A Protocol-Channel-based Indoor Positioning Performance Study For Bluetooth Low Energy

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Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

A Protocol-Channel-based Indoor Positioning

Performance Study for Bluetooth Low Energy
Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnologías Cibernéticas, IUCTC, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35017 Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria SPAIN

Corresponding author: Gabriel de Blasio (e-mail: gabriel.deblasio@ulpgc.es).

“This material is based in part upon work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the
European Regional Development Fund under project TEC2014-54110-R. Funds to cover the costs of publishing in open access come
from this grant.“

ABSTRACT Bluetooth Low Energy technology coupled with fingerprinting provides a simple way to
position users with high accuracy in indoor environments. In this paper, we study the effect of BLE protocols
and channels on indoor positioning using different distance and similarity measures in a controlled
environment. With the aim of reproducing a real positioning system situation, we also study the effect of the
user’s orientation in the positioning phase and, consequently, provide accuracy and precision results for each
orientation. In a 168 m2 testbed, 12 beacons configured to broadcast with the Eddystone and iBeacon
protocols were deployed and 40 distance/similarity measures were considered. According to our results, in a
specific orientation there is a group of distance metrics coupled with a protocol-channel combination that
produces similar accuracy results. Therefore, choosing the right distance metric in that specific orientation is
not as critical as choosing the right protocol and, especially, the right channel. There is a trend whereby the
protocol-channel combination that provides the best accuracy is almost unique for each orientation.
Depending on the orientation, the accuracies obtained for the abovementioned group of distances are within
the range of 1.1 m – 1.5 m and the precisions are 90% within the range of 1.5 m – 2.5 m.

INDEX TERMS Bluetooth low energy, indoor positioning, fingerprinting, distance and similarity measure,
protocol, channel.

I. INTRODUCTION limited; the beacon’s range, therefore, is also limited, causing

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is nowadays a widely used the signal to be susceptible to path loss [2]. As in other radio-
technology in ubiquitous computing and in many Internet of frequency technologies, BLE RSS readings suffer from large
things (IoT) applications; so much so that, only twelve years fluctuations and degradation due to many factors, such as
later after it was first introduced, the Bluetooth Special dynamic environments, multipath fading, etc., that make BLE
Interest Group (BSIG) recently launched the Bluetooth 5 IP a challenge [3].
protocol, which offers 4x range, 2x speed and 8x There are some BLE beacon standards or protocols that
broadcasting message capacity. depend on how advertising packets work, e.g. Radius
BLE technology in combination with fingerprinting is an Networks’ AltBeacon, Google’s Eddystone or Apple’s
option that offers many advantages for indoor positioning iBeacon. A BLE beacon can exchange data with other devices
(IP): BLE is supported by mobile devices; the transmitters in two modes: advertising mode, that is, sending message
(or beacons) are portable, battery-powered, small, packets regularly to other listening devices, and connection
lightweight, easily deployable, and have low-energy mode, that is, transferring data in a one-to-one connection. In
consumption; and received signal strength (RSS) readings are advertising mode, messages hop between a fixed sequence of
relatively easy to collect, producing results with high accuracy three narrow channels (37, 38, and 39), each of which has
and precision [1]. different RSS values, to gain redundancy in order to reduce
Nevertheless, in order to reduce energy consumption, in interference with other wireless technologies. Mobile devices
BLE technology the beacon’s transmission power (Tx) is do not distinguish between these three BLE channels;

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10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

