Run Issue 42 1987 Jun

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The documents discuss word processing, spreadsheet, and database software for Commodore computers, including Fleet System, Pocket Writer/Planner/Filer, and resources available on CompuServe.

Fleet System 2+ and 4 are word processing programs that include integrated dictionaries and thesauruses, as well as features like mail merge and text editing tools. They are designed for the Commodore 64 and 128.

The Commodore Forums on CompuServe allow thousands of Commodore users worldwide to communicate and share information and software. Forums are dedicated to communications, programming, arts/games, and the Amiga.

12 New Education Reviews New Horizons for GEOS

of the Month



"A" Rating.
- Run Magazine, March. 1987.

Fleet System 2+ and 4 are powerful, easy to use and Function and the ability to Insert, Delete and Move Text
inexpensive. Both Fleet System 2+ for your Com easily.
modore 64 and Fleet System 4 for your Commodore 128
Now Fleet System 2 + and 4 are easier to use than ever!
Include an Integrated Dictionary and Thesaurus.
You'll find it much easier to use your C64 with such Fleet
The 90,000 Word Dictionary is the largest and fastest
System 2 + features as: Pop-Down Menus for easy access
available for the C64/128 and will spell check a ten page
to all functions. Ability to Cut and Paste by words, sen
document in just 45 seconds. There's even room for an
tences or paragraphs, Built-in Disk Utilities and enhanced
additional 10,000 "Custom" words! The Integrated The
printer support.
saurus provides thousands of synonyms ("like" words)
and antonyms ("opposite" words) instantly! If you are a C128 user, Fleet System 4 offers such powerful
features as: Help Screens, Ram-Expansion Support, and
Fleet System 2+ and 4 have many other attractive
On-Screen Bold and Underline in Preview to Screen.
features such as: Extra Text Areas, Mail Merge, Preview
Fleet Filer with Fleet System 2 + and 4 at no extra costl

Fleet Filer is a super-fast, menu-driven database that

handles up to 5,000 records and 20 text or numeric fields.
In addition, Fleet Filer will sort records and input/output
information to Fleet System 2 + , 4 and most major word
processors. Fleet Filer can also be purchased separately
for only S39.95.

For more information, or the name of the dealer nearest you

call: 1-800-343-4074.

Professional Software, Inc.

51 Fremont Street
Ncedham, MA 02194

Reel Sysiem 2+ ,d and Float Fiiornrodosiflned and wniisn by Visrontronics Group Inc.
Co mm od re 64 and 12B nra rog^ioroil rradgmarlisof CommodDfd Elociroriics Ltd

on Rondor SdvcC Ci'd


use the brains your

Commodore wasnt born With.
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Commodore" Forums supported software and utility programs. Family Computing, 0MN1 Online and
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Our Commodore Forums involve time charges.

(housands of Commodore users world • Take advantage ol CompuServe's inexpen All you need is your Commodore
wide. These forums show you just how sive weeknight and weekend rates (when computer and a modem.. .or almost
forums are most active, and standard online
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charges are just IOC a minute).
your Commodore Computer. To buy your Subscription Kit, see your
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The Commodore Communications nearest computer dealer. Suggested re
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munications software and advice on
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The Commodore Programming If you're already a CompuServe sub
Forum supports programmers and Information you simply can't find scriber, type GO CBMNET (the Com
developers of Commodore 8-bit anywhere else. modore Users Network) at any! prompt
computers. Use the Forum Message Board to to see what you've been missing.
Trie Commodore Arts and Games exchange mail with fellow members.
Forum is for all Commodore 8-bit
computers, concentrating on music,
Join ongoing, real-time discussions in a
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The Commodore Amiga6 Forum is technical experts. Scan Forum Data
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and entertainment applications in the mentation and contributions from An H&R Slock Company
OHTin>ukifi' n a (DflrtfmfflJ rr.idgniart. d CoTimo EioclwHcs Umnod
Amiga community. Commodore enthusiasts. Arp-ij.i in il rrtjiMi-fLHHM(h;rrwiXof COTilllOlWrU'

Circle 64 on Reader Service card.

A collection of 20 more fonts for use with
GEOS applications, in various shapes and
sixes for more expressive' and creative

Duranl mykonos

GEOS Four GEOS-COmpalible applications:
The Graphic Environment Operating Graphics Grabber for importing art from
System that opens up a whole universe of i'rint Shop,'" Newsroom and Print
new possibilities for Commodores. With Master'" graphics; Calendar; Icon Editor
Reowrito, geoPaint, fast-loading and Blackjack Dealer.
diskTurbo and support for ill I GEOS-
Compatible applications.
"■ --' = •-■ ;t^

1166! lint US! c■ ujiTr

b JifUnptiui

IWW MM?, , "MJjjl ItiiVuiiii ill ■ BHJ5

jlobal (t)' : ■IfT-iiA"
])ai (U) (1) : ]<tn;

jloiol ' ' (1) tt«l(*

hih •'■f.»


The GEOS-compatible, number-
crunching spreadsheet for tracking and
analyzing numerical data. Create your
own formulas, perform calculations for GEOFILE
anything from simple geometry to "what The GEOS-compatible database manager
if" cost projections. that sorts, edits and prioritizes whatever
data you feed it. You fill out the "input
form!' specify your command, and geoFlIe
takes il from there.

Circto 134 on Reader Service card

The GEOS-compatible directory that The six-foot cable that speeds up
allows you Hi create JisLs by name.addnss, printing because it's parallel-—not aerial.
phone number, etc. Includes seoMerge to Connects easily i<> Commodores with
ciutomlze form letters and Invitations. [ewer wires ami no interface box.

WORKSHOP S order call 1-800-443-OlOOext. 234
All the (iKOS-compatible tools a writer (California rcsidi:nt.s add Ti sales tax.)
needs, including fjcoWrile 2.U with US/$.rj.5ll Foreign for shipiiiiiR and
li;. Allow six weeks for delivery.
headers, foolers and features to justify, (l..,l,»,l<,rr.l«]O«lll,.4Ml U.l-
center, search and replace text. Includes Kfc.lnai.ra. Lnl OSOS, fWlWH

a Text Grabber (for converting text from


fl.jrvlr*l.i il.. i J, V Jl a.

pni I'rinl Mm tw misV Uuiur t I ibl uxli I r

programs like Paper Clip" I, gepMerge

and LaserWriter printing capability.

Sooner or later, you're going to discover that there's more to

Commodores than fun and games.
You're going to discover power.
Not the kind of power that blasts aliens out of the galaxy. But
the kind that whips through boatloads of data in seconds. The
kind that crunches numbers and drafts documents like child's play.
The kind you find in GEOS.
Every GEOS application can lake your Commodore from _
"mastering the universe" to a university master's degree, with
all kinds of advanced capabilities that function at hyper-speeds
you never imagined possible.
So if you're tired of toying with technology, try playing around
with GEOS. Once you feel its power, you'll know that for anyone
who still thinks Commodores are toys, the game's over.

|I Berkeley
The brightest minds are working at Berkeley.
Circle 134 en Rcmdiir Service cafd.
C o
JUNE 1987



THE PC10 HAS LANDED fry Margaret Morabito 28

Launched successfully in Europe, Commodore's entry In the IBM clone
sweepstakes h;is reached U.S. shores. Read ;il>out its features and how it
compares with two strong competitors.

DO'S AND DONTS OF COMPUTER CARE fry Annette Hiruliaw 36

Even if you're a computer novice, there are money-saving sleps you can
take to prevent or cure problems with your system.

* 64 Notepad Command Center by h<>i> Kodadek 44

Our instant-access text-window program is easier and fasier to use with
this assortment of one-key DOS Commands,

By- The Expanding World of GEOS fry Matthew stem 50

Berkeley Softworks is adding more to the GEOS landscape. New features
COVER PHOTOGRAPHED BY PAUL AVIS include desktop publishing, a desktop accessory, a file manager, a spread'
sheet and a C-128 version of this alternative operating system for Com'
niodorc computers.

* Basic Bug Trap i/y Mkhaet Hroussani 60

Add these special commands 10 C()4 Basic and take the frustration out
of finding (hose elusive program bugs.

The Speech-Controlled 64 fry Kent Patterson 64

Using voice commands, the disabled can direct a Commodore to do a
variety of tasks for [hem, from typing to controlling a wheelchair.

* POWER KEY by John Ryan ,70

C'64 Basic becomes more versatile when you assign special commands to
the function and control keys.

* DRUMMODORE by Larry Cation 74

Turn your C-64 into a drum machine, and you won't miss a beat,

* ROBOTGRAPH fry Rick Keplmri , 78

Youngsters who think learning about graphs is dull should check 0111 this
animated program.


RUNning Ruminations 8
Commmodore introduces its PC clone.

MAGIC bjjhn Harden 10

The original column of hints and tips for performing Computing Wizardry.

4 / RUN JUNK 1(187

Software Gallery 16 PUBLISH! k
Stephen Twombly
Reviews of:
Editor In Chief
• Arithmetician • Fish-Ed
Dennis Brissos
• Buzzword • HomeWork
• MacBcth • Term i'apcr Writer
Swain Pratt
• The Perfect College • Miixi Math
Review Editor
Beth Jam
* EASY APPLICATIONS by Bob Kodadek 82 Corv Editor
Short but useful applications for your Commodore computer. This month: Pic LePage

a mini word processor tor fast output of small documents. new Products Editor
II «!<;l ii R. BjORNSEN

Telecomputing Wdrkshop by David BruBej 84 TECHNICAL KlHTOR

Timothy Walsh
Advice and answers to your questions on modems, terminal
Avux iaii Emtciks
programs, bulletin boards, and more.
JIM ll< iruj -. M \i!i i].. i MORABITOi
Jim Strasma
The Resource Center fry Margaret Monblta 86
More and more teachers are turning to gradebook software for help with
their recordkeeping. This month's column describes the features and
VkciIii'i:noxlAiivihi 1 siw. Supervisor
operation of three of these programs. Howard C. Happ

* MEGA-MAGIC byJim Harden 90 Anne Dimon

Tips and techniques thai are bigger than Magic. This month: experi RocekGoode

menting with sprites. Production assistant

Runi in >.Finer

Commodore Clinic byjim Strasma 93 ASSOCIATE PublisiieriSales Manager

Got a problem or quesiion related to Commodore STEPHEN BOBBINS

computing? This monthly column provides ihe answers. SAL13 REPRESENTATIVES

k I ■> •- II! 1 BLAKEMAN
Nancy Poiter-Thompson
Mail RUN 96 Cia^s Ans
Input from our readers. Heathkr Paql-ette-Hast Coast
Breniu Jiii l in- :■! i n Wi.m Coast

New Products rundown 98 VltS t Coast Saus

Giorgio Saluti MANAGES
What's new in the Commodore marketplace. 3350 W, BAV3H0E Riuu. Suitk 201
Paix) CA 94303
How To Type RUN Listings 100
Using RUN's Perfect Typist checksum program. l QkirdinatoR
Sue Donohoe

List of Advertisers 104 Laura Livingston

Coming Attractions 104 Markfiim; Manager

Wl Mill 11 M-.'.i

Buunim Manager
- iiiis article contains a program listing. the program is available on the Barbara Harris
may-june rkktn disk. see i'ace 05 for details,

RUN JUST 1987 / 5

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"Heavily protected disks will take maximum 45-seconds £fjj£ UPDATE PACKAGE AVAILABLE
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What's the opposite of "downtime"? It's UPTIME, of course. your Commodore. Have the best and save the most
Just imagine ... a disk each and every month, delivered right with UPTIME.
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Subscribe now and save.
We make it easy and inexpensive. You deserve value. At You won't believe the low price! Satisfaction guar
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Relax and enjoy monthly games or
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Commodore a snap with ^^^,
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Iti5 terrific!

from Volume
volume 1,
i. No.
jno 1
Flip 'Em ■ Brain Teasers ■ Shopping Lister
■ Video rhiIc ■ Calendar Creator ■ File
Appcndcr ■ Nom de Plume

o /

The Clone Killer? then you should give Commodore's of look at education software that parents,
Commodore recently joined ihc fering a serious look. The PC10 is yet teachers and students (an use in the
another option with many plusses you classroom or at home. Software Gallery
ranks of U.S. PC-clone makers with the
should consider. As our review this reviews eight of the latest educational
introduction of the PC10. Commo
month states, "for those who are mov releases—from simple spelling and
dore's IBM-compatible makes its eniry
ing into die IBM-PC arena, Commo counting programs to Activision's new
into the U.S. market afler successful
dore's PC10-2 is certainly a strong Term Paper Writer. This month's Re
sales in Europe—particularly in West
Germany. Industry pundits question contender." source Center examines three grade-
As the authoritative voice in the Com book programs that help teachers
Commodore's move to test this market,
maintaining that tlie home-computer modore market, we felt an obligation calculate grade averages, prepare re
manufacturer is too late with its entrant to offer an objective, one-time report ports and manage the classroom.
on CBM's latest entry. It's a little dis Also in this issue, we are pleased to
lo make any serious inroads against ihe
bigger names. heartening to see more promotion and present an article about how Commo
advertising for this PC clone than I've dores are making a profound difference
According to Commodore officials,
seen for the 64 or 128 in years. But in the lives of the disabled. Written by
the company would have introduced
the computer in the U.S. sooner if it Commodore's entry into the MS-DOS Kent Patterson, himself disabled, the
hiidn'tbcen so popular in Europe. Nigel market does make good business sense. article illustrates the potential for voice-
Shepherd, head of Commodore's North Commodore's PC-clone notwith controlled C-(>4s to help the disabled
American operations, stated, "we have standing, the main focus of Commo perform such chores as writing, an
barely kept up with the demand for PCs dore, and RUN, will continue to be on swering the phone and controlling
in Europe. While that scenario existed, the home computer market, which, of lights and other appliances.
it didn't make a lot of sense for us to course, has been responsible for the Do you know how to prevent com
weaken the European situation by bring success of the company. puter failure and what to do if your
ing the units into the United States." system docs fail? In this issue we offer
Now, with additional manufacturing
Another "Import" some practical tips on the care of your
facilities in the Far East. Commodore is Later this year, you can expect an computer system. You'll learn the

in a position to meet the demands of other introduction from Commodore, proper techniques to prolong the life
both Europe and the U.S. which will be covered in HUN. This of your Commodore and, also, what to
This month's cover story looks at the other "import" from Europe is die do in the event that your Commodore
PC10-2 IBM-XT compatible machine, 128D, which, like the PC-lOs. is very acts up.

which boasts several standard features popular in Europe. On the CEOS front, we present the
not found in other leading PC clones- Commodore is gearing up for an in latest offerings from Berkek-y Soft-
graphics and color capability, two built- troduction of this machine before the works, including reviews of geoDex and
in disk drives, 614K RAM, five expan CKS in Chicago next month. With its Writer's Workshop, as wcl! as a preview
sion slots and 100 percent IBM software built-in 5^-inch disk drive and power of a C-128 CEOS version.
compatibility. In addition, Commodore supply, the 128D should be a popular Programs featured in diis month's is
has existing service and support centers. model among the space-conscious com sue include "Basic Bug Trap," which will
puter users. What makes it all the more help programmers track down bugs in
IS THE PC10 FOR YOU? attractive is that it loses none of its dieir programs. "64 Notepad Command
Wilh manufacturing facilities already compatibility with the existing C-128. Center" is an enhancement that makes 64
in place for this proven machine, Com Now that it has received FCC certi Notepad easier than ever to use.
modore is seeking to establish a prof fication, the 128D will enter the U.S. "Power Key" lets you easily enter
itable, although not overly ambitious, market with about a S550 price tag, as Basic commands by assigning special
niche. Their goal in the U.S. is a rela reported in a previous issue of this values to function keys, and "Robot-
tively modest 60,000 to 100,000 units magazine. graph" is an education application that
per year. teaches young computerists about bar
If you're a Commodore user who's Other June Highlights graphs.

looking to enter the world of MS-DOS, This month, RUN offers a special db

/RUN JUNK 1987

Release The Graphic Designer
In You With

v ■.);,.;

ump into the creative process

anywhere you
choose -
format or coj
Plus Is
flexible. And

100 pieces
of clip art,
10 type fonts
in 5 styles,
er designs to select
from, you'll have an endless
variety of creative choices to make.

Time and time again, you've Best Of AU The Price!

wanted to create exciting banners,
PrintMaster Plus is very affordable
posters, greeting cards, stationery,
graphic design software. So now
or calendars. If only you had the
you do have the time and the bud
time and the budget to complete
get to develop the undiscovered
these projects yourself, you would!
graphic designer in you!
Well, now you can. Thanks to the
To get your copy of PrintMaster
creative power in PrintMaster Plus
Unison World
Pius, just ask your local computer
150 Shattuck Avenuo, Suite 902 ~the innovative new graphic
Berkeley, California 94704 design software from Unison World. dealer
(415) 848-6666 |n just a matter of minutes, you'll Available on MS-DOS compalible computers:

Unison World is a division of be able t0 See V0Ur 9reat 9raPniC Commodore Amiga. Atari 520 ST,
Commodore 64/128, and Apple II computers.
Kyocera Unison, Inc. ideas in print!

Print out hard copies from within the C-128's monitor;

add a bi-directional printing effect to your screen titles; add a pause
feature to your Fastload directories; tune your guitar;
address business-size envelopes; and more.

Magic is the original column of reader-submitted hints and tips.
Each month we present brief, useful computer "tricks" to help you
get the most out of your Commodore system—whether you're a begin
Trick of the Month
ning or advanced computerist, a C-64 or C-128 OBHW, Magic is a
forum for RUN'.s imaginative and inventive reuders to share their ] Help-file reader—in order to prim a help
programming tips, briefsoftware or hardware modifications, shortcuts screen within a program I was writing, I needed a routine
or items of general interest. If you have an idea to make computing like C-128 GETspeed (Magic trick $378, RUN, December
easier, faster, more exciting and enjoyable, send it to: 1986), but altered so it wouldn't interfere with the program
Magic in memory. I also had to relocate the code so I could use
RUN Magazine cassette or disk. I chose $1300 (decimal 4864) as the starting
80 Elm St. location and made these changes to die original program:
n-terborough, NH 03458
RUN pays. SIO to $-fOfor each trick published in the column. A 20 FORI=4864TO4918:READT:POKEI,T:CK=CK*T:N
payment of $50 and a Magic Contributor T-shirt is awarded for the EXT
Trick of the Month. To be eligible, the Trick of the Month must be 30 IFCK<>7665THENPRINT"ERROR":END
40 DATA 160,0,185,64,19,240,3,200
for the O64 or the C-64 and C-128. Tricks for C-128 mode only are
50 DATA 208,248,152,162,64,160,19,32
not eligible for Trick of the Month.
60 DATA 189,255,169,5,168,162,8,32
If you'd like a copy of the latest edition o/RUN'i Magic Trick 70 DATA 186,255,32,192,255,162,5,32
Writer's Guide, send your request with a self-addressed, stamped 80 DATA 198,255,32,207,255,32,210,255
envelope; you 'I! receive a copy in two or three weeks. 90 DATA 32,183,255,240,245,32,204,255
100 DATA 169,5,32,195,255,96,U
19999 END
p Shortest file-reader—Here's ;i one-liner for read 20000 FOR I=1TOLEN(H$):POKE 4927+1,ASC(MID

ing sequential files. U should work with any Commodore $(H$,I,1)):NEXT

20010 POKE 4927+1,0:SYS4864:GETKEY K?:RETU
computer. In the line below, change "filename" to the name
of your sequential file and type in RUN. It will open the file, 20020 REM END FILENAME:CALL ML:WAIT FOR KE
display its contents on the screen and close the file when YPRESS
The subroutine at 20000 pokes the filename into mem
1 REM FILE READER-R. W. BENJAMIN ory for the machine language code. Of course, you must
run lines 20-100 above before accessing the File Reader
subroutine. An example of how to use the program, assum
Robert W. Benjamin
ing that you name your help file Helpfile, is shown below:
Wysox, PA 1000 GETKEY Q$:1F QS = "{CTRL Hj" THEN
128 inslant directory display—I have a way to in
I hope other readers find this trick as useful as I have.
stantly call up a directory display without interrupting any
work I'm doing in f>4 mode. Before going to <i4 mode, 1 load Richard Herrmann
the disk directory I'll be working with to the 12H's 80-Column Brookhaven, NY
screen. When 1 need to view the directory, 1 simply switch my
monitor to 80-Column mode.

Al Blakey $3EA Customized DOS Wedge for your C-64—Here's

Barrc, VT a way to customize the DOS 5.1 Basic loader. Save the follow-

10/RUN JUNE 198T

Singing Rugs, Bathtub Reveib,
Secrets OfAnalogAnd
OtherInformation Beethoven
Would Have Killed For
ou're about to embark on a
journey through the most com
plete music software catalog ever
created. It's called the Coda
Catalog. 160 pages of intrigue,
amusement, and information.

On over 600 products, including

virtually every piece of music soft
ware that exists today Coda is
detailed with whimsical illustra
tions. And written with a simplic
ity you'll appreciate. Use it to
order software, books, videos,
and equipment. All at the guar
anteed lowest price. For Apple,
IBM, Macintosh, Amiga, Atari,
and Commodore computers.
-**** * *j

Quite simply, Coda is the

best source of music soft
ware in the world. Or as one
critic so eloquently put,
it, "Beethoven would,
have killed for this
information^ Only $4. Order by calling toll free 1-800-843-1337 Or"
collect 612-854-9554. Oh, by the way, the singing frog is on page 114?
Winger Corporation, Music Learning Division, 1401 East 79th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55420-1590

Cliqia 86 on Reader Eeivica card.

If you'd like to make ihe scratch automatic, use the following
Magic line instead:

ing program with the filename "!"; be sure the DOS S.I Ml,
program is also added to your disk.
MSgt John R. Stevenson
APO New York, NY
10 IFA=0THENA=1:LOAD"DOS 5.1",8,1
20 OPEN!,8,15:PRINT#1,"M-W"CHR$(106)CHR$(0

$3EE C-128 ML monitor hard copy—The C-128 System
Guide doesn't outline a method for printing hard copies from
40 SYS 52224:PRINT"{SHFT CLR){CTRL 2}" the built-in monitor. Use ihe following steps to get a printout
50 POKE5 3280,12:POKE53281 ,0:FORJ=631TO634: First list [he machine language program you want to print
READK:POKEJ,K:NEXT:P0KE198,4:NEW out and note the sections you want to disassemble or dump
60 DATA 72,173,141,2,208,251,104,76,26,167 as memory. Exit the monitor with the X key. then type i'1
,177,36,48,13 Ol'KN 4,4:CMD 4,"";:MON1TOR. Send the sections, along with
the starting and ending addresses, to the printer by typing in
Then load and run the program (see p. 28 of the February D for Disassembly or M for Memory Dump. After all sections
1986 RUN for a summary of the DOS Wedge commands). are listed, exit the monitor and type PRINT#4:CtX)Slvl to
Now you're ready to perform some time-saving magic. Type restore the screen as the output device.
in this line: If your video monitor or TV is the •10-coluniii-only type, the
memory dumps will only print eight bytes per tine to the
screen and printer. You can use ESC X to switch to 80-Columil
Like magic, ihe Wedge and Pause features are loaded and mode and type the memory dump addresses without seeing
ready to use. what you type. This will prim 16 bytes per line on the printer.
The program also lists the disk's directory so thai you can Be careful typing, since you can't see the 80-column text with
run any Basic program by moving the cursor up to the file a 40-column-only video monitor.
name, typing an up arrow and pressing return. Line 20 re Frank Harbin
duces the head-knocking caused by some copy-protection Mobile, AL
schemes. You can freeze a scrolling screen with either ilie
control. Commodore, shift or shift-lock key. Release the key
when you're ready to continue. $3EF Bi-directional screen printer—My bidirectional
Karl Johnson printing program adds a special touch of magic to your screen
Houston, TX titles. You can also use this technique to enhance game sce
narios, help messages, even menus.
You can vary the printing speeds by increasing or decreasing
4»;) LU More automatic Auto Menu—Those of you who tile lime delay loops in lines 120 and 150, respectively. This pro
use Auto Menu (/ft/A', April 1986) to load and run your pro gram should work on any Commodore computer with a
grams might want to make it self-running by modifying it with ■10-column monitor. If you use 80 columns, change 40 to 80
the Auto-Run program (RUN, January 1986). By making in line 180.
Auto Menu a self-running program, you need only enter
LOAD"AUTO MENL'",8,1. The program will then run itself 10 REM SCREEN TITLES - SUSAN CHARNETSKI
and allow you to load and run other programs with a single 20 RVS=1:PRINT"{SHFT CLR}{8 CRSR DNs)"
30 A$="*{3 SPACES)* ***** ***** * *****»;G
Eddie I . Phipps
40 A$="** ** *{3 SPACES)* *(5 SPACES)* *{4
Moore, OK
50 A$ = "* * ♦ ***** *{2 SPACES}** * *{4 SPA
p Monitor hearing aid—For about $15. you can add 60 A$="*{3 SPACES)* *(3 SPACES}* *{3 SPACE
sound to your video-only monitor with an audio cable plug, s)* * *{4 SPACES)":GOSUB130
a Radio Shack amplifier-speaker (part #277-1008B) and an 70 A$="*{3 SPACES}* *{3 SPACES)* ***** * *
adapter (part #274-330). ****":GOSUB100
Nelson Hambtin 80 A$=" BY SUSAN CHARNETSKI "
Ip3ED Easy C-128 temporary saves—When you're typ 120 F0RTD=1TO30:NEXT:NEXT:PRINT;RETURN
ing in program listings, it's a good idea to save the program 140 PRINTTAB{RL + X)MID$(AS,RL,1 );"{CRSR UP}
lines to disk every 15 minutes or so. 1 like the way Perfect
Typist saves programs for me by adding this line to it:
S}" + CHRJ(34) + ■•?." + CHRS( I3| 170 RETURN
180 N=LEN(A$):X=(40-N)/2-l :RETURN
When you press Fl, answer die prompt with a Y and press
Susan M. Charnetski
return. Perfect Typist will replace the old version of the pro
Plains, PA
gram with the new version and the filename Z. After you've
typed in the program, use the Rename command to change
the program's name to <ine that's more descriptive. Continued on p. 88.

12/RUN JUNE 1987


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Compikd Bj BETH S.JALA

Editor's Note: This month's Software Gal easiest level is appropriate for first produce anxiety if you're worried about
lery is dedicated solely to education. We've grade, a child really must be able to read your score, which you can sec- rapidly de
tried to cover llie btuks—retuling, writing die screen directions in order 10 handle creasing as time passes. The accompany
and arithmetic—and all the age groups, from the program without help. ing cartoon that emphasizes your
kindergarten through college. Operation is fairly simple. You type droppingscore not only doesn't help, but
in a digit, or perhaps a minus sign where tends to interfere with concentration.
needed, at the blinking cursor, which Problems arc grouped in sets of eight.

guides you in entering your answers or After a set is completed, your score is
steps thereto. This is fine, once you get displayed, along with a cartoon and one
used to the right-to-left movement of the of a number of classical melodies that
cursor. In written addition, subtraction many users will find familiar. When you
A Variation on
and multiplication, you ordinarily do have finished a problem, you press die
Beat the Clock— work from right to left. In computing F7 key, whereupon a flashing screen in
mentally, however, you think, "3 times 4 dicates a correct answer, or flashing red
Beat the Cartoon!
equals 12," and your impulse is to write squares show you the incorrect digits in
down 1, dien 2. But if you type it this your work or answer.
Chapter One of the small documen way, it will appear as 21—wrongl Aridimetician is in no way a tutorial; its
tation booklet for this arithmetic prac In division, it's even trickier, since you value lies in die considerable variety of
tice disk consists of a confident ad enter the answer from left to right, and problems it presents as material for hon
monition to try the program without must dierefore consciously move the cur ing your computational skills through
first reading the instructions. I did, and sor each time to the right until it's in die practice. I don't regard it as suitable for
discovered that the menus and screen proper position. Unless you're an unusu young children, but for remedial work or
directions are, indeed, sufficient. ally calm person, this cursor manipula general practice for ages of about nine on
You are entertained during Arithmeti tion can be annoying, and can even up, it can surely be helpful.
cian's rather lengthy loading process by The scoring devices add spice for
an image ofa castle on a rocky hill silhou those who enjoy competition, eitiier
etted against a moonlit sky. A melody, rec against others or themselves, and the
ognizable as the main theme from cartoons and the most unusual music
Tschaikovsky's Swan Lake, accompanies
tin's scene as clouds gather, obscuring the
Report Card dress die program up nicely. On die
whole. Arithmetician scores quite well
moon. Lightning flashes, thunder rum Superb! in answering the need for practice in
bles, bats fly, and die picture disappears, I An exceptional |'i<>i;i .mi the four fundamental processes widi
You are then asked to type your name, for outshines nil others. whole numbers, (tensoft, PO Box 86971,
the program keeps score. Pressing the re San Diego, CA 92138. G64&24.95 disk.)
turn key produces the first menu. ■ One of the better programs Swain Pratt
The program, which deals only with available in its category. A wor RUN staff
integers, offers you six problem types: thy addition lo your software
addition, subtraction, multiplication, di library.

vision, a combination of addition and Average.

subtraction and a combination of multi
plication and division. Your choice of
Lives up lo its billing. No major
hassles, headaches or disap
keys l-{> is followed by a second menu, point menus here.
from which you select the level of diffi Poor.
Words, Words, Words—
culty (1-4), This program has some prob Guess Them if You Card
The range of difficulty is extreme, lems. There arc better on Hie
from the simplest addition or subtrac market.
tion of one-digit numbers to long divi Failure. Buzzword is an interesting educa
sion of a four-digit into a seven-digit Many problems; should be tional program in the pretext ofa game.
number, with remainder. Although the decpsixcill It is a nicely set up, well-written combi-

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80044. G64/&39.95 disk)
simple, and it's not always clear what
each object you see really is. In order lo

Mike Hinshaw move and use the objects shown, you'll

nation of trivia, hangman and Scrabble. Tulsa, OK need to familiarize yourself with a num
The documentation stales thai Buzz ber of medieval Scottish words.
word is for ages nine and older. Bad ;is In the last adventure, you assume [he
a game, it can provide hours of finer role of King MacBeth under siege at
tainment for triviu fans who enjoy ex Dunsinanc Castle. In contrast to the
panding their vocabulary. MacBeth original play, your MacBeth is not nec
Buzzword comes with "cheat sheet" essarily doomed. You must be clever
cards to explain each category and to let enough, however, to outwit the author
you learn which words will work. The A Tn/ist on a Classic himself, who takes the form of a"Shake-
game has 32 levels of play, including Produces an spcarc-masler," and who is fast enough
some two-player, interactive parts. to avoid the enraged MacDufi and his
There are three difficulty levels and 200 Educational Adventure invading troops.
subjects to choose from. The graphics The parser recognizes more compli
are fairly good, and I found the screen Avalon Hill's MacBelh turns one of cated sentences than other adventure
easy to understand. games I've played, and it reacts very
Shakespeare's most famous plays into a
series of four computer adventures. A
contemporary twist to the program gives
the user four psychoanalytic sessions,
with an astute medieval incarnation of
Sigmtmd Freud, known as the Bard. He
provides insight into the personalities
of both tlie murderous Scotsman and
his wife.
Besides the two program disks,
MacBeth conies with a manual and a
small paperback book containing the
first version of mis tragedy, published
in 1623. You won't need to pull out your
Cliff or Monarch notes: Over one half
of this book includes helpful back
ground information. It has a section on
Vocabulary is the game. Buzzword the historical MacBeth, an Elizabethan Relive the tragedy of MacBeth on your
is the name. perspective on the play, a synopsis of the computer screen.

play, a family tree, a map, a glossary, an

One of the drawbacks I noticed, how excellent bibliography and other useful quickly to those commands ic will accept.
ever, was that after playing a number of details. You'll need to refer to the text When a word is not understood, it reap
times, you could memorize many of the often in order to be successful. pears in red. but unfortunately, no glos
answers (which the documentation In the first episode, you are MacBeth, sary of acceptable commands is
freely adniils). The game timer can also and you must prove yourself superior, provided. Sometimes, you can get a use
be a problem: I am a fairly good typist, in both combat and wit, to a gamut of ful clue by typing help. Acceptable sen
but I had [rouble typing in answers fast adversaries like an axe-wielding horse tence syntax and vocabulary vary from
enough to beat ihe clock. This is frus man and the merciless and nearly inde one adventure to the next.
trating, and I expect that children will structible Macdonwald. You are pro There are several improvements that
have trouble with the time factor. vided with numerous written clues, in could be made to this program. Pint,
As a piece of educational software, cluding a newspaper, which you would the text of the play is written in such tiny
Buzzword is usable, but may be a bit too be wise to take along for future refer print diat it's difficult to read without a
hard for someone without a massive vo ence, as its stories have a habit of chang magnifying glass. Second, both the in
cabulary. I have an above average vocab ing from time to time. struction booklet and the program refer
ulary, and found many of the cards In the second adventure, you assume to the scenes of the play in absolute se
beyond my ability to solve. One in partic the role of the scheming Lady MacBeth. quence as scenes 1-31, while the text
ular, KvilBeasties, covers an area in which King Duncan and his retinue will soon uses both aci and scene. One system
1 am rather expert, due to years of re arrive at Cawdor Castle, and you must would make referencing the text much
search for role-playing games. 1 had a lot quickly feed them and put them at ease. easier.
of trouble with this, and on the easiest You have only one night to incite your A third improvement would be to
level of difficulty, lost the round. I suspect reluctant husband into killing the king. print the scene number at the top of
that younger children would quickly be To do this, you must map oul 38 loca each page of text Finally, a glossary of
come defeated by the words in the game. tions in the castle, find four herbs, use the commands accepted in each episode
The difficulty range is broad enough so them, and provide MacBeth witli the would be a real help.
that almost any player will be challenged, great amount of laetical and (im)moral The sound effects I encountered are
but perhaps it lacks enough easy plays for support he needs lo carry out his task. about average for adventure games. The
school-age children The third adventure makes the great Scottish bagpipe songs—Amazing Grace
I think that Buzzword might be consid est use of graphics. You must help the and Loch Lomand are both heard—are
ered as a diversion for reading classes, es witches prepare their spell by finding multi-voiced and better than average.
pecially those for gifted students. In the the ten ingredients for their cauldron. The many screen graphics used are di
home, the program may disappoint par Clues are given in the form of riddles rectly related to the action in the story.
ent and child alike. (Tlie Buzzword Game and changes in the graphics. They aren't They often contain rudimentary anima-




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Software Gallery
Your first step is to set up a "wish list" the opposite side is required, this disk-
of up to 26 criteria desired in a future flipping can be annoying.
college—cost, subjects available, size, lo Considering the high cost of college,

tion, and could best be described as me cation, type of student body, competi I feel that information on financial aid
dium, rather than high, in resolution. tiveness and student/faculty ratio. would be very useful. Finally, of course,

MacBeth is an extremely challenging Selection is very easy because the cursor all programs or books on the subject of
game: To succeed in any of the adven keys, joystick or keyboard numbers are higher education ultimately depend on
tures, you must read and understand the used, and there is an onscreen display information provided by the schools

text and die personalities of MacBeth, to access previous screens and menus. themselves. Whenever possible, a chat
Next, you save the Search option file with current students or recent gradu
his wife and die other characters. Like
Shakespeare's play of over 350 years to disk. This file is originally set by de ates is always a good idea.

ago, it is clever and entertaining. As with fault to include every institution in the The Perfect College represents a very

other adventure games, I found it more database and can be reset at any time. good value for prospective students, and
fun when played with a friend. The last file changed can even be re could he a real boon to guidance coun
stored after a reset, so obviously much selors each student can be given
I believe thai MacBeth could be used
in die classroom, but would strongly sug thought was given to taking advantage a handy printout Mindscape is also of'
of die C-64's file capabilities. I experi fering The Perfect College with its SAT
gest diat this be done only after you are
enced no difficulty in saving or restor tutoring program, The Perfect Score, in
thoroughly familiar with the program
and have made a list of acceptable com ing, even after multiple saves and resets. a $49.95 package, which seems an espe
Once you have saved the search op cially good bargain. (Mindscapc, Inc., 3444
mands. Most adventure game buffs will
find it well worth the price. One thing tions, you may begin the actual search. Dundu Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. C-641
seems certain: Anyone whose altcrego While you do ihis, a count of the number $19.95 disk.)
MacBeth survives will know the play at of Institutions compared is given, and Richard Eldridge
least as well as any Shakespearean soon you art1 provided with two lists of Miami, FL
scholar. (Avaton Hill Game Company, 4517 institutions: An "A" list, containing each
Harford Road, Baltimore, AID 21214. C-641 institution that fits al! your criteria, and
$25 disk) a "B" list, with those that fit al! but one

Richard Eldridge
or two of the choices given. Five screens
of data on each institution on either list Fish-Ed
Miami, FL
are then available for viewing or print
ing out. Hey Kids!Let's Go
Six categories of institutions are in
Fishingfor the Answer!
The Perfect College
cluded in the database: liberal arts col
leges, universities widi graduate schools,
technical schools, art schools, business Most young children enjoy learning
colleges and upper-level colleges de
Wish I May Wish I Might, signed for students with a junior or com
about spelling and counting, but who
would have thought that they could go
Find the College munity college degree. fishing while they learn?
The Perfect College can create a list of
That'sJust Right!
any desired combination of criteria.
Among the 26 available are the minimum
If you're a student, parent or guidance SAT and ACT scores and acceptable high
counselor, Mindscape's The Perfect Col school gradepoint averages. Also men
lege will be a great help to you in con- tioned are honors, remedial, and other
special programs, as well as varsity and in
tramural sports played, and the type of
academic calendar used. The fifth screen
gives the address and telephone number
and a summary of the overall nature of
each institution named.
Application deadlines arc listed to fa
cilitate getting scores and records in on
time. Mindscapc plans to update the
program each year, so it is likely that the
information it provides will be more cur Gojhhingfor the answers with Fish-Ed.
rent than possibly outdated college cat
alogs in libraries and counselors' offices. Fish-Ed is a delightful program for
The documentation is clearly written kindergarten through sixth grade stu
and easy to use. It explains the abbrevi dents. It employs high-re solution graph
ations used, gives details on each of the ics, sprites and quality Commodore
Take charge of your future by picking options and provides good advice on sound.
The ftrfect College. how to maximize the chances of being [here are [bur different games on the
accepted. program disk, each set in a colorful, un
sidering all 1657 four-year, accredited, The few drawbacks of this program dersea world. Choosing from Alphabet
degree-gran ting U.S. colleges and uni are mostly due to disk space limitations. Practice, Spelling, Number Concepts
versities. The package consists of the col The page containing addresses, phone and Math, children must manipulate a
lege selection program, a database of numbers and summaries is on side two control fish through the water, collect
about 440,000 facts, a 19-page booklet of the disk. Although a message tells you letters, numbers or little guppies, and
and a quick reference card. to turn over the disk whenever data on drop them into bins on the ocean floor.

