Weavers' Housing Schemes in Tamil Nadu - A Study (1947-1990 A.D)

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Volume-03 ISSN: 2455-3085 (Online)

Issue-10 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

October-2018 www.rrjournals.com [UGC Listed Journal]

Weavers’ Housing Schemes in Tamil Nadu – A Study (1947-1990 A.D)

J. Lenin Albert

PhD Research Scholar (FT), Department of History, Periyar E.V.R College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli (India)

1. Introduction poor and sometimes they had very small huts. It was very
difficult to accommodate the weaving materials within the
The handloom industry is a traditional and labour –
limited space. Hence the weavers required spacious rooms to
oriented household industry, which has provided employment
keep their weaving materials and equipments. The process of
to several workers. This traditional industry, plays an important
handloom weaving involves different stages and hence it has
role in the economy of Tamil Nadu. It provided one third of the
required the support of several people and they should work
clothing requirements of Tamil Nadu and contributed
i together. Therefore, a spacious work spot is needed to
considerably towards self-sufficiency in clothing. As a result of
continue the weaving works. The profession of weaving
effective government intervention through financial assistance
requires a clean atmosphere free from pollution. In many
and implementation of various developmental and welfare
houses there was no electricity. They required powerful lights
schemes, this sector has been able to withstand competition iii
to continue the works even at night time. The handloom
from the power loom and submitted submittedmill sectors.
weaver who was having his own loom could continue the
Handloom weaving being a household industry, the weavers
profession in his own house, which was not only his living place
required more space to accommodate two or three looms. In
but also his work-spot. According to survey conducted by J.C
urban areas, the rent was very high and with their meager
Ryan, the then Registrar of Co-operative Societies of Madras
earnings the weavers were unable to pay rent and to meet the
ii State in the year 1950, the condition of the weavers found
food expenses. For encouraging the handloom industry and to
under the Co-operative sector was very poor. A large number
improve the life style of the weavers the government initiated
of handloom weavers were living in houses or huts under-
the construction of the weavers’ housing colonies. In the
conditions which were not hygienic. The weaver should
beginning the Government of India sanctioned the amount to
therefore be assured of proper housing –cum-work-spot
the state government from the Cess Fund to implement the
facilities. So, that they would increase the production and
Housing Colonies scheme as a joint venture of the centre and
improve the socio- economic conditions. Therefore, the
state governments. Subsequently when the Government of
Government has formulated schemes for the provision of
India stopped the payment of money, the Tamil Nadu iv
housing and working facilities to the weavers. J.C. Ryan was
government arranged loan through the HUDCO for
an instrumental in starting the colony that was put up at
implementing the scheme. This paper is an attempt to analyse
Yemmiganur in Andhra Pradesh in the year 1950. During one
the Government’s policies towards improving the housing
of his inspection, he found that the weavers of the society were
facilities of the handloom weavers under the Co-operative
living in such unhygienic surroundings that immediately struck
Sector and thereby to standardise their living conditions.
him to start a housing colony. The construction of this housing
colony was done in such an efficient way that results exceeded
The available research works pertaining to handloom expectations. Besides providing good environment for
industry in Tamil Nadu do not shed detailed information about producing handloom fabrics, the Government wanted to
the housing colony of the weavers under a Co-operative fold. strength the Co-operative sector of the handlooms.
K. Sundar Singh in his book titled The Handloom Industry in
3. Weavers’ Housing Colonies under the Cess Fund
Madurai City has dealt on the organization, functioning,
Scheme of the Government of India
uniqueness and problems of handloom industry in Madurai in
respect of raw materials, market and financing covering looms In July 1956, the Government of India announced a policy
under co-operative sector, master weavers, petty master regarding the grant of assistance under the Cess Fund
weavers and independent weavers and exporters. B.S. Baliga Scheme for financing the weavers housing schemes. In A.D
in his book History of Handloom Industry in Madras elaborately 1953, the Government of India created the Cess Fund by
discusses about the various ups and downs happened in the levying Cess on the mill cloth to be utilised for rehabilitating the
handloom industry since 1850 during in British period. This handloom industry as per the recommendation of the All India
book also explains about the socio-economic condition of Handloom Board. The creation of the Cess Fund proved to be
handloom weavers in Tamil Nadu state. Hence this article a turning point in the history of the Handloom Industry. Since
traces the detailed study on the Weaver’s Housing Colony the constitution of this fund, financial assistance had been
scheme sponsored by the government for the benefits of the provided on a large scale for the implementation of the various
handloom weavers in the Cooperative sector. schemes for the improvement of the condition of the handloom
weavers. In due course, as the proceeds were found to be
2. Need for the Housing Colonies
insufficient, it had to be augmented by contributions from the
One of the measures necessary for the amelioration of the general revenues from the time to time. The Cess Fund has
socio-economic condition of the handloom weavers was related been abolished from 1960 and the proceeds were then credited
to housing. The housing condition of the weavers was very to the general revenues. The expenditure on handloom