combining their RSS values and obtaining an aggregate signal of samples in both the calibration and positioning
may lead to reduced positioning accuracy [4]. phases.
In the fingerprinting method, a position is characterized by There are similar studies that analyze distance and similarity
the signal pattern detected from each transmitter (BLE beacon measures for Wi-Fi fingerprinting [9], [10] but, as far as we
in our case). In order to estimate the position of a user in the know, there is only one similar study of BLE technology that
calibration (or offline) phase, it is necessary to construct a explores protocol-channel combinations and the effect of the
reference fingerprint database for a set of points of known user’s orientation in the positioning phase [11].
positions. In that database, each reference element, or This paper is organized into six sections. The following
fingerprint, consists of the coordinates of the reference points, section reviews related works. In Section III we will describe
the received signal strength (RSS) of each beacon, the the materials and methods used in the experiments. The
orientation in which these RSS readings have been taken, etc. experiments are described in Section IV and their results are
It is well known that the human body absorbs part of the signal described and analyzed in Section V. Finally, the conclusions
and this effect can be mitigated in the calibration phase by and future lines of work are presented in Section VI.
calculating average RSS values per orientation [5], [6], [7], as
has been done in this work.In the positioning (or online) phase, II. RELATED WORK
users in an unknown position obtain the RSS values for In relation to the general works on indoor positioning based
different beacons (target fingerprints) and compare these RSS on BLE, and within the specific category of works based on
values with those stored in the reference database. By means the fingerprinting method, we may mention that Zhu et al. [12]
of an algorithm, such as nearest neighbor (NN), k-nearest proposed a complete positioning method and a series of
neighbor (KNN) or weighted k-nearest neighbor (WKNN), optimizations to improve positioning accuracy. Xiao et al.
users ultimately obtain the coordinates of their position [5], [13] proposed a novel denoising autoencoder-based BLE
[8]. indoor localization method to provide high-performance 3D
For deterministic algorithms, the position of the user may positioning in large indoor spaces. They conclude that their
be determined using distance/similarity metrics. The process method performs the best in 2D positioning. Faragher et al.
starts comparing the fingerprints stored in the calibration [14] explored the use of BLE beacons for fingerprint
phase with the measurements taken in the positioning phase: positioning and demonstrated an improvement over Wi-Fi
the user is located at the coordinates for which the reference positioning. Fard et al. [15] provided a more accurate, cost-
fingerprint is at the minimum distance in the signal space of efficient approach to the indoor positioning of mobile devices
the target fingerprint. Choosing an appropriate distance or using the iBeacon protocol, concluding that more training data
similarity measure in IP is also essential, as it may affect data do not always yield higher accuracy. Čabarkapa et al. [16]
analysis and the interpretation of results. presented a comparative analysis of different BLE indoor
Therefore, it would be interesting to study the impact on positioning solutions. Wen et al. [17] stated that compiling a
BLE indoor positioning of the protocols, channels, distances remeasurement RSS database involves a high cost, which is
and user’s orientation in the positioning phase. impractical in dynamically changing environments,
In this paper, we present an in-depth study of the particularly in highly crowded areas, proposing a dynamic
performance of BLE protocols and channels in IP—depending estimation resampling method for certain locations chosen
on user orientation in the positioning phase—using different from a set of remeasurement fingerprinting databases.
distance and similarity measures. Contreras et al. [18] evaluated the viability of BLE for indoor
The main contributions of this work are the following: positioning scenarios and developed a framework to analyze,
 We provide an in-depth study of BLE protocols and understand and help migrate previous local position systems,
advertising channel performance, taking into account based on technologies other than BLE. Lu et al. [19] adjusted
user orientation in the positioning phase and considering iBeacon Tx to increase signal differences in indoor
different distance and similarity measures. environments, reducing RSSI similarity for some reference
 For both the calibration and positioning phases, new points; radio frequency signals were filtered using a modified
databases are generated, filtering the raw RSS databases moving average filter to reduce signal variations after
using maximum, mean and median RSS values, and a reception and pattern matching and the KNN algorithm had
posterior analysis is made on which is the best been integrated to facilitate positioning. Castillo-Cara et al.
comparison between these new databases. [20] identified the fact that the use of KNN and support vector
 To simulate a real situation of a positioning system, data machine algorithms may prove effective in developing an
collection was carried out in the positioning phase, and indoor location fingerprinting mechanism; they proposed as
only 4 s of samples were taken with users facing in a key parameters the Tx level and the number and placement of
specific direction. BLE4.0 beacons, and the number of neighbors in the
 We provide accuracy and precision results depending on performance of the KNN algorithm. He et al. [21] investigated
the user’s orientation in the positioning phase, BLE the problem of beacon deployment for unambiguous user
protocols, channels, number of neighbors, and number positioning; they theoretically proved a series of performance

