Heat Notes

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ATL: Research skill, Thinking skill
LP: Communicator, Inquirer, Caring
Learning targets

8.24 Describe the kinetic theory and the assumptions of the theory (Cri A)
8.25 Explain the gas laws and explain how volume, temperature and pressure are related. (Cri A)
8.26 Use the kinetic theory to explain the relationships between the gas laws. (Cri A)
8.26 Specific heat capacity of water examples (Cri B)
8.27 Explain why doesn’t the temperature of water increase more though there is significant
increase in heat
8.28 Explain heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation (Cri A)
8.29 Consequences of heat transfer, such as why buildings are painted white in hot countries,

why the heating element of a kettle is at the bottom and why pan handles are often made
of plastic but the base of the pan is made of copper (Cri B)
8.30 Design an experiment of heat transfer (open ended investigation) (Cri B,C)
8.31 Compare the structural design of old house designs and modern designs in Ahmedabad and
relate with heat transfer. Suggest ways for better insulation and conserve electricity. (Cri D)

Formative assessments Summative assessment

FA 1: (Self Criteria D:
assessment) : Assessment on
heat transfer (Cri A) Research on the different infrastructure since ancient times
FA 2: (Peer and reflect on the present infrastructure in reducing heat
assessment) : Examples loss with justification.
based on specific heat Students will be able to explain the relationship between
capacity and latent heat (Cri C) heat transfers due to different materials, research and
FA 3: Essay on the socio- connect with the need of innovative materials for different
political and environmental purposes such as generation of electricity using renewable
aspect of steam engine (Cri D) energy sources and reflecting on the different infrastructure
since ancient times. They will consider the political,
FA 4: Design your dream house education, economic and cultural aspect while implementing
with eco friendly features (zero the suggestions.
energy homes) (Cri B)
Criteria B and C:
Students will perform experiments on expansion of states of
matter due to heat and write the complete lab report.

Upload inquiry cycle evidences on Managebac as the unit progresses.

The document contains the notes and topic wise resources at the end.

What is Heat?

Heat is a form of energy. It derives its origins at the molecular scale. Molecules of a substance vibrate
at their positions either fixed or not when energy is supplied to them. As they vibrate they transfer their
energy to the surrounding molecules causing them to vibrate as well.

This kinetic energy builds up on a macro level as more and more energy is supplied to these
molecules of the substance. As a result, when this energy reaches a threshold ( eg. Melting point,
Boiling point) do the molecules or atoms free themselves from interatomic forces of attraction
and conversion of a state i.e. phase change takes place.

Heat energy of a body can also be defined as a form of energy that can be transferred from one body
to the other or within the body itself with a temperature difference and can be generated by a body at
the expense of other forms of energy. The SI unit of heat energy is Joule abbreviated as ‘J’. In CGS
system, however, heat is measured in ‘Calorie’ (Cal.) where 1 Calorie = 4.186 J

What is Temperature?

We have already understood that heat is the form of energy that leads to an increase or decrease in
the internal energy of the body. This internal energy is also known as temperature. In other words, the
temperature is a measurement by which we may measure the degree of hotness or coolness present
in a body.

Temperature is measured in degrees. The measuring unit for temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
However, these measures are used in your daily life. For scientific measurement, we use the
Kelvin scale.
(Source: keydifferences)

Let us now find out the equation for the three measurements.

 °F = (9/5 × °C) +32

 °C = (9/5)(°F- 32)

 K = C + 273°

What is a Clinical Thermometer? How is it Different from a Laboratory Thermometer?

A clinical thermometer is the one which we use to measure our body temperature. The thermometer
which you normally find at your home or at a doctor’s clinic is a clinical thermometer. The clinical
thermometer is a long narrow tube made of glass. There is a silver looking bulb attached at the end of
it. This bulb contains mercury, thereby making it look silver.

