NX Essentials 2022-02-18
NX Essentials 2022-02-18
NX Essentials 2022-02-18
Student Guide
September 2010
MT10051_S — NX 7.5A
Publication Number
mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Proprietary and restricted rights notice
2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Course overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Course objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Lesson format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Learning tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Common symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
NX 7.5 Help Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Template parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Teamcenter Integration for NX vs. native NX terminology . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Layer standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Implementing a layer standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Student responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sketching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Shell overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Create a shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3
Assign alternate thicknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4
Shell options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-5
Selection Intent face rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7
Activities: Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8
Summary: Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-9
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Subassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Component objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-3
Component Part Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4
Assembly Load Options overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-5
Part Versions group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-6
Load states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-6
Scope group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7
Reference Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7
Saved Load Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-8
Assembly Navigator overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-9
Assembly Navigator user interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-10
Assembly Navigator hierarchal tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-11
Activities: Assemblies — assembly load options and the Assembly
Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12
Select components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13
Select components with QuickPick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13
Identify components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-14
Design in context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-15
Make Displayed Part and Set Displayed Part overview . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-16
Make Work Part and Set Work Part overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Assembly Navigator display commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19
Activities: Assemblies — more navigator options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-21
Part revisions and saving assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-22
10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-22
Save Work Part Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-22
Summary: Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-23
12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-1
Intended audience
Course objectives
After successfully completing this course, you should be able to:
Lesson format
The general format for lesson content is:
• Instructor presentation
• Project
Projects allow you to test your new skills without detailed instruction.
Consult your instructor for additional information.
• Summary
Learning tips
• Ask questions.
Common symbols
The student manual uses special symbols as shown below.
Design Intent – Information about the task and what must be
18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Course overview
Template parts
Template parts are an effective tool for establishing customer defaults or any
settings that are part-dependent (saved with the part). This may include
non-geometric data such as:
• Drawing formats
• User-defined views
• Layer categories
When you work in NX, you manipulate parts, part revisions and part files.
These correspond to items, item revisions, and datasets in Teamcenter
Integration for NX and Teamcenter.
20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Course overview
Layer standards
Parts used in this course were created using layer categories the same as or
very similar to those found in the Model template parts.
Layers provide an advanced alternative to display management (Show and
Hide) to organize data.
In this course you may use a layer organization method you anticipate
using in your work.
Student responsibilities
• Be on time.
• Ask questions.
• Have fun!
22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
1 NX part files
This lesson is a fundamental introduction to working with NX part files.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Start an NX session.
Introduction to NX
The first step in working in NX is to log on to a workstation and start an
NX session.
• Your instructor will provide the steps needed to log in and start NX in
the classroom.
After you start NX, you see the No Part interface. You can change defaults
and preferences, open an existing part file, or create a new part file.
1-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Gateway application
The NX Window (standard)
In standard display, the menus and toolbars are positioned at the top of
the window and the Resource bar is to the left of the graphics window. This
is the default display.
# Component Description
Title bar Displays information for the
current part file.
Menu bar Displays menus with lists of
Toolbar area Displays active toolbars.
Selection bar Sets selection options.
Cue and Status line Prompts you for the next action
that you need to take, and displays
messages on functions and actions.
Resource bar Contains tabs for navigators,
browsers, and palettes.
Lets you switch between standard
Full screen button
and full screen displays.
Dialog Rail Positions dialog boxes.
Lets you create, display, and
Graphics window
modify parts.
1-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Folded menus
1. Choose Tools→Customize.
New file overview
Use the New command to select a template and create a new product file.
• Standard templates are available and grouped by types, such as modeling,
drawing, simulation, and manufacturing.
• When you create a new file from a template, it has a copy of all the objects
in the template and inherits all its settings.
After you create the file, NX starts the appropriate application based on the
template. For example, if you select a modeling template, NX will start
A default name and location for the new file is assigned based on customer
default settings for each template type.
You can change the name and location:
• Before you begin work on the file.
• In native mode only, when you save the file for the first time.
You can specify a master part to reference when you create a new non-master
Application Gateway
Toolbar Standard→New
Menu File→New
1-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Benefits of using templates
Use a template to create a new file
2. Click the tab for the file type you want (1).
1-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Save an unnamed template
2. In the Parts to Name group, notice the name of the file for which you
must provide a name.
If you choose File→Save All, all unnamed parts will be listed. You
can provide new names for each one individually.
3. In the Name box, type the new name and press Enter.
4. Optionally, use the browse buttons to help to define the name and/or
5. Click OK.
Use layers to organize geometry.
Use layer categories to organize and name layers.
Choose Format→Layer Settings to access the Layer Settings dialog box.
There are 256 layers available in an NX part file, one of which is always the
work layer.
The display characteristics of layers are controlled by the Name and Visible
Only columns of the Layer Settings dialog box.
Name Visible Only Object Count Categories
1 (Work) 3 Solids
2 1 Solids
21 2 Sketches
62 5 Datums
61 2 Datums
• Name – This column shows the active Work layer (the layer on which
objects are created).
Layers other than the work layer each have a corresponding check box
which controls layer visibility and the ability to select objects on that layer
(a layer is visible and selectable if its check box is checked).
• Visible Only – This column has a check box for each layer other than the
Work layer. If a check box in this column is selected, the objects on that
layer can be seen but not selected.
The work layer is the layer that objects are created on and is always visible
and selectable.
When you create a new part file, layer 1 is the default work layer.
When you change the work layer, the previous work layer automatically
becomes selectable. You can then assign it a different status.
The number of objects on one layer is not limited. You may choose which
layers to create objects on and what the status will be.
1-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Activities: NX part files — Create new
In the NX part files section, do the activity:
• Create new part files
Open file overview
Use the Open command as an alternative to the Teamcenter Navigator to
open an existing product file.
NX part files have a .prt extension.
• The title bar of the graphics window displays the name of the current
work part.
• If the part is read only, the words Read Only appear beside the part name.
This means that changes may not be saved in this file.
A loaded part is only a copy of what is stored on disk. Any new work that you
do is not permanent until the part is saved.
Application Gateway
Toolbar Standard→Open
Menu File→Open
1-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Useful features on Windows file dialog boxes
The Look in: list shows the name of the current selected drive or folder.
Up One Level works with the Look in: option menu to traverse back up
through the folder hierarchy.
You can open or load more than one part at any time and work on several
parts concurrently.
There are two identifiers for loaded parts:
Displayed The part is displayed in the graphics window.
Work The part is accessible for creation and editing operations.
Change the displayed part
You can have multiple parts open, or loaded, at the same time.
Control which part is displayed in the graphics window by using Window
on the menu bar.
The Window option works in two ways:
• Select a part from the list to display. The list contains up to ten recently
displayed parts.
1-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Save As
File→Save As allows you to save the current part under a different name
and/or in a different directory.
When you select Save As, a file selection dialog box displays asking for the
new name and location.
The name/location must be unique within the current directory. If you
specify a name that already exists, an error message displays. The current
part is filed under the new name, and the new part file name displays on
the graphics window.
Close selected parts
1. Choose File→Close→Selected Parts.
2. In the Close Part dialog box, select parts to close from a list.
3. Click OK.
1-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Exit NX
End an NX session by choosing File→Exit.
If you modified any parts and did not save them, you get a warning message.
Activities: NX part files — Open, save, and close
In the NX part files section, do the activity:
• Open, save, and close existing part files
1-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
NX part files
Summary: NX part files
In this lesson you:
• Started an NX session.
This lesson introduces the NX user interface.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Customize toolbars.
• For each toolbar you can add buttons from other toolbars, or remove them.
• You can save and share toolbar arrangements for all or selected
applications, using Roles.
Docking toolbars
• You can dock toolbars horizontally or vertically in the NX window.
Display toolbars
2. On the Toolbars (1) page, select check boxes (2) to display toolbars and
clear to hide them.
Select Text Below Icon (3) to display names on the buttons.
2-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
2. Select the listed toolbar names to display toolbars or clear the check boxes
to hide them (2).
Empty check boxes are not displayed beside menu items that are
not selected.
You can also select Customize (3) to open the Customize dialog box.
Toolbar options are an efficient way to turn on and off the display of buttons
within a toolbar.
2 1. Click Toolbar Options on a toolbar and select Add or Remove Buttons.
3. Click an item with no check box to display it. Clear the check box to hide
an item.
2-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
Application Gateway
2-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
4. Place the cursor over any command presented in the Matches for list.
If the command is available for immediate use, the correct menu path or
toolbar button is highlighted.
Dialog boxes are organized into groups that can be collapsed or expanded as
needed. These groups contain different types of information and options
The typical workflow is to interact with the dialog box from the top to the
The three buttons along the bottom of the dialog box are, from left to right,
OK, Apply and Cancel.
OK – Accepts all dialog box parameters and settings and closes the
dialog box. Some dialog boxes use <OK> which implies an OK if another
command is selected.
Apply – Applies the all dialog box parameters and settings but leaves the
dialog box open for further input.
Cancel – Closes the dialog box without processing the dialog box
parameters and settings.
If you need to see behind the dialog box, either slide the Rail Clip to either
side or click the center of the Rail Clip to temporarily hide the dialog box.
Click again to show it.
2-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
Consistent options appear on the Rail Clip or on the dialog box title bar when
the dialog box is not clipped to the Dialog Rail.
As you define your own roles, you or your administrator can add them to a
palette for others to share.
Roles let you control the appearance of the user interface in a number of
ways. For example:
• The items displayed on the menu bar
Example roles
NX comes with a number of example roles. These give you a choice of starting
points as you customize toolbars to meet your needs.
The roles palette includes these groups:
• System Defaults — generic roles for new and advanced users
2-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
Choose a role
1. In the Resource bar, click the Roles tab to display the palette.
2. Click the role you want or drag it into the graphics window.
2-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
On a two-button mouse, use the left (1) and right (3) buttons together when
you need the middle button.
On a three-button mouse, you can use combinations of mouse buttons.
• Use middle (2) plus right (3) buttons to pan.
2-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
Option Description
Refreshes the entire graphics window. Erases temporary
display entities.
Fits the entire part to the view. Utilizes the fit percentage
2 Fit found in the Preferences→Visualization→Screen dialog
Zoom Fits the view to a user specified rectangle.
Rotate Activates the rotate mode to rotate the view with the cursor.
Pan Activates pan mode to pan the view with the cursor.
Rendering Specifies the method of shading and hidden edges in which
Style the model is displayed.
Displays the current view in a canned view orientation. The
Orient View original visualization settings and view modifications are
retained. Active only in modeling view.
Set Rotate Defines a point about which the model is rotated.
Clear Rotate Removes a rotate point that was previously set.
Undo Removes the effect of the last single operation performed.
2-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
Radial toolbars are available when you click and hold the right mouse button.
A radial toolbar with view commands appears when you click and hold the
right mouse button in the background of the graphics window. 2
A radial toolbar with context-sensitive commands appears when you click and
hold the right mouse button on an object.
You can rotate the view by dragging with the middle mouse button. Release
the mouse button to stop rotating.
2 If the cursor is near the boundary of the graphics window, you can use
inferred rotation about a horizontal, vertical, or normal axis.
If the cursor is in the middle of the graphics window, the axis of rotation is
determined by the direction in which you drag the cursor.
2-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
View triad
The View Triad is a visual indicator that represents the orientation of the
Absolute coordinate system of the model.
• The View Triad is displayed in the lower-left corner of the graphics 2
• Select an axis of the view triad to lock rotation about that axis only.
X-axis locked
Y-axis locked
Z-axis locked
Click the middle mouse button, press Esc, or click the rotation triad origin
handle to return to normal rotation.
Selecting objects
You may either select an object first and then choose a command to perform,
or, choose a command first and then select the required object.
2 The selection Type Filter allows you to control which type of objects you can
select. The content of the list changes with the active NX command.
The General Selection Filters allow you to further restrict what type of
objects you can select.
You can use toolbar options to add many additional buttons to the Selection
2-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
Deselecting objects
You can deselect and object by holding the Shift key as you click it.
To deselect all objects in the graphics window, press the Esc (Escape) key.
Preview selection
Objects are highlighted in the preview selection color as the selection ball
passes over them.
By default, Preview Selection is enabled. Turn it off by choosing
Preferences→Selection from the menu bar.
The color of preview highlighting is determined by the Preselection setting
found under Preferences→Visualization→Color Settings.
When you hold the Shift key, the preselection color is applied to currently
selected objects that you can deselect.
• Access advanced selection tools, such as Selection Intent and Snap Point.
The Selection bar appears below the toolbars found at the top of the NX
Selection Intent
Snap Point
2-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
When you select objects, more than one object will often be within the selection
ball. QuickPick provides easy browsing through selection candidates.
2 If there is more than one selectable object at the selection ball location
and the cursor lingers for a short period of time, the cursor changes to a
QuickPick indicator:
This cursor display indicates that there is more than one selectable object at
that position. Click after the cursor changes to display the QuickPick dialog
You can change the amount of time the cursor must be stationary for
the QuickPick indicator to appear.
• Choose Preferences→Selection.
Use the middle mouse button to cycle through the items in the list and
then click when the desired object is highlighted.
Use the buttons in the dialog box to filter the list to include object types:
• All Objects
• Construction
• Features
• Body objects
• Components
• Annotations
2-24 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The NX user interface
2-26 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
3 Coordinate systems
Purpose 3
This lesson introduces the coordinate systems that are used in NX.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Describe the differences between the absolute coordinate system (ABS)
and the work coordinate system (WCS).
You can define planes and coordinate systems for constructing geometry.
These planes are completely independent of the viewing direction.
The most frequently used coordinate systems for design and model creation
• Absolute Coordinate System
3-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Coordinate systems
You can create as many datum coordinate systems as you need.
Datum coordinate systems are not addressed in this lesson. They are
addressed in depth in the Datum Features lesson.
The View Triad is a visual indicator that represents the orientation of the
Absolute coordinate system of the model. The View Triad is displayed in the
lower-left corner of the graphics window. You can rotate a model around a
specific axis on the View Triad.
3-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Coordinate systems
WCS overview
• The intersection of the axes is called the origin of the coordinate system.
You can use the WCS to reference the location and orientation of objects in
model space. For example you can use it to:
• Create primitives.
Because the WCS is a mobile coordinate system, you can move it anywhere
in the graphics window to construct geometry in different orientations and
3-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Coordinate systems
WCS options
You can access WCS options from the Utility toolbar or by choosing
Format→WCS on the menu bar.
Options available to manipulate the WCS include:
Specify the location without changing the 3
1. Translation
2. Rotation
3. Origin
3-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Coordinate systems
• Choose Format→WCS→Dynamics.
