Reinforced Cement Concrete
Reinforced Cement Concrete
Reinforced Cement Concrete
Module I
Design of beams : behaviour of R.C.C beams
Working stress method – Introduction - permissible stresses-factor of safety ––
assumptions – basic concepts of under reinforced –over reinforced and balanced
sections - Theory of singly and doubly reinforced beams – Emphasis on the
implication of the design on form.
Limit state method: Concepts-assumptions –characteristic strength and load
partial safety factors-limit states-limit state of collapse –limit state of
serviceability. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular sections in
flexure-design of simply supported and flanged beams - Emphasis on the
implication of the design on form
Module II
Design of slabs: Behaviour of slabs - design of one way and two way slabs – design
of fillerslabs - Continuous slabs-analysis using method recommended by BIS –
Design of forms of different type of slabs - Design of flat slab (Concept only).
Module III
Design of columns: Limit state method- I S specifications-design of columns –
proportioning of columns. Stair cases- introduction to different types-design of
stair configuration .Introduction to Prestresed concrete-, detailing including the
joint detailing, Basic concepts of pre-stressedstressed construction: Prefabrication.
Modular coordination. Earthquake resistant structures.pre stressing systems,
materials, behavior of pre-stressed concrete beams and losses in pre-stress. (study
1.WORKING STRESS METHOD (Modular ratio method)
➢IN this method factor of safety is applied to the yield or ultimate stress to get
permissible stress.
➢The structure is designed to support working or service loads without exceeding
the permissible stress in concrete and steel.
➢Actual safety against ultimate load is not considered in working stress method.
Ultimate strength x factor of safety =permissible strength
Serviceability requirements means that member or structure should not fail in its
intended time. Deteriorate to such an extend that it is designed. In concrete
structures, This state may be reached due to excessive deflection ,cracking
vibration and corrosion of reinforcement.
Structures have to carry dead loads and live loads. The max.working load that
the structure has to withstand and for which it is to be designed is called
CHARACTERSTIC LOAD. Thus there are characterstic dead loads and
characterstic live loads. The strength that one can safely assume for the
materials(steel and concrete) are called CHARACTERSTIC STRENGTH
Partial safety factors for loads and material strength
Having obtained the characteristic loads and strength, the design loads and
design strength are obtained by the concept of partial safety factors. PSF are
The load to be used for ultimate strength design is also known as factored
▪Design based on safe working stress ▪Permissible stresses are beyond th3e
which lies within elastic region. elastic limit .Plastic region is
considered for design.
▪Safe working stress =ultimate ▪Design stress = characterstic
stress/F.S stress/PSF
▪Stress block variation about neutral ▪Stress block variation in
axis is linear. compression zone is not linear. It is
combination of rectangle and
▪Structure is oversized and ▪Structure is safe and economical
▪Stress at any level can be found out ▪Only strain can be calculate.
from stress block.
▪ In rein forced concrete section the depth of Neutral Axis generally
determines the type of sections.
▪Balanced section is the section in which the quantity of steel provided is
such that when the most distant concrete fibre in the compression zone
reaches the permissible stress .
▪In tension zone the tensile stress in tensile reinforcement reaches its
permissible value.
▪Max. strain in the two materials reaches simultaneously.
▪A sudden failure occurs with the alarming deflection.
▪In he section neutral axis corresponding to his condition is called critical
neutral axis and its depth is denoted by nc
Balanced Section:
•The section in which the quantity of steel is just sufficiently provided that
the concrete in compression zone and steel in tension zone reaches to
their permissible stresses simultaneously is called balanced section.
•In this section, the critical depth is equal to its actual depth. i.e n = Na =
Under Reinforced Section:
•In this section, the quantity of steel is not adequate to make the extreme
concrete fibers in the compression area to get compressed to their highest
permissible stress.
•In this section, the quantity of steel is not adequate to make the concrete to
get compressed in compression area to their highest permissible value. That
means the steel is provided less than that a balanced section is required. In
under reinforced section, the depth of actual Na is less than the critical Na.
•i.e; Na<Nc.
Under reinforced section
❖Quantity of steel provided is less than that in required for a
balanced section
❖If the beam is furher reached, the neutral axis and C .G. of
❖If the beam is further reached, the neutral axis and C .G. of compressive
forces for further shift downward to maintain the equllibrium until the max.
❖The line of action of resultant compression is at the level of the centroid of the
compressive stress at the depth of n/3 from the compression edge.
couple formed by the total tensile force (T) in the steel acting at the
Mr = T x z
= Ast σst (d – na/3)
Calculate the moment of resistance of a singly reinforced concrete beam having width
300m and effective depth 400m It is the reinforced of 3 bars of 12mm thick dia use
m20concrete and fe4145 steel
Span is 3m
What is the max udl that the beam can carry over the entire span.
