Banyu (Tugas Inggris)
Banyu (Tugas Inggris)
Banyu (Tugas Inggris)
News Item
Fungsi sosial
Memberi informasi terkini / to inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are considered
newsworthy or important.
- Judul (Headlines)
- Paragraf pembuka (newsworthy): tells the event in a summary form
- Latar belakang kejadian (Background events) berupa rangkaian paragraf yang merinci isi paragaraf
pembuka/ellaborate what happened, tell what caused the incident
- Kutipan dari nara sumber (Sources): comments by participants, witnesses, authorities, and experts
involved in the event.
Unsur kebahasaan
Practice 1.
Vocabulary Mastery:
Try to enrich your vocabulary mastery related to news media sources. Match Column A to Column B.
(Silahkan Anda gunakan kamus untuk menjawab ertanyaan ini, Anda bisa menyalin tabel ini kemudian
gunakan tAnda panah untuk menjodohkan dengan tepat makna kata dari kolom A.
1. Printed material A. Suara
2. Social Media B. Gambar
3. Up to date C. Menghibur
4. Voice D. Menginformasikan
5. Pictures E. Siaran langsung
6. Studio F. Mutakhir
7. Live show G. Menyiarkan
8. Broadcast H. Pembaca Berita
9. To inform I. Berita Bohong
10. To entertain J. Judul Berita
11. Web-based K. Berbasis Jaringan ( Internet )
12. Hoaxs L. Wartawan
13. Headline M. Bahan cetak
14. News anchor N. Media Sosial
15. Reporter O. Tempat Siaran
Practice 2.
Banyu Purwandana | XII Listrik 2
Look closely into the following series of pictures. Then, write down kinds of sources of news on your note
based on the pictures and the characteristics belong to.
Pastinya Anda dapat menjawab pertanyaan di atas yaitu tentang sumber sumber berita, yaitu : Koran,
radio, televisi, sosial media dan media digital. Great! Selanjutnya bandingkan dengan jawaban di
bawah ini.
Banyu Purwandana | XII Listrik 2
Luarbiasa Anda mengetahui media media sebagai sumber berita (alat pemeberitaan), apakah fungsi
berita itu? Benar sekali lihat penjelasan di bawah ini :
Most people agree that the purpose of the news media - newspapers, magazines,
radio and television - is to inform, to educate and to entertain. However, the
purpose of the news itself is to inform and to educate your readers, listeners or
Text Structure
Practice 3. Read aloud the text, try to practice your pronounciation. Then, read again closely the text.
Find out the head line, the source, and the date, news worthy event and the sources or witness of the
Text 1
Gresik residents made to dig graves as punishment for not wearing face masks
“There are only three available gravediggers at the moment, so I thought I might as well put these
people to work with them,” said Suyono as quoted by on Wednesday, adding that
local authorities made sure the health protocol violators did not participate in the burials. To assist
the gravediggers, Suyono assigned two people to each grave. One is tasked with digging the grave,
while the other lays wooden boards inside the hole to support the corpse. “Hopefully this can create a
deterrent effect against violations,” Suyono said.
He also said the number of COVID-19 cases was continuing to increase in Cerme, prompting the
village administration to strengthen protocols in the village. Based on the Regent Law No. 22/2020,
residents who violate the protocols are subject to fines or community service as punishment.
Separately, Cerme Police chief Adj. Pol. Comm. Moh. Nur Amin said the police would cooperate with
the military to enforce the protocols, such as by dispersing public gatherings. “We urge the public to
wear face masks in accordance with the COVID-19 health protocols,” he said. (dpk)
Banyu Purwandana | XII Listrik 2
News media
Newsworthy event
Background Events
Text 2
Read the text, analyze the headline, the tense, saying verbs, action verb.
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Yopie Latul, a singer popular in Indonesia in the 1990s, died today, September
9. He was 65 years old. The day before, the singer was reported to have tested positive for Covid-19.
Yopie, a Maluku native, died in a hospital in Cibinong, West Java. Fellow musicians have taken to
social media to express their grief over the loss of the veteran singer.
The day before his death, Yopie's son Carllo Latul posted to his personal Instagram account about his
father's condition. The post confirmed reports that Yopie had tested positive for the new
The Instagram story post said that his father showed no symptoms and none of his family members
were infected.
Banyu Purwandana | XII Listrik 2
Language Feature
Singer Yopie Latul Dies The head line Using “ dies ‘ not died ( silahkan
after Confirmed Positive bandingkan dengan isi berita.
with Covid-19 died today, September 9.
Headline selalu ditulis dalam
bentuk kalimat
present tense.
Yopie, a Maluku native, died in Action verbs and Using simple past ( karena
a hospital in Cibinong, West tenses menceritakan peristiwa yang
Java. Fellow musicians have sudah terjadi.
taken to social media to
express their grief over the
loss of the veteran singer
the singer was reported to… Saying verbs Menggunakan saying verbs
The Instagram story post said seperti said that, report, told..
Banyu Purwandana | XII
Listrik 2