20 / RUN JUNE 1987


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Software Gallery
warned that joystick operation, even dents after ihey've entered three wrong
at slower speeds, could be tricky for answers.

this group. In general, HomeWork is easy to use,

Fish-Ed is a solid educational tool for well conceived and well executed. The
But watch out, matey! There's a tricky
parents and teachers alike. Menu selec graphics aren't particularly eye-catch
old fisherman in liis dinghy on ihe
tions are made with single keystrokes, as ing, but screens are attractive and read
water's surface, and he's fishing for you!
are must game commands, letting young able. Students aren't given a free ride:
He hits a net, so you must keep a sharp
children play independently. Opera They have to look up answers and read
eye above while going about your un
tor errors are well-trapped and error die book, and math pupils get help be
dersea lessons.
messages are accurate and easy to fore they become too frustrated.
Alphabet Practice is designed to teach
understand. I did have a few problems with
correct alphabetical order. By using a joy
A brief, but thorough, manual de HomeWork, however. One annoying
stick or the keyboard, you move the fish
around the screen, grabbing each letter scribes each game, the special keys and fact is that you can't correct mistakes on
in the fish's jaws and dropping it Into die some optional activities. There are also the question screen—the delete key
proper bin below.
some interesting hints for parents and doesn't work. When 1 abseniinindedly
You are never punished for incorrect teachers on how to make best use of the entered the question number instead of
responses in this well-designed, educa product. the page number, 1 had no choice but to
tional game. When you answer correctly, If you're looking for a sensibly priced, cycle through to the database search.
however, the screen shakes, fireworks positive learning experience for your The screen told me, "N'aughty, naughty,

flash, and sirens, music and whistles early learner, try Fish-Ed. Bui watch out naughty. There arc no questions on page

sound: Fish-lid leaves no doubt when for the net! (Buchanan Software, 160A North 1." Perhaps younger children will giggle
you're doing fine! Fairvww Aw., Suite 146, Ctikta, CA 93117. at this treatment, but 1 wasn't amused,
You can adjust the speed of each C-M&29S5 disk.) and I don't think junior high schoolers
game. You can even turn off the fisher Ken Silverstcin would be, either.
It's more than likely that children will
man's net-throwing ability, which maybe Raymond, NH
hit the wrong keys from time to time.
a good idea for the younger learner.
Pro Comp should correct this design er
In the Spelling option, a word is
ror and permit use of the delete key to
briefly displayed on the screen. You then
move the fish around, snagging letters correct mistakes. Some children may

in his mouth, to spell the word correctly. cease to use the program if this problem

Spelling has six word libraries from becomes too frustrating. Also, there
Seek and You Shall Find were a few times when I caught
which to choose—one in RAM and five
more on disk. You can also create and That the Answer HomeWork giving me die wrong read

save to disk your own word libraries, ing locations. It had the right page, but
Is On Page the wrong paragraph. As for documen
with up to 20 words in each.
Game three. Number Concepts, tation, it's adequate for adults, but needs
leaches the quantitative meaning of ad HomeWork is a terrific idea. Em more examples for children.
dition and subtraction. A simple prob ployed properly, it can enhance many If students are prevented from cherry-

lem is displayed at the top of the school-aged children's homework and picking assignment answers and from

screen—for example, "3 + 2 = ?"—and is studying skills. The program can be used using the Password mode, HomeWork is

pictorially represented by fish in bins by any number of children, so it's suit an excellent tool. In addition to leading
on the ocean floor. You answer correctly able for either home or school. students to the answers, it also trains

by Filling the answer bin with the right Each HomeWork disk has a corre them in study techniques that will serve
number of guppies. sponding school textbook. My review mem well when they graduate to school

Fish-Ed's Math module—clearly the copy, apparently designed for middle levels for which HomeWork disks aren't

most advanced—provides practice in school or junior high, was D. C. Heath's available. (Pro Comp, I'O Box 891, Dailon,
addition, subtraction, multiplication, di Life Science, The documentation men GA. C-6-t/$2-f.95 disk.)
vision, fractions, decimals and problems tions available math and social studies Annette Hinshaw
with multiple operations. Again, you texts, as well as science. Tulsa, OK
may use one of seven resident problem Operating die program is simple, be
sets or convert each night's homework cause the disk's database is linked to
problems into a customized library. numbered study questions in the book. Term Paper
The product is advertised for ages The student enters the page number, the
5-11, but I created :\ fraction library in
the Math module that kept me quite
question number, and, For those pages
that have more than one set of questions,
busy m maximum fish speed. Oh, how an occurrence number. HomeWork
much more enjoyable my multiplication scans its database and provides die page, Major Reports
tables would have been with Fish-Ed! column and paragraph that contains the
Although it is true that hand-eye co answer.
Are not so Overwhelming—
ordination varies greatly from child to In all programs except math, Once You're Organized!
child, Fish-Ed might have offered easier HcimcWork includes a password system
keyboard control of the fish. The four for parents. When the password is acti Term Paper Writer is for anyone who
keys used—1, 2, control and —, moving vated, the screen indicating the page lo has ever spread a slack of index cards
up, forward, backward and down, re cation of the answer also gives the over a desk to try to put them in reason
spectively—aren't the best possible correct answer or the first few words of able order. The concept behind this soft
choices. Four keys arranged in the typi the sentence containing the answer. This ware is that information need only be
cal diamond shape would have been password is enclosed in a sealed enve entered once—as you do the research or
preferable (I, J, K and M, for example). lope marked for the parents' attention from library notes and thoughts scrib
Parents of pre-schoolers should be only. The correct answer is given lo stu bled on the back of your hand.

22 / RUN JUNE 1987

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Software Gallery
rectly from the card and inserted in your pears on the screen, and die next exam
document. Unfortunately, the notes are ple is automatically displayed. If you
neither flagged nor deleted, raising the enter an incorrect answer, you're told it's
possibility of using the same informa wrong and the problem is repeated.
While il won't do your research for
tion twice or leaving out an important There is no scoring, and hence no timing,
you, Term Paper Writer m;ikes it easier
detail. which 1 like: Far better for children not to
to turn a collection of facts into a well-
Term Paper Writer is well-designed, be pressed for time when doing math.
organized document. Limited to ap
thoroughly documented and quite easy The second program, M2, plunges you
proximately 50 nolecards ;incl 20 pages
of text, this package should be able to to use. However, the program totally ig into that old bugaboo, long division. You
nores the cardinal rule of computing- are asked to do the second, more difficult
handle most of a high school or college
student's writing chores. back up your data. I feel that even the group of problems on paper and type in
Before you can begin, you'll need to novice computerist should be able to only the answer.This is excellent review if

prepare a special work disk for each back up a data disk, especially one as you're rusty, for long division also in

project. It takes a few minuted for your important as a term paper. (Activ'uion, volves, of course, multiplication and sub

1571 drive to format both sides of a disk Inc., 2350 Bayshore Parkway, Mountain traction. The rest of di is second program

and create several files to siore data.

View, CA 94043. C-l28/$49.95 disk.) is devoted to fractions. If division didn't
get you, fractions will!
The main menu offers four functions. John Premack
In the section on fractions, the pro
Note taker lets you enter information in Lexington, MA
gram enunciates some rules—not very
much the same way as you'd fill out an
clearly in a few places. For example: "To
index card. You are first prompted to
reduce to lowest terms, find the largest
designate the type of source, then enter
number that will go into both numbers
the names of (he author and publisher
of the fraction and divide."
and the other details lhat will be recalled
In spite of faltering English, there is
when Term Paper Writer creates your
plenty of good practice in fractions here.
bibliography and footnotes. Your notes
Attention All Math Students: All four processes are covered reason
are typed in next, followed by a key year
and up to four key words. This Program + Your C-64 = ably well, except for one sentence
attempting to explain so-called cancel
While 1 appreciated the case with High-Level Calculation! lation; "When multiplying fractions and
which data could be entered, I wasn't
the numerator of one fraction is divided
prepared for two minor inconveniences
From counting squares lo calculating by the same number dial is divided into
encountered while using the Notetaker
monthly loan payments cuts a broad the denominator of the other fraction,
function. Due to the unique manner in
this reduces the problem fractions to
which Term Paper Writer organizes its swalh in the field of elementary aridi-
lower terms and does not change the
files, there was a wait each lime a source metic operations, but this is just what
final answer."
or note was written to disk: 25 seconds Maxi Math does. Il consists of four pro
Program M3 deals almost exclusively
seems like forever when facts are flowing grams on one disk, and offers a wealth
with decimals, covering die material
from your fingertips. of practice from kindergarten to high
quite thoroughly. My only reservation
Even more annoying was the discov school level. Unfortunately, there is little
here is thai the beginner's section makes
ery that the 80-column side of Notetaker tutorial help beyond a few brief defini
no attempt to explain place values; it
uses a combination of screen colors that tions and explanations.
only shows examples and how you read
could not be read on my monochrome Upon loading the first program, Ml,
them. M3 also deals briefly with install
monitor. Rebooting the program and you are presented with a menu—called
ment purchases, loans and investment
switching the monitor cable to 40 col an index—so extensive that it requires
returns, all of which arc covered, more
umns provided a legible screen. None two screens. Several counting and add
dioroughly, in M4.
of the other modules had this problem ing games arc followed by eight groups
The final program opens with a cal
and the remainder of my work was done of addition exercises, from single digits
culator that handles the four basic pro
on the C-128s 80-cohnnn screen. up through .summing four three-digit
cesses, power, square root and pi. Again,
You'll probably spend most of your numbers. Subtraction follows a similar
this program is less than explicit. I had
time in the Oulliner and Wriler sections. progression, but there is less of it.
to discover by experimentation guided
Outliner lets you list up to 99 ideas, and Then comes multiplication, with the
by a guess that you square a number by
when you want to group and edit them, tables up through 12, practice with the
entering 12. As mentioned above, this
the Features menu gives you access to tables and several groups of problems
program offers several routines for cal
standard functions like block move, that culminate in multiplying two three-
digit numbers. Division in this first pro
culating installment purchases and
copy, delete and restore.
loans, investment returns and commis
Once your list is organized, the tab gram only goes as fur as short division
sions. These are neither very flexible nor
key turns it into an outline that contains with three-digit dividends and a remain
sophisticated, but are useful within their
up to four levels. Term Paper Writer der. The program ends with problems
automatically indents as it inserts stan that can be run out on a printer for
I'd rate Maxi Madi as clearly worth
dard Roman numeral headings and Ar> practice on paper. Good idea—lest we
while for the purpose of arithmetic re
abic letter and number subheadings. forget completely how to write?
view and practice. I'd not recommend it
Term Taper Writer lets you .switch di The presentation is straightforward
as a primary teaching instrument, but it
rectly from the word processing screen to and the operation simple, with few
should serve splendidly as a supplemen
the outline. One of the nicest features of quirks. To give some flavor, if you choose
tary tool. It certainly covers a lot of terri
this program is its ability to import texl a counting game and activate it by press
tory. (Maxi Math Hduaitumai Computing,
from either the outline or the note cards. ing the return key, you see, for example,
6317 S. Clienot Drive, Amarilio, TX 79109.
The powerful Search function makes three squares, a plus sign, two more
C64/S29.95 disk.)
it possible to quickly check each note squares and then an equals sign, all in a
card for whatever data you're looking row. You answer by typing, hopefully, 5 Swain Pratt
for. Notes and quotes can be lifted di and pressing the return key. RIGHT! ap RUN staff ■

24 / RUN JUNE 1987

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Has Landed
Launched in Europe, Commodore's IBM clone
has arrived on U.S. shores and should be
a strong contender in the U.S. market.


Commodore recently introduced iis provision for polyphonic sound and an ATI
lUM-rC clones, the PC 10-1 and PC 10- Graphics Solution video display card.
2, li» tin." U.S. consumer market after The computer is equipped with a 112-WBtl
several years of selling very strongly power supply and a cooling fan. The power sup
in Europe. The clone market is cur ply is strong enough to support a maximum con
rently packed with low-cost machines, bu! Com figuration of two floppy drives, five expansion
modore's introduction still comes at a good time. cards and a 40-megabyte hard-disk drive. The
Commodore is already closely associated with the cooling fan is reasonably quiet; I've heard both
home market, it has a large base of service and louder and softer.
support centers in plate, and ii has a strong prod Commodore doesn't provide just the hardware;
uct line at affordable prices. you also gel the MS-DOS 'i.'i operating system on
Both configurations of the l'CIO are compati disk, along with one volume containing tin.- MS-
ble with both the IBM-PC and the IBM-XT. The DOS 3.2 Operations Guide, MS-DOS 3.2 User's Guide
PC101 is a single-disk-drive unit with 5I2K of and MS-DOS 3.2 User's Reference Manual. In addi
memory, expandable to 6-10K on the mother tion, you get GVV Basic 3.2 on disk and a copy of
board or with a card. The PC 10-2 is a double-disk Borland International's famous desktop orga
drive machine thai comes with 640K, Aside from nizer program, Sidekick, both also with user's
the number of drives and amount of memory, the guides.
computers are Identical. 1 reviewed the PC10-2 Furthermore, the PC10-2 comes with a 12-
for this article, month warranty and is supported by Commo
dore's large network of authorized service deal
What You Get
ers. Commodore is marketing this machine in
The PC 10-2 includes a system unit and an computer stores and selected retail outlets, not in
external keyboard. The system unit houses two the mass merchandising stores. You can get the
half-heigh! 3(>0K floppy-disk drives, a floppy-disk location and phone number of your regional dis
controller im the motherboard, 640K of RAM tributor by calling 1-800-34581 IS.
memory, KiK of Phoenix BIOS, a Centronics par
allel pon for hooking up a parallel printer, an The Microprocessor

RS-232C port for a modem or serial printer. The PC10-2 is built around the 8088 micropro-


cessor (4.77 MHz), the original IBM-PC and XT tions involving floating point numbers and Can
chip. The 8088 is considered slow and outdated be purchased at computer stores or from mail
by some critics, but it's 100 percent compatible order firms for about SI 10.
with all IBM-PC and XT software ;ind is still being
used by some other major clone producers. Video Options
You have lo pay big bucks to get graphics and
color cards for an IBM-1'C. Commodore, on the
other hand, has included the ATI Graphics So
lution card in the PC10-2. It provides the com
bined functions of die IBM CCA (Color/Graphics

Adapter), the IBM MDA (MonochromelDisplay
Adapter), the Hercules Graphics Card and the
Planironics Colorl'lus Adapter.
The ATI video card supports various monitors;
IBM-compatible TTL monoi hromi.s, RGIils Midi
as the 1901 and 1902, color composites and mono
chrome composites. It also lets the PC10-2 run
color software on a monochrome monitor using
different shades, and it can handle a 132-cohiniii
text display in Color and Monochrome modes.
This card offers three graphics tziodes: 320-by-
200 pixels with 4 or 16 colors; 640-by-200 pixels
with 2, 4 or Hi colors; and 720-by-S48 pixels with
Hercules compatibility. All this means that (he
PC10-2 can run any MS-DOS or 1'C-DOS software
Commodore's Many clone manufacturers are speeding up
new IBM-PC
their PCs by relying on multi-speed microproces
You control the configuration of the Video
sors that will run at 6, 8 and even 12 MHz. Tandy
clone, the mode through DIP switches on the ATI card and
and Leading Kdgc, for example, have switched 10 the motherboard, or through software. Be sure to
recently imported the dual-speed 8088-2 chip, which will operate at
read the Instructions carefully when first setting
•1.77 and 7.1fi MH/. The faster processors make
PC10. up your system, If you don't set the switches prop
for faster handling of large amounts of data, as erly, you won't get any display at all.
in large-scale spreadsheets and databases that re I used tin- l!)02A RGBI color monitor for this
quire a lot of numeric input.
review. While it did display all the software I
Microprocessor speed is not important to all
tested, and produced good quality color graphics,
users. If you're using your computer mainly for
I found it hard on my eyes for word processing.
word processing, education and entertainment, I've used oilier PC clones with much sharper text
or for applications that don't require a lol of
displays. Part ofihe problem is that only the con-
irast and brightness controls are active on the
I!H)2A monitor; the sharpness, color and hue con
trols are not.

External Features

The lightweight PC10-2 keyboard is attached to

the from of the system unit, which is convenient
for holding the keyboard in your lap. There are
85 keys, including a numeric keypad and ten func
tion keys, and they're arranged much as the IBM-
PC's, with the ten function keys lo the left and the
numeric keypad to the right. The enter and shift
keys are large, and the number-lock and caps-lock
keys have I.EDs. 1 like the feel oi'the PC10 keys;
they're firm, but not clackely like those on the
The system unit itself appears rugged and built
to last. It's on the large side (19.25 X 15.5 X 5.3
inches) and made of metal. The cover attaches by
screws to the back and sides of the unit, and the
power swiich is located on the back. Unlike sonic
PC clones, however, there's no reset switch.

Selling Up

A view of the number crunching, then you'll notice little differ 'Ihc PCIO-2 is easy lo set up. All you need are
ence between the -1.77 and 7.l(i processing rates. two electrical outlets—one for die system unit
inner workings
However, for the business user who works with and one for a monitor. If you're using a color
oflheI'C-10. monitor, you have to set the DIP switches on the
large spreadsheets, speed is an important factor.
For madi-intensive applications, thePC10-2 has video card and the modierboard. Aside from that,
a socket on the motherboard thai accepts an 8087 the unit comes ready to use.
math coprocessor. This device speeds up opera I had trouble attaching my RGB connector to

30 I RUN JUNK 1087

[he video port because of the high mourning lo for a 40-megabyte hard drive, and it comes with
cation on the card. There's just a h;iir of space a full-year warranty.
left between the top side of the cable connector The Leading Edge Model D provides more
and the system unit frame. competition for the PC10-2. It offers the same
For those of you who are using a monochrome number of open expansion slols in its basic con-
monitor, an RCA adapter is provided with the
Tablo 1. Comparative features of the PC10-I and
Software Compatibility
two of its leading competitors.
As with other IBM-PC clones on the market
PC10-I Tandy 1000 EX Blue Chip
today, the PC10-2 is totally compatible with exist
ing software for the IBM-PC. I tested my review Price |999 |S99 $599
unit with a variely of commercial IBM programs,
such as Flight Simulator, Microsoft's Word 3.1, PC Memory 512K 258K 512K

Tools, Graph-in-a-Box, SideKick, several Elec Ports Included Parallel Parallel Parallel
tronic Arts games, Accolade's Mean 18 golf sim RS-232 Joystick (2| RS-232
ulation and Lotus 1 -2-3. All worked flawlessly. Video* Video Video*
He;itl phone jack
PCIO-1 and PCIO-2 Competitors and Comparisons
Taking ihe perspective of a potential buyer, I Expansion Slots E 3 (non-standard) 6

was concerned mainly with the features and the Disk Drives 1 1 1
quality of the PC10. However, 1 was cost-con
scious, too. The suggested retail prices are $1199 Speed 4.77 MHz 4.77 MHz 4.77 MHi
for the PC10-2 and $999 for the PC10-1 (monitor 7.16 MHz
not included), and you can find these machines Keys 85 90 84
for less at local computer stores.
The prices of quality one-drive competitors to Software Included MS-DOS 3.2 MS-DOS 3.2 MS-DOS 3.2
thcPClO-1 art constantly dropping; in fact, systems GW Basic GW Bask GW Basic
with similar features arc available at this writing for SideKick DakMaw 11
as low as $599. Many consumers are purchasing a Warranty IS me. 3 mo. 12 mi>.
one-drive unit, then buyinga second disk drive (for
about $130), a strategy that can he more cost-effec Peripherals Includcc none none none

tive dian buying a two-drive system. •—On a card

When it comes to features, both thePClO-1 and
PC10-2 stand up well in comparison to the leading
clones selling for around $1000 and under.
Two of thcPCIO 1's major competitors arc the Tablo 2. Comparative features of the PC102 and
Tandy 1000 EX and the Blue Chip. Feature by
ttoo of its leading competitors.
feature, the l'C10-l is way ahead of the 1000 F.X,
primarily because of its 512K memory and its five PC10-2 Tandy 1000 SX Leading Edge
full-sized expansion slots. The 1000 EX comes Model D
with only 256K and three non-standard expan
Price $1199 $999 $1295
sion slols. The PC 10-1 also offers a more versatile
video card, and, in general, a more IltM-like con Memory 640K 984K 512K
figuration than the 1000 EX, although for a
Ports Included Parallel Parallel Parallel
greater price.
RS-232 Joystick (2) RS-232
The PC10-1 and the Blue Chip appear to be
Video* Video Video
about equal, but there are subtle differences. In
Light Pen
the Blue Chip's favor, it has one more open ex
pansion slot and a smaller footprint. However, it
conies with just a monochrome video card, radier Expansion Slots 5 5 4
than the PCHM's ATI graphics adapter. Blue
Disk Drives 2 2 2
Chip also has far less to offer in the way of man
ufacturer service and support. Speed 4.77 MHz 4.77 MHi 4.77 MHz
Two of die PC 10-2's most visible competitors for 7.16 MHz 7.16 MHz
the home and school markets are die Leading Edge
Keys 85 00 as
Model D and die Tandy 1000 SX. This Tandy, at
S999, sells for less than the PC10-2, and it has one Software Included MS-DOS 3.2 MS.DOS 3.2 MS-DOS 3.1
more open expansion slot in its basic configura GW Basic CW Basic GW Basic
tion. The 1000 SX also comes willi two joystick SideKick DeskMalc 11 Leading Edge W.P.
ports, a dual-speed microprocessor and integrated with Spelling
software, and it's backed by a huge support group
Warranty 1! mo. 3 mo. 15 mo.
for service and training. These factors make it seem
perhaps a better buy dian the PCI0-2. Peripherals Included none none H i-res
In the PC10-2's favor, however, is its 640K, as monochrome
opposed to the Tandy's 384K (Tandy owners monitor
would pay about S100 more to gel to G40K). The
•—ATI Graphics Solution card
PC10-2 also offers a belter video display, the stan
dard IBM-PC keyboard arrangement and support

RUN JUNK 1987/31

figuration, plus a dual-speed 80HH-2 microproces board it has, the engineering of die unit You
sor, memory expansion to 7(S8K on the mother should also weigh its video and graphics capabil
board, a 15-month warranty, a smaller footprint ities, the size of the memory and provision for
For those who are and a high-resolution monochrome monitor—all expansion, the speed of the micro processor and
for only $95 more lhan the price of the Commo options to add other lloppy drives or a hard disk
moving into the dore machine. Of course, it comes with less mem drive.
ory than the PClO-2's G40K and doesn't support You also need to consider your reasons for
IBM-PC arena, color graphics. buying an IBM-PC clone in the firs! place. If
In Tables 1 and 2, you'll find summaries of you're a home user, you may not need as hefty
Commodore's these comparisons between the PClOs and their and versatile a system a.s a school user. As a busi
competitors. ness user, you'll need durability plus fast process
PCI 0-2 is Keep in mind that these comparisons iii){hli{riii ing speeds and a large-capacity hard drive.
only ;i few of the dozens of machines contending Kor those who are moving into ihe IBM-l'C
certainly a in the huge PC clout market, and that my com arena. Commodore's l'Cl()-2 is certainly a strong
ments aren't meant as recommendations. I just contender. The hardware seems well built, it of
strong contender. want to suggest factors you should consider when fers the same standard features as many clones, ii
you're clout- shopping, as well as the kind of cost provides room for a hard disk drive, it comes with
variance you're likely to encounter. bundled software to get you going, and it's sup
As you shop, you may find even lower prices ported by :i major player in the personal com
than the ones I've quoted, ;is well as additional puter industry.
features. Clones are now coming out with more To make the PC 10-2 even more competitive for
plusses, such as applications software, video mon the home market. Commodore should drop the
itors and built-in hard disk drives. Clone-hunting price, upgrade ihe microprocessor and include a
is a challenging job! video monitor. Then it should give the machine
the promotional effort it deserves.■

If you're considering an IBM clone, don't make Margaret Morabilo, a freelance writer on computer
its cost your primary concern. Other features arc topics, is associate editor of RUN and author of the
more important, such as what peripherals and Resource (j-nter column. Ytiu Don write to her do RUN
Software come with the system, the kind of key Magazine, 80 Elm St., fttcrborough, NH 0U5H.

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32 / RUN JUNE L987
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of Computer
An ounce ofprevention. . . can make the difference

betweenfrustration and satisfaction. Take these simple,

sensible steps to avoid common problems.

Maybe your computer quits talk ing error light on the disk drive. While the
ing to you in the middle of a flashing light on the drive is annoying, it doesn't
program. Or perhaps you turn hurt to leave it on. If you want to shut it off,
on your system and the monitor execute an Initialize disk command with
doesn't light. What did you do
OPEN 15,8,15;PRINT#15,'T1:CLOSK 15
wrong? Can it be fixed? Does it have to go to the
shop? What do you do next? or else load a file.
Well, you'll be glad to know thai you don't need An error message on (he screen means you
special lools or knowledge lo do many of the asked the computer to do something ii can't han
things experts di» when their computers act up. dle. The user's guide that comes with your com
The first steps to take are e;isy and safe for even puter includes a list of error messages and what
the least experienced of us. They may cure your they mean. You'll also find descriptions of com
computer, or, if not, they should at least give you mon ones and what to do about them in Table 2
an idea where the problem is. Considering the of this article. If, after reading the table and your
hourly rate repair shops charge, every fix you can manual, you still don't understand some of Lhem,
engineer yourself saves you money, as well as time ask a computing friend or someone at a user's
and possible aggravation. group meeting.
This article describes the easy first steps to take Most of the standard error message's relate to
when your computer system malfunctions. A list of program errors. Syntax error, for example, which
do's and don'is accompanies it in Table 1. is (he computer's way of saying "Huh?", means
Before you do anything, remember, don't panic. you've misspelled or mispunetualed an instruc
Most computer problems aren't serious; often they tion to the computer, or placed ii in the wrong
can be cured by just turning off die system and sequence. There are only a few messages that
starling over. After all, operator error and software indicate a hardware problem. These include:
failure, in di;tt order, are the most frequent causes Device Not Present, which indicates that the com
of computer system malfunction. Hardware de puter can't find your disk drive or printer. If you
fects, usually the most difficult and COStly to repair, get this error message, first make sure the drive
are the least likely culprits. or printer is turned on. If it is, turn it off and
double-check the connections. When you power
Errors up again, make sure everything has lighted. If this
The simplest problem you're likely to encoun procedure doesn't help, you may have a bad cable
ter is an error message on the screen or the flash or a malfunction in the peripheral. I'll talk about


to isolate such difficulties in the Mix and to see that the power light is on, and double-check
Match seciion below. die switch and die power cords for any diat don't
The File Not Found error message means that light. If one of them still doesn't light, die indi
either you have the wrong disk in the drive or cator lamp could be burned oui, but possibly the
you typed the filename incorrectly. Computers unit needs professional repair.
just do not understand "You know whal I mean"; The question of whether everything is switched
lite filename must be exactly the same as the name on can be subtle. I worry about iny aging printer
in the disk directory, including spaces and punc every time it doesn't respond us soon as I call for
tuation. If necessary, load die directory to check printing. The usual reason is that I left it off-line.
die spelling. I panicked once when the online switch didn't
A File Open or File Not Open error message oc respond, but I had just left the reunion switch that
curs when you enter disk statements out of se trades the printer back and forth between two
quence. When you use an Open statement within computers in the wrong position. Another prob
a disk command, you must follow it with a Close lem that gives me gray hairs is my son's tendency
statement before you execute an Open again for to turn the TV brightness down so far diat some
the same file number. On the other hand, if you're screens don't show up. Think about the hidden
using a Print# statement within a disk command, switches in your system before you decide to take
you must first open die file. Study these com it to a repairman.
mands in your user's manual if you have trouble
with the File Open and File Not Open messages. Disk Drives
Some of the peskiest problems computer users
Is the Power On?
have arc with disk drives. Many of these difficul
Any disk A significant percentage of repair calls for any ties are intermittent and mysterious; that is, some
kind of appliance result from not plugging in the times the drive works fine, and sometimes it
unit or failure to set a switch properly. Your com doesn't.
you do a
puter system is complex, with many switches and The most common problem is trouble loading
cables that can come loose. The first thing to do a program. There are several things to try if diis
lot of when one component doesn't respond is turn off happens.
the power and systematically check all connec First, check to see that the drive door is closed.

saving to tions to make sure they're squarely and firmly On some of the older drives, if the disk is slightly
seated. crooked when you insert it, the door mechanism
Check the power cables for the computer and may pinch it and make the disk hard to read. Be
ami scratching each peripheral at bodi ends. Trace die serial sure the disk is squarely and firmly seated against
cables from die computer to the disk drive, and the back of the drive, and never force a disk into
from may from the disk drive to die printer, testing each the drive.
connection. Is the monitor cable hooked up right? Try to load the same program again after you
Do you have it connected to the proper port for check the mechanics. Sometimes the drive will
get untidy- either TV or monitor? spin the disk for a few minutes as it attempts to
Check your modem or anydiing else plugged read it.
into die user port or the expansion (cartridge) If you still can't load the program, perhaps it's
port. Make sure die plugs are squarely and com located on a damaged part of die disk. To test for
pletely inserted into die edgecard connectors. this, try to load die directory off die disk. If that
The metal tabs on the connectors can short and won't work, try die Initialize disk command, men
damage your computer if diey're improperly tioned earlier, in Direct mode. Be sure to have a
grounded. Clean both the male and female con disk in the drive when you do this, to reset the
nectors with a cotton swab and alcohol or contact physical position of the drive head. This proce
cleaner if they look discolored or dirty. Make sure dure has cured my drive when powering down
not to rub hard or leave cotton fibers behind and the system did not.
not to touch the metal strips widi your hands. Oils Another disk command that can cure mysteri
from your body can create a poor connection or ous problems is Validate;
corrode the metal.
OPEN 15,8,15:PRINT#15,"V":CLOSE 15
If you use a power strip, is it plugged in and
turned on, and is die fuse still good? If there's no Any disk you do a iotofs;iving to and scratching
indicator light to show the power strip is on, check from may get untidy; the Validate command will
die fuse visually, and replace it if die thin metal make sure all the storage links are where diey
strip that runs through the middle is broken. should be. It also removes some kinds of un-
Check die cassette plug if you have a non-Com scratchable filenames from the directory.
modore printer widi an interface that takes power When Validate doesn't help, try another disk.
from the cassette port. Is it squarely seated and If you can load from it all right, dien probably
all the way in? Do the meta! tabs need cleaning? the first disk is damaged. Recovering from a dam
Do you have power to the wall outlets you're aged disk is beyond the scope of this article, but
using? Check them by plugging in a lamp and someone in a Commodore user's group may be
turning it on. If it lights, the outlet is fine. If the able to help.
outlet is dead, check your circuit breaker or fuse If the malfunction ing disk was written on some
box. Also check extension cords in your system, one else's drive, die problem could be diat the
and replace any that are faulty. alignment is off on either that one or yours, or
Now turn your system on, one piece at a time; even both. There's no cure for that situation ex
first the monitor, then die computer, then the cept to rewrite the disk on a drive that's properly
disk drive and finally the printer. Check each unit aligned and then make sure yours is, too.