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

bounds on the number of required beacons, and formulated a were used. The laptop was placed on a table with wheels and
novel integer linear program that jointly determines the at a height similar to that of a standing user carrying a mobile
beacon positions along with their power levels and broadcast device. The BLE dongle was inserted into a USB port on the
intervals. right side of the laptop: if the laptop were oriented along a
Faragher et al. [1] were among the first to conduct North-South line (screen facing North), the longitudinal axis
experimental tests of fine-grained BLE positioning and a of the dongle would be oriented along an East-West line (see
detailed study into the key parameters for accurate indoor Fig. 1). Both in the calibration phase and in the testing phase,
positioning using the BLE radio signals; the Euclidean the laptop screen remained always up and in the presence of a
distance metric was used to generate a score for each cell in person who oversaw the data collection, and who also partly
the grid, and then that score was weighted using a Gaussian blocked the signal arriving at the dongle. The software
kernel to generate a probability for that cell. Kajioka et al. [22] employed were ble-sniffer win-1.0.1-1111 and Wireshark
demonstrated the viability of positioning through the received 1.10.14. Both in calibration and positioning phase, the same
signal strength of BLE beacons using fingerprinting and laptop, dongle and software were used.
squared Euclidean distance for template matching, reaching a WKNN, which is an improvement on the classic NN and
precision of 0.96 m 96.6% of the time. Peng et al. [23] KNN algorithms, is employed in this paper to compare the
proposed an iterative WKNN IP method based on BLE RSSI; fingerprints of both phases. Reference points obtained in the
with respect to other indoor positioning methods such as KNN calibration phase, which are close to test points obtained in
or WKNN, the proposed method improves mean positioning. the positioning phase, should have a higher weight than
There are also works that make use of the diversity of BLE reference points that are far away. The estimated coordinates
channels. Zhuang et al. [24] used an algorithm combining a (𝑥𝑒 , 𝑦𝑒 ) of the test points are calculated using the formula:
polynomial regression model, fingerprinting with BLE
𝑘 𝑘
channel separation, outlier detection, and Kalman filtering; the
Euclidean distance-based WKNN algorithm was used. Ishida (𝑥𝑒 , 𝑦𝑒 ) = ∑(𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑖 ) ∙ 𝑤𝑖 / ∑ 𝑤𝑖 , 𝑤𝑖 = 1/𝑑𝑖 (1)
et al. [25] proposed a BLE separate channel fingerprinting 𝑖=1 𝑖=1
system and developed a separate channel advertising scheme,
which enables standards-compliant BLE devices to recognize where (𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑖 ) are the coordinates of the k reference points
advertising channels; using the separate advertising scheme and 𝑤𝑖 are the weights for each distance 𝑑𝑖 .
demonstrated that separate channel fingerprinting improves
localization accuracy by approximately 12 %. Powar et al. [4]
showed that the different RSS behavior of the three BLE
advertising channels has a significant effect on the aggregate
signal used by mobile devices, as well as significant
implications for positioning; their data analysis shows that a
single channel signal is highly preferable to an aggregate
signal and that constructing three signal fingerprints results in
a greatly improved positioning scheme. Cantón-Paterna et al.
[3] proposed and implemented a real IP System based on BLE
that improves accuracy while reducing power consumption;
channel diversity mitigated the effect of fast fading and the
effect of interference during RSSI measurements. De Blasio et
al. [11] provided an analysis of BLE channel-separate FIGURE 1. Orientation configuration of laptop and BLE dongle.

fingerprinting using different distance and similarity In this work, we used 38 different distances and similarity
measures. metrics, grouped in different families, to address their effect
In relation to works on studies of distance and similarity on fingerprinting [26], [27]. We selected the following:
metrics, we may mention Deza et al. [26] and Cha [27] as - Minkowski Family 𝐿𝑝 : Euclidean, Manhattan, Minkowski
general works, and Prasath et al. [28] as a study of the effect 𝐿3 , Chebyshev.
of distance and similarity metrics on the performance of k- - 𝐿1 Family: Sørensen, Canberra, Lorentzian.
nearest neighbor classifiers and their possible implications in - Intersection Family: Wave-Hedges, Motyka, Tanimoto.
indoor positioning. - Inner Product Family: Inner Product, Cosine, Jaccard,
III. MATERIALS AND METHODS - Fidelity Family: Hellinger, Matusita, Squared-chord.
In order to emit BLE signals, twelve transmitters (iBKS105 - 2 Family: Squared Euclidean, Pearson 2, Neyman 2,
BLE beacons) were deployed in a controlled environment— Squared 2, Divergence, Clark, Additive Symmetric 2.
described in Section IV—and to collect those signals, an Asus - Shannon’s Entropy Family: Jeffreys, K-Divergence,
N56J laptop with a Nordic Semiconductor nRF51 BLE dongle Topsøe, Jensen-Shannon, Jenesen-Difference.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

- Combinations Family: Taneja, Kumar-Johnson. FIGURE 3. Representation of the axes of the chosen coordinates, along
with beacons, and reference and target points. Blue dots represent BLE
- Vicissitude Family: Vicis-Wave Hedges, Vicis-Symmetric beacons, black dots reference points and red dots target points.
2 (Min 1), Vicis-Symmetric 2 (Min 2), Vicis-Symmetric
Max 2, Max-Symmetric 2, Min-Symmetric 2. Once the reference fingerprints had been recorded, several
In addition to the above, we will use the Mahalanobis and smaller fingerprint databases were constructed. For a
Pearson correlation distance [26]. particular beacon, protocol and channel, the maximum, mean
and median RSS values for each orientation were calculated,
IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP and then the maximum, mean and median of those four RSS
Fig. 2 shows the main corridor of our research institution, values were selected, resulting in nine possible databases. We
which was chosen as the testbed. Each of the twelve BLE 4.x will name these nine reference fingerprint databases RPi_j,
beacons deployed were situated on columns at a height of 2.1 where i, j can refer to maximum (max), mean or median (med)
m and configured with the Eddystone and iBeacon protocols indistinctly, e.g. if we take the maximum RSS values for each
(see Fig. 3). orientation and then calculate the mean of those four values,
we shall call this database RPmax_mean (see Fig. 4).

FIGURE 4. Steps to obtain RPmax_mean fingerprint database.