2. Select the Origin handle on the WCS and drag it to the desired location.
• Choose Format→WCS→Dynamics.
3-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Coordinate systems
4. In the Point dialog box, in the Coordinates group, enter XC, YC, and ZC
values. 3
The WCS origin moves to the specified location.
3. Move the WCS along the selected axis in one of these ways:
• Drag the WCS to the desired location.
• In the on-screen input box, enter a Distance value and press Enter.
• Choose Format→WCS→Dynamics.
b. Enter values in the Angle and Snap boxes in the on-screen input box.
3-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Coordinate systems
The default values in the on-screen input boxes indicate current angle
and snap increment.
• Choose Format→WCS→Dynamics.
3. Select a object, such as an edge, to which you want to align the WCS.
The WCS re-orients to be parallel with the object, without relocating the
b. Select a option from the Type list, or click on a object in the graphics
3-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Coordinate systems
Before After
3-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Coordinate systems
4 Sketching
This lesson introduces the methods of creating a sketch.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: 4
• Identify design intent and a modeling strategy.
• Create a sketch.
• Identify constraints.
Sketch overview
A Sketch is a named set of 2D curves and points located on a specified plane
or path. You can apply rules, in the form of geometric and dimensional
constraints, to establish the criteria your design needs. Features created from
a sketch are associated with it; if the sketch changes so do the features.
You can use sketches to create:
• The profile or typical sections of your design.
4-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
• Manufacturing requirements
• External equations
The design intent will determine the modeling strategy and the following
types of tasks.
• Selecting feature types (features, feature operations, sketches)
4-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
• While working in an external sketch, all the objects you create reside on
the same layer.
Internal sketches reside with the parent feature unless you
manually move the sketch to another layer.
• When you open a sketch, the layer that the sketch resides on becomes
the work layer.
• When you add curves to an active sketch, they are automatically moved to
the same layer as the sketch.
– If you clear the check box, the sketch layer continues to be the work
When you want to use sketches in your model, follow this general process:
• Establish your design intent.
4-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The Direct Sketch toolbar and the Sketch task environment offer two modes
you can use to create sketches.
Use the Direct Sketch toolbar when you want to:
• Create a new sketch in the current 3D orientation.
• Experiment with sketch changes, but retain the option to discard the
Direct Sketch®Sketch
4-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Sketch On Plane
Sketch On Plane
Create a Sketch On Plane when you want to associate the sketch feature to
a planar object such as a datum plane or a face.
4-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Use this procedure to sketch on a face when your design intent requires the
sketch to move when the faces moves.
• Plane
• Orientation
• Origin 4
• First point for the profile.
You can hold Alt and click the face to define the plane without
defining the first point.
Direct sketching
Application Modeling
Toolbar Direct Sketch
4-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The Sketch Task Environment command lets you create or edit a sketch in
NX while allowing full control over the creation and edit process.
The Sketch Task Environment is similar to a separate application, where
the interface changes to focus on the current toolset, but you are still in the
Modeling application. All the toolbars shown support the sketch tool.
For many features where internal sketching is supported, the Sketch Task
Environment is the method used to create or edit the sketch.
Working in the Sketch Task Environment allows the following:
• The ability to control the sketch creation options during sketch creation.
Application Modeling
1. Sketch plane
4-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Toolbar Environment
(Modeling) Insert®Sketch
(Sketch task environment) Insert®Sketch in Task
Menu Environment
Sketch Plane group®Inferred
Location in dialog
box Settings group®Create Intermediate Datum CSYS
4. Click OK.
4-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Sketches are assigned a default name with a numeric suffix such as Sketch
(1) “SKETCH_000”.
Once you name your sketch the new name displays in the Part Navigator, for
example, Sketch (2) “BASE”.
1. On the Sketch toolbar, clear the contents of the Sketch Name box.
Finish Sketch
Use the Finish Sketch command to exit a sketch and return to the application
or command you started sketching from.
Toolbar Sketch
Menu (Modeling) File®Finish Sketch
4 (Sketch task environment) Task®Finish Sketch
Keyboard Ctrl+Q
Exit Sketch
Use the Exit Sketch command to exit the Sketch task environment without
doing the following:
The Exit Sketch command restores the part to the state it was prior to
entering the Sketch task environment while avoiding the unnecessary step of
updating all features downstream of the sketch.
• Explore and edit sketch curves and constraints without changing sketches
and the model permanently.
• Discard sketch edits made since you entered the Sketch task environment.
4-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Set the following in the Modeling Preferences dialog box for the actions
available when you double-click sketches and features.
Edit tab
Edit Sketch Action Direct Edit
Lets you edit the sketch directly in Modeling.
Direct Edit updates the model immediately.
Select Task Environment if you have sketches
with many dependent features.
Task Environment
Enters the Sketch task environment.
Double-click Action Edit with Rollback
(Sketches) Makes the selected sketch the current feature and
enters the Sketch task environment.
Enters the direct sketch mode without changing the
current feature.
Double-click Action Edit with Rollback
(Features) Makes the selected feature the current feature and
enters the edit mode.
Enters the feature edit mode without changing the
current feature.
Application Modeling
Menu Preferences®Modeling
Location in dialog
box Edit tab
Activities: Sketching
• Sketch on a planar face
4-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Sketch curves
Sketching commands are available on both the Direct sketching toolbar and
in the Sketch Task Environment.
The following is a chart of the essential sketching commands. Not all
available commands are shown.
4-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Short List
NX maintains a memory of five objects called the short list to check for
inferred constraints. NX uses the short list to avoid testing against every
curve in the current sketch when inferring constraints. Curves are added to
the list as you create them or when you pass your cursor over a curve.
When NX infers a constraint between an object on the short list and the
curve being created, the short list object highlights and you see a preview
of the constraint.
• The short list is structured from top to bottom. When curves are
created or passed over with the cursor, they are placed on top of the
short list. When the list is full, the curve at the bottom is removed
before adding a new curve at the top.
4-24 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Toolbar (Modeling)
1. Perpendicular
2. Parallel
3. Coincident
You can temporarily disable all of the infer constraint settings during
curve construction by pressing and holding the Alt key on Windows or
the Ctrl+Alt keys on non-Windows platforms.
4-26 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Available constraints
4-28 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
4-30 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Profile overview
Use the Profile command to create a series of connected lines and/or arcs
in string mode.
In string mode, the end of the last curve becomes the beginning of the next
For example, you can create this pipe vise profile in one series of mouse clicks:
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Profile
(Drafting and Sketch task environment) Sketch
Menu (Modeling and Drafting) Insert®Sketch Curve®Profile
(Sketch task environment) Insert®Curve®Profile
1) Object Type
2) Input Mode
3) Sketch
Define Sketch Lets you define a sketch plane using standard plane
Plane creation methods.
4-32 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
This is the general process for creating a series of connected lines and/or arcs
2. Move to the end of the desired line, and click once to establish the end
4. Move the cursor away from the line end through different quadrants of
the circle, without clicking, to establish the direction of the arc. 4
6. To stop the profile string mode, click the middle mouse button.
1. In the Inferred Constraints dialog box, make sure the parallel and
perpendicular constraints are on.
3. Pass your cursor over the target line for the constraint, then move your
cursor until you see the appropriate constraint.
A line can snap tangent to all types of curves or edges, including lines,
arcs, ellipses, conics and splines, if the Tangent constraint is on in Inferred
Create lines tangent to curves
1. In the Inferred Constraints dialog box, make sure the tangent constraint
is on.
3. Pass your cursor over the target curve for the constraint, then move your
cursor until you see the appropriate constraint.
A line can snap tangent to all types of curves or edges, including lines, arcs,
ellipses, conics and splines.
The new direction displays with a second, dashed help line. The angle is
measured with respect to the previewed constraint line.
4-34 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Point
(Drafting and Sketch task environment)
Sketch Tools®Point
Menu (Modeling and Drafting) Insert®Sketch Curve®Point
(Sketch task environment) Insert®Datum/Point®Point
4-36 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Use the Quick Trim command to trim a curve to the closest physical or virtual
intersection in either direction. You can:
• Preview the trim by passing the cursor over the curve.
• Hold the left mouse button and drag across multiple curves to trim them
all at the same time.
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Quick Trim
(Drafting and Sketch task environment)
4-38 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
2. For the Curve to Trim, select either a single curve or use the drag path
method to select multiple curves.
The Curve to Trim will trim to the closest intersecting curve. If you
want to trim to a different curve select the Boundary Curve first.
• Hold the left mouse button and drag across multiple curves to extend
them all at the same time.
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Quick Extend
(Drafting and Sketch task environment)
4-40 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
• Arcs
• Open conics
You can also hold the left mouse button and drag over curves create a corner.
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Make Corner
(Drafting and Sketch task environment) Sketch
Tools®Make Corner
Menu (Modeling and Drafting) Edit®Sketch Curve®Make
(Sketch task environment) Edit®Curve®Make Corner
4-42 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Fillet overview
Use the Fillet command to create a fillet between two or three curves. You can:
• Trim all input curves or leave them untrimmed.
• Specify a value for the fillet radius, or preview the fillet and determine its
size and location by moving the cursor.
• Hold the left mouse button and drag over curves to create a fillet.
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Fillet
(Drafting and Sketch task environment) Sketch
Menu (Modeling and Drafting) Insert®Sketch Curve®Fillet
(Sketch task environment) Insert®Curve®Fillet
Use the Chamfer command to bevel a sharp corner between two sketch lines.
You can create the following chamfer types:
• Symmetric
• Asymmetric
You can also hold the left mouse button and drag over curves to create a
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Chamfer
(Drafting and Sketch task environment) Sketch
Menu (Modeling and Drafting) Insert®Sketch
(Sketch task environment) Insert®Curve®Chamfer
4-44 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Types of constraints
Use constraints to precisely control the objects in a sketch and to express the
design intent for a feature. There are two types of constraints: geometric
constraints and dimensional constraints.
Geometric Constraints
A geometric constraint establishes a relationship between two or more sketch
objects, for example, requiring that two lines be perpendicular or parallel, or
that several arcs have the same radius.
4 1. Tangent
2. Vertical
3. Horizontal
4. Offset
5. Perpendicular
6. Coincident
4-46 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Dimensional Constraints
Dimensional constraints, also called driving dimensions, establish
• The size of a sketch object such as the radius of an arc or length of a curve.
Degree-of-freedom arrows
When you constrain a point from moving in a given direction, NX removes the
DOF arrow. Applying one constraint can remove several DOF arrows. When
all the arrows are gone, the sketch is fully constrained.
Fully constrain a sketch when you need complete control of the design. Note
that constraining a sketch is optional. You can use an under-constrained
sketch to define a feature.
4-48 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
2. Vertical
3. Horizontal
4. Offset
5. Perpendicular
6. Coincident
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Constraints
(Sketch task environment) Sketch Tools®Constraints
2. In the graphics window, select the sketch objects you want to constrain.
You can reverse step one and two and get the same results, use
what works best for you.
4-50 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The following table shows the essential geometric constraints. Not all
possible constraints are shown.
4-52 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Use the Show All Constraints command to show all geometric constraints
applied to the sketch.
Toolbar (Modeling)
4-54 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Toolbar (Modeling)
Toolbar (Modeling)
4-56 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Remove Listed Removes all of the listed constraints displayed in the Show
Constraints list window.
Information Displays information about all geometric constraints in the
active sketch in the Information window. This option is useful
if you want to save or print out the constraint information.
• Solve an over-constrained sketch condition
4-58 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Toolbar (Modeling)
4-60 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Where do I find it?
Toolbar (Modeling)
3. In the graphics window, select the sketch object(s) you want to dimension.
In the following example, you can dynamically edit the expression name
and value in the on-screen input box.
4-62 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Use this procedure to edit a sketch dimension using the on-screen input box.
1. In the graphics window, double-click the dimension.
You can also right-click over a dimension and choose Edit Value.
3. Press Enter.
In the following example you can edit either the name of the sketch
dimension, a constant value, or a formula.
The name and value of a dimension may also be edited by using the
Expressions dialog box. As dimensions are edited, the constraints are
evaluated and the geometry is modified.
4-64 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
4-66 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
1. Active curves
2. Reference curve 4
3. Reference dimension
4. Driving dimensions
Toolbar (Modeling)
4-68 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Tier 1
Pulley - part 1
Tier 2
Flywheel - part 1
Tank - part 1
These are the beginning sketches for components that will make up the
compressor project.
Summary: Sketching
This lesson introduced the concept of creating a sketch.
Sketches may be used to define a base feature, guide paths, and additional
associative features to the base feature.
A sketch parametrically controls curves.
Constraints are applied to sketch objects in order to capture the design intent.
In this lesson you:
• Created sketches directly in Modeling, on solid faces, and a Datum CSYS.
4-70 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
5 Expressions
This lesson introduces expressions which define characteristics of features.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create expressions.
• Edit expressions.
Expressions overview
Expressions are arithmetic or conditional formulas that define the
characteristics of features.
Software expressions are automatically created when you:
• Create a feature.
• Dimension a sketch.
• Position a feature.
• Constrain an assembly.
All expressions have a unique name and a formula that can contain a
combination of variables, functions, numbers, operators, and symbols.
Expression names are variables that you can insert in the formula strings
of other expressions. This can be used to break up lengthy formulas and to
define relationships that can be used in place of numbers.
Where do I find it?
Menu Tools→Expression
Shortcut menu Right-click an expression in the Part Navigator, either
in the Main panel or Details panel, and choose Edit in
Expression Editor
From supported Modeling dialogs, click parameter
entry options and choose Formula.
5-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Expression examples
Here are some examples of expressions, their formulas and their resulting
Expression names are not case sensitive, with the following exceptions:
• Expression names are case sensitive if their dimensionality is set to
• Expression names are case sensitive if they were created before NX 3.
When expression names are case sensitive, the name must be spelled exactly
when used in other expressions. 5
5-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Creating expressions
• Enter user defined expressions in an on-screen input box as the name and
formula, separated by the equal symbol, for example Rad=5.00.
• In the Expressions dialog box, enter an expression name in the Name box
and the corresponding formula in the Formula box.
After you type the name of the expression, you may press the Tab, equal
sign, or Enter key to advance the cursor to the Formula box, or just
click in the Formula box.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the expression and press Enter. 5
3. (Optional) Change the default values in the Dimensionality and Units
4. In the Formula box, type the formula for the expression and press Enter.
Edit an expression
1. Choose Tools→Expression.
5-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
• Over a feature node in the Part Navigator, choose Information from the
shortcut menu.
List Referencers
Insert Name
The Insert Name option places the name of a selected expression into a
formula you are editing.