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development schemes was met from the Consolidated Fund of it was necessary to evolve a few such designs which might be
the Government of India. All grants from the Cess Fund were adopted for each State. In pursuance of the assistance
given in the shape of Central assistance according to the granted by the Government of India for establishing weavers’
schemes formulated by the All- India Handloom Board. housing colonies, several weavers’ co-operative societies had
come forward to construct housing colonies for the benefits of
The important aspects of the Government of India’s policy xiii
their members.
towards financing the weavers’ housing schemes were as
follow. The ceiling of the cost of each house including site The five year plans gave due importance for the promotion
should not exceed Rs.3,600/-. The grant would continue at of housing colonies. During the Second Five Year Plan (1956-
1 2
33 /2%; but the entire balance of 66 /3% would be given as a 61), Rs. 413.70 lakhs had been earmarked for the development
long term loan. The loan would be on a 25 year basis and of the handloom industry. Subsequently the Planning
would bear nominal rate of interest of 41/2% per annum. In Commission increased the allotment to a little over Rs.728
addition to this contribution, for the actual construction of the lakhs. Financial assistance towards the entire cost of a house
house, funds would also be provided on a loan basis for the subject to a ceiling of Rs. 3,600 was provided by the
entire expenditure on the provision of water supply, drainage, Government of India, of which 662/3 per cent as loan and 331/3
layout of roads and other amenities. The cost of amenities per cent as grant. Beside, the Government of India also
could also be met by a loan carrying the same rate of interest. sanctioned loans for provision of Common amenities to the
Government had also offered assistance for the repair of colonies. The schemes were programmed by the Madras
houses of the weavers. A loan of Rs.300 per house would be State Government for implementation during the Second Five
given for the purpose of renovation and enlargement of existing Year Plan related, the construction of 16 colonies of 1600
houses of weavers, especially to accommodate the installation houses at a cost of Rs. 74.29 lakhs for the benefit of members
of frame looms. The assistance from the Cess fund was of Weavers Co-operative Societies and opening of 100 sales
available for the construction of houses or repairs of houses depots by the state government in order to enlist at least 50 per
only to weavers who were members of Weavers’ Co-operative cent of the handloom weavers within the Co-operative.
Societies. Subsequent to the receipt of these instructions the Subsequently, the State Government sanctioned twenty-two
Government of India desired that the schemes already housing schemes for the construction of 1,966 houses at the
sanctioned should be revised in Second Five Year Plan in cost of Rs.88,29,350. Of them the construction of 1248 houses
accordance with the latest instructions. The Housing Adviser were completed in the month of March 1961 and the
attached to the Ministry of Works, Supply and Housing remaining were finished later. The particulars of the twenty-two
suggested that there should be some uniform pattern of housing schemes are furnished below:
designs for each state as for certain regions and that therefore