=7 cbc
st = 140 N/ mm 2
280 280
m= 3 cbc 3 7
m= 13.3
Calculate the moment of resistance of a singly reinforced concrete beam
having width 300mmand effective depth 400mm. It is reinforced with 3 bars
of 12mm dia. M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
m=280/3 cbc
A singly reinforced simply supportd beam 200mmx550mmis reinforced
with 4bars of 12mm an effcetive depth of 500mm.the self weight
of the beam together with the dead load is 3.5KN/m.Adopting M20 and
Fe415. Estimate the max.permissible live load on he beam of span 3m.
❖The bending moment changes its sign at supports of a continuous beam or slab.
❖The eccentric and eccentricity of the load may change from one side of the axis
C =5.1N/mm2
let b =2/3d
Ast from sp 16
❖Based on shapes
▪Flat Slabs are considered suitable for most of the construction and for
asymmetrical column layouts like floors with curved shapes and ramps etc. The
advantages of applying flat slabs are many like depth solution, flat soffit and
flexibility in design layout.
▪Even though building flat slabs can be an expensive affair but gives immense
freedom to architects and engineers the luxury of designing.
•Benefit of using flat slabs are manifold not only in terms of prospective
design and layout efficacy but is also helpful for total construction process
especially for easing off installation procedures and saving on
construction time.
•If possible, try to do away with drop panels as much as possible and try to
make the best use of thickness of flat slabs. The reason is to permit the
benefits of flat soffits for the floor surface to be maintained, ensure
drop panels are cast as part of the column
To utilize the slab thickness to optimum level, the essential
aspects that should be kept in mind are:
Procedure related to design
Presence or absence of holes
Significance of deflections
Previous layout application experience
Types of Flat Slab Construction
Following are the types of flab slab construction:
Simple flat slab
Flat slab with drop panels
Flat slab with column heads
Flat slab with both drop panels and column heads
Uses of Column Heads
It increase shear strength of slab
It reduce the moment in the slab by reducing the clear or effective span
Uses of Drop Panels
It increase shear strength of slab
It increase negative moment capacity of slab
It stiffen the slab and hence reduce deflection
Advantages of Flat Slabs
It is recognized that Flat Slabs without drop panels can be built at a very fast
pace as the framework of structure is simplified and diminished. Also, speedy turn-
around can be achieved using an arrangement using early striking and flying
Flat slab construction can deeply reduce floor-to –floor height especially in the
absence of false ceiling as flat slab construction does act as limiting factor on the
placement of horizontal services and partitions. This can prove gainful in case of
lower building height, decreased cladding expense and pre-fabricated services.
In case the client plans changes in the interior and wants to use the
accommodation to suit the need, flat slab construction is the perfect choice as it
offers that flexibility to the owner. This flexibility is possible due to the use of
square lattice and absence of beam that makes channelling of services and
allocation of partitions difficult.
Thickness of flat slab
Thickness of flat slab is another very attractive benefit because thin slab provides
the advantage of increased floor to ceiling height and lower cladding cost for the
owner. However, there is profound lower limit to thickness of slab because extra
reinforcements are needed to tackle design issues. Besides this, added margin
must be provided to facilitate architectural alterations at later stages.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Flat Slabs
❖Simple formwork
❖No beams—simplifying under-floor services outside the drops
❖Minimum structural depth
❖Usually does not require shear reinforcement at the columns.
❖Medium spans
❖Generally not suitable for supporting brittle (masonry) partitions
❖Drop panels may interfere with larger mechanical ducting
❖Vertical penetrations need to avoid area around columns
❖For reinforced flat slabs, deflection at the middle strip may be critical.