38 / RUN JUNE 1987

You can suspect that your drive's alignment is hi-res graphics won't work with printers like the
drifting when you have trouble with several disks. Commodore 802 and 1526.
The alignment on mos! drives goes out over time,
especially if you use many programs [hat rattle Other Peripherals
the head as they load. As long as you can load Monitors seldom have problems you can't fix
commercial software, you can assume your align by fiddling with the adjustment knobs. Read the
ment is ;ill right. If you have increasingly frequent manual that goes with your TV or monitor and
trouble loading programs, you should plan to follow the instructions for adjusting color, bright
take the drive to the shop fairly soon. ness, horizontal and vertical holds. Don't forget
You can stretch the lime before repair by clean the volume knob if your shoot-'emup game is
ing the read/write head, because particles of dust suddenly silent.
or smoke that won't bother a drive in perfeel Mosl modem problems are too complex to ad
alignment can create problems as the head drifts. dress here. However, you can check the originate/
Disk drive cleaning kits are available in office and answer switch to make sure it's in the correct
computer supply stores for about $10.1 clean my position, and you can make sure you have good
drives whenever they start acting flaky, and it connections to the telephone.
usually solves the problem. The most likely source of problems with joy
["Keep It Clean," in the July 1985 issue of sticks, paddles and other small peripherals is
RUN, gives more detailed information on clean loose or corroded connections. If you have ex
ing a drive head. Sec page l> in this magazine perience with building electronic circuits or can
for Instructions on ordering back issues. Eds.J gel help, you'll probably find it easy lo lake these
When a single program crashes while you're
using it, the most likely cause is an operating
Ta Wo 1. Guidelines to careful computing.
mistake you made. Study the instructions foe ihe
program to make sure you're doing everything DO. . .
right. If so, the program may be defective. •Read instructions.
Lockups, whether in the disk drive or the com ■Ask for help from user's groups and friends.
puter, are ofien due to overheating. If your drive ■Bxick up your disk data frequently.
works fine after you've turned off the sysiem and •Keep disks in envelopes and store them in covered boxes.
let it cool, it's probably a heal problem. Check to •Protect your equipment with dust covers when not in use.
see that none of the air vents arc blocked. Set (lie •Clean your disk drive occasionally (especially if you smoke).
drive up on wooden blocks so air can circulate •Surround your equipment with plenty of air flow.
under it. Place it in a well-venti!ated spot or cir •Ground yourself (touch something metallic) before you touch your
culate air in your work area with a fan. You can equipment or disks, especially on low-humidity days.
also buy a cooling fan designed specifically for •Treat your equipment gently.
disk drives. •Plug your computer and all peripherals into a switched power
The chances are that someday you'll have a strip. Unplug the power strip from the wall when it's not in use,
problem with your disk drive. The best precau especially on days when diere might be an electrical storm.
tion is lo niake frequent backups of your data and • Use a voltage spike protector.
programs. Then, when a disk disaster hits, at least •Tuniyoursysiemon.onepieceata time, in this order; monitor, com
you won't lose tile fruits of hours of work. puter, disk drive and printer. Turn it off in the reverse order.
"Turn off all equipment when connecting or disconnecting a pe
Printers ripheral; e.g., when moving the serial cable from one disk drive
The printer is usually the hardest component to another. This is especially important when plugging in or
of a computer system lo deal with, because it's unplugging a joystick or mouse.
often [he least standard component. Most non-
Commodore printers have DIP switches that must
DONT. . .
be set when you connect the printer to the system.
Some interfaces have DIP switches located inside •Panic. Most problems aren't serious or permanent.
the case, so you have to open it to get to them. •Smoke or cook around your disk drive.
You must make sure that the switches on hoih the •Eat, drink or use chemicals around your system.
primer and interface are set correctly. If you don't •Plug and unplug cables or cartridges when the power is on.
know whai DIP swiiches are. read the manuals or •Touch the exposed contacts on the joystick, cartridge, cassette and
ask an experienced user (o help. Always change user ports with your fingers.
DII1 switch settings with the power off. •Touch connectors with anything when the power is on.
•Biock air vents on your equipment.
When your printer is running well, but then
stops unexpectedly, check the ribbon and paper. •Move your disk drive without inserting the cardboard head
The paper may be jammed, or you may have run
•Touch the shiny material on your disks.
oui of paper or ribbon {if it's a one-use car
•Write on disk covers with sharp points.
bon type).
•Bend or put pressure on disks.
Software incompatibility is the likely villain
•Store disks near a television, electric motor or telephone hell.
when your printer works with some programs but
•Set disks on top of your disk drive or monitor.
not with others. Many productivity programs,
•Store disks near magnets or things made of iron that could gen
such as word processors and spreadsheets, come
erate a magnetic field.
with configuration (setup) programs you have to
run before the main program will work with your
printer. Check the software instructions. Also,
keep in mind that many programs that print out

RUN JUNE M7 / 39
units apart and repair them by cleaning connec Mix and Match
tions or resoldcring loose wires. Since they're rel If you've checked and double-checked to make
atively inexpensive, these peripherals are a good sure you're doing everything right, and still
place to start learning to do sonic of your own [here's something wrong, then what?
repairs. Try to find a "repair buddy"—someone who
has a working computer system similar to yours,
and who lives near enough thai you don't mind

Tabla 2. Non-program error messages. hauling your system to his or her home. Now you
can isolate any faulty equipment by substituting
FILE OPEN. Meaning: You tried to execute an Open statement for his components for yours, one piece at a time.
a file that's already open. For example, you entered OPEN 15,8,15 For example, to test a disk and your drive, try
when file 15 was already open. Action: Type CLOSE and the file- the disk in your buddy's system. If it loads ami
number, such as CLOSE 15. runs, the defect is In your drive. If it won't work,
you may have a defective disk.
FILE NOT OPEN. Meaning: You tried to do a file operation without
If your drive won't talk to you, hook another
first opening the file. For example, you entered PRINTS 15, VO
drive to your computer, or hook another com
before you entered OPEN 15,8,15. Action: Insert un appropriate
puter to your drive. Eidier way, you'll soon know
Open statement before the file operation.
whether the problem is in the input/output circuit
FILE NOT FOUND. Meaning: The computer can't find the program in the computer or in the disk drive itself.
or datafile you asked for. Either you have the wrong disk in die Substituting parts shouldn't hurt your buddy's
drive, or you didn't type the filename right. Every letter, space and
equipment, with one exception. If your computer
special character in the filename must be exactly as in the directory. turns off and on by itself, without your operating
Action: Check the directory and copy down the exact filename, dien die power switch, the power supply is probably
type it in correctly. You may a!so be able to use a wild-card shortcut
defective. Don't hook a suspected bad power sup
(See Pattern Matching and Wild Cards on page 11 in the 1541 manual,
ply 10 your friend's computer! Damage to [he
or Pattern Matching on page 11 in die 1571 manual for more infor
computer might result. However, you can safely
mation on wild cards.) If you typed the filename right and have the
try your friend's good power supply on your
right disk, try the Initialize disk command (page 17 in the 1541 man computer.
ual; page 22 in the 1571 manual) to reset the drive head. As you mix and match, don't forget to check
DEVICE NOT PRESENT. Meaning: The computer cant find the cables, power cords, interfaces and expansion
disk drive, cassette drive or printer. Either you typed the wrong boards. You wouldn't want to pay a repair bill on
device number, such as LOAD "*",9, when your disk drive is device your monitor if the problem were in the monitor
8; or you have a bad connection in the hookup between the com cable, or replace a disk drive only to find die
puter and the peripheral; or the peripheral isn't turned on. Action: power cord had a broken wire.
Type the statement correctly; turn off the system power and check Don't mix and match haphazardly. Think about
the connections; or turn the peripheral on. how your system is behaving, and decide which
unit is probably the culprit; then substitute a
SYNTAX ERROR. Meaning: The computer didn't understand what
working unit. The greatest number of substitu
you said. You have a typo in a command, or you used the wrong
command format (syntax). For example, you typed LOOD 2*",8 tions I ever had to make lo Isolate ■' defective
component was three.
instead of LOAD "*",8. Action: Type the command correctly. Check
Even if you don't have a repair buddy, you can
the format in your user's manual if necessary.
test components by giving some thought to how
TYPE MISMATCH. Meaning: You got your signals crossed. You
the system works. For example, suppose your
typed a number where you need a letter or vice versa. Action: Check
monitor screen doesn't light up when you turn
the syntax. Did you substitute a letter O for a 0 or a letter I for a 1?
on the computer. You know the computer is on,
LOAD ERROR. Meaning: The computer isn't satisfied with the data because its power light is on, and you've tried
it just tried to load. Internal error checking came up with the wrong turning die brightness knob on the video display.
answer. Action: In order of priority: 1) Try again. 2) Execute an What should you do next?
Initialize command (page reference above). 3) Turn the disk drive First, put a disk in the drive and try to load the
off, wait a few seconds, and turn it on again. (Note: this procedure directory. If the busy light on the disk drive
could hang up your computer.) 4) Clean the drive (especially if it's doesn't come on, one of the input/output chips
a tape drive). 5) Have the alignment checked. in your computer may be bad. But if the busy light
An occasional Load error may be caused by overheating or a does come on, your problem could be the moni
temporary power problem. Also, ii' only one disk or program pro tor cable.
duces Load errors, the software may be defective. Steps 4 and 5 When your computer malfunctions, as it prob
above are appropriate only when the problem appears frequently ably will sooner or later, remember that most
and on more than one disk. problems are minor and can easily be fixed. But
if the procedures in this article don't help, ask for
assistance at your user's group or take your system
Problem: You can't read from the disk. Action: Check to see that
to a reliable repair facility, such as one authorized
there's a disk in the drive, the disk is right side up and the drive door
by Commodore.
is closed. Also, try removing the disk and reseating it in the drive.
Also keep in mind that your computer system
Problem: You can't write to the disk. Action: Check to see if there's a
is not exceptionally fragile, and nothing you do
write-protect tab on the disk, and remove it.
from the keyboard is likely to harm it. If you know
Problem: You load a program and type RUN, and all you get is a Ready
how to proceed when a problem does crop up,
prompt. Action: Check to see if this program should be loaded with a, 1
then you can relax and enjoy.■
after the drive number. Machine language programs may require the
form LOAD "filename",8,1 to locate properly in memory.
Address all author correspondence lo Annette Hinsltaw,
PO Box 580635, Tutsa, UK 74158.

40 / RUN JUNE 1987

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Clrcls 15 on Reader Service card.

64 Notepad Command Center
Adding new, one-key disk commands makes this popular memo program easier and
quicker to use.


article for instructions on obtaining

them.] Then type in and save Listing 1
of this article, giving it die filename
Notepad DOS. This is a temporary file
diat you'll append to the main Notepad
routine in a while.
Before proceeding, load and run this
temporary file to be sure you didn't make
any errors in entering the Data state
ments. Don't expect the program to do
anything at this point; this is just a tesi.
If no errors are reported, the next slep
is lo add Notepad DOS to Notepad II
with die Simple Append program. The
proper syntax for an append is SYS
(SA),"FILF.NAME", with ihe variable SA
holding the starting address of the ap
pend routine. The SA value you should
In the January 1987 issue of RUN, I Because you don't need to enter com use is the default address 828 in the cas
presented the first enhancement to mand strings, Noiepad DOS is fasler, sette buffer.
my 64 Notepad program from the more convenient and easier to use than Load and run Simple Append, then
September 1986 issue. For those who the DOS Wedge. Its functions will work load Notepad II. Next, place die disk
may have missed it, 64 Notepad is a pro while another program is executing, and containing Noiepad DOS in the drive,
gram that takes over control of the C-64 you'll find them self-explanatory. The and, in Direct mode, enter the following
to provide an instant-access text window Simple Append program that was em command:
for jotting down and recalling program ployed in January to create 64 Notepad
ming notes—without xiffecting the orig H is also used here to creale Noiepad III,
inal screen display. It is a machine by adding Notepad DOS to Notepad II. If no errors occur, the OK message
language routine that's transparent to Since the Notepad DOS enhancement will appear, indicating that you have a
most orner Basic programs, and so won't makes 64 Notepad rather large, it now copy of Notepad III in memory. To save
interfere with them. takes a long while for the Data statement it, enter the following line:
The program in diis article, a Basic information to be poked inlo memory.
loader called Noiepad DOS (Listing 1), For those who want to save lime, I've in
will add even more power to your 64 cluded a small Basic program called Bi Now, with the program safely on disk,
Notepad window. It provides a menu- nary Save (Listing 2) that will make a fast- you're ready to Iry it out.
driven DOS command center for view loading binary file out of Notepad III.
ing the disk directory, formatting or val Using the New Routines
idating a disk, initializing the drive, or Typing in the New Routines Von can access [he DOS menu when
renaming, copying or scratching files, First, you must have a working copy ever the Notepad window is open by
each operation accomplished by press of 64 Noiepad II from January on disk. pressing conlrollD. The one-key com
ing only one key. I've also included a [If you don't already have the 64 Note mands iti.ii will appear are listed in Table
command that loads a binary file widi- pad, 64 Noiepad II and Simple Append 1. To select the function you want, just
out altering the Basic memory pointers. programs, see the note at the end of the press the appropriate key. If the rouiine

RUN it Right
C-64; printer optional

44 / RUN JUNE 1987




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needs any information from you, it will is helpful, they aren't foolproof. A check 146 REM :REM*208
sue a prompt at the appropriate lime. sum you get thai agrees with the one in 147 MEM=51856:A=5049G:CS=0:FORI
=0TO944:READ BY :REM*57
You can abort any operation on the the magazine, especially in Data state
menu by pressing the stop key, and the ments, doesn't necessarily mean you IN LINE:"PEEK(63)tPEEK(64)
current status of the error channel al typed everything right, because the *256:END :REM*142
ways appears at the bottom of the menu checksum is only a total of all the data 149 POKE MHM+[,BV:CS = CS + iJYrNEXT
screen. To return to viewing your notes, numbers. Those numbers can be in the ;REM*239
150 IF CS <> 113106 TliEN PRINT"
select the Exit option, or to return to Ba wrong order, and the checksum will still
sic, press control/C to close the window. be correct. A,":END :REM*0
The best way I've found to locate typ 151 POKE A,144:POKE A+1,202
Converting Basic to Binary ing errors is to make a printout of the ;REM*69

As I mentioned, I've included in the faulty listing and carefully compare the 152 DATA 173,141,2,201,4,240,3,
Notepad package a program called Bi values in the Data statements to those in
S,247,32,59,201 :REM*86
nary Save for converting Noiepad 111 the magazine listing. They must all 153 DATA 32,117,201,32,16,201,1
into a fast-loading binary file. If you match perfectly. Even one misplaced 62,50,160,205,32,37,206,32,
want this feature at your disposal, type comma or a period substituted for a 21,204,32,204 :REM*59
in and save Listing 2. comma can result in an Out of Data or 154 DATA 197,32,228,255,240,243
It would be a good idea to store the oilier type of error. ,141,141,202,201,68,208,3,7
6,87,203,201,73 :REM'134
binary file that Binary Save will create After you've found the problem, make
155 DATA 208,3,76,235,204,201,8
on a newly formatted disk, so prepare the necessary corrections to your listing
one and have it handy. Then turn your and resave it. If you still can't find your 6,201,32,141,201 :REM«129
computer off and on to clear out any error, I'll find il lor you if you send me 156 DATA 76,49,200,201,83,208,1
resident programs. a printout of your program and include 6,32,28,205,162,7,160,206,3
2,251,203,32,60 :REM-88
Next, load and run Notepad III, and, a self-ad dressed, stamped business en
157 DATA 204,76,232,204,201,62,
at the ready prompt, press the run-stop velope for my reply. 208,13,32,28,205,162,16,160
and restore keys simultaneously to dis I'd like to express appreciation to ,206,32,251,203 :REM*29
able the Notepad interrupt. Now, load those readers who've written in with 158 DATA 76,223,204,201,67,208,
and run Binary Save, and when i< asks kind words and suggestions for 64 Nole- 13,32,28,205,162,24,160,206
,32,251,203,76 :REM*190
for the filename and locations of the pad. Thanks everyone, and enjoy! E
159 DATA 223,204,201,66,208,51,
machine language program, respond as 32.2B,205,162,3 0,160,206,32
follows: Hob Kodadek is a professional automotive ,251,203,169,0 :REM*!63
technician, programmer andfreelance writer. 160 DATA 32,144,255,32,68,204,3
FILENAME? 64 NOTEPAD V3.0 You can write lo him at 316-4 Surrey Lane, 2,114,204,162,8,134,186,169
START ADDRESS? 50448 Aston, PA 19014. ,1,133,185,173 :REM'126
END ADDRESS? 52801 161 DATA 140,202,162,96,160,202
When you insert the formatted disk 69,0,32,213,255 :REM'179
and press return, Notepad will be stored Tabls 1. Notepad DOS commands. 162 DATA 76,166,202,201,78,208,
as a binary file. 6,32,59,204,76,232,204,76,1
D Directory-
To execute this file, you need the 79,202,32,16,201 :REM*104
N Format 163 DATA 162,9,134,253,32,12,20
Notepad Boot program in Listing 3.
R Rename 4,169,55,133,1,169,1,162,49
Type it in and save it on the same disk
I Initialize ,160,205,32,189 :REM*163
as the binary file. Now, whenever you 164 DATA 255,169,96,133,185,32,
B Bload
want to use 64 Notepad, just load and 213,243,165,186,32,180,255,
V Validate
run Notepad Boot. The binary file will 165,185,32,150 :REM'252
C Copy 165 DATA 255,169,0,133,144,160,
boot in only eight seconds, a considera
s Scratch 3,132,183,32,165,255,133,19
ble saving in time.
You can use Binary Save to make a
Q Quit :REM'11
166 DATA 196,164,144,208,60,164
binary file out of any data area in mem ,183,136,208,235,166,195,16
ory, whether it be a machine language 5,196,32,205,189 :REM*32
To obtain the 64 Notepad, 64 Notepad I!
program, a hires screen, a sprite or 167 DATA 32,165,255,166,144,208
and Simple Append programs, you have a ,41,201,0,240,6,32,210,255,
some tiling else. All you need are the
choice: 76,161,203,169 :REM"67
starting and ending addresses of the sec 168 DATA 13,32,210,255,230,253,
— Writefor the September 1986 andjanuttry
tion of memory you want to be saved. 165,253,201,22,208,10,32,21
1987 issues of RUN. Address your order to
These binary files can be loaded with 5,203,32,16,201 :REM*170
RUN, Hack Issues, SO Elm St., Peterborough. 169 DATA 162,9,134,253,32,12,20
the ,8,1 syntax or the Notepad DOS
NH 03458. Send along S3.50, phis SI ship 4,160,2,76,133,203,32,215,2
BLoad command.
ping and handling, for each copy. 03,76,2 22,203,3 2 :REM*189
—Order the September-October 1986 and 170 DATA 225,255,208,11,104,104
Program Won't Run? ,32,66,246,32,171,255,76,16
January-February 1987ReRUNdisks. You'll
Unfortunately, it's not easy to type in 6,202,162,23,32 tREM*12
find an order form in this magazine on the
171 DATA 14,204,162,57,160,199,
a program from a magazine listing and
page listed for ReRUN Buck Issues in the 32,251,203,32,228,255,201,1
get it all right, especially a listing like
List of Advertisers on the bark jiage. ..2.8.221,96,134 :REM*97
Notepad DOS that has a lot of Data state 172 DATA 251,132,252,160,0,177,
ments. If you type in Notepad DOS and 251,240,6,32,210,255,200,20
it won't work, first bear in mind that all
Listing 1. Notrfiad DOS program. 8,246,96,166,253 :REM'22
RUN programs are tested thoroughly by 173 DATA 160,6,24,32,240,255,96
142 REM 6-1 NOTEPAD DOS :REM*154 ,162,21,160,10,32,16,204,16
both the author and the magazine staff
143 REM BY BO3 KODADEK :REM*119 9,8,133,186,32 :REM*51
prior to publication, so the mistake is 144 REM 3164 SURREY LANE:REM*70 174 DATA 180,255,169,111,133,18
probably in your listing. 145 REM ASTON, PA(2 SPACEs)1901 5,32,150,255,32,165,255,201
Also, while checksum numbers are 4 :REM'241 ,1j,240,6,32,210 :REM*72

46 / RUN JUNK 1987

175 DATA 255,76,42,204,32,171,2
,205,208,10,162 :REM*185
176 DATA 184,160,205,208,4,162,
Listing 2. Binary Save program.


179,160,205,32,251,203,169, :REH»30
96,133,253,169 :REM*56
177 DATA 202,133,254,160,0,140,
30 REM
Computer design
32,251,203,169 :REM«163
50 REM
PA 19014
your own
178 DATA 61,160,0,140,140,202,1
60 CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,8,15:A=780:X=
45,253,230,2 53,96,164,204,2 781:Y=782 :REM*136
40,8,164,211,177 :REM*152 70 INPUT"(6 SPACEs}FILENAME";FS
179 DATA 209,9,128,145,209,32,2
25,255,208,5,104,104,76,166 80
;IF F$=""THEN 200
:REM*186 in color with
,202,32,228,255 :REM"69 :REM*128
180 DATA 240,229,201,13,240,41, 90 INPUT"{2 SPACEs)END ADDRESS:
201,20,240,51,174,140,202,2 ";EA:PRINT :REM»56
181 DATA 201,127,176,210,201,32 INTO DRIVE A." :REM*246
,144,206,201,34,240,202,160 110 PRINT"{CRSR DNJWHEN READY, Transfer Paper
,0,145,253,230 :REM*111 PRESS RETURN.";:SYS 65487:P
182 DATA 253,238,140,202,32,210 RINT :REH'24
,255,32,59,201,76,114,204,3 120 FORI=1TOL£N(F$):POKE827*I,A
2,59,201,169,13 :REM*172 SC(MID${FS,I,1))INEXT It's easy to do!
183 DATA 32,249,193,160,0,152,1 :REM*78
45,253,96,174,140,202,240,1 130 POKE A,0:POKE X,8:!>OKfc; V,0:
65,206,140,202 iREM*95 SYS 65466 :HEM*2JS2 1 Use computer graphics
184 DATA 198,253,32,59,201,162, 140 POKE A,LEN(F$):POKE X,60:PO to create designer
105,160,199,32,251,203,76,1 KE Y,3:SYS 65469 :REM*218
1 4,204,32,74,204 :RUM*34 150 B=SA:GOSUB210:POKE 251,L:PO
originals on your
185 DATA 32,114,204,32,95,204,3 KE252,H :REM*208 monitor.
2,114,204,169,8,133,186,32, 160 B=EA:GOSU8210:POKE X,L:POKE
177,255,169,111 :REM*183
186 DATA 133,185,32,147,255,173 170
65496:Rt;M SA
2 Place New PRINT'n
,141,202,32,168,255,169,48, VE :REM'84 WEAR!" transfer
32,168,255,169 :REM*60 180 INPUT/M,E$,F$,G$,HS:CLOSE 1
187 DATA 58,32,160,255,160,0,18 paper into printer
:C$="," :REH«54
5,96,202,2 4 0,6,32,168,255,2 190 PRINT"DRIVE STATUS: "E$+C$t and print YOUR
00,208,245,32 :REM*181 F$.-C$*G$ + C$ + H$ :REM*1 34 original designs,
188 DATA 174,255,76,166,202,32, 200 END :REM*202
16,201,162,22,32,14,204,162 210 H = INT(B/256);L=B-2 5 6*II:RE'rU
,238,160,205,32 :REM*90 RN :REM*76 3 Iron transfers onto
189 DATA 251,203,162,10,32,14,2
78,85,13,13,29 :REH*221 Sweat/T-Shirts, etc
190 DATA 68,58,68,73,82,69,67,3 Listing 3. Notepad limit program. (Using ordinary
9,82,77,6 5,84,13 :REH'40 hand-iron).
191 DATA 29,82,58,82,69,78,65,7 10 REM{2 SPACEs[64 NOTEPAD V3.0
7,69,13,29,73,58,73,78,73,8 BINARY LOADER :REM*26
4,73,65,76,73,90 :RBM*1S5 20 F$="G4 NOTEPAD V3.0" :REM*38 Great to Wear! Great to Give!
192 DATA 69,13,29,66,58,66,76,7 30 IV A^0 TilEN A=1 :PltIiN'r"LOADTN
9,65,63,13,29,86,58,86,65,7 G "FS:LOAD FS,8 ,1 NOTE:
6,73,68,65,84,69 :REM*116 40 PRINT:PRINT"OK, SET TUB TIME • For use with both (lol matrix and thermal
193 DATA 13,29,67,58,67,79,80,8 :BEM*92 ribbon printers
9,13,29,83,58,83,67,82,65,8 50 INPUT"(CRSR DN) (2 SPACEti)IIOU • Color can be adttet with crayon rf printer
4,67,72,13,29,81 :REM*187 RS";T(1 ):IFT(1) >12TIIEN50 has black ribbon only. When ironed, botti
194 DATA 58,69,88,73,84,13,13,1 : REM*150 crayons and print mill Transfer in soft
8,18,32,83,84,65,84,85,33,5 60 INPUT"HINUTES"; T(2):IFT(2)>5 mshproot color
8,146,3 2,87,79 :REM*24 4 9THEN60 :REM*148
195 DATA 82,75,73,78,71,46,46,4 For Dealer/Dislrrbutor information;
70 FORI = 1TO3:H I^T 11/10) : :.=T
6,0,13,29,78,69,87,13,29,70 ( I )-10'il:T< I)=1 6*H + L:NEXT FOTO-WEAR' he . 6? Herbert Drive,
,73,76,69,78,65 :REM*209 East Brunswick, NJ 08816

196 DATA 77,69,58,0,13,29,79,76 80 C=56587:POKEC+4,PEi-;K(C»-4|AND

,68,13,29,70,73,76,69,78,65 127 lREH*9f) ["wall coupon 1o: FOTOWEARI Inc.
P.O. Boi 1040. Grand Rapids. Mil 55745
,77,69,58,0,13 :SEM*112 30 FORI=0TO3:POKEC-I,T(T+1):MEX
197 DATA 29,70,79,82,77,65,84,3 T :REM*92 Please send pack(s) ol PRINT'n WEAR'
2,68,73,83,75,13,13,29,78,6 100 PRINTCHR$(147)SPC(252)FS X S1595 each (10 transfer sheets in a pack)
5,77,69,44,73,68 :REM*197 :REM*50 I have enclosed S1 50 for posiage and liamJIrng
198 DATA 58,0,32,32,32,80,82,69 110 PRINTSPC{83)"1.PRESS CrRL-0 D Paymenl enclosed (Check oi Money Order)
,83,a3,32,60,83,84,79,80,62 TO OPEN WINDOW." :REM*50 □ Visa □ Mastercard
,32,84,79,32,65 :RliM*l 16 120 PHIHTSPC(63}"2. PRESS CrRI,-C
199 DATA 66,79,82,B4,0,83,67,82 TO CLOSE WINDOW." :RUM*228
,65,84,67,72,13,0,82,69,78, 130 PRINTS1>C{83)"3. PRESS HUN/ST Enp
65,7 7,69,13,0,67 ;REM*2 5 OP-RESTORE TO DISABLE."
200 DATA 79,80,89,13,0,66,76,79 :REM*44
,65,68,13,0,134,251,132,252 140 PRIUTSPC{83)"4.TO RE-EHA33JE
,162,9,160,0,177 :REM*40 , ENTER SYS 51072.":SYS 510
201 DATA 251,240,15,230,251,32, 72 :REH*I96 City Store Zip .
210,255,201,13,208,241,232, 150 NEW :REM+32 L "J
32,52,201,144 :RBM*133
202 DATA 235,96 :SEM*34
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Expanding World
GEOS lets you explore new horizons with
desktop publishing and an address book that dials
phone numbers. Oilierfeatures soon to be released are
geoFile, geoCalc and a C-128 version.


"^erkelcy Softworks Intro- new fonts, Four of them are designed to course, what you see on the screen is
f f duwd GEOS at the 1'JHC work with die I-aserWritci-, although exactly what you gel on paper.
^L Winter Comumcr Electron- they're also attractive on a dot matrix GeoWrite 2.0 lets you create multiple
■ ics Show (CES) in Las Vegas printer. These four fonts include special line headers and footers in a special win
-^L_^ with a handful of employees characters, such as braces {{ }) and the dow. These headers and footers can in
running a small booth toward the back backslash (\), that aren't normally avail clude the date, time and page number;
ol' the West Mall. At this year's CES, able on [he Commodore. The lilth font, and the starting page number ran be
Berkeley's booth was an impressive, two- called Commodore, provides a standard changed, which is useful when breaking
smry complex manned by a contingent Hlpoint character set for near-letter- a large tile into smaller ones.
of a dozen employees, indeed, Berkeley quality (NLQ) printing. The searchandreplace feature is easy
has grown over [he past year and a hall. to use, yet effective. It will look for a whole
So has Berkeley's GEOS product line. geo Write 2.0 or partial word, and it will search just the
The newest features in the GEOS land GeoWrite 2.0 is a tremendous improve curreni page or the entire document.
scape include desktop publishing with a ment over geoWriie 1.0; it's now a (rue, You operate geoWrite with easy-to-
User printer, a handy accessory lhai full-featured word processor. For in use, niousf-coiilrolled menus and icons.
stores and dials phone numbers, and a stance, widi the enhanced formatting op However, if you want to keep your hands
few more surprises. tions, you can center text, align it to the on the keyboard, it offers keyboard
left or the right, or justify il (o be flush equivalents for the most frequently used
Writer's Workshop
against both margins. Single, one-and-a- commands. For example, pressing Com-
The new Writer's Workshop is a col half and double line spacing are avail modore/X cuts the highlighted text, and
lection of word processing programs able. A paragraph marker automatically the cursor keys let you move around the
that enable yon to do desktop publish indents the first line of each paragraph. document.
ing. It features an enhanced version of For tables, geoWrite will let you set' The program provides a number of
the geoWrilc word processor, version regular (abs to align text to the left, or printing options. High Quality mode
2.0; geoLaser, which prints gcoWritc decimal labs to align numbers by the prints out the entire document, includ
documents on die Apple LaserWriter; decimal point. Vou can mix formats ing texl and graphics. Draft mode prints
Texi Crabber, which reads files from within a document by making changes just the text in the printer's High Speed
other word processors; and geoMerge, on the ruler. For example, you can dou mode, which Is useful for making a quick
which merges data with documents. ble space one paragraph and indent and copy. If you have a daisy wheel or near
Writer's Workshop also contains five single space another. With C.EOS, of letter-quality printer, NLQ mode prints


just text in the highest quality font. First you compose your form letter dials phone numbers. Since it's a desk
GeoWrite 2.0 prints on both cut-sheet or with geoWrite, indicating where infor top accessory, you can use it while work
continuous-feed paper. mation is to be inserted by entering the ing with other programs.
field names in a «Firstname» format. When you select geoDex from the
geoLaser Then you extract data for the merge in GEOS menu, a familiar-looking stack of
Writer's Workshop includes one oth one of three ways: from a geoDex file. index cards appears on the screen. Each
er priming option; near-typcset-quali- card contains a record of a person in
ty printing on an Apple LaserWriter your address book. Each record contains
printer. This is accomplished through twelve predefined fields, into which you
the geoLaser utility. enter the person's name, address and
GeoLaser prints out both text and telephone number, as well as any com
geol'aint graphics on (he LaserWriter. ments you may have. You can assign up
It produces its attraciivc near-lypcset- to three three-letter category names to
quality fonts by substituting the Laser each record, so you can extract the
Writer's resident fonts for those in your names of people who have certain char
document. For this reason, when you in acteristics in common. For example, you
tend to use geoLaser, you should use could enter 10S for your friends who
Writer's Workshop's LaserWriter-com play tennis or PTA for fellow FTA mem
patible fonts in creating your document. bers. Clicking the Group icon displays
The LaserWriter can print oilier GEOS the people who belong in that category.
fonts, but not in neartypeset quality. GeoDex will search for records by any
GeoLaser's overlay feature is an Im Keep yourself organized with Berkeley's field, and wild-card characters provide
portant one for desktop publishing. Ii electronic directory, geoDex. added flexibility. For example, if you en
lets you print one page over another, BO ter Ma", the program will list everyone
by typing data into a geoWrite file or by
you can have multiple columns, overlay whose name starts with Ma. The ques
entering it manually as you go along. As
text onto graphics or place paragraphs tion mark serves as a place holder. Enter
in a border. with geoWrite 2.0, you can print on sin
M??t, and geoDex will find Matt, Mort
gle sheets or continuous paper in High
For those of us who can't afford an and Milt.
Quality, Draft or NLQ mode.
Apple LaserWriter, Berkeley offers a la GeoDex offers a number of printing
GeoMcrge's real flexibility comes
ser printing service on QuamumLink. options. You can produce a phone list
from adding conditions to fields in your
Send your files over your modem, and that names and numbers, a
file. This capability lets you create more
Berkeley will print them out and return complete printout of all the fields in a
personalized form letters. For instance,
them by first class mail. At this writing, record or mailing labels on 1-or 1^-inch
let's say you want to thank those cli
the rates are S3 for the first page, $1 for forms. If you've extracted records with
ents who've paid their bills and give a
each additional page and 50 cents per a search, only those records will be
copy, with no additional charge for printed.
overlays. To use the autodialing feature of
If you do have a LaserWriter, you'll geoDex, select the record with the phone
need an RS-232C Interface. Berkeley rec number you want to dial and click the
ommends thejameco JE-232CM for this Dialing icon (or press Commodore/D).
purpose. GeoLaser will transmit data to Autodialing requires a Commodore
Hi.SMK i!4.S8!» JH.JIJ ». Hi.Si!
the LaserWriter at 9600 or 1200 baud, 1670 or compatible modem. If you use
depending on the type of interface. a long-distance service like MCI or
ll.8M.8t fl.l'.t Wj S.lM W
17,Mt.H= ittMO
Sprint, you'll have to include your access
Text Crabber code with the person's phone number,
With GF.OS's new desktop publishing or dial it manually.
capabilities, you may want to convert
your old word processing documents to geoFile and geoCalc
geoWrite format. This is possible with Budget, estimate, calculate, analyse Two other Berkeley products, which
the Writer's Workshop Texi Grabber and plan with geoCalc. should be available in the spring of this
utility. year, will enhance GEOS's ability to man
Text Grabber reads in and converts friendly reminder to those who haven't. age information. GeoFile and geoCalc
files from any other word processor. If You might include the following in your combine a surprising number of special
the file to be converted was created on document: features with GEOS's easy poim-and-
Batteries Included's PaperClip, Time- click controls.
«IF overdue = "ycs"» We hope you
works' WordWriter, Commodore's Easy GeoFile is unique in being able to com
will take care of the overdue amount
Script or SpeedScript, Text Grabber will bine data and pictures. You design full-
as soon as possible. «ELSE» Thank
format it according to the file's original page forms for entering data, which can
you for your continued patronage.
formatting commands. If your file is include geoPaint graphics (such as an
from a word processor other than these, identifying symbol or company logo) and
Text Grabber will convert it without If "yes" was in die overdue field, the a variety of typcstylcs. To arrange fields
formatting. first sentence is printed. Otherwise, the on the form, you just move them into
sentence after <<ELSE» is printed. place. You can resize fields easily to ac
geoMerge The document resumes printing after commodate any number of lines of text.
GeoMergc is a powerful utility that is «ENDIF». Because GEOS uses virtual memory,
included with both Writer's Workshop your files are limited only by disk space.
and geoDex (see below). Its conditional geoDex
GeoFile offers an unlimited number of
fields enable it to create sophisticated The geoDex utility files names and fields per record, and up to 1200 record";
form letters. addresses, prints labels and reports, and per file.

52/ RUN jum 1987

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Circle 98 on RoatJar Service card.

Powerful searching and sorting fea for pi, plus functions for trigonometry, applications. For instance, you can paste
tures of the program let you look for finance (including present and future a geoCalc spreadsheet into a geoWrite
specific information and perform key value), exponents and logarithms. document, manipulate geoFile data with
word searches on any number of char GeoCalc offers many features not geoCalc and insert geoFile data into a
acters. With that information, you can available on most spreadsheets. For ex geoWrite document with geoMerge.
print out labels or full-page reports, or ample, it will let you use a variety of font
styles for emphasis, such as totals in bold
GEOS 128... in 80 Columns!
use geoMerge to merge data with geo-
Write documents. and headings in italics. With the split' The biggest surprise at Berkeley's
GeoCalc is a full-featured spreadsheet screen feature, you can view two parts 1987 Winter CES booth was a C-128 ver can handle all your; financial and of the spreadsheet at once. sion of GEOS in 80 columns. On an RGB
statistical calculations. It contains a ran One of GEOS's most useful features is monitor, GEOS 128's display was bright,
dom number generator and the value its provision for integrating ils various clear and readable. Because it shows a
full page of text, you don't have to flip
from one side to the other. If you don't
TwMis 1. Product information. have an 80-column monitor, you can
start up with 40 columns. This version
Manufacturer: geoDex of GEOS takes advantage of the 128's
Berkeley Softworks Currently available. additional memory, keys, disk speed and
2150Shattuck Ave. C-64IS39.95 disk space (with the 1571 drive).
Berkeley, CA 94704 According to Berkeley, most C-64
geor ue GEOS files will be compatible with
Release scheduled for spring 1987. GEOS 128, and the company plans to
Writer's Workshop C-64/$49.95 release C-128 versions of all current
geoWrite 2.0
GEOS programs to complement it. Reg
Text Grabber geoCalc istered owners of the program will be
geoLaser Release scheduled for spring 1987. eligible to receive low-cost upgrades.B
geoMerge C-64/$49.95
Currently available.
Matthew Stern is a freelance writer on
C-64/$49.95 GEOS 128 Commodore and other personal computers.
Release scheduled for June 1987. You can write to him at PO Box 17825,
Irvine, CA 92713.

Draw yourself a winning hand


Complete package Includes
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Basic Bug Trap
Anyone, whether programmer or not, can benefit
from this debugging utility.


