used directional element feature (DEF) fo determine
fuzzy directional element energy feature (FDEEF). Two types of low dimension feature can be
derived from FDEEF, namely: global fuzzy directional element energy feature (GFDEEF) and
block edge energy feature (BEEF), and than Euclidean distance is used to match two palmprint
features. Ekinci et al form elational graph from palm lines and based on the graph is created
adjacent unit matrix for classification process. Xiaoxu at al extracted the the texture feature of
palmprint based on kernel principal component analysis (K-PCA). Wu et al extract line vector
features (LVF) based on gradien magnitudo and orientation points on the palm lines. Kumar et
al detect the palm lines in special direction and the feature are devided into sub blocks and the
feature is obtained by computing the standard deviation of each block. We also tried some
methods to extract the palmprint features, such as: wavelet [10], fractal dimension and fractal
code [11], [12]. This paper apply Gabor 2D filter to obtain the palmprint features or palmcode
2. Research Method
2.1 Hand image Acquisition
All of palm images are captured using Sony DSC P72 digital camera with resolution of
640x480 pixels. Each person was requested to put his/her left hand palm down on with a black
background (five samples for each person). There are some pegs on the board to control the
hand oriented, translation, and stretching as shown in Figure 1.
a b c
a. The gray level hand image is threshold to obtain the binary hand image. The threshold
value is computed automatically using the Otsu method. To avoid the white pixels (not pixel
object) outside of the hand object is used median filter.
b. Each of the acquired hand images needs to be aligned in a preferred direction so as to
capture the same features for matching. The moment orientation method is applied to the
binary image to estimate the orientation of the hand. In the method, the angle of rotation (θ )
is the difference between normal axis and major axis of ellipse that can be computed as
1 2µ1,1 (1)
θ = tan −1
2 2, 0 − µ 0, 2
µ p ,q = ∑∑ (m − m ) (n − n )q
m n
Where p, q represent the (p,q)th moment central, and ( m, n ) represents center of area is
defined as
1 1
m= ∑∑ m , n = ∑∑ n , (3)
N m n N m n
Where N represent number of pixel object. Furthermore, the grayscale and the binary
image are rotated about ( θ ) degree.
c. Bounding box operation is applied to the rotated binary image to get the smallest rectangle
which contains the binary hand image. The original hand image, binarized image, and the
bounded image shown in Figure 2 (a), (b), and (c), respectively.
d. The centroid of bounded image is computed using equation (3) and based on this centroid,
the bounded binary and original images are segmented with 200x200 pixels. The
segmented image and its centroid position are shown in Figure 2 (d) and (e).
e. The centroid of the segmented binary image is computed and based on this centroid the
ROI of grayscale palmprint image can be cropped with size 128x128 pixels. The first and
the second positions of centroid in binary and gray level image are shown in Figure 1 (f)
and (g).
This method is simple. This method has been tested for 1000 palmprint images acquired from
200 persons, and the results show this method is reliable.
φ + λ if I ( x, y ) > φ
I ' ( x, y ) = d (4)
φ d − λ otherwise
ρ d {I ( x, y ) − φ}2
λ= (5)
where I and I’ represents original grayscale palmprint image and the normalized image
respectively, φ and ρ represents mean and variance of the original image respectively, while φd
and ρd are the desired values for mean and variance respectively. This research use φd = 180
and ρd = 180 for all experiments, and the results are shown in Figure 3.
High Performance Palmprint Identification System Based on …. (I Ketut Gede Darma Putra)
312 ISSN: 1693-6930
x2 + y2
G( x, y,θ , u.σ ) = exp{2.π .i(u.x. cosθ + u. y. sinθ )}
exp− 2
2.π .σ 2 2.σ
n n
∑ ∑ G[i, j,θ , u, σ ]
G[x, y, θ , u , σ ] = G[x, y, θ , u , σ ] −
~ i =− n j =− n
With is the size of the Gabor filter. In fact, the imaginary part of Gabor filter
automatically has zero DC because of odd size filters. It should be noted that the success of
Gabor filter depend on parameters selection for these filters.
a b c d e F
Figure 3. Intensity normalization results, (a, b, c) the original images with different lighting,
(d, e, f) normalization results with φd=180 and ρd=180
The equation (6) and (7) will produce variously of Gabor filter that consist of real and
imaginary parts. The parameters value of θ , σ , u and filter size will impact of performance of
Gabor filter. This research used the Gabor filter size: 9x9, 17x17 and 35x35, with value of θ are
-45°, 0°, 45° and 90°, while value of u and σ were appropriated with filter size.