Design of slabs
Design steps
1 .Assume depth of slab …
Spacing =1000a /Ast
7.Distribution steel 0.15% of gross c.s area for mild steel bars & 0.12 % for HYSD
min. reinforcement not less than 0.15%of total C.S area for mild steel bars and
Wu=1.5(0.12x25+2+1.9) =10.35KN/m2
Step 4:Maximum bending moment
Ast=ptxbd/100 =162mm2
Spacing =1000a /Ast
Clear cover is the distance measured from the exposed concrete surface
(without plaster and other finishes) to the nearest surface of the reinforcing
bar. The Code (Cl. 26.4.1) defines the term nominal cover as “the design
depth of concrete cover to all steel reinforcements, including links”. This
cover is required to protect the reinforcing bars from corrosion and fire, and
also to give the reinforcing bars sufficient embedment to enable them to be
stressed without ‘slipping’ (losing bond with the concrete). As mentioned
earlier, the recent revision in the Code with its emphasis on increased
durability, has incorporated increased cover requirements, based on the
severity of the environmental exposure conditions
As corrosion of reinforcing bars is a common and serious occurrence, it
is advisable to specify liberal clear cover in general (particularly in
excessively wet and humid environments, and in coastal areas). It may
be noted that in actual construction, the clear cover obtained may be
(and often is) less than the specified clear cover; however, this should be
within the tolerance allowed and appropriate allowance should be made
for such errors in construction. In this context, it is important to note
the revised tolerance specified in IS 456 (2000), according to which the
maximum deviation in clear cover from the value specified by the
designer are “+10 mm and –0 mm†”.
Cornersof a 2 way slablift up ,then when atwo way slab is loaded thus the corners are
prevented from lifting up,when fixity is provided at supports by beams or columns. In
these slabs special reinforcement is provided at the edges to prevent cracking of
corners .Theseare also known as slabs with corners held down .Slabs in which corners
are not prevented from lifting up are called as unstrained slabs or slabs with
corners not held down.
Design a single stair to reach a roof slab at a height of 2.70m. Rise and tread of the steps may be taken as 180mm and
250mm respectively. The stairs shall be 1m wide. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Dead load of slab per m width (on horizontal plane) = 1x 0.15x 25000x ((250 2+1802)1/2)/250 =4620 N/m2.
Finishes =600N/m2
Since the waist slab is 1m wide load on the waist slab per m run of horizontal run =10470N/m2
Ast=0.427/100(1000x131) =559.4mm2.
I. ON shape
➢rectangular tied column,
T-Shaped, etc).
Types of Columns
Types of Columns
II. on load
Types of Columns
Types of Columns
Types of Columns
= 2.25 m
Minimum eccentricity is greater than the following:
Size of the column : 400 mm x 400 mm
=4.50 +13.33 = 17.83 mm.
• 20 mm.
Therefore, emin=20 mm.
0.05b =0.05 x 400 = 20 mm.
Therefore, e minhas not exceeded 0.05 b.
Gross area of the section = Ag = 400 x 400 = 160000 mm2
Area of steel = Asc = 8 x 201 = 1608 mm2
Area of concrete = Ac = 160000 – 1608 = 158392 mm2
Since e minhas not exceeded 0.05 b, the ultimate load is given by,
Pu = 0.40 fck Ac + 0.67 fy Asc
Pu = (0.40 x 20 x 158392) + (0.67 x 415 x 1608)
=1267136 + 447104
= 1714240 N = 1714.24 kN
Prefabrication is a construction industry term used to
❖ This particularly applies to welding and hot trades such as pipe work and
mechanical services.
❖Back to back toilet and basin units mounted on steel framework are
Programme savings due to the ability to progress work as a parallel operation in a factory
and on a construction site.
Factory tolerances and workmanship is of a higher quality and consistency to that
achieved on site.
There tends to be less waste.
Independence from adverse weather and winter working.
An alternative means of production where there may be shortages of local skilled labour.
Access to cheaper labour markets.
For instance two hundred prefabricated timber lodges for short holiday lets in
Pembrokeshire were sourced from Eastern Europe.
Reduction in learning curves.
Greater programme certainty.
The factory environment can allow better safety than the construction site.
Span or Spaces and the Size of Components and Equipment by using related
Modular Dimensions
and contractors.
Modular coordination is essentially based on:
the concrete.
High strength steel is used.
Cold drawn stress relieved round wires
Made by drawing hot rolled steel rods through dies 50 as to obtainwires of the
requored diameter.ina process of continuous heat treatment.
5mmto 7mm dia.
Stress relieved strands
Commonly used steel
A strand is madefrom a number ofprestressingwires wound round a central
7 wire strand is commonly used.
6wires wound round seventh central wire of larger diameter.the pitch of the
spirally wound wires is 12 to 16 times the nominal diameter of strand.After
stranding he tendon obtained is subjected to stress relief.
A high strength alloy bars are made by inroducing alloy elements in the
process of manufacture of the steel and by cold working he bar. Hen the bars
are subjected to stress relief to reach the required proerties.bars may be plain
or deformed and are made in diametres ranging from 12.7mmto 35mm.
1.Disadvantages in this system are that the end abutments should be very
strong and are provided only in pre-cast factories.
1.This naturally limits the size of the member as large sizes are difficult to
transport from factory to the site of construction. Loss is more in pre-
tensioned members.
• Maximum utilization of provided section of the member.
