q4-Afa-Animal Production Poultry 7 - 8-Week 1
q4-Afa-Animal Production Poultry 7 - 8-Week 1
q4-Afa-Animal Production Poultry 7 - 8-Week 1
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING LO 1. Obtain and convey workplace communication (TVL_AFAAPPC9-12PWC-Ia-
LO 2. Participate in workplace meeting and discussion ((TVL_AFAAPPC9-12PWCIa-
LO 3. Complete relevant work-related documents (TVL_AFAAPPC9-12PWC-Ib-3)
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The learner demonstrates an understanding of the underlying theories in
workplace communication.
I. Introduction (Time Frame: ½ Day)
Accomplishing vital work tasks is rarely a solo endeavor. To be optimally productive and produce the best products,
communication is necessary. To be an active participate in workplace communication, you need to understand and follow
the communication process. By following this process, you can maintain respectfulness to those with whom you are
communicating and promote the speedy and effective exchange of ideas.
In this lesson you will understand and apply what you have learned in the world of communication. Let us see what you
know about Communication.
To assess yourself, answer this pre-test to determine what you know and what you should know.
Learning Task 1:
Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your response to the separate activity sheet.
1. It is a source of information through observation.
a. Listening b. Observing c. Organizing d. Recording
2. A way of communicating using hand gesture, posture and facial expression is called _________.
a. authentic communication b. verbal communication c. non – verbal communication d. none of the above
3. When sharing communication there are things that one must do except_________.
a. listening carefully b. speaking clearly c. making eye contact d. slouching
5. The following are the things that gossiping does to a team; except ______.
a. hurting relationship b. leading to a healthy competition in a team c. creating selfishness d. dampening enthusiasm
Definition of Terms:
Newspaper refers to printed media and a source of a powerful mode of mass communication
Magazine is a periodical publication which is printed in gloss- coated and matte paper.
Radio is a device used for the transmission of data in coded form.
Television is one of our world’s most important means of communication. It shows us information programs like the news,
documentaries and sports events.
Cell Phones is used for easy to send a quick text message in a workplace that one monitors personal calls. When meetings go
long employees can check their phones for important emails.
Listening is more than hearing, and it requires some effort. It involves non-verbal communication as well. When people are
giving you instructions, you need to listen carefully so that the job is done safely and accurately. By being a good listener, you
will follow instructions more accurately and reduce the risk of accidents.
As a listener you should: • listen to people’s feelings • show you are listening to the answer you give
• use non-verbal means to encourage the speaker to continue
A lot of workplace communication involves asking questions or responding to inquiries. To get the answers you want, you
have to ask the right questions. Be specific about what you need to find out so that the other person understands clearly. If
you need to ask several questions, it will help you to remember them all if you write them down first. Speak slowly and clearly
so that you are heard and understood the first time. The other person must be able to pay full attention what you are saying,
so choose a mutually convenient time. If you need to know the answer urgently, you might have to interrupt. Just make sure
you explain that it is important. Before you ask a question of anyone, think about.
Working in Groups
Work Groups
Many workplaces set up groups of workers to perform a certain job or achieve a particular goal. The work group may be
split up afterwards or given a new job or goal. The people who make up the group may all be from the one section of the
business with similar skills and qualifications. Work groups can be set up for many different reasons. They could work on:
• shutting down equipment for annual maintenance • organizing a revegetation program • revising OHS guidelines
• planning a special event
Your Group Discussions
When people come together in groups, they bring many different ideas, experiences and skills. Working in groups fosters
initiative, tolerance and trust. Work in groups can: • share information • solve problems • make decisions • accomplish tasks
For work groups to be successful, people have to communicate and cooperate.
Structuring Meetings
Meetings need a structure. Without structure, the discussion usually takes far too much time without reaching any firm
decisions. An agenda is used to give some structure to a group discussion. An agenda lets people know what the meeting
will be about so that they can think about it before they come. It makes sure that everything necessary is included for
discussion and nothing gets forgotten at the meeting. During the meeting, it keeps the discussion on track.
Formal Meetings
A typical agenda for a formal meeting includes the following items: • opening • welcome and apologies • minutes from
the previous meeting • business arising from the minutes • correspondence, inwards and outwards • business arising from the
correspondence • reports financial and subcommittees • general business • other business • date, time and place of the
next meeting • close
Informal Meetings
Informal meetings also need an agenda, although it might be much simpler than the one shown above. It should include
opportunities to discuss: • the purpose of the meeting • what has happened so far • what problems still need to be
addressed • how the workgroup will achieve goals
Obligations of Workgroup Members
As a member of a workgroup, you have an obligation to: • attend meetings • participate to the best of your ability •
behave courteously towards other members of the group • comply with meetings decisions • carry out instructions decided
at meetings • keep sensitive matters confidential
If your obligations are not obvious or clear, you should ask your supervisor or co-workers for advice.
Types of Forms
In every workplace, you will be required to complete the forms. Each workplace will have forms specific to their
requirements. You must make sure that you know which forms to fill in when you need to use forms and where to find the
necessary forms. When filling in a form: • Read the form carefully • Fill in all the required details • Only include necessary
information • Write clearly and simply • Check that you have completed it properly • Send or give it to the appropriate
person, or file in the appropriate place
Common Errors Can Delay the Recording of Your Documents
An error may result in our office having to “REJECT” and mail back your submission. Use the information below as a
checklist to ensure your documents are recorded on time. • Make sure checks are signed. • Print names and titles legibly
under all signatures. • Notary stamp must be legible and dark; notary stamp should not obscure document wording or notary
name and expiration date. • “Return To” address is required on a document; includes a self-address stamped envelope for
return of copies. • Each document must be stapled separately and be in proper order for recording. • Make sure social
security number appear on non-resident tax forms. Checks with these forms should be made payable. • The consideration
amount must match in all areas (front, acknowledgment, affidavit, and seller’s residency form).
Identifying Reporting Requirements
Before you begin to gather and analyze your data consider how you can ensure your collection efforts will meet the
reporting needs of your primary intended users. From the very beginning, reporting is an integral part of evaluation which
allows you to: • Communicate what you do • Monitor and track progress • Demonstrate the impact • Document lessons
learned • Be accountable and transparent to donors, partners, and benefiting communities
Interview Guide
Name of Interviewee: _________________________ Address: __________________________________
Name of Interviewer: __________________________
Guide Questions:
1. What motivates you to put up a poultry farm?
2. How many employees do you have? What are their respective tasks and assignments?
3. How do you look into the welfare of your employees?
4. How do you anticipate future challenges in your business?
5. Aside from the good promise of better income, what else are your future plans and visions in your business?
VII. REFERENCES TLE – Agri-Fishery Arts (Animal Production) - Grade 7/8 Alternative Delivery Mode Module 1: Participating
in Workplace Communication First Edition, 2020- Department of Education-SDO Palawan