Bowers1989 2
Bowers1989 2
Bowers1989 2
Formation in Humans
Part I
Gerald M. Bowers,* Brian Chadroff,f Robert Carnevale,t
James Mellonig,§ Rüssel Corio, | Jane Emerson,* Mark Stevens,H
and Elaine Romberg#
Part i of this three-part human study evaluated the formation of a new attachment
apparatus (bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament) on pathologically exposed root
surfaces in an open and closed environment. The most apical level of calculus on the root
served as a histologie reference point to measure regeneration on root surfaces exposed to
the oral environment. Attempts were made to initiate the formation of a new attachment
apparatus by flap curettage, root planing, coronectomy, and submersion of vital roots
beneath the mucosa. Nonsubmerged defects were treated by the same surgical technique
and served as controls. Biopsies were obtained at 6 months and regeneration was evaluated
histometrically by two investigators who were unaware of the treatment performed. Data
from 9 patients with 25 submerged and 22 nonsubmerged defects were submitted for
statistical analysis. Results indicate that a new attachment apparatus did not form in any of
the 22 nonsubmerged teeth; a new attachment apparatus did form in a submerged environ-
ment (0.75mm); significantly more new attachment apparatus (P < 0.05), new cementum
( < 0.01 ), new connective tissue ( < 0.05), and new bone ( < 0.02) formed in submerged
defects; new cementum was cellular in nature and formed equally well on old cementum
and dentin. Greater percent positive regeneration of the attachment apparatus and all
component tissues occurred in submerged defects and no extensive root résorption, ankylosis,
or pulp death was observed on submerged or nonsubmerged roots. (Journal of Periodontol-
ogy, 1989;60:664-674)
The regeneration of a new attachment apparatus flora than humans may produce misleading results.
(bone, cementum, and a functional periodontal liga- Even when the optimal primate model system reported
ment) after the natural attachment has been destroyed by Caton and Kowalski1 was used, completely divergent
by disease or traumatic injury is one of the most chal- findings were reported by Caton and coworkers2"4 and
lenging problems in dentistry. New attachment studies Mellonig.5 Caton was unable to promote new attach-
have been conducted in both animals and humans. ment in primates with or without grafting materials,
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to extrapolate whereas Mellonig demonstrated new attachment in
the results of new attachment studies in animals to grafted sites and in a significantly fewer number of
humans. Evaluation of new attachment in artificially- nongrafted defects. Animal studies will continue to
created defects in animals with a different bacterial provide useful information, but proof of formation of
a new attachment apparatus must come from histologie
evidence in humans. While evidence of the formation
Department of Periodontics, Baltimore College of Dental Sur- of a new attachment apparatus has been reported in
gery, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.
t Private practice, Rego Park, NY. humans,6 some question existing information on the
% Private practice, New London, CT. basis of inadequate documentation of denuded root
§ Department of Periodontics, School of Dentistry, University of surfaces,7"9 poor histologie technique,8 or inaccurate
Texas, San Antonio, TX; previously, Naval Dental Center, Periodon- reference points for measurement,7"9 and contend that
tics Department, Bethesda, MD. such regeneration is not feasible in areas previously
I Department of Oral Pathology, Georgetown University, School
of Dentistry, Washington, DC. exposed by Periodontitis. Others have also questioned
H Department of Removable Prosthetics, Baltimore College of the value of graft materials and whether or not a graft
Dental Surgery, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD. contributes to new attachment.10 It is apparent that
#Department of Educational and Instructional Resources. several important questions need to be answered re-
Volume 60
Number 12 Histological Evaluation ofNew Periodontal Attachment, I 665
garding the formation of a new attachment apparatus. consent. This project was approved by the Human
In this three-part human study, regeneration of intra- Volunteers Committee, University of Maryland.
bony defects was compared in submerged and nonsub-
merged environments, with and without grafting ma- Presurgical Therapy
terials. In each of the three parts, the most apical level Treatment plans were developed and patients "re-
of calculus on the root served as the histologie reference ceived periodontal and restorative care as necessary to
point to measure regeneration.7 In Part I, attempts were restore their mouth to a state of health. Calculus was
made to regenerate intrabony defects by: 1 ) flap curet- not removed from the teeth included in the study.
