Laurus Labs LTD: Concerns Overdone Growth Prospects Intact
Laurus Labs LTD: Concerns Overdone Growth Prospects Intact
Laurus Labs LTD: Concerns Overdone Growth Prospects Intact
3R MATRIX + = - Summary
We re-iterate a Buy recommendation on the stock of Laurus Labs (Laurus) with an
Right Sector (RS) ü unchanged PT of Rs. 800. Stock price has corrected by ~16% from its highs and this
provides a good entry point for investors
Right Quality (RQ) ü The recent clarification over the non- suspension of marketing authorizations of Laurus’
products points at concerns being overdone.
Right Valuation (RV) ü Laurus is fortifying its position in the FD and synthesis segments, strengthening its
presence in non- ARV space and growing in new area of biologics. Emerging opportunities
+ Positive = Neutral - Negative from patent expiry of drugs in areas of anti-diabetes and cardiology offer significant
potential for Laurus.
What has changed in 3R MATRIX Basis sturdy growth prospects and capacity expansion plans, Laurus has targeted for a
$1bn revenues by FY2023.
Old New
We had an interaction with the management of Laurus Labs Limited’s (Laurus) and the
RS commentary was positive. The recent stock price correction of ~16% from its highs, was
attributable to the regulatory concern leading to suspension of marketing authorization
RQ of generic medicines in US and Europe. However, the management has clarified and has
stated that there is no suspension in marketing authorization for its products (except for
RV one product) and this bodes well for Laurus. Further, the strong growth prospects across
segments coupled with capacity expansion plans provide ample visibility for growth. For
Reco/View Change Q2FY22, Laurus’ performance is expected to be driven by commissioning of new capacities
and sustained demand traction across segment with the earnings trajectory likely to stay
Reco: Buy intact.
CMP: Rs. 592 Concerns overdone: The recent media reports indicated of 18 products of Laurus being
included in the list of suspension of Marketing authorizations by the EMA – Europe as
Price Target: Rs. 800 these products were claimed to be tested in a lab with regulatory concerns. However,
the management has clarified on this news and has stated that just one of its products
á Upgrade Maintain â Downgrade had been impacted and that has a negligible contribution to the overall sales. The other
products are in the prescription list and would continue to grow, thus pointing at concerns
Company details of being overdone. Therefore, the correction in stock price has been steeper than the
concerns and now provides for a good entry point for investors.
Market cap: Rs. 31,788 cr
Q2FY22 earnings trajectory to be intact: During Q1FY22 Laurus has commissioned its 1
52-week high/low: Rs. 724 / 251 bn tablets capacity in the FD (Finished Dosages) segment and the same would add to the
Q2FY22 performance. Also new client additions, growth from existing customers would
NSE volume:
38.9 lakh drive the synthesis segment sales, while commissioning of Laurus Bio’s fermenters (2
(No of shares) fermenters each with 45000 KL capacity) also would also aid the topline growth. Overall
BSE code: 540222 Laurus’ revenues and earnings are expected to stage a double digit y-o-y growth for Q2.
Long term driver in place: Laurus is fortifying its position in the FD and synthesis segments,
NSE code: LAURUSLABS strengthening its presence in non- ARV space and growing in new area of biologics. The
Free float: company is building new capacities that would support the robust demand and also propel
39.0 cr growth in the coming years. Emerging opportunities from patent expiry of drugs in areas of
(No of shares) anti-diabetes and cardiology offer significant potential for Laurus.
Our Call
Shareholding (%)
Valuation: Re-iterate Buy with unchanged PT of Rs. 800: Basis the sturdy growth prospects
Promoters 27.3 that are well supported by capacity expansion plans, the management has targeted for a $1bn
revenues by FY2023, thus translating in to a strong growth trajectory. Diversification of revenue
FII 22.8 base and plans to enter new therapeutic areas of cardiology and anti-diabetes would also be
the key growth drivers. At CMP the stock trades at 24.8x and 19x its FY22E and FY23E EPS
DII 4.1 respectively. Further the stock price has corrected by ~16% from its highs and this provides a
good entry point for investors. As the concerns are overdone, we re-iterate Buy recommendation
Others 45.9 on the stock with an unchanged PT of Rs. 800.