• Provision of slender member for long span beams as compared to
• Use of high strength materials contribute to the durability of the
• Pre-stresses concrete has considerable resilience and impact
• Proves to be economical only in long span beam-column frames
compared to other materials.
• The intermediate distance between the columns can be in increased
by using pre-stressed concrete as compared to reinforced cement concrete.
• Architectural design provisions and specifications can be achieved
using pre-stressed concrete.
• Dead weight of concrete is reduced to a higher rate using pre-
stressed concrete.
Stage 2
Tendons are stressed to about 70% of their ultimate strength.
Stage 3
Concrete is cast into the beam mould and allowed to cure to the required initial
Stage 4
When the concrete has cured the stressing force is released and the tendons
anchor themselves in the concrete.
Hoyer system or long line method is often adopted in pre-tensioning. Two bulk heads or
abutments independently anchored to the ground are provided several meters apart,
say, 100m. wires are stretched between the bulkheads. Moulds are placed enclosing the
wires. Concrete is placed surrounding the wires. With this Hoyer system, several
members can be produced along one line. This method is economical and is used in
almost all pre-tensioning factories. For tensioning, a hydraulic jack is used. Wires are
gripped at the bulkheads, using split-cone wedges. These wedges are made from
tapered conical pins. Flat surface of the pin carries serrations to grip the wire (fig. 1 and
There is another pre-tensioning method known as Shorer system. In this system a
central tube of high strength steel carries the prestress from surrounding wires and the
entire assembly is placed in position and concreted. After the concrete has attained
sufficient strength, the tube is removed and the prestress is transferred to concrete
through bond. The hole left by the tube is grouted.
The advantage in pre-tensioning system is that there is no expenditure on end
anchorages and on rubber core or metal sheath required for post-tensioning system.
There is greater certainty about the prestressing force. In post-tensioned members
certainty of the force depends on the two end anchorages.
Procedure of precast post-tensioned concreting
Stage 2
Concrete is cast into the beam mould and allowed to cure to the required initial strength.
Stage 3
Tendons are threaded through the cable ducts and tensioned to about 70% of their ultimate strength.
Stage 4
Wedges are inserted into the end anchorages and the tensioning force on the tendons is released. Grout is then pumped into th e ducts to protect the
Procedure of precast post-tensioned concreting
Stage 1
Cable ducts and reinforcement are positioned in the beam mould. The ducts are usually raised towards the neutral axis at the ends to reduce the eccentricity of the stressing force.
Stage 2
Concrete is cast into the beam mould and allowed to cure to the required initial strength.
Stage 3
Tendons are threaded through the cable ducts and tensioned to about 70% of their ultimate strength.
Stage 4
Wedges are inserted into the end anchorages and the tensioning force on the tendons is released. Grout is then pumped into th e ducts to protect the tendons.
DDC reinforced frame beam.
Reinforcing cage of precast column.
✓Wires are tensioned individually.
✓The anchorage consists of a single piece collet sleeve wedging in a conical
✓A steel truncated guide leads each wire from the cable to the anchorage
point along a gentle curvature.
✓Central block is also provided to anchor the central wires.
Freyssinet system was introduced by the French Engineer Freyssinet and it was the first method to
be introduced. High strength steel wires of 5mm or 7mm diameter, numbering 8 or 12 or 16 or 24
are grouped into a cable with a helical spring inside. Spring keeps proper spacing for the wire. Cable
is inserted in the duct.
1.Securing the wires is not expensive
2.The desired stretching force is obtained quickly
3.The plugs may be left in the concrete and they donot project beyond he ends of the member.
1.All the wires of a cable are stretched together. Hence the stresses in the wires may not be exactly
the same.
2.The greatest stretching force applied to acable is from 250kn to500kn .this may not be sufficient.
3.The jacks used are heavy and expensive.
Gifford Udall System:
This system originated in Great Britain, is widely used in India. This is a single wire system.
Each wire is stressed independently using a double acting jack. Any number of wires can be
grouped together to form a cable in this system. There are two types of anchorage device in
this system.
a) Tube anchorages
b) Plate anchorages
Tube anchorage consists of a bearing plate, anchor wedges and anchor grips. Anchor plate
may be square or circular and have 8 or 12 tapered holes to accommodate the individual
prestressing wires. These wires are locked into the tapered holes by means of anchor
wedges. In addition, grout entry hole is also provided in the bearing plate for grouting.
Anchor wedges are split cone wedges carrying serrations on its flat surface. There is a tube
unit which is a fabricated steel component incorporating a thrust plate, a steel tube with a
surrounding helix. This unit is attached to the end shutters and form an efficient cast-in
component of the anchorage (fig.5).