Over a listed expression, from the shortcut menu, choose Insert Name.
Bold type on an option in the shortcut menu for an object, Insert Name
for an expression name, for example, means that the option in bold type
is preformed when you double-click the object.
When you are editing a formula, you can double-click a listed expression
to insert its name.
Parameter entry options
Access the Expressions dialog box as you create features by choosing
Formula from the parameter entry option menu.
You can specify a formula for the expression referenced by a feature
Parameter entry options are available with most text input boxes.
5-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Expression options
Expression options that might be useful to you include:
Insert a math or engineering function
into your expression.
Measure the minimum distance between
Measure Distance
any two NX objects.
Remove a selected user-defined
Activities: Expressions
In the Expressions section, do the activity:
• Create and edit expressions
5-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Summary: Expressions
Expressions are algebraic or arithmetic formulas that define the
characteristics of features.
In this lesson you:
• Created expressions.
• Edited expressions.
6 Datum features
This lesson introduces the datum plane, datum axis, and datum CSYS
reference features.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create a datum plane.
Application Modeling
6-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
• To serve as the planar placement face for the creation of features with
predefined shapes.
• For the mirror plane when using the Mirror Body and Mirror Featue
• To define the start or end limits when creating extruded and revolved
• To trim a body.
6-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
Step 1
Click Datum Plane
Drag the direction arrow the
desired value of the offset, or
Step 6
enter it in the offset Distance
6-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
Click OK.
If autocomplete is available,
Step 7 you can choose another
command without clicking
Step 1
Click Datum Plane
6-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
Click OK.
If autocomplete is available,
Step 7 you can choose another
command without clicking
Step 1
Click Datum Plane
Select the top right linear edge
Step 4
of the part.
6-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
Click OK.
If auto-complete is available,
Step 7 you can choose another
command without clicking
Step 1
Click Datum Plane
6-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
Click OK.
If autocomplete is available,
Step 6 you can choose another
command without clicking
6-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
Application Modeling
Reverse Cycle through the possible directions for the axis normal.
6-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
1. In the Part Navigator, an associative datum plane has the name Datum Axis, while a non-associative datum plane has the name
Fixed Datum Axis.
5. Click OK.
6-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
4. Click OK.
2. In the Type group, from the option list, select Curve/Face Axis.
3. Select the linear curve or edge, or the axis of a cylindrical or conical face
or torus.
4. Click OK.
6-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
• Define critical product locations in model space and control them with
translation and rotation parameters.
6-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Datum features
7 Swept features
This lesson introduces swept features that use a section string to define
a solid or sheet body.
• Create an Extrude feature.
Sweep Along Guide – Sweep a section string (1) along a guide string (2).
Swept bodies are associative with both the section string and the guide string.
7-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
Sketches that you create independently using the Sketch command are
external sketches, and are visible and accessible from anywhere within a
part. Use an external sketch to keep the sketch visible and to use it in more
than one feature or as reference for other sketches.
• You cannot open an internal sketch directly from the Sketch task
environment unless you first make the sketch an external feature.
• You can view external sketches in the graphics window and open them for
editing without first opening the owning feature.
Use this procedure to change the status of a sketch from internal to external
and vise versa.
To change the status of a sketch from the Part Navigator.
• Right-click the owning feature and choose Make Sketch External.
To reverse this operation, right-click the owning feature and choose Make
Sketch Internal.
When you internalize the sketch, it no longer appears in the Part Navigator.
Note that the Variational Sweep is now the fourth feature.
7-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
Extrude overview
Use the Extrude command to create a solid or sheet body by selecting a
section of curves, edges, faces, sketches, or curve features and extending
them a linear distance.
The following example shows how Extrude can form a solid body from a
section of curves.
You can:
• Size an extrude feature by dragging distance handles or specifying
distance values.
Application Modeling
Toolbar Feature®Extrude
Menu Insert®Design Feature®Extrude
Shortcut menu Right-click sketch®Extrude
7-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
1. Click Extrude
3. Specify Start and End limits by using the drag handles in the graphics
window or typing distance values.
• You can save unmodified copies of the target and tool bodies.
Where do I find it?
Application Modeling
Feature®Combine Drop-down list®Unite
7-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
The Extrude command automatically infers the Boolean operation that you
may want to apply. Inferred is the default Boolean option.
• The inferred Boolean operation is based on the extrude direction and
section normal. The tool body must touch or intersect the target body
for a Boolean to be inferred.
Case 1
Direction is away from target; most
logical inferred Boolean is Unite.
Inferred Boolean = Unite
Status Line: Boolean will be a
Case 2
Direction is into target; most logical
inferred Boolean is Subtract.
Inferred Boolean = Subtract
Status Line: Boolean will be a
Case 3
No possible Boolean; none inferred.
Inferred Boolean = none
Status Line: No Boolean will be
– After you specify a Boolean type, that type becomes the default
Boolean operation the next time you use Extrude.
• When possible, the Extrude command will also infer a target body. You
can change this inferred target by selecting a different target.
7-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
Body type
You can use the Extrude and Revolve commands to create a solid body (1) or
a sheet body (2).
Revolve overview
Use this command to create a round or partially round feature by rotating
section curves around an axis.
The following graphic shows a section rotated around an axis from
0 to 180 degrees.
Application Modeling
Toolbar Feature®Revolve
Menu Insert®Design Feature®Revolve
Shortcut menu Right-click sketch®Revolve
7-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
1. Click Revolve .
3. Click the middle mouse button or click Specify Vector in the Axis group
in the dialog box.
5. Specify Start and End limits by using the drag handles in the graphics
window or typing angle values.
7-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
Application Modeling
3. Click the middle mouse button or click Select Curve in the Guide group in
the dialog box.
7-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
• Extrude a sketch
• Revolve a sketch
• Sweep along an open guide
7-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
Tier 1
Pulley - part 2
Tier 2
Handle - part 1
Flywheel - part 2
Tank - part 2
These are the beginning model features for components of the compressor.
7-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept features
• Revolved a sketch.
8 Part structure
This lesson introduces tools to examine features, model construction, and
physical properties.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Use the Part Navigator as a tool to understand a model’s structure.
8-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
Main panel
Use the main panel to see an overall graphical representation of your part’s
structure, to edit the parameters of items, or to rearrange the feature history.
• Double-click nodes to edit the corresponding feature.
– Clear the red check box to hide an item and its children.
8-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
The different text colors for objects displayed in the Part Navigator indicate
both their parent/child relationships and their Show/Hide status.
Color Object relationship
Red Parent
Blue Child
Gray Hidden 8
Dependencies panel
Details panel
Use the Details panel to view, and in some cases edit, the parameters
belonging to the feature selected in the main panel.
8-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
Preview panel
Use the Preview panel to see preview images of selected items in the main
The selected item must be one that has an available preview object,
such as a saved model view or drawing view.
Timestamp order
You can view the features in your work part in a timestamp order or by
dependencies. The timestamp order is turned on by default.
When the timestamp order is turned on:
• All features in the work part appear in a history list of nodes in the order
of their creation timestamp.
8-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
You can switch between the timestamp order view and the design view of the
main panel of the Part Navigator .
To enable the timestamp order view, do one of the following:
• Choose Tools®Part Navigator®Timestamp Order.
• Right-click in the background of the Part Navigator or in the title bar, and
select the Timestamp Order check box.
8-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
• Right-click in the background of the Part Navigator or in the title bar and
clear theTimestamp Order check box.
• Select Whole Branch — Select the feature and all nodes with earlier
• Edit with Rollback — Roll the model back to its state just before the
feature was created, and then open the feature’s creation dialog box.
Edit with Rollback is shown in bold type in the shortcut menu.
In any shortcut menu, the option in bold type is the default
double-click action.
• Suppress and Unsuppress — Temporarily remove and restore a feature
display from the part history.
A suppressed feature still affects some editing operations.
8-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
• Edit Sketch — Edit the parent sketch of the selected feature. This option
appears only when the feature has a parent sketch.
• Hide Body and Show — Hide or show the body containing the selected
• Properties — Open the properties dialog box for the selected feature.
General properties include the feature name.
Attributes you assign appear in a column of the Part Navigator. See the
online Help for details.
• Review features for problems during a feature replay, and fix them if
necessary. The feature on which you stop the replay automatically
becomes the current feature.
8-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
Application Modeling
Toolbar Edit Feature→Reorder Feature
Menu Edit→Feature→Reorder
Right-click a feature node in the Part
Shortcut menu In the Part Navigator, drag and drop feature nodes.
8-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
• Opens the Feature Browser dialog box where you can identify parent/child
relationships between a selected feature and the other features in the
Information→Expression→List All
• You can use the Edit→Find option on the Information window menu bar
to search for a specific expression.
Referenced expressions
If an expression defines a feature directly, the feature name is listed with it in
the Expressions dialog box.
Any expression can be referenced by the formula of other expressions.
You can identify all referencing expressions by using List References in the
shortcut menu.
1. Choose Tools→Expression.
8-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
Application Gateway
2. In the Measure Distance dialog box, from the Type list, select Distance.
8-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
Application Gateway
Active Mockup®Analysis Drop-down list®Measure
Toolbar Bodies
Menu Analysis→Measure Bodies
3. If the material is not listed in the Assign Material dialog box, expand the
Filters list and search for the material by name, category, or type.
4. In the Materials dialog box, select a material from the Materials list.
5. Click OK.
8-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
Delayed updates
As you add features to your model, it may take noticeably longer to update.
You can delay updates until after edits are made.
From the main menu, choose Tools→Update→Delayed after Edit, or, on the
• If Delayed Update after Edit is active, feature updates are delayed while
edits are made.
When Delayed Update after Edit is active and edits are made, Update Model
is available.
Choose Tools→Update→Update Model, or, on the Edit Feature toolbar, click
The model is updated automatically when the part is saved.
8-24 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Part structure
• Identified expressions.
• Measured a distance.
9 Using sketches
This lesson explains additional sketch editing methods.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Edit sketches directly in Modeling and in the Sketch task environment.
• You can drag fully constrained sketches if they have not yet been
When you drag constrained curves they are scaled as necessary to
preserve the constraints.
• You can apply Inferred constraints if you drag the free end of a line.
9-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
You can drag curves to approximate the correct location before you constrain
This is useful when constraining curves at their original location distorts the
sketch, making it difficult to continue.
The following example shows the distortion that can be caused when
you attempt to drag objects with too many applied constraints.
To Do This
Drag the curves, points, or
Move curves, points, or dimensions
Move curves or points vertically or Press Shift and drag the curves or
horizontally points
Press Ctrl and drag the curves or
Copy curves or points
Copy curves or points vertically or Press Ctrl+Shift and drag the curves
horizontally or points
Edit objects Double–click the objects
Choose a command Right–click the objects
If you are in another command that requires a selection, you must exit
the command before you perform these actions. To exit a command,
press Esc.
9-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
When you preview a constraint, click the middle mouse button to lock the
constraint and prevent the sketch curve from moving in any other direction.
To temporarily disable , hold the Create Inferred Constraints Alt key.
The settings for each sketch is saved in the part file.
Toolbar (Modeling)
Auto Dimension
Use the Auto Dimension command to create dimensions on selected curves
and points according to a set of rules.
You can apply the following rules in any order.
• Create Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions on Lines
9-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Auto Dimension
(Drafting and Sketch task environment) Sketch
Tools®Auto Dimension
Menu (Modeling) Tools®Sketch Constraints®Auto
(Drafting and Sketch task environment)
Tools®Constraints®Auto Dimension
Auto Constrain
The Auto Constrain command creates specific multiple geometric constraint
types to selected sketch objects. The selected geometry is analyzed based on
the command settings and the constraints are applied to your sketch.
This can be especially useful when you add geometry to the active sketch,
particularly if that geometry was imported from a different CAD system.
You can also use this to apply a single constraint type to multiple sketch
objects, for example apply a tangent constraint to multiple fillets and their
adjacent curves.
9-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Alternate Solution
(Sketch task environment) Sketch Tools®Alternate
Menu (Modeling) Tools®Sketch Constraints®Alternate
(Sketch task environment)
Tools®Constraints®Alternate Solution
9-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
4. Click Close.
In the following example, the sketch dimension p19 (1) was selected
and an alternate solution found. In this case the alternate solution was
to reverse the direction of the sketch curves (2).
9-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
Toolbar (Modeling)
9-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
9-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Reattach
(Sketch task environment) Sketch Tools®Reattach
Menu (Modeling and Sketch task environment)
4. Optional: Expand the Sketch Orientation group, from the Reference list,
choose either Horizontal or Vertical.
5. Optional: Click Select Reference and define the new reference direction
6. Click OK.
9-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
(Modeling) Direct Sketch®Mirror Curve
(Drafting and Sketch task environment) Sketch
Tools®Mirror Curve
Menu (Modeling and Drafting) Insert®Sketch Curve®Mirror
(Sketch task environment) Insert®Curve from
Curves®Mirror Curve
4. Click OK.
9-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
Make Symmetric
• Arcs
• Circles
You can also make different point types symmetric. For example, you make
the end of a line and the center of an arc symmetric about a line.
9-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Using sketches
• Optional: To update the model while still in the sketch, on the Sketch
• Reattached sketches
• Mirrored curves.
9-24 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
10 Trim Body
This lesson introduces the Trim Body command to define the topology of
a solid body.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Trim a solid body to a plane or sheet body.
Essentials for NX Designers 10-1
Trim Body
• You can select a single face, multiple faces from the same body, or a datum
plane to trim the target bodies.
Application Modeling
10-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Trim Body
4. In the Tool group, make sure that Select Face or Plane is active.
Essentials for NX Designers 10-3
Trim Body
6. (Optional) If the vector is not pointing toward the portion of the target
body you want to remove, click Reverse Direction .
10-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Trim Body
Essentials for NX Designers 10-5
Trim Body
Tier 1
Cylinder head -
part 1
In the project you create and constrain a sketch curve to create a revolved
trimming sheet. The trimming sheet is used to trim the cylinder head body.
10-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Trim Body
Essentials for NX Designers 10-7
This lesson introduces draft, offsets, and selection intent to define profiles and
swept features.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Apply selection intent to define sections from intersecting curves and
multiple loops.
Selection Intent - Curve Rule
The Selection bar has rules you can set up when selecting curves for sweep
11-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept feature options
Curve Rule options
Feature Curves Collect all output curves from curve features, such as
sketches or any other curve features.
Face Edges Collect all edges of the face containing the edge you
When you select an edge, the cursor location
determines which face is selected.
Sheet Edges Collect all edges of the sheet body you select.
Infer Curves Use the default intent method for the type of object
you select.
For example, with Extrude the default is Feature
Curves if you select a curve, and Single if you select
an edge.