Number of Number of Cost of Scheme

Name of the Colony District houses to be houses Loan in Grant in
No Total
constructed constructed Rupees Rupees
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 Ammapet Weaver’s Co-operative Society Salem 200 200 7,99,350 2,40,000 10,39,350
Dharmapuri Weaver’s Co-operative
2 Salem 100 100 3,05,000 1,20,000 4,25,000
3 Salem Weaver’s Co-operative Society Salem 94 - 2,97,600 1,12,800 4,10,400
Tiruchengode Weaver’s Co-operative
4 Salem 100 100 3,48,700 1,20,000 4,68,700
Coimbatore Devanga Weaver’s
5 Coimbatore 68 68 1,63,200 81,600 2,44,800
Co-operative Society
Tiruppur Weaver’s
7 Coimbatore 100 100 3,32,900 1,20,000 4,52,900
Co-operative society
Chennimalai Weaver’s Co-operative
8 Coimbatore 100 72 3,40,000 1,20,000 4,66,000
Krishnapuram Weaver’s Co-operative (40 were
9 Madurai 150 4,81,000 1,80,000 6,61,000
Society completed in
Madurai Tiruvalluvar Weaver’s Completed
10 Madurai 50 1,94,000 60,000 2,54,100
Co-operative Society later
Madurai Mahalakshmi Weaver’s
11 Madurai 56 -Do- 1,78,400 67,200 2,15,600
Co-operative Society
Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal Weavers
12 Madurai 86 -Do- 2,95,000 1,03,200 3,98,200
Co-operative Society
Aruppukottai Weaver’s Co-operative
13 Ramanathapuram 200 198 5,62,400 2,40,000 8,02,400
Srivilliputtur Weaver’s
14 Ramanathapuram 100 100 2,96,000 1,20,000 4,16,000
Co-operative Society
15 Saidapet Weaver’s Co-operative Society Madras 60 60 2,47,500 72,000 3,19,500
Kattidelkurichi Weaver’s Co-operative
16 Tirunelveli 100 100 3,07,000 1,20,000 4,27,000

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Woraiyur Devanga Weaver’s

17 Tiruchirappalli 40 40 1,60,000 48,000 2,08,000
Co-operative Society
Kilodungalur Weaver’s Co-operative Completed
18 North Arcot 92 2,51,300 1,10,400 3,61,700
Society later
Gudiyatham Shanmugar Weaver’s
19 North Arcot 50 -Do- 1,57,500 60,000 2,17,500
Co-operative Society
Kancheepuram Kamatchiamman Silk
20 Chengelpet 70 -Do- 2,17,500 84,000 3,01,500
Weaver’s Co-operative Society
Vadasseri Weaver’s Co-operative
21 Kanniyakumari 50 -Do- 1,74,700 60,000 2,34,700
Koranad Weaver’s
22 Thanjavur 50 -Do- 1,70,000 60,000 2,30,00
Co-operative Society
Total 1,966 1,248 64,70,150 23,59,200 88,29,350