FIGURE 2. Schematic view of the testbed with dimensions. Columns, In the positioning phase, the same laptop and dongle used
wooden doors (dashed lines) and open spaces are shown. in the calibration phase were used to record at 40 target points
A grid of 112 reference points, each measuring 1 m × 1 m, situated randomly in the grid. Only 8 samples (a sampling time
was chosen, resulting in an average beacon deployment of 1 of 4 s approximately) were taken for each orientation, protocol
beacon per 14 m2 and an average of 1.5 fingerprints per m2. and BLE channel; their coordinates were also taken with the
Although the iBeacon specification requires that the laser pointer. We guaranteed the coherence of the orientation
advertising interval be 100 ms, we detected that values of 500 in both phases using a compass.
ms do not significantly affect the stability of the signal, the Three smaller fingerprint databases were constructed from
iBeacon protocol, or the Eddystone. Thus, the output power the original. For a particular beacon, protocol and channel, the
and advertising interval were set to 0 dBm and 500 ms, maximum, mean and median RSS values for each orientation
respectively, for both protocols, in order to balance battery life were calculated, and then the maximum, mean and median of
and signal stability and to obtain accurate positioning values. those four RSS values of the samples were calculated. We will
For our positioning purposes, it was only necessary to use the name these three target fingerprint databases TPk, where k can
Eddystone-UID frame type. refer to maximum (max), mean or median (med). For example,
if we take the mean RSS values for each orientation, we shall
call this database TPmean.
In both the calibration and positioning phases,
measurements were taken with very few people present, and
at all measurement points no signal was received from certain
beacons during the entire sampling time (for all protocols and
channels), e.g. at reference point 1 (the closest point to the
origin of the coordinates, O), no signal was received from none
of the beacons B6 to B9 (see Fig. 3).
Matching each of the nine reference fingerprint databases
and each of the three target fingerprint databases results in
twenty-seven possible combinations or comparisons between
reference and target fingerprint databases. We will name these
comparisons RPi_j-TP_k, where i, j, k can refer to maximum,
mean or median. For example, if we compare the
RPmax_mean and TPmean databases, the comparison will be
named RPmax_mean-TPmean.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

The purpose of taking orientation into account in the online

phase is to simulate the positioning of a user who is
specifically facing in one of the four possible directions in real
time. These data could be ascertained through a mobile phone
compass [11].

In this work, positioning accuracy is expressed by the mean
error and its precision by the cumulative probability function,
CDF, which is expressed in practice in percentile format [8].
For the sake of space, we present in this section only some
accuracy and precision results, indicating whether or not they
are general results for all possible cases.
As a previous consideration to the results, we present some
plots concerning fast fades. Faragher et al. [1] demonstrated
the high susceptibility of BLE to fast fading. FIGURE 6. Accuracy vs. number of samples for each orientation and for
RPmax_mean-TPmax database, Mahalanobis distance, k=3 neighbors,
iBeacon protocol, channel 38.

It can be clearly seen in Fig. 6 that for east and south

orientations, accuracy increases as the number of samples
increases, this not being true for north and west orientations.
However, the difference between the worst and best accuracy
for north and west are around 10 cm and around 1 cm for east
and south. The same results occur with other database-
distance-protocol-channel-k combinations.
The above results indicate that increasing the sampling time
does not necessarily increase the accuracy significantly. All
results from now on will be considered with respect to 100%
of the sampling time in the calibration phase.
It has to be said that, for all orientations, the distance-
protocol-channel combination that has the best accuracy is the
same regardless of the number of samples. However, for all
orientations the number of neighbors that produce the best
FIGURE 5. RSS from a specific beacon vs. scanning period for iBeacon
and Eddystone protocols and 37, 38, 39 advertising channels, at a
accuracy depends on the number of samples.
specific reference point.
Fig. 5 represents RSS values versus time for the two IN THE POSITIONING PHASE
considered protocols and three channels at a particular In this section, we will study the effect on accuracy of varying
reference point and beacon. All six plots clearly show fast the number of samples in the positioning phase, keeping the
fading values: around -25 dBm in a short period of time, number of samples (100%) in the calibration phase constant.
particularly for channels 38 and 39 in both protocols. Fast Table I shows accuracy versus the number of samples (8 and
fades can be removed at the creation of all the RSS databases, 16) taken in the positioning phase for all orientations,
as in [1], but in this paper, we have employed raw RSS data. RPmax_mean-TPmax database comparison, Euclidean
distance metric, all protocols-channels and k=3, 4 neighbors.
In this section, we will study the effect on accuracy of varying ACCURACY VS. NUMBER OF SAMPLES IN POSITIONING PHASE FOR
sampling time in the calibration phase and keeping the number
8 16
of samples constant and equal to 8 in the positioning phase. Prot.-
Fig. 6 shows accuracy versus the number of sample plots taken N E S W N E S W
in the calibration phase for four orientations and a particular iB37
1.7 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.6
database comparison, distance metric, protocol, channel and k 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.3 1.6
neighbors. 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.5
1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.5
1.8 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.5
1.8 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.5
1.8 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6
1.8 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.2 1.4 1.6

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10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

