GT I9505 Pspec 2
GT I9505 Pspec 2
GT I9505 Pspec 2
F r e q.
B a n d[ M H z ] 8 2 4 ~ 8 49 880~915 1 7 1 0 ~ 1 7 85 1 8 5 0 ~ 1 9 10 1 9 2 2 ~ 1 9 77 880~915 824~849 1 8 5 2 ~ 1 9 07
Uplink/ 8 6 9 ~ 8 94 925~960 1 8 0 5 ~ 1 8 80 1 9 3 0 ~ 1 9 90 2 1 1 2 ~ 2 1 67 925~960 869~894 1 9 3 2 ~ 1 9 87
D o wn l i n k
U L: U L: U L: U L:
A R FC N 0 ~ 1 24 & 9 6 1 2 ~ 9 8 88 2 7 1 2 ~ 2 8 63 4 1 3 2 ~ 4 2 33 9 6 1 2 ~ 9 8 88
1 2 8 ~ 2 51 512~885 512~810
range 9 7 5 ~ 1 0 23 D L: D L: D L: D L:
10 5 6 2 ~ 1 0 83 8 2 9 3 7 ~ 3 0 88 4 3 5 7 ~ 4 4 58 10 5 6 2 ~ 1 0 83 8
T x /R x
4 5 MH z 4 5 MH z 9 5 MH z 8 0 MH z 1 9 0 MH z 4 5 MH z 4 5 MH z 8 0 MH z
Mod. Bit
2 7 0. 8 3 3 k b ps 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s
rate/ 3 .8 4 M c p s 3 .8 4 M c p s 3 .8 4 M c p s 3 .8 M c p s
3 . 6 9 2u s 3 . 6 9 2u s 3 . 6 9 2u s 3 . 6 9 2u s
B i t P e r i od
Time Slot F r a me L e n g th : F r a me L e n g th : F r a me L e n g th : F r a me L e n g th :
P er i o d / 5 7 6 . 9u s 5 7 6 . 9u s 5 7 6 . 9u s 5 7 6 . 9u s 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms
F ra m e 4 . 6 1 5m s 4 . 6 1 5m s 4 . 6 1 5m s 4 . 6 1 5m s S l ot l e n g t h: S l ot l e n g t h: S l ot l e n g t h: S l ot l e n g t h:
Period 0 . 6 6 7m s 0 . 6 6 7m s 0 . 6 6 7m s 0 . 6 6 7m s
P owe r C l a s s 5 p c l ~ 1 9 pc l 5pcl ~ 19pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl 3(max+24dBm) 3(max+24dBm) 3(max+24dBm) 3(max+24dBm)
Sensitivity -1 0 2 d B m -1 0 2 d B m -1 0 0 d B m -1 0 0 d B m - 10 6 . 7 d B m - 10 6 . 7 d B m - 10 6 . 7 d B m - 10 6 . 7 d B m
TDMA Mux 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
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LTE Ban d1 LTE Ba nd3 LTE Ba nd5 LTE Ba nd7 LTE Ba nd8 LTE Ban d20
Fr eq .
B an d[ M Hz] 19 20~ 198 0 1 710 ~178 5 824 ~849 2 500 ~257 0 8 80~ 914 .9 832 ~862
U p li nk/ 21 10~ 217 0 1 805 ~188 0 869 ~894 1 805 ~188 0 9 25~ 959 .9 791 ~821
Dow nli nk
ARFCN 180 00~ 185 99 19 200 ~199 50 20 400 ~206 49 2 500 ~257 0 21 450 - 217 99 24 150 ~244 50
r a nge DL: DL: DL: DL: DL: DL:
0~5 99 1 805 ~188 0 2 620 ~269 0 3 450 - 379 9 6150 ~645 0
2 400 ~264 9
sp acing 19 0M Hz 95 MHz 45 MHz 12 0M Hz 45M HZ - 41M Hz
M od ul ati o n QPS K , 16 /64QAM QPS K , 16 /64QAM QPS K , 16 /64QAM QPS K , 16 /64QAM Q PS K , 16 /64QAM QPS K , 16 /64QAM
MS Pow er
( M PR ) -3 5~ 25 . 7 dB m -35~25. 7 d Bm -3 5~2 5. 7 d Bm -35~25. 7 d Bm -3 5~2 5. 7 d Bm -35~25. 7 d Bm
S ens i t i v i t
( QPS K ) -9 4 dB m - 92 dB m -9 2 d Bm - 95 dB m - 95 dB m - 94 dB m
( B W 1 0M Hz)
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3. Operation Instruction and Installation
Main Function
Phone (Dialer)
Samsung Apps
Mini diary
Music Player
My files
Video player
Voice recorder
Picture frame
Buddies now
Dual clock
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9. Reference Abbreviate
Reference Abbreviate
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1. Safety Precautions
Before attempting any repair or detailed tuning, shield the device from RF noise or static
electricity discharges.