In these colonies the construction of 1,248 houses had which was opened in A.D 1982 by Mr. Aranka Nayakam, the
been completed till the end of March 1962, the remaining was former minister of Education and the Handloom Industry,
under various stages of construction and the works were during the Chief Minister ship of M.G. Ramachandran. This
completed later. Altogether the State Government had colony is known as Kaithari Nagar located near
constructed 2,683 houses at the total cost of Rs. 127 lakhs, till Tiruparankuntam in Madurai district. The total area of this
the end of March 1962. During the Fourth Five Year Plan colony is 40 acres of land and originally constructed 678
(1969-1974) period 3,027 houses were constructed under the houses. After clearing the loan by the beneficiary the
weavers housing scheme which was reviewed from the year government handed over the ownership (patta) to the legal
1979-80, adding to the 2,683 houses constructed earlier. owner weavers. For instance, the State Government gave
ownership (patta) to the handloom weavers in Tiruvalluvar
4. The Weavers’ Housing Colonies under Housing and xxviii
Colony, Madurai after A.D. 2005.
Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) Scheme
5. Layout and the facilities of the Colonies
The weavers’ housing scheme under the Cess Fund
scheme of the Government was discontinued in A.D. 1961. The layout and the type design of the houses suitable for
Thereafter, the Government of Tamil Nadu with financial the members of the society were prepared by the societies in
assistance from Housing and Urban Development Corporation consultation with the P.W.D. Supervisor and the Assistant
(HUDCO) revived the Weavers’ Housing Scheme from the year Engineer (Weavers’ Housing Schemes) and sanctioned by the
1979-80 for the welfare of the member of the Weavers’ Co- Registrar’s office. Amenities required were also decided with
xx st
operative Societies. From 1 July 1982 onwards HUDCO had reference to the layout of the site and the facilities already
revised the scheme according to which the total estimated cost available in the locality were finalised. The layout would
of each house was Rs.12,000 for which a maximum loan of normally provide for amenities like provision of water, street
Rs.9,700 was made available from HUDCO. The State lighting, park, radio, school, market, etc. The house would be
Government had to provide a subsidy of Rs.1,000 per house so designed as to suit an average weavers’ family and would
and the balance of Rs.1,300 had to be met by beneficiary provide for a work room for installing two or three looms. The
members of the Weavers Co-operative Societies. The loan amenities and the house should conform to the town-planning
portion under scheme was repayable in 20 years in equated rules and hygienic standards. The layout plan was therefore
monthly installments at 7 per cent interest including ½ per cent sent to the Office of Director of Town Planning for its approval.
service charges to Co-optex . From the year 1985-86 After getting the approval sanctioned, the scheme for the
onwards under the New Textile Policy of the Government of construction of the colony was prepared and sent to
India also started sanctioning a subsidy at the rate of Rs.1000 Government together with the total estimate of cost, type
for the house and Rs.1500 for the work shed at the total of Rs. design of the house and the layout approved by the Director of
2,500. Under this scheme there was a matching State Town-Planning. A copy of scheme, plan and estimates was
Government contribution of Rs.1000 for the house and also sent the Chief Engineer, P.W.D. for his approval and
Rs.1500 for the work shed at the total of Rs.2500. . During intimation to the Government. Schemes – costing up to
the Sixth Five Year Plan (1980-85) it was proposed to construct Rs.40,000 might be scrutinized by the Executive Engineer, the
5000 houses. The construction of 3741 houses had been schemes costing between Rs.40,000 and Rs. 2 lakhs might be
planned and of which 1706 houses were completed during the scrutinized by the Superintending Engineer, and those costing
financial year 1982-83.. Till 1982-83 the HUDCO had released above, Rs. 2 lakhs by the Chief Engineer. One-third of the loan
a sum of Rs.90.02 lakhs as loan. A loan of Rs.12.29 lakhs was required for the construction of the houses and full cost of
released subsequently. Another 10000 houses would be amenities were sanctioned with the approval of the scheme.
constructed in the Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-90). An Another One-third of the cost of the house was sanctioned, as
amount of Rs.61.72 crores was proposed to be set up for the soon as the construction of the houses reached plinth level and
development of Handlooms in the seventh plan. During the the balance One-third of the cost on reaching the roof level.
year 1989-90, 1323 House-Cum-Work shed units were taken One-third of the subsidy was sanctioned, as soon as the
us for construction as against the target of 2500 units. houses were completed and the balance of the subsidy as
Subsequently the construction of these houses was completed. soon as the audited statements of the construction of the
houses was received.
One of the most important colonies created under the
HUDCO scheme in Madurai region was the Nilayur colony

