Thesis Manuscript (BSAE-V)
Thesis Manuscript (BSAE-V)
Thesis Manuscript (BSAE-V)
Agascon, Shairel M.
Faderanga, Naureen Mitzi F.
Gado, Mary Grace M.
Ladera, Manny M.
Macapas, Aizle Jam I.
Saturnino, Sheryl L.
May 2020
First and foremost, praises and thanks to God for knowledge and wisdom, divine
mercy, shower of blessings and guidance despite of this pandemic, we are able to
complete the research successfully.
The researchers would like to extend their deepest appreciation and thanksgiving
to Dr. Alfredo F. Fortu Jr. for his unwavering support, patience, motivation, enthusiasm,
and immense knowledge and suggestions in the realization of this study.
We take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks for invaluable support and
endless help of Dr. Bilshan F. Servanez for lending us some materials needed for the
Acknowledged with much appreciation to Engr. Alvin Brecia, Engr. Elbert Garcia
and Engr. Jay Oliveros for constantly engaged themselves and being hands-on during
the implementation of the study and for their valuable comments and suggestions.
To Dr. Arthur R. Ylagan, Vice President of Research who allowed us and give
permission to use the net house to conduct our study.
To Prof. Edgardo F. Fadallan who spared his time and shared his knowledge
about the study.
Special thanks given to their beloved parents for their moral encouragements,
financial assistance as well as their spiritual support in every path the researchers take
and for being a constant source of inspiration.
Agascon, S.M.
Faderanga, N.M.F.
Gado, M.G.M.
Ladera, M.M.
Macapas, A.J.I.
Saturnino, S. L.
Background of the study 1
Objectives of the study 4
Water plays vital role in our daily lives and potential lack of water in the future is
possible, so proper utilization of water starting in this era is very significant. As of now,
agriculture industries utilize 90% of water. In this reason, the researchers in this area
would benefit if the significance of water utilization would come to realization. Farmers
irrigate the crops without knowing what plants actually needed causing water run-off.
Before the design and implementation of automated drip irrigation system, knowing the
water requirement of the crop before irrigation is essential. Supply of electricity in rural
areas was expensive and unreliable, so using renewable energy as a source of power
would be a promising alternative. The research study selected lettuce as test crop to
plant in the 9mX18m net house divided into 3 plots. Every plot was divided into 4 blocks
and each block has 24 lettuce seedlings planted in two rows. It consists of 12 blocks
where half of it was irrigated using manual watering and the other half was irrigated by
the developed automated drip irrigation. To compare the water savings effectively, this
study conducted draw lottery method in selecting the area where manual watering and
automated drip method were located. Design of automation system is based on the
requirement of lettuce and the sensor calibrated based on the standard moisture meter.
Drip emitter was used in this study since this technology provides less water run-off.
This study also use solar energy and it was made of industry grade materials in
preparation for actual application. Growth and yield performance of lettuce was also
observed and found out that there is a slight difference in yield and growth parameters
such as number of leaves, length of leaves, width of leaves, height of leaves and fresh
weight of lettuce leaves. Due to this pandemic, manual watering performed better than
the drip irrigation. This occurred because the system was not monitored properly and
also due to limited knowledge of the student researchers on the system. On the other
hand, this study revealed that this technology could save up to 67% of water compared
to manual watering.
Chapter I
production. To meet this demand, agriculture must provide a sufficient supply of food all
year round. However, as the population increases, the water supply needed for crop
10.3 million ha agricultural land where around 3.1 million ha are considered irrigable.
With this land, proper irrigation method must be adapted for improvement of the water
Most crops that undergo inadequate irrigation led to yield reduction and poor
quality crops while excess irrigation results to water wastage. One of the most reliable
irrigation methods is the drip irrigation system. Water is directly applied to the root area
with the use of tubes and valves, thus water losses are minimized. Generally, most of
the irrigation systems are manually operated one. It can be replaced by an automated
irrigation that provide high crop yield, save water usage and reduce labor requirement.
Irrigation services primarily need energy. But fossil fuels depletion and expensive
and often unreliable access to electricity create negative impact on the pumping
requirements for irrigation. These can be replaced by solar energy which is reliable, low
(Asteraceae) and considered one of the high value commercial crops in the Philippines.