When this temperature is exposed to heat, the mercury in the bulb rises and depending upon the heat
of the object points to the small numbers etched on the glass tube, indicating the temperature. One
can also use the clinical thermometer to measure hot water. A laboratory thermometer looks pretty
much like the clinical thermometer, which has a long narrow uniform glass tube with mercury in it,
however, the temperature range of a clinical thermometer ranges from 35 degrees to 42 degrees

On the other hand, the temperature range of a laboratory thermometer ranges from -10 degrees to 110
degrees Celsius. We use a clinical thermometer to measure the temperature of a human body,
however, we cannot use laboratory thermometer to measure human body temperature.

While using a clinical thermometer we have the liberty to tilt is as per our convenience. But a laboratory
thermometer has to be kept upright if we need to get a proper reading. The range of a laboratory
thermometer is far wider than clinical one and therefore it has to be used with precision.

What is Conduction?

Conduction is a process of transferring heat from one end of the object to another. Generally, this
process transfers heat from the hotter end to the colder end.

Conduction is ideally only possible in the solid form. It is easier to conduct heat in the solid object
because the atomic particles are tightly packed and in such a situation transference of heat from the
hotter end of the object to the colder end can be done conveniently.

We know that conduction is the transfer of heat from higher temperature to low temperature of an
object. By that definition, a conductor is the means through which the process of conduction can take
place. There are good conductors of heat and there are bad conductors of heat.

Those materials through which heat can easily pass are called good conductors of heat. Some
example of good conductors of heat may be iron, aluminium or copper. You will notice that whenever
you expose one end of these materials to the heat, the rest of the metal quickly heats up.

For example, you can try this experiment at home itself. Take a steel or aluminium spatula and expose
it to the heat in your gas burner in the kitchen. You will notice that after a point of time the handle end
of the spatula will start heating up and you will not be able to hold it for very long.

Bad conductors of heat are those materials which do not permit heat to transfer from one end to
another end very easily. For example, wood or plastic. It takes very long for heat to be transferred from
one end of a wooden or plastic object to another. These bad conductors of heat are also known as

Let us take another example, repeating the same experiment as mentioned above, only this time take
a wooden spatula. When you expose its one end to heat, you will notice that it takes very long for the
other end to heat up. And even when it does, it is mild enough for you to keep holding the spatula with
your bare hands. This proves that wood is a poor or bad conductor of heat.

This happens because the molecules in the wood are held strongly as a result of intermolecular force
and thus these molecules fail to travel to the sour of heat, thus convection cannot happen in the
Thermal Properties of Matter

The properties of the matter involving heat transfer and measurement are known as ‘Thermal
Properties of Matter’

Heat Transfer

Heat energy can be transferred from one body to the other or from one location in a body to the other.
Study of the techniques and methods adopted to transfer heat energy is known as ‘Heat Transfer’. To
facilitate heat transfer between 2 bodies there needs to be a temperature difference between
them.This means that these bodies must be a 2 different temperatures one higher than the other to
allow heat to flow from one body to the other.

This means that no heat transfer occurs between 2 bodies which are at the same temperature. At the
same time, it is very important to note that heat only flows from a body at higher temperature to a body
at a lower temperature. Although this may look obvious, this law is very important from the point of
view of thermodynamics.

Case Study: Cup of Tea

Let us say that you have prepared a cup of tea for yourself. The tea is very hot say at 80°C and so you
leave it in a room with a temperature of 25 ° C for some time to cool down. This is the first law of heat
transfer. Heat transfer will only take place between 2 bodies when they have a substantial temperature

Now, after some time you come back to find that the tea in the cup has cooled down to say 50°C and
you have a sip of the same. This is the second law of heat transfer. Heat will only flow from a body at
higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature. It is not possible to have a scenario where the
heat flows from the room at 25° c to the cup of tea at 80° C and heat it even further.

Heat transfer takes place in 1 of the three ways namely: Conduction, Convection and Radiation We will
discuss each of these methods in detail.