Real and imaginary part of normalized Gabor filters are convoluted to the normalized
palmprint images and produces real and imaginary characteristic features with equal size to the
original palmprint size.
a b c d e f
Figure 4. Palmcodes with various filter size real and imaginary codes respectively with, (a)-(b)
9x9 filter size, (c)-(d) 17x17 filter size, (e)-(f) 35x35 filter size.
a b c d
Figure 5. The real part of palmcode with 17x17 filter size by using:
(a) -45°, (b) 0°, (c) 45°, and (d) 90°.
Palmcode examples with orientation 45o and different in filter size, such as 9x9, 17x17
and 35x35 is shown in Figure 4, while Figure 5 show the palmcodes with filter size 17x17 and
different in orientation angle, such as -45o, 0o, 45o and 90o.
∑∑ (P (i, j ) ⊗ Q
i =1 j =1
R R (i, j ) ) + (PI (i, j ) ⊗ QI (i, j ) )
DO =
2N 2 (9)
Where PR (QR ) and PI (QI ) represents real and imaginary parts of palmcode P (Q) . Operator
Boolean (⊗) produces zero value if and only if bit of PR( I ) (i, j) and QR( I ) (i, j) is equal. Matrix size is
noted by NxN . The range of score D0 is between 0 and 1. The score will be closed to 0 if two
palmcodes come from the similar palmprint, otherwise, the score will be far from 0. One of
palmcode can be translated in both vertical and horizontal direction with one or more pixels to
minimize the impact of imperfectness at image preprocessing or acquisition phase. The
minimum score from the translated palmcode matching process is selected as score of
matching. Threshold value (T) is used to decide the tested palmcode is genuine or impostor. If
the score less than or equal with T then the tested palmcode is noted as authorized, otherwise
the palmcode is noted as not authorized.
High Performance Palmprint Identification System Based on …. (I Ketut Gede Darma Putra)
314 ISSN: 1693-6930
rate), system accuracy, genuine and imposter score distribution graphics, and receiver
operation curve (ROC) as indicators of the performance system.
The genuine and imposter scores are obtained from the matching scores of same
person and different person respectively. There were not zero scores that produced from the
matching process that means all palmprint samples that are used in this experiment are
This paper used parameter values below to test the system:
ROI size = 64x64 and 128x128 pixels
Filter size = 9x9, 17x17, and 35x35
θ = -45o, 0o, 45o and 90o.
u, σ = 0.3666, 1.4045 for 9x9 filter
0.1833, 2.8090 for 17x17 filter
0.0916, 5.619 for 35x35 filter
and the translation factors are without translation and 1 pixel translation.
Table 1. The best accuracy rate (in %) of ROI 64x64 pixel, N=100
filter 9x9 filter 17x17 filter 35x35
θ A B A B A B
-45° 70.03 96.95 88.22 97.64 90.65 95.67
0° 82.25 96.19 94.59 98.45 94.91 97.18
45° 80.08 92.99 96.44 98.72 96.82 97.29
90° 67.23 93.69 87.14 97.69 92.75 96.82
Table 2. The best accuracy rate (in %) of ROI 128x128 pixel, N=100
filter 9x9 filter 17x17 filter 35x35
θ A B A B A B
-45° 51.44 89.05 71.29 93.62 88.47 95.79
0° 61.26 87.25 85.61 95.30 94.80 97.51
45° 62.26 85.74 84.76 94.61 96.19 98.46
90° 56.77 73.14 71.09 88.33 87.11 95.05
The column A and B represent system accuracy rate (in %) without or with 1 pixel
translation. Table 1 and Table 2 show that the filter size 9x9 produced the lowest accuracy rate
than 17x17 and 35x35 and translation factor 1 pixel produced better accuracy rate than without
translation factor. The 1 pixel translation factor can minimized the impact of imperfectness in
ROI segmentation.
Figure 6. Genuine and imposter score Figure 7. Genuine and imposter score
distribution with filter 17x17, orientation 45°, distribution with filter 35x35, orientation 45°,
ROI 64x64 Pixel, 1 Pixel translation, and ROI 64x64 Pixel, 1 Pixel translation, and
N=200 N=200
Figure 6 and Figure 7 show distribution scores of genuine and impostor at database
with size N=200 for ROI 64x64, by using filter size 17x17 and 35x35, orientation -45o and
translation factor 1 pixel. The axis in those figures represents scores value and y axis represent
percentages of appropriate score appear. If overlapping part of both graphics increase then
performance of the system will be decrease, and vice versa.
Figure 8. ROC system with filter 17x17, Figure 9. ROC system with filter 35x35,
orientation 45°, ROI 64x64 pixel, 1 pixel orientation -45°, ROI 64x64 pixel, 1 pixel
translation, and N=200 translation, and N=200
The receiver operation curve (ROC) of Figure 6 and 7 are shown in Figure 8 and 9
respectively. The axis of ROC represents threshold value (T), while y axis represents
percentages of FRR and FAR. Cross point of FAR and FRR curves produce EER (equal error
rate) value. The system produced FAR=FRR=EER=0.9167 with appropriate T=0.3983 (as
shown in Figure 8), and produced FAR=FRR=EER=2.1707 with appropriate T=0.1860 (as
shown in Figure 9). FAR and FRR system depend on selecting of threshold value. Increasing
FAR and FRR system will decrease performance of system, and vice versa. FAR and FRR will
be increase If overlapping part of genuine and imposter scores distribution increases.