It is known as one of the most widely and best opt leafy vegetable crops in our diet. The
Crop Statistics of the Philippines recorded 4.08 thousand metric tons production of
lettuce in 2018.
favorably grown in temperate countries and in some particularly elevated part of the
country. Loose leaf lettuce is one of the varieties of lettuce that forms a tender leaves
that are delicate and mildly flavored and comes in green and red and green or purple
color. It is one of the simplest lettuces to grow in home gardens and the type of grown
as vitamin C, B1, B2, folic acid, high in magnesium and little sodium. For eating
purposes lettuce should be fresh green-leaved because the greener the color of the
leaves, the higher is the content of vitamins and chlorophyll present on it.
important in the lettuce yield to reach the optimal yield due to water scarcity. Loose leaf
variety of lettuce is heat tolerant and resistant to bolting which causes bitterness. For
producing healthy, tasty, good-quality lettuce, plenty of water is very important. To
ensure good harvest, one of the factors to consider is the fact that lettuce prefers
consistently moist, damp soil due to its shallow root system. Without getting enough
water, lettuce develops a bitter flavor. One of the important factor to keep lettuce have
the best flavor is following a consistent water scheduling. Roots play an important role in
absorbing water and nutrients and many studies shows that more roots develop under
drip irrigation system. Under net house conditions, measuring the status of the soil
water using sensors alongside the drip irrigation methods according to real time
The high water requirement of lettuce with their sensitivity to water stress and
drought due to shallow root system indicates that the limited or deficit irrigation is
important for lettuce yield to meet the water requirement of plants. Therefore, innovative
ways to increase the water availability use efficiency are needed. Irrigation technology
such as drip irrigation that will supply water at a uniform rate may be adopted for more
effective and rational use of limited supplies of water and to promote sustainable
utilization of resources.
3. To evaluate the growth and yield between the automated drip irrigation and
manual watering
use of available water resources to meet the demands of water usage and lack of
adequate and irrigated water management. In other areas, the lack of water is a more
profound problem. Regardless of the cause, water scarcity impacts both human
populations and natural ecosystems. Most of the time, water resources are not used
efficiently and substantial amount of water are wasted. Hence, the researchers need to
utilize the available water efficiently to mitigate the scarcity of water supply. The use of
automated drip irrigation system is simple, easy to operate, and increase the efficiency
of water usage. It can easily determine the amount of water in the soil using suitable
sensor and provides precise water control that ensures equitable water distribution. An
convenient, by reducing the amount of manpower needed and ultimately save time as
well, and the same time maximizes the yield with consuming less amount of water.
Using solar panel is a good alternative to replace fossil fuel as the major energy
Moreover, this study will be beneficial not only for farmers but also for the
researchers, and students to explore their knowledge on how efficient drip irrigation to
the growth and development of the crop. The Romblon State University will also benefit
This study was limited to development and testing of an automated and solar-
powered drip irrigation system for lettuce production. This study also tested the
reliability of the automation system in terms of timeliness, soil moisture sensor reliability,
and amount of water dripped. Moreover, the study tested the growth performance of
lettuce under drip irrigation and compared its mean growth performances to that of
manual watering in terms of length of leaves, width of leaves, plant height, leaf
chlorophyll content, and fresh weight of leaves. The observation for growth performance
This chapter presents the review of related literature, theories, and studies
relevant to the study as well as the research hypothesis and definition of terms.
Related Literature
Common water source of farmers for irrigation are rainfall, river, pond and bore
wells. Even if the farm land has a water-pump, most of the time it is being kept stand-
still due to non-availability of grid power in the remote areas where the potential of sun
depends to a large extent on the availability of water and power. If the solar power is
harnessed, an agricultural pump can run during day hours without depending on grid
power. It is observed that in addition to water and power shortage, the farmers are not
aware of the scientific method of irrigating the agricultural land. By adopting a proper
scientific method, the farmers can save water, energy, laboring time and production cost
increased demand for higher agricultural productivity and decreased availability of water
solar power based drip irrigation system which is linked to soil moisture sensor. Solar
powered automated drip irrigation system (SPADIS) can be used for efficient drip
irrigation serving multiple needs arises in their day to day life. SPADIS supports efficient
drip irrigation; water management practices; increases yields; improve crop quality;
growth and to reduce costs which leads to an innovative idea of using an automated
irrigation system which will further help in better management of water and human
resources. Automated irrigation system has been developed using sensors technology
with Arduino to efficiently utilize water for irrigation purpose (Taneja and Bhatia 2017).