Use only demagnetized tools that are specifically designed for small electronic repairs,
as most electronic parts are sensitive to electromagnetic forces.
Use only high quality screwdrivers when servicing products. Low quality screwdrivers can
easily damage the heads of screws.
Use only conductor wire of the properly gauge and insulation for low resistance, because of
the low margin of error of most testing equipment.
We recommend 22-gauge twisted copper wire.
Hand-soldering is not recommended, because printed circuit boards (PCBs) can be easily
damaged, even with relatively low heat. Never use a soldering iron with a power rating of
more than 100 watts and use only lead-free solder with a melting point below 250°C (482°F).
Prior to disassembling the battery charger for repair, ensure that the AC power is disconnected.
Always use the replacement parts that are registered in the SEC system. Third-party replac
ement parts may not function properly.
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Safety Precautions
Many semiconductors and ESDs in electronic devices are particularly sensitive to static discha
rge and can be easily damaged by it. We recommend protecting these components with cond
uctive anti-static bags when you store or transport them.
Always use an anti-static strap or wristband and remove electrostatic buildup or dissipate
static electricity from your body before repairing ESDs.
Ensure that soldering irons have AC adapter with ground wires and that the ground wires are
properly connected.
Use only desoldering tools with plastic tips to prevent static discharge.
Properly shield the work environment from accidental electrostatic discharge before opening
packages containing ESDs.
The potential for static electricity discharge may be increased in low humidity environments,
such as air-conditioned rooms. Increase the airflow to the working area to decrease the
chance of accidental static electricity discharges.
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6. Level 1 Repair
6-1. S/W Download
- Diagram of connection
Data Cable
3) Boot the mobile phone by pressing home key + PWR key + Voice down key at the same
time, If you do properly, you can see the some message on the main LCD, such as the
following so to say.
FIxx 11:05:08
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Level 1 Repair
5) Press "PIT" button described in below picture to open the phone software.
Then select "ARUBA_DUOS_XXX.pit"from the file directory.
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Level 1 Repair
6) Press "Bootloader" button described in below picture to open the phone software
and select "BOOTLOADER_I739KEALJ3_XXX.md5"from the file directory.
7) Press "PDA" button described in below picture to open the phone software
and select "CODE_I739KEALJ3_XXX.md5"from the file directory.
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Level 1 Repair
8) Press "PHONE" button described in below picture to open the phone software
and select "MODEM_I739KEALJ3_XXX.md5"from the file directory.
9) Press "CSC" button described in below picture to open the phone software
and select "csc_I739KEALJ3_XXX.md5"from the file directory.
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Level 1 Repair
11) Well done. It's time to enjoy a break while waiting for the downloading.
After finishing the phone binary download, the Odin3 will show Pass, then download is
If you need rebuild again, you can rebuild using “home key + Power on + voice
down” after finished downloading.
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Level 1 Repair
6-2. Calibration
6-2-1. Pre-requsite for calibration
- Diagram of connection
Power Supply
Power Serial
Supply Cable
GPIB Cable
Cable PC
IF Cable
HP8960 or Cable Mobile
CMU200 Phone
- Service Parts
Anyway Jig Adaptor IF Cable RF Cable
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Level 1 Repair
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Level 1 Repair
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Level 1 Repair
S/W Option
Option No. Option Name Option Description
GSM/ CMU-K21* GSM900-MS Signaling SW for GSM 900 Band
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Level 1 Repair
1) Download the the latest calibration program from anysvc, and unpack the .zip file in
the same folder.
2) Check solution and the relay control switch setting of anyway jig.
- Solution switch : 4
No Solution
4 NXP Swift, Broadcom
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Level 1 Repair
4) Setting the Config Test
① Select a final calibration program version.
② Select "PBA SKIP"
③ Select "End Mode", enter the channel "2XXXX". (eg. 20283)
④ Click the button, 'OK'.
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Level 1 Repair
5) ① Write the "PCB Version" and "ROM Version ",and click "VERSION SET" button.
② After ① ,you click "Auto/Manual" button when the button changed to be available.
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Level 1 Repair
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Level 1 Repair
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