1.6 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.4 Eddystone protocols, channels 37 and 39 respectively,
1.6 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.4 different orientations and Mahalanobis distance.
1.6 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.5
1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.5
It can be seen that as the number of samples increases from 8 RPmax_mean-TPmax
to 16, accuracy values increase between 10 cm and 30 cm Prot.-
depending on the orientation. All results from now on will be Chann.
1.8 1.5 1.5 1.6
considered with respect to 8 samples taken in the positioning 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.4
phase instead of 16 samples, since the data are more iB37 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.5
representative of reality. 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.5
1.7 1.2 1.3 1.5
1.7 1.4 1.3 1.6
Ed39 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.6
The next question that arises with respect to accuracy is which 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.6
database comparison, between reference and target fingerprint 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.6
databases, produces the best results.
Taking into account all twenty-seven RPi_j-TPk fingerprint For this particular case, the number of neighbors between k=3
comparisons, we obtained the best accuracy results with and k=5 produces the best accuracy. Similar results occur for
RPmax_mean-TPmax for all distance and similarity measures more cases but these are not general results.
and all protocols and channels. Table II shows accuracy values Fig. 7 shows accuracy vs. k plot for a particular distance,
for Euclidean distance considering RPmean_mean-TPmean protocol, channel and orientation.
and RPmax_mean-TPmax comparisons, with k=3 and k=4
neighbors and depending on protocol (iB stands for iBeacon
and Ed for Eddyston), channel (37, 38, 39) and orientation (N,
E, S, W).

RPmean_mean-TPmean RPmax_mean-TPmax
1.9 1.5 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.6
1.7 1.5 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.5
2.2 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6
1.8 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6
2.1 1.5 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.6
2.2 1.5 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.5
2.1 1.4 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.6
2.1 1.4 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.5
1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.5
1.8 1.7 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.5 FIGURE 7. Accuracy vs. number of neighbors, k, for Mahalanobis
1.9 1.8 1.6 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.6 distance, iBeacon-37 and east orientation.
1.8 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5
It can be clearly seen that RPmax_mean-TPmax produces Table III also shows that in the positioning phase, east
the best accuracy results. The same results occur when orientation produces better accuracy than the others. The same
checking RPmax_mean-TPmax against the other comparisons results occur with other protocols, channels, orientations and
for all distance and similarity measures, reaching differences distances. When necessary, some results from now on will be
of up to 1.7 m for a certain distance. All results from now on considered with respect to these values of orientation.
will be considered with respect to the RPmax_mean-TPmax
If we consider the above parameters, which produce the best
D. ACCURACY VS. NUMBER OF NEIGHBORS, K results according to the orientation in the positioning phase, is
The next question is to study the accuracy values vs. number there a particular distance or similarity measure that offers the
of neighbors, k, for a particular distance and different protocols best accuracy results?
and channels. Considering the RPmax_mean-TPmax database, Table IV
Table III shows accuracy values for the RPmax_mean- shows the five distances that give the highest accuracy results
TPmax database, the first five values of k, iBeacon and for each orientation. It can be seen that, as we said in Section

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10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

