Ho Chi Minh University of Technology: Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Ho Chi Minh University of Technology: Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Ho Chi Minh University of Technology: Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Operating Systems
Laboratory Report 2
April 17, 2021
void print_func () {
int local_data = 9;
printf("Process ID = %d\n", getpid());
printf("Addresses of the process: \n");
printf("1. glo_init_data = %p\n", &glo_init_data);
printf("2. glo_noninit_data = %p\n", &glo_noninit_data);
printf("3. print_func() = %p\n", &print_func);
printf("4. local_data = %p\n", &local_data);
Executing the compiled program on UNIX yields the following:
do {
if(ptr != NULL) {
printf("Bytes of memory checked = %zi \n", maxMB);
memset(ptr, 0, maxMB);
maxMB += MB;
ptr = malloc(maxMB);
return 0;
Executing the compiled program on UNIX yields the following:
if (sbrk(size) == (void*)-1)
return NULL;
return p;
2 Process Control Block
2.1 Questions
Given the following C program:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
value += 15;
/* A */ printf("PID of child process = %d\n", getpid());
return 0;
else if (pid > 0) {
/* B */ wait(NULL);
/* C */ printf("Parent value = %d\n", value);
return 0;
a) What will the output be at line A? Does this value not change for every
process execution?
It can be seen that the produced output of line A is the process ID of the child
process when it is successfully created.
This value changes for every execution when fork() is called. This is because the
value in particular is unique to that child process and does not match any active
process ID.
The output at line C will be the parent process’ global value that originally forked
the child process, in this case, the parent process will be holding the value 19.
c) Remove line B from the program. Observe the displayed result onto
screen and give remarks.
The result shows that the printf() function has different order of output. In fact,
two possible outputs could occur when forking a child process. This is because
without the wait(NULL), both the parent and child process run concurrently and
the OS will randomly give control to either process.
With the wait(NULL) in place, the parent must wait for the child process to finish
before resuming back to whatever it is doing.
2.2 Write a C program that reads integers listed in this file and stores
them in an array (or linked list). The program then uses the fork()
system call to create a child process.
– Programming code:
– Compilation:
2.3 Write a program that uses fork() system calls to create processes whose
relationship is similar to the one showed in the figure.
– Programming code:
– Compilation: