Rule-Based System Architecture
Rule-Based System Architecture
Rule-Based System Architecture
A collection of rules
A collection of facts
An inference engine
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 3/25
Control Schemes
Given a set of rules like these, there are essentially two
ways we can use them to generate new knowledge:
forward chaining
starts with the facts, and sees what rules apply (and
hence what should be done) given the facts.
data driven;
backward chaining
starts with something to find out, and looks for rules
that will help in answering it
goal driven.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 4/25
A Simple Example (I)
R1: IF hot AND smoky THEN fire
R2: IF alarm_beeps THEN smoky
R3: If fire THEN switch_on_sprinklers
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 5/25
A Simple Example (II)
R1: IF hot AND smoky THEN ADD fire
R2: IF alarm_beeps THEN ADD smoky
R3: If fire THEN ADD switch_on_sprinklers
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 6/25
A Simple Example (III)
R1: IF hot AND smoky THEN ADD fire
R2: IF alarm_beeps THEN ADD smoky
R3: If fire THEN ADD switch_on_sprinklers
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 7/25
Forward Chaining
In a forward chaining system:
Facts are held in a working memory
Condition-action rules represent actions to take when
specified facts occur in working memory.
Typically the actions involve adding or deleting facts
from working memory.
Working Inference
Memory Engine
facts rules
Rule Base
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 8/25
Forward Chaining Algorithm (I)
Collect the rule whose condition matches a fact in
Do actions indicated by the rule
(add facts to WM or delete facts from WM)
Until problem is solved or no condition match
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 9/25
Extending the Example
R1: IF hot AND smoky THEN ADD fire
R2: IF alarm_beeps THEN ADD smoky
R3: IF fire THEN ADD switch_on_sprinklers
R4: IF dry THEN ADD switch_on_humidifier
R5: IF sprinklers_on THEN DELETE dry
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 10/25
Extending the Example
R1: IF hot AND smoky THEN ADD fire
R2: IF alarm_beeps THEN ADD smoky
R3: IF fire THEN ADD switch_on_sprinklers
R4: IF dry THEN ADD switch_on_humidifier
R5: IF sprinklers_on THEN DELETE dry
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 12/25
Conflict Resolution Strategy (I)
Physically order the rules
hard to add rules to these systems
Data ordering
arrange problem elements in priority queue
use rule dealing with highest priority elements
Specificity or Maximum Specificity
based on number of conditions matching
choose the one with the most matches
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 13/25
Conflict Resolution Strategy (II)
Recency Ordering
Data (based on order facts added to WM)
Rules (based on rule firings)
Context Limiting
partition rule base into disjoint subsets
doing this we can have subsets and we may also
have preconditions
Randomly Selection
Fire All Application Rules
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 14/25
Meta Knowledge
Another solution: meta-knowledge, (i.e., knowledge
about knowledge) to guide search.
Example of meta-knowledge.
conflict set contains any rule (c,a)
such that a = ‘‘animal is mammal’’
fire (c,a)
So meta-knowledge encodes knowledge about how to
guide search for solution.
Explicitly coded in the form of rules, as with “object
level” knowledge.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 15/25
Properties of Forward Chaining
Note that all rules which can fire do fire.
Can be inefficient — lead to spurious rules firing,
unfocused problem solving (cf. breadth-first search).
Set of rules that can fire known as conflict set.
Decision about which rule to fire — conflict resolution.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 16/25
Backward Chaining
Same rules/facts may be processed differently, using
backward chaining interpreter
Backward chaining means reasoning from goals back
to facts.
The idea is that this focuses the search.
Checking hypothesis
Should I switch the sprinklers on?
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 18/25
Backward Chaining Algorithm
To prove goal G:
If G is in the initial facts, it is proven.
Otherwise, find a rule which can be used to conclude
G, and try to prove each of that rule’s conditions.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 19/25
R1: IF hot AND smoky THEN fire alarm_beeps
R2: IF alarm_beeps THEN smoky
R3: If fire THEN switch_on_sprinklers
F1: hot smoky hot
F2: alarm_beeps
Should I switch sprinklers on? fire
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 20/25
Forward vs Backward Chaining
Depends on problem, and on properties of rule set.
If you have clear hypotheses, backward chaining is
likely to be better.
Goal driven
Diagnostic problems or classification problems
Medical expert systems
Forward chaining may be better if you have less clear
hypothesis and want to see what can be concluded
from current situation.
Data driven
Synthesis systems
Design / configuration
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 23/25
Properties of Rules (I)
Rules are a natural representation.
They are inferentially adequate.
They are representationally adequate for some types of
They can be inferentially inefficient (basically doing
unconstrained search)
They can have a well-defined syntax, but lack a well
defined semantics.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 24/25
Properties of Rules (II)
They have problems with
Inaccurate or incomplete information (inaccessible
Uncertain inference (non-deterministic
Non-discrete information (continuous environments)
Default values
Anything that is not stated or derivable is false
closed world assumption
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 13. Forward and backward chaining – p. 25/25
Example (1)
alarm_beeps ∧ hot
∧(hot ∧ smoky ⇒ fire)
? switch_on_sprinklers
∧(alarm_beeps ⇒ smoky)
∧(fire ⇒ switch_on_sprinklers)
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 4/29
Example (1)
alarm_beeps ∧ hot
∧(hot ∧ smoky ⇒ fire)
? switch_on_sprinklers
∧(alarm_beeps ⇒ smoky)
∧(fire ⇒ switch_on_sprinklers)
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 4/29
Example (2)
(hot ∧ smoky ⇒ fire)
∧(alarm_beeps ⇒ smoky)
∧(fire ⇒ switch_on_sprinklers)
⇒ switch_on_sprinklers
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 5/29
Example (3)
(hot ∧ smoky ⇒ fire)
∧(alarm_beeps ⇒ smoky)
∧(fire ⇒ switch_on_sprinklers)
¬switch_on_sprinklers ⇒ ¬fire
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 6/29
Example (4)
(hot ∧ smoky ⇒ fire)
∧(alarm_beeps ⇒ smoky)
∧(fire ⇒ switch_on_sprinklers)
⇒ ¬smoky
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 7/29
Propositional Logic for KR
Describe what we know about a particular domain by a
propositional formula, KB .
Formulate a hypothesis, α.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 8/29
Entailment means that one thing follows from another:
KB |= α
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 9/29
Entailment Test
How do we know that KB |= α?
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 10/29
Logicians typically think in terms of models, which are
formally structured worlds with respect to which truth
can be evaluated
We say m is a model of a sentence α if α is true in m
M (α) is the set of all models of α
Then KB |= α if and only if M (KB) ⊆ M (α) x x x
x x
x x
M( ) x
x x x
x x
E.g. KB = Giants won and Reds x
M(KB) x
x x x
x x
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 11/29
(hot ∧ smoky ⇒ fire) >
∧(alarm_beeps ⇒ smoky) |=
? ¬switch_on_sprinklers ⇒ ¬fire
∧(fire ⇒ switch_on_sprinklers)
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 12/29
(Hot ∧ Smoky ⇒ Fire) >
∧(Alarm_beeps ⇒ Smoky) |=
? ¬ sWitch_on_sprinklers ⇒ ¬Fire
∧(Fire ⇒ sWitch_on_sprinklers)
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 12/29
(Hot ∧ Smoky ⇒ Fire) >
∧(Alarm_beeps ⇒ Smoky) |=
? ¬ sWitch_on_sprinklers ⇒ ¬Fire
∧(Fire ⇒ sWitch_on_sprinklers)
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 12/29
Truth Table
. . . gives a truth value for all possible interpretations.
((H ∧ S ⇒ F)
H S F A W ∧(A ⇒ S) ¬W ⇒ ¬F
∧(F ⇒ W))
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 13/29
Truth Table
. . . gives a truth value for all possible interpretations.
((H ∧ S ⇒ F)
H S F A W ∧(A ⇒ S) ¬W ⇒ ¬F
∧(F ⇒ W))
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 13/29
KB ⊢i α = sentence α can be derived from KB by
procedure i
Soundness: i is sound if
whenever KB ⊢i α, it is also true that KB |= α
Completeness: i is complete if
whenever KB |= α, it is also true that KB ⊢i α
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 14/29
Inference Example
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 15/29
Proof Rules
Stating that B follows (or is provable) from A1 , . . . An can
be written
A1 , . . . An
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 16/29
Modus Ponens
This well known proof rule is called modus ponens, i.e. in
A ⇒ B, A
where A and B are any WFF.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 17/29
Another common proof rule, known as ∧-elimination is
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 18/29
From r ∧ s and s ⇒ p can we prove p, i.e. show
r ∧ s, s ⇒ p ⊢ p?