V Subsection D, except for some cases, values of k=3, k=4 or Pearson Corr. Ed38 3 1.1±0.7
k=5 in general produce the best accuracy values. iB38 7 1.2±0.6
iB37 4 1.2±0.7
Some remarks: for all orientations, there are multiple Ed37 6 1.2±0.6
combinations of distances, protocols, channels and values of k Ed39 12 1.4±0.7
that produce the same best accuracy values. In general, for iB39 8 1.4±0.8
each orientation the best values are obtained with one or two South
Distance Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err.
particular protocols, unique channel (except in a few cases) Wave-Hedges Ed39 3 1.2±0.7
and different values of k combination: Eddystone39 or iB37 4 1.3±0.9
iBeacon39, k=5, 6 neighbors for north, Eddystone38, k=3, 4 iB39 2 1.3±0.8
for east, Eddystone39 or iBeacon39 (or iBeacon38) k=1, 3 for Ed37 9 1.3±0.8
iB38 4 1.4±0.8
south, and finally, iBeacon38, k=2, 3, 4 for west. Ed38 3 1.5±0.6
We have seen in Table IV that for each orientation there is West
a group of distances that produce the best accuracy (only five Distance Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err.
are shown). Those best distances are associated with a Pearson Corr. iB38 2 1.4±0.8
particular protocol and channel. Selecting a distance from this iB37 2 1.4±0.8
Ed38 4 1.4±0.9
group in Table IV, how would it affect the accuracy if we iB39 2 1.4±0.9
change protocol and channel? Table V shows those results: for Ed37 2 1.5±0.9
each orientation, the best protocol-channel accuracy is shown Ed39 5 1.5±0.9
in the first row, and in the following rows, the remaining From the results shown in Table V, it is observed that for
protocol-channel combination accuracies are shown (from each orientation, setting a distance and varying the chosen
best to worst). protocol and channel, there can be differences between 10 cm
and 30 cm in the accuracy.
TABLE IV The next question that arises naturally is: which distance-
protocol-channel-k combination produces the best ‘overall’
accuracy? In this work, accuracy is expressed by orientation,
Distance Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err.
Clark Ed39 5 1.5±1.0 that is, by a point in a 4-dimensional error-space, so the best
Clark iB39 6 1.5±1.0 overall accuracy would be that with the smallest minimum
VicisSymMin1 Ed39 5 1.5±1.0 error module, or minimum distance to the point (0,0,0,0).
Divergence Ed39 5 1.5±1.0 Table VI shows the first five combinations (there are six more
Hellinger Ed39 5 1.5±1.0
combinations with the same error module but all involving
Distance Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err. Pearson Correlation or Mahalanobis distances).
Pearson Corr. Ed38 3 1.1±0.7
Pearson Corr. Ed38 4 1.1±0.7 TABLE VI
Squared Eucl. Ed38 4 1.1±0.7 OVERALL ACCURACY RESULTS
Neyman Ed38 4 1.1±0.7 Distance Prot.-Chann. k Error Module
Squared Euclidean Ed38 3 1.1±0.7 Pearson Corr. iB37 2 2.8
South Pearson Corr. iB37 5 2.8
Distance Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err. Mahalanobis iB37 3 2.8
Wave-Hedges Ed39 3 1.2±0.7 Pearson Corr. iB37 3 2.8
Person Corr. iB38 1 1.2±0.7 Mahalanobis iB37 4 2.8
Manhattan Ed39 3 1.2±0.8
VicisWave-Hedg. Ed39 3 1.2±0.7
K-Divergence Ed39 3 1.2±0.8 Thus, taking into account the results of Table VI, it can be said
West that in general, and not for a specific orientation, Pearson
Distance Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err. Correlation or Mahalanobis distance, iBeacon protocol,
Pearson Corr. iB38 2 1.4±0.8 channel 37 and values between k=2, and k=5 show the best
Cosine iB38 2 1.4±0.9
Pearson Corr. iB38 3 1.4±0.9
overall accuracy.
Pearson Corr. iB38 4 1.4±0.8 We followed the same procedure with the target points as
Minkowski3 iB38 3 1.4±0.8 with the reference points: the maximum values of all the RSS
samples were obtained for each orientation and beacon, and
TABLE V subsequently the mean value from the four orientations was
ACCURACY VS. DISTANCE-SIMILARITY RESULTS selected. This approach is not real since a mobile device user
North would never stop to take that many samples facing the four
Distance-Sim. Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err.
Clark Ed39 5 1.5±1.0
cardinal directions. Nevertheless, it will serve a purpose as a
iB39 5 1.5±1.0 method of comparison for the approach of the previous
Ed37 6 1.6±0.9 sections, which we consider closer to reality. We will name
iB37 3 1.6±1.1 this database comparison RPmax_mean-TPmax_mean. Table
iB38 4 1.7±1.3
Ed38 9 1.7±1.2
VII shows the two distances that give the best accuracy results
East for north orientation.
Distance Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

Distance Prot.-Chann. k Mean Err.
MinSymmetric Ed37 2 0.9
Neyman Ed37 2 1.0

Comparing the accuracy values of Tables VII and IV it can

be seen that the former are not that far away and represent a
more realistic approach in the online phase than the latter.

As we have seen in Section V Subsection F, for each
orientation there are various combinations of distances,
protocols, channels and values of k that produce the same best
accuracy values. We will try to differentiate between these
combinations with the cumulative distribution function (CDF)
FIGURE 9. Comparison between precisions of the best five distance-
protocol-channel-k combinations (east orientation).

For east orientation (see Fig. 9), precision values are 90%
within 1.5 m (Neyman, Eddystone-38, k=4) – 1.8 m (Pearson
Correlation, iBeacon-38, k=3).

FIGURE 8. Comparison between precisions of the best five distance-

protocol-channel-k combinations (north orientation).

Taking into account table IV, precisions of the five best

distance-protocol-k-channel combinations are represented in
Fig. 8 to Fig. 11 by orientation (vertical dashed black lines
FIGURE 10. Comparison between precisions of the best five distance-
represent the mean error). For north orientation (see Fig. 8), protocol-channel-k combinations (south orientation).
precision values are 90% within 2.1 m (Clark, iBeacon-39,
k=6) – 2.2 m (rest of combinations). For south orientation (see Fig. 10), precision values are 90%
within 2.1 m (all combinations except Pearson Correlation)
– 2.3 m (Pearson Correlation, iBeacon-38, k=1. Finally, for
west orientation (see Fig. 11), precision values are 90%
within 2.2 m (Pearson Correlation, iBeacon-38, k=4) – 2.5 m
(Cosine, iBeacon-38, k=2).
In Table 4, very similar accuracy values are shown for
each orientation. To decide which distance-protocol-
channel-k combination to choose, we will select the one with
the CDF graph, which reaches high probability values faster:
for north orientation, all combinations reach high probability
values practically at the same time, with a precision of 100%
within 5.2 m; for east orientation, the Pearson Correlation

