Cisco Unified Communications Manager TCP and UDP Port Usage
Cisco Unified Communications Manager TCP and UDP Port Usage
Cisco Unified Communications Manager TCP and UDP Port Usage
See “Port Descriptions” for port details in each of the above categories.
Note Cisco has not verified all possible configuration scenarios for these ports. If you are having configuration
problems using this list, contact Cisco technical support for assistance.
Port references apply specifically to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Some ports change from one
release to another, and future releases may introduce new ports. Therefore, make sure that you are using the
correct version of this document for the version of Cisco Unified Communications Manager that is installed.
While virtually all protocols are bidirectional, directionality from the session originator perspective is presumed.
In some cases, the administrator can manually change the default port numbers, though Cisco does not
recommend this as a best practice. Be aware that Cisco Unified Communications Manager opens several ports
strictly for internal use.
Installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager software automatically installs the following network
services for serviceability and activates them by default. Refer to “Intracluster Ports Between Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Servers” for details:
• Cisco Log Partition Monitoring (To monitor and purge the common partition. This uses no custom
common port.)
• Cisco Trace Collection Service (TCTS port usage)
• Cisco RIS Data Collector (RIS server port usage)
• Cisco AMC Service (AMC port usage)
Configuration of firewalls, ACLs, or QoS will vary depending on topology, placement of telephony devices
and services relative to the placement of network security devices, and which applications and telephony
extensions are in use. Also, bear in mind that ACLs vary in format with different devices and versions.
Note You can also configure Multicast Music on Hold (MOH) ports in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Port values for multicast MOH are not provided because the administrator specifies the actual port values.
Note The ephemeral port range for the system is 32768 to 61000, and the ports needs to be open to keep the phones
registered. For more information, see
Note Make sure that you configure your firewall so that connections to port 22 are open, and are not throttled.
During the installation of IM and Presence subscriber nodes, multiple connections to the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager publisher node are opened in quick succession. Throttling these connections could
lead to a failed installation.
Port Descriptions
Intracluster Ports Between Cisco Unified Communications Manager Servers
Table 1: Intracluster Ports Between Cisco Unified Communications Manager Servers
Unified Communications Unified Communications 443 / TCP This port is used for
Manager Manager communication between
the subscriber and
publisher during COP file
installation in the
subscriber node.
Unified Communications RTMT 1090, 1099 / TCP Cisco AMC Service for
Manager RTMT performance
monitors, data collection,
logging, and alerting
Unified Communications Unified Communications 1510 / TCP CAR IDS DB. CAR IDS
Manager (DB) Manager (DB) engine listens on waiting
for connection requests
from the clients.
Standard CCM Admin Unified Communications 5005 / TCP This port is used by SOAP
Users / Admin Manager CDROnDemand2 services
Unified Communications Unified Communications 7000, 7001, 7002 / TCP This port is used for
Manager (Tomcat) Manager (TCTS) communication between
Cisco Trace Collection
Tool Service and Cisco
Trace Collection servlet.
Unified Communications Unified Communications 8500 / TCP and UDP Intracluster replication of
Manager (IPSec) Manager (IPSec) system data by IPSec
Cluster Manager
Unified Communications Unified Communications 8888 - 8889 / TCP RIS Service Manager
Manager (RIS) Manager (RIS) status request and reply
Endpoint or Gateway Unified Communications 69, 6969, then Ephemeral Trivial File Transfer
Manager / UDP Protocol (TFTP) service
to phones and gateways
CUCM Server SNMP SNMP trap destination 162 / UDP SNMP traps
Primary Agent application
Unified Communications DHCP Server 546 / UDP DHCPv6. DHCP port for
Manager IPv6.
Endpoint Unified Communications 443, 8443 / TCP Used for Cisco User Data
Manager Services (UDS) requests
Unified Communications Unified Communications 5060, 5061 / TCP Provide trunk-based SIP
Manager Manager services
Unified Communications External Directory 389, 636, 3268, 3269 / Lightweight Directory
Manager TCP Access Protocol (LDAP)
query to external directory
External Directory Unified Communications Ephemeral (Active Directory,
Manager Netscape Directory)
Phone Unified Communications 69, then Ephemeral / UDP Trivial File Transfer
Manager (TFTP) Protocol (TFTP) used to
download firmware and
configuration files
Phone Unified Communications 5060 / TCP and UDP Session Initiation Protocol
Manager (SIP) phone
Phone Unified Communications 9443 / TCP Phone use this port for
Manager authenticated contact
Gateway Unified Communications 69, then Ephemeral / UDP Trivial File Transfer
Manager (TFTP) Protocol (TFTP)
Gateway Unified Communications 5060 / TCP and UDP Session Initiation Protocol
Manager (SIP) gateway and
Intercluster Trunk (ICT)
Unified Communications Gateway
Unified Communications Unified Communications 1101 / TCP RMI server sends RMI
Manager Attendant Manager callback messages to
Console clients on these ports.
Unified Communications IOS Router running SAF 5050 / TCP Multi-Service IOS Router
Manager with SAF/CCD image running EIGRP/SAF
Cisco Unified Unified Communications 8443 / TCP AXL / SOAP API for
Communications App Manager programmatic reads from
or writes to the Cisco
Unified Communications
Manager database that
third parties such as
billing or telephony
management applications
CTL Client TLS Proxy Server 2444 / TCP Certificate Trust List
(CTL) provider listening
service in an ASA firewall
Table 10: Communication Between Cisco Smart Licensing Service and Cisco Smart Software Manager
Unified Communications Cisco Smart Software 443 / HTTPS Smart Licensing Service
Manager (Cisco Smart Manager (CSSM) sends the license usage to
Licensing Service) CSSM to check whether
Unified CM is a
complaint or not.
Port References
Firewall Application Inspection Guides
ASA Series reference information
PIX Application Inspection Configuration Guides
FWSM 3.1 Application Inspection Configuration Guide