1. r ∧ s [Given]
2. s ⇒ p [Given]
3. s [1 ∧ elimination]
s ⇒ p, s
4. p [2, 3 modus ponens]
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 19/29
Another proof rule, known as ∨-introduction is
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 20/29
Proof Theory
Reasoning about statements of the logic without
considering interpretations is known as proof theory.
Proof rules (or inference rules) show us, given true
statements how to generate further true statements.
Axioms describe ‘universal truths’ of the logic.
Example ⊢ p ∨ ¬p is an axiom of propositional logic.
We use the symbol ⊢ denoting is provable or is true.
We write A1 , . . . An ⊢ B to show that B is provable from
A1 , . . . An (given some set of inference rules).
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 21/29
Let A1 , . . . , Am , B be well-formed formulae
There is a proof of B from A1 , . . . , Am iff there exists
some sequence of formulae
C1 , . . . , Cn
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 22/29
From p ⇒ q , (¬r ∨ q) ⇒ (s ∨ p), q can we prove s ∨ q ?
1. p⇒q [Given]
2. (¬r ∨ q) ⇒ (s ∨ p) [Given]
3. q [Given]
4. s∨q [3, ∨ introduction]
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 23/29
Show r from p ⇒ (q ⇒ r) and p ∧ q using the rules we have
been given so far. That is prove
p ⇒ (q ⇒ r), p ∧ q ⊢ r.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 24/29
Soundness and Completeness
Let A1 , . . . An , B be well formed formulae and let
A1 , . . . An ⊢ B
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 25/29
More about Soundness & Completeness
Example: An unsound (bad) inference rule is
A, B
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 26/29
Is Natural Deduction Complete?
The set of rules modus ponens and ∧ elimination is
Without ∨-introduction we cannot do the proof on
page 23 yet
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 27/29
We haven’t shown a full set of proof rules but just some
For a full set of proof rules look for Natural Deduction in
a logic or AI book.
More than 10 rules
Intricate proofs (indirect proofs, reductio ad
absurdum, etc)
Note, at any step in the proof there may be many rules
which could be applied. May need to apply search
techniques, heuristics or strategies to find a proof.
Getting computers to perform proof is an area of AI
itself known as automated reasoning.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 28/29
We’ve discussed proof or inference rules and axioms.
We’ve given examples of the proof rules ∧-introduction,
modus ponens and ∨-elimination.
We’ve given some example proofs.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 19. Propositional logic for knowledge representation. Inference systems. – p. 29/29
Validity, Satisfiability, and Entailment
Implications for Knowledge Representation
Deduction Theorem:
KB |= α if and only if (KB ⇒ α) is valid
Or,. . .
KB |= α if and only if (KB ∧ ¬α) is unsatisfiable
reductio ad absurdum
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 3/20
Resolution is a proof method for classical propositional
and first-order logic.
Given a formula ϕ resolution will decide whether the
formula is unsatisfiable or not.
Resolution was suggested by Robinson in the 1960s
and claimed it to be machine oriented as it had only one
rule of inference.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 4/20
Resolution Method
The method involves:-
translation to a normal form (CNF);
At each step, a new clause is derived from two clauses
you already have
Proof steps all use the same rule
resolution rule;
repeat until false is derived or no new formulae can be
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 5/20
Resolution Rule
Each Ai is known as a clause and we consider the set
of clauses {A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak }
The (propositional) resolution rule is as follows.
B ∨ ¬p
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 6/20
Resolution applied to Sets of Clauses
Show by resolution that the following set of clauses is
{p ∨ q, p ∨ ¬q, ¬p ∨ q, ¬p ∨ ¬q}
1. p∨q
2. p ∨ ¬q
3. ¬p ∨ q
4. ¬p ∨ ¬q
5. p [1, 2]
6. ¬p [3, 4]
7. false [5, 6]
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 7/20
Resolution algorithm
Proof by contradiction, i.e. show that KB ∧ α unsatisfiable
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 8/20
Full Circle Example
Using resolution show
((q ∧ p) ⇒ r) |= (¬p ∨ ¬q ∨ r)
show that
((q ∧ p) ⇒ r) ∧ ¬(¬p ∨ ¬q ∨ r)
is unsatisfiable
translate to CNF.
