Noise Control Engineering
Noise Control Engineering
Noise Control Engineering
Much industrial noise can be controlled through simple solutions. It is important, however, that
all individuals administering abatement projects have a good understanding of the principles of
noise control and proper use of acoustical materials. Industrial hygienists, safety professionals,
facility engineers, and others can make significant progress in reducing equipment noise levels
and worker noise exposures by combining their knowledge of acoustics with an understanding of
the manufacturing equipment and/or processes.
Reducing excessive equipment noise can be accomplished by treating the source, the sound
transmission path, the receiver, or any combination of these options. Descriptions of these
control measures follow.
The hierarchy of controls for noise can be summarized as: 1) prevent or contain the escape of the
hazardous workplace agent at its source (engineering controls), 2) control exposure by changing
work schedules to reduce the amount of time any one worker spends in the hazard area
(administrative controls), and 3) control the exposure with barriers between the worker and the
hazard (personal protective equipment). This hierarchy highlights the principle that the best
prevention strategy is to eliminate exposure to hazards that can lead to hearing loss.
The best long-term solution to noise control is to treat the root cause of the noise problem. For
source treatment to be effective, however, a comprehensive noise-control survey usually needs to
be conducted to clearly identify the source and determine its relative contribution to the area
noise level and worker noise exposure. At least four methods exist for treating the source:
modification, retrofit, substitution, and relocation.
a) Modification
For the most part, industrial noise is caused by mechanical impacts, high-velocity fluid flow,
high-velocity air flow, vibrating surface areas of a machine, and vibrations of the product being
i. Mechanical Impacts
To reduce noise caused by mechanical impacts, the modifications outlined below should be
considered. For any of these options to be practical, however, they must not adversely affect
Reduce excessive driving forces.
Reduce or optimize speed.
Minimize distance between impacting parts.
Dynamically balance rotating equipment.
Maintain equipment in good working order.
Use vibration isolation when applicable.
i. Vibration Damping
Vibration damping materials are an effective retrofit for controlling resonant tones radiated by
vibrating metal panels or surface areas. In addition, this application can minimize the transfer of
high-frequency sound energy through a panel. The two basic damping applications are free-layer
and constrained layer damping. Free-layer damping, also known as extensional damping,
consists of attaching an energy-dissipating material on one or both sides of a relatively thin metal
panel. As a guide, free-layer damping works best on panels less than ¼-inch thick. For thicker
machine casings or structures, the best application is constrained-layer damping, which consists
of damping material bonded to the metal surface covered by an outer metal constraining layer,
forming a laminated construction. Each application can provide up to 30 dB of noise reduction.
It is important to note that the noise reduction capabilities of the damping application are
essentially equal, regardless of which side it is applied to on a panel or structure. Also, for
practical purposes, it is not necessary to cover 100% of a panel to achieve a significant noise
reduction. For constrained-layer damping, the damping material again should be the same
thickness as the panel; however, the outer metal constraining layer may be half the thickness of
the base layer.
Some common applications for vibration damping include:
Hopper bins and product chutes
Resin pellet transfer lines (provided they are metal pipe)
Thin metal machine casings or panels that radiate resonant tones
Metal panels being impacted by production parts (e.g., drop bins)
Metal enclosure walls
Fan and blower housings
Gear box casings (constrained-layer damping required for thick substrates)
iii. Silencers
Silencers are devices inserted in the path of a flowing medium, such as a pipeline or duct, to
reduce the downstream sound level. For industrial applications, the medium typically is air.
There are basically four types of silencers: dissipative (absorptive), reactive (reflective),
combination of dissipative and reactive, and pneumatic or compressed air devices. This section
will address the absorptive and reflective type; a separate section will discuss the pneumatic or
compressed air silencers. The type of silencer required will depend on the spectral content of the
noise source and operational conditions of the source itself.