Active Selection mini toolbar
The Active Selection mini toolbar appears above your cursor when you first
select a curve or edge. You can select a different Selection Intent curve rule
with minimal cursor movement, while remaining focused on the geometry.
The Active Selection mini toolbar only appears when you select a curve
or edge when the current Selection Intent rule is one of the following:
• Infer Curves
• Single Curve
You can:
• Change the Selection Intent rule on the mini toolbar and continue to
select or deselect faces or curves.
11-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept feature options
Changing selection intent rules
The Active Selection mini toolbar is used to change a selection intent rule
immediately after an object is first selected.
If you want to change the rule in effect after the initial object selection, you
can right-click over the object and select a different rule from the menu.
Extrude start and end limits
Use the limit options to define the overall construction method and the
extents of the extrude feature.
Value Specify numeric values for the start or end of the extrusion.
Until Next Extends the extrude feature to the next body along the
direction path.
Symmetric Converts the Start limit distance to the same value as the
Value End limit.
11-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept feature options
Extrude with offset
The Offset options lets you specify up to two offsets to the profile for extruded
and revolved sections. You can assign unique values for both offsets.
You can:
• Type values for the offsets in the Start and End boxes in the dialog box.
Start Start the offset at the value you specify, measured from
the section.
End End the offset at the value you specify, measured from the
Two sided offset examples
The start and end offset values may be positive or negative.
The positive direction is shown by the End Offset drag handle.
11-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept feature options
Single-sided offset examples
The single-sided examples are based on offsets to the section shown.
If the end value becomes so large that a self-intersecting body is created, the
preview disappears.
In this example the offset is small enough to support a preview. The offset
body is valid.
Negative offset
In this example the offset is negative, and small enough to support a preview.
The offset body is valid.
11-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept feature options
Extrude with draft
Use the Draft option to add a slope to one or more sides of the extrude feature,
in one or two directions from the section.
You can apply a draft only when the extruded section is planar.
Option Description
None No draft is created.
From Start Limit Maintain the original size of the extruded section at
the start limit.
From Section Maintain the original size of the extruded section
at the section plane.
From Section- Split the side faces into two sides at the section
Asymmetric Angle plane. You can control the draft angle separately on
each side of the section. 1
Front Angle and Back Angle options appear; one
pair with the Single option, and one pair for each set
of tangent curves for the Multipleoption.
From Section- Split side faces at the section plane, and use the
Symmetric Angle same draft angle on both sides. 1
From Section- Maintain the original size of the extruded section,
Matched Ends and split the side faces of the extrude feature at the
section plane.
Match the size of the shape at the end limit to that of
the start limit, and vary the draft angle to maintain
the matched shape at the end limit. 1
Angle Option Single — Specify a single draft angle for all faces of
the extrude feature.
Multiple — Specify unique draft angles to each
tangent chain of faces of the extrude feature.
Angle Specify a value for a draft angle.
List Examine the name and value for each draft angle.
The list appears when the Angle Option is set to
1. Available only when the extrude extends from both sides of the section.
Positive and negative draft angles
If you look at the body with your eye positioned with respect to the draft
vector as shown, positive draft angles (1) enable you to see the draft feature
faces, and negative draft angles (2) hide the draft feature faces.
11-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept feature options
Draft offset example
5. Start offset is –5
6. End offset is 5
DesignLogic parameter entry options
Parameter entry options let you define your model parametrically as you
specify feature values.
• Formula.
11-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept feature options
Reference existing parameters
4. Click OK (2).
The parameter name now appears in the box (3).
Activities: Swept feature options
In the Swept feature options section, do the activities:
• Extrude using selection intent
11-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Swept feature options
Project: Advanced sweeps
In the Projects section, there are three advanced sweeping projects.
Tier 1
Pulley - part 3
Tier 2
Flywheel - part 3
Tank - part 3
These projects refine your basic compressor model bodies with more advanced
sweeping techniques.
Summary: Swept feature options
Use selection intent to quickly specify sections by applying rules to complex
sets of curves.
Extrude or revolve with offsets to thicken simple sections or alter sections.
Incorporate draft in extruded features instead of using separate draft features
to simplify your history tree.
Use DesignLogic to increase productivity when modelling parametrically.
In this lesson you:
• Applied selection intent to define sections.
11-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
12 Hole features
This lesson introduces the general hole feature.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create general hole features.
Hole overview
Use the Hole command to add the following types of hole features to one or
more solid bodies in a part or assembly:
• General holes (simple, counterbored, countersunk, or tapered form)
• Threaded holes
You can:
• Create holes on non-planar surfaces.
• Specify the position of holes by sketching. You can use the Snap Point and
Selection Intent options to select existing points or feature points.
• Create holes using formatted data tables for the Screw Clearance Hole,
Drill Size Hole, and Threaded Hole types.
• Use the None and Subtract Boolean commands on the target bodies while
creating a Hole feature.
Application Modeling
Toolbar Feature→Hole
Menu Insert→Design Feature→Hole
12-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Hole features
• Direction
The options available within the groups will change depending on which type
and form you select.
12-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Hole features
Tapered 1. Diameter
2. Taper Angle
3. Depth
• Edit holes
12-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Hole features
Tier 1 12
Pulley - part 4
Tier 2
Handle - part 2
Flywheel - part 4
Tank - part 4
In these projects you create fastener holes, shaft holes and keyway holes for
the components of the compressor.
12-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
13 Shell
Purpose 13
This lesson introduces the Shell command.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create a shell feature.
Shell overview
Use the Shell command to hollow out a solid body or to create a shell around
it by specifying wall thicknesses. You can also assign individual thicknesses
to faces or remove individual faces.
Application Modeling
Toolbar Feature®Shell
Menu Insert®Offset/Scale®Shell
Shortcut menu Right-click a solid body®Shell
13-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Create a shell
1. Click Select Face in the Alternate Thicknesses group and select the
faces for the first face set.
If the direction is wrong, click Reverse Direction for the face set.
3. Click Add New Set to complete the current face set and begin a new
You can also complete the set by clicking the middle mouse button.
4. Repeat this sequence for each set of faces that require a unique wall
13-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Shell options
You can right-click the section, preview, axis vector, or handles to
quickly access many of the following options.
Option Description
Remove Faces, Then Remove some faces of the body before shelling
Shell is done.
Shell All Faces Shell all faces of the body.
Select Face Select one or more faces from a body you are 13
going to shell. 1
The first face selected sets the body to shell. 2
Option Description
Add New Set Complete the current face set.
You can also complete the current face set by
clicking the middle mouse button.
List Thickness sets appear in the list with their
name, value, and expression information.
To select a thickness set, click its on-screen
input box in the graphics window or click its
13 entry in the List.
13-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Rule Description
Face and Adjacent Collect the selected face and faces that are
Faces immediately adjacent to the single face you select.
Activities: Shell
In the Shell section, do the activities:
• Create a shell
13-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Summary: Shell
Use the Shell command to create a cavity inside, or a shell around an existing
solid body, based on a specified thickness.
In this lesson you:
• Created a shell with a uniform thickness.
14 Associative copies
This lesson introduces the Instance Feature, Mirror Body and Feature Group
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create a rectangular array of features.
• Mirror a body.
• Circular Array
• Pattern Face
You can add edge blends, chamfers, and threads to an Instance feature.
If you create:
• An edge blend you can select Blend All Instances.
14-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
• Chamfers
• Blends
• Offset sheets
• Datums
• Instance sets
• Draft features
• Surfaces
• Trimmed features
Application Modeling
If the array geometry fails a geometry check, click Undo and try a
General array.
14-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
Rectangular arrays are parallel to the XC and YC axes based on the number
and offset distance you enter.
Application Modeling
14-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
3. In the Enter Parameters dialog box, specify the method: General, Simple,
or Identical.
4. Type the Number Along XC, XC Offset, Number Along YC, and the YC
• An axis of revolution.
Application Modeling
After you select the desired features to instance, the following options appear:
Number Total number of instances created in the circular array,
including the existing feature you are instancing.
14-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
3. In the Enter Parameters dialog box, specify the array method: General,
Simple, or Identical.
4. In the Number box, type the total number of instances in the array.
6. Click OK.
7. Choose Point & Direction or Datum Axis to establish the rotation axis.
• Point & Direction — Use the Vector dialog box to specify a direction
and the Point dialog box to specify a reference point. The selected
features are rotated about the reference point in a plane normal to
the vector direction.
When you use Point & Direction, the circular array is not
associated to geometry you select.
The radius of the array is the distance from the rotation axis to the
feature origin of the first feature you select. This radius value appears in
the Edit dialog box.
A highlighted representation of the array is displayed.
14-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
• Create a circular instance array
Model History
Datum Coordinate System (0)
Extrude (1)
Feature Group (5) “lug”
Extrude (2)
14 Simple Hole (3)
Edge Blend (4)
Edge_Blend (6)
14-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
When the Embed Feature Group Members check box is selected in the
Feature Group dialog box, the members of the feature group only appear
within the Feature Group node in the Part Navigator and do not appear in
the normal timestamp location.
This simplifies the structure of the history tree, but the embedded feature
members are not available for other groupings.
Model History
Datum Coordinate System (0)
Extrude (1)
Feature Group (5) “lug”
Extrude (2) Because these features are
embedded, and reside only
Simple Hole (3)
in the group, they are not
Edge Blend (4) available for other groups.
Edge_Blend (6)
Model History
Datum Coordinate System (0)
Extrude (1)
Extrude (2) These features are available for
other groups because they are not
Simple Hole (3)
embedded and reside both in the
Edge Blend (4) group and outside of the group.
Feature Group (5) “lug”
Extrude (2)
Simple Hole (3)
Edge Blend (4)
Edge_Blend (6)
14-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
• You can specify a timestamp for the mirror feature so that any features
you later add to the original body will not be reflected in the mirrored body.
Application Modeling
Feature®Associative Copy Drop-down®Mirror Body
Menu Insert®Associative Copy®Mirror Body
2. In the Mirror Body dialog box, click Select Body and select a body to
4. (Optional) Clear the Fix at Current Timestamp check box if you want the
mirrored body to reflect subsequent features added to the parent body.
3. In the Mirror Body dialog box, edit the parent body, timestamp setting,
or the mirror plane.
14-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
Select Body
Lets you select a body in a part to mirror.
WAVE This group is available only during edit and only when
Information the mirrored body is a WAVE linked body.
Parent Part displays the name of the parent part.
Object displays the name of the parent object.
Status displays the status of the WAVE link.
Fix at Current Select this option to fix the feature timestamp of the
Timestamp mirrored body.
When active, only changes made to the original body
prior to the timestamp are reflected in the mirrored
body. Changes made to the original body after the
timestamp are not reflected in the mirrored body.
When not selected, the mirrored body dynamically
changes its location in history. Changes made to the
original body are always reflected in the mirror body.
14-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Associative copies
• Mirrored a body.
15 Edge operations
This lesson introduces the edge operation commands to provide additional
definition to the edges of a model. These commands include Edge Blend
and Chamfer.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create edge blends.
• Create chamfers.
Where do I find it?
Application Modeling
15-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Edge operations
After you click Edge Blend a dialog box is displayed and you are prompted to
select a set of edges. You can type the radius in the Radius n box.
Radius n refers to Radius 1, Radius 2, Radius 3, and so on.
As you select edges, the preview is updated. If the preview fails, it means the
blend will probably also fail. You should see a warning window explaining
the problem.
Adjust the radius by dragging one of the radius drag handles (1) or by typing
the value in the dynamic input field (2).
15-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Edge operations
A single blend feature may consist of one or more sets of edges. Each set
may have a different radius value.
Click Add New Set in the dialog box (or click the middle mouse button once)
to select another set of edges.
You may continue to define another edge set or complete the blend operation
by clicking OK.
15-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Edge operations
Chamfer overview
Use the Chamfer command to bevel the edges of one or more bodies.
Depending on the shape of the body, the chamfer bevels edges by subtracting
material (1) or adding material (2).
Application Modeling
Toolbar Feature®Chamfer
Menu Insert®Detail Feature®Chamfer
Graphics window Right-click an edge of a body®Chamfer
Create a Chamfer
3. In the Offsets group, specify an option from the Cross Section list;
Symmetric, Asymmetric, or Offset and Angle.
4. In the dialog box, type offset values that correspond to the cross section
5. (Optional) In the Settings group, specify an option from the Offset Method
list, Offset Edges along Faces, or Offset Faces and Trim.
9. (Optional) In the Offset group, click Reverse Direction to flip the chamfer.
10. Click OK or click the middle mouse button to create the chamfer.
15-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Edge operations
Chamfer options
You can change the Cross Section option or click Reverse Direction in
the dialog box, or, you can use the shortcut menu over a drag handle.
Select one or more edges from the same body, using
Select Edge
a Curve Rule.
Symmetric — Create a simple chamfer, using an
single, positive offset from a selected edge along
both of its faces.
Asymmetric Create a chamfer using two positive
Cross Section
values for the edge offsets.
Offset and Angle — Create a chamfer whose offsets
are determined by one positive offset value and a
positive angle.
Type a distance value for the offset when the Cross
Section is Offset and Angle or Symmetric.
You can also drag the distance handle to specify the
Distance 1 Type distance values when the Cross Section is
Distance 2 Asymmetric, or drag the handles.
Type an angle value for the angle when the Cross
Section is Offset and Angle.
You can also drag the angle handle to specify the
Move the offsets or the offset and angle from one
Reverse Direction side of the chamfer edge to the other.
Not available when the cross section is symmetric.
15-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Edge operations
Tier 1
Pulley - part 5
Tier 2
Flywheel - part 5
Tank - part 5
15-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
16 Introduction to Assemblies
This lesson introduces the Assemblies application.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Set load options for an assembly.
An assembly is a part which contains component objects.
Component objects are pointers to standalone parts or subassemblies.
In this illustration, the toy laser gun is an assembly consisting of many
16 Subassembly
A subassembly is an assembly used as a component within a higher level
This illustration shows the subassembly of the integrated circuit board for
the toy laser gun.
16-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
Component objects
A component object is a nongeometric pointer to the file that contains the
component geometry. After you define a component, the part file in which
you define it has a new component object. The component object allows the
component to be displayed in the assembly without duplicating any geometry.
Component objects store information about the component part, such as:
• Layer.
• Color.
• Position data for the component relative to the assembly.
• The path to the component part on the file system.
• The reference set to display.
16-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
The Part Versions group contains the Load list, with options to control how to
find component parts.
• As Saved loads parts from the directory in which they were saved.
• From Folder loads parts from the same directory as the parent assembly.