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A set of specification was also drawn up by the Housing constructed there during the Chief Ministership of M.G.
Adviser to the Government of India for adoption in the Ramachandran. These new houses were formed under the
construction of these buildings. Limiting the ceiling cost was HUDCO scheme. It was opened by Aranka Nayakam, the
driven us to find out ways of effecting economy in the building former minister of Education and Handloom Industry. The
process. Some degree of economy could be effect as expert Vadassery Weavers’ Housing Colony in Kanyakumari district
architectural planning and structural designing, as also by was built in 1962 in 9 acres land with 99 houses, each in 2,400
adopting utility scales of accommodation. Several types of sq.ft.. It was opened by Mr. Bala Sundaram, the State Co-
residential accommodation suitable to the paying capacity of operative Registrar in 17-8-1962. The Pothujana Weavers’
the weaver occupants were evolved. The plinth area for the Housing Colony at Nagercoil in Kanyakumari district was built
various rooms bearing the work room was more or less uniform under the HUDCO scheme in the year 1982 during the Chief
in all the colonies. The only variation was with regard to the Ministership of M.G. Ramachandran in 4 acres land with 78
workroom where the looms were put in. The constructional houses, each in 600 sq.ft. It was opened by Aranka Nayakam,
specifications which also have a large bearing on building cost the former Minister of Education and Handloom Industry. The
was more or less, uniform, excepting for the variations Thiruppathisaram Weavers’ Colony at Thovalai in Kanyakumari
necessary to utilize the easily obtainable materials in the district was started under the HUDCO scheme in the year
locality. A high degree of importance was attached a durability, 1995. The total land area of this colony is 5 acres with 73
low maintenance and convenience as against the first cost of houses each in 31/2 cents.
the building. The following factors had been taken into account
The creation of the colony became the boom to the
in the evolution of the designs. (i) Planning (ii) Materials (iii)
weavers and weaving industry. The weavers got permanent
Standard of Accommodation (iv) Architectural designs and
xxxi houses for installing their looms and continue weaving work. As
Structural design. All available sites were examined in detail
each colony possessed Co-operative Society, it helped the
and the best one was selected. In urban areas, due to want of
weavers to purchase the yarn from the Society, sell the goods
space, sites for housing colonies were limited in area, whereas
xxxii and settle the accounts. There is a provision for Co-operative
this problem was not met with in rural areas.
Societies in each colony. In the Nilayur Colony in Madurai nine
The concentration of houses on the site works out roughly Weavers’ Co-operative Societies were established. They are:
to about 15 houses per acre, whereas in urban areas, this was 1. Rama Krishna Weavers’ Co-operative Society, 2. Baghavad
stretched to 20 and sometimes more. The layout followed set Singh Weavers’ Co-operative Society, 3. Dr. Radha Krishna
designs suited mostly to local conditions. In the South, which Weavers’ Co-operative Society, 4. Swamy Nadana Gopal
was an area where high humidity prevailed, houses were all Weavers’ Co-operative Society, 5. Balaji Weavers’ Co-
oriented to north and south to catch as much of the Southern operative Society, 6. Bharathi Jothi Weavers’ Co-operative
breeze as possible. This means that the roads run mostly Society, 7. Nehru Weavers’ Co-operative Society, 8. Angayar
towards east and west. To minimize the cost of common Kanni Weavers’ Co-operative Society and 9. Aanjaneyar
amenities on individual houses, it was best to have a colony of Weavers’ Co-operative Society. In Thiruvalluvar Colony,
200 houses. This was in many cases not possible and hence Valluvar Weavers’ Co-operative Society was constructed. In
colonies of hundred houses were the general rule. Some of Krishnapuram colony, Krishnapuram Weavers’ Co-operative
these colonies even consisted of forty houses in the case of Society was built. The long and broad road within the
Woraiyur Devanga Weavers’ Colony at Tiruchirappalli and sixty colonies helped the weavers to undertake the preparatory
houses as in the case of Saidapet Weaver’s Co-operative works for weaving the materials and continue weaving work
Society at Madras. This was so because of the urban nature of without having pollution effect.
the area and the difficulty to get sufficient space for
xxxiii The roads are designed to carry light traffic, barring the
constructing in more houses. Normally an area of 4 to 5
main road which forms, more or less, the lead in road from the
cents was allowed for each house and the twin block was built
xxxiv nearby highway. This main road caters for heavy traffic.
in ten cents. The Krishnapuram Housing colony in Madurai
Normally warping margins were provided on both sides of the
was built in18 acres of land with 150 houses each in 2400 sq.
xxxv road. In some housing colonies, where a warping was
plinth area. The Nilayur Colony in Madurai which included
practiced in a separate area was set apart for warping ground.
678 houses each with 31/2 cent plinth area was constructed in
xxxvi A avenue trees were planted on both sides of the road at the
a vast area of 40 acres of land in1982. Thiruvalluvar
rate of one tree to each house. The avenue plants were so
Housing Colony was created in 10 acres with 91 houses, each
xxxvii chosen that every alternate one was of the flowering kind. As
with a plinth area of 2400 sq.ft.. The Prasanna Venkatesa
many trees as possible were planted and the varieties were
Perumal Weavers’ Housing Colony, Avaniyapuram in Madurai
chosen so as to beautify the parks and play grounds.
district was established in 1962 during the Chief Minister ship
Government Schools are also found in some of the housing
of Kamaraj. It was built in 18 acres of land with 150 houses
xxxviii colonies. In most of the colonies water were drawn from wells
each in 2,400 sq.ft.. In the year 1992, a new colony called
earlier. Subsequently, the provision of pumping arrangements
Prasanna New Colony was started with 35 houses each in
xxxix was made to lift the water to over head reservoirs and the
1,500-2000 sq.ft.. In the year 1996, another new colony
th supply to the houses through street taps. Roughly one tap was
called Abirami 10 Street Colony was started with 58 houses
xl provided for every six to eight houses. Surface drains and
each in 2,400 sq.ft.. It was inaugurated by V.K.P. Raja, the
sullage water drains were taken as far away from the colony as
Minister of Handloom Industry. The Mahalakshmi Weavers’ l
was practicable. Provision was made in site to set apart areas
Housing Colony at Thirunagar in Madurai district was opened
for dye houses, schools, medical buildings, shops, play ground,
in 1962 which was built in 14 acres of land with 100 houses
each in 2,400 sq.ft.. In the year 1982, 100 new houses were