tage, crown removal and submersion of the vital root
beneath the mucosa and 2) flap curettage alone. In Part Surgical Therapy
II, regeneration was compared in submerged intrabony All surgical procedures and clinical measurements
defects treated with and without decalcified freeze- were performed by the same investigator (GMB). On
dried bone allograft (DFDBA). Part HI evaluated the teeth randomly selected for vital root submersion (co-
potential for regeneration of intrabony defects on non- ronectomy), a mucoperiosteal flap was reflected on the
submerged teeth with and without the use of DFDBA. facial surface and a gingivoplasty was performed on the
In a preliminary report of this project, it was sug- lingual or palatal surface. Vertical incisions were made
gested that a new attachment apparatus may form after on the facial surface to permit coronal positioning of
flap curettage and root planing of intrabony defects if the flap. A small hole was placed in the crown of each
the vital roots are submerged beneath the mucosa.11 In tooth and suture material was passed through the hole
nonsubmerged teeth, using the same surgical technique, as a safeguard against aspiration of the crown once it
a long junctional epithelium formed over the patholog- was severed from the root. Crowns were amputated at
ically exposed root surfaces. This paper will present the the highest level of the alveolar crest with a #701 cross-
final results of Part I and attempt to answer the follow- cut fissure bur in a high speed handpiece with a sterile
ing questions: following flap curettage in intrabony water spray to prevent soft and hard tissue damage.
defects and root planing of pathologically exposed root Sharp edges of the roots were rounded with a finishing
surfaces bur. Granulation tissue was removed from all defects
1. Is it possible to regenerate a new attachment ap- without instrumenting the root surface. Once the gran-
paratus on nonsubmerged roots? ulation tissue was removed, a 1/4 round bur was used
2. Will a new attachment apparatus regenerate on to notch the root at the base of the calculus in order to
submerged vital roots? delineate exposed from nonexposed root surfaces.7 A
3. Are there significant differences in the amount of fiber optic light source was used to illuminate the defect
attachment apparatus and component tissues that will and the adjacent root surface and magnifying loops
form on submerged and nonsubmerged roots? were used to aid in locating the base of calculus. Root
4. Will the attachment apparatus and component planing was accomplished from the calculus reference
tissues form more frequently on submerged or nonsub- notch coronally by hand instrumentation and finishing
merged roots? burs. Special care was taken to preserve the position of
5. Will extensive root résorption, ankylosis, or pulp the notch during root planing. An ultrasonic instru-
death occur on submerged or nonsubmerged roots fol- ment* was used for final debridement of the defect but
lowing flap curettage and root planing? no attempt was made to contact the root surface apical
to the calculus reference notch. The bony defects were
classified as to the number of walls, and the depth of
MATERIALS AND METHODS each defect was measured with a calibrated periodontal
probe from the alveolar crest to the calculus reference
Patient Selection notch (groove) and from the notch to the depth of the
Thirteen volunteers were solicited from patients who defect (Fig. 1). In nonsubmerged teeth, the distance
had two or more maxillary or mandibular premolars, from the cemento-enamel junction to the alveolar crest
was also measured. The bony walls of the defects were
cuspids, or incisors recommended for extraction by the
Oral Diagnosis Department. The basis for extraction penetrated in numerous places with a 1/4 round bur
was advanced periodontal disease, excessive mobility, (intramarrow penetration) to enhance rapid prolifera-
malpositioned teeth, prosthetic considerations, esthet- tion of blood vessels into the defect. In order to obtain
ics, and patient request." Teeth chosen for the study soft tissue closure over the submerged roots, the facial
demonstrated advanced bone loss, deep pockets, and flap was coronally positioned and sutured over the
associated interproximal intrabony defects with radio- gingivoplasty wound. Vertical incisions were also su-
graphically visible calculus on the root surface. All teeth tured. The wound edges around the nonsubmerged
were vital and asymptomatic. Volunteers were system- teeth were tightly adapted with vertical mattress sutures.
ically healthy and instructed both orally and in writing
as to the nature of the project to obtain an informed *
Cavitron, Dentsply Corporation, York, PA.