Load states
The load state of a part describes the amount of data that is brought into
computer memory from file storage.
There are three load states:
Fully loaded
All of the data in the file is loaded into memory. Use this load state with
small assemblies, or with a subset of large assembly components to edit
or create links to parametric data.
Partially loaded
Enough data is brought into memory to display the part. Parametric data
is not loaded into memory. Use this load state to open large assemblies
16 faster than when you fully open components, and to conserve computer
memory for those components that you are going to modify. You can
fully open partially loaded components at any time if you want to edit
their data.
Not loaded
The file is not loaded into memory at all. The assembly has information
about the position and the bounding box size of the unloaded parts.
Use this load state to manage very large assemblies, for which you can
manipulate only a relatively small amount of data at any one time. Fully
or partially load only those components of immediate interest, and leave
the rest unloaded.
16-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
Scope group
The Scope group in the Assembly Load Options dialog box allows you to
control the assembly configuration and the load state of parts:
• Load — Control which components are opened:
– All Components — Load all components.
– Structure Only — Load your assembly part, but no components.
– As Saved — Load the same components that were open when the
assembly was last saved.
– Re-evaluate Last Component Group — Load your assembly with the
component group used when the assembly was last saved.
Component groups are advanced functionality to let you
conditionally apply actions to all or part of the assembly
• Load Interpart Data — Find and load parents of interpart data, even if 16
the parts would be left unloaded by other rules.
Reference Sets
Use this area to specify a list of reference sets to be looked for, in order, when
an assembly is loaded. The first reference set found from the top of the list
reading downwards is the one that is loaded.
Think of a reference set as a subset of part geometry that you can load
in place of the entire part.
The Model reference set is meant to contain only a body that you wish
to place on a drawing.
You may save the current load options settings as your default settings.
Otherwise, any changes you make in the Assembly Load Options dialog box
apply only to your current NX session.
The Saved Load Options group contains options to control saved settings:
• Save as Default — Save the current load options as your defaults in the
load_options.def file in your current directory.
• Restore Default — Reset the load options to the values defined in the
load_options.def file in your current directory, if it exists, or to the system
• Save to File — Save the current load options settings to a load option
definition file whose name and location you define in the Save Load
Options File dialog box.
• Open from File — Open the Restore Load Options File dialog box, from
which you can select a custom load option definitions file.
16-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
16-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
The hierarchal tree always appears in the left-most column in the main panel
of the Assembly Navigator, regardless of which column is assigned to that
Not all available commands or options are shown in the following table.
Icon Meaning
The following symbols precede nodes in the tree structure selected.
Container for view sections and component groups.
Expands an assembly or subassembly node.
Collapses an assembly or subassembly node.
Indicates one or more components have been filtered out of the
Assembly Navigator display. This symbol precedes the word
The following icons indicate that their node represents an assembly or
The assembly is the work part or a component of the work part.
The assembly is loaded, but it is neither the work part nor a
component of the work part.
The assembly is not loaded.
Icon Meaning
The following icons indicate that their node represents a piece part.
The component is the work part or a component of the work
The component is neither the work part nor a component of
the work part.
The component is closed.
Check boxes in the tree diagram beside components
The component is not loaded.
The component is at least partially loaded, but not visible.
The component is at least partially loaded and visible.
The part is suppressed.
• Assembly Navigator
16-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
Select components
When you are using commands that require you to select components, you
can select them in the following ways:
• Select the component in the graphics window.
• Type the component name in the Class Selection dialog box, in the Other
Selection Methods group, in the Select by Name box.
Use the Quickpick list to easily select a component or object from a crowded
field of objects.
Once you position your cursor over a group of components the QuickPick
Identify components
• Select nodes for loaded and visible components in the Assembly Navigator
hierarchal tree to highlight the corresponding geometry in the graphics
• Move the cursor over invisible components to see a bounding box in the
graphics window.
The following image shows how an invisible component looks when only the
bounding box is displayed. The image on the left is the loaded component and
the image on the right is the bounding box display.
16-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
Design in context
Design in context is the ability to create or edit component geometry while
the rest of the geometry is available.
• You can change the work part while an assembly is displayed.
• There are a group of modeling and expression commands that you can use
only when an assembly is displayed, to design in context.
When you are editing an assembly, you have control over the number
of components that are loaded and visible. This is sometimes called the
assembly context.
When you modify parts while you are working in the assembly context, we
call it design in context. In other CAD applications this is occasionally called
edit in place.
You can directly edit component geometry while the rest of the assembly is
visible. The part you are editing is always the work part. The work part
can be:
• A component piece part
• A component subassembly
The displayed part and the work part must always have the same units. For
example, you cannot have the displayed part in inches and the work part in
Application Assemblies
16-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
When your assembly has multiple occurrences of a component, it may not be
clear which occurrence becomes the work part. If you choose the name from a
list, or choose a packed node in the Assembly Navigator, the work part can
seem to be a random occurrence. If a particular occurrence is preferable to
you as the work part, perhaps because it is in a convenient location, you 16
can select its specific node in the navigator or its specific occurrence in the
graphic window.
You can choose Preferences®Assemblies and select the Emphasize check
box to emphasize the work part by changing the rest of the assembly to a
predetermined color. The work part retains its assigned colors.
When you are working in a large assembly, a color difference helps to visually
differentiate the work part geometry from the rest of the displayed part.
The Make Work Part command is unavailable, and the Set Work Part
command will not change the work part, if:
• The selected component has different units than the displayed part.
• The current application does not support design in context, for example,
the Drafting application when a drawing is displayed.
Application Assemblies
16-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
Command Description
The following commands are available when you right-click a component
Specifies the part in which to create
Make Work Part
objects and geometry.
Switches the display between
Make Displayed Part
currently loaded parts.
Changes the displayed part to a
Display Parent selected parent of the node you
Opens the selected component,
according to the current assembly
load option settings.
Assembly 16
Opens the selected subassembly.
Not all available commands or options are shown in the following table.
Command Description
The following commands are available:
• In the Assembly Navigator, when you right-click the background.
• On the Tools®Assembly Navigator menu.
16 • On the Assembly Navigator toolbar.
Expands all collapsed nodes in the
Assembly Navigator so that every
Expand All component has a visible node.
Packs all components that currently
have multiple occurrences in the
Pack All assembly.
16-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
After you edit it, save the work part to keep the modifications.
Use File→Save or File→Save Work Part Only.
Open parts for which you do not have write privileges will not be
You will get a warning about parts that cannot be saved due to
16-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Assemblies
Summary: Assemblies
An assembly is a file which contains component objects. It is a collection of
pointers to piece parts and/or subassemblies.
Assemblies provides the ability to design in context.
In this lesson you:
• Set Assembly Load Options.
This lesson introduces commands to add components to an assembly, move
components, and define associative relationships between components.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Add components to an assembly.
• Move components.
You are not limited to one approach to build an assembly. For example, you
can initially work in a top-down fashion, then switch back and forth between
bottom-up and top-down modeling.
17-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
Use the Add Component command to add one or more component parts
to the work part.
If you add a part family template part, the Select Family Member dialog
box appears.
You can:
• Add one or more instances of selected components in a single operation.
When you add multiple components at the same time, you may want
to use the Scatter option to prevent the components from being
positioned in the same location.
• Repeat the add operation by selecting Repeat after Add from the Multiple
Add list.
Application Assemblies
17-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
The following options are found on the Add Component dialog box.
• Part group lets you select one or more parts to add to the work park. You
can select parts from the following locations.
– Graphics window or Assembly Navigator.
• Placement group sets the positioning method for added components along
with location options.
– Absolute Origin places the components at absolute 0,0,0.
• Replication group lets you use Multiple Add options to add more than
one instance.
17-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
17-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
Application Assemblies
The following options are found on the Add Component dialog box.
• Tranform group specifies how the selected components move.
Motion provides the following options to move a component.
– Dynamic use drag functions, the on-screen input box or the Point
dialog box.
– Angle moves the component about an axis point and vector direction a
specified angle.
– Rotate By Three Points defines the pivot point, start and end points
in which to move the component.
– Axis to Vector move the component between two defined vectors about
a pivot point.
• Copy group lets you copy components that are moved.
17-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
• Settings group lets you determine how moved components will behave
within arrangements, how many animations steps are used when the
component is moved, options for routing objects, and collision detection.
Collision Detection is only available when Copy is set to No Copy.
• Specify that a component is fixed in place. This is useful when you want
to control which component moves when the software solves a constraint.
See Assembly constraint types for more information about the different types
of constraints and their uses.
You can convert mating conditions to assembly constraints. Assembly
constraints are usually faster to create and easier to use than mating
You can delay the updating of assembly constraints until a convenient time.
When you are ready, you can activate the update.
You can temporarily display the degrees of freedom for a selected component.
17 Application Assemblies
Set Preferences®Assemblies®Interaction to
Prerequisite Assembly Constraints.
17-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
This list shows examples of the most used icons, not all possible constraint
17-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
5. Click Select Two Objects (if necessary), and select two objects for
the constraint.
You can use the Point Constructor to help you select objects.
6. If two solutions are possible, you can click Reverse Last Constraint to
flip between the possible solutions.
7. Click OK or Apply.
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
8. Click OK or Apply.
17-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
You can find degrees of freedom on components that are loaded and
unsuppressed. If geometry in other components needs to be loaded to find
the degrees of freedom, you receive a message asking if you want to load
the geometry.
Application Assemblies 17
Assemblies®Component Position Drop-down
17-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
The Matching Members list box lists family members that meet the Criteria.
As the list of matches becomes smaller, you can select a member to add, or
continue to narrow the criteria for candidates.
If the criteria specify a member of the family that does not yet exist, NX
creates a new member and adds it to the assembly.
• The Family table is defined using the Part Family spreadsheet. It contains
the variables that may be modified in order to define the individual
Family Members.
• The Part Family consists of the template part, family table, and family
member parts.
17-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
Tier 1
Cylinder Head
Tier 2
17-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Adding and constraining components
• Moved components.
18 Introduction to Drafting
This lesson introduces the Drafting application and the master model concept.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create a non-master file that references a master model.
• Create dimensions.
• Controls for drawing updates and large assembly drawings which enhance
user productivity.
In NX, the term drawing sheet is used to define a collection of views. You
can think of each drawing sheet as a separate page in the drawing file. One
drawing file can contain many drawing sheets.
18-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Add views
NX enables to you create a single view or multiple views at the same time.
All views are derived directly from your model, and can be used to create
other views, such as section and detail views. The base view determines the
orthographic space and view alignment for all projected views.
18-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Add annotation
Once you have placed the views on your drawing, you are ready to add
Annotations such as dimensions and symbols are associated with the
geometry in the views. If a view is moved the associated annotations move
with the view. If the model is edited, the dimensions and symbols update
to reflect the change.
You may also choose to add notes, labels, and in the case of assembly
drawings, parts lists to your drawing
A completed drawing can be plotted directly from NX, or the part containing
the drawing can be used directly by manufacturing to fabricate the part.
18-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
• The downstream users need not have write access to the geometry. This
prevents accidental modifications.
Drafting Assembly
Master Model 18
Analysis N/C
Each application uses a separate assembly part. When the master model is
revised, the other applications automatically update with minimal or no
associativity loss.
You can maintain the design intent of the various design applications by
restricting write permission on the master model.
18-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
When you create a drawing this way, by default the template will set
all of your drafting preferences to those contained in the template.
18-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Sheet overview
Use the Sheet command to:
• Create a new drawing in your work part, if no drawing exists in the part.
Use the File→New command and select a template from the Drawing
tab if you want to create and save the drawing in a separate part.
• Set the units and projection angle for standard sheet sizes.
• Set the height, width, units, and projection angle for custom sheet sizes.
• Edit the size, scale, projection angle, units, and name of an existing sheet.
You can change the projection angle only if there are no projected
views on the drawing sheet.
Application Drafting
Application Drafting
2. In the Sheet dialog box, define the drawing sheet size, scale, name, units
of measure and projection angle.
3. Choose OK.
• In the Part Navigator, right-click the drawing sheet node and choose Open.
• Right-click the view border of a drawing sheet and choose Edit Sheet.
If you need to edit the drawing sheet to a smaller size, but cannot due to
the current position of the views, move the views closer to the drawing
sheet’s origin at the lower left corner of the sheet.
18-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
• In the Part Navigator, right-click the drawing sheet node and choose
• Choose Edit ® Delete, then select the current drawing sheet border, then
click OK.
18-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
18-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
• It is called the View Preference dialog box if you are setting the global
preferences for all view types.
The title of the dialog box, the tabs displayed in the dialog box, and the
options displayed on the different tabs of the dialog box, depend on whether
you are setting the style of a view or setting the preference for all views.
From this dialog box you can:
• Control visual properties of the view such as how hidden lines, visible
lines, virtual intersections, and smooth edges are rendered, and whether
the view is displayed as a shaded or wireframe image.
• Control the visibility of the view annotation such as the view label, scale
label, and centerline symbols.
Application Drafting
Application Drafting
18-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
The Hidden Line tab in the View Style and View Preferences dialog box
provides options for controlling the way edges and curves, hidden by geometry
based on the view orientation, are displayed.
Any view created from an existing view, known as the parent view, will
automatically inherit the parent view’s hidden line settings, regardless
of how the Hidden Line options in the View Style or View Preferences
dialog boxes are set. Once the view is created, however, you can change
it’s hidden line display using the View Style dialog box.
Smooth Edges
Smooth edges are those whose adjacent faces have the same surface tangent
at the edge where they meet.
On the Smooth Edges page, select the Smooth Edges option to use the color,
font, and width settings to specify the appearance of smooth edges.
Use the End Gaps option to vary the edge intersection appearance.
18-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Base overview
Use the Base command to add any standard modeling or custom view saved
in a part to a drawing sheet. A single drawing sheet may contain one or more
base views. From base views, you can create associated child views such as
Projected, Section, and Detail views.
The Base command provides options that enable you to:
• Add any view from the current part or another loaded part.
Application Drafting
18-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
1. Choose Start→Drafting.
3. In the graphics window, move your cursor to the desired location and
The shortcut menu is displayed.
7. Click middle mouse button to dismiss the Base View dialog box.
The right model view is displayed with a label below the view.
Projected overview
You can project views from an existing base, drawing, orthographic, or
auxiliary view. NX automatically infers orthographic and auxiliary alignment
as you move the cursor in a circular motion about the parent view’s center.
The Automatically Start Projected View Command option on the
General tab of the Preferences→Drafting dialog box controls the
automatic start up of the projected view command.
You can manually define the hinge line and also reverse the projection
direction before you place the view.