If you're cursing the clusiveness of the 30 PRINT "END OF PROGRAM" ple program again. Note how Debugger
bugs plaguing your programs, De 40 END 64 prints a line number message in re
bugger 64 can come to [he rescue! 100 PRINTTH1S IS LINE 100.": verse video before each line of the sam
This utility eliminates the need for add PRINT'TIME TO GOSUBI" ple is executed.
ing and deleting Stop and Print state 110 GOSUB 200 Next turn @TRON mode off by en
ments to find a Basic program bug. 120 RETURN tering ©TROFF, set a breakpoint by en
Instead, it adds to Basic several new com 200 PRINT'THIS IS ONE 200." tering ©BREAK 200 and run die sample
mands that let you set dynamic break 210 GOSUB 300 program a third time. Execution pauses
points, step through your program one 220 RETURN just before line 200, and a Break In 200
statement at a time, examine your pro 300 PRINT 'THIS IS LINE 300." message appears.

gram's history of Gosub invocations and 310 X-10 To examine Ihc history of Gosub in
view the line number of each statement 320 X = X*2 + 5: RETURN vocations, enter ©STACK. The result
as it's executed. ing display looks like:
When you're done, run the sample
Type in Debugger 64 (Listing 1), using
program once to see how it works. Then
RUN'i 64 Perfect Typist program (see
enter ©HELP or @? to view a summary ••• STACK TRACE "*
How To Type RUN Listings in this mag
of the Debugger 64 commands. GOSUB 100 FROM LINE 20
azine). Be sure to save the debugger to
Now enter @TRON and run the sam GOSUB 200 FROM LINE 110
disk before you run it, because the SVS
49152:NEW statement in line 9S resets
pointers and erases the program from
memory during execution.
When you're ready to use Debugger
64, load it into memory and run it to
activate ihc debugging commands. Then
load the program you want to debug, or
type one in from scratch.
Debugger 64's commands are meant
to be used in Direct mode, but most will
also work from within another program.
The commands begin wiuH the @ char
acter, to distinguish them from regular
Basic commands.
A brief description of each command
appears in Table 1. Their use is demon
strated by the sample Basic program

Debugger 64 in Action
Load and run Debugger 64, then type
in and save the following code:


20 COSUB 100 Screen display from the Debugger program.

RUN It Right


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Enter ©BREAK 300 and press the re Then, when you reinspect the Gosub prints a Stepping: Break In 320 message
turn key, followed by ©BREAK 310 history with ©STACK, die following dis to the screen.

and another return. Then, to check the play appears: Next enter PRINT X again and notice
breakpoints you've set, enter ©LIST. that the value of X has changed to 10.
Three breakpoint numbers—200, 300 Enter ©STEP and inspect the value of
and 310—should appear, X once more; this time it should be 25,
CiOSUli 200 KROM LINK 110
Now resume execution of your pro Finally, resume execution of your pro
gram by entering @CONT. The Print gram with ©CONT.
statement in line 200 will be executed, Examine line 310 by entering LIST When the End of Program message-
but the next breakpoint will make the 310, and check the value of X by enter appears, enter ©RESF.'f * to delete the
program hall ai line 300. Enter @CONT ing PRINT X. Since line 310 hasn't heen breakpoints. Then use ©LIST again to
once more to continue execution until executed, the value should be 0. Once verify that they no longer exist.
the last breakpoint produces the mes you've verified this, enter @STKP. De
sage, Break In S10. bugger 64 then executes line 810 and Adding Commands to Basic
Each time the C-131 operating system
executes a Basic program statement, it
jumps to the address stored in RAM
locations 770 and 777. Debugger 64
Table i. Debugger 64 commands.
changes the addresses in these locations
so the operating system jumps to the
©HELP or ©?; Displays a summary As with the Basic CONT com debugger, rather than the normal Ker-
of all ihe Debugger ()4 commands on mand, if you alter your program or iiiil ROM, to execute a statement.
I he screen. encounter an error while execution When In use. Debugger 64 checks to
is suspended, you can't continue ex see if the next statement is a debugger
ecution, but must restart the program command and, if so, executes it. If not,
@TRON: Trace On. Displays each with the Run command. it jumps to the Kernal ROM so the state
line number in reverse video before ment is executed normally by Basic.
[he line is executed, so you can trace I'll be happy to answer any questions
©STEP; An alternative to @CONT.
the flow of your program. you have about Debugger 64. Just en
When your program is at a break
close a self-addressed, stamped envelope
point, ©STE11 performs the next
with your inquiry. SS
logical program statement, then sus-
©TROFF: Trace Off. Disables the
pends execution as if another
line number tracing activaied by
©BREAK had been encountered. In Michael Broussard » a systems engineer
diis way, you can execute one state and freelance writer. He's also interested in
ment at a time without having to set cooking, music and reptiles, especially his
breakpoints at every line. Since red-footed tortoise, Jake. You can unite to
©BREAK: Sets a program break
©STEP is an alternative to ©CONT, him at 13136 Lazy (Hen Court, Herndon,
point. This command must be exe
use it only when your program is VA 22071.
cuted in Direci mode, and it must be
stopped at a debugger breakpoint
followed by a line number.
For example, if you enter
©BREAK 235, Debugger 64 will sus
pend execution before each state ©LIST: Displays a list of all the
ment in line 235 of your program. breakpoints currently set.
Then a break message will tell you at
Listing 1. Debugger 64 program.
what line die break occurred. When
your program has stopped at a break ©RESET: Clears a breakpoint. For I REM DEBUGGER 64 BY MICHAEL QR
point, you tan list portions of it, dis example, ©RESET 240 removes die QUSSARD :REM*51
play or change ihe values of variables, breakpoint from line 240. Enter 90 FOR T=49152 TO 50624: READ D
set more breakpoints, and so on. ©RESET • to reset all die break : S=S+D:
©BREAK is an improvement over :REM*216
points at once.
93 IF S " 178516 THEM PRI>JT"ER
the standard Basic Stop command,
because it lets you set breakpoints :REM*2 3
dynamically without altering your 95 SYS 49152: NEW :REM*29
©STACK: Displays all currently ac
program. 100 DATA 76,21,192,173,77,192,1
tive Gosub invocations. If more than 41,3,3,173,78,192,141,9,3,3
one Gosub is active on the slack, 2, 11 5,(1,76,174 ;REM*96
they're listed in order from the first 110 DATA 167,173,9,3,201,167,24
©CONT: Resumes execution from a
to the most recent. 0,1,96,141,78,192,173,8,3,1
breakpoint. Don't try to use the Bask 41,77,192,169,79 :REM*2 4 2
CONT command to continue exe 120 DATA 141,8,3,169,192,141,9,
cution from a Debugger 64 break 3,32,50,194,169,0,1-11 ,30,19
point! Similarly, executing ©CONT 6,141,24,196,141 :REM*4
©OFF: Disables Debugger 64. After
130 DATA 25,196,141,29,196,96,1
when your program is not at a de using this command, debugger com
73,31,196,133,122,17 3,32,19
bugger breakpoint has unpredicta ma nets won't work until you re-en 6,133,123,7G,0,0 IREM*178
ble results. able them by typing SYS 49152, 140 DATA 165,122,141,31,196,165
208,3,76,16 7,192 :REM*4
150 DATA 165,56,201,355,208,3,7
6,167,192,205,25,190,2 08,10

62 / RUN JUNE 1987

,165,57,205,24 :REM*68 189,136,198,205 :REM*245 ,76,80,92,153,92 :SEM"226
160 DATA 196,208,3,76,167,192,1 430 DATA 28,196,208,244,202,96, 700 DATA 0,18,66,82, 69,65,75,83
38,72,162,0,189,227,196,201 32,64,194,152,240,1,96,173, ,32,83,69,84,32, 65,84,58,92
,47,2-10,15,201 :REM*214 23,196,201,120 :3EM*57 ,18,67,65,78,39 :REM*130
170 DATA 92,240,6,32,210,255,23 440 DATA 208,29,138,72,162,0,18 710 DATA 84,32,67,79 ,78,84,73,7
2,208,239,169,13,32,210,255 9,114,196,201,47,240,15,201 8,85,69,33,92,18 ,66,82,69,6
,104,170,166,57 :REM*166 ,92,240,6,32,210 :REM*93 5,75,32,84,65,66 :REM"50
180 DATA 142,24,196,165,58,141, 450 DATA 255,232,208,239,169,13 720 DATA 76,69,32,70 ,85,76,76,3
25,196,32,2 05,189,16 9,13,32 ,32,210,255,104,170,96,162, 3,92,18,78,79,32 ,66,82,69,6
,210,255,173,29 :REM*36 0,172,23,196,208 :REM*21 5,75,83,32,83,69 :REM*30
190 DATA 196,240,36,138,72,162, 460 DATA 17,173,27,196,157,136, 730 DATA 84,92,18,42 ,42,42,32,8
0,189,189,196,201,47,240,15 198,232,173,28,196,157,136, 3,84,65,67,75,32 ,84,82,65,6
,201,92,240,6,32 :REM*S0 198,238,23,196 :REM*G5 7,69,32,42,42,42 :REM*152
200 DATA 210,255,232,208,239,16 470 DATA 96,232,232,136,208,251 740 DATA 92,18,71,79
9,13,32,210,255,104,170,169 ,240,232,32,64,194,152,208,
2,47,32,70,82,79 ,77,32,76,7
,0, 1 41 ,29,196,76 :REM*164 1,96,206,23,196 :REM"2 37
3,78,69,32,47,18 lRBM*1 98
210 DATA 224,192,165,57,141,27, 4Q0 DATA 138,168,200,200,224,25 lsa DATA 32,42,42,42
196,165,58,141,28,196,32,64 2,200,1,96,185,136,198,157, 9,80,80,73,78,71 ,58,47,18,3
,194,152,240,82 :REM*190 136,198,232,200 :REM*!33 2,42,42,42,32,66 :Ri;M'112
220 DATA 138,72,162,0,189,205,1 490 DATA 76,185,194,32,115,0,14 760 DATA 82,69,65,75 ,32,73,,73,3
96,201,47,240,15,201,92,240 4,16,201,172,240,3,76,111,1 2,47,32,42,42,42 ,32,92,13,3
,6,32,210,255 :REM*130 93,3 2,50,194,32 ;REM*129 2,42,42,42,32,76 :REM*104
230 DATA 232,208,239,169,13,32, 500 DATA 115,0,76,174,167,32,12 770 DATA 73,78,69,58 ,32,47,243,
210,255,104,170,166,57,165, 1,0,32,107,169,165,20,141,2 194,200,194,134, 193,41,194,
58,32,205,189 :REM*152 7,196,165,21,141 :REM-59 14,195,133,195 :SEM*19 3
240 DATA 138,72,162,0,189,221,1 510 DATA 28,196,32,171,194,76,1 780 DATA 137,195,153 ,195,2,192,
96,201,47,240,15,201 ,92,240 74,167,32,115,0,144,3,76,11 216,195,216,195, 13,18,32,32
,6,32,210,255 :SE:-i*212 1,193,32,107,169 :REM*67 ,42,42,42,32,68 :SEM*197
250 DATA 232,208,239,169,13,32, 520 DATA 165,20,141,27,196,165, 790 DATA 69,66,85,71 ,71,69,82,3
21 0,255,104,170,165,122,133 21,141,28,196,32,97,194,76, 2,67,79,77,77,65 ,78,63,32,8
,61,165,123,133 :REM*18 174,167,172,23 :REM*190 3,85,77,77,65,82 :HEM * 15 9
260 DATA 62,165,57,133,59,165,5 530 DATA 196,208,31,138,72,162, 800 DATA 89,32,42,42 ,42,32,32,1
8,133, 60, 76,1 3-1, 227, 32, 115, 0,189,133,196,201,47,240,15 3,64,84,82,79,78 ,32,32,32,3
0,201,64,240,3 :REM*121 ,201,92,240,6,32 :REM"52 2,32,32,32,32,32 :RE.'-I*247
270 DATA 76,66,192,160,255,162, 540 DATA 210,255,232,208,239,16 810 DATA 45,45,32,34 ,82,65,67,6
0,173,31,196,133,122,173,32 9,13,32,210,255,104,170,76, 9,32,79,78,13,64 ,84,82,79,7
,196,133,123,32 :REM+213 128,195,138,72 :REM*206 0,70,32,32,32,32 :REM*11
280 DATA 115,0,200,185,35,196,2 550 DATA 162,0,189,81,196,201,4 820 DATA 32,32,32,32 ,45,45,32,8
40,28,201,92,240,29,133,2,3 7,240,15,201,92,240,6,32,21 4,82,65,67,69,32 ,79,70,70,1
2,115,0,240,17 :REM*239 0,255,232,208 ;REM*26 3,54,66,82,69,65
290 DATA 197,2,240,235,200,185, 560 DATA 239,169,13,32,210,255, 830 DATA 75,32,60,76 ,73,78,69,6
35,196,201,92,206,248,232,2 104,170,162,0,169,32,32,210 2,32,45,45,32,83 ,69,84,32,6
32,76,64,193,162 :REM*141 ,255,169,32,32 :REM*22 5,32,66,82,69,65 :3EM*203
300 DATA 11,76,55,164,165,122,1 570 DATA 210,255,189,136,198,14 840 DATA 75,13,64,76 ,73,83,54,3
41,31,196,165,123,141,32,19 1,26,196,232,142,33,196,140 2, 32,32,32,32,32 ,32,32,32,4
6,189,241,196,72 :REM*24 5 ,34,196,189,136 :REM*70 5,45,32,76,73,83 ;RE-M'l 31
310 DATA 189,240,196,72,96,138, 580 DATA 198,174,26,196,32,205, 850 DATA 84,32,66,82 ,69,65,75,8
72,162,0,189,148,196,201 ,47 189,169,13,32,210,255,174,3 3,13,64,82,69,83 ,69,34,32,6
,240,15,201,92 :REM*11 3,196,17 2,34,196 :REM*208 0,76,73,78,69,62 :REM*9 5
320 DATA 240,6,32,210,255,232,2 590 DATA 232,136,208,209,32,115 860 DATA 32,45,45,32 ,82,69,83,6
08,239,169,13,32,210,255,10 ,0,76,174,167,169,1,208,2,1 9,84,32,49,32,66 ,82,69,65,7
4,170,186,134,2 :REM*131 69,0,141,30,196 :REM*44 5,13,64,82,69,33
330 DATA 162,255,189,0,1,201,14 $%$ DATA 169,0,141,24,196,141,2 B7^ DATA 69,84,32,42 ,32,32,32,3
1,240,8,202,228,2,208,244,7 5,196,76,128,195,165,62,200 2,32,32,45,45,32 ,82,69,83,6
6,89,192,138,72 :REM*171 ,34,138,72,162,0 :REM*38 9,04,32,65,76,76 :RLW1 3 7
340 DATA 232,232,232,189,0,1,13 610 DATA 189,97,196,201,47,240, 800 DATA 32,66,82,69 ,65,75,83,1
3,122,232,189,0,1,133,123,1 15,201,92,240,6,32,210,255, 3,64,67,79,78,84 ,32,32,32,3
38,72,152,0,189 :REM*9 232,208,239,169 :REM*7 4 2,32,32,32,32,32
350 DATA 169,196,201,47,240,15, 620 DATA 13,32,210,255,104,170, 890 DATA 45,45,32,82 ,69,83,85,7
201,92,240,6,32,210,255,232 32,115,0,76,174,167,165,61, 7,69,32,69,68,69 ,67,85,84,7
,200,239,169,13 :REM*49 133,122,141,31 :REM*6 3,79,78,92,64,83 !REM*1 49
360 DATA 32,210,255,104,170,32, 630 DATA 196,165,62,133,123,141 900 DATA 34,69,80,32 ,32,32,32,3
121,0,32,107,169,165,21,166 ,32,196,165,59,133,57,165,6 2,32,32,32,32,45 ,45,32,83,8
,20,32,205,189 :REM*43 0,133,58,76,50 :Sra*210 4,69,80,32,49,32 :REM+205
370 DATA 138,72,162,0,189,177,1 640 DATA 193,138,72,162,0,189,6 910 DATA 83,84,65,84 ,69,77,69,7
96,201,47,240,15,201,92,240 ,197,201,47,240,15,201,92,2 8,84,13,64,83,84 ,65,67,75,3
,6,32,210,255 :REM*105 40,6,32,210,255 :REM*58 2,32,32,32,32,32
380 DATA 232,208,239,169,13,32, 650 DATA 232,208,239,169,13,32, 920 DATA 32,32,45,45 ,32,71,79,8
210,255,104,170,104,170,72, 210,25 5,104,170,13 8,72,162, 3,85,66,32,83,84 ,65,67,75,3
232,189,0,1,141 :REM*133 0,189,255,197 :REM*210 2,84,82,65,67,69 :SEM*237
390 DATA 26,196,232,189,0,1,174 660 DATA 201,47,240,15,201,92,2 930 DATA 13,64,79,70 ,70,32,32,3
,26,196,32,205,189,169,1 3,3 40,6,32,210,255,232,208,239 2,32,32,32,32,32 ,32,32,45,4
2,210,255,104 :REM*21 ,169,13,32,210 :REM*236 5, 32,84,85,82,78 :REM*7 3
400 DATA 170,76,175,193,169,1,1 670 DATA 255,104,170,32,115,0,7 940 DATA 32,79,70,70 ,32,68,69,6
41,29,196,76,154,195,162,25 6,174,167,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 6,85,71,71,69,82 ,13,64,72,6
5,169,0,157,136 :REM*131 ,0,0,If,66,82,69 :KL!M*1 78 9,76,80,44,32,64 :REM*231
410 DATA 198,202,208,250,141,23 680 DATA 65,75,92,32,69,83,69,8 950 DATA 63,32,32,32 ,32,32,45,4
,196,96,162,0,172,23,196,20 4,92,33,84,65,67,75,92,169, 5,32,67,79,77,77 ,65,78,68,3
0,136,208,1,96 :REM*225 92,155,92,84,82 :REM*30 2,83,85,77,77,65 :REM*4 5
420 DATA 189,136,198,205,27,196 690 DATA 145,92,84,82,79,70,70, 960 DATA 82,89,92,0 :REM'179
,240,4,232,232,208,240,232, 92,154,92,7 9,70,70,9 2,72,69

RUN JUNE 1E3B71 63

The Speech-Controlled 64
Voice commands to a Commodore can help physically disabled people do what their
bodiesforbid—from typing to driving a wheelchair.


Eight. India. Space. Romeo. Uni the lights or television set, an electronic
form. November." Sounding al Jeeves could mean liberation.
most like i computer herself. Bjo
Ashwill talks to her CCA. As she speaks, One Step forward
the letters "HI RU N" appear on the Bjo AshwiU spends a lot of time writ
monitor screen. "That's supposed to say ing. A counselor for the F.nglish and Per
'HI RUN,' " AshwiU says. More letters forming Arts departments at Lane
appear. "Back up," she says. Nothing Community College in Eugene, Oregon,
happens, "Hack up!" she snaps, and ilie she esiimales thai writing is 20 percent
last letter disappears. of her work. This includes not only the
Typing letter by letter is a trial of pa imial barrage of interoffice paperwork,
tience, but Ashwill is strongly motivated hul also writing gTant applications and
io use this voice-recognition typing sys- video scripts for student orientation.
tein. She suffers from rheumatoid ar At home, she spends even more lime
thritis, a painfully disabling condition on her Commodore. She produces Writ
that has twisted her hands almost be ers in Wailing, a newsletter for aspiring
yond use. For most of us. typing is merely writers: she has written [wo books, sev
a dull job; for her, it's an ordeal. eral stories and routines for a local co
When Ashwill first looked into voice median: and she has won a contest for
recognition several years ago. the most writing a play about physically disabled
commonly recommended system cost people.
SIS,000. Even ai that price, it reportedly It was writing the play that convinced
worked only half the time. Her present Bjo AshwiU speaks commands to her her she needed a Commodore. "I had to
system includes a Covox Voice Masier C-64, using Voice Masier. get the thing typed, and I was up against
thai plugs directly into her C-6-l and cost a deadline," she says. "1 thought a com-
her only $89. From $15,000 to $89 is a mans never say the same word in exactly puler could make things a lot easier for
vast Improvement, but the system's suc [he same way twice. How the brain de me." It did.
cess rate in "understanding" her spoken cides that these different sounds are the Buying a C-64 and a word processing
commands is still only about 50 percent, same word is the first dark mystery of program, she eliminated hours of pain
speech. ful second- and third-draft typing.
The Mysteries of the Brain In addition, the brain listens for AshwiU now types rough drafts of her
Several problems stand in the way of meaning. As you read this, various documents with her voice. Later, she
practical voice recognition. To analyze sound waves are probably hitting your loads the files created by the Covox VM
sound waves, a computer must "sample" ears—perhaps from a stereo, a dripping into her Fleet System 2 word processor
the pilch and intensity of a sound at faucet and distant traffic—but your lor editing—lots and lois of editing, for
various instants. This is like mapping ilie brain pays no attention. let someone there are many mistakes.
ocean floor by taking soundings here whisper your name, however, and you're Her goal of eliminating all manual
and there. The more soundings the com all ears. How your brain decides which typing, however, remains tantalizing!)-
puter takes, the more accurately it can sounds deserve attention and which out of reach. Voice typing is inaccurate,
map the original sound. With sampling don't is the second dark mystery. and. even by the standards of a two-fin
rales of, say, 10,000 times a second, the A personal computer system that ger, huntandpeck typist, it's slow. Also,
map is very accurate, but storing 10,0(10 could dependably recognize spoken it's a real challenge to learn to speak so
numbers for a second of sound gobbles words to do lyping or any other of a that the computer understands.
up a lot of memory. Because of their myriad of tasks would be revolutionary, AshwiU struggles to train herself to
memory limitations, voice-recognition Imagine combining the loyalty, obedi speak with precision, saying (he same
systems based on home computers are ence and endless patience of Robbie the word exactly the same way each time.
likely to be inaccurate and can handle Robot with the language communica Even after six months of hard work, the
only a limited vocabulary. tion skills of Jeeves. P. G. Wodehouse's results are uneven. Sometimes the sys
Another problem stems from the fact renowned butler. For those unable to tem works, though very slowly. At other
that speech is incredibly complex. Hu- type, dial a telephone or even turn on times, there are more failures than sue-

G4 I RUN JUNE 1987

Accomplish more.. .in less time
with the power and versatility of
the ReRUN Disk

break the memory barrier. ..

Useful Applications Added Bonus create a RAM disk by using
I Word Processing Plus you get BONUS programs the RAM expansion module for
I Telecommunications never before published. . . plus hints your C-128
■ Utilities and tips from Ihe popular Magic

■ Music column. . . and a documentation create documents with double-
■ Finance bookie! with each disk. sided pages and columns of text
■ Databases print banners, signs, and mail
ReRUN saves you money and time
■ Graphics by increasing your computing pro ing labels
■ Entertainment, and more... ductivity. For example, in previous help your kids with their math
All year long, ReRUN disks bring you issues ReRUN lias helped our and spelling
pre-tested, high quality, ready-to-run subscribers. . .
and enjoy our challenging,
programs for your business, home,
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Gird It Exp. Dale BTOfi
cesses. Any change in her voice from a says. "Word processing, business, record claw grasps the edge of a box. "Reverse."
head cold, fatigue, pain medication or keeping, even an occasional game." Nothing. "Reverse!" Still nothing. Its
emotional frustration hopelessly con Clement spent more than a thousand claw wedged in the corner of the box,
fuses the machine. dollars for a voice-recognition system to the tank sits helplessly immobile. "Still
"It lias enough hugs in it [hat I don't control his computer, but to no avail. a few bugs," Greene says with a smile.
use it very much right now," Ashwill says. "The major problem is that anybody Greene is a senior in special educa
"Bui I know (his can be a freeing ihing. with a handicap often has multiple tion and computer science at Oregon
I would encourage all those plunkers or handicaps," Clement says. "One of mine State University. His major interests are
hackers or whatever they call themselves is that my voice fluctuates. For example, robotics and artificial intelligence, and
to jump on this bandwagon. 1 think they 1 say the word T differently ever)" time." he's designed a computer/radio control
arc very, very close to perfecting this. I'd It took forever to "train" his computer interface that plugs into the Conimo-
love that!" to understand a command, "By the time dorejoystick port. A Covox Voice Master
I got the computer trained to do some controls the computer, the computer
Tackling the Problem thing, I didn't want to do it anymore," controls the radio, and the radio con
So far, ihe hacking has been done by he says. trols the tank.
Mike Goldhamnier, a good friend of He currently uses a headstick and "A handicapped person could use
Ashwill, with advice from CovOJC, which mouse to control his computer, but something like this to control a micro
is located in Eugene. Goldhamnier runs when asked if he'd buy a usable voice wave oven," Greene says, "or a wheel
a one-man business as a consultant spe system, he says, "You bed" chair." He remembers seeing a voice-
cializing in computers and the disabled. Fluctuating Speech (also known asdys- controlled wheelchair on television lhat
Himself disabled from birth, hi' uses a rhythmia) is a problem being addressed cost more than $50,000. "With a car bat
wheelchair and has little use of bis by Christopher Jenkins, a doctoral can tery, a C-IVl and a Covox, you could do
hands. He's not a professional program didate in special education at the Uni the same for about five hundred dol
mer, but lie believes that the best way to versity of Oregon. He specializes in lars," lie says.
get a job done is to do it yourself. working with children who have multi Richard Tutlcy, the owner of the toy
"Voice-recognition technology has al ple handicaps, and his goal is to "marry tank, is a research associate in an Ore
ways been too expensive for disabled technology, motor training and the chil gon Slate plant physiology lab that uses
people." he points out. "Now [he tech dren's motivation to enable them to do Commodores for data collection. Exper
nology is cheap enough, hut we will have more things." imenting with sound, he's working on a
to make it useful ourselves," He consid As an experiment,Jenkins tried a Co- Commodore Covox combination to re
ers his present program merely an ex vox demonstration with youngsters place expensive laboratory equipment
perimental "hack," with Ashwill serving who have cerebral palsy. The monitor's used in speech therapy. He estimates it
as friend, alpha tester, end user and chief screen color was supposed to change on will lake about a year of weekends and
critic. a spoken command, but they would say evenings lo create the machine language
Goldhammer believes that the final "green," and "red" would appear. Ac program he has in mind. "I wouldn't
version of the program should be in ma cording to Jenkins, "to be consistently mind making some money," he sxiys, "but
chine language hcniuse, "Basic's too useful, the system would have to he able mostly it's a labor of love."
slow." Brad Stewart] Covox's vice presi> to recognize speech with dysrhytluuia." Goldhammer, Greene, Tuiley and
dent and program designer, agrees That's a tall ureter, especially if close to do/ens of others are working without
that a machine language version of 100 percent reliability is needed. much concern (or halancc sheets or
Goldhammer's program would run "It's a mistake to assume that since the even credit. In some ways, voice recog.
faster. He also thinks a full-scale effort technology is available, it's automati nition in 1987 is precisely where per
by professionals would help, although cally going to be applicable to the dis sonal computers were in 1977—prom
costs at the moment are prohibitive. abled," Jenkins says. A great deal of hard ising hut not quite practical. Yet, it
One of Covox VM's options (aboul work and Ingenuity is needed to "get at" would be wrong to say that voice recog
$■1(1 extra) is "James," an electronic but whatever ability the disabled person has, nition hasn't brought any changes.
ler of sorts. James uses a Commodore and development costs are high. Ask lljo Ashwill. "Rheumatoid arthri
computer and remote switches to per "Our goal in everything we do is to tis is a progressively crippling disease. It
form tasks such as turning lights on and enhance the ability of the person in the goes up: it goes down. Typically, rheu
off. With an autodialing modem, James community to remain in the commu matoid arthritics end up going from
can even dial the telephone. nity," Jenkins says. walking to wheelchair to bed. It can get
Future products might include a tac Unfortunately, with the vast develop really nasty."
tile transducer to convert sound into vi ment costs of specialized hardware and With this potential fate hanging over
brations so the deaf could "feel" speech. software, few companies can see much her head. Ashwill freely admits she's
"We know how to do this," Slewart says, profit in a market as small as the dis frightened. "What if I get so bad I can
"hut we just don't have the resources abled population. "If it's affordable, it no longer work?" she asks. "What if I
right now." hasn't been developed with the disabled become bedridden, which is a distinct
inmind,"Jenkinssays. Ririnnately, there possibility? I can't stop writing. That's
The Dysrhylhmia Problem are a few people willing to work on the my love and my life."
In contrast to Stewart's buoyant opti problem without worrying about profit Slow and primitive as her voice type
mism, several people have their doubts. margins. writer is, at least it will let Bjo Ashwill
One is Andrew Clement. Muscular dys pursue her love. ■
trophy has left him willi only enough A Labor of Love
Strength to sit in a wheelchair, move his "Left," Marvin Greene says into a mi Kent I'tilterson is a freelance writer who
head and speak He needs almost con crophone. Growling fiercely, a toy tank has written two software maintain and several
stant help from an attendant, but his [urns left. "Forward." The tank crawls articles on computer topics. Disabled himself,
sharp mind has made him a successful forward. Instead of a gun, the tank has he lias a special interest in computers and the
attorney. an arm with a mechanical claw in front. disabled, Address correspondence to him at
"I use a computer for everything," he "Arm." The arm lowers. "Claw." The 735 Bast 17th, Apt. 22, Euge>w, OR 97401.

with Commodore User Port expansion. ONLY $39.95+S3 S&H

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Circle 207 on Reader Servicu card

Power Key
Entering Bask commands isjust one key away with this programming utility that
assigns special roles to thefunction and control keys.


Like many other C-64 owners, my Once you've assigned the keywords, file, keyword set #1 is active. Press the
collection of programming utilities you can save them to disk as a small ma Commodore key lo access the second
has grown considerably over the chine language file under a filename of sci, and press it again to change back to
years. Unfortunately, most of my Basic your choice. After laving the file, you're the first.
utilities are not tailored to meet my spe given the option (o create another file. If (jintruUli; Changes the border color.
cific needs; I'm left at the mercy of the you answer yes, the process of assigning ControUS: Changes the screen color.
author's own idea of what a utility keywords repeats. If you answer no, (jmlroUL: Changes the color of every
should and should not do. the program exits to Basic. Should you character on the screen.
I wrote the Tower Key program to choose to create several files with many ConlroUE: Escapes Quote mode. Con-
help me design a utility thai meets my diffcreni keywords, I suggest writing the trol-E is the only function that works
needs, not those of someone else. It pro filenames and their function key defini while the computer is in Quote mode,
vides one-key entry of Basic keywords, tions on R-by-7 cards for reference. deactivating it if you need to use Power
plus other commands that perform var Key functions. It provides a way to enter
ious screen and editing functions. Programming with Power Key keywords assigned to the F1-F8 keys and
Power Key lets you assign up to 16 Using Power Key in your own Basic controUcolor combinations within Basic
Basic keywords to the function keys on programming is easy. Don't load the strings.
your C-64; or you can choose the pro main Power Key program (Listing 1). Holding down tlie control key: Freezes the
gram's Default option, which assigns Instead, load one of the files you've cre C-64's time clock and suspends the exe
pre-defined keywords lo the function ated with the program. Use the syntax cution of a Basic or machine language
keys. As a bonus, a number of fund ions LOAD "filename",8.1 for this operation. program until the key is released. This
that enhance the conirol key are also After the file has loaded, type NEW to function is useful for examining Basic
included. reset the Basic pointers, and enter SYS program listings, or for examining
49662. Power Key will then be activated, screen displays during a program's exe
Using Power Key along with the following key functions; cution. The Commodore key can be
After loading Power Key, type SYS used in a similar manner, but it toggles
FI-F8: Print Basic keywords.
■19152 to run the editor portion of the the keyword set each lime it's pressed.
program, where you can customize it as (jrmnwdare hey: Toggles the computer
between the two sets of Bask keywords. To exit Power Key, press the run-stop/
you wish. You're given (he two options
When you initially activate a Power Key restore key combination.
of assigning the default keywords or
your own.

If you choose the Default option.

Table 1. Lists of default keywords.
Power Key assigns the two sets of Basic
keywords in Table 1 to the function keys. SET#1 SET #2
If you choose to define your own. Power
Key prims the name of the function key F1LIST Fl DATA
and prompts you to enter a Basic key- F2 GOTO F2 READ
word. Since Basic 2.0 keywords can be
no more than six characters in length,
Power Key reads only the first six char F-f RETURN F4 NEXT
acters of your input. F5 PRINT F5 RIGHT!
To keep the program short, I've in
cluded no check for spelling, so be sure
that each keyword you enter is spelled
correctly. Otherwise, it will cause a syn F8 PEEK F8 SAVE
tax error when used in your program.