J. Periodontol.
666 Bowers, Chadroff, Carnevale, Mellonig, Corlo, Emerson, Stevens, Romberg December 1989
AC Alveolar crest
nonsubmerged defects in 9 patients were submitted for
CT Width of connective tissue attachment
statistical analysis (Table 1).
JE Junctional epithelium
D Dentin
Submerged Nonsubmerged F
NC New cementum -
NB New bone
AC Alveolar crest
CT Width of connective tissue attachment
NB =New bone.
A Root severed at highest level of alveolar crest
Reference notch at base of calculus.
Groove at base of calculus
A =
Reference notch at alveolar crest (nonsubmerged); severed
D Dentin
PL Periodontal ligament
BP Bone particle
Will a New Attachment Apparatus Regenerate on Sub- Pathologically exposed root surfaces were most often
merged Vital Roots? covered by a combination of cementum and connective
A new attachment apparatus did form on pathologi- tissue (x2.51 mm) (Fig. 10).
New cementum was usually cellular in nature, varied
cally exposed root surfaces in a submerged environment in thickness from section to section, and was often
(x0.75mm) (Table 1, Figs. 8, 9, and 10). Complete
regeneration of the attachment apparatus, B- (x2.58 separated from the root surface. This separation was
considered artifact and related to acid décalcification
mm), was limited by the amount of bone and cemen-
tum formation (x0.96mm and 1.14mm respectively). and paraffin embedding, since the separation was not
observed in the 10 specimens which were decalcified in
EDTA and embedded in plastic. In submerged defects,
new cementum most frequently formed over both old
cementum and dentin within the same defect (Table 2,
Fig. 9). Periodontal ligament fibers were embedded in
cementum and bone and were most frequently oriented
parallel to the root (Table 3, Fig. 11).
Are There Significant Differences in the Amount of
Attachment Apparatus and Component Tissues That
Will Form on Submerged and Nonsubmerged Roots?
Data in Table 1 reveal that
significantly more attach-
ment .05), cementum ( < .01), con-
apparatus ( <
nective tissue (P .05), cementum plus connective
tissue (P < .0001), and bone (P < .05) formed in
Figure 7. Higher magnification ofcalculus notch (B) and new cemen- submerged defects than nonsubmerged defects. There
tum (NC) formation shown in Figure 3. New attachment apparatus was a difference in the mean location of the alveolar
formation was not evidenced coronal to calculus reference notch. crest from the calculus reference notch in submerged
(H&E, original magnification, 40x)
Table 2
Percent of Sections Showing Regeneration of New Cementum Over
Three Types of Tissue
Percent Percent Percent
Treatment over old over
cementum dentin both r -
-1 " ,'j-Nc
Submerged 19% 19% 62%
Nonsubmerged 50% 50%
No new cementum formed.
Table 3 M'
Percent of Sections Showing Regeneration of Periodontal Ligament
in Three Directions
Percent Percent Percent
Figure 11. New attachment apparatus formation coronal to calculus
Treatment parallel perpendicular parallel and reference notch in submerged defect with parallel and perpendicular
to tooth to tooth perpendicular arrangement ofperiodontal ligament fibers (PL). Note new cementum
Submerged 50% 25% 25% (NC), new bone formation (NB), and incorporation ofSharpey'sfibers.
Nonsubmerged* —
(H&E, original magnification, 80x)
No new attachment formed
Table 4
Percent of Sections Showing Regeneration for Each Procedure
versus nonsubmerged sites (B-AC 0.99 mm vs 0.11 =
Measurement Submerged Nonsubmerged
mm respectively) but the difference was not significant. 0%
New attachment apparatus 62%
There appeared to be greater loss in height of alveolar New cementum 77% 3%
crest between submerged and nonsubmerged defects New connective tissue 77% 2%
cementum and connective tissue 90% 3%
(A-AC -1.46 mm vs -2.15 mm respectively) but the
= New
New bone 71% 3%
difference was not significant.