apply the resolution algorithm
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 9/20
1. Transformation to CNF
((q ∧ p) ⇒ r) ∧ ¬(¬p ∨ ¬q ∨ r)
≡ (¬(q ∧ p) ∨ r) ∧ ¬(¬p ∨ ¬q ∨ r)
≡ ((¬q ∨ ¬p) ∨ r) ∧ ¬(¬p ∨ ¬q ∨ r)
≡ (¬q ∨ ¬p ∨ r) ∧ (¬¬p ∧ ¬¬q ∧ ¬r)
≡ (¬q ∨ ¬p ∨ r) ∧ (p ∧ q ∧ ¬r)
≡ (¬q ∨ ¬p ∨ r) ∧ p ∧ q ∧ ¬r
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 10/20
2. Resolution
1. ¬q ∨ ¬p ∨ r
2. p
3. q
4. ¬r
Finally apply the resolution rule.
5. ¬q ∨ r [1, 2]
6. r [5, 3]
7. false [4, 6]
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 11/20
As we have derived false then that means the formula
was unsatisfiable.
Note if we couldn’t obtain false that means the original
formula was satisfiable.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 12/20
Comment I
The resolution rule is derived from a generalisation of
the modus ponens inference rule given below.
P ⇒B
P ⇒B
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 13/20
Comment II
Resolution restricts the P so it is a proposition, i.e.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 14/20
Theoretical Issues
Resolution is refutation complete. That is if given an
unsatisfiable set of clauses the procedure is guaranteed
to produce false.
Resolution is sound. That is if we derive false from a set
of clauses then the set of clauses is unsatisfiable.
The resolution method terminates. That is we apply the
resolution rule until we derive false or no new clauses
can be derived and will always stop.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 15/20
Automated Reasoning
The resolution proof method may be automated, i.e.
carried out by a computer program.
Theorem provers based on resolution have been
developed eg Otter, Spass.
The topic of automated reasoning lies within the area of
In the Logic and Computation research group we are
interested in automated reasoning, in particular related
to resolution.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 23. Propositional resolution – p. 18/20
One of the most important expert systems developed
This is a system which diagnoses and treats bacterial
infections of the blood.
The name comes from the fact that most of the drugs
used in the treatment of bacterial infections are called:
MYCIN is intended to be used by a doctor, to provide
advice when treating a patient.
The idea is that MYCIN can extend the expertise of the
doctor in some specific area.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 10/35
Architecture of MYCIN
Physician user
Consultation program
Dynamic Static
patient Explanation program knowledge
data base
Knowledge acquisition
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 11/35
Rules in MYCIN
Rules in MYCIN are of the form:
1. The gram stain of the organism is gramneg,
2. The morphology of the organism is rod, and
3. The aerobicity of the organism is anaerobic
there is suggestive evidence (0.6) that the
identity of the organism is bacteroides.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 12/35
Another Example
1. The identity of the organism is not known
with certainty, and
2. The gram stain of the organism is gramneg,
3. The morphology of the organism is rod, and
4. The aerobicity of the organism is aerobic
there is strongly suggestive evidence (0.8)
that the identity of the organism is
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 13/35
A Rule with OR Conditions
1. The therapy under consideration is:
cephalothin, or
clindamycin, or
erythromycin, or
lincomycin, or
2. Meningitis is a diagnosis for the patient
It is definite that the therapy under
consideration is not a potential therapy.
1. clindamycin
2. chloramphenicol
3. erythromycin
4. tetracycline
5. carbenecillin
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 15/35
Certainty Factors I
MYCIN uses certainty factors (CFs), values between +1
and −1 to show how certain its conclusions are, a
positive value showing suggestive evidence for the
conclusion and a negative value against the conclusion.
For example, data of a particular organism relating to its
Gram stain, morphology and aerobicity may be as
MORPH = (ROD 0.8)
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 16/35
Certainty Factors II
MYCIN has its own way to calculate further CFs. The
certainty of a conjunction is the minimum of individual
Applying our first example rule to this data, the certainty
of all three premises holding is 0.7 so the conclusion of
bacteroides for this data would have a CF of
0.7 × 0.6 = 0.42.
Note CFs do not correspond with probability theory (but
computation of CFs more tractable).