Application Drafting
18-24 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Projection lines
When you move the cursor while adding a projected view you see projection
lines. You can place the view at any angle from the base view. You can:
• Place the view manually. The angle snaps to 45° increments.
As you move the cursor the preview style can be:
• Border
• Wireframe
• Hidden Wireframe
• Shaded Image
To select a preview option, right-click before you place the view and
choose Preview Style.
18-26 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
• In the Part Navigator, right-click a drawing view node and choose Style.
• Choose Edit→Style.
2. Hold the cursor over the border of a view (a selected view, if there are more
Once a view is removed from a drawing sheet, all drafting objects or view
modifications associated to that view are deleted.
18-28 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
The Drafting application supports ANSI, ASME, ISO and JIS standard
dimension types, including Baseline, Chain, and Ordinate dimensions.
• NX uses an intelligent inference algorithm to anticipate and create
dimensions based on the objects you select.
• You can also choose to create specific dimension types using the
Dimension toolbar, or from the Insert→Dimension menu.
• You can set local preferences that control the display of the dimension
3. Select the object(s) you want to dimension. Use the Line and Snap Point
options (when available) to help with selection.
4. (Optional) While rubber banding the dimension, you can use right-click
options to control the display and placement of the dimension.
5. Indicate a position for the dimension origin by clicking the left mouse
Annotation Preferences
18-30 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
When you select a dimension type, the corresponding dimension dialog bar
The settings that you set on the dialog bar affect only dimensions you are
currently creating. The settings return to global values when you exit
dimension creation or choose Reset.
18-32 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
If the text is complex, use the Text Editor from the dimension dialog bar.
To add appended text to a previously created dimension that does not already
have appended text, do one of the following:
• Use Note to create the text, then drag the text until it’s highlighted
in a dashed box in the correct placement position.
• Double-click the dimension, and open the Text Editor from the dialog bar.
• Double-click the dimension, and use the shortcut menu to choose either
Appended Text (for a single line of text), or Text Editor (for complex text).
• Double-click the dimension, and use the Right (after), Left (before), Up
(above), or Down (below) arrow key on the keyboard to get the appended 18
text location you desire. Type the text and press Enter.
• Double-click the dimension and use the Right (after), Left (before), Up
(above), or Down (below) arrow key on the keyboard to get the appended
text location you desire.
• Select the dimension, and open the shortcut menu over the appended text.
• To set the text orientation and text arrow placement as you create a
dimension, open the shortcut menu before you place the text.
Move a dimension
The cursor will change to when you are in the move mode.
18-34 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Edit a dimension
1. Use one of the following methods for selecting a dimension.
• Select a dimension. Right-click, choose the appropriate the option,
and execute your edit.
• Double-click a dimension.
This action selects the dimension and activates the relevant dimension
dialog bar for editing.
3. Click Esc or middle mouse button to deactivate the dimension icon options
when you are finished editing.
• From the Edit Dimension dialog bar, in the Value group, click the
precision list.
After you create a dimension, you can edit its preference settings to match
another dimension:
1. Double-click the dimension you want to change.
18-36 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Note overview
Use the Note dialog box to create and edit notes and labels. A note consists of
text; a label consists of text with one or more leader lines.
Text can be imported by reference to expressions, part attributes and object
attributes, and can include symbols formed from control character sequences
or user-defined symbols.
While editing or creating notes, labels, or GD&T, NX provides a preview
directly in the graphics window as you enter each character.
Application Drafting
Toolbar Annotation→Note
Menu Insert→Annotation→Note
Helper lines
Helper lines act as a guide to allow you to align notes, labels, dimensions,
symbols, and views with other objects on the drawing sheet. Helper lines
appear as a dashed line.
To use helper lines, move the cursor over the object to which you want to
align as you are placing the new annotation. The note highlights and helper
lines appear.
18-38 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Create a note
On Windows, while in the Drafting application, you can drag a text file
onto a drawing sheet to create a note.
3. Move the cursor to the desired location and click to place the note.
Create a label
5. Click again to place the label on the drawing (single leader shown below).
• Before placing the note, you can select additional options from the Note
dialog box.
• You can align annotations using helper lines that appear when you move
the cursor near existing annotation.
18-40 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
You can display the Note dialog box and edit text by double-clicking
the note or label.
18-42 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Drafting
Projects: Drafting
In the Projects section, there are two drafting projects to further practice
creating sheets, views, notes and annotations.
Tier 1
Pulley - part 6
Tier 2
Flywheel - part 6
Summary: Drafting
Use the Drafting application to create and edit drawing sheets. Views and
dimensions on a drawing sheet are associative to the solid model and update
when changes are made to the model.
Use the Note command to create notes and labels.
In this lesson you:
• Applied the master model concept to create a drawing.
• Created dimensions.
18-44 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
19 Introduction to Synchronous
This lesson introduces editing techniques using Synchronous Modeling.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Edit a model by moving faces.
• Resize blends.
Synchronous Modeling
Synchronous Modeling commands are used to modify a model regardless of
its origins, associativity, or feature history.
The model you modify can be:
• Imported from other CAD systems
By working directly with the model, the geometry is not rebuilt or converted.
With Synchronous Modeling, designers can use parametric features without
the limitations of a feature history.
Synchronous Modeling is primarily suited for use on models composed of
analytic faces types like plane, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus. This does not
necessarily mean “simple” parts, since models with many thousands of faces
are composed of these face types.
19-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Synchronous Modeling
• To change the bend angle of a sheet metal part that has no history.
• To rotate a face or set of faces about a given axis and about a point. For
example, to change the angular position of a keyway slot.
19-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Synchronous Modeling
In this example, the red face in the body on the left is resized using Resize
The dependent blue face updates automatically.
Application Modeling
19-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Synchronous Modeling
19-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Introduction to Synchronous Modeling
A Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-1
Practice projects
Practice Project 1
A-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Practice Project 2
Essentials for NX Designers A-3
Practice projects
Practice Project 3
A-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-5
Practice projects
Practice Project 4
A-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-7
Practice projects
Practice Project 5
A-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-9
Practice projects
Practice Project 6
A-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-11
Practice projects
Practice Project 7
A-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-13
Practice projects
Practice Project 8
A-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-15
Practice projects
Practice Project 9
A-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-17
Practice projects
Practice Project 10
A-18 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Practice Project 11
Essentials for NX Designers A-19
Practice projects
A-20 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Practice Project 12
Essentials for NX Designers A-21
Practice projects
A-22 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Practice Project 13
Essentials for NX Designers A-23
Practice projects
A-24 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Practice Project 14
Essentials for NX Designers A-25
Practice projects
A-26 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Practice Project 15
Essentials for NX Designers A-27
Practice projects
Practice Project 16
A-28 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-29
Practice projects
Practice Project 17
A-30 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-31
Practice projects
Practice Project 18
A-32 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-33
Practice projects
Practice Project 19
A-34 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-35
Practice projects
Practice Project 20
A-36 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-37
Practice projects
Practice Project 21
A-38 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-39
Practice projects
Practice Project 22
A-40 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Practice projects
Essentials for NX Designers A-41
B Expression operators
This appendix describes the operators and functions that you can use in
There are several types of operators that you may use in the expression
B-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Expression operators
Precedence and associativity
In the table below, operators in the same row have equal precedence while
operators in the following rows have less precedence.
X = 90 – (10 + 30) = 50
Legacy unit conversion
Although when dimensionality is specified and units are assigned the
system handles conversions, legacy parts may have used functions for unit
conversion. For legacy compatibility these functions are supported.
B-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Expression operators
Built-in functions
Built-in functions include math, string, and engineering functions.
Scientific notation
You may optionally enter numbers in scientific notation. The value you enter
must contain a positive or negative sign. For example, you can enter:
2e+5 which is the same as the value 200000
Built-in functions
abs Returns the absolute value of a given number
arccos Returns the inverse cosine of a given number in degrees
arcsin Returns the inverse sine of a given number in degrees
arctan Returns the inverse tangent of a given number in degrees
from –90 to +90
arctan2 Returns the inverse tangent of a given delta x divided by a
given delta y in degrees from –180 to +180
ASCII Returns the ASCII code of the first character in a given
string or zero if the string is empty
ceiling Returns the smallest integer that is bigger than a given
Char Returns the ASCII character for a given integer in the
range 1 to 255
charReplace Returns a new string from a given source string, character
to replace and the corresponding replacement characters.
compareString Case sensitive compare of two strings
cos Returns the cosine of a given number in degrees
dateTimeString Returns the system date and time in the format “Fri Nov
21 09:56:12 2005/n”
floor Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given
format Returns a formatted string, using C-style formatting
getenv Returns the string value of a given environment variable
hypcos Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a given number
hypsin Returns the hyperbolic sine of a given number
hyptan Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a given number
Built-in functions
log Returns the natural logarithm of a given number
log10 Returns the logarithm base 10 of a given number
MakeNumber Returns the number or integer of a given numerical string
max Returns the largest number from a given number and
additional numbers
min Returns the smallest number from a given number and
additional numbers
mod Returns the remainder (modulus) when a given numerator
is divided by a given denominator (by integer division)
NormalizeAngle Normalizes a given angle (degrees) to be between 0 and
360 degrees
pi() Returns pi
Radians Converts an angle in degrees into radians
replaceString Replaces all occurrences of str1 with str2
round Returns the integer nearest to a given number, returns the
even integer if the given number ends in .5
sin Returns the sine of a given number in degrees
sqrt Returns the inverse square root of a given positive number
StringLower Returns a lowercase string from a given string
StringUpper Returns an uppercase string from a given string
StringValue Returns a string containing a textual representation of a
given value
subString Returns a new string containing a subset of the elements
from the original list
tan Returns the sine of a given number
ug_ functions see the documentation for descriptions of dozens more
specialized math and engineering functions
B-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
C Point options
C-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Point options
Point types
The Type group of the Point dialog box has buttons representing various
methods for specifying a point. As the cursor is passed over these buttons,
text shows the name of the method.
Inferred Point Specifies the point option to use based on your
Cursor Location Specifies a position at the location of the cursor. The
location lies in the plane of the WCS.
Existing Point Specifies a position by selecting an existing point
End Point Specifies a position at the end points of existing lines,
arcs, conics, and other curves.
Control Point Specifies a position at the control points of geometric
Intersection Point Specifies a position at the intersection of two curves or
at the intersection of a curve and a surface or plane.
Arc/Ellipse/Sphere Specifies a position at the center of an arc, ellipse,
Center circular or elliptical edge, or sphere.
Angle on Arc/Ellipse Specifies a position at an angular position along an
arc or an ellipse.
Quadrant Point Specifies a position at the quarter points of an arc or
an ellipse. You can also define a point on the extension
of an arc.
Point on Curve/Edge Specifies a position on a curve or edge. The U
parameter can be edited.
Point on Face Specifies a position on a face. The U and V parameters
can be edited.
Between Two Points Specifies a position mid way between two points.
By Expression Specifies a point using an expression of the type Point.
C-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
D Primitive solids
Primitive solids
A primitive is a solid body that is has an basic mathematical shape.
As an alternative to sketching when the model is quite simple, you could use
a primitive as the base feature of your solid model.
When you create a primitive body, you specify its type, size, location, and
The four types of primitives are:
D • Block
• Cylinder
• Cone
• Sphere
D-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Primitive solids
Create a Block by specifying the size and location.
The orientation is inferred from the WCS.
There are three Type options you can use to create a Block:
• Origin and Edge Lengths
Create a Cylinder by specifying the axis vector, location, and size.
There are two Type options you can use to create a Cylinder:
• Axis, Diameter, and Height
D-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
The Boss feature is used to add a cylindrical shape with a specified height to
a model, having either straight or tapered sides.
1 — Diameter
2 — Height
3 — Taper Angle
A positive or negative value may be entered depending on which way the wall
is to incline. A zero value results in a vertical cylinder wall.
E-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Features with predefined shapes
This option allows you to create a slot in a solid body as if cut by a milling
machine tool. In each case, the shape of the cutting tool corresponds to the
slot type and dimensions.
The slot feature will be created so that the axis of the cutting tool is normal to
the face or datum plane selected. Initially, the path of the slot will be parallel
to the selected Horizontal Reference.
There are several different slot types available. You will be prompted for the
parameters that apply to the type of slot chosen.
Rectangular slot
The Rectangular slot type uses a tool that has cylindrical end faces and will E
produce sharp edges along the bottom of the slot.
1 — Length
2 — Width
3 — Depth
The Width of the rectangular slot represents the diameter of the cylindrical
cutting tool.
The Depth of the slot is measured in a direction parallel to the tool axis from
the placement face to the bottom of the slot. Depth values must be positive.
The Length is measured parallel to the horizontal reference (X in the feature
coordinate system). Length values must be positive.
E Dove-Tail
Thru slot
The Thru Slot option can be applied to all slot types and extends the length of
the slot along the placement face in the direction of the horizontal reference
between two specified faces.
You will be prompted to select starting and ending thru faces instead of a
length parameter. The two thru faces cannot be parallel to the placement face.
The rectangular slot shown below was created with the Thru Slot option
enabled. The selected starting and ending thru faces are shaded.
You should not dimension to the end arcs of the slot when positioning a Thru
Slot. The length of a Thru Slot is determined by the selected thru faces. The
only positioning dimension required is to locate an edge or centerline along
the length of the slot (tool) to a target edge or datum. Parallel at a Distance
can be used to constrain the feature and control the two remaining degrees
of freedom.
E-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Features with predefined shapes
The pocket feature is used to create a cavity in a solid body.
There are three types of pockets:
• Cylindrical (not covered in this lesson)
• Rectangular
Rectangular pocket
This option allows a rectangular pocket to be defined to a specified depth, with
or without a floor and/or corner radius, having either straight or tapered walls.
The following parameters may be specified:
1 — Length
2 — Width
3 — Depth
4 — Corner Radius
5 — Floor Radius
6 — Taper Angle
Pocket features may be positioned from a tool edge or from the centerlines
provided for this purpose.
This option allows a raised pad on a solid body.
There are two types of pads:
• Rectangular
Rectangular pad
E-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Features with predefined shapes
The groove feature requires a cylindrical or conical placement face. A groove
can be thought of as a feature that would result from a part being cut in a
lathe. After specifying the groove parameters, you will be shown a preview
of the tool solid. The tool solid can be thought of as the path that the lathe
would make as it cuts the solid.
Positioning a Groove
You only have to position a groove along the axis of the cylindrical or conical
placement face. The Positioning dialog box will not appear. Instead, you are
only required to specify a horizontal dimension along the axis by selecting a
target edge followed by a tool edge or centerline.
Two grooves are shown in the following example.
1 — Target Edge
2 — Tool Edge (or centerline)
Positioning methods
Positioning is a legacy method used to place the legacy form features relative
to other geometry.