RUN It Right

70 / RUN Jl'N'E 1987

Commodore Product Potpourri
Hardware, Software & Firmware for your C-64, C-64C, C-128, AMIGA


It all began 10 years ago when Commodore The new Skyles Electric Works 1541 FLASHI Relative File problems? "DEVICE NOT
introduced a wondrous PET Computer with loads programs and Illes to your Commodore PRESENT" errors? I/O error 5 when using
8 Kbytes of memory. Almost immediately 64/64C or Commodore 128(64 mode) three Superbaso? Major problems when you have 2
.Sky los Electric Works doubled the PET times (aster than an unenhanced Commodore or more lies open? PainMly slow writing to the
memory with an 8 Kbyte memory addition. 1541 diskdrive. 1541 FLASH! saves programs second side of the diskette? SAVE with replace
history repeats itself 10 years later with 20 to 50 percent taster. 1541 FLASH! lormals
problems? Takes forever to recognize a "Flippy"
Skyles Electric Works offering the most a diskette in 25 seconds, a real flash.
complete line ol AMIGA memories in the disk? If you have one or more of these problems
The 1541 FLASHI is a permanent hardware
world. Consider (or the AMIGA 1000: with /our Commodore 1571 diskdrive, don't
installation in your Commodore 64/64C and
256 Kbyls memory, pljgs into the front in 5 despair, donl trash your 1571, do gela:
Commodore 128 (64 mode) and 1541 disk
seconds, lowest cost $79.95' drive. No programs to bad. no cartridge hassles. 1571 FIX ROM $24.95'
512 Kljyti- memory, '.<: ;'jss-thru, plugs into We have special versions of the 1541 FLASH I
right side In 5 seconds S349.95' for the SX-S4 and two 1541 s. A powerful panoply ot pertinent,
512 Kbyte memory, 86 pin pass-lhru, sockets In addition to its blinding speed of program and
potent, peripheral products
to expand to 1 Mbyte, connector tor daughter file loading, the 1541 FLASH! adds Over 50
board to expand lo 2 Mbyte, plugs into right extra commands Kir the Commodore BASIC PROGRAM
Side in 5 seconds $399.95* 64/64C/128 user. These include a built-in
DOS/Wedge, Easy Editor, and FLASHMON!
1 Mbyte memory, 86 pin pass-lhru. connector
machine language monitor. BLITZ! is I he fastest, easiest to use, most
lor daughter board loeipand to 2 Mbyte, plugs
popular. 8ASIC program compiler available for
into right side in 5 seconds $449.95 1541 FLASHIC-64/C-64C41541 . S69.95"
the Commodore 128, LC-64, and C-64C. Your
1541 FLASH! C-64/C-64C&
BLITZ! compiled programs will run from 5 to 20
A major manufacturers magnificent 1wo1541s $109,95"
C-128 FLASHI C-12B 8,1541 $79.95" times [aster a her you have BLITZ them. BLITZ!
multitude ot memories, magnanimously
C-128 FLASHI C-128 & translates and reduces your BASIC programs in
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i'Cie 90 on Reader Serves card

All of Power Key's functions work in ,76,185,192 :REM*134 430 DATA 238,203,2,76,173,194,2
160 DATA 169,13,32,210,255,169, 06,208,2,32,135,234,173,141
both Program and Direct modes. This is
0,153,166,196,32,244,193,20 ,2,201,2,240 :REM*195
possible because the program diverts 2,224,0,240 :REM*14 440 DATA 246,76,123,194,32,135,
the hardware interrupt vector (CINV 170 DATA 6,172,176,2,76,161,192 234,173,141,2,201,4,208,183
$0314-50315) to point to the Power ,206,176,2,240,16,32,187,19 ,165,203,201 :REM*239
Key routines before performing house 3,169,243,32 :REM+156 450 DATA 13,208,9,238,33,208,32
keeping chores like (lashing the cursor, 130 DATA 193,193,169,243,32,193 ,16,194,76,180,194,165,203,
,193,76,149,192,32,187,193, 201,28,208,9 :REM*167
updating the clock and scanning the
169,245,32 :REM*66 460 DATA 238,32,208,32,16,194,7
keyboard. 6,186,194,201,42,208,212,23
190 DATA 193,193,169,0,141,175,
If a function key has been pressed, the 2,32,228,255,240,251,201,84 8,134,2,173 :REM*149
program attempts to match the key's AS ,208,5,162,1 :REM*244 470 DATA 134,2,162,0,157,0,216,
CII value with values stored in a refer 200 DATA 76,34,193,201,68,208,2 157,0,217,157,0,218,157,0,2
38,23 3,175,2,162,8,169,0,16 19,232,208 :REM«57
ence table in memory. When a match is
0,255,32,186 :RGM*102 480 DATA 241,32,16,194,76,186,1
found, a Basic keyword is printed; other
210 DATA 255,32,187,193,169,242 94,162,64,76,10,195,162,0,1
wise normal program control continues. ,32,193,193,160,0,32,207,25 89,166,196 :REH*21
If you've pressed ihe control or Com 5,153,188,2 :REM*166 490 DATA 205,209,2,240,4,232,76
modore key at location 653, Power Key 220 DATA 201,13,240,4,200,76,51 ,10,195,232,189,166,196,240
either performs a screen function or tog ,193,192,0,240,231,152,162, ,7,32,210 :REH*3
188,160,2,32 :REM*38 500 DATA 255,232,76,23,195,76,1
gles the keyword set, depending on
230 DATA 189,255,173,175,2,240, 23,194,32,62,62,62,62,62,62
which key you pressed. A value of 2 rep 15,32,187,193,169,241,32,19 ,62,62,62,62 :REM*159
resents the Commodore key; a value of 3,193,32,228 :RKM*104 510 DATA 62,32,83,65,86,69,32,6
4, tilt Control key. You can include the 240 DATA 255,201,13,208,249,24, 9,8 2,82,79,82,33,32,6 0,60,6
Statement X = PEEK(653):PRINT X in 162,4,160,6,32,240,255,169, 0,60,60,60 :REM*97
254,133,251 :REM*210 520 DATA 60,60,60,60,60,0,240,1
your Basic programs to determine if ei-
250 DATA 169,193,133,252,162,38 ,4,49,61,65,83,83,73,71,78,
dier the shift, control or Commodore ,160,197,169,251,32,216,255 :SEM*8SS
key has been pressed. SI ,165,144,240 :REM*226 530 DATA 65,85,76,84,32,32,50,6
260 DATA 3,76,154,193,32,187,19 1,68,69,70,73,78,69,32,75,6
Address all author correspondence lo John 3,169,244,32,193,193,32,228 9,39,83,0 :REM*74
,255,240,251 :REM*93 540 DATA 243,1,5,69,78,84,69,82
V. Ryan, I'O Box 5786, APO NY 09179.
270 DATA 201,89,208,3,76,0,192, ,32,66,65,83,73,67,32,75,69
201,73,208,24 0,96,169,147,3 ,89,87,79,82 :REM*122
2,210,255 :REM"77 550 DATA 68,32,70,79,82,32,70,4
Listing 1 ■ Power Key program. 280 DATA 169,1,141,134,2,162,2, 9,45,70,56,0,245,1,8,83,65,
160,2,24,32,240,255,162,0,1 86,69,32,84 :REM*48
5 REM POWERKEY 64 BY JOHN RYAN 89,38,195 :RBM*135 560 DATA 79,32,18,84,146,65,80,
:REM*I9 290 DATA 240,7,32,210,255,232,7 69,32,79,82,32,18,68,146,73
10 PRINT"(SIIFT CLRIREADING DATA 6,174,193,96,169,147,32,210 ,83,75,63,0 :REM*54
...":I=49152 :HEM*92 ,255,96,160 :REM*31 570 DATA 242,3,6,70,73,76,69,32
20 READ A:IF A=256 THEN END 300 DATA 0,141,170,2,185,75,195 ,73,65,77,69,63,0,244,2,7,6
:REM*182 ,205,170,2,240,4,200,76,198 7,82,69,65 :REM*40
30 POKE I,A:I=I+1:GOTO 20 ,193,200,185 !RBH*121 530 DATA 8-1, 69, 32, 65,78, 79, 84, 7
:REM-212 310 DATA 75,195,170,200,140,171 2,69,82,32,70,73,76,69,63,3
40 DATA 32,187,193,169,12,141,3 ,2,185,75,195,168,24,32,240 2,40,89,47 ;REM*130
3,208,141,32,208,169,0,141,1 ,255,172,171 :REM*253 590 DATA 78,41,0,241,2,5,73,78,
34,2,169,2 :REM*194 320 DATA 2,200,185,75,195,240,7 83,69,82,84,32,68,73,83,75,
50 DATA 141,171,2,160,0,140,172 ,32,210,255,200,76,231,193, 32,65,73,68 ;REM*196
,2,162,8,169,133,141,174,2,1 96,24,173 :REM«187 600 DATA 32,80,82,69,83,83,32,1
72,172,2 :REM*2 330 DATA 172,2,105,8,141,172,2, 8,82,69,84,85,82,73,146,0,2
60 DATA 173,174,2,153,166,196,3 96,120,169,32,141,20,3,169, 47,23,13,75 :REM'92
2,244,193,238,174,2,202,208, 194,141,21,3 ;HEM"103 610 DATA 69,89,87,79,82,63,32,8
233,169,64 :REM«100 340 DATA 169,1,141,203,2,88,96, 3,69,84,32,35,49,0,248,23,1
70 DATA 141,172,2,206,171,2,208 162,255,142,171,2,162,255,2 3,75,69,89 :REM*114
,221,169,1,141,172,2,162,0,1 02,208,253 :REM*39 620 DATA 87,79,82,68,32,83,69,8
72,172,2 :KEM*154 350 DATA 206,171,2,208,246,96,7 4,32,35,50,0,70,49,61,0,70,
80 DATA 189,52,196,240,24,201,2 2,152,72,138,72,173,141,2,2 51,61,0,70 :REM*152
55,240,8,153,166,196,200,232 01,4,208,13 :REM*133 630 DATA 53,61,0,70,55,61,0,70,
,76,71,192 :REM*6 360 DATA 165,203,201,14,208,7,1 50,61,0,70,52,61,0,70,54,61
90 DATA 169,0,153,166,196,32,24 69,0,133,212,76,123,194,165 ,0,70,56,61 :REM*150
4,193,232,76,68,192,169,0,15 ,212,240,3 :JIEM*41 640 DATA 0,76,73,83,84,255,71,7
3,166,196 :REM'78 370 DATA 76,123,194,173,141,2,2 9,83,85,66,255,80,82,73,78,
100 DATA 169,240,32,193,193,32, 01,4,240,115,201,2,240,82,1 34,255,80,79 :REM*20
228,255,240,251,201,49,208, 65,203,201 :REM*137 650 DATA 75,69,255,71,79,84,79,
3,76,254,192 :REM*6 380 DATA 64,240,42,141,209,2,17 2 5 5,82,69,84,85,82,78,2 55,8
110 DATA 201,50,208,240,32,187, 3,141,2,201,1,208,10,160,8, 2,69,77,58 :REM*72
193,169,243,32,193,193,169, 169,16,141 :REM*81 660 DATA 255,80,69,69,75,255,68
247,32,193 :SEM*232 390 DATA 167,2,76,108,194,160,0 ,65,84,65,255,84,72,69,78,2
120 DATA 193,169,2,141,176,2,16 ,169,8,141,167,2,185,149,19 :REM*94
9,1,141,172,2,24,162,5,160, 6,205,209,2 :REM*169 670 DATA 72,34,36,255,76,79,65,
0,32,240,255 :REM»154 400 DATA 240,15,200,200,204,167 68,255,82,69,65,60,255,78,6
130 DATA 162,8,160,0,185,30,196 ,2,208,241,104,170,104,168, 9,88,84,255 :REM*8
,240,7,32,210,255,200,76,16 104,76,49 :REM*215 680 DATA 76,69,70,84,36,255,83,
1,192,200 :REM*16 410 DATA 234,200,185,149,196,14 65,86,69,0,4,133,5,134,6,13
140 DATA 140,178,2,169,0,141,17 1,209,2,32,135,234,165,203, 5,3,13 6,4 :REM*54
3,2,172,172,2,32,207,255,15 201,64,208 [SBM*149 690 DATA 137,5,138,6,139,3,140,
3,166,196 :RSM*206 420 DATA 247,173,208,2,201,1,24 256 ;REM*104
150 DATA 201,13,240,14,200,233, 0,110,76,3,195,173,208,2,20
173,2,173,173,2,201,6,240,3 1 ,1 ,208,6 :REM*29

72 / RUN JUNE 1987


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Rattle the snares and thump the basses vnthyour
C-64 drum vuwhine.


Drum machines, digital devices that The return key erases the sequence ing no sounds, while it waits for the
simulate the sounds of percussion you're working on so you tan start over "long" beat to end. To fix a situation like
Instruments, are fast becoming from scratch. This function includes a this, you have to edit the long beat out;
popular with both professional and am- safety message, so if you hit return by see the editing instructions below.
atcur musicians. The sounds are en mistake or change your mind about In contrast to some professional drum
coded on ROM chips, so the "drummer" starting over, you can stop the erasure. machines, my program can produce
has only lo tap a few keys on the key- The next two items on the menu only one sound at a time, and there's no
hoard to sound like a studio musician. screen lei you change the tempo of a provision for varying the duration of a
I wrote Drum Machine, the program sequence and choose the program mode beat. The maximum number of beats
in Listing 1, to emulate commercial you want to work in. One more item, you can record is 500, but there's no
(hum machines. It demonstrates basic which counts the number of beats in a signal when you pass the limit.
features of the more sophisticated prod sequence, appears on the menu screen To increase or decrease the tempo of a
ucts and will let you create some drum when you access Record or Play mode. sequence, press F3 or F4, keeping in
music of your own. With ii, you can re mind that the beats will start to run to
cord and play sequences of drum beais, Practicing gether at about 30. It's best to record at
edit them, vary their tempos, place them All the sounds are produced with tempo 1(1. If you have a difficult sequence
in continuous loops and save them to eight of the bottom-row keys and the lo record, try pressing the keys slowly,
and load them liom disk. space bar. You'll find it easiest to play then speeding up the tempo using F3.
Although llie program is written com- with the fingers of your left hand on keys To listen to your sequence at any
pletely in Basic, it can play a sequence 7. through V, the fingers of your right point, press F5, for Play mode. After
accurately and quickly. 1 achieved the band on 11 through < and your thumbs the entire sequence has played through,
speed by assigning letter names to con- on the space bar. the computer will automatically switch
slants and by keeping the main record The program starts off in Practice back to Record mode, where you can
ing and playing loop compact. I used mode, where the sounds don't gel re add more beats or edit what you've al
ilic C-64's built-in TI function (not corded. Practice awhile to get used to ready got.
ForfNext loops) to create accurate beat the sounds and the almost impercepti You can halt a playing sequence by
durations. ble lag between pressing a key and hear tapping F5 again to place the computer
ing it. When you're recording, you'll in Stop mode. Then, from Stop mode,
The Menu have to ignore this lag, because if you you can xiccess other functions by press
Type in and save Drum Machine lo wait for the computer to "catch up," ing the appropriate key, or return to
disk. When you run it, a menu (see the you'l! find yourself playing slower and playing—from die beginning of the se
photo) listing all the sounds the pro slower. quence—by pressing F5 yet again. Any
gram will make, plus the program func Stay in Practice mode until you get sounds you play in Stop mode won't be
tions, will appear on the screen. To the sequence the way you want it; then recorded.
produce a sound or access a function, press Fl lo record. Pressing F7 or F8 lets you load a se
just press the appropriate key. quence from disk or save it to disk.
The first group of menu items in Recording When loading, be sure to type the se
cludes the nine percussion sounds and In Record mode, when you press the quence's name exactly as you saved it
an asterisk. The asterisk is used to define first sound key, the timer will start and
loop sequences, as I will describe later. keep running as long as you're in that Editing
Summaries of the function key com mode. Because it keeps running, if you To edit a sequence, you must be in
mands appear nest. There are nine of pause after a beat, the computer will eidier Record or Stop mode. The only
them, instead of the eight you might ex think that beat is a very long one. Then, way to make changes is to press F6 to
pect, because F!> toggles between ihe when you play the sequence back, the back tip dirough the sequence, erasing
Play and Slop modes. computer will seem to get stuck, produc beats as you go. Then you can add on

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5 DIMF1(T>,Z<T),H(500),M(500) ,VO:P0KEV1,2:POKEV+4,65:POKE
rep I act ments as you wish.
:REM*121 V+4,64 :REM*232
Because this is Drum Machine's only
6 A$(1)="REC0RD(2 SPACES}":AS<2 33 IFPEEK{KB)=SPTHEN33 :REM*231
editing feature, if yim warn to make a )="PRACTICE":A$(3)="FASTH SP 34 RETURN :REM*92
change near the beginning of a long se ACEs)":AS(4)a"SLOW|4 SPACES)" 35 POKEV+23.P1:POKEV+11,129:POK
quence, it's easiest to just hit return and ;REH*98 EV1 , 21 0 : POKEV11-7 , 220 : P0KEV1 *
7 A$(5)="STOP[4 SPACE3)":A$(6)= 14,230:POKEV+4,33 :REM*241
Stan over. It's even better to edit a se
"REPEAT(2 SPACES}" :A$( 7] ="I>LA 36 POKEV*18,33:POKii:vi ,225:POKEV
quence in small chunks as you go along, Y(4 SPACES)":AS{8)="BACK UP " 1+7,235:POKEV1+14,245:POKEV1
so you don't have to make changes a :REM'27 ,210:POKSV1+7,220 :REM*84
long way back. 8 F1(12)=255:Z(12)=1 :REM*114 37 POKEV1t14,230:POKEVt4,32:POK
9 Fl(23)=27:Z(23)=1 :REM*191 EV+11,128:POKEV+13,6 4:GOTO39

Defining Loops 10 Fl (20 )=5:Z(20)=1 :REM*104 :REM*223

11 Fl(36)=255:Z(36)=2 :REM*197 38 POKEV+4,W1-1 :REM*108
You can use Drum Machine to accom
12 F1(31)=255:K(31)=3 :REM«136 39 IFPEEKfKB)=TTHEN39 :REM*161
pany other music by placing a sequence 13 Fl(28)=25:S{28)=4 :REM*139 40 RETURN ;REM*98
in a continuous loop. You do [his in 14 Fl(39)=255:Z(39)=5 :REM*164 41 H{C-1)=TI:N(C)=T;P0KEY,Y1:PR
Record mode by pressing (he * key afler 15 PI(60)^0:^(601=6 :REM'109 INT:POKEX,X1;PRINTC:C=C+1:TI
the last beat you want in ihe loop. Be 16 F1(47)=255:Z<47)=7 ;REM*212 $="000000":RETURN :REM*243
sure to allow an instant of time between
the las! beat and hitting the * key, so you
8 :REM-155 43 PRINTCHR$(147] ;REM*75
don't cut the lasi beat short, 18 POKEV+12,12:POKEV + 13,21 :POKE 44 POKEX,8:PRINT"Z DRUM 1
Once you've [lagged the end of the V+19,12:POKEV+20,1 9 :REM*230 :REM*74
loop with an *, the only way to add to it 19 T=36:GOSUB24:T=31:GOSUB24:T= 45 POKEX,8:PRINT"X DRUM 2
28:GOSOB24:GOSUB42:POKEV+24, :REM*75
is to edit out the flag. Probably the min
imum you'd want for a continuous loop
20 T=PEEK(KB) : It'T=NKTHEN20 ; REM*38
sequence would be one bass drum beat
and one snare drum beat. 21 I FT 4 FKTHENSK=PEEK(SH):GOTO61 :REM*135
So, now you're ready to be a percus :REM*155 48 POKEX,8:PRI.'JT"B SNARE
sionist with your new drum machine. 51 22 IFSE=1THBNGOSUB41 :REM*98 : REM* 128
24 P0KEV1.F1(T):?OKEV+4,W1:0NZ( :REM*231
Larry Cotton (3513 Canterbury Road,
T)GOTO25,26,27,28,29,32, 35 50 POKEX,8:PRINT"H - SNARE ROLL
New Hern, NC 28560) plays keyboards :REM'74 :REM*60
professionally on nights and weekend,. 25 POKEV+23,P1:FORD=1TO20:NEXT: 51 POKEX,8:PRINT"' - TAMBOURINE
GOTO38 :REM*37 :REM*245
26 POKEV-t23,P1 : F0RD = 1 TO5: POKEV1 52 POKEX,i
1 ■ Drum Machine program. (T):NEXT:G0T03 3 :REM* i2 53 POKEX,. :PRINT"SPACE BAR - BA
27 POKEV+23,P2:FORU=1TO60STGP4: SS :REM*251
2 F5=135:T=64:oP=6«:VL=S4296:H!l 40TO10STEP-6:?OKEV1,Q:BEXT:G 55 POKEX,8:PRINT"F3/4 - TEMPO F
=653:C=1:J=2:RP=49:FK=7:X=21 1 OTO38 :REM*36 AST/SLOW :REM*169
:Y»214:X1-.= 2fJ:Y1=22 :REM*78 29 POKEV+23,P3:POKSV1,100:POKEV 56 POKEX,8:PRINT"F5/6 - PLAV-ST
3 PU24f!:P2 = 241:P3 = 242:P4 = 243:D 1*14,45:POKEV+4,21:P0KEV1t7, OP/BACK UP :REM*80
Ea!:NK=64:KB=197:V=54272:V1=V 0:FORD=1TO20:NEXT :REM* 24 9 57 POKEX,8:PRINT"F7/3 - DISK LO
♦1:VO=79:W1=129 :REM*1S9 30 IFPESK<KB)=TTHEN3 0 :REH*8 AD/SAVE :REM*235


ShIJi Sinn 64 (Pnsrn) 134 CMS «cctmn0nJ I!) (CMS) t15O COMBINATION SPECIALS
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76 / RUN junk mi Circle 75 on Roador Sorvlco card.

GOSUB80 :REM*207
60 RETURN :REM*118
61 POKE198,0:IFT = 0THE>J2 0
IREM*1B7 CcjpT"rlBfil IcJ '1

62 ONrrGOTO31,20,63,77,87,9a
63 IFSK=.1THEN70 :REM*201
64 SN$ = "":PRINTC!IR$(147) : POKEY,
NCE TO LOAD"jSNS :REM*22fi A powflflul word , -.- < .■ r., sysiem for if: Commodore 128
65 IFSN$=""THENGOSUB4 3:GOSUB42: inciudns. • On screen siiiuaincip diapia^ - 45 Fonts ready lo uip
■ Font eaiioridrcdior inclinJeO ■ Fomign Languago Dink
From Ihe author o' FONtMASTER U comai FONJMASTEft 128, in snliantfld verilon lof i
66 I1TSN$ = ""THEN20 :REM*236 CommodoiE 1?B Thlt pnwirlul word proc«iDF. wilh its mgnf diliinm prlnE ilyl« jkntij. lutni your Q
67 OPEN1 ,8,{J,S.N$ ;REM*103 ■ ■ iHi-n -'-*<,■■: j n-r. . t*-ri.i ■:.}' Tirm pjp«n. newildClin jni i-p..jn umjui,^ in |uil j Mm at
68 INPUT*!,C:FORT=1TOC-1:INPUTS rtunj1 *ppiici1li>ni Mm >■■ iom» gf itt fipibiMiei


:REM*90 Word Procflislng FmIutM
69 CI.OSE1:GOSUB<13:J = 1:GOSUB42:G
OSUB1 f)2:SE = 1:GOTO20 :REM*223 ■ Nvb 'hJi-I t'l'i'w *i^Di»il ["'*r*f OuiCul *"> V

• (yi w*" Di uiifti «'<i-fl

70 IFC=1THEH20 :REM*20
71 SN$="":PRINTCHR$(147):POKEY,
NCE TO SAVE";SN$ :REM*95 Word ProCvitlng Prlniing Fvjjlurai Safup Moduli
73 IFSN$=""THEN20 |REM*243 Foni & ■ ii ■ .-i i- Sal Croalon

74 OPEN!,8,1,SN$ :REM*238
1 ,N(T) : PRINT)? 1 ,H(T) :NEXT
tREM*217 I3ouh0u5 Fuliirn Uiiminr1'" StnntU
76 CLOSE!:GOSOB43:GOSOB42:IFSE= Drcadusi Goodtype News
1THENGOSUB102:GOTO20 !RBM*42 ^^irnlti Cite tngllih Teen
77 IFSK=1THENSE=0:J=2:GOSUB42:P flolic PtCFTIl
0KBY,Y1:PRINT:POKEX,8:PRINT" Manhattan Prln*

(16 SPACES)" :REM*79

78 IF5K=1THENZ0 :RBM + 21jS
79 SE = 1 : J = 1 :GOSUI!42:GOSUB102:GO
TO20 :REM*41 mm,-.1. S710I
_ nw&trM ■ :■■'!.-■ ■ h. ., ■
Circle 96 on Readei Senica catd.
RN :RBM*216

T;POKEX,2 :rum*85

This Publication * custom MflDi 10 fir
is available in It1 EXTENDS EQUIPMENT LIFE
*' Cheifv ol C. '--i IJghl Tan ar Brown
84 GETA$:IFA$=""THEN84
Microform. COMPUTERS
C6» Plui 4 C-64C B.OO
Ssikoiho 5P-10M ....13,00
Comre. 320 13.00
CI28 ..13.00
86 GOBUB43:GOSDB42:IPSE-I'EHENGO Daluii*rtfr (C2N) . 3 00 C'IPoh BS10 , 13,00
SUI31 02:POKEX,XI : PRINT"{CRSR AmiBO 1D00 13.00 JuH 5510 ,.™ul,*.0»
(W/lntji Hin StJdfl11 28.00 r™aB«»'H« ., ~1M»
UP)"C-1:GOTO20 eKEH*18B Ep»n JH 80 13,00
K«rboaid only 7.00
87 I^PEEK(SH)a1THENDE=DE-,1 ;IPD A'D'i 8DOXL. 130X! 10 00 tp»n fx jj'tij ...iioo
Otidola fJ .1100
E<0TilENDE = 0 :REM*37 Ala.. 120 5T 1100
C ilrien MSP 10 .
IBM PC XI IB. 00 .13.00
88 IKPEEK(SH)=0THENDE=DE+.1: GOS IBM SOU Kt,bao<d 8.00 C DPS 1101 .14.00
UBQ0:GOTO20 :REM*17 8 (Dimeniloni Bequi red G.r linl 10 rVSfc ID1 it3.M

iinl 15 iStarlJ >16.00

89 GO5[JB80:GOTO20 l<» IBM Ctonni)
1027 13.00
90 IL''5K = 1THEN99 :REM*248 DISK DRIVES
C-lill. C-1571 8.00
91 IPC=1THEN20 :HEM*41 Alan 5C UliBOB 19.00
Arniao 3[i" D Dry B.OO
92 J=7:GOSUB42:GOSUB102 :REM*6 A'Piao 5VJ D Drv v.oo
C-1703. BMC Colo. 16.00
C-lflOJ Ami0o .19.00
93 F0RW=1TDC-1:GETAJ:IFA$ = C!.R$( Induil OT, MSB 5D 1 8 00
Arttdek 500 700 .. . 19.00
MSB SD3 10.00
F5)THENJ = 5:3E = 0:G0SUB4 2:GOTO Enhtinfff- ^000 e.oo
CM.HI (OIB02) l«.00
20 :REM*231 FSD.I 9 00
C-lC02A'MuBnvi 40 19.00
NfC (5l(ilt Mnd.l) 19.00
Alo. 1050 BOO
94 T=N(W):IFT=RPTHEN93 :HEM*190 Mngnovox SO fiGB 19.00
95 POKEY,Y1 :PR INT:POKEX,20:PRIM Pr nttffofifSfotoWodffl 19.00

TW"{CRSR LF} " :REM*65 Iniversitv Microfilms CU3S MP5 S01 10 00 Ihorrpion CM 34J.6O
TcuCTn (Slate Modffl)
13 00
96 TI$="000000":GOSUB24 :REM*60 hirer mil ii m. il C-MPS 803, C-1530 BOO Salcolo SC-IOO 15.00
PminiBM I0?0 91 13 00 Z-n.lN (Stole Modrl) 1900
97 IfH(W)>TI*OETHEN97 :SEM*75
Ofcidata 120/l« 13 00 VIDEO fitCOBDtBS 13.00
98 NEXT:,J = 1 :SE=1 :GOSUB42:GOTO20 Okimalt 10/20 a.oo Slate MnVft 1 Model
!KEM*234 EpionMX (X BXSO 13 00 Dim en iio ni requlrfld
Bpion LI80/C.1000 13 00 Incl^drng rlatb fwt.Dbl
99 IFC=1THEN20 :KGr«l*<19
Offer 1, I'llng M«F. MODEL mi (MOB CHOICE UN «' SBCWK itlt
100 J=8:SE = 0:GOSUB42;H<C-2)=.0:C
ihtdt'Kti ntt; (Put tliOptr iltm (ilSOmi I thpping tnl hinDTng
= C-1 :I?C<1THENC=1 :REM*30
Calif. 1(1 iMliittt ['■ * l«tl tu IPO. IM'iltn Fwtign 3(B inn

102 POKEY,Y1:PRINT:POKBX,8;PRIN Crown Custom Covers

(714) ill 6362

RUN JUNK I9fi / 77

Young computerists will havefun learning about bar graphs with this
animated program.


number from 0 through 10 or any half-

value in between, written in decimal form.
After you enter a valid number, a beep
ing robot descends from the top of ihe
screen, and as it reaches the x-axis, it stops
and extends a claw. 'Ihe robot uses the
claw to "lift" the bar representing ihe
value you typed in up to the correct
height. The growth of the bar is marked
by a tone at each increment of one.
When ihe bar is complete, the robot
retracts its claw and disappears off ihe
top of the screen. Then Roboigraph
requests a value for the next bar and
repeats the process until eight different
colored bars have been drawn.

You can review the value of each bar
by pressing the letter corresponding to
that bar. Pressing the return key will set
up a new graph.
To examine the sprites responsible for
the animation, use the following proce
dure. Flratt load and run the program
normally, inputting any valid value for
A. As soon as the robot is about halfway
down the screen, hit the run stop key to
halt execution. (Don't hit tile run-slop
and restore keys together.)
Now press shift/dr-hotne to clear the
screen of all but the robot, and, with the
cursor at the top of the screen, type
POKE B, followed by a number from 200
through 21(1 (the block numbers). POKE
B.200 and POKE B.20! will display the
two Sprite! used lor the descent and as
cent animation. POKE B.2O2 through
Rohotgrsph is a "multimedia" pro When you run Rohotgraph (Listing I), POKK B.209 will display the sprites in the
gram I designed to help children it first sets up a horizontal x-axis, labeled armoul animation (or arm-in, in the re
in the middle grades learn how to A through H, and a vertical y-axis, la- verse order). POKE B.209 and POKE
use bar graphs. The program's anima bcled 1 through 10. The bars, A-H, will B.210 will display the two sprites used for
tion will capture the youngsters' atten extend up from the x-axis to values mea the ascend-wiih-ann-om animation. E
tion, and the .sound will reinforce the sured on the y-axis.
relationship between the value of each Next, the program requests ,i value1 for Address nil author corrtspmdena to Rick
bar and iis height. the first bar, A. You can enter any whole Kejilum, 1 High St., Malvmt, PA 19355.

RUN It Right

7H! RUN jt.'NK l'J87 H) l!V AUCt


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Listing 1. Robolpaph program.
3,5 PRINT 580
3,191,191,63 :SEM*228
DATA 255,255,3,127,115,3,21
,0,3,254,240 !HEM*1S2
5 REM ROBOTGRAPH 64 :REM*219 590 DATA 63,255,240,255,126,240
10 GOSUB 320:REM SPRITE DATA ,207,255,240,3,126,240,3,25
5,240,0,170 :REM*44
20 GOSUB 350:REM LINES/SOUND 600 DATA 128,2,170,160,0,0,0,0,
;REM*114 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,255,243
30 FOR CN=0TO7 :REM*14 ,3,191,179,63 :REM*22
40 R=23:C=10:GOSUB 470:POKE 781 610 DATA 191,191,63,255,255,51,
,R:SYS 59903 :REM*32 127,112,51,213,240,51,25 5,2
50 PRINT"{COMD 7)(CTRL 9)HOH MA 40,0,63,0,0,63 :KEM*243
NY IN ";:POKE 646,CN + 1:PRINT 620 DATA 0,3,251,240,63,255,240
" "CHRSI65+CNI; :REN'188
,221,240,3,255 :REM*24
CN) = 0 AND N$o"0")OR N(CN)>1
0 THEN 40 :REM*230 630 DATA 240,0,170,128,2,170,16
70 R=21:C=5+CN«4;GOSUB 470 0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
,51,255,240,51 :REM*176
80 SC=68+(8»(C-5)):POKE X,SC AN 640 DATA 191,176,63,191,191,63,
2 55,255,3,127,115,3,21 3,243
D 255:POKE V+16,-(SC>255)
:REM'102 ,3,255,243,0 :REM*62
650 DATA 63,0,0,63,0,3,255,240,
90 FOR 1=30 TO 202 STEP 2:POKE
Y,I:GOSUB 430 :REM*8 63,247,176,51,255,240,51,23
100 POKE B,8B+(INT(I/6)AND 1):H 9,176,255,255 :REM*144
EOT :REM«132 3(J0 660 DATA 240,207,255,240,0,170,
110 FOR AR=202 TO 209:POKE 11,AR 128,2,170,160,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
I=lTO33:PRrNT chr${195);:NE
,0,0,0,0,0,0,3 :REM'238
:GOSUB 440:FOR T=1TO50:NEXT XT :REM*15 670 DATA 255,243,3,191,179,63,1
:NEXT :REM*6 390 PRINT:PRINT SPC(6)"A";:FOR 91,191,63,255,255,51,127,11
120 IF N(CN)=0THEN 220 :REM*150 I=0TO6:?RINT SPC)3)CHRS{I+6 2,51,213,240 :REH*154
130 PRINT "(CTRL 9 >(3 COMD Os)" 6);:NEXT :REM«173 680 DATA 51,255,240,0,63,0,0,63
:REH*192 400 S=54272:FOR I=STOS+23:POKE
140 POKE Y,PEEK(Y)-9-4*(N(CN)=". 1,0:NEXT :REM*139 255,240,51,189 :REM*144
5) :REM*90 410 POKE S+24,14:POKE S+4,2:POK
690 DATA 240,51,223,240,255,255
150 FOR RA=0TO(N<CN}-1) *2 E S*5,23:POKE S+12,6:POKE S ,243,204,170,128,2,170,160,
:REM*76 +13,6 :REM*69 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 :REM*106
160 GOSUB 450 :HEM-210 420 POKE S+16,6:POKE S+17,6:POK
700 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,51,255,240
170 FOR RB = 20TO20-t-(N{CN)>.5) ST E S+15,BB:RETURN :REM*95
EP -1 :REM*S8 430 IF A<3 THEN A=A+1:RETURN 55,255,3,127 :REM*124
180 R=RB-KA:GOSUB 470 :REM«30 :REM*241 710 DATA 115,3,213,243,3,255,24
190 PRINT "(CTRL 9)";:SYS 13504 440 A = 0:POKE Sti,RKD(0)* 128»127 3,0,63,0,0,63,0,3,22 3,240,6
:REM*13G :POKE S+4,33:POKE S+4,32:RE 3,254,240,51 :REM*224
200 POKE B,210+(PEEK|3)=210):GO TURN :REM*139 720 DATA 255,112,51,239,240,51,
SUH 440 :REM*136 4S0 IF KA/2=INT(RA/2) OR (N(CN) 255,240,51,255,240,252,170,
210 NEXT:NEXT:POKE Y,PEEK{Y)-2: <1) THEN RETURN :REM*15 128,206,170 :REM*140
GOSUB 450 :REM*202 460 POKt: S*8,50+HA*9:POKE S+1 1 ,
730 DATA 160,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
220 FOR AR=209 TO 202 STEP -1:P 17:POKE S+18,21:POKE S+18,2
0,0,0,0,3,255,243,3,191 ,179
,63,191,191,63 :REM*72
050:NEXT:NEXT :REM*2 :REM*199
740 DATA 255,255,51,127,112,51,
230 FOR I=PEEKfY)TO30 STEP -1:P 470 POKE 781,R:POKE 782,C:POKE 213,240,51,255,240,0,63,0,0
OKE Y,I:GOSUB 430 :REM*30 783,0:SYS 65520:RETURN
,63,0,3,255 :REM*120
240 POKE B,BB+(INT(I/4)AND 1):M : REM*139 750 DATA 240,63,126,240,51,255,
EXTiNEXT :REM*19G 480 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,51,255,240
250 POKE 781,23:SYS 59903 ,51,191,175,63,191 ,191,63,2
1,255,240,48 :REM*114
:REM*16 55,255,3,127 :REM*159 760 DATA 170,128,254,170,160,20
260 R=24:C=0:GOSUD 170 :REM*91 490 DATA 115,3,213,243,3,255,24 4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5
270 PRINT"(i(OME)PRESS LETTGHS A 3,0,63,0,0,63,0,3,255,240,3 1,255,240,51 :REM*140
-H":POKE198,0:WAIT198,1:GET ,247,176,3,255 :REM-209 770 DATA 191,176,63,191,191,63,
W$:POKE781,24:SYS59903 000 DATA 240,3,239,176,3,255,24 255,255,3,127,115,3,21 3,243
:HEM*17 9 0,3,255,240,0,170,128,2,170 ,3,255,243,0 :REM*193
280 IF rf$=CHRS(13)THEN PRIHT CH ,160,0,0,0,0,0 :REM*97
780 DATA 63,0,0,63,0,3,255,240,
RS(154):GOTO 20 :REM*75 510 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,255,
63,127,240,51 ,255,176,51,22
290 W=ASC[W$)-65:IF W<0 OR W>7 243,3,191,179,63,191,191 ,63 2,240,51,127 :REM*147
THEN 270 :REM*121 ,255,255,51 :RKM*149
790 DATA 176,51,255,240,48,170,
300 POKE 646,W+l:PRINT CHRS(18) 520 DATA 127,112,51,213,240,51,
W$ " =" N(W); :REM*209 255,240,0,63,0,0,63,0,3,255
0,0,0,0,0,0,0 :3EM*189
310 GOTO 260 :REM'S9 ,240,3,127,240 :REM*1S8
800 DATA 0,0,3,255,243,3,191,17
320 PRINT"PLEASE WAIT ABOUT 6 S 530 DATA 3,255,176,2,255,240,3,
ECONDS":BB=200:V=53248:X=V; 237,240,3,255,240,0,170,128
127,112,51,213 :REH*127
Y=V+1:B=2040 :REM*15 ,2,170,160,0,0 :REH*63
810 DATA 240,51,255,240,0,53,0,
330 FOR I=12800TO13520:READD:PO 540 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0,63,0,3,255,24 0,63,247,176
3,255,243,3,191,179,63,191 ,
,51,255,240,51 :REM'225
340 POKE V+21,1:POKE 53276,1:PO 191,63,255,255 :REM*56
320 DATA 239,176,51,255,240,51,
KE V+37,10:POKE V+38,13:POK 550 DATA 51,127,112,51,213,240,
25 5,2 40,48,17 0,128,5 0,170,1
E V+39,11[RETURN :REM*23 51,255,240,0,63,0,0,63,0,3,
60,252,0,0,204 ;REM-181
350 POKE 53281,0:POKE 53280,11: 255,240,3,247 ;REM*34
830 DATA 0,0,0,206,1,208,169,32
PRINT"(SHFT CLR}" :REM*59 560 DATA 112,3,191,240,3,247,11
360 FOR I=10TO1 STEP -1:PRINT S 2,3,191,240,3,255,240,0,170
,202,208,247 :REM*211
PC(-NOT I=10)I:PRINT:NEXT ,128,2,170,160 :REM*190
840 DATA 96,0 :REM*25
:REM*191 570 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
370 PRINTCHR${19):FOR I=1TO20:P 0,0,51,255,240,51,191,176,6

80 / RUN Jlflffi 1987

If the space program had advanced
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viewfrom '


And space stations, Martian colonies, and interstellar tions professionals, including MIS executives and profession
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We also have six publications which concentrate on specif

In 1946 ENIAC was the scientific marvel of the day. This
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computer weighed 30 tons, stood two stories high, cov
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(TRS-80), RUN (Commodore C-I28/C-64) and AmigaWorld
dollars. Today a $2,000 portable can add and subtract
(Commodore Amiga). And we have a new publication dedi
more than 20 times faster. And, by 1990, the average
cated to the emerging field of desktop publishing: Publish!
digital watch will have as much computing power as
And we have similar publications in every major comput
er markei in the world. Our network publishes over 70
The collective brainpower of computers sold in the next computer publications in more than 25 countries — Argenti
two years will equal that of all computers sold from the na, Australia, Austria, Brazil. Chile, Denmark. Finland,
beginning to now. Four years from now it will have France, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy. Japan, Mexico,
doubled again. The Netherlands, Norway, Ftople's Republic of China, Saudi
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It's hard to remember that this is science fact, not fiction. United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, and
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How do people keep pace with change like this? That's
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Every month more than 12,000,000 people information. You'll find the number below.
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Work!, and Digital News serve computer and communica

Presto Write 128

Type, edit and print small documents
easily and quickly with this handy program.