Irrigation has been used during ancient times. Water resource plays important
role in agriculture. Most of the increased food production in the world will depend on
irrigation and water use efficiency (WUE). In all agricultural systems, irrigation is the
artificial application of water to land for the purpose of agricultural production. New
innovations for saving irrigation water, and thereby increasing crop water use efficiency
techniques is a priority for the agricultural sector (Ulas Senyigit, et al. 2013).
sources due to increased population and the pollution of water sources. The
implementation of such a system in the field can definitely help to improve the yield of
the crops and overall production. Irrigation process is done better before the proper
production and usage of water level, and there will be a chance to reduce man power
and the farmers need not to go every day (Sumeet Kumar 2017).
components affecting the growth and yield of agricultural produce from greenhouse
farming system. Water should be given in a proper amount and accurate time
alternative water application method such as drip, may contribute substantially to the
best use of water for agriculture and improving irrigation n efficiency. With the use of
drip irrigation systems, water and nutrients can be applied directly to the root level of the
crop, having positive effects on yield, water savings and increasing the irrigation
Drip method of irrigation helps to reduce the over exploitation of groundwater that
partly occurs because of inefficient use of water under surface method irrigation.
waterlogging and salinity are also completely absent under drip method of irrigation.
Drip methods helps in achieving saving in irrigation water, increase water use efficiency,
decrease tillage requirement, higher quality product, and increase crop yields (D.
Using this irrigation system will promote more precise water quantity control and
higher water use efficiency. Water savings of up to 50% compared to sprinkler irrigation.
the proper amount to the root ball of the plant, minimizing water leaching from the root
zone and minimizing the evaporation since the water is not sprayed into the air. The
water can be emitted at uniform distances along a pipe with an emitter that directs water
to one plant volume of soil. It has a regulating effect on the environmental conditions
such as water, organic fertilizer and heat distribution have a significant effect on crop
suggested an automated concept of irrigation to use the water efficiently and effectively.
Automated Drip Irrigation system is implemented either based on the soil humidity or
based on the user input via SMS commanding systems. Former method is an isolated
irrigation system where the farmer doesn’t update with the irrigation status and later
lags in smart utilization of water due to user command without considering the condition
of soil. From that ever growing requirement of the population, modern techniques are
boards, it is an open source computing platform that is used for constructing and
programming electronic devices. It is also capable of acting as a mini computer just like
other microcontrollers by taking inputs and controlling the outputs for a variety of
measurements in moisture, pressure and water flow sensors and also automating
The ideal method in cultivation is the drip irrigation system, the said method
requires less amount of water each time in frequent intervals, which keeps the soil
moisture at a low tension. Water and nutrient elements can be supplied to the root area
of plants by drip irrigation method without creating water stress. The automatic plant
watering system using Arduino has been designed and tested successfully. It has been
According to Kumar and Magesh S. (2017), the system has been tested to
In the study of Atul Sharma (2011), the global energy consumption is rising
rapidly. It is likely that environmental considerations will constrain the access to fossil
fuels in the future. As a result, a part of the increasing energy demand is likely to be met
by renewable energy sources like solar power. Theoretically, they could cover much
more than just the present worldwide demand for electricity consumption and can
provide an important contribution to climate protection. This system has advantages for
low-power demand and building-integrated systems. The solar energy based power
generating systems can play a major role towards the fulfillment of energy requirements
of industry.
can be processed in many ways to fit different areas that benefits a wide range of
people. It is an international and growing industry that may become a major source of
energy in the near future. Solar power allows them to provide energy to their remote
Farmers also use solar energy. In Malaysia they use it to dry agricultural
products, bamboo and rubber. This demonstrates that solar energy can also be used
commercially. Solar energy is a versatile in regards to the ways globally, ranging from
invested in solar energy to decrease their carbon footprint and their effects on global
climate change (Kurdgelashvili et al., 2012). They believe solar power policies will
reduce greenhouse gas emission, such as carbon dioxide. Solar energy is a cleaner
option than fossil fuels to produce electricity. It is known that fossil fuels release carbon
Originating from Europe and Asia, the lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is known in
human food from 500 years before the birth of Christ. In fact, the word “lettuce” is
derived from Latin root word “lac” meaning “milk”, referring to the milky juice found in
mature lettuce stems. It is an annual, herbaceous plant, very delicate, and large leaf of
varying consistency in varieties of function. Leaves can be smooth or curly and bright
green, dark green or purple coloring. The plant can present cabbage format trained
head or loose, and without forming head. Rich in fiber aids in digestion and proper
calcium and phosphorus. It has a similar format to plain lettuce with loose leaves but
Lettuce is the most popular vegetable with the highest consumption rate and
economic importance throughout the world. Since the market values of early varieties
were high, recently grown in tunnels in limited extend (Bozkurt and Mansuroglu. 2011).
It is a vegetable that is widely cultivated due to the shortness of its vegetation time, the
fact that it can be grown as a second product and the high consumption ratio along with
The said plant is known as an annual plant that belongs to the family Asteraceae
and is a very important leaf vegetable primarily consumed fresh as a salad or in salad
mixtures with other kinds of fresh vegetables. Lettuce is a highly valued vegetable