Price chart Key Risks
800 Any delay in product approvals or any negative outcome of facility inspection by the USFDA
can affect earnings prospects.
3000 35 35
29 30
3370 20
2496 15
1000 10
500 825 5
55 2
0 0
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022E FY2023E
Sales (Rs Cr LHS) % of Sales ( RHS)
Financials in charts
6000 2000
4814 1551
5000 1500 1273
4000 984
2832 1000
3000 2292 565
413 356
2000 500 255
168 94
25.0 0.6
20.4 20.6 0.5
20.0 20.0 19.9 19.8
OPM(%) PATM(%)
0.0 0.0
P/E (x)
P/E (x) Avg. P/E (x) Peak P/E (x) Trough P/E (x)
Source: Sharekhan Research
Peer valuation
CMP O/S P/E (x) EV/EBIDTA (x) RoE (%)
Particulars (Rs / Shares
(Rs Cr) FY21 FY22E FY23E FY21 FY22E FY23E FY21 FY22E FY23E
Share) (Cr)
Laurus Labs 592.0 53.2 31,788.0 32.0 24.8 19.0 21.2 15.7 12.2 37.9 32.9 30.0
Granules 320 45.3 7,929 14.4 13.4 10.1 9.8 9.0 25.3 21.9 23.7 22.4
Strides Pharma 586 58.6 5261 27.3 87.8 15.5 8.9 12.4 6.8 8.8 2.2 11.1
Source: Company, Sharekhan estimates
About company
Laurus is a leading research-driven pharmaceutical company, working with nine of the world’s top 10 generic
pharmaceutical companies in the world. Laurus sells APIs in 56 countries. The company’s major focus areas
include anti-retroviral, Hepatitis C, and Oncology drugs. Oncology is one of its core competencies, where
it offers a comprehensive range of APIs in this segment. Laurus is continuously extending its portfolio by
focusing on molecules in diabetes, ophthalmology, and cardio-vascular therapy areas. Laurus has four
distinct business units, namely: Generics API, Generics FDF, Ingredients and Synthesis.
Investment theme
Built on strong capabilities in chemical development and manufacturing, Laurus has developed a wide range
of in-house APIs and intermediates. Laurus is one of the world’s leading suppliers of anti-retroviral APIs and
intermediates. The company’s low-cost technologies give it an edge over other players. Leveraging on API cost
advantage for forward integration into generic formulations (FDF) and capitalizing on its leadership position in
APIs (in key areas such as oncology, cardio-vascular, anti-diabetics, and ophthalmology) with foray into other
regulated markets will drive the company’s business over the next couple of years. Moreover, the company
is doubling its capacity to support growth in the formulations business, which points towards healthy growth
going ahead. Overall, in the wake of an expected robust growth outlook, Laurus has embarked up on a
massive capex program for the next two years, which provides ample visibility on growth.
Key Risks
Slower-than-expected ramp-up in formulations, API or custom synthesis businesses.
Adverse changes in regulatory landscape could impact growth prospects.
Additional Data
Key management personnel
Dr. Satyanarayana Chava Founder and CEO
Mr. V V Ravi Kumar Executive Director and CFO
Dr. Lakshmana Rao C V ED & Head, Quality
Mr. Krishna Chaitanya Chava Head – Synthesis Division
Source: Company Website
Top 10 shareholders
Sr. No. Holder Name Holding (%)
1 Ambit Capital 11.7
2 Amansa Holdings Pvt Ltd 6.1
3 Government Pension Global Fund 1.8
4 Vangaurd Group Inc 1.2
5 Blackrock Inc 0.9
6 Norges Bank 0.9
7 HSBC Holdings 0.7
8 Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Co 0.7
9 UTI asset Management Co Ltd 0.6
10 ICICI Prudential Asset Management Co 0.6
Source: Bloomberg
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