Specifies the horizontal distance between two points, one on the target solid
and the other on the tool solid. Horizontal is measured along the X-axis of the
feature coordinate system (the Horizontal Reference). As edges are selected,
the nearest valid point is selected (midpoints are not selectable).
1 — Horizontal Reference
2 — Target Edge (End Point)
3 — Tool Edge (Tangent Point)
E-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Features with predefined shapes
Specifies the vertical distance between two points, one on the target solid and
the other on the tool solid. Vertical is measured along the Y-axis of the feature
coordinate system (perpendicular to the Horizontal Reference). As edges are
selected, the nearest valid point is selected (midpoints are not selectable).
1 — Horizontal Reference
2 — Target Edge (End Point)
3 — Tool Edge (Arc Center)
Specifies the shortest (normal) distance between a linear edge on the target
solid (also datum planes or axis) and a point on the tool solid. The linear
target edge is always selected first.
1 — Target Edge
2 — Tool Edge (Arc Center)
Specifies that the distance between an edge on the target solid (also datum
planes or axis) and a point on the tool solid is zero.
Point onto Line is the same as the Perpendicular positioning dimension
with the value automatically set to zero. You can change it to a non-zero
value when you edit the feature.
E-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Features with predefined shapes
Specifies the shortest distance between two points, one point on the target
solid and the other point on the tool solid. As edges are selected, the nearest
valid point is selected (midpoints are not selectable).
1 — Target Edge (Arc Center)
2 — Tool Edge (Arc Center)
Specifies the distance between a point on the target solid and a point on the
tool solid is zero. This is commonly used to align arc centers (concentric) of
cylindrical or conical features. This method fully constrains their location
since rotation is not a degree of freedom for cylindrical or conical features.
Point onto Point is the same as the Parallel positioning dimension with
the value automatically set to zero. You can change it to a non-zero
value when you edit the feature.
Parallel at a distance
Specifies that a linear edge on the target solid (also a datum plane or datum
axis) and a linear edge on the tool solid must be parallel and at a given
distance. This is typically used for features with length (slot, pocket or pad).
Using Parallel at a Distance will solve two of the three degrees of freedom
necessary to fully specify a feature having a length (rotation and translation
in one direction). Adding another Parallel at a Distance or Line onto Line
dimension would overspecify the location of the feature.
To fully specify the feature in the example an additional positioning
dimension is required to solve the final degree of freedom (i.e. Horizontal,
Vertical, Perpendicular).
1 — Target Edge
2 — Tool Edge (Centerline of Slot)
E-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Features with predefined shapes
Specifies that the distance between a linear edge on the target solid (or a
datum plane or datum axis) and a linear edge on the tool solid is zero and
they are constrained parallel to each other. This is typically used for features
with length (slot, pocket, or pad).
Using Line onto Line will solve two of the three degrees of freedom necessary
to fully specify a feature having a length (rotational and translation in one
direction). Adding another Line onto Line or Parallel at a Distance dimension
would overspecify the location of the feature. To fully specify the feature in
the above example an additional positioning dimension is required to solve
the final degree of freedom (i.e. Horizontal, Perpendicular, or Point onto Line).
Line onto Line is the same as the Parallel at a Distance positioning
dimension with the value automatically set to zero. This zero value can E
be changed to a non-zero value when editing the feature.
Specifies that a linear edge on the target solid (also a datum plane or datum
axis) and a linear edge on the tool solid must be at a given angle to each
other. The angle is measured in a counter-clockwise direction (with respect to
the feature coordinate system), from the ends of the edges nearest to where
they are selected.
1 — Target Edge
2 — Tool Edge (Edge of Pocket)
E-14 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Features with predefined shapes
Edit positioning
As features are created the parametric data is captured in expressions.
The parametric data consists of the actual feature size definition (i.e.
diameter, height, length) as well as the positional data that is captured in
the positioning dimensions.
This option allows a feature to be moved by editing its positioning dimensions.
In addition, positioning dimensions may be added to features that are either
underspecified or were not given any positioning dimensions at the time
of creation.
Once the feature has been selected, the following options are offered based
upon the positioning status of the selected feature:
• Add Dimension
Add dimension
Valid target edges for positioning purposes must belong to features existing
E in the feature creation list of the model before the feature being positioned.
Continue editing as many dimension values as desired. Once all the desired
dimension values have been edited, click OK.
E-16 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Features with predefined shapes
Delete dimension
Use this option to delete a positioning dimension from a feature. The feature
will then remain in its current location as its position is no longer associated
to the model.
If you are replacing a dimension, add the new dimension before deleting
the old one. The Edit Positioning dialog box is maintained when you
add a dimension but is automatically dismissed when you delete a
Display dimensions
F Assembly Constraints
• Specify that a component is fixed in place. This is useful when you want
to control which component moves when the software solves a constraint.
See Assembly constraint types for more information about the different types
of constraints and their uses.
F You can convert mating conditions to assembly constraints. Assembly
constraints are usually faster to create and easier to use than mating
You can delay the updating of assembly constraints until a convenient time.
When you are ready, you can activate the update.
You can temporarily display the degrees of freedom for a selected component.
Application Assemblies
Set Preferences®Assemblies®Interaction to
Prerequisite Assembly Constraints.
F-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Assembly Constraints
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
5. Click Select Two Objects (if necessary), and select two objects for
the constraint.
You can use the Point Constructor to help you select objects.
6. If two solutions are possible, you can click Reverse Last Constraint to
flip between the possible solutions.
7. Click OK or Apply.
F-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Assembly Constraints
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
• Arrangements specifies whether you want the constraint to be applied
to other assembly arrangements.
4. Click Select Two Objects (if necessary), and select two circular
curves for the constraint.
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
• Arrangements
• Dynamic Positioning
• Associative
F 4. Click Select Two Objects (if necessary), and select two objects for the
distance constraint.
5. If two solutions are possible, you can click Reverse Last Constraint to
flip between the possible solutions.
If more than two solutions are possible, you can click Cycle Last
Constraint to cycle through the possible solutions.
F-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Assembly Constraints
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
• Arrangements
• Dynamic Positioning
• Associative
4. Click Select Object (if necessary), and select the object you want
to fix.
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
• Arrangements specifies whether you want the constraint to be applied
to other assembly arrangements.
• Associative specifies that constraints are persistent after you exit the
Assembly Constraints dialog box.
• Move Curves and Routing Objects
4. Click Select Two Objects (if necessary), and select two objects that
you want to be parallel.
5. If two solutions are possible, you can click Reverse Last Constraint to
flip between the possible solutions.
F-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Assembly Constraints
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
• Arrangements — Specify whether you want the constraint to be
applied to other assembly arrangements.
4. Click Select Two Objects (if necessary), and select two objects that
you want to be perpendicular. F
5. If two solutions are possible, you can click Reverse Last Constraint to
flip between the possible solutions.
A fit constraint brings together two cylindrical faces with equal radii. This
constraint is useful for locating pins or bolts in holes. If the radii later become
non-equal, the constraint is invalid.
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
• Arrangements
• Dynamic Positioning
• Associative
5. If two solutions are possible, you can click Reverse Last Constraint to
flip between the possible solutions.
F-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Assembly Constraints
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
• Arrangements
• Dynamic Positioning
• Associative
4. Click Select Objects (if necessary), and select two or more objects F
to bond.
Bond constraints can only be applied to components, or to
components and assembly-level geometry. Other objects are not
5. Click Create Constraint when you are ready to create the constraint.
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
You can use the Point Constructor to help you select objects.
8. Click OK or Apply.
F-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Assembly Constraints
3. Check the Settings and modify them if you do not want to use their
• Arrangements
• Dynamic Positioning
• Associative
G Customer Defaults
This appendix describes utilities and customization files which affect the
default interface and behavior of NX. These topics would normally be the
responsibility of a system administrator.
Customer Defaults
Customer defaults are accessed by choosing File→Utilities→Customer
When NX is first started (out-of-the-box) the defaults are set to User and a
variable points to a user file which may or may not exist. This is an extract
from the log file for a user named “nxuser” after logging in and starting NX
for the first time:
Processing customer default values file
C:/Documents and Settings/nxuser
/Local Settings/Application Data/Unigraphics Solutions
User customizations file
C:/Documents and Settings/nxuser
/Local Settings/Application Data/Unigraphics Solutions
/NX75/nx75_user.dpv does not exist
The fact that the file does not exist is of no concern because the path is
writable for the person logged in.
NX will create the file nx75_user.dpv when and if the user makes a change to
the defaults.
If the administrator wishes to prevent the user from changing the defaults,
i.e., set them as User (Read Only), there are various ways to accomplish it:
• Create the file and customize it as you wish, and then make it read only.
• Define the file in a path to which the user cannot write. The file and the
path need not exist.
• Lock one or more defaults at a higher level, i.e. group or site level.
G-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Customer Defaults
Customer defaults can be controlled at three levels: Site, Group, and User.
Site is the highest level, User is the lowest. Any or all of these levels may be
available to you, based on how the customer default environment variables
are defined at your site. If none of the environment variables are defined, the
level is Shipped (read-only).
For example, to lock out the ability to create promoted bodies, the manager
clicks the lock beside promotions at the site or group level. The icon changes
color and the text is de-emphasized.
The manager can use the Default Lock State option to set the global locked
status for all of the customer defaults on all defaults pages. This allows
strategies like All are locked except...or All are unlocked except... instead of
requiring the assertion of 5000+ individual locks.
Locks at the group level change color and the text is de-emphasized.
The user then sees all options for Site Standards de-emphasized and
padlocked. This prevents Site Standards from being changed at the user level.
G-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Customer Defaults
To set up a User, Group, or Site level, you must define the appropriate
environment variable with a directory. You must first create a directory
named startup where you want to store the customer defaults file for that
If you are already using the UGII_USER_DIR environment variable for other
purposes, you can use the UGII_LOCAL_USER_DEFAULTS environment
variable. When you define the environment variable, you must point it to the
.dpv file you will use (instead of just the directory, as done with the other
environment variables).
If both of these environment variables are defined, the system uses
the UGII_LOCAL_USER_DEFAULTS environment variable to define
the customer defaults User level. NX is shipped with this variable
defined, so if you want to use a common user directory (i.e., the one
defined by UGII_USER_DIR), you must remove the definition for
UGII_LOCAL_USER_DEFAULTS from your environment variables
G file.
G-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Customer Defaults
There is a standard structure for customer site installation of menu files and
shared libraries. This directory structure defines three subdirectories. For
the purpose of this discussion only the startup folder need exist; however, you
might encounter the others if you have site customization.
The DPV files contain only the defaults that are changed from the hard–coded
You may review your changes at any time:
• Set the Defaults Level to the level you want to examine, Site, Group,
or User.
G-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Customer Defaults
To update to a new release, you need only define the DPV files you want to
use at whatever levels your organization uses.
When you receive the new software use Import Defaults to validate your
Total settings rejected due to values being locked at the higher level: 0
Total settings already set to the same value and lock status: 0
H Custom Roles
User-Defined Roles
By default, when you begin an NX session you are presented with a core set
of functionality but more specific Roles (sets of tools) can be accessed through
the Resource bar.
These prepackaged roles are a starting point from which you can customize
the NX user interface and save as a personal user role.
As a user, there are two different repositories for user-defined roles:
• The User folder where you can store your individual roles that reflect your
personal user interface layouts with their specific menus, toolbars etc.
Because these are your personal roles, the .mtx files that define them
reside in a user directory. In Windows, these roles reside in /Documents
and Settings/<yourname>/Local Settings/Application Data/Unigraphics
• A new palette which references roles in a directory.
You can use these palettes to store departmental/group specific roles and
put permission restrictions on their respective directories.
H-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Custom Roles
2. Right-click in the background of the Roles palette and choose New User
This displays the Role Properties dialog box.
H-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Custom Roles
Choose the Roles tab on the Resource bar and pin the
Roles pane.
This is the name of your role as it will appear in the Resource bar
Roles pane.
The name of the .mtx file (top of dialog) is system-assigned.
The name of your role must be assigned by you.
Click OK.
H-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Custom Roles
3. On the Roles palette, in the User group, right-click your role and choose
This displays the Role Properties dialog box.
4. From the Toolbar Layout, Menus and Dialog Memory group, select the
Use Current Session radio button.
2. Choose Preferences→Palettes.
4. Navigate to the directory you want the new Role palette to point to. This
creates a tab on the Resource bar.
H 7. Click Create.
10. In the Role Properties dialog box, specify the role definition.
Name of role
Image for icon
Application check boxes
H-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Custom Roles
12. On the Resource bar, in your new palette, right-click and choose Refresh
to see the icon of the new role.
The group-specific roles will be stored here. The group role palette
will point to this directory.
On this page, you can Load an existing user role (.mtx file), create a
new role, and define keyboard accelerators associated with the role.
Click Create.
This is the name of your role as it will appear in the Resource bar
Roles pane.
The Role Properties dialog is displayed.
H-10 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Custom Roles
Click OK.
A new tab is added to the Resource bar and your custom role is
H-12 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Custom Roles
Protected Roles
The power of Roles can be extended throughout your industry enterprise,
on several levels, by having your company’s systems administrator create
’protected’ roles for authorized workflows.
One Possible Scenario: — Adding System Default Roles
• Have the group leaders of various departmental processes/disciples
customize the NX user interface to reflect the design needs of that group;
e.g. assemblies, design review, drafting etc. (Activity procedure)
• The group leaders then create individual Roles for each of the
• Once the .mtx files are moved into the /UGII/menus/roles directory, they
will be available as Roles in the System Defaults folder.
I Glossary
active dimension
Dimensional constraint that controls sketch geometry.
active group
Group in which sketch curves are currently being created.
adaptive shell
Shelled body created in History-free mode. The body consists of a wall
thickness value and a collection of shell relations between its selected shell
faces and its partner faces.
File containing the source geometry that is directly or indirectly linked to
the selected object.
anchor point
(Modeling and Sketching) Intersection point of two end tangent vectors in
a general conic.
(Drafting) Reference point for positioning a Drafting symbol or a Drafting
view. The anchor point for a symbol is where a leader line attaches to the
area fill
Pattern of lines used to fill a defined boundary in a drawing. An area fill is
used to indicate a specific type of material.
Series of features typically appearing in a rectangular or radial pattern.
Series of features typically appearing in a rectangular or radial pattern.
associative point
Point that is related to existing geometry. When the existing geometry is
changed, the associative point updates so it still coincides with the existing
Relationships between individual portions of a model. Changes to the parent
are propagated to the children.
auxiliary view
Drawing view projected from an existing view perpendicular to an angular
hinge line.
base view
Modeling view imported into a drawing. The base view can be a stand–alone
view or a parent view for other derived view types, such as a section view.
bend segment
Portion of a section line that connects multiple cut segments in a drawing.