Dissipative silencers use sound-absorbing materials to surround or encompass the primary air
flow passage. These silencers' principal method of sound attenuation is by absorption. The
advantages and disadvantages of dissipative silencers include:
Very good medium-frequency (500-2,000 Hz) to high-frequency (>2,000 Hz) attenuation.
Low-to-medium pressure loss.
They are a standard design.
Poor low-frequency (<500 Hz) attenuation.
Very sensitive to moisture and particulates in the air stream.
They can be a difficult retrofit.
Reactive silencers use sound reflections and large impedance changes (area variations) to reduce
noise in the airflow. The principal method of attenuation is through sound reflection, which
cancels and interferes with the oncoming sound waves. The advantages and disadvantages of
reactive silencers include:
Good low-frequency attenuation.
Can be designed to minimize pure tones.
Can be used in high-temperature and corrosive environments.
Usually there is a high cost when fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials.
Sensitive to particulate and moisture contamination.
Relatively narrow range of attenuation.
High-to-medium pressure loss.
They can be a difficult retrofit.
They can be expensive because they are typically a custom design.
The combination dissipative and reactive silencer is essentially a reactive silencer with sound
absorption added to provide high-frequency attenuation capabilities. The advantages and
disadvantages are similar to those listed for each type.
Assuming that all available options for controlling noise at the source have been exhausted, the
next step in the noise-control hierarchy is to determine ways to treat the sound transmission path.
Typical path treatments include adding sound-absorption materials to the room or equipment
surfaces, installing sound transmission loss materials between the source and receiver(s), using
acoustical enclosures or barriers, or any combination of these treatments. A description of each
treatment option follows.
c) Acoustical Enclosures
The acoustical enclosure is probably the most common path of treatment. Quite often enclosures
are used to address multiple noise sources all at once or when there are no feasible control
measures for the source. However, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages
associated with solid enclosures (no acoustical leaks) that must be considered by the user.
Can provide 20 to 40 dB of noise reduction.
Can be installed in a relatively short time frame.
Can be purchased and installed at a reasonable cost.
Provides significant noise reduction across a wide range of frequencies.
Worker visual and physical access to equipment is restricted.
Repeated disassembly and reassembly of the enclosure often results in the creation of
significant sound-flanking paths via small gaps and openings along the panel joints.
Heat buildup inside the enclosure can be problematic.
Internal lighting and fire suppression may need to be incorporated into the design.
The long-term potential for internal surface contamination from oil mist or other airborne
particulates is high.
The panels become damaged or the internal absorption material simply deteriorates over
Enclosures require periodic maintenance, such as replacement of seals and gasket
material, to keep the acoustical integrity at a high attenuation value.
d) Acoustical Barriers
An acoustical barrier is a partial partition inserted between the noise source and receiver, which
helps block or shield the receiver from the direct sound transmission path. For a partial barrier to
be effective, it is critical that the receiver be in the direct field, not the reverberant field. Should
the worker's location be primarily in the reverberant field, then the benefit of the barrier will be
negligible. The noise reduction provided by a barrier is a direct function of its relative location to
the source and receiver, its effective dimensions, and the frequency spectrum of the noise source.
The practical limits of barrier attenuation will range from 15 to 20 dB. For additional details on
calculating barrier insertion loss or attenuation, the user should review some of the references,
particularly The Noise Manual (AIHA, 2003; or latest edition). Recommendations for acoustical
barrier design and location to maximize noise reduction capabilities include:
The barrier should be located as close as practical to either or both the source and
The width of the barrier on either side of the noise source should be at least twice its
height (the wider the better).
The height should be as tall as practical.
The sound transmission loss of the panel should be at least 10 dB greater than the
estimated noise reduction of the barrier.
The barrier should be solid and not contain any gaps or openings.