Presto Write 128 is a mini word pro —SET Set left and right margins. 8502 registers and places their values
cessor you can use for typing in, — CLR Clear screen, start new page. into Basic variables. The format for
editing ami printing out small doc —END Exit the program. RRH; isRRKGA,X,Y,SR.
uments SUcb as milt's, short Idlers, en For example, in line 70, the SYS
velopes and labels. It's belter for this You can add more commands in lines 2816,1' command loads the accumulator
purpose than a typewriter, because it en 70-110 of die program if you wish. with the value of die current left margin
ables you to edit, and it also avoids After you type a —Set command into setting. Then die machine language rou
the complicated, time-consuming com your document and press the return key. tine stores this information to be used
mand structure of a full-fledged word Presto Write will prompt you for margin later in formatting the printed output.
processor. settings. To choose the default settings The machine language routine returns
By taking full advantage of the window Of 5 left and 75 right, press return again to Basic with one of three values held in
ing, editing and reverse video capabilities in answer to each of these prompts. [he accumulator register.
of the 8503 display chip, Presto Write dis These settings will produce a one-inch The RREG A command then places
plays on the screen exacdy what will be margin on either side of your document. this value into the Basic variable A. If A
printed on paper. The command line in Presto Write's screen editor creates is found to equal 95, a CLI command
terface (CLJ) lets you easily set and alter lines of up to 80 characters. To manip character was detected during input and
the margins at any point in your docu ulate text, use the cursor, delete and in the output routine aborts; or, if A equals
ment and number lines within the docu sert keys, plus escape-key sequences such 255| die printer isn't present. Otherwise,
ment for quick position reference. as escape-D, which deletes an entire line. a zero is returned in the accumulator,
I wrote pan of the program in Basic See your C-128 Sy.Urm C.uiiie or C-128 Pro indicating that no error occurred and
7.0 to demonstrate a variety of its com grammer's Reference Guule for descriptions no corrective action is necessary. E
mands. However, even this updated ver of the escape functions available.
sion of Commodore Basic is slow for You can use the caps-lock and home
word processing, because it can't build keys witii Presto Write, but never press Listing 1. Presto Write 128 program.
or print long strings of text quickly. So, ihc home key twice in succession or
1 also wrote part of the code in machine you'll exit die editing window.
language. I've found that adding ma After you enter a line of text and 3 REM ASTON, PA :REM*217
chine language to Basic 7.0 can produce check it for emirs, press return to print 4 REM :REM*66
marked increases in speed. it out. If you forget io lurn on your 10 L=5:R=75:LN=1:FAST:E$=CHR${2
printer, the program will alert you and 7):GOSUB14 0:F$=CHR${15):RJ=C
i)R$(13) ;REM*200
Using Presto Write let you correct the situation without hav
20 KEY 1rE$+"D"+"{SHFT BJOB {SH
Type in Listing 1. As you do so, enter ing to type die line over again. FT K)ODADEK"+R$*"3164 {SHFT
your own data in line 20, which defines StURREY. (SHFT L)ANE" + R$ + " {SH
the Fl key to automatically print your Kissing Rtrameters FT A)STON,{2 SPACEs){SHFT P)
Basic 7.0 really shines in passing pa (SHFT A}{2 SPACEs)19014"+R$
name, address, city, state and zip code at
the current left margin. Then save the rameters {sharing daia) between Basic
30 FOR 1 = 0 TO 9S):READ DS: POKE 2
program to disk. and machine language. With the SYS 816*1,DEC< DS):NEXT :REM*104
The CI.I uses the back-arrow character command, you can place values directly 40 TRAP 220:G=65487:CLOSE4:OPEN
as a command identifier. Any time this into the accumulator, x, y and status 4,4,7: GOSUB1 50 : REM*21 0
character appears in your text, a legal registers before the machine language 50 PRINT"(2 HOMES}":GOSUB180:BA
NK 15:COLOR 5,2:WINDOW 0,18,
three-character command must follow routine is called from Basic and with
79,19,1 :REM*236
or an error will be generated. out using cumbersome Peeks and Pokes. 60 POKE24B,128:WINDOW L,18,R,18
I've written the following three com In addition, Basic 7.0 has an undocu :S$="":PRINTE$+"A" :REM*100
mands into tlir program: mented RRKG command that reads the

C-128; pnnter

82/RUNJUNK 1987
Listing 1 continued. 140 PRINTCHR$(14)+ES+"R":COL0R R$) :REM*8
5,15:PRINT"{SHFT CLR){3 SPA 200 COLOR5,2:WINDOW 25,22,41,22
30 C$ = C$+CHR$<PEEK(3072-t-I)):NEX 6 SPACEs}":COLOR5,13:WINDOW 10:ELSE 40 :REM*16
T:IF C}="{LEFT ARR0WI5ET" OR 0,1,79,19,1 :REM*160 220 IF ER=5 THEN C0L0R5,11;PRIN
C$="(LEFT ARROW)(SHFT S}(SH 150 PRINT"(2 HOMEsJ":COLOR5,16: T"(2 HOME3)":CHAR,16,22,(F$
FT EHSHFT TJ" THEM 190 CHAR,0,20,"{SHFT -J0...1SHF )+(ERRS(ER)|,1 :REM*250
:REM*2 2 T -)...1{SHFT -}0...{Sf!FT - 230 PRINT CHRJ(143)" TURN ON PR
L){SHFT R)" THEN LN=1:COLOR SHFT -}0...{SHFT -J...51SHF :REM»214
5,13:WINDOW 0,1,79,19,1:GOT T -)0...(SIIFT -)...6{SHFT - 240 DATA 8D,5C,aB,A0,00,8C,5B,0
040 :REM*230 )0...(SHFT -},..7{SHFT -)0. B,A9,20,99,00,0C,C8,D0,FA
100 IF C$sH{LBPT ARROWJEND" OR ..(SHFT -),.,8",1:PRINTE{+" :REM*30
C$="{LEFT ARROWHSHFT E) {SH @" :REM*16 250 DATA AC,5C,0B,20,CF,FF,C9,5
FT NJ1SHFT D)" THEN PRINT"{ 160 FORI=0TO79:PRINT"-";iHESTlC F,D0,05,8D,5B,DB,A0,00,99
2 HOMES}tSHFT CLRJ"+E$+"N": OLOR 5,11 :CHAR,L,21,"{UP AR :REM*80
COLOR 5,4:CLO5E4:END R0W}":CHAR,R,21,"{UP ARROW) 260 DATA 00,0C,C8,C9,0D,D0,EC,A
:REM*216 "+(R$) :REM'192 9,00,99,00,0C,85,F4,85,F5
110 PRINT"{2 H0MEs)":CHAR,21,19 170 CHAR,12,24,"(LEFT ARROWJSET :REM*133
:GOTO50:BEND :REM*86 180 PUDEF"0":COLOR 5,2:CHAR,35, 0,00,B9,00,0C,F0,06,20,D2
120 IF A=255 THEN PRINT#4,F$:EL 22,"LINE:":PRINT USING"#S"; :REM»143
=1:WINDOW 0,1,79,19,1:REM«8 190 L=5:R=75:GOSUB150:COLOR 5,1 D,5B,0B,60 :REM*117
130 WINDOW 0,1,79,18:CHAR,0,17: 4:CHAR,L,21,[F$)+"{UP ARROW
PRINT:GOTO50 :REM*2 54 )";CHAR,R,21,"!UP ARROW)"t[

CLOCK/CALENDAR I Saved Time & Money

Cartridge for your with Physical Exam"
Commodore 64 or 128 Computer I use a data base to 1541 Physical Exam Sample Screen
keep records for our
Combines three most needed functions in a dun. Last week I
-xperienced read
single plug-in cartridge: :rrors. Luckily I have
• Battery-Backed Clock/Calendar a 1541 Physical Exam
program. The align
• Battery-Backed RAM
ment tesl confirmed
• Application ROM Capability what I had suspected
Features: my drive was out of
alignment. I am happy
• Crystal conliollad clock keeps time in seconOs. minutes, hours.
to report that I .ilipncil
flay of Ihe week, month and year with auto leap year.
my drive MYSELF. I
■ 8K bytes of battery-backed RAM included. avoided the wait for
• Application ROM socket handles up to !28K bytes of application repair and paid a frac
software in EPROM. tion of the cost.
■ Operating software in ROM included.
• Automatic recognition olcomputartype (64 or 128) on power-up Package includes: • True digital alignment disk
or reset. with offset tracks. • Mechanical Slop Test •
• Maintains power-off, power-on log in RAM for dedicated control Speed Test •Illustrated manual with instructions
applications. for performing alignment, adjusting speed and
• 30 day unconditional money-back guarantee.
stop position. • Hard copy mode to prini (est
CCS2 Cartridge 549.95 results for future reference.
Shipping & Handling:
UPS Surface (USA Only) S3.00 $39.95 + s & ii per program Please specify drive
Foreign (Air Mail Only) $13.00
1541,1571, 8050, 8250, 4040, SFD 1001
Waster Card. Visa, and Amex Welcome

To Order Toll Free 800-421-7731
Order Toll Free
From California 800-421-7748 10-6 MON-SAT
Tech Support 916-823-3284
Cardinal Software
■ 1 JASON-RANHEIM 14840 Build America Dr.
Woodbridgc, VA 22191
" ■ 1805 Industrial Drive
Info: (70j) 491-6494
Auburn, CAUSA 95603

Circle 20? on Reader Service card. Circle 19? on Reader Service card.

RUN JUNK 1987 / 83


This month, I want to start tlic Wink- PO Box 832, Tallevast, VI. 84270, De spend on a subscription to CompuServe
shop with some updates on pant col scribe your equipment and1 the proto or Q-Link, or on long-distance phone
umn!) plus a couple of other Items lor cols you'll he Using, and they'll send you bills. Arc there any loll-free bulletin
you [<i keep in mind. a disk of programs for your modem. boards, and, if so, could you publish a
First, last February I said you have to list of them?
be a member of TPUG (Toronto PliT Gil Hearn
Users Group) to order disks from their In a couple of recent columns, you
Washington, GA
library of Commodore programs. I've mentioned two programs, REL-SEZ
since learned thai non- members can or CONV.Z and Lynx (versions 6 and
I've been on the lookout for toll-free
der disks for $15 each. Members get above), Ihal convert relative files to se
bulletin hoards, bul haven't found any
them for $H>, once they've paid [he $25 quential files, which is necessary for
yet. Perhaps other HUN renders can help.
membership fee. Ti'UCs address is uploading to CompuServe. Where can I
If anyone knows of a BUS you can access
5300 Yougc St., Willowdale, Ontario, gel these programs?
without phone charges, please send me
Canada M5N 5R2. J. Anderson the number and system specifications,
In December's issue, I mentioned that ;i. WA and I'll include it in the column.
QuantumLink didn't yet have an access Meanwhile, you'll find a number of
program for the Plus/4. Now I've found BBSs in the 404 area listed in llic bulletin
out thai they never will, I'm sorry if 1 got Both are available from Public Domain board section ol the Computer Shoftfier, a
your hopes up. Solutions (address above), liy the way, I monthly publication available at news
Remember, if you want your BBS think Lynx is now up to version 9. stands. If any of those hoards are in your
listed on RUN\ BBS, the RUNning local calling area, there won't be phone
Board, send me all the pertinent infor charges for accessing them.
mation and I'll add it to the growing list. I recently purchased a Voiks C-6480
By tile way, you can reach me Online modem. It works fine with its own soft
as DAVBRADI.EY on QuantutnLink. ware, but not with public domain ter I have a (Mil. a 1541 disk drive and a
nAVlDBRADLKY on Delphi and David minal programs. Arc there any such 1670 modem. I want to use VIP terminal
Bradley on Node IS ofPunterNet programs available that will support software with this system, but when I try
Last, bill not least, if you send me a this modem? Also, can you recommend to dial out, the modem dials, then plays
question, please include all the details some games my friends and I can play a short tune and hangs up. What could
you can think of. When I'm trying to solve via modem? be causing this problem, and how can I
your telecommunications pu/zles, it fix it?
John Ethcridge
helps to have as many pieces as possible. Paul Kempik II
Comer Brook, Newfoundland, Canada
Elgin, IL
The Volks C-6480 works differently
I own a C-64, a 1541 disk drive, an The cause may he the printer or a
from other modems, so public domain
MPS-801 printer and a 1702 monitor. A
programs will not ordinarily support it defective cliip in your computer. I've
friend just gave me a 1600 VicModcm had a problem of this kind and have
unless they specifically say they do. Pub
with QuantumLink software only. Can I found that if I disconnect my printer,
lic Domain Solutions (address above)
get software that will let me access local everything works fine. Another fellow I
has a disk of programs for the C-6480
bulletin boards with my system?
and a C-64. know has had a similar difficulty, but he
J. Vogel There are games available you can tracked the cause lo one of the 6520
Woburn, MA play by modem (Operation Terminal is chips in his C-G4. If you can, try your
one that's advertised a lot), but before modem and terminal program on an
There are lots of terminal programs you buy any, make sure they support other computer to see if thai makes any
available for the C-64 and the 1600, Try your C-6480. difference.
to find nut what transfer protocols (Pun Donald Flesch, of Salem, Oregon, has
ter, Xmodem, Kermit, or other) your lo had a related problem. He owns a C-128,
cal BBSs support, then send Sfi, plus SI Like most computer owners, I'm on a a Star SL-1OC printer, a 1541 disk drive
postage, to Public Domain Solutions, tight budget. I don't have money to and a 1571 disk drive. When he moved

84 / RUN |LNF. 1987

<^>ofttvai£, One.
from a 1660 modem to a 1670, the 1670 Omnitronix Deluxe, available for $49.95,
wouldn't dial out. It would work on an- plus $2 shipping and handling, from Om- 536 S Edgewood
other system, so he knew the fault wasn't nilronix, Inc., 760 Harrison St., Seatdc, La Grange, IL 60525
with Uie modem. WA 98109. A good software choice would (312) 352-7323
He went home and disconnected be ThirdTerm, which you can get from
everything but one disk drive. The mo Public Domain Solutions {address above) Super Disk Utilities
dem worked! After he reconnected the for $5 plus $1 postage. With these prod
[he ultimate utilities disk Tor Ihe C128 S1571 Included among
other drive, the modem still worked. ucts added to your system, you should lit many lea lures arc
However, after he put the printer back certainly he able to transfer data at 1200
• Two drive copy program lor Ihe 1571
online, the modem wouldn't dial out baud, and possibly at 2400 baud as well.
• Single drive copy program lor Ihe 1571
again. Time is money, and it won't take long for
the additional hardware and software lo • File unscratch ulilily
• Create auto-boot ulilily
pay for themselves.
• Lock ! unlock Tiles ulilily
I'd like lo get a modem, but my dad
has heard about the phone bills in • Filecopiei tor one or two 1571s
I have a Westridge modem that I pur
volved. Is there any way to keep the • Ulility In formal in t»1.1571 or IBM system 34 formal
chased for my old C-64. The software
phone bills minimal? ■ CP/M Plus disk copier
that came with the modem downloads
Tim Dugan • Direcl DOS commands
programs as sequential files filled with
Middletown, PA
hex numbers. Now I've bought a C-128 • Analyie disk format ulility Including Commodore S alien
and want to download programs for the disk In i mats I
Users of national online services like 128 and (:17M modes as well. What soft • Write protect ulility
CompuServe, the Source and GEnie cer ware can I get thai will do the trick? • Disk Editor ■ Individually Irace tile, edit in hei or ASCII
tainly are familiar with large bills. How simultaneously, print in he* and ASCII to any sector nn disk
Harvey Hackett
ever, the bills usually aren't from the
Glenview, 11, • CP/M Plus disk editor
phone company, because in many places
• RAM Writs' - Read S write to drive RAM
these systems can be accessed locally via
I don'l know of a program that will do • RDM Header - Read drive ROM
Tymnet or Telenet. The bills are from
everything you want. However, if you
the systems themselves. ■ Assemble/Disassemble drive FLAM S RDM
send $3 to Public Domain Solutions (ad
Calling bulletin boards long distance • Erase a track or bulk erase a disk
dress above) for their catalog, I'm sure
can also be expensive, and [he phone
you'll find one or more programs that • Most utilities also wnk on 1541
bills are [he culprit [his lime. The
will meet your needs. • And much, much morel
charges are die same as for voice calls.
Before you get your modem, see if A complete utilities disk fcr only 139.95!
there arc any free or low cost bulletin
1541/1571 Orive Alignment
boards in your local calling area. The Telecomputing Worhshop Survey
Computer Shopper 1 mentioned above lists 1541/1571 Drive Alignment reports lh{ alignment aindilion of
Would you take a few minutes to
several wilh 717 area codes; some of the disk drive as you perform adjustments On screen help is
help me make Telecomputing Work' available while the program is running Works an Ite 15411571
them may be local calls for you.
shop the most Informative column in Either 1541 di 1571 mode, CM SXW Cl?fi in either 64 or 128
possible? 1 need lo know what equip mode1 Auiobools loail mutes1 Manual includes instructions on
how to load alignment piooram even when tne drive is so
ment, software and online services
misaligned that i! will not load anything else Eliminate
In my business, we transfer files be work well for you. With a store of this downtime S costly repairs' Only £34.95!
tween our Commodores—an SX-64 and information from many readers, I'll be
two C-64s—and a Tandy 600. The Com able to answer your questions more Super Disk Librarian
modore systems include a disk drive, a accurately and thoroughly. Full featuied disk cataloging 5 library system lor the C12S in
printer, a Volks C-6420 modem and Please send a list of the computer(s), Qm-iiiE. Catalogs uplolOOO disks and 15200 program names'
AutoCom IV software to go with the mo disk drive(s), modem(s), printer(s) and Opeiates in last mode wittiEOctilumndisplay Reads* catalogs
dem. So far, we've been transferring die 1541. 1571 S CP/M Plus disk directories Reads heavily
other equipment you use, plus the tele
protected disks Catalog up lo 25 programs on a disk with a
files through the serial port of the Tandy, communications software that runs with single keypress or selectively catalog programs. Stores inseven
but this limits the speed to 300 baud. it. Also include die names of your favor categones Games. Educatinn. CP/M. Archival,
The Tandy has an RS-232 port also, ite BBSs and their features, hours, op telecommunications. Ulihtities or Productivity. Recall by
and we have a Null modem cable avail categnty. program name, disk name or locatei number. Printer
erating speeds and what you like about
output includes library mdu. lull library report master program
able to plug into it. If I were to buy an them. If you use any of the national on list, category program list S disk labels. A second drive can be
RS-232 interface to install between the line networks like, Del addressed as a dala disk Only 129.951
Commodores and the Null modem, phi or People Link (I'-Link), list those
could we transfer files at higher speeds— and what you like about them, too. Super 64 Librarian
perhaps even 2400 baud? Send your response to me at the ad Complete disk cataloging and library system for Us CM Heads
We'd also need software for the Com dress below. Thank you.B S tils dak directories in 15 user-delined categories Individual
modores. Is there a program available selection of program names to tie filed. Includes space lor user
Telecomputing Workshop is a monthly col commeiils about programs flwll by category, program name.
that would suit the purpose? The Tandy
tie Printer output includes disk labels Catalogs approiimately
has built-in software that supports up to umn dedicated to the needs of RUN readers ro'i disks dependant upon number of piogiams and length of
9600 baud. who are using, or intend to use, a Commodore user comments Oiganut your C&i disk library for only
Is this project feasible, or are we out computer for telecommunications. We invite J 29.95!

in left Held? you to submit your questions or comments to:

FREE SHIPPING S HANDLING! Illinois residents add 8+
Raymond J. Clare David Bradley sales tai. Send check or money order to

Indianapolis, IN Telecomputing Works/top

Free Spirit Soltware. Inc.
do RUN Magazine
538 S Edgewood
No, you're not out in left field. An SO Elm St.
La Grange. IL 60525
RS-232 interface that would work is the ftterborough, NH 03458

Clrcla 144 on Reader Service card.



Teachers have a demanding work day.

Ifyou're a teacher, The best electronic gradebooks have
Not only do they teach, but they counsel anticipated these varying needs and pro
students, prepare budgets, coach ath a gradebook program vide an encompassing framework in
letic teams, and even patrol cafeteria can save you time which you can work. Of course, it'll take
and recess areas. And after the last bell you time to learn how to use all the func
rings, they don't just go home and take and aggravation. tions of these programs, but for years
it easy. They have to prepare lessons, to come you'll save time and be more
homework assignments and tests, cor deviation, mean and median; and print productive.
rect and mark students' work, calculate out graphs of class performance, as well Here's a brief look at three commer
grade averages and talk to parents. as reports and forms. cially available electronic gradebooks for
Of all these jobs, perhaps the most The report-printing function alone- the C-64 and C-128. They offer features
time-consuming is figuring semester makes gradebooks invaluable. With a typical of gradebook programs on the
and final grade averages. Until recently, well-designed program, you can create market today, and they illustrate the level
grade averaging was done with pencil all the documents you'll need through of professionalism that software devel
and paper, then a hand calculator. Now out die year, including class lists with opers are attaining. A list of manufactur
teachers are discovering that a personal semester grade averages; attendance ers and prices appears in Table I.
computer and a gradebook program can sheets; individual student progress re
speed up this process and let them ma- ports with missing assignments and Grade Manager
nipulaie their data in more productive teacher evaluations; class performance
Grade Manager by ACS runs on the
ways. Not only can they figure grade av reports on particular assignments; and
C-64. It includes eight assignment cate
erages, but also generate various types parent communications. With some
gories you can customize to your class,
of reports for use throughout the school gradebooks, you can design your own
and it lets you assign weights to the
year. Electronic gradebooks are flexible reports.
and powerful enough to accommodate Most schools still require the tradi
During setup, you input the total pos
all teaching levels, too, from elementary tional hard-copy grading book as a per
sible points for each assignment. Then,
through college. manent record, so electronic grade-
when you actually input student grades,
A basic feature of all gradebook pro books let you create and print out ap
you type the number of points achieved,
grams is the class roster. Most programs propriate forms. You can tailor these to
not the percentage or the letter grade.
can handle many classes, with varying include the student's name and identi
The program calculates the percentage
numbers of students, allow you to add fication number, assignment type, due
grade based on this data.
or delete students and create a duplicate dates, grades and averages—whatever
Grade Manager lets you create, view,
roster if you have the same group of you need.
modify and print out class rosters;
students for different subjects. Electronic gradebooks incorporate
grades for individual students, the en
The fundamental purpose of a grade- features found in spreadsheets and da
tire class or specific assignment cate
book is to calculate individual averages, tabases. For example, they'll let you
gories; and a variety of reports. It also
but various programs do diis in different search for individual records and class
provides a screen dump, and the manual
ways. With some, you input grades as averages so you can assess an individual
includes a tutorial.
points earned out of a possible total. The student's performance or spot class
program keeps a running count and, at trends. You can also sort class rosters
the end of the semester, generates a sum into alphabetical or numerical order
McGufFy's Grader
and converts it into a letter grade. With and students' grades into descending or A fairly new release, McGuffy's Grader
others, you input letter grades and as der according to exam type or marking for the C-64 and C-128 in 128 mode was
sign numeric values to the letters. There period. produced by Midwest Software in re
are even more flexible programs that A crucial feature of a gradebook is the sponse to teacher demand for a more
accept both letter and number input. ability to handle many categories of as comprehensive gradebook program
While calculating individual averages signments, but allow you to exclude ir than its Master Grades package. Me-
is the main goal of gradebook programs, relevant ones when you're calculating Guffy's Grader comes with a manual,
some go further. They'll figure class av averages. It should also be able to as plus demos on disk for fast mastery of
erages on particular assignments; per sign different weights to tests and pa the program.
form statistical analyses such as standard pers, according to their importance. I tested the C-128 version, which op-


erates in SOColumn mode and offers terms, including midterm and final
windows for combining data on the grades. It can also handle an unlimited
screen. The program is constructed
around ;i 3000-entry spreadsheet that's
number of classes, each one with up to
100 students, and sort data on those stu
designed f«r inputting, manipulat dents. You can weight assignments as
Authorized Liquidator
ing, sorting and printing out student certain percentages of the total grade,
Information, and you can weight each term average. Commodore Compatible
Twenty assignment categories are Grades are input as percentages, or Total Telecommunications'"
built into the program. It can also han you can type in the number of wrong
dle up to four marking periods at once,
and store data on up to nine classes on
answers out of die total number of ques
tions, and the program will calculate the
one disk. Grades can be input as letters percentages. The grade display is either
01 numbers, and when you're typing in in percenta or letters, and it's possible
assignment scores, you can include a de to modify the numeric equivalents of
scription of the assignment in an on letter grades.
screen information window. The same Grade Manager III displays some re
kind of window is used for inputting ports on the screen and prints out a lot
student names. more in hard copy, including complete FCC
McGuffy's Grader offers a lot of con gradebook reports and a report card Approved
trol over the setup of your gradebook summary covering up to 600 students.
* Ai [<■■.-. the »tock martlet, take college
and produces a variety of primed lists You can also print out progress reports classes, do your shopping and more.

and KpOrta, including a complete pro on individual students in the form of ■ For Commodore 64K or SX64.
* His modular jacks for quick, easy
gress report for each student, with com a letter to the student, widi room for
hookup to your phone system!
ments. If you want to design your own comments.
* Works on TouehTone" and Rotary
report, you can do that, as well as print Grade Manager 111 is available in the (pulse) dialing (not PBX).

out gradebook pages and perform sta third release of Smoky Mountain Soft' Oi/eistock liquidation. Simple communi
tistical analyses. ware's Gradebook Manager. It's been up cations package connects 64K or SX64
lor on-line telephone use. No special
The documentation with McGuffy's dated according to teacher requests, and
compulGi knowledge required. This
Grader is clear and comprehensive, and the improvement is evident. supor-inlelllgent software is completely
i( even provides advice on grading meth menu-driven and easy to understand.
ods. This is a professional gradebook Does It Rus the Test? Features: 30K software butter. 300 Baud.
management system that should meet all As with any major software purchase, Auto-dial simplifies complex modem
your needs. before you buy an electronic gTadebook, steps. Upload, download of text pro
grams, data dies. Captures and displays
take time to analyze your needs. Then
Grade Manager TIT try to see in action any program you're
hi-resolution, mapped graphics files.
Color selection menu. Equipment
Smoky Mountain's Grade Manager 111 considering. needed: C64. monitor, and disk drive or
is another (jtiality program that, like the Also, contact the manufacturer for the SX64.
AGS Grade Manager, runs on the C-64. It names of teachers in your area who use NOTE: PirctnriclirtJti frMl «utoCoptiQr-| (0 Over 52 da la
I i'.c ■.!■"* .'ii' vaalinrgrmalion I'M n gjgn-uD '"'■"
accepts input from die numeric keypad. the program. Ask the teachers how they FREE. All you nay 13 the orHino rime you us*, pus
iTHJnihiy rflle
The package includes two program disks, like it and if they'll send you sample
90-Day Limited Factory Warranty.
a manual, a reference card and member printouts.
ship in the Grade Manager III user's Your electronic gradebook can be Mfrlis1:5109.9S
group, which sends out a newsletter.
This program can handle up to 95
assignments and grades per term and
very important in your life. Be sure it's
the one you inv<l!H
Priced At $19
Item 11 :>!(,',- ir-id-onv Ship, hand: 54.00 en,

then calculate averages for up to six

//you're using Commodore computers for
educational purposes (at home or in school)
Credit card mtmtwr» can order bT
and would like to share your experiences pftont. 74 jk -ifi a j 1, 7 dijt a week.
Tablo 1. Manufacturers'addresses
through The Resource Center, write me a letter Toil-Free: 1-80 0-32 S-0609
detailing the equipment you're using, subject Sale* rjulirOG th* 48 contiguous steles are subject Id
l CDndrtlona. Piesie r 1 I or wrrts [0 inquire.
areas you teach, grade level or age of your
Grade Manager/C-64
students, software you're using and any other ■ O '.* I1 '-1 r. I Marketing Carp Hem H-ZK5
Associated Computer Services 1405 Xtnlum Lan* N'MlnntapoH. MN $5441-4434
information you feel like including.
1306 E. Sunshine Srno Modemtt) "cm H.2365-3646-007 at Sl9 e«M.
Also, ifyou'd like to donate public domain plus M encti to* sMip. hardhng {Mpnneaola ruiaenD nQd
Springfield, MO 65804 Gii mFim Ui* So«y, no COO onieis)
educational programs to The Resource Center
$09.95 U My tn^ck o' money orUtfr 13 enclosed (No delays »n
for sharing with other educators or parents,
proci-avng oitioti paid Dy Ctieck)

please send along a disk with a brief descrip

McGuffy's Grader/C-64 and C-128 — - .... f ■
tion of the program. Send correspondence and
Midwest Software Accl. No -E»D-
disks to:
PO Box 214
F&rmlngton, Ml 48024
Margaret Morabito
Tlw Resource Center
do R UN Magazine
Grade Manager 111.'(. >■■ i
HO Elm St.
Smoky Mountain Software
Peterborough, NH 03458
POBox 1710
Brevard.NC 28712 You can also leave mail in my online mail
C1O[M,B1 Direct Marheting Corp.
$69.95 Authorized Liquidator
boxes: CompuServe (70616,714) or Quan- 1405 Xcnium Lane North (MARGM). Minneapolis, Minnesota 55d41-d494

RUN JUNE 1987 / 87

Magic From p. 12. 20 FORI=1TO6:READL(I),H(I):NEXT
30 R=54272:FORI=RTOR+23:POKEI,0:NEXT
40 POKER+5,102:POKER+6,102:POKER+24,15
$JFO Kaleidoscope—Turn your C-128's 40-column 60 PRINT"ANY KEY TO TURN SOUND ON OR OFF"
screen Into an electronic kaleidoscope, The program will run 70 PRINT"SPACE BAR FOR NEXT STRING SOUND"
until you press any key. 80 PRINT"ANY FUNCTION KEY TO END PROGRAM"
90 GET A$:IF A$=""THEN90
10 GRAPHICS,! :SCALE1 ,640,200:COLOR0,1 110 IFA$=CHR$(32)THENI=I+1:GOTO140
20 A=INT<RND{TI)*320):B=INT(RND(TI)*200):C 120 IFA$>CHR$(132) AND A$<CHR$(141)THENPOK
=INT{RND<TI)*320):D=INT(RND(TI)*200):DR ER+2 4,0:END
130 IF X THEN X=0:GOTO90
150 POKER,L(I):P0KER+1 ,H(I)
40 DRAWI,319-A,199-BTO319-C,199-D 160 POKER+4,33:X=I:GOTO90
50 DRAWI,319-A,BTO319-C,D
170 DATA 71,5,12,7,104,9,142,12,210,15,30,
60 DRAWI,A,199-BTOC,199-D:A=C:B=D:C=INT(RN 21
D(TI)*16+1:NEXT:GET A$:IF A$="" GOTO30: Joseph R. Charnetski

Robert Bixby
Kalamazoo, MI
Envelope addresser—Here's a program to address
busincsssi^c envelopes, I use it each month when paying bills
p Magic number-guesser—Amuse and mystify your and sending letters to friends. Once you save the program,
friends with my magic number-guesscr program. Just follow load and list It, change the lines to die address you need and
the prompts on the screen. save it under a new name. When you run the program, it will
prim your return address first and then the recipient's
10 OPEN1 ,4:CMD1 ,'"";
90 PRINT//1 :CL0SE1
80 F0RT=1T04:X=X+VAL(MID$(A$,T,1}):NEXT
90 X=X-INT(X/9)*9
Judy Roberts

110 GET S$:IFS$=""THEN110

!j>jr5 Here comes the bride—This program is dedicated
Nevin Fahs to all you romantic people out there. After the program ends,
Honolulu, HI press any key to exit Graphic mode.


FaStload directory pause—Directories longer than 20 GRAPHIC 1 ,1 ,24:COLOR0,1 :COLOR4,1 .-COLOR1
25 lines arc difficult to view with the Faitload cartridge, since ,8
there's no provision for pausing the screen. To pause [he 3f) FOR X=196 TO 208:CIRCLE 1 , X, 1 25, 35, 57:
directory listing, load the directory as a Baste file with the NEXT
Command 1$ and list it Slow down the scrolling listing with 40 DRAW 1,200,68 TO 208,68 TO 200,58 TO 19
the Commodore key and pause it with die stop key. Of course, 6,68 TO 200,66
this method will overwrite any program in memory when die 50 DRAW 1,208,68 TO 216,48 TO 200,58
directory is loaded. 60 DRAW 1,208,68 TO 224,45 TO 216,48
70 DRAW 1,196,68 TO 188,48 TO 204,58
Rudy McDaniel 80 DRAW 1,196,68 TO 176,45 TO 188,48
APO New York, NY 90 DRAW 1,176,45 TO 192,40 TO 168,48 TO 21
100 DRAW 1,192,40 TO 202,48 TO 212,40 TO21
Guitar-tuning aid—This cm program produces 6,48
reference tones by which to adjust the string tensions on your 110 DRAW 1,192,40 TO 212,40
guitar. Each reference tone continues to sound until you press 120 DRAW 1,212,40 TO 224,45
the space bar for die next tone. 130 GETKEY A$:GRAPHIC0


~ J.R.CHARNETSKI" Whitelail, MT ■

88/RUN JUNE 1987

S.D. of A.
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Spy ...Spyi !2 . I9.SB Male Your Own KONAMI Ogre K>.U
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Bilk 135 Bli/in.paddle. 125
Pegaml -.*23 Ruih'NAIIick PERSONAL CHOIC1 Rambo ,,.,.,,., 14.80
B»ir12D (39 . .119
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■Ceo-Oe. *3S MM FleelSy.reml 139
Power Plir. . I2S •Co-Fil, 1J3 -1" l^ininMathi-KlR 1988 Fleet Sutem 3 128 Hi
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PPM *J5 ■Ceoi Font Plk . .119 „ i-ASlde Soner »6 SB Fleel5y>temJ128 W9
19-SB tni,htC,mH General Ledrer 1)3
PPM 129 . 119 -Writer-. Wort.hop 113 M.B8 REUVANT
5peed Term M or 12B
Super C
"f PjftnerM(R) 1)9

Piftnef 12S(R] 141
5uperC12B 1)4
■....'■!.!!< i.i'ci ."■[)! 125
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Super 118 1)4 „, S»l Hill CIS idtoayi 128 (41
Ciimen Sandiejo: r>a1*»Jy 1« Apirui W.B8 Sylvia PorleF'i Penonal
USA 125 C||O(: 114 Sb,,,| Kin, Fin. Planner M .... (51
Math 12B(R} 133
1,-nrli,- .. . .,13]
impoulbl. Minion
|(i Copnbai Slrnulilor 114
TheSlu.,"- W.88 SHAK DA'A
FimilyTeud 17.SB
Sylvia Porler'i Personal
Fln.Planner 12B (41
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Pri"tStiop 1M KoroniiHilt . .19.88 l»p»n<» »?■*« Word Writer] 133
RaidOterMcnrow 114 jatkpol
P.S. Corapanion I3i MovieMnmier . ..(14 Wheel of Fof tune 17.68 Word Write. 128 (43
PS. Graphic! libra r, Mulligljn 128 *25 - ■ . ,. SIMON «SCHUiTIR UNICOBS
Leader Board 115

HiEa. Pit.top3 19 88 :",,'',,.„ 1,1 C hern. Lab . 125 Aninul Kingdom 119

Act ol Act! 119

PS Graphic, tibra r,
Holiday Edilion Sib
P.5. Gf.pW. St.apbook
Milpo.t, In
Ce'a,M4nJ.e, 19
Great Ir.1'1. Papr, I 11 11 i r'-'' ' 119
Aifpl.neCn.l. T.M f rarlion Aciion 119
Com.r. 119 P S. Pape, Rrf.1l 114 -J: Oil <h, Hi SIM T.rt Pfomerhean Percentage Panic 119
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Hirdbj.ll 111 ««o|e> >«.
CMS RenueonFraitalji I9.SB Ten Liltle Robot. IK
Killfd Until Dead 119
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PS] 5 Trading . 11? B.«b.ll [all 121
ACTION SOFT ArlGiUeryl 114
CMS Inventory 11B M9 . Call
A.ICall«,2 (14
Thunder Chopper . . 119 Sub B.,,1, Sln,ul.,o, . .125
DATA EAST Pfinl Matter Plui . ..123
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,23 N.R. Clip AF, Vol., ..119 VALUt TIME
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Alien 13} MIMD5CAPL
Calendar! I
Cro». Counlry
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ii■ .i.i n.n.' 19 ea
H.,a.eCharr,p 1» ,,i,|i(h, .«„ Greeting Card. 14 88
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■■■■.*■ . "IIUI"
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Science Ficl.on 114 FIR1BHD Battle Group 117
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cn|a.,uiCh™ IV 123
Hader 2 12) MalhBli.ier 111 Perlecl Score (AT H< Gertyibmrg .117 Milh lib
..!■!. * . ■ •.'..<[" IV..!■ . V. I.1. Sp«rl Ruder II 131 5upef Slar Phintaiie 125 Number. 114
Fhif Him Bool »b
Mmit Studio II) Spell It Ill IrtHotltt 111 Phmlaiie 2 125 Opposite* lib
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Portal 125 WordAttack 131 The Ameritan Challen«e PhintaiieS ... ... 125 Reading 114
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charge. Afler40dayi pleiie r*lpr 10 the pnanulaclurer. warranty included wilK Ihe merchandite& return directly lo Ihe manufacturer. Cuttomer tervice will not accept collect call, or
ralli on S.D. Of A.'. BOO' order '.i -.' tint you nM.i^r on line catalot of 1000 .oftware lillei for Commodore. Atari, Apple, IBM and Arriijir irionCcinipu.e'*#'i Electronic Mall-^
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Circle 254 on ReaOer Servlco card.