Conduction is the method of transfer of heat within a body or from one body to the other due to the
transfer of heat by molecules vibrating at their mean positions. The bodies through which the heat
transfer must be in contact with each other. There is no actual movement of matter while transferring
heat from one location to the other.

Conduction occurs usually in solids where molecules in the structure are held together strongly by
intermolecular forces of attraction amongst them and so they only vibrate about their mean positions
as they receive heat energy and thus pass it to the surrounding molecules by vibrations.


Convection is the mode of heat transfer which occurs mostly in liquids and gases.In this method, heat
transfer takes place with the actual motion of matter from one place within the body to the other. Often
when we boil water we have seen bubbles and currents develop in the water on careful observation.

This is an apt example of the convection process. The hot water at the bottom becomes lighter and
moves upwards forcing the cold and denser water at the top to come down and thus get heated up.


Radiation is another form of heat transfer. It does not require any medium and can be used for transfer
of heat in a vacuum as well. This method uses electromagnetic waves which transfer heat from one
place to the other. The heat and light from the sun in our solar system reach our planet using radiation

In fact, radiation is the most potent method of heat transfer. In winters when we sit near a fire we feel
warm without actually touching the burning wood. This is possible by radiation only.
The above example effectively demonstrates the 3 methods of heat transfer we have discussed above.
Another important point while discussing heat transfer is as follows:

Suppose an object has to be cooled down in relation to the ambient temperature. How would you
determine the amount of time required for a given article to acquire the ambient temperature? The
answer to that is given by ‘Newton’s law of Cooling’.

Newton’s Law of cooling

Newton’s law of Cooling states that there is always a direct correlation between the rate of change of
temperature of a body and the temperature difference between the object and the surroundings. What
this simply means is a hot body will cool down faster if the temperature of the body is much greater
than that of the ambient. Whereas another body which has a temperature that is closer to the ambient
temperature will take a little more time.

For example, A cup of tea at 80° Celcius loses heat at a much faster rate to a surrounding at a
temperature of 25°Celcius as compared to a cup of tea which is at 35° Celcius. 

Specific Heat Capacity

Have you ever noticed how the water is icy, yet the sand is heated while you’re at the beach? Why
is there such a variation in temperature when the sun is the same? You must have thought about it!
When we apply heat to a solid or liquid element, its temperature rises. If the same quantity of heat
is applied to two distinct types of materials, the temperature rises in each solid may differ. As a
result, the rise in temperature for different types of solids varies depending on the composition of
the solid. Specific heat capacity is the name for these phenomena.

What is the Heat Capacity?

Heat capacity is a measure of a system’s total internal energy. This comprises the system’s overall
kinetic energy as well as the potential energy of the molecules. It has been demonstrated that a
system’s internal energy may be altered by either giving heat energy to it or doing work on it. The
internal energy of a system is shown to grow as the temperature rises. This rise in internal energy is
affected by temperature differences, the amount of substance present, and so on. 
Mathematically, the heat capacity is given by:
Q = C ΔT
where Q is the amount of heat energy necessary to cause a temperature change of ΔT and C is
the heat capacity of the system under consideration.
The unit of heat capacity is Joule per Kelvin (J/K) or Joule per degree Celsius (J/°C).

Specific Heat Capacity

Specific heat capacity, in general, is a measure of how much energy it takes to change the
temperature of a system. However, it is critical to understand that the energy intake must be
through heating. If work is done on the system, the temperature will rise

Specific Heat of Water

For liquid at room temperature and pressure, the value of specific heat capacity (Cp) is
approximately 4.2 J/g°C. This implies that it takes 4.2 joules of energy to raise 1 gram of water by 1
degree Celsius. This value for Cp is actually quite large. This (1 cal/g.deg) is the specific heat of the
water as a liquid or specific heat capacity of liquid water.
One calorie= 4.184 joules; 1 joule= 1 kg(m)2(s)-2 = 0.239005736 calorie
The specific heat capacity of water vapour at room temperature is also higher than most other
materials. For water vapour at room temperature and pressure, the value of specific heat capacity
(Cp) is approximately 1.9 J/g°C.
As with most liquids, the temperature of water increases as it absorbs heat and decreases as it
releases heat. However, the temperature of liquid waterfalls & rises more slowly than most other
liquids. We can say that water absorbs heat without an immediate rise in temperature. It also
retains its temperature much longer than other substances.
We use this property of water in our body to maintain constant body temperature. If water had a
lower Csp value, then there would a lot of cases of overheating and underheating.