The worker(s) being protected by the barrier should work primarily in the direct sound
The final control option involves reducing noise at the receiver. When practical, personnel
shelters deemed can be installed or the receiver can be relocated to a relatively quiet area. It
is important to keep in mind that worker noise exposure is a function of both the magnitude
of noise and duration of exposure. Therefore, receiver treatment works best in areas with
high noise for those job activities that are fairly stationary or confined to a relatively small
area, and where significant time is spent throughout the workday.
a) Worker Enclosures
Enclosures, or personnel shelters, can provide a cost-effective means for lowering worker noise
exposure instead of lowering equipment noise levels. Control booths or rooms are commercially
available from a number of manufacturers. As a minimum requirement, all control rooms should
maintain an interior sound level lower than 80 dBA, which will minimize worker noise exposure.
Should there be a need to communicate with workers inside a control room, however, then a
better design criterion would be to limit sound levels to 60 dBA or less.
b) Reclocation
Finally, if it is not essential for the worker to spend significant time in the immediate vicinity of
noisy equipment, then another option for reducing noise exposure would be to relocate the
worker to a quieter area, when practical. Quite often, equipment operators will spend most of
their time up close to the production or process equipment, when in fact; they could stand back 5
to 7 feet, where the sound level might be a few decibels less. For relocation to work, however, it
is critical that the worker still be able to perform the same job function.
4.2.2 Administrative Controls
Administrative controls, defined as "management involvement, training of workers, and changes
in the work schedule or operations that reduce noise exposure," may also effectively reduce noise
exposure for workers. Examples include operating a noisy machine on the second or third shift
when fewer people are exposed, or shifting a worker to a less noisy job once a hazardous daily
noise dose has been reached.
Generally, administrative controls have limited use in industry because workers are rarely
permitted to shift from one job to another. Be aware that if noise levels are high enough, rotation
could increase the chances of hearing loss in more workers.
Redesigning workers' work schedules to reduce the amount of time that any one worker is
located in the hazard area. To increase the effectiveness of this control, employers can also
ensure that noise exposure is kept to a minimum in nonproduction areas frequented by workers.
Select quiet areas to use as lunch rooms and work break rooms.
Hearing protection devices (HPDs) are considered the last option for controlling noise exposures.
HPDs are generally used during the time it takes to implement engineering or administrative
controls, or when such controls are not feasible. Unless great care is taken in establishing a
hearing conservation program, workers will often receive very little benefit from HPDs. The best
hearing protector, when fitted correctly, is one that is accepted by the worker and worn properly.
If the worker exposure is above 85 dB(A)(8-hour TWA), hearing protection must be made
available, along with the other requirements in the hearing protection program.
a) Earplugs
Earplugs come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials and can be reusable and/or disposable.
(Figure 4.1). Earplugs are designed to occlude the ear canal when worn. All hearing protectors
are provided with an NRR. Although earplugs can offer protection against the harmful effects of
impulse noise, and some earplugs are designed specifically to reduce this type of noise, the NRR
is based on the attenuation of continuous noise and may not be an accurate indicator of the
protection attainable against impulse noise. Earplugs are better suited for warm and/or humid
environments, such as foundries, smelters, glass works, and outside construction in the summer.
b) Earmuffs
Earmuffs are another type of hearing protector (Figure 4.1). They come in a variety of sizes,
shapes, and materials and are relatively easy to dispense, as they are one-size devices designed to
fit nearly all adult users. Earmuffs are designed to cover the external ear and thus reduce the
amount of sound reaching the inner ear. Care must be taken to ensure that the seal of the earmuff
is not broken by safety glasses, facial hair, respirators, or other equipment, as even a very small
leak in the seal can destroy the effectiveness of the earmuff.
c) Hearing bands
Hearing bands are a third type of HPD (Figure 4.1) and are similar to earplugs, but with a stiff
band that connects the portions that insert into a worker's ears. The band typically wraps around
the back of the wearer's neck, though variations are available. Hearing bands come in a variety of
sizes, shapes, and materials and are popular for their convenience. Hearing bands may not
provide the same noise attenuation as properly fitting earplugs, as the portions that fit into the
ears are stationary and cannot be twisted into place like earplugs.
Figure: 4.1