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Road, beautiful park, etc. The provision of electric lights in handloom industry some weavers’ found it difficult to run their
streets wherever possible were made. family and to raise their standard of living. Some handloom
weavers have changed into working in power looms. In
6. Present situation of Housing Colonies in Madurai
Aruppukkottai Weavers’ Colony all the handlooms were
changed to power looms, because through the handloom they
According to a field visit of the Madurai housing colonies, could earn a maximum of Rs. 250 but through working in the
many of the houses in Madurai district have modified into big power loom they earn Rs. 600 per day. The street lights and
concrete houses. In several places the weavers had sold their the drainage systems are not maintained properly. In some
share to other people and shifted to other places for doing places the houses are maintained and modified with double
other prosperous jobs. With a minimum income from the storied building.

Photo No.1 A House in Krishnapuram Weavers’ Housing Colony in Madurai

Photo No. 2. Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal Weavers’ Housing Colony in Madurai

Photo No.3. Vadassery Weavers’ Housing Colony in Nagercoil in Kanyakumari

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Photo No. 4. Weavers Straightening the Yarn

Photo No. 5 Maintained and Modified Houses in Thiruvalluvar Housing Colony in Madurai

7. Conclusion
Housing facilities were given to weavers to enable them to despair that they were unfit for the weaver family to live in them
do work in their own houses in healthy surroundings. In the and carry on their professions. In spite of the Government
new atmosphere they could install their looms and work in initiated the construction of the weavers’ colonies it could not
conditions of freedom and convenience. The provision of a provide houses to all the weavers under the Co-operative fold
large number of houses in close proximity would enable the who required the same. Though the government had initiated
weavers to lead a corporate life along with other weavers and and built several houses due to the decline of the handloom
help to create a spirit of harmony and comradship among industry, the very purpose of creating colonies could not yield
persons with a common economic and social goal. The permanent results.
weavers housing schemes were therefore welcomed by the
weavers. Provision of facilities for building new houses opened
out possibilities of a new and better life for weavers in the I Sincerely extend my gratitude to my Research Guide, Dr.
better surroundings. But housing colonies could not be built C. Thomas, Formerly Associate Professor, Department of
quickly in all places where there was a concentration of History, Periyar E.V.R. College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli,
weavers. There were quite a large number of weavers, whose for his help to complete this Research Article.
own houses which were either too small or in such utter