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 17/35
How MYCIN Works
MYCIN has a four stage task:
decide which organisms, if any, are causing
significant disease.
determine the likely identity of the significant
decide which drugs are potentially useful.
select the best drug, or set of drugs.
The control strategy for doing this is coded as
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 18/35
The Relevant Rule
1. There is an organism which requires
therapy, and
2. Consideration has been given to possible
other organisms which require therapy
1. Compile a list of possible therapies, and
2. Determine the best therapy.
Indicate that the patient does not require
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 19/35
Forward & Backward Chaining
“How do I decide if there is an organism requiring
therapy? Well, Rule 90 tells me that organisms
associated with significant disease require therapy.
But I don’t know about any organisms, so I’ll ask the
user . . . now I can apply RULE 90 to each of these
. . . but I need to know if the organism is significant.
Now I have a set of rules which tell me whether this
is the case. Let’s see, RULE 38 says that an
organism from a sterile site is significant. I don’t
have any rules for saying if the site was sterile, so
I’ll ask the user . . . ”
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 20/35
How MYCIN Works II
So MYCIN starts by trying to apply the control rule, and
this generates sub-goals.
The first of these is to determine if there is an organism
which needs to be treated.
This generates another sub-goal; whether the organism
is significant.
This provokes a question to the user.
The answer allows other rules to be fired, and these
lead to further questions.
Eventually the IF part of the control rule is satisfied, and
the THEN part compiles a list of drugs, and chooses
from it.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 21/35
A consultation with MYCIN
So, MYCIN chains back from its overall goal of deciding
what organisms need treatment until it finds it lacks
information, and then asks the user for it.
Using MYCIN is thus an interactive process:
1. MYCIN starts running.
2. MYCIN asks a question.
3. The user answers it.
4. MYCIN asks another question.
5. . . .
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 22/35
1) Patient’s name: (first-last)
2) Sex
** M
3) Age
** 55
4) Are there any illnesses for Fred Braun
which may be related to the present illness,
and from which organisms have been grown
in the microbiology laboratory?
** Y
-------- CULTURE-1 ----------
5) From what site was the specimen for
CULTURE-1 taken?
6) Please give the date and time
when CULTURE-1 was obtained.
** JUN 20 1977
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 23/35
Example (contd.)
The first organism isolated from the blood
culture of 20-JUN-77 (CULTURE-1) will be
referred to as:
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 24/35
Example (contd.)
It is important to cover for the
following probable infections and
associated organisms:
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 25/35
Explanation in MYCIN
An important feature of any expert system is that it can
explain how it comes up with conclusions.
This allows users to understand what the system is
doing, and so see that it is doing sensible things.
One of the advantages of rules is that they make it
possible to generate good explanations.
Essentially the explanation is just a presentation of the
proof tree.
We can illustrate this with an example explanation
dialogue from MYCIN.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 26/35
34) Was penicillinase added to CULTURE-1?
** Why?
Therefore if
[3.3] penicillinase was added to this
blood culture
there is weakly suggestive evidence
that ORGANISM-1 is a contaminant [RULE 39]
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 27/35
Example (contd.)
** Why?
Therefore if
[4.2] ORGANISM-1 is not a contaminant
there is strongly suggestive evidence
that there is significant disease
associated with ORGANISM-1
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 28/35
How Explanation Works
When asked “WHY”, MYCIN:
uses the current rule.
If asked “WHY” again, MYCIN
uses the rule which caused the current rule to fire
Remember that MYCIN is chaining backwards from the
overall goal of showing significant disease.
This explanation can be continued by asking more
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 29/35
Evaluation of MYCIN
Evaluated by comparing its performance to 8 members
of Stanford medical school: 5 faculty members, one
research fellow in infectious diseases, one physician
and one student.
They were given 10 randomly selected case histories
and asked to come up with diagnoses and
These given to 8 independent experts in infectious
disease to evaluate (scoring as acceptable or not).
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 30/35
Evaluation of MYCIN (contd.)
MYCIN performed as well as any of the Stanford
medical team and considerably better than the
physician or student.
MYCIN has never been used in clinical practice due to:
expense of computing power required at the time
the amount of time and typing required for a session
incompleteness of the knowledge base.
Boris Konev
COMP210: Artificial Intelligence. Lecture 16. Expert system: MYCIN – p. 31/35