Specific Heat Explanation

We can explain the reason for the high specific heat of water due to the hydrogen bonds. In order to
increase the temperature of the water with the multitude of joined hydrogen bonds, the molecules
have to vibrate. Due to the presence of so many hydrogen bonds, a larger amount of energy is
required to make the water molecules break by vibrating them.
Similarly, for hot water to cool down, it takes a bit of time. As heat is dissipated, temperature
decreases and the vibrational movement of water molecules slow down. The heat that is given off
counteracts the cooling effect of the loss of heat from the liquid water.

Solved Examples on Specific Heat Formula

Example 1
If the specific heat of gold is 129 J/kg⋅k. Then what quantity of heat
energy is required to raise the temperature of 100 g of gold by 50.0 K?

First of all, write down the things given in the question

Mass of the gold = 100 g converting it into kg, we get 0.100 kg.
Specific heat = 129 J/kg⋅k.
Temperature = 50.0 K

Q = mcΔT
Q = (0.100 kg) (129 J/kg⋅k) (50.0 K)
So, the energy required to raise the temperature of 100 g gold is 645 J.
Example 2

Suppose a pot is heated by transferring 1676 KJ of heat energy to the

water. Moreover, if there is 5.000 kg of water in the pot and the
temperature is raised by 80.0 K then find the specific heat of water?


Let’s write down the things given in the question

Mass (m) = 5.00 kg
Temperature (T) = 80.0 K
Specific heat (c) = 1676 KJ

Now we have to convert the specific heat into Joules because it is in


So, the conversion is like this

1 KJ = 1,000 J
So, 1676 KJ = 1,000 × 1676 = 16,76,000 J

Now put all the values in the formula. But, before that, we have to
reorganize the formula to find specific heat.

Q = mcΔT → c = QmΔT
Now putting values in the rearranged formula

C = 1676000(5.00kg)(80.0)
C = 4190 J/kg⋅k
Hence, the specific heat of water is 4190 J/kg⋅k.

Latent heat of water



Consequences of heat transfer

Example: In many hot countries it is common for houses to produce hot water using solar panels

Diagram showing a section through a solar panel

Explain the features of the solar panel that help it heat the water efficiently


 The thermal radiation (infrared) is able to pass through the glass sheet
 The black metal backing sheet absorbs the thermal radiation (sunlight)
 Being metal (an excellent conductor) it then conducts it into the copper pipes
 The copper pipes (also metal) then conduct the heat into the water
 The insulated material reduces the conduction of heat through the back of the panel, decreasing
heat loss
 The glass also traps air which is a good insulator, preventing heat loss due to conduction from
the front of the panel and preventing heat loss by convection (due to the air being trapped)
 Identify and explain some of the everyday applications and consequences of conduction,
convection and radiation.
There are way too many everyday examples and applications to list and explain them all,
so I’ll do what I think are the major examples of heat transfer. You should be able to explain
it using logic and the information that you already know about conduction, convection and

 Heating a room:

A heater warms up the air adjacent to it by conduction. This hot air becomes less dense,
causing it to rise. It is replaced by the cold air in the room, which is then heated by the
heater, and this rises, and so on. This is convection.