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End Notes & References

S. Saravanan, Economics of Handloom, Kavikuil Publication, Chennai, 2007. P. 54.
Tamil Arasu, April 1991, Government of Tamil Nadu, pp. 31-32.
Yvonne J Arterburn, The Loom of Interdependence Silk weaving Co-operatives in Kanchipuram, Hindustan Publishing Corporation press,
New Delhi, 1982. P.114.
Madras Information, (Hereinafter to be reffered to as Mad. Inf.), Vol. XVI, No. II, Nov. 1960, Government of Madras, 1960, p. 35.
Madras Journal of Co-operation, (Hereinafter to be reffered to as M.J.C), Vol. XLIX, No. 8, Feb. 1958, Madras, P. 432.
Ibid., p.425
Ibid., p.435
Madras Legistlative Assembly (Third Assembly), Committee on Estimates., 1966-67, Second Report, Directorate of Handlooms,
Government of Madras, 1966, p.11
G.O. No. 1076, Industries Labour Corporation Department (Hereinafter to be reffered to as I.L.C.D.), dt. 18.03.1957, PP. 236-237.
Mad. Inf., op. cit., Vo. XVI, No. II, Nov. 1960, p. 35.
G.O. No. 1076, op.cit, p. 237.
Administration Report of the Co-operative Department for the Year 1959-60, (Hereinafter reffered to as A.R.C.D.), Government of
Madras, 1960, p. 115.
Third Five Year Plan (1961-1966), Madras State, Government of Madras, 1966, .P.71.
G.O.No. 2881 I.L.C.D., dt. 10.04.1961, pp. 5-6.
Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Debates, 1980, Vol. 4, No. 1-5, Government of Tamil Nadu, 1982, p. 623
Tamil Nadu State Administrative Report 1989-90 (Hereinafter to be referred to as T.N.S.A.R.), Government of Tamil Nadu, 1993, p.165 .
Handlooms and Textiles Policy and Programmes . 1984-85, Industries Department, Government of Tamil Nadu, 1984, p.6.
T.N.S.A.R. 1989-90, op.cit., P.165.
Seventh Five Year Plan in Tamil Nadu (1985-1990), Government of Tamil Nadu, 1990, p.259.
T.N.S.A.R., 1989-90, op.cit., p.165.
Co-operation Department, Annual Administration Report of Co-operative Societies, 1982-83, (Hereinafter to be referred to as
C.D.A.A.R.C.S.,)., Government of Tamil Nadu, 1986, P. 159.
Seventh Five Year Plan in Tamil Nadu (1985-1990), Government of Tamil Nadu, 1990, p.259.
T.N.S.A.R.1989-90, p.165.
Foundation Stone at Nilayur Colony, Madurai, dt. 23-4-1982. Observation from the field study conducted by the researcher on 20-4-2017.
Interview with Mr. Janorthanan (55), Clerk of Valluvar Weavers’ Co-operative Society, Valluvar colony, Madurai District, dt. 21.04.2017.
Mad. Inf, Vol. XVI, No. 11, Nov. 1960,.P. 35.
M.J.O.C., op.cit., February 1958, P. 434.
Tamil Arasu, Vol. XIII, No.9, March 1983, Government of Tamil Nadu, p.16.
Ibid., PP. 432-33.
Ibid., p. 434.
Foundation Stone at Krishnapuram Colony, Madurai, dt. 2-8-1962. Observation from the field study conducted by the researcher on 20-4-
Foundation Stone at Nilayur Colony, dt. 23-4-1982. Observation from the field study conducted by the researcher on 20-4-2017.
Foundation Stone at Valluvar Colony, dt. 16-4-1962 . Observation from the field study conducted by the researcher on 20-4-2017.
Foundation Stone at Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal Colony, dt.14-6-1962. Observation from the field study conducted by the researcher
on 26-9-2017.
Foundation Stone at Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal New Colony, dt.4-9-1992. Observation from the field study conducted by the
researcher on 26-9-2017
Interview with D.R. Rama Rao (71), the Director of the Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal Weavers’ Co-operative Society, dt. 26-9-2017.
Interview with A. R. Athma Rao (68), former handloom weaver, Mahalakshmi Weavers’ Colony, Thirunagar, Madurai district,dt.26-9-2017.
Foundation Stone at Mahalakshmi Weavers’ Housing Colony, dt.23-4-1982. Observation from the field study conducted by the researcher
on 26-7-2017.
Foundation Stone at Vadassery Weavers’ Housing Colony, dt.17-8-1962. Observation from the field study conducted by the researcher
on 20 -7-2017.
Interview with A. Krishnan (73), Former Handloom weaver, Pothujana Nesavalar Colony, Nagercoil.dt.30.06 .2017
Interview with K. S Vasan (61), Senior Clerk of the Handloom Weavers’ Co-operative Society, Vadassery.dt.30.06.2017.
Observation from the field study conducted by the researcher on 20-4-2017.
Interview with Janorthanan (55), Clerk of Valluvar Weavers’ Co-operative Society, Valluvar Colony, Madurai District, dt. 21.04.2017.
Interview with S. Manickam (89), Former Handloom Weaver, Krishnapuram, Madurai District, dt. 21-06-2017.
M.J.C.O., op.cit., p. 433.
G.O. NO.736, I. L. D., 23.03.1954.Government Press Madras, P. 148
Interview with T. S.Ramalinga Nadar(65), Handloom Weaver, Nesavalar Colony, Aruppukkottai, Ramanathapuram district, dt.16-06-2017

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