Our Customers Agree

ForC-6d and C-128
tig gr=
Subroutines and Utilities Allows one cartridge on Ihe top,
plus a port in the back lor hard-
ware access,
• Vertical cartridge pott is easy
Mega-Magic, an extension of the RUN Magic column, offers, each to use.
• Built-in reset button, end
month, a short but interesting and tUefid subroutine or utility pro
turning the computer off
gram. Although noticeably longer than those in the Magic column, and Or.
these listings are still short enough to type in easily and quickly. • Rosts on trie work sur
face, ends stress on
Ihe porl of plugging
The Shape of Sprites to Come—This month's program
unplugging cartridges.
cycles through the creation and deletion of four sprites stored
When you type in the program, enter line 70 only if you're Now in its sixth printing!!! A beginners guide to software protoc-
using a C-128 in 128 mode. This line plates the sprite in the lion. Written to give you a fundamental understanding of a disk
proper location on the C-128's screen. When you run the and BASIC protection. Identify what you are seeing when ex
amining a disk. Become a master of illusion. Reveals countless
program, the first sprite thai appears replaces its bytes until tricks and tips that mystify the user. The book is W pages and
it assumes another shape. Delete lines 80 and 90 to sec the includes a free disk of 21 utilily programs.
order in which the bytes are replaced.
A random number is swapped with the Xth element in the
array, 10 shuffle the order in which the image changes, with APROSPAND-64 S29.95
only one pass through the array. Give your C64 or 128 full expandability. This
skillfully designed expansion unit plugs into
The Pokes in line 100 determine the screen location of
the cartridge part, this gives you 4 switchable
the sprite (for the C-64) and expand the sprite in two direc (single or in combination) cartridge slots, in
tions. Expanding makes it easier to sec the sprite as its bytes cludes fuse protection and a reset button!
are replaced. Line 1 10 sets the sprite block to the proper
location, turns the sprite on and sets the sprite's color to
while. CABLES
The value of Y cycles through the sprite images in line Drivefpilnter 6 ft. 6 pin male lo male BG6 I 6.95
120. The For-Next loop lakes the Xth number from the order Drive/printer 9 ft. 6 pin male to male B69 ( 8.95

array, adds it to the sprite memory pointer and pokes that Drive/printer IB ft. 6 pin male to male B61B 116.95
Dnveipnnter 9 ft. & pin rl. angle male/male RA69 S 9.95
location with die appropriate byte from sprite image Y. Sprite
Driveiprinter ext. 6 ft. 6 pin male to female A66 S 6.95
image Y is then incremented and the range checked. Have Monilor 6 II. 5 pin to I RCA plugs M654 S 9.95
fun experimenting with different values in all of these Monilor 6 It. 5 pin to 2 RCA plus M652 i 6.95
locations. H Monilor e«l. 6 ft, 5 pin male to female ME65 I 6.95
Joysllck extension 12 ft. male to female JSI2 J 7.95
Jim lt»iilrn Joystick V. 1 male to 2 female JSV I 8.95
Carlisle, PA Power cable, 6 II. male lo right angle fomale PR6 $ 9.95
Centronics 6 ft. 36 pin male lo male C6UM 114,95
Centronics 6 ft. 36 pin male to lemale C6MF 114.95
Listing 1. Centronics 10 ft. 36 pin maie lo male C10M 119.95
RS-232 6 ft. 25 pin male to male R6MM SH.95
RS-232 6 It 25 pin male to female R6MF i 14.95
IBM printer 6 It. 36 pm'DB25 male 10 male IBMP SI4.95
20 POKE53260,0:POKE53281,0:X=RND(-TI)
:REM*12 BLACK BOOK of C128 $15.95
30 DIM S%(4,63> : V=53248: SP-332 :REM*24(S THE The best friend a C128 owner over had.. .In
40 FORX=0TO63:S%(0,X)=X:NEXT :REM*52 BLOCK cludes C-64. C-128. CPM 3.0, 1541, 1571 disk
50 (, BOOK drives. 261 pages, each chapter color coded
for fast reference, 75 easy lo read charls and
)=S:NEXT:NEXT :REM*230 •F tables, understandably written. The Black
C-128 Book of C-128 is very much like a dictionary.
ND :REM*210 always ready to answer your questions.
70 IFFRE(0)>40000THEN M0VSPR1,136,120:SP=3
584 :REM*82
80 FORX=0TO63:Y=RND(1)*64:Z=S%(0,X):S%(0,X DISK UOUBLFIR
)=E%(0,Y) :REM*8
lt\e original! All metal
90 S%(0,Y)=Z:POKESP+X,0:NEXT:Y=1:REM SCRAM Cuts an oiacL square

BLE ARRAY,0 :REM*114 notcfi in me disk, same

spol every lime! Now save
100 POKEV,l36:POKEVt1,120:POKEV+29,1:POKEV Oata ") Ihe bacV loo!

+ 23,1 :REM LOC(64)+EXPAND :REM*94

110 POKE2040,SP/64:POKEV+21,1:POKEV+39,1
For questions or Oregon residents
call 503-246-0924


C-64; '- ■ i a p ft a q q q ft ft^fl «mftflj ft j V *j I

90/RUNjune ism
Our Prices Will Get Your Attention
The '"Stripper" quickly without
elfort removes perforated
edges from computer paper.
Inseil 1 to 20 sheets, prosto
Ihe edges are gono. Clean,
quick, perfect every time.

POWER SUPPLIES A word about AB switches. . .

C-64, Dependable heavy duty replacement power supply NON-
repairaBle. Output. 5VDC, 1.7A, 9VAC. 1.0A gOQ 95" Our AB switches allow you io share equipment rather
than buy costly duplicates. Many configurations may be
arranged, two computers to one disk drive and printer,
C-64, CPS-10, Fused, ropalrable, all-metal case, 1 year warranty.
Output:5VDC,2.0A,10VAC.1.0A jgg qr- or two printers to one computer. No need to ever plug
and unplug cables again, just turn a knob !o switch from
one peripheral to another. Below are the types we have
C-12B CPS-128. 3 sockets wilfi Spike suppression, EMI/RFI filter
in stock, remember if you need extra cables, we carry a
ing, lighted on-otf switch, fused, repairable, all metal case, 1 yr,
warranty. Output: 5VDC, 6.0A, 10VAC, 2.0A 579 95 • large selection.


POWER CENTER $59.95 VIC-20, C16. Plus 4, C-64, or C-128 compatible. Three
female 6 pin sockets.


The POWER CENTER provides individual conlrol of up 10 5 com VIC-20, C16, Plus 4, C-64, or C-128 compatible, 4 com
ponents plus master on or olf switch. EMI liltering, surge/spike puters to 1 printer and/or disk drive. 5 female 6 pin
protection, 15 AMP breaker, lighted rocker switches, heavy duty sockets, one nine loot cable included.
cable with 3 prong plug, 20 gauge steel case. Size: 1% H x 12 V. □
x 15 W.
All 36 pins switched. Features 3 female sockets, gold
MODEM RS-232 INTERFACE S29.95 pins, high quality push button.
Now you are no longer limited 10 Commodore modems only. Use
any standard Hayes compatible RS-232 modem with your VIC-20, CENTRONICS ABCD SWITCH $59.95
C-64, or C-120. Comes wllh a six loot cable.
All 36 pins switched. Features 5 female sockets, gold
pins, high quality rotary switch,
Save space, totally adjustable. RS 232 AB SWITCH 539.95
Fits all width printers. Slore input All 25 pins switched. Features 3 female sockets, gold
paper beneath, removable paper pins, high quality push button.
tray, totally universal, sturdy con
slructlon, liletime warranty. RS 232 ABCD SWITCH $59.95
All 25 pins switched. Features 5 female sockets, gold
TWELVE PLUS S19.95 pins, high quality rotary switch.

Now. a 12 inch extension cable tor the cartridge pon. Move your
cartridges or expander boards to a convenient location. Place THE LAST STAND $49.95
cartridges to the side ot your compuler. slop reaching to tha Organize your desk top with The Last Stand. Attractive styling,
back! Made of ribbon cable, just plug In. Now in stock smokogray color high impact plastic, built lo last. 21" wide x 12"
deep x 7" high.

COMPUTERFACTS are a series ol specialized manuals that con.
tain accurate, comprehensive, dependable service information.
Includes complete schematics, parts list, tips and hints lo make
repairs fast and easy. Computerlacls are NOT returnable. Avail
able 'or trie following:
VIC20 computer 1526 printer 1541 drive
C-64 computer 1571 drive
C-12B computer S19.95 each 1701 monitor


Commodore 64 Troubleshooting 8 Repair Guide 519,95 One cable for both 40 or B0 columns for the C128. Flip aswllch lo
Commodore 1541 Troubleshooting & Repair Guide J19.9S change modes. Plugs to back of monitor for a clear picture. 16
Modem Connections Bible S16.95 colors In 40 column, black/white in B0. Not for RGB monitors or
Printer Connections Bible S1G.95 TV sets.

FAN male/2 female 40/80 col. (or
For 1541 the 1701(1702 VIC 20/64 computer S9.95 Tyvek 100 S7.95
monitor. C-128 computer $9,95
or 1571 female/2 male W.P. TABS
1541 disk drive S9.95 !
$29.95 $9.95
S8.95 1571 diskdrive S9.95 i 100 51.49

VALUE SOFT INC.«««, TERMS: Add $3.00 shipping, Power Center and Last Stand, add
$5.00 each, items with ', add S4.00 each. Foreign orders, US
3641 S.W, Evelyn St., Portland, OR 97219 funds, plus shipping. C.O.D. minimum $25.00.
Listing I continued.
120 FORX=0TO63:POKESP+S%(0,X),S%(Y,S%(0,X)

):NEXT:Y=Y + 1 : IPiT>4THENY = 1 :REM*206
130 FORX=1TO1500:NEXT:GOTO120 :REM*130
140 : :RE«*116
150 DATA 000,008,000,000,028,000,000,062
160 DATA 000,000,127,000,000,239,128,000
WlfllllwWImE IV :REM*8

170 DATA 123,000,000,255,128,001,222,192
180 DATA 003,255,224,001,251,192,003,191

190 DATA 224,007,239,240,015,125,248,029
200 DATA 255,188,063,255,254,000,028,000

Just plug in the Final Cartridge.

210 DATA 000,028,000,000,028,000,000,028
220 DATA 000,000,028,000,000,000,000,000
only *54.95, 230 :
Does NOT use existinff memory 240 DATA 000,000,000,000,056,000,000,124
The first i-Diuplftfly external operating system created specifically for
the Commodore 64,64C and 128 (m CM mode). :REM*168
250 DATA 000,000,214,000,000,254,000",024
Upgrades hardware and .software
Takes the place of al leasHi separate devices. 1) l)iskTurbo-6'ti>H<ls :REM*210
fasterloading and saving; lit I'reprogrammed Function Keys-eliminate 260 DATA 068,048,012,124,096,006,056,192
long, tedious aimmsn'd sequences :REM*109
for many commands. 3) Extended
270 DATA 003,255,128,003,255,000,007,239
Machine l-inguage Moniior-wiili
relocated lirad-scrolling up and :REM*199
down. tiankswi Idling, and more; 280 DATA 128,015,255,192,015,255,192,015
4) Printer Interlace-prints .ill :REM*161
Commodore graphics plus screen-
dump utility: 51 Basic Tool 290 DATA 239,192,015,255,192,007,255,128
Kit-/li((it l.iiw Numbering. Delete :REM*107
large program blocks with one 300 DATA 003,255,000,001,254,000,255,255
touch. Old recovers accidtnldly-ddeted programs, Renumbering, Find, :REM*177
//f/p debugs system, likh /ipfieiu! adds new programs lo easting files:
6) Make backup copies of any software program. 310 DATA 252,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Other Convenient features
Freezer- *16 sub menus • color changes • -1 resets • centronics/serial 320 : :REM*41
BdBendumpS • print wclat setting • rererse printing • stops and con 330 DATA 000,000,000,000,063,254,000,065
tinues almost every program • allows total backup to disk or tape :REM*7 3
automatically • creates one file on disk or taps • freezes 4 to 6 times
faster than dedicated freezers • came killer 340 DATA 006,000,130,010,001,255,242,002
Scrvi-ndump Capability-Prints low-res, high-rea and multicolor • :REM*51
prims full page • prints from games and more 350 DATA 008,050,004,016,086,015,255,154
Keyboard Extras-Delete pans of lines • move cursor •
operates j^our printer as a typewriter
360 DATA 008,032,146,008,032,178,008,032
BONLS! Mditional 24K extra RAM
for basic programs :REM*187

10 Diiy Money-biti'k
370 DATA 212,015,255,152,008,032,144,008
(iuarantee, Full :REM*105
year warranty 380 DATA 032,160,008,032,192,015,255,128
Commodore to Centronics < 390 DATA 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
printer cable-Sl'J.ys :REM*165
Payments to: 400 DATA 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
H & P Computers :REM»175
• Bankor Certified Check, IVr-1 410 : :REM*131
sonal Check, Money Oulei
Visa or MasterCard 420 DATA 000,000,000,000,034,034,000,020
and C.O.D. :REM*129
• ;Vld Si.00 for shipping 430 DATA 020,000,008,008,000,007,240,000
and handling
• NJ and NY residents add
appropriate sales tax 440 DATA 015,248,000,015,172,000,015,254
• Dealer, distributor, user :REM*33
grouj) inquiries welcome 450 DATA 000,007,255,000,007,254,000,015
460 DATA 128,128,031,000,127,254,000,063
470 DATA 254,000,127,254,000,252,059,000
480 DATA 216,027,000,216,027,000,216,027
DF AMERICA 490 DATA 000,216,027,000,216,027,000,000
154 \iilley Street. South Dmnge. New Jersey 071)79 (201) 763-39*i :REM*9

92 / RUN JUNE i Cliclo 72 on Reaflef Soivlco card,



SOFTWARE in your Okidata 120 manual. on a borrowed 15-11 and on my 1541 with a
If you can't find a way to send [he rejmir shop's C-6-f. What do you think is the
Q: My Okidala 120 bidirectional printer is needed command from within your pro problem?
grams, try sending it just before loading
Commodore^ompatible (no additional interface John Graham
needed), but it prints out documents from them, as follows:
Miami, FL
GEOS, Newsroom and 'flie Print Shop in one OPEN4,.»;l'R[NT#'i,C;HR$(27);CHR$(85);
direction only, because those programs are in- CHRS01H);:<:iX>SK4 A: A Surprising number of software
tended Jbr tlie unidirectional MPS-801. 'Die companies are unaware that there are
process is jxiinjidly slinv. Is there a bulirec- several versions of the C(H Kernal ROM
tumid driver cwaiUthle Dial I can use ufith in use, since Commodore doesn't pub
these programs? Q: I use Timeworks' Word Writer program licize such information. My first guess is
to write letters to constituents in my city coun
Dustin Cox that your C-64 has an early Kernal ROM,
cil district. However, when I address the en
Haddtmfield, NJ and that incompatibility keeps your pro
velope, I must rely on my penmanship, which gram from loading. If you update the
i$nt too legible. I'm told there's no way of chip, the problem should go away.
A: I haven't heard of one, but if there
addressing a single envelope with Word However, before you buy a new chip,
were, you might be disappointed with its
Writer, Miaps me ofyour rentiers could de try loading your flight simulator after
performance. The three programs you
vise a way.
mention use hit-mapped graphics to disconnecting any unnecessary accesso
draw characters, rather than the stan At Cotvin ries from your system. 1 had a similar
dard character sets built into the printer. Bremerton, WA problem with Gunship, a Micro Prose
This enables the programs to use differ- program that has captured my son's
ent fonts and sizes for characters, and to A: While we wail for suggestions From atiention lately. When 1 unplugged my
combine characters with pictures and readers, you could try a technique I use RS-2S2 Interface, the program loaded.
designs. myself. Begin each letter by loading the
It's a powerful feature, but prone to template of a form letter from disk.
Then fill in the recipient's address,
slight variations in dot positioning HARDWARE
caused by the bidirectional printing. write the letter and print it out. Next,
That is, a dot may end up in a slightly save your letter to disk and erase every
different position on the paper if it's thing in the leiter except the recipient's Q: I recently bought a Commodore
printed while the print head is moving address.
mouse, and, after looking through the pam
from left to righl than if the print head Since the address is at the left side of phlet that came with it, 1 realized that true
is moving from rigiit to left. A distinct the page, either insert a few tabs at the 360-dfgree, variable-speed mouse control is im
waviuess of vertical lines usually results start of each address line to center it on
possible with the pins it uses, Thepfou control
from bidirectional printing of graphics the page, or change the left margin. Fi
only one button and four directions, simulat
designs. To avoid this, many manufac nally, print the remainder of your let ing a joystick. Did I waste my money?
turers of graphics programs have cho ter—namely, the recipient's address.
[Editor's note: See this issue's Magic Retny fox
sen unidirectional printing.
trick S3F4, Envelope Addresser, a pro Toronto, Ontario, Canada
If you still want bidirectional printing,
Start your printouts With a short printer gram that prints the return address and
tiie recipient's address on a business A: Since I don't like working with a
setup command string in any program
envelope.) mouse, I'm inclined to answer yes. On
supporting bidirectional printers. On
the other hand, given the limitations of
the printer I use, I can begin bidirec
the joystick port to which ihe Commo
tional printing with escape/U and 1, or
dore mouse is connected, how much
with the following string: Q: My copy of the F-15flight simulatorfrom more can you expect?
CIIR$(27);(:HKS(Hr>);C:HR$(48) Microl'rose fails to loatl on my C-64. Instead, A PC- or Macintosh-<]ualily mouse
the program tells me I have "Hard-ware Fail would have to connect lo the computer
I expect you'll find a similar command ure."It does load properly on afriend's C-128, via the KS-TS'Z port. That would add sig-
Commodore Clinic
of replacing your current system, you 120 GOSUBS80

should supplement ii. 130 OPEN 2,8,4,"0;NEWUST,S.R"

You already have two disk drives. If 140 COSUB 3B0
nificantly to the cost of the mouse, acid you had a spare computer and monitor 150 OPEN 3,8,5,"O:M1-:KGE[)[JST.S.W"
cost is something Commodore iries lo or TV, you'd be assured of continued 160 GOSU1J3H0
keep to a minimum. It would also m:ikt- operation after any single failure. Nat 170 INPUT* ],A$
the mouse incompatible with .■ lot of urally, buying a CM28 and l!)02A is one ISO GOSUB 380
Commodore programs that Support the good way to get that second computer 190 IF EN = 64 THEN AJ = "ZZ"
joystick port. and monitor. 200 INPUTB2.BS
210 GOSUB 380
220 IF" EN = 64 THEN B$ = "ZZ"
Q: What are the differences between Ihe PROGRAMMING 230 IF A$ < BJ THEN 320
C-128 and the li-128 computers? 240 IFAS>BSTilEN2>J0
250 IF A$-"ZZ"THEN 410
Jeremiah Brooks
Franconia, NH Q: I write programs anil often include music 260 PRINT»3,AJ
in them. I start the songs with a SYS 30120 270 GOSUB 3H0

A: The B-128 was the last of the Com' command. Can I replay a songiuithaut having 280 GOTO 170

modore CBM models sold in the U.S. It to press a key? 290 PRINT#3JJS
included many of die features later in 300 GOSUB 380
Jason Massey
310 GOTO 200
corporated into die C-128, Such as ;m Shreveport, LA
expanded version of Basic, expanded 320 PRINT#3,AS
memory ;md an improved keyboard. Ai Yes, you should be able to. If your 330 GOSUB 380

However, it was a monochrome machine program won't let you add new line 340 INPUT#I,AS
350 GOSUB 380
;ind largely incompatible with ihe C-64, numbers, you can command multiple
even diough l!ie two machines could 360 IF EN = G4 THEN AS = "ZZ"
plays in Immediate mode by adding a
share simple Basic programs. For-N'cxt loop to die SYS command it 370 GOTO 220

The B-128's primary disk drive, the self. For example, 380 INPUT#15,EN,EM$,ETJ3
390 IF EN < 2 OR EN = M THEN
8050, was well made and possessed a
much larger capacity than a 1541 or
even a 1571. However, it used a formal 400 PRINT EN.KMS,ET.ES
will play the song nine times before quit
incompatible with the C-64, which pre 410 CLOSE 1.2,3
ting, and replacing the 9 with IE8 will
420 END
vented disk swapping with C-G-i owners. repeat die song a million times. (1F.6 is
Similarly, the B-128's printer, the 8023, scientific notation for 1 times 10 to the
This program compares two records,
used graphics commands different from 6th power—one million.)
and the one with the lower ASCII value
ihe lS2os and 801's, so it was incompat If you can add line numbers to your
is written to a new combined file. Then
ible with graphics printing programs for programs, a more elegant solution
another record is read from the input
Ihe CM. would be to have an Input Statement ask file that the lower-ASCII record jusl
The B-128 was also, in sonic- respects, how many times the song should repeal,
came from, and the process repeats.
an unfinished machine, since theCI'/M as in;
When there is a duplicate, only one
and MS-DOS options originally planned
10 INPUT-HOW MANY REPETH IONS";R record is added to the new file, but
for it never materialized, at least not in
20 FOR I = 1 TO R another record is read from both in
the U.S. When the B-128 was discontin
30 : SYS 30120 put files.
ued, Commodore sold them a! attractive
40 NEXT I When either file ends, its comparison
closeout prices, primarily through a U.S.
50 END variable is changed to two capital Zs, to
ensure that the other record is written
The key difference between a B-128
instead. When both input files end, so
and a C-128 now is that tlic-rc probably
does the program.
won't be many new programs for the
Q: Last year my C-64 assisted me in sending
B-128. Thus, it's a good purchase only
personalized mailings, the names and ad
if the price is right and all needed
programs arc included.
dressesfor which camefrom a publisher's file.
Q: Every time I try using Poke commands in
1 want to do another mailing this year, but the
a program on my VIC-20, the screen prints
nnii list is a mixture of old and iusi records.
garbage anil locks up. Is this problem common
My computer needs a way to compare Utst
Q: We're considering replacing our G44, two on VlC2Os?
year's list to this year's, and then delete the
15-fl disk drives and a 1702 monitor vilh a Curt D'Onofrio
C-128, two 1571 drives and a J9O2A moni Shelton, CT
tor. We use our computer system for business, Robert Meathen

so it must be reliable. Are the 128 and 1571 New York, NY

A: It's a bit more common on VIC-20s
reliable? Except for replacing a voltage regu than on C-64s, primarily because impor
lator, one fuse (our fault) anil aligning the A: Assuming the publisher presorted the
tant Poke locations can move around so
disk drives, we haven't had to service our lists in the same order both years, all you
much within the VIC, depending on the
CM in over three yean. need for culling out duplicates is a simple
amount of memory installed. Most of the
merge program. Assuming each address
Gary Sherman published Pokes for VICs are blued on
is readable from a sequential disk file
Ceresco, NE the machine's bare 8.5K memory. If you
widi ;t single Input statement, the pro
have added memory, try unplugging it
gram would look something like this;
Ar If reliability is your primary concern, and see if the Pokes work.
you already have it. If you want addi 100 OPEN 15,8,If. On all VICs and C-64s, it's important
tional reliability, then perhaps instead 110 OPEN l,R,3.'10:Ol.DI.lST.S,Sr to type in Pokes correctly and lo save a

94 / RUN JUNE 198?

copy of any program containing Pokes Get routine such as:
before running it. Poke statements, un
MAC INKER'", Automatic
200 NS - "" Ribbon Re-inker. Re-ink any fabric
like most other statements in Basic, arc
cartridge or spool for less than 5
quite capable of crashing the system en 210 GETAS
cents. Over 70,000 in the field and
tirely, requiring you to turn your ma we support
chine off and on again. 280 IK AS = <;HRS(20) THEN !N'$ =
ALL printers.
•240 1KA$>CHR$(31)THF.NNS = N$ Cartridge or
+ A$ Universal Spool

Q: Would you please provide an assembly lan 250 GOTO 210 MAC INKER

guage version oftfafolUiuring Bask program? As Get routines go, this one is primi We have cartridges
tive, but it does support the backspace re-inkable in 10 colors. Ask for your
10 FOR I = 1 TO 255
key, and i( terminates properly when printer type or for complete listing.
20 73 - ZS + CtWSfO)
you press the return key. You could add Bottle ink$3.00/each. shipping S3 oo
extra lines to handle other special keys
Todo Brye you wanted the routine to recognize.
PROTEUS'", the 'Siamese' Buffer.
Liverpool, NY
It is a Data Switch with buffer on
both ports. Switch manually or via
A: Assuming ZS is the first variable de software. Saves time, space and
fined in your program and it's already Q: I've noticed statement sequences like the money. Or ask
been defined to a length of 255, the fol follmving in some listings: about our MAC
lowing C-fi'l assembly language source MASTER line
20 Gl-rr C$:1F C$ THEN 20 of Universal
and object code will do what you want:
30 IFFTIIENPRINT Buffers and
Objeci Source Printer Controllers (serial or parallel
Code: Code: My question is, what does the value o/C$ luwe uptol MEG).
to be to loop back to 20, and what does the PROTEUS 64 K-199.00
A9 00 LDA#0 value o/F have to be to print? 256 K-299.00 Shipping $4,00
Of course we have Data Switches,
A8 TAY C. M. Murray
serial/parallel, 2 way, 4 way, crossed
91 2D STA (S2DJ.Y St. John, Virgin Islands
etc., at most competitive prices (all
C8 1NY
lines switched).
DO FB BNE LOOP A: Your line 20 is equivalent to:
60 RTS
20 GET C$:1F CS > °" THEN 20 CABLES priced $10-30. We carry
Both forms are relocatable, so .'tore cables for all common computers
them wherever you like and call them Similarly, your line 30 functions the and peripherals. Rapid turn-around
with a SVS command to their first ad same as: on custom orders.

dress. To use them on other Commo

dore computers, replace the $2D byte 30 IF F<> 0THEN PRINT MERCURY MODEM. Really 100%
with the address of an equivalent two- Hayes* Compatible. 300/1200 baud,
In both cases, the comparison is with
byte Stan of Variables pointer in mem speaker, full status light display
the null variable (zero for numbers and
ory page 0. and 2 year warranty.
empty for strings). At heart, an If-Then
Statement is merely a test of whether the
Quick Link
expression between the word IF and Communications
the word THEN evaluates to a Boolean Softwaie—fast,
Q: How can I larite a program so a comma quick, easy to loam.
true or false. If it evaluates to true, what ■"."i '.•') ' i Libia
in a response to an Input statement won'i
ever follows the word THEN is executed for IBM PC or
generate an Extra Ignored message? Macintosh}
next If false, the program skips to ihe
Howard Angione next line for its next instruction. "Hayes iaa trade mark of Hayqs Microproducts.

Jamaica, NY The shortcuts work because a null

variable is evaluated as a Boolean false, MAC THE RIPPER. Our newest, original
and welcome primei companion Pulls off
A: One solution is to begin all Input and a non-null variable is evaluated as a
paper perforations and tears the sheets
statement responses that contain com Boolean true.B apart. Takes little space and will pay for
mas with a quotation mark. Thus, jf an itself almost immediately in saved time and
Input statement asked for my name, last tedium. Ask for brochure. Introductory
Prico $299.00. Shipping $10.00.
name first, 1 could reply "STRASMA,
JIM, and the comma would be accepted Do you have a problem or question about Order Toll Free.
as part of the answer. your Commodore, computer? Commodore Call or write for free brochure.
A better solution, to use in programs Clinic ran help. Just send your question on a 1-800-547-3303
you write yourself, is to replace the In postcard to: In Oregon 503-626-2291 (24 hourlinel
put statement with a Get loop. Thus, in We are and always will be your
Jim Striisma
stead of:
Commodore Clinic
10 INPUT"NAME(LAST, F1RST)";N$ PO Box 6100 ter
Macomb, IL 61455
you could write:


Queries are answered only through this col Friends
14250 N.W. Science Park Drive
umn, and, due to the volume of mail, only
20 COSUB 200 Portland. Oregon 97229 Telex 4949559
questions that appeal to the majority of our Dealer Inquiries welcome.
where lines 200 and beyond contain a readers can he published.

Clfcle 2Tt on Roodor Soivlce card.


Hurray for the 128! looking for or where they're looking, but ICT Data Chief Update
When I read the letters in last Febru I can tell them diere arc excellent pro I'd like to mention some features of
ary's Mail RUN complaining ;ibout a grams available that enable the 128 to the Daia Chief HFD-20 hard disk drive
lack of software for the C-128,1 was puz do just about anything.
that weren't covered in RUN'S April
zled by the writers' insistence that Com Here's a list of 128 programs 1 use; 1987 review.
modore is not supporting this machine. Word Writer 128, Data Manager 128 and First is its ability to run Cl'/M when
Do they expect the same level of support SwiftCalc 128 from Timeworks; the Meet operating in single-sided mode with
for this relatively new computer that the System 3 word processor; the Sixth the C 128.
C-64 now enjoys? It takes a large, in Sense telecommunications package and
We've also made several Important
stalled base of computers to make it the Partner 128 desk accessory. There's upgrades to the operating system and
worthwhile for companies to develop also a variety of accounting packages the user utilities. The current version of
supporting products. available for this machine, plus com
BOS-PAK, BOS 3.13, includes the pre-
If these writers got their 128s so they puter-aided-design packages, compilers
liminary ICT-Turbo utility that loads
could play bigger and better games, I and scads of utilities.
files eight times faster than the original
think they made an error in judgment. Earl Burdick version. (This speedup utility will also
If they're looking for utilities, there are Rockford, IL be available soon in cartridge form SO
some really incredible ones for the 128 you can use the speedup with the 15-11
out there. CP/M also offers a large as and 1571 floppy drives, with or without
sortment of software that call be used the Data Chief.)
It's hard to understand how anyone
on the 128, much of it in the public Finally, the utilities supplied with the
can think the C-128 lacks software sup
domain. For me, life with the C-128 is port Digital Solutions, as well as Time- Data Chief include a partiiioutoparli-
grand! tlon copier that works Within the stock
works and Batteries Included, have come
hard drive and also supports file copy
Steve Chambers out wiili word processors, database man
ing between two hard drives. (That is,
Wichita Falls, TX agers and spreadsheet programs that take
when yOU add a second hard drive, it's
advantage of the 128's features. If you
have one good program of each kind, supported by the same utilities.)

I strongly disagree with the letters in how many others do you need? Bill Dodd

recent Mail RUN columns complaining Also, the enhancements in Basic 7.0 ICT, Inc.

about the lack of software for the C-128. that overcome Basic 2.0's difficulties Frederick, MD

What kind of software do these people with bit-mapped graphics and iis inabil

want- RUN, along with several other ity to delete blocks of lines make 7.0
publications, includes articles and re decidedly superior as a beginner's lan Looking for Prolessional
views for the 128 every month, as well as guage. The only drawback I've found in Letter Library
pages ofads. C-l 28 software is also avail the new version is that it makes the mis- I'd like to purchase an original copy
able through user's groups and classified lake of emulating IBM Basic's Renum
of Professional Letter Library, distrib
ads in the newspaper. ber command, which is Inadequate in uted by Pacific Coast Software and listed
The 128 is a great machine. It's within not letting you specify a point in a pro
in RUN'S December 1984 Software Buy
most budgets, it's manufactured by a gram where renumbering should stop.
er's Guide. If anyone has this software
well known company, and it has more Charles Kluepfel and would like to sell it, or knows of
technical and software support than Bloomfield, NJ another place I could get it, please drop
most people could ever need. me a line.