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

distance (blue plot in Fig. 9) has a precision of 100% within

3.3 m, while the others are within 4.0 m; for south
orientation, the Pearson Correlation distance (red plot in Fig.
10) has a precision of 100% within 3.1 m, while the others
are within 3.6 m; for west orientation, the Pearson
Correlation distance (blue plot in Fig. 11) has a precision of
100% within 3.6 m, while the others are within 3.8 m – 4.5
In each of the subfigures of Fig. 12, the precisions of one
of the best combinations by orientation are compared with
two best overall combinations: those involving Pearson
Correlation and Mahalanobis distance, both iBeacon 37 and
k=2, k=3 neighbors respectively (see Table IV and Table VI).
As can be seen, each best combination by orientation (blue
plots) performs better than the two overall combinations (red
and black plots), especially in high probability values, but as
was stated in Section V Subsection F, in general and not for
a specific orientation, Pearson Correlation or Mahalanobis FIGURE 12. Comparison between precisions: the best two overall
combinations, Pearson Correlation and Mahalanobis (with iBeacon 37,
distances with iBeacon protocol and channel 37 are also k=2 and k=3 respectively), with one of the best combinations by
good combination choices. orientation: (a) north, Clark-iBeacon 38, k=5, (b) east, Pearson
Correlation-Eddystone 38, k=3, (c) south, Wave Hedges-Eddystone 39,
k=3, (d) Pearson Correlation, iBeacon 38, k=2.


In BLE technology, RSS readings suffer from large
fluctuations and degradation due to many factors, thereby
reducing indoor positioning accuracy and precision values.
With the aim of reproducing a real positioning system we
have studied the impact of the orientation in the positioning
phase and the impact of protocols, channels, using 40 distance
metrics in order to minimize those fluctuations and
degradation factors and obtain the greatest possible accuracy
and precision. We also studied the impact of sampling time, in
both calibration and positioning phases.
According to our results:
 Regardless of the orientation, sampling time in the
calibration phase is not critical, with differences of 10
cm in the worst case. The combination of distance-
FIGURE 11. Comparison between precisions of the best five distance- protocol-channel that has the best accuracy is the same
protocol-channel-k combinations (west orientation).
regardless of the number of samples, but it is not the
same for the number of neighbors, k, in the WKNN
algorithm. In the positioning phase, as the number of
samples increases from 8 to 16, accuracy values in
general increase from 10 cm (east, south, west) to 30
cm (north), but 8 samples represent data closer to
 Filtering the RSS reference fingerprint database with
the mean of the maximum values per orientation and
filtering the RSS target fingerprint database with the
maximum values (considering orientation) produces
better accuracy and precision than any other fingerprint
database comparison, reaching differences in accuracy
of up to 1.7 m for a certain distance.
 There is no clear dependency between accuracy and the
number of neighbors, k. The best results are usually
obtained with values in the range 3–5, but it is not a

