Strategy Courtesy of Alldayfaders On Twitter: Team3Dstocks: July 2, 2021
Strategy Courtesy of Alldayfaders On Twitter: Team3Dstocks: July 2, 2021
Strategy Courtesy of Alldayfaders On Twitter: Team3Dstocks: July 2, 2021
July 2, 2021
I’ll save u years of data tracking and experience. the best long setups are simply
bear traps. Largecaps or low oats, doesnt matter. Look up my "you gon learn
today" setup if u need a visual. I stop out (if short) & go balls deep long each
time I see it.
if you're a daytrader that likes to capture big moves, look for it on the 5min or
even 15min chart.
For example here's when $AMC did the #youGonLearnToday setup back when it
was in the $20 area, right before the gamma squeeze. I took the L on my call
shorts and ipped long. if it does it again, even at this current in ated price, i'll
ip long again.
I can go in my database and nd the rest of the examples, but u get the point.
save those charts. this is the most deadly long setup ever. and trust me, ive
tracked a ridiculous amount of setups over the years. Long and short. none
come close to this one.
So whenever u see me long random shit like $TSLA $SPY etc, or even dirty cunt
stocks like $AMC, 9 out of 10 times it's because stubborn shorts are trapped
and are about to "learn today". Same way i nd my short setups (trapped bulls).
as u see, it all goes back to supply/demand
Now for those interested in the psychology behind the setup, it's simple. Us
bears have FOMO too, just like you cunty bulls. so whenever a stock is
overextended, most shorts like to scale in short on the frontside (dumbest way
to trade ever).
Then whenever it nally breaks trend, they tend to pile short & chase the
breakdown. or they place a ton of short orders on the Ask, hoping to get lled
on pops. So whenever the stock reclaims quickly, trust me, every short is
trapped & is afraid to stop out in case it "double tops" because NO ONE wants
to be the idiot who stops out right before the highs just to see the stock "double
top" and sello . So that creates more stubborness, as shorts refuse to cover.
not to mention the liquidity issues (very hard to stop out near the highs when the
Ask is thin).
Eventually, the stock keeps grinding higher, then boom. here comes the upticks
& the "instant transmission" super saiyan rip to new highs. The rest is history.
the squeeze cometh. Shorts get their backs blown out & their hair pulled.
doggystyle. Ive been there. it's not pleasant.
Other reason it works so well is b/c the trendbreak stops out the weak hands
(bulls), which lowers the supply on the way back up (less people to take pro ts =
less supply). So the manipulator uses those stop losses as an opportunity to
grab more shares & lock more of the oat.
May 27, 2021
$AMC update on the "you gon learn today" setup. Do u think shorts learned or
$SOLY the "you gon learn today" bear trap pattern they used on $ATOS $BPTH
$DRYS etc. Very good to save those charts daily and review on weekends. More
info on pattern is on chapter 69 of my oppy disk.