4. Lee McCall System:
This method is used to prestress steel bars. The diameter of the bar is between
12 and 30mm. and length upto 20ms.bars provided with threads at the ends are
inserted in the performed ducts. After stretching the bars to the required length,
they are tightened using nuts against bearing plates provided at the end sections
of the member (fig.6).HIGH tesile alloy steel bars are used.
Magnel Blaton system:
In Freyssinet system several wires are stretched at a time.
In Magnel Blaton system, two wires are stretched at a time. This method was
introduced by a famous engineer, Prof. Magnel of Belgium. In this system, the
anchorage device consists of sandwich plate having grooves to hold the wires and
wedges which are also grooved. Each plate carries eight wires. Between the two ends
the spacing of the wires is maintained by spacers. Wires of 5mm or 7mm are
adopted. Cables consists of wires in multiples of 8 wires. Cables with as much as 64
wires are also used under special conditions. A specially deviced jack pulls two wires
at a time and anchors them. The wires with the sandwich plate using tapered wedge
is shown in fig.4.
a) Electrical Prestressing:
In this method, reinforcing bars is coated with thermoplastic material such
as sulphur or low melting alloy and buried in the concrete. After the
concrete is set, electric current of low voltage but high amperage is passed
through the bar. Electric current heats to 1700 C the bar and the bar
elongates. Bars provided with threads at the other end are tightened
against heavy washers, after required elongation is obtained. When the bar
cools, prestress develops and the bond is restored by resolidification of the
b) Chemical Prestressing:
Chemical prestressing is done using expanding cement. Prestressing can be
applied b embedding steel in concrete made of expanding cement. Steel is
elongated by the expansion of the concrete and thus gets prestressed. Steel
in turn produces compressive stress in concrete.
The overall drifts index is the ratio of maximum roof displacement to the height
lateral displacement at top and bottom of the storey divided by the storey
Non structural elements and structural non seismic members primarily get
damaged due to drift.
Higher the lateral stiffness lesser is the likely damage.
The storey drift in any storey due to minimum specified design lateral force with
partial safety factor of unity shall not exceed 0.004 times the storey height
Two adjacent buildings or two adjacent units of the same building with separation
joint in between shall be separated by distance equal to the amount R times the
avoid damaging contact when the two units deflect towards each other.
Soft storey:
Soft storey or flexible storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than
70% of that in the storey above or less than 80% of the average lateral
stiffness of the three storeys above. In case of buildings with a flexible
storey such as ground storey consisting of open spaces for parking i.e. stilt
buildings, special arrangements are need to be made to increase the lateral
strength and stiffness of the soft storey.
For such buildings, dynamic analysis is carried out including the strength
and stiffness effects of infills and inelastic deformations in the members
particularly those in the soft storey and members designed
accordingly. Alternatively, the following design criteria are to be adopted
after carrying the earthquake analysis neglecting the effect of infill walls in
other storeys.
When the floor levels of two similar adjacent buildings are at the same
a) The columns and beams of the soft storey are to be designed for 2.5
times the storey shear and moments calculated under seismic loads
b) Besides the columns designed and detailed for calculated storey shears
designed exclusively for 1.25 times the lateral storey shear calculated.
except when individual spread footings are directly supported on rock. All
equal to Ah/A times the larger of the column or pile cap load in addition to
a) vertical projections:
Tanks, towers parapets, chimneys and other vertical cantilever projections attached to buildings
and projecting the above roof shall be designed and checked for stability for 5 times the design
horizontal seismic co-efficient Ah. In the analysis of the building, the weight of these projecting
b) horizontal projections:
All horizontal projections like cornices and balconies shall be designed and checked for stability
for 5 times the design vertical co- efficient equal to 10/3 Ah. These increased design forces
either for vertical projection or horizontal projection are only for designing the projecting parts
This means that for the design of main structure such increase need not to be considered.
Shape of the building:
❖Very slender buildings should be avoided.
❖ Large overhangs and projections attract large earthquake forces.
❖Heavy masses like large water tanks, etc., at the top shall be avoided.
❖Small water tanks, if provided, should be properly connected with the framing
❖ Building should be sufficiently be away from steep slopes. It should be built on filled
up soil.
1.When there is harmonic applied force and its period is nearly equal to the natural
3. Negative damping may arise while the vibration is small, followed by positive damping at
large amplitude vibrations. The code adopted for design of multistoried2damping at large
amplitude vibrations. The code adopted for design of multi storied buildings considering
seismic forces is IS 1893 (part I) – 2002. more than 60% area of India is earthquake prone.