 A sunny day:

On a sunny day, if you stand under the light of the sun, you start to feel warm. However, if
you stand in the shade, you feel much cooler, despite the sun still being there. This is
because the sun transfers some of its warmth to Earth by radiation – using IR waves. All
the waves on the electromagnetic spectrum can only travel in straight lines, so you feel
most of the warmth when you stand in the light, and when you’re in the shade, you only feel
the small amount of warmth carried on the IR waves that have been reflected back towards

You might also feel the warmth of objects that are hot due to previously being in the sun.
Either way, the warmth you feel is due to radiation.

Cooling a drink with ice:

When you add ice to a drink, heat energy is transferred to the ice from the drink by
conduction (convection cannot occur in ice because it is solid). The ice slowly melts, and
the cooler water of the melted ice sinks as the warmer water of the drink rises, again losing
heat energy to the ice. This is convection. The drink continues to cool down until the ice is
fully melted.


The cooling unit is usually at the top of the fridge. It cools the air around it, causing it to
become denser. This air sinks, and the slightly warmer air at the bottom of the fridge rises.
This repeats over and over in a continuous process. Convection occurs.

 solar panels:

Radiation and conduction – the black surface absorbs the sun heat due to radiation, and
that heat is transferred to the liquid circulating the solar panel by conduction.

The warm liquid heats up the water by transferring its heat energy to the water by
conduction, and the entire water becomes warm (instead of just the water that the coils
touch becoming warm) because of convection.

 Dewar or vacuum flasks:

 The layer of vacuum (empty space) between the layers of glass in the bulb prevents heat
transfer by conduction and convection to the outside of the flask or heat transfer by
conduction and convection from the outside of the flask to the inside.

The silvered surface of the double glass bulb ensures that most of the radiation is reflected,
reducing heat transfer by radiation too (refer to Unit P6.3 if you want to be reminded of good
and bad absorbers and emitters of radiation). The insulated support means that heat
cannot be conducted easily via the supports either.
Separating the glass wall from the container surface also ensures that heat can’t be
transferred from the glass bulb to the container surface by conduction.

Plastic is a bad conductor, so plastic lids will reduce heat transfer by conduction.

The lid is also tight, making the flask airtight, so air cannot carry heat into or out of the flask
by convection.

Greenhouse walls:

 Greenhouses are made of glass because they allow radiation to pass through it, but the
shiny nature of glass also means that it reflects a lot of radiation.

Glass especially reflects IR radiation quite well, although it does let some through.

The sun’s light and heat enter the greenhouse through the glass, warming up everything
inside. These things then radiate heat by IR waves, which are reflected by the greenhouse
glass. This causes the inside of the greenhouse to stay warm.

The presence of walls also reduces heat loss by convection.

So in effect, the glass minimizes heat loss by minimizing the effect of both radiation and
convection, allowing greenhouses to stay warmer longer, and allowing them to retain some
warmth at night.


Zero energy homes are just like any home—except better. They are regular grid-tied homes
that are so air-tight, well insulated, and energy efficient that they produce as much renewable
energy as they consume over the course of a year, leaving the occupants with a net zero energy
bill, and a carbon-free home.

A zero energy home is not just a “green home” or a home with solar panels. A zero energy home
combines advanced design and superior building systems with energy efficiency and on-site solar
panels to produce a better home. Zero energy homes are ultra-comfortable, healthy, quiet,
sustainable homes that are affordable to live in.
Net zero house in US:


Net zero house in India:


Brilliant zero-energy air conditioner in India is beautiful and functional

Evaporative cooling was also put to work in India in an artistic, energy efficient cooling solution
designed by Ant Studio for a DEKI Electronics factory. Conical terracotta tubes comprise
the installation, and when water is run over them – once or twice a day – evaporation helps lower
the temperature.

Heat links for notes and resources

Heat transfer:













Worksheet is based on the above link on specific heat capacity

Specific heat and latent heat examples and lab






http://spmphysics.onlinetuition.com.my/2014/05/specific-latent-heat-numerical-problems.html (Extension)

Heating and cooling curve simulations


Eco home in Surat


Heat –Zero energy home




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