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

general result and depends on the distance-protocol- this, we must add that the data were collected using a laptop
channel chosen. and a dongle, not a mobile device.
 East is the orientation that produces the best accuracy In the experiments carried out, we guaranteed the coherence
in all situations with differences, when compared to of the orientation in both phases using a compass. In real
other orientations, that can reach 60 cm. We understand situations, a user with a mobile device will be placed in a
that the main reason behind the existence of an random but known orientation through the compass of the
orientation that produces better accuracy results is the device and therefore that information can be used to select a
testing environment. Although our environment is a specific protocol-channel combination and give accuracy
square with symmetric points (see Fig. 2), when signals results depending on the orientation.
are propagated, there are certain elements such as On the other hand, in order to reduce the high cost in time
wooden doors, concrete columns or open spaces that involved in the construction of the database of reference
cause the signals that reach the BLE dongle from the points, we have taken RSS data only in four orientations. In
beacons to undergo reflection, absorption, etc., in the testing phase the RSS values for a random orientation
apparently similar areas. Consequently, different could be compared with the RSS values of the calibration
orientations produce different accuracies. phase for the closest orientation. Precisely for this reason, we
 There is a group of distance metrics (which for some are currently working on the development of a set of tools to
orientations can be large) coupled with a protocol- automate much of the process necessary for data collection in
channel combination that produces similar accuracy the calibration phase, which will allow us to have a database
results, but when fixing one of these distances and of RSS information with more orientations and thus be able to
varying the protocol and channel, there are appreciable study to what extent the accuracy results improve as we
differences (up to 30 cm) in these values. In addition, increase the number of orientations used.
those combinations that give the best accuracy results It is not a simple task to compare different IP systems. Each
in a specific orientation give worse results (up to 40 cm system has a range of parameters, which are completely
worse) in other orientations. Therefore, we understand different in each study, such as the number of beacons, their
that in a specific orientation choosing the right distance localization and settings, working and ambient conditions of
metric is not as important as choosing the right the environment, hardware employed to collect data, etc. In
protocol, number of neighbors, and especially, the right addition to this fact, not all authors express accuracy and
channel. precision in the same way, so it becomes evident that it is very
 For the abovementioned group of distances, we have difficult to establish a complete comparison between systems.
detected a pattern whereby the best accuracy for each Moreover, the following systems do not study accuracy and
orientation is provided by a unique protocol-channel precision values with respect to protocols, channels and
combination: Eddystone or iBeacon 39 for north, orientations. Despite this, a comparison between the results of
Eddystone 38 for east, Eddystone 39 or iBeacon 38 for our study and the results obtained by other similar systems is
south and iBeacon 38 for west. presented below.
 Depending on the orientation, the accuracies obtained TABLE VIII
for the abovementioned group of distances are in the System Accuracy Precision
range of 1.1 m – 1.5 m and the precisions are 90% 295% within 2.6m (1 beacon per 30
within 1.5 m – 2.5 m. Faragher [1] N/A m2)–4.8m (1 beacon per 100 m2)
 The best overall distance-protocol-channel-k
2.52 m – 4.48 m 90% within 4.12m
combination would be the one with the smallest Peng [23] (office env.) (1 beacon per 21 m2)
minimum error module. This means that this
combination would produce high values of accuracy 1.47 m–2.15m 90% within 1.81 m–3.58m (1 beacon
de Blasio [11]
(harsh env.) per 45.7 m2)
and precision in multiple cases, regardless of the
orientation. The Mahalanobis and Pearson Correlation N/A 90% within 2.56m (1 beacon per 9
Zhuang [24]
distance combined with the iBeacon protocol and m2)–3.88m (1 beacon per 18 m2)
channel 37 are the best combination in multiples cases 1.09 m 1.0 m and 2.0 m for 52.69% and
(multiple values of k). Xiao [13]
92.56% of total instances
Our study was conducted in a controlled environment,
transmission power and advertising interval were set as fixed
values, with very few people present, but in harsh To this end, and as future lines of action, we may mention
environments, where the presence and movement of people the following: study the implications on indoor positioning of
clearly affect accuracy and precision, it is very likely that the varying the beacons’ transmission power and advertising
choice of distance measures, protocols and adequate channels interval; conduct this study in other types of environments,
will be much more critical than in our test environment. To all especially harsh environments; change the number and
placement of beacons; and check other fingerprinting-based


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

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Reliability Improvement”, Sensors, vol. 16, no. 8, article no. 1278, Regarding his research facet, his main lines of
Aug. 2016. research include the fields of Cybernetics,
[18] D. Contreras, M. Castro, and D. Sánchez-Torres, “Performance Robotics, Artificial Vision and Intelligent Transport Systems. He has
evaluation of Bluetooth low energy in indoor positioning systems”, published more than seventy articles in international and national journals,
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[19] T. T. Lu, S. C. Yeh, and C. Y. Chen, “A study of indoor positioning journals. He has taken part in more than thirty international conferences and
systems using iBeacons with different transmission power levels,” has participated in the organization of more than ten. He has taken part in
JCIE, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 525-535, 2017. seven research projects, being the lead researcher in three of them. Also, he
[20] M. Castillo-Cara, J. Lovón-Melgarejo, G. Bravo-Rocca, L. Orozco- has participated in six investigation contracts, being the lead researcher in
Barbosa, and I. García-Varea, “An analysis of multiple criteria and six. Since 2004/2005 he has given a PhD course in the “Cybernetics and
setups for Bluetooth smartphone-based indoor localization Telecommunication” program, and has been the Director of this PhD
program since 2011. He has directed the development commission of the

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2837497, IEEE Access

new doctorate program “Company, Internet and Communications

Technologies (EmITIC)”, in which he currently teaches different activities.
He has directed more than fifty final degree projects (engineering,
bachelor’s degree and master’s degree), has been part of several PhD
examining committees and directed a doctoral thesis; at present five PhD
students are under his tutelage. Finally, he has directed and has been a
speaker in more than sixty training courses.

was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary
Islands, Spain, in 1963. He received B.S. and M.S.
degrees in Computer Science from the University
of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria,
Spain in 1989 and a Ph.D. degree in Computer
Science from the University of Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, in
Since 1987, he has been a Professor with the
Informatics and Systems Department, University
of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He is the author
of one book, more than 70 articles, and 20
inventions. His research interests include ubiquitous computing, intelligent
transport systems and new technologies for education. He holds one patent.


Jose Carlos Rodríguez Rodríguez was born in Gran
Canaria, Spain in 1976. He received the a
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from the
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
University, and the a PhD in Computer Vision area
in 2013 in at the same university, where he is
currently a professor. His research interests
includes Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.


Gran Canaria in 1966. He received his degree in
Physics from the Universidad Complutense de
Madrid, Spain, in 1989 and his PhD from the
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in
1993, where he is currently a tenured lecturer
(Professor). He has been a visiting scholar in at
SUNY-Buffalo and the University of Vienna,
Austria. His interests include indoor positioning
systems, dynamic systems modeling and


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http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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