Feature which creates convex or concave rounded transitions between the
faces of a body.
broken view
I Compressed view that removes a portion of the model between two break
curves in a drawing.
Drafting symbol consisting of intermittent long and short lines used to bisect
geometry into equal parts.
Term used for a part that is a member of an assembly. A component could
be a subassembly consisting of lower-level parts.
I-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
(Modeling) Relationship which defines the relative position between objects.
Assembly constraints are used to position components in an assembly.
Pattern of single strokes or lines used to fill between a defined boundary
in a drawing view. Crosshatches are often used to indicate specific types
of material.
Abbreviation for coordinate system.
cut segment
Portion of a section line that defines a cutting plane in a drawing view.
cylindrical dimension
Dimension measuring the diametral distance between two objects or point I
positions with an appended diameter symbol.
detail view
Child view with circular, rectangular, or user–defined boundary which
contains an enlarged portion of an already existing drawing view.
drafting view
Also referred to as drawing member view.
drawing sheet
View that contains drafting views and drawing border objects. Drawing sheet
views are listed in the Part Navigator under the associated Drawing node.
drawing view
Empty view used to manually create a sketch instead of displaying an
associative base view of a model.
extension line
Line that connects a dimension to the object being dimensioned.
extracted edge
3D representation of a visible edge that is associative to the parent
component. An extracted edge view does not contain the entire model.
Extracted edges are used to improve the view regeneration performance of
the drawings of complex models, such as large assemblies.
faceted representation
Lightweight approximation of the faces that represent the real model. Faceted
representations are used to facilitate quick regeneration of hidden line views.
Gn continuity
Also called Cn continuity.
Degree of continuity between two segments of a curve or surface. G0 means
the segments are connected at a point. G1 means the segments are tangent.
G2 means the segments have the same curvature at the connecting point.
I-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
helper line
Temporary dotted line that indicates alignment of objects. In Drafting,
helper lines are used to align notes, labels, dimensions, symbols, and views.
In Modeling, helper lines are used to align the control points of curves. In
sketching, helper lines are used to align curves as you sketch.
hinge line
Line used as a reference to rotate a view in proper orthographic space in a
Option that allows the software to determine the method to use for a given
operation. Dimensions, planes, vectors, and points can be created by letting
the software infer an appropriate method. The Inferred method is often the
default method.
Shape-linked feature, similar to a copy. All instances of a feature are
associated, and updated parameters for the feature are reflected in every
instance of the feature.
Shape-linked feature, similar to a copy. All instances of a feature are
associated, and updated parameters for the feature are reflected in every
instance of the feature. I
internal sketch
Sketch that is only available for edit from the owning feature, such as an
extrude feature. An internal sketch does not appear as a feature in the
Part Navigator.
knot point
Point where B-spline segments connect.
Method to control visibility of objects in a model in order to simplify the
display. Layers can be used to organize objects by their purpose. For example,
sheet bodies or solid bodies used for constructing features can be stored on a
hidden layer. Only one layer can be the work layer at a time.
Collection of views arranged in a user-defined manner in the graphics window.
Lines that connect the annotation to the associated object. A leader line has a
horizontal stub at one end and an optional arrowhead at the other end.
master component
Original component member of a component array that is used to determine
the positions of the other components in the array.
master model
Component file that contains the defining geometry that is referenced by an
assembly, drawing, or manufacturing part. For example, in NX, the master
model is normally kept in one file, and a drawing in another. When the master
model is modified, the drawing views can be updated to reflect the changes.
OrientXpress tool
Tool used to select non-associative vector direction and plane orientation.
This tool is commonly used in synchronous modeling commands. For example,
this tool is used to indicate a direction in which to move or pull a face.
(Drafting) Drafting objects such as borders, lines, text, or title blocks that
can be saved and recalled.
I-6 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
reference curve
Also called a reference line.
Curve that is used for constraining geometry but is not used in the section
when creating features. Reference curves are displayed as dashed lines.
Curves in a sketch can be converted to and from reference curves.
reference object
Parent object that is associated to a child object. The reference object is
usually the object that is selected when creating new annotations.
section cut
2D geometry created by cutting the model geometry with one or more cut
planes to view the planar geometry on the cutting planes.
section line
Arrow segments, bend segments, and cut segments that specify the cut
definition of a section view.
section view
View defined by cutting the model geometry with one or more cut planes to
view the planar geometry on the cutting planes.
seed face
(Manufacturing) Basic face that is used to create other faces or other
geometric objects.
(Modeling) Face that specifies the initial face of a region of faces. The region
feature is created from all faces that connect to the seed face. The chain of
connections is limited by the selected boundary geometry and possibly limited
by an angle tolerance between faces that share an edge.
Previously called hollow.
Thin walled part created by removing some faces and thickening other faces.
sketch on path
Specialized type of constrained sketch where users select the target path and
define a sketch plane location along that path.
Set of Drafting annotations that maintain a positional relationship with each
Horizontal portion of a leader that connects an angled leader line with the
text or symbol.
Timestamp Order
Viewing mode in the Part Navigator where features are listed in creation
Line that shows the path of a component in an exploded view.
view boundary
I Boundary used to limit the geometry displayed in a view.
WAVE-linked body
Body that has been associatively copied from one part to another using one of
the WAVE commands.
I-8 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
work layer
Layer on which geometry and drawing annotations are constructed. There is
only one work layer at a time.
Index-2 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Index-4 Essentials for NX Designers mt10051_s — NX 7.5A — Copyright 2010 Siemens PLM Software
Naming Toolbars
Modeling application . . . . . . 4-16 Customizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Sketch Task Environment . . 4-17 Add or remove buttons . . . . . . 2-4
Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23, 4-35 Displaying toolbars . . . . . . . . 2-2
Profile Rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33 Saving configuration . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Quick Extend Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-41 Trim Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Quick Extend procedure . . . . 4-41
Quick Trim U
Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39
Quick Trim procedure . . . . . 4-39 Update Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-23
Sketch in place . . . . . . . . . . . 9-18 V
Reference direction . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Retain dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . 4-66
OrientXpress tool . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Right hand rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
View Preferences
Timestamp and dependencies . . . 8-16
Smooth Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-20
Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
View shortcut menu . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Slot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-3
View triad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-4
Sweep Along Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
Swept Features
View triad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Body types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Extrude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Revolve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12 W
Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 WCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
T WCS Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6–1-7
Competitive advantage
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Benefits Include:
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Learn more about Siemens Learning Advantage by visiting our website or contact your Siemens
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PLM Software
In order to stay in tune with our customers we ask for some background information. This information
will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of Education Services.
Please Print…
Your Name U.S. citizen Yes No
Please verify/add to this list of training for NX, I-deas, Imageware, Teamcenter Mfg., Teamcenter Engineering, Teamcenter Enterprise, Tecnomatix or
Dimensional Mgmt./Visualization. Medium means Instructor-lead (IL), On-line (OL), or Self-paced (SP)
Software From Whom When Course Name Medium
Thank you for your participation. We hope your training experience will be an outstanding one.
Template Rev-9/28/10-dkf
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Course Agenda
Essentials for NX Designers
Essentials for NX Designers with Teamcenter Integration
Monday Morning
• Introduction & Course overview
• Lesson 1. NX part files
• Lesson 2. The NX User Interface
• Lesson 3. Coordinate systems
• Lesson 4. Sketching
• Projects – Simple Sketching
Tuesday Morning
• Lesson 5. Expressions
• Lesson 6. Datum features
• Lesson 7. Swept features
• Projects – Simple Sweeps
• Lesson 8. Part structure
• Lesson 9. Using sketches
Wednesday Morning
• Lesson 10. Trim Body
• Projects – Sketching/Trimming
• Lesson 11. Swept feature options
• Projects – Advanced Sweeps
• Lesson 12. Hole features
• Projects – Hole features
• Lesson 13. Shell
• Lesson 14. Associative copies
Thursday Morning
• Lesson 15. Edge operations
• Projects – Shell, Associative Copies, Blends and Chamfers
• Lesson 16. Introduction to Assemblies
• Lesson 17. Adding and constraining components
• Projects – Adding and constraining components
Friday Morning
• Lesson 18. Introduction to Drafting
• Projects: Drafting
• Lesson 19. Editing models
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You can list the following keyboard accelerators in NX.
Choose Information→Custom Menubar→Accelerators.
Command Accelerator
File→New... Ctrl+N
File→Open... Ctrl+O
File→Save Ctrl+S
File→Save As... Ctrl+Shift+A
File→Plot... Ctrl+P
File→Execute→Grip... Ctrl+G
File→Execute→Debug Grip... Ctrl+Shift+G
File→Execute→NX Open... Ctrl+U
File→Finish Sketch Ctrl+Q or Q
Edit→Undo Ctrl+Z
Edit→Redo Ctrl+Y
Edit→Cut Ctrl+X
Edit→Copy Ctrl+C
Edit→Paste Ctrl+V
Edit→Delete... Ctrl+D or Delete
Edit→Selection - Select All Ctrl+A
Edit→Object Display... Ctrl+J
Edit→Show and Hide→Show and Hide... (by type) Ctrl+W
Edit→Show and Hide→Immediate Hide… Ctrl+Shift+I
Edit→Show and Hide→Hide... Ctrl+B
Edit→Show and Hide→Show... Ctrl+Shift+K
Edit→Show and Hide→Show All Ctrl+Shift+U
Edit→Show and Hide→Invert Shown and Hidden Ctrl+Shift+B
Edit→Move Object Ctrl+T
Edit→Sketch Curve→Quick Trim... T
Edit→Sketch Curve→Quick Extend... E
View→Operation→Fit Ctrl+F
View→Operation→Zoom... Ctrl+Shift+Z
View→Operation→Rotate... Ctrl+R
View→Section→Edit Work Section... Ctrl+H
View→Visualization→High Quality Image... Ctrl+Shift+H
View→Layout→New... Ctrl+Shift+N
View→Layout→Open... Ctrl+Shift+O
View→Layout→Fit All Views (only with multiple views) Ctrl+Shift+F
View→Information Window F4
Hide or show the current dialog box F3
View→HD3D Tools UI Ctrl+3
View→Move Clip Left Shift+F1
View→Move Clip Right Shift+F2
View→Full Screen or View→Normal Screen Alt+Enter
View→Orient View to Sketch Shift+F8
View→Reset Orientation Ctrl+F8
Insert→Sketch Curve → Profile... Z
Insert→Sketch Curve → Line... L
Insert→Sketch Curve → Arc... A
Insert→Sketch Curve → Circle... O
Insert→Sketch Curve → Fillet... F
Insert→Sketch Curve → Rectangle... R
Insert→Sketch Curve → Polygon... P
Insert→Sketch Curve → Studio Spline... S
Insert→Sketch Constraint → Dimension → Inferred... D
Insert→Sketch Constraint → Constraints... C
Insert→Design Feature→Extrude... X
Insert→Surface→Four Point Surface... Ctrl+4
Insert→Mesh Surface→Studio Surface... N
Insert→Sweep→Variational Sweep... V
Format→Layer Settings... Ctrl+L
Format→Layer Visible in View... Ctrl+Shift+V
Format→WCS→Display W
Tools→Expression... Ctrl+E
Tools→Update→Make First Feature Current Ctrl+Shift+Home
Tools→Update→Make Previous Feature Current Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Tools→Update→Make Next Feature Current Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow
Tools→Update→Make Last Feature Current Ctrl+Shift+End
Tools→Journal→Play... Alt+F8
Tools→Journal→Edit Alt+F11
Tools→Macro→Start Record... Ctrl+Shift+R
Tools→Macro→Playback... Ctrl+Shift+P
Tools→Macro→Step... Ctrl+Shift+S
Tools→Movie→Record Alt+F5
Tools→Movie→Pause Alt+F6
Tools→Movie→Stop Alt+F7
Tools→Customize... Ctrl+1
Information→Object... Ctrl+I
Analysis→Curve→Refresh Curvature Graphs Ctrl+Shift+C
Preferences→Object... Ctrl+Shift+J
Preferences→Selection... Ctrl+Shift+T
Application→Modeling... M or Ctrl+M
Application→Shape Studio... Ctrl+Alt+S
Application→Drafting... Ctrl+Shift+D
Application→Manufacturing... Ctrl+Alt+M
Application→NX Sheet Metal... Ctrl+Alt+N
Application→Flexible Printed Circuit Design... Ctrl+Alt+P
Help→On Context... F1
Refresh F5
Zoom F6
Rotate F7
Orient View-Trimetric Home
Orient View-Isometric End
Orient View-Top Ctrl+Alt+T
Orient View-Front Ctrl+Alt+F
Orient View-Right Ctrl+Alt+R
Orient View-Left Ctrl+Alt+L
Snap View F8
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PLM Software
Evaluation – Delivery
Name: NX 7.5 ESN___________ Course #: TR10051/TR10051_TC
Start Date: ____________ Through: __________
Please share your opinion in all of the following sections with a “check” in the appropriate box:
Instructor: 5
If there
Instructor: 7 were 2
s, please evaluate the 2nd instructor with “X’s”
Class Logistics:
1. The training facilities were comfortable, clean, and provided a good learning
2. The computer equipment was reliable
3. The software performed properly
4. The overhead projection unit was clear and working properly
5. The registration and confirmation process was efficient
Hotels: (We try to leverage this information to better accommodate our customers)
1. Name of the hotel Best hotel I’ve stayed at
2. Was this hotel recommended during your registration process? YES NO
3. Problem? (brief description)
PLM Software
Evaluation - Courseware
Name: NX 7.5 ESN___________ Course #: TR10051/TR10051_TC
Dates: ____________ Through: __________
Please share your opinion for all of the following sections with a “check” in the appropriate box:
1. The training material supported the course and lesson objectives
2. The training material contained all topics needed to complete the projects
3. The training material provided clear and descriptive directions
4. The training material was easy to read and understand
5. The course flowed in a logical and meaningful manner
6. How appropriate was the length of the course relative to the material? Too short Too long Just right
1. I met the prerequisites for the class (I had the skills I needed)
2. My objectives were consistent with the course objectives
3. I will be able to use the skills I have learned on my job
4. My expectations for this course were met
5. I am confident that with practice I will become proficient
Please “check” this box if you would like your comments featured in our training publications.
(Your name is required at the bottom of this form)
Please “check” this box if you would like to receive more information on our other courses and services.
(Your name is required at the bottom of this form)
Thank you for your business. We hope to continue to provide your training and
personal development for the future.