Dr. Malcolm S. Garma
Regional Director
Dr. Genia V. Santos Ms. Charito A. Villanueva
Directions: Read the following questions below. Write the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on a sheet of paper.
1. The statement, “Students have stories to tell about their big adjustment in the new
normal” can be rephrased and placed under which part of the research study?
A. Topic area
B. Method
C. Objective
D. Proposal
2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of statement of the problem?
A. It obtains the data collection
B. It summarizes related studies
C. It generates research questions
D. It states clear and focused statement
3. Mildred is constructing her Conceptual Framework. What will you
recommend to her to be able to get the correct Conceptual Framework?
A. Check the instruments
B. Prepare research plan
C. Prepare definition of terms
D. Check the statement of the problem
4. During the Title Proposal, a research panel member asked John a question, “To
what extent does your study apply?” What would John discuss in front to answer
the question from the panel member?
A. Background
B. Paradigm
C. Purpose
D. Significance
Picture D Picture E
Talks/Seminars Gray areas in your subject
A research problem is a set of clear and focused questions that are formulated
based from the existing issues in the community that address gaps. Your
research problem gives you the idea about your study. At most, it is the first
part that creates an impact.
The background of the study is a collection of discussion of the researcher’s
interest in his or her research study. The citation of relevant examples is
arranged from general to specific.
A research hypothesis is a group of words or predictive sentences and are
testable by statistics.
The significance of the study is a written statement that explains the importance
of your research work and its impact in the community.
The scope and limitation of a study explains the extent of coverage to be
undertaken by your study.
Before starting any research study, the first two things to consider are identification of
research problems and formulation of research questions. They are important skills in doing a
research study. These two concepts are inseparable because they serve as the foundation of
the entire study. To do this, a researcher must have an in-depth knowledge about problems he
will resolve all through the process of the study. He should have a good sniffing nose on his
surroundings by knowing different pressing issues in the community, issues on social media, gray
areas in the subject matter, evaluation of various programs or seminars, and recommendations
for further studies of a research. Indeed, the problem identification and formulations come in a
very crucial for the researcher. It is the most difficult stage in a research journey because it needs
thorough understanding of a certain topic. The "problem" is stated in a thought provoking
questions and, in effect, gives the reader rationale for why the study is important and why it is
necessary to read.
3. As a high school student, how will you make your study worthy to individuals and
other entities?
1. Identifying problem and asking questions are important skills in writing a research
study. A good research problem:
• States the problems clearly and with a focus. You can give clear problem if you can
identify the gap of the other studies.
• Generates research questions. Your questions should provoke investigation of an
issue not an identification of it.
2. Aside from stating the problem, it is important to include in your research paper the
3. Conceptual Framework. It is a summary of the entire process of action to be
undertaken during the course of the study. In constructing Conceptual Framework,
the researcher’s own strategy is presented by using diagrams. It is also known as the
paradigm of the study. To wind it up, it is the researcher’ s own concept in relating
variables from one another.
4. Scope and Limitations. They contain statements of the extent to which area will be
explored in the work and state within the study.
Task1: Based on the research abstract, formulate 5 possible quantitative and 1 qualitative
statements of the problem.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________
Task 2: Based on the statements research abstract, complete the Conceptual Framework
Directions: Read the following questions below. Write your answer on your paper.
The graph below shows the data on Seminars Attended in Digital Literacy of Grade 12
Learners. Study the data in order to answer the questions below.
1. What is the correct statement of the problem for the data presented?
A. Why do grade 12 learners obtain 4% in Creativity and Communication?
B. What stories do the participants have to tell as regards digital literacy?
C. What is the most selected digital literacy by grade 12 learners?
D. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of seminars in digital
2. Ria is planning to give a short explanation on what her research study will cover and
explain ways on how it will be made better. Which of the following will she prepare?
3. During the title proposal, a research panel member asked John this question, “What
are the parameters of your study?” What would John discuss in front of the panel
A. Background C. Scope
B. Problem D. Significance
4. Mr. Casipit advised his students to check the connectivity of variables in their
Conceptual Framework. What will the students review?
A. Conceptual Framework
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Scope and Limitations
D. Survey Questionnaire
5. Which of the following is NOT correct about the Statement of the Problem?
A. It leads to further research
B. It encourages investigation
C. It answers the gap in knowledge
D. It explains the entire concept of the study
1. Sudhakar, J. (2017). Continuous Learners are the Holistic Educators Springer Science &
Business Media. 1000 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA
2. University of Lowa (2021 Teacher's In-Depth Content Knowledge John University of