Distribution scores and ROC graphics of filter size 9x9 are not shown in this paper is
based on consideration its performances is lower than others filter size, and also distribution
scores and ROC of the system without translation factor is lower than with 1 pixel translation
factor so their graphics is hidden.
Figure 10. Genuine and imposter score Figure 11. Genuine and imposter score
distribution with filter 17x17, orientation -45°, distribution with filter 35x35, orientation -45°,
ROI 128x128 Pixel, 1 Pixel translation, and ROI 128x128 Pixel, 1 Pixel translation, and
N=200 N=200
High Performance Palmprint Identification System Based on …. (I Ketut Gede Darma Putra)
316 ISSN: 1693-6930
Figure 10 and 11 show distribution scores of genuine and impostor on database size
N=200 for ROI 128x128, by using filter size 17x17 and 35x35, orientation -45o and translation
factor 1 pixel, while its ROC curves are shown in Figure 12 and 13 respectively. Increasing the
overlapping part of score distribution (as shown in Figure 10 and 11) will increase the FAR, FRR
and EER value (as shown in Figure 12 and 13).
Figure 12. ROC system with filter 17x17, Figure 13. ROC system with filter 35x35,
orientation -45°, ROI 128x128 pixel, 1 pixel orientation -45°, ROI 128x128 pixel, 1 pixel
translation, and N=200 translation, and N=200
System testing using various database sizes is shown in Table 3 and 4, while its
graphics are shown in Figure 14.
Table 3. System performance with ROI 64x64 pixel on various database sizes
filter 17x17 filter 35x35
Database size (in user)
25 99.5278 100 98.6667 98.1111
50 96.0272 99.1973 96.4286 97.0544
75 96.2913 98.5916 96.4354 97.1321
100 96.4444 98.7222 96.8215 97.2997
125 95.8495 98.3871 96.5914 97.4710
150 95.5272 98.6033 96.4937 97.2834
175 95.8714 98.6398 96.7499 97.2830
200 96.0105 98.7877 96.8848 97.2839
Table 4. System performance with ROI 128x128 pixel on various database sizes
filter 17x17 filter 35x35
Database size (in user)
25 94.1944 100 100 100
50 86.1633 94.6803 95.7415 98.5850
75 84.4535 93.8649 96.1471 98.1862
100 84.7559 94.6094 96.1936 98.4596
125 83.3516 93.6591 96.3290 98.4645
150 82.4787 94.2081 95.8098 98.7040
175 83.5063 94.6086 96.1166 98.6897
200 84.4389 94.8978 96.2630 98.7910
Table 3 show that by using ROI 64x64, performance of the system that obtained by
using filter size 17x17 is better than filter size 35x35 relatively, while in table 4 show vice versa,
by using ROI 128x128, filter size 35x35 is better than filter size 17x17 relatively. The best
performance of both ROI achieve 98.7% by using filter size 17x17 on ROI 64x64, and filter size
35x35 on ROI 128x128, and both of them used 1 pixel translation factor.
Figure 14 is made based on data in Tables 3 and 4. The Figure show, both ROI 64x64
and 128x128, the performance (accuracy) of the system is relatively stable although size of
database increased. This is a good information to apply the palmcode on large scale database.
101 105
Akurasi (%)
Akurasi (%)
95 80
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Pengguna (Orang) Pengguna (Orang)
17 x 17 A 17 x 17 B 35 x 35 A 35 x 35 B 17 x 17 A 17 x 17 B 35 x 35 A 35 x 35 B
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Impact of increasing of database size to the accuracy system (a) ROI 64x64 pixels,
(b) ROI 128x128 pixels
Time complexity on Table 5 is obtain by using Pentium III Intel 733 MHz, 512 MB RAM.
4. Conclusion
The proposed two steps in central moments method for ROI of palmprint extraction and
the applied of Gabor filter for palmcode generation produced high performance for palmprint
identification system with accuracy rate reached 98.7% or FAR=0.111% and FRR=1.167%. The
appropriate parameters value to obtain the above performance are: 17x17 in filter size on ROI
size 64x64 pixel, and 35x35 in filter size on ROI 128x128, and both of them used θ =45° and 1
pixel translation factor. The experiment result also show that the performance of this system
relatively stable although the database size increased.
This research just developed offline recognition system. The online palmprint
recognition system from hardware device to software recognition system and apply the system
in to a public application, such as smartcard and ID card are interesting research for future.
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