Artificial Intelligence - The Nature of Environments
Artificial Intelligence - The Nature of Environments
Artificial Intelligence - The Nature of Environments
Artificial Intelligence
E.g., the task of designing an automated taxi
Performance measure?? safety, destination, legality, comfort
Environment?? US streets/freeways, pedestrians, weather
Actuators?? steering, accelerator, brake, horn,
Sensors?? video, accelerometers, gauges, engine sensors,
keyboard, GPS
PEAS Type Performance Environments Actuators Sensors
Fully observable-
Agent’s sensor – complete access to state of
Partially Observable
Fully observable-Example
Fully observable
Fully observable-
Puzzle game
Image analysis
Partially Observable
Partially observable-
Agent can’t see other cards
Determinstic vs Stochastic
Agent can take the next action or can process
Video analysis
- Example
Car driving
Boat driving agent- next driving is not based on
current state.
Episodic Vs Sequential
Agent experience is divided into atomic episodes such
that each episode consists of, the agent perceiving
process and then performing single action.
Previous episode does not affect the current actions.
Card games
Sequential example
Easy to tackle agent need not worry about changes
8 queen puzzle
Static vs Dynamic
Keep on changing continuously which makes agent to
Discrete vs Continuous
Has fixed finite discrete states over the time and each
Is not stable at any given point of time – changes
Single agent
Well defined single agent
Multi agent
Various agent or various
Accessible/ Inaccessible.
If an agent's sensors give it access to the complete state of the
environment needed to choose an action, the environment is accessible.
Such environments are convenient, since the agent is freed from the task
of keeping track of the changes in the environment.
Deterministic/ Nondeterministic.
An environment is deterministic if the next state of the environment is
completely determined by the current state of the environment and the
action of the agent.
In an accessible and deterministic environment the agent need not deal
with uncertainty.
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Episodic/ Non episodic.
An episodic environment means that subsequent episodes do not
depend on what actions occurred in previous episodes.
Such environments do not require the agent to plan ahead.
Static/ Dynamic.
An environment which does not change while the
agent is thinking is static.
In a static environment the agent need not worry
about the passage of time while he is thinking, nor
does he have to observe the world while he is thinking.
Discrete/ Continuous.
If the number of distinct percepts and actions is limited
the environment is discrete, otherwise it is continuous.
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With/ Without rational adversaries.
If an environment does not contain other rationally
thinking, adversary agents, the agent need not worry
about strategic, game theoretic aspects of the
As example for a game with a rational adversary, try
the Prisoner's Dilemma