Betty L. Edmunds Charles Cans mar

Hartland, MI 948 Willow Court
We're glad to hear from Widen who nijoy Hammond, IN 46320
their C-l 28s as much as xve do ours. Here at

1 keep reading letters bemoaning the the RUN editorial offices, we use 128s for all

lack of software for the C-128 and hold our word processing and data keeping (and RUN Award
ing Commodore to blame. I don't know an occasional game, of course). During the year we've reviewed many
what kind of software the writers are —Editors software packages and now have chosen


your disk called Productivity Pak II at your questions. Software I'artner 128 is com
the best productivity applications disk patible with Batteries Inclwted's PaperClip
128, and the combination will work when
of 1986. We'd like to commend your
amnei ted to your computer with a Yailapter.
With Your Computer!
company and employees for an out Forget random numbers. This program
standing product. The Y adapter is available from Timamrh, for home computers does an actual
Carlos C. (■! 1111] i.i
444 Ijihe (Jx>k Road, Derrfield, 11,60015for analysis of the past winning numbers.
S9.95, plus $1.70shipping and handling. For ! Ill'- amazing program will quickly pro
Editor, Ln/Venin de Los Angeles vide you with all the data you need to
more information, call Timrtvorks /it 312-
Glendale, CA predict which numbers iuIJI likely
948-9200, or their helpline,-it 312-948-9208. come up In subsequent drawings. All
consistent lottery winners use some
kind of system based on the past win
The Superbase Saga Continues ners. Using the real power of your com
Like Other Mail RUN readers in pre puter gives you a definite edge. It's
DUN Goes to School menu driven and all you do Is add the
vious months, I've been experiencing latest winners each uieefc and the pro
problems with Supcrbase 128 and the It's difficult these days to find a mag gram does the rest In seconds. On
1571 disk drive. I've tried three versions azine that addresses the educational in screen or printer It shows hot and cold
of the software and two different l:>71s, terests of staff and students at the junior numbers, frequency, groups, jums-o/-
ili<;ii'.. odd/even, wheels numbers and
one two years old and the odier a brand high level, but my staff feels they've
more. No Chick manual to read. It even
new 1987 model. I not only get input/ found such a publication in RUN. We has a built-in tutorial.
Output error #5, but I must boot the use the magazine in math class, with our Ask your software dealer or call or
program twice to k^' i' ltl run! (l lei it gifted program, in the library for re write:

boot, then use conttol/Q to quit and re- search, and copies are sent home for
stall.) 1 imagine ihe protection scheme student enjoyment It's truly a valuable P.O. Box 556 F. Path
is fouling the autostart. The manufac educational tool. Daylan, Ohio 45405
turer, Progressive Peripherals, has been (S13) 233-2200
Knule B. Mombcrg
cooperative but unable to help. Principal, Edwin Markham School THF. LOTTO PROGRAM is designed lor all
The most serious problem for me is Placerville, CA
6 & 7 draw; lotio games (up to 49 numbers)'
being unable to have Superscript co-res DONT PLAY LOTTO WITHOUT IV
ident with Superbase, as Larry Penland COMMODORES ATARI 21.95
Mentioned doing in the March Mail Armchair Pilot TRS-80&MODIII, IV 21.95
RUN. I'm now using a Quicksilver inter MACINTOSH (supei veislon) 29.95
Being an armchair ace, 1 read with in
lace and an old 8050 drive with excellent I'ii .■ - .vM 13.00 shipping/
terest Tim Walsh's article about flight sim handling FmM service on
results. After getting the program run
thing*1 card ■■
ulators for the C-6'l in hist February's
ning, I switch to die IEEE bus and every
issue of RU.\'. There was, however, one
thing works fine. However. I'd like to he Circle 102 on Reader Service card.
glaring omission from the selection Mr.
using my 1571.
Walsh reviewed. Surely one of die most
Does anyone know how lo correct
challenging "flight and iigbr" simulators
these problems? Also, I'd like to share ap
fm the (>■! is Gunship, from UicroProse.
plications programs, special uses, and so
Tor those who've mastered Strike Kagle,
forth, with Other Superbase users. It really
this program is the next logical challenge.
does take good programming skill and
Gunship stretches the C-64 to the
knowledge to fully utilize this software.
limits of its capabilities and begs to be
M. Thicker Brawner converted to 128 mode. Infocom has ap
817 East 66th St. parently seen the light, coming out
Savannah, GA 31405
with some great 128 gameware, such
as Trinity. Unfortunately, Trinity kicks D540 Disk Drive
die 1571 into 1541 mode, so booting it
Partner 128 and PaperClip 128 takes almost four minutes. It does take Commodore 1541
I read the review of Timeworks' soft lull advantage of the 80-coltimn chip,
ware package, Partner 128, in the De though. & GEOS COMPATIBLE
cember 1986 issue of RUN, and I'm I think the lime has come for software
interested in purchasing the program. publishers to market more games for COOL—ONLY 15W [vs. 2Sw lor 1541)
I lowever, I use Batteries Included's l'aj>er- lheC-128. DIRECT DRIVE SYSTEM-SlaEle alignment
Clip 128 word processor extensively,
and I'm not sure Partner 128 is compat Las Vegas, NV DUAL SERIAL PORT—daisy chaining
ible with it, First, are these two programs C12B COMPATIBLE in C64 mode
compatible? Second, because both COMPACT SIZE—2x6x10 \ inches
PaperClip 128 and Partner 128 have to
$149,00 EACH (NJ residents add S8.9A tax)
be connected by dongle and tail to joy
stick port 2. would they be operational
A Call to Readers
To Order Call
if I used a V adapter? Finally, if the V
This page is your stage, so stand up and 1-800-521-9298
adapter will work, where can 1 get one?
say a few words. Extend praise, air grievances
(in NJ, dial 201-231-8696)
Frank C. Foster or offer luinds-on aiivice and information.
Visa, Mastercard or Money Order. Allow
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Send your letters to Mail RUN, 80 Elm
$8.°" shipping & handling. Send mail
St., Peterborough, Nil 03458. Each letter
order with payment to:
must include t)ie writer's name and complete
Terry Fleming, Dirrrhir of Customer Sup address, RUN reserves the right to edit letters H&M Marketing
port for Timnmrks, gave US the answers to fur style, clarity and s/lan.M
P.O. BOX 8339 SOMEFMLLE, NJ 08876

Circle A on Roador Sorvico card-


"7 /, / 1 n 1 M1 z r


Enhance Your Graphics or ExoccI missiles and Gabriel missiles, Computer Service. Or, you update your
The Graphic* Transformer, ;i convar- they ore sent on dangerous missions. An portfolio manually, if you wish. TAS-128
sion and enhancement program for ilie operator's manual details the simulation then draws charts and graphs to help
C-64, converts graphics between most and liner points of naval hydro tactics. you decide the "right" time U> buy and
popular programs, including GEOS, Priced at $39.95. sell your stocks or bonds. TAS-128 is
ComputcrEyes, Flexidraw, Doodle!, Check Reader Service number 405. available on disk for the C-128 for
KoalaPad and The Print Shop. The pro $59.95. Abacus Software, PO Box 7219,
gram also converts between Hi-Reg and Grand Rapids, MI 49510.
Multicolor modes and convert! any pic Bestow Recognition Check Reader Service number 410.
ture lo a Stand-alone, compressed, fast-
AwardWare, an awards-generation
loading and autobooting file. All op program for [he C-64, designs and prints
tions are menu-driven. It's available for customized certificates, awards, an Improve Your Monitor Screen
$34.95 from Complete Data Informa nouncements, stationery and memos, as The Video Tune-Up program con
tion, 561 N. Main St., Yreka, CA 96097.
verts your C-64 into a full-function
Check Reader Service number 400.
COlor>bai generator that generates all
iudustryslandard video lest patterns
(cross-hatch, purity field, gray scale and
Make $ with Your 64/128
color bars) and runs an animated video
Money Machine magazine (Redwood performance test. Tune-up instructions
Empire, PO Box 6609, San Miiteo, CA are included ($39.95). Bar Sweep con
94403) is for C-64 and 128 owners who verts your C-64 into a high-resolution
use their systems for small-business ap bar-sweep pattern generator for deter
plications. Every issue reviews business- mining the video response of your color
applications software and hardware and monitor or television ($29.95). Available
provides additional information on how from Solas Products, PO Box 665,
to use your computer in business. The Let them know they're special
Spring House, PA 19477.
publication features tutorials on Super- with certificates and awards from
Check Reader Service number 406.
base, publishes templates for spread Hi Tech Expressions' AwardWare.
sheets and maintains a smail-business
forum on QuantutnLink. The bimonthly well as checks, coupons and tickets. The
program's Award Disk option lets you
Four-Slot Expander
magazine is available by subscription for
one year (S1 6), two years (S2H) and three design an award, copy it to another disk Aprospand-64, a four-slot expander
years ($3!>). and send it to a friend. Available (or for the C-64 and C-128, lets you install
Check Reader Service number Wi. $14.9.1 Irorn Hi Tech Expressions, 2699 up to lour cartridges and use them in
South Hayshore Drive, Suite 1000A, dependently or in any combination al
Coconut Grove, FL 33133. lowed by the function of each cartridge
Foil Terrorists on the Check Reader Service number 409. ($33). Extender-64 is a ten-inch long rib
High Seas bon cable that lets you move the Apro-
spand.64 to a more convenient location
Electronic Arts (1820 Gateway Drive,
Wheel and Deal ($23). Aprotek, 1071-A Avenida Acaso,
San Mateo.CA 94404) has released I'l 1M
Camarillo, CA 93010.
Pegasus, a naval-combat simulation There's no question thai you can
Check Reader Service number 407.
game for the C-64 involving hydrofoil make money in slocks and bonds. Tech
missile craft. Players complete a basic nical Analysis System 128, a charting
hydrofoil training session to become and analysis package for stock market
members of the terrorist action group investors, can assist you by automatically Draw Something Beautiful
force. Then, manning a hydrofoil armed updating your portfolio through Dow Three-D Canvas, a C-128, disk-based
with a cannon, chaff rockets, Harpoon Jones News/Retrieval Service or Warner graphics program that draws ihree-di-

98 / RUN JUNE 19H7

mensional graphics, lets you create ate ship-to-ship lactica! surface engage
spheres, caves and typography. You can ments. $69.95. And your Earls and Viscounts. If you've
duplicate, animate, stretch and transfer Check Reader Service number 417. got royal ancestors, we have the noble
"£■ and 3-D drawings; fill with color or software that can help you trace

patterns in any of 16 colors; save draw them down.

ings to disk and print ihcm out; and Family Roots and your Apple, Macintosh,
Dlsk-to-Dlsk Transfer
bring your drawings lo lii'e with ready- IBM, Commodore, Kaypro, TRS-8O,' and
made or custom sprites. Available for Central Coalt Software (2()H Bowie many others, offer individual and group
$49.95. An update to 3-D Canvas will be Drive, l.os Osos, CA 9S402) has released sheets, charts, name indices, general search
available soon for 5611.95; registered Disk-2-Disk, a transfer utility program and text capabilities.
for the C 64 and die Amiga with an Adapts to most disk
owners may update their original copies
Amiga model 1020 external 5/,-inch disk drives, printers, and
for S10. Cappco, PO Box 7C52, Chula
drive. It transfers C-64 sequential, rela « ry-*a i *» screens. You get more
Vista, CA 92021.
V VJLJ.X utility programs, plus
Check Reader Service number 412. tive and user files to the Amiga, formats
j 1 | lots of personal con-
1541 and 1571 disks, runs under both
the Intuition and CI.I interfaces and C1.UK6S' trol< A comprehen-
*■"-*• sive (new) manual
provides duplicate filename detection
Direct a Comic Book is included.
with Query/Replace options. Disk-2-Disk
Accolade's Comics, an interactive All for just $185.
is available for $49.95.
comic book for the C-64, features two Check Reader Service number 403. Write or call today
themes and dozens of major and minor for more infor
story lines incorporating eight arcade- mation and a
like games. The comic's hero, spy Steve free brochure.
Cover Your Roor
Quinsept, Inc.
Floor Essence, a floor-covering pro
gram from Floor Covering Systems (l'O P.O. Box 216
Lexington, MA O2173
Box 421399-1399, Sacramento, CA (617) 641-2930
95842), figures any room dimension and American Express,
displays the lineal footage of material to Visa, and MasterCard
use in a room, including the fill-piece
area. It figures room, material and waste
Family gladly accepted.
1 T>ademtr^s (oi Applr

Computer Inc. tntrmilltonut
Huuot.i Meshmn, CUM, Inc.
areas in square feet and square yards, Ihfutal Newrch unj lunitit Carp

calculates seaming lengths, and saves

records of the materials used, room sizes Circle 220 on Reader Sorvics card.
and roll sizes. Available for the C-G4 for
Check Reader Service number 401.
Can Your
Computer Make
Help Keene foil dastardly deeds
around the world in the interactive
Write Something Beautiful
comic book from Accolade.
Professional Software (51 Fremont
St., Needham. MA 02194) introduces MILLIONAIRE?
Keene, works for the chief of Spysiuff,
Fleet System 4, an integrated writing with
Inc., to foil evil plots around the globe.
tool for ihc C-128. It combines all the LOTTERY &*oril6tTERY +4
You determine the direction ol the story
features found in Fleet System 'A (word YOUITNEXT TICKET
by selecting from a series of possible
processor, dictionary and thesaurus), COULCW WORTH MILLIONS
answers to question! asked of Keene;
plus RAM expansion, on-screen word LOTTERY u (nil Sferayu ul your
there's a different ending every time you
wrap, general and context-sensitive help computer to number selection
play. Accolade's Comics comes from Ac
metftods tti: loueiy games you
colade, 20838 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cu screens, an extra text area and the Fleet
play Don'i be two me!hods tnai
pertino, CA 95014 and retails for$39.95. Filer database. Fleet System 4 is available other work in youi
Check Reader Service number 408. on disk for $79.95. slate We don t i system
Check Reader Sen,'ice number 411. available than ih 6RV 64 S,
pe Jtottlndjist ol H .
Exercise Your Strategy IngoJsyslem|
Strategic Simulations (l()4fi N. Rengs- Star-Studded Recipes YfOTTEfY 64(6#l2B)ot
torff Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043) in The Celebrity Cookbook, Volume 1,
To W^&Hf^> for each Dlus
troduces two games on disks for the C-64. features gourmet recipes from Frank
$3.00 poSgeaa handling per order \o
In Gemstone Healer, the sequel to Sinatra, Bob Hope and .Shirley Mac- riiwi Jesidef s add 6% sales tax)
Gemstone Warrior, you must use re I.aine, among others. The disk includes (Orders of srde Artti America add S3 OOi
sourcefulness, cunning and weapons to a wine ant) bar guide and a barten
help you get the Healing Tools thai will der's guide, which calculates the exact
restore the damaged Gemstone, S29.95. amount of spirits to serve your guests.
orders call.
In Warship, a strategy waigame, you In addition, it lets you write your own
13121 566-4647
choose from 79 classes of warships from cookbook. Available for the C(S4 for
the Allied or Japanese fleet or modify $29.99. The Celebrity Series, 1625 S. Superior Micro Systems. Inc.
ship data to create your own hattlcships, Sunrise Way. Palm Springs, CA 02262. PO Boi 113 ■ Wretling IL 60090

and you can devise original maps to cre- Check Reader Service number ■!()!. ■

T94 on Rmd«

RUN JUNK 1987 / 99

;rs acceptable Bookkeeping Ease By. .
Double Enirv
Accounting System
THE How To Type RUN Listings
KFS's Pjefemd* ^Accounting System Now Includes an To simplify typing RUN'S program listings, we include
Invoicing & Accounts Receivable Package checksum numbers. These follow a REM statement at the
Exclusively for Commodore 128™ end Of each line (cy., :REM*123) and necessitate your using
RUN'5 Perfect Typist programs, listed below.
C^mbu Package Type In 64 Perfect Typist (Listing 1) for 6-! programs,
THE ACCOUNTANT' THE ACCOUNTANT"■' plus or 128 Perfect Typist (Listing 2) for 128-mode programs, and
Bosjc ArcoHjitm SALES INVOICING save it before running. When you want to type in a 64- or a
PACKAGE 128-modc program, first load and run the appropriate Per
SunJ.itd AccaunlinE h-.*tutcs:
• General U-Ji;cr SiiEc^ Lnvafclng Features; feet Typist listing. Two SYS numbers appear on your screen.
■ Journal • 700 Cunomm Jot them down, since you'll need them for deactivating
• Check Re^isrcr • 1000 Invoices and reactivating the checksum program.
■ Over 20 Etepoiu Automatically • 100 Bale) Claulflntloni
• Prims Cijiiom Invoices &
If, when you run a Perfect Typist program, you get an
• enroll Check Writing CuStttn S[ate[lie[it* "Out of Data error in line 30" in 64 Perfect Typist (or "in
• W-2 Pruning • Tracts Sales iii 7 Groupings line 10" in the 12K version), it means you made an error in
• Quarterly Report • Open Item nr Balance
• Aixmnts RcceitaMc "Httng 9j«nrf entering the data statements. Carefully compare what you
For^-jni Pasting
• Customer Ststenieii^ • Iniegftta uddl Inventory Pki;. typed with the data statements in the magazine. Correct any
• Actoutii! Pvn-ahle lUinf S|twm* discrepancies, then re-save the corrected Perfect Typist
• "Commodores Microcomputen Magaxme, Independent Reviewers, program, and it should work well. (Tile reference to line
Rated THE ACCOUNTANT'" ~'#I in Prefrence1- 30—or 10—is irrelevant; that's not where (lie error is.)
/or Commodore J2S771' Productivity" After Perfect Typist has been loaded and run, start typing
in the program listing from RUN. After you press the return
key to log in each line, the checksum number, ranging from
KFS Software, Inc. Fbr C.O.D. Orders Phone:
0 to 255, appears below the line at the left margin.
1.301 Seminole Blvd. #117 (813) 584-2355
If this matches the checksum printed in the listing after
Largo, Florida 33540
the :REM*, you have typed (hat line correctly. You then type
(R Rafdenn add 5% Sales Ti the next line right over the previous line's checksum value,
(All Ikn in U.S. Dollars) li the numbers do not agree, analyze the line on screen for
errors. Make the needed changes and press return again to
Circle 145 on Reairer Service card log them in. Compare the new checksum that appears with
the magazine's number and then proceed.

lREPAIRl When finished entering your program, disable the

Perfect Typisi by typing the appropriate SYS number and
pressing return. Now you can save your program as usual,
AMIGA 1100.00
but before attempting to run it, turn the computer off and
back on to completely clear out the Perfect Typisi program.
v CommodofB
.. Di sJt Drive Moottof You may save an incomplete program and continue it
SCO. 00 S76.O0
later. To do so, reload and run Perfect Typist, then load your
progTam, list it, and go on from where you left off.
'^-^ COTHDOOOfP .-^PFT 64
R-J,r Wati VIL ^U
The 128 Perfect Typist works in either 40 or 80 columns
199.00 S45 00 and lets you use automatic line-numbering. If Auto is on,
[7n Computef Computer! the checksum is printed below the line you jusl entered, and
Commodore the next line number appears below the checksum.
-^^ Prim«r \ Punier All listings in RUN have been translated so the graphics
»-J MPSBOt -^ 1526 175.00
and control characters become understandable key com
binations, follow instructions inside curly brackets. (What you
n , / CommodofB
see on screen looks quite different from what's inside the
US. 00 MS. 00 brackets.) For example, {SHIFT L} means hold down the shift
CBM 1571 B032
■^ 8050 key and press the L key. Another example is {22 SPACEs),
Which instructs you to press the space bar Tl times. E
•_ commodore
64 60.00 "" SERVICE CENTER 901225-01 11.85
1541 75.00 901226-01 11.85
SX64 CABLES AND MISC. 901227-03
100.00 REG 6 PW OIN 901229-05
Listing 1. 64 Perfect Typist program.
APPLE 2E 450.00 12' 6 PIN DIN 7.95 7701/8701 9.85
1526/802 45.0018' 6 PIN DIN a.95 8721 16.85 1 REM 64 PERFECT TYPIST
1 EEETOEEE 19.95 8502 9.85
MPS801 35.00
1 EEE TO PET 19.95 82S100 13.85
SFD 1001 85.00 POWEHSUP64 24.95 6502 3.85 10 POKE56,PEEK(56)-1:POKE52,PEEK(56):CLR
DEAD WrCO BAT HANDLE 15.95 6532 6.29 20 PG=PEEK(56):ML=PG*256+60
64 40.00 WICO 3 WAY ie.95 6520 3.85
WICO DOSS '1.95 6522 3.85 30 FORX^ML TO ML+t54:READD:T=T+D:POKEX,D:N
1541 60.00 MEDIA MATE 6 7.25 6526 14.85 EXT
MSD-SD2 75.00 TV MAC CONNECTION 4a.95 6567 14.85
SX64 100.00 RJJtDSDO S.95 6581 14.85
6050 OR BO32 295.00
6510 10.85 :END
25 00 MN ORDER
4164 .99 60 POKEML+4,PG:POKEML+10,PG:POKE ML+16,PG
74LS629 4.95
800- HWY 36 PO 1129 80 POKE ML+141,PG
221-7770 HARTSELLE, AL. 35640 89 PRINT"{SHFT CLR}{CRSR RT)*••*♦**•*♦****

100/RUN JUNE 1987 Circle 75 on Reader Sorvlcn card

100 PRINT "{CRSR RT)**
}SYS"ML+30"=OFF **"
Commodore Compatible
101 PRINT"(CRSR RT)***********************
Disk Drive
DATA 173,005, 003,201, 003,208, 001,096
120 DATA 141,105, 003,173, 004,003, 141 ,104
130 DATA 003,162, 103,160, 003,142, 004,003 Faster, Quieter, More
140 DATA 140,005, 003,096, 234,234, 173,104 Compact and More
150 DATA 003,141, 004,003, 173,105, 003,141
160 DATA 005,003, 096,032, 124, 165, 132,011 Reliable Than the
170 DATA 162,000, 142,240, 003. 142, 241,003 1541 &1541C!
180 DATA 189,000, 002,240, 051, 201 032,208

190 DATA 004,164, 212,240, 040, 201 034,208 ■ ■ ■
200 DATA 008,072, 165,212, 073,001, 133,212
DATA 104,072, 238,241, 003,173, 241,003
DATA 041,007, 168,104, 024,072, 024,104
230 016,001 , 056,042, 136,016, 246,109
DATA Guaranteed 100% Compatibility Advanced Direct
240 DATA 240,003, 141,240, 003,232, 206,200
I! even enhances GEOS! Drive Technology
250 DATA 173,240, 003,024, 101,020, 024,101 Comes Ready lo Run and Works
Full One-Year Warranty
260 DATA 021,141, 240,003, 169,042, 032,210 Smooihiy with Ihe Commodore
270 DATA 255,169, 000,174, 240,003, 032,205 Satisfaction Guaranteed
64,64C, VIC 20, Plus 4, C128 (in
280 DATA 189,162, 003,189, 211,003, 032,210 Fast Delivery 64 mode) and 16.
290 DATA 255,202, 016,247, 164,011, 096,145
300 DATA 013,032, 032 CALL NOW TOLL-FREE

Listing 2. 128 Perfect Typist program.
j Emerald Components Internal tonal
1 REM 40/80 COL C128 PERFECT TYPIST ^.a.— I Dept.R. P.O. Box 1441, Eugene. OR97440
2 REM BY: JAMES E BORDEN ! Customer Service: 503/683-1154
Circle 156 on Reader Sarvlce card.
25 A$="":IFPEEK<215) THENA$="(20 SPACES}"
30 PRINT"{SHFT CLR}"A$" ******•***+******♦ THE AMAZING


50 PRINTA$" **{2 SPACEsJSYS 5120=ON{7 SPAC
EsJSYS 5150=OFFI2 SPACES}**" enter
60 PRINTA$" ****************************** THE FINAL
70 DATA 173,5,3,201,20,208,1,96,141,45,20, FRONTIER
173,4,3,141,44,20,162,43,160,20 OF
80 DATA 142,4,3,140,5,3,96,234,234,173,44,
20,141,4,3,173,45,20,141,5,3,96 MAN-TO-MACHINE
90 DATA 32,13,67,140,255,19,162,0,142,252, COMMUNICATIONS
19,142,2 53,19,142,254,19,189,0,2
There is nothing else like
100 DATA 201,32,240,8,201,48,144,7,201,58,
it. Voice Master gives
176,3,232,208,238,189,0,2,240,54 both speech output
110 DATA 201 ,32, 208, 5,172, 254,19, 24(5, 42, 20 and voice recognition with Ihis single hardware product' Vour voice
controls programs, m home appliances, robots, and more with spoken
1,34,208,10,72,173,254,19,73,1 commands Verbal response back gives status, verifies, or reauesfs your
120 DATA 141,254,19,104,72,238,253,19,173, reply! Spoecti outpuland recognition patterns are rocoidod in with your
253,19,41,7,168,104,24,72,24,104 voice. Or use Ihe voice of you< friend, boss, leaclior, molher, even tho
family pel I Programming is simple with new commands added to BASIC.
130 DATA 16,1,56,42,136,16,246,109,252,19, A music bonus program lets you write and compose musical scores
141,252,19,2 32,206,197,173,2 52 simply by humming the tune. Unlimited applications for fun, education,
140 DATA 19,24,101,22,24,101,23,141,252,19 and commercial use Design your own programs for profit. Speech and
recognition quality unsurpassed by even the most sophisticated
,169,42,32,241,20,32,188,20,160 machines Only Covox provides this high-lech marvel at a price less Than
150 DATA 2,185,185,20,32,241,20,136,16,247 most common peripherals
,165,116,208,9,165,117,208,5,169 Ihe Covo< Voice Master comes completewitholl hardware a nd softwa re
160 DATA 145,32,241,20,172,255,19,96,13,32 for only $89.95. (Add M snipping and handling 1a US\ 56 Canada. $10
overseas) Available 'en Commodore 64/128. Apple II, |[«, He. lie. Ata« BOO,
,32,162,0,173,252,19,232,56,233 8CCXL 130 XE. Specify wtien ordering. Visa. MasterCard phone orders
170 DATA 100,176,250,105,100,202,240,3,32, accepted

232,20,2 01,10,176,5,205,252,19 Call or wiito lot FREE Voice Master Intopak

180 DATA 240,15,162,0,232,56,233,10,16,250 and special combination package otters.
190 DATA 138,9,48,32,241,20,104,96,170,173 COVOX INC., dept. RN
,0,255,72,169,0,141,0,255,138,32 675-0 Conger Slreet • Eugeno. Oegon 97*32 • USA
<VeoCoae(S03)342-1271 ■ Tele. 706017(AvAiormuD)
200 DATA 210,255,104,141,0,255,96 ■

Clrel) 300 on Rg*a*i Ser<lcs cira. RUN JUST. 1987/ 101

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Your choice • BY THE BIDCK • Mix & Match aioa an through 11m dish drive ihus uiaiHiy mcMasmg Jit"
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MUCH MORE—Programs lor course rating, hole handicaping. and also a 9 hole XPEF symptoms by disoaso, search & on-1 mo r>elp texi
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Commodore Atari
• Slums each line ni mber mi wiiich a variable in hits
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For Free Catalogs Write
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AVAILABLE ANYWHERE" E51O59 55. 65J&S9 95. 6567-$!* 75.
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New from Australia, a 2 sided laminated symplcmjiEic chart tc
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High-quality graphics, menu-driven wilh inslanl access 10 every game.
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iuoo s of PROGRAMS available (Including games, business, modem, util 1. 11 III i TH 1 .."■ I 1
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CP/M computers. PDUG. established in 1982. is one of the oldest and
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SPECIAL OFFER—Send 510 today and receiva not only our 1 year membership. h (so i <•<*«> ■ Cryalni t i»' ■■ ii
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PUBLIC DOMAIN USERS GROUP, PO Box 1442-N1. Orange Park. FL 32067 Mi,ld«.l 1 (tillable ■ ■ ii - '

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mono or stereo with 3D glasses. Rolale
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mands. Call toll free 800-872-4502 (OH

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Games, (logic, puzzles, battle) educational, (math, geography,
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vocabulary), finance it statistics and trivia. Write for catafog.
C«iJln.l SoIiitkc 14140 Buikl itmiiei Dr.. W»abrwt»r. VA 32ISI Poll 4f I-64M
OH residents add 6 5°o sales Ian

MokeMONEV mill vihii c mpuler. Sell ptlmout nl Hi1 rkeli. malbtcic. LEiu FONTS -CENTERIZES-HO CAMERt-COlOn
mi "inc, aV£ him Dl .1 llUDlfi □ fc more. Mm nuluilvs iklV'IA game Etliualtaiul, J34 95 DISK ONLV-IEO'S VIDEO-
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NCI Nariuni.idc Oiimpuitr Indusirif., U.'pi. Si, 105 MtComiick Avenue

Hav/kinsvillc, Gsnrgia 31036. VisafMC E'honc 1-913-783-1LSS RECOLL YOUR TIRES TO DISK

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Pilnl Muster graphics • for C-&1 will hdp vim ChtmB ths right sli«:k: lolls you when lo buy iiiul when

Sunporti 1 or 2 disk drives rn sell; scranu, [ilitTs mid prinlouls he[\t En locfltB cycles and liund.s.
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1 Viiil Shop i>i. WteKlbrldgi VAK1B1
P,O, n™ BM11
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Tnnt Khnp b a «*n( ihoJcEbunJ Sn(tw/rt. TTinl Mj.Irr i


Slides or Drawings with Your C-64/128
Jmago$ digitized (in D/W) and relumed on disk Include Iho name of your Graphic*
Program, il -ampin- Print Shop, Sidn A) Images crorrpod unloss Full Iraine specified.
SEND COPIES: wo cannol bo rosponsible for loss or dnmngo o' materials. Minimum JLH CO.
orOor—SI5 roi 3 images, £3 on addiiional image ■ 12 shipping/handling (CA ros aOO FOR YOUR OWN LIST AND
$<Va sales tax) Foreign ■ SJ fXJ U S SonO chock or monoy orOor la DESCRIPTION OF THESE PROGRAMS BOX 67021
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AMIGA owners—CO 10H Digitizing is ara.laS'e 619-367-3779


PERSONAL IN SPARE TIME Gol top In's quiniollns, enacts, win. place, * show using Ihis simulation and you' playnr
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COMPUTER PERFORMING SIMPLE SERVICES WfTH YOUR COMPUTER programs You can adjusl and refine Simulate oath gams thousands at times, simulate
FREE LIST of 100 best services to offer
the whole perlormance Complete 5/slem S95 00. laj. P&H Included. Demo disk with
documentation £10 Credit applied when you purcnase tne complete system.
PO Boi 898
PO HOX 60369
Glastonbury, CT 06033

List of Advertisers
Advertising Sales:
East Coast Sates Steve Robbing Ken Bhkeman; Nancy Potter-Thorn pon (6O3V924-7138 or (800H41-4403;

West Coast Sales Giorgio Sakili <415>328-3470

Reader Service l^ge Reader Service f^fi*

H A!j;icus Software 41 2S3 Pro-T«hTroiiics 5t>, 57

188 AclionSofi 34,35 201 Pro-Tecli-TnmicJ 55,69
79 Aprotek 67 15 Prolecto Knicrprizci 42,43
IM Berkeley Softworks 2,3 220 Quiniept 99
• Thought Processors—Most
7.1 BrimsU 76 RUN
of us arc familiar with word proces
■ C.O.M.B 87 Ami^iWorld N|>eci.~il Issue Ad 7S
sors, which help us organize our 192 (.Ordinal Software 83 RUN Suhscripiion Arl. 55
words. Now computing has taken a 271 CompuiflrFrfendl 95 RcSUNSubiafptlonAd B5
further step with the Introduction (H CompuServe I RcRUN Bark Issues 75
of thought processors, which are de 3IX> Cotox. Inc 101 ReRUN Productivity Pak n. 73
signed to help us organize our ideas ■ Crown Custom Covers ... 77 ■ S &S Wholesalers 26, 'H
into outline form. July's issue of ■16 Digital Solution! CIV 50 Skyles Electric Wwkj 71

RUN will take a look at this new LI KmeraldComponents ..,., 45 102 Soft-Byte »7
Ififl Kim'nud Com|Kincnts , .............. r 101 2>l Software [Jisioiinlrrwif Amenta 89
application and review several of
\'M) Hint Amenta Dislribtnmg, Iric , ... - 21 25 Strategic .Simulatioils. Luc CHI
the thought processors on the mar
124 nno-Wcsr -17 26 SuMi>nk" Corp 25
ket today.
144 1-ree Spirit Sofiwuir 85 I'M Superior Milh> Gyitcnu '.19
• GK lnlonnation Services 23 75 TC Electronics 100
• Hardware Reviews—Next 4 It &M Marketing 97 155 Tenex Computer repress 61
month we'll also assess two long- 72 H&P Computers 92 14G Timeisortv Inc.. .17
awaited Commodore products: die 35 inCnnTroLInc. ]g 209 Tussei Computer Products 13. U. 15
1351 mouse and the 1764 memory- 24 Inkwell Systems 54 •15 Unison World 9

expander. We'll also review a sleek- L'112 J.iwm-Ranhcim 83 76 Uptime 7

14.'. KKS Software. Inc 100 187 Ulililici Uulimiletl 32
looklng, new 15? 1-compatible disk
• [.yen Computer 48,49 BO VGOauShsck 8
](Xi Micro LBagneSpaniAnoc 33 • VahieSoK !H),ill
207 MIcroCoBdputEr Services 68.69 Wi WengcrCorp II
• MIDI—The Musical Instrument
98 Montgomery Grant 53 96 Xeteclnc ...77
Digital Interface, a technology for 93 Professional Software. Inc. -....- Cll
connecting digital instruments to
each other and to computers, is ex
For further information i'rcjiii our iKiveniscrs. cirde ihc t'urrespondin^ Kr.nk-r Service number on Ihc
panding the creative horizons of
professional and amateur musi
cians alike. Commodores are part ■This advertiser prefen to bo cont.ictt-J directly.

of this exciting musical scene, and Tills index is provided as an ailditi<inal service.'I lir publisher ditcs in>[ J-vsumc <iny Ibbillt) forcrnirsorcjmijilons.
in our July issue we'll tell you all
about it

• Programs Galore—No issue of

RUN would he complete widiout an
assortment of useful applications
programs. The lineup for next
month will include a flash card pro

RUN Alert
gram youngsters can use tit review
school subjects; a routine for adding
pic charts to our popular Ultra Hi-
As a st'n'ice to its readers. HUN will periodically publish ihc names of companies who are having difl'icuLlit
Rcs Graphics program; a shopping
inn (inH ihcir cusioincr obligation* ur who have gone oui "f bualnen, Rcaden arc advbed io conui i HUN
list program to make your visits to bflfbre iJimMd^ with ihcsf' <oiiip;uiics lli.U m:iy IVom linir In t|pU be LLltfid. II yOU hlVG Jiriy qUUdQnl or
the supermarket fast and efficient; a concenu about advenlien In HUN, pkue conlut:
Basic program dial adds an append !'..i i [>.l: .i I i-i 111 , ( 11.:. 11n*-r Service

command to the C-128; and more!

80 Elm St.
IVterbomugh, NH 0S458

fEW » j PP.TFPbl.-ri of CW Lnmmurm j[i uVLni group. Ihr ivoilri'i Iji^iI pubEiihcr oE fl nputci irkrrd InfOnWkHl The k>iv\i puMli^t ■ *ti »
jMii|niicr pubScuktni in m' it* ih^ii« i lijnil nnjntrifi Kfuifrrn umIIihei lirii|h|r Ir-id true I"1 IIK>IC <il (hf (IfiUp'l ]>ul]llC3EIOIl1 pJ'k Ilidlilrl M inbrn
u loihi CH /il/TTjaJn-riJ iSVthi S/ntt 4i1ErTinu I he Ijlnl ilipmuL
hi tin1 C n'l | j(Tinip con(Fitn Itrihuji

putuJf UGDTIINAS (d- ^llbr-bt^U .V pAiui, /fd Standn, rVSIA'S /Ljm <"#-ipiJlfFM>rtf, £ m-irjni nd-TTi Hi-U, AE'STRAlJA^ {~impi*t*m**l& A\
H."U iuiJiiiLUn hi . _' 'u' AC ''FVIS '■ <, *' • ,f f i 1V1' TVnrft, EAkA/.l[.-S fUd.VA.1. ftT.lflrtrb, f.ltLEJS f>i/" PHlKB
'jriHBUPirarV4l IVbfU. Aluftn ». /I*"*/I-phhwJ, Ol.NSI' Ti^ctf fwwt. PL Wrrfcffbivt, OMAM^ Tin Mibtk, .'!j 1 HAM .1:.^ Ir Mixyt* JnfrwmsnvpM, lh"ni
■ ■ ^ ■ miitbJrjjLt;,-., -. Itrm orkJ iawtpulr* Apr lit N1i\U^ ^ f ^>"Xt.i^"_("li' ZT. Mitmnl^ TiMJim*!}. IKULKIiDalaqifH. IMtAEl."'
t?Ti—ftuir-i «fi,i ft;*i.' •tUr. ITALY'S f-™put-i«-tj /ahia 1AI" \_VS r^in^vr^i'.Vi M1 \ L i ■ > ^ CoiHhimwtd .Ham. f - - r-
ltiN.Ji, IX. L'.t^.V':iia1..-t^- MU /> \M\[i's
RIPUBCJr. Ol (31 ISA'S Oana Ccmfto*ru*-U. (J.™. UmpMmtxld .MeiUMj.
. GMUtabt* IbrU. M T
/ndiufTw. SWU1J--N-S ti*^uftr Sudm. Mi*^tjtrfTJr /I hifW, SWTIZtRLAMU <*
rui" WaB.aECJMqy.JCE, Tortrf, /T; ^.lhw(I Mltffd, LntfuE t'li:;L"NiTlJ>SIA1l'Fi1^npi
mw, /^.j^ ft'rtur, ftdmii Ompafrr HW»r flW jWuto. FOCUS ftJi'^rt-ii. n(J^*. ^Hflftl Afm:Wri*H, AI
uW Nr<<*w. PaldiM, IV Hmuw. HUM VfHf.7X:71A'SCmfmI^wU I'wuL. PC Ui-ii Vmnuria, Wl.S[ illJfMAWS
ur, PC HbrAr.

104/RUN JUSE 1987




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Guide eight valiant adventurers on a braved the horrors of the Nether la PHANTASIE II, the Dark Lord If flierc ire no convenient stiirw neai
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you discover that the Gemstone his nf ciii' to six travellers to brave the »33S. To onfcr by mail. 5«nd yunr check
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C U ...,r-: l, . Ummliin V,*a' Tl

9iOi3. Bt sure lo spedrj1 ihe computer

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