Volume 60
Number 12 Histological Evaluation ofNew Periodontal Attachment, I 671
Periodontal Ligament Formation gingival connective tissue was placed directly over cut
In a submerged environment, the periodontal liga- dentin surfaces and various combinations of bony walls
surrounded the submerged roots. It was encouraging
ment may be oriented parallel, perpendicular, or par-
that in no instance was extensive root résorption of
allel and perpendicular in the same defect. Sharpey's
fibers will be incorporated in bone and cementum in dentin or cementum noted in this study. Surface ré-
both parallel and perpendicular arrangements (Fig. 11). sorption of both dentin and cementum, however, was
Melcher stated that functional (perpendicular) orienta- a common finding. Resorption bays were frequently
tion is unlikely without occlusal forces acting on the lined with cementoid or newly formed cellular cemen-
tum. Surface résorption was such a consistent finding
teeth.21 Occlusion was not a factor in submerged vital
that it appeared to the examiners that it may be a
roots. It is possible, however, that the forces created by
dentures may have been sufficient to stimulate the prerequisite for new cementum formation on previ-
functional orientation in some submerged defects. ously exposed root surfaces.
It has been suggested from animal studies that the
Pulpal Reaction to Coronectomy and Root Submersion cells responsible for root résorption originate from sur-
Pulp death does not appear to be a common sequela gical flaps.23 In humans, the placement of gingival
of coronectomy. It also does not appear to be a sequela connective tissues in contact with dentin or cementum
of debridement and root planing of deep intrabony does not appear to result in extensive root résorption.
In fact, new cementum formation was occasionally
defects, which in some instances extended to the apex. observed over the severed dentin surface (Figs. 14, 15,
Pulp tissue was not always present for histological eval- and 16). Likewise, cells originating in bone do not
uation, but when it was observed, there was often
evidence of secondary dentin formation opposite the appear to produce extensive root résorption. It is pos-
sible then, that cells derived from other sources, such
calculus reference notch in both submerged and non-
as bone, can express the phenotype for new cementum
submerged roots (Fig. 13). It is not clear how pulpal formation. This hypothesis has been proposed by other
tissue survives and functions after coronectomy. All
sections with pulpal tissue are presently being evaluated
authors25-26 and warrants further evaluation in humans.
by a pulp pathologist who may be able to provide some
Root Resorption and Ankylosis
Based on the results of this study, extensive root
résorption and ankylosis are not common sequelae of
vital root submersion in humans. Several authors have
demonstrated extensive root résorption of reimplanted
teeth in animals.22"24 It has been demonstrated in ani-
mals that, if cells from the gingival connective tissue22
or the alveolar bone23 contact the root surfaces, exten-
sive root résorption will occur. Based on these studies,
we anticipated that root résorption and ankylosis would
be a common occurrence on submerged roots since
Figure 14. New bone formation did not occur coronal to calculus
reference notch (B) in this submerged defect. New cementum has
formedfrom calculus notch to cut surface ofdentin (D) and over dentin
(arrows). (H&E, original magnification, 40x) Higher magnification
Figure 13. Dental pulp (P) of submerged defect demonstrating sec- of cementum forming over severed dentin surface is shown in Figures
ondary dentin formation (SD). (H&E, original magnification, 40x) 12 and 13.
Volume 60
Number 12 Histological Evaluation ofNew Periodontal Attachment, I 673
F. Extensive root résorption, ankylosis, and pulp
death are not common sequelae of this treatmejit.
2. In nonsubmerged intrabony defects treated by flap
curettage and root planing:
A. The formation of a new attachment apparatus
was not observed on previously exposed root sur-
B. A small amount of new cementum, connective
tissue, or bone formed on previously exposed root
C. Root résorption, ankylosis, and pulp death are
not common sequelae of this treatment.
This study was supported by Grant DE 06250 from the National
Figure 15. Higher magnification of severed dentin surface in Figure Institute of Dental Research; Research Grant M0095.001.003, US
11. Note cellular cementum (NC) overlying dentin (D). (H&E, original
magnification, 40x) Navy Tissue Bank, NMRI, NNMC; and research funds from the
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
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674 Bowers, Chadroff, Carnevale, Mellonig, Corlo, Emerson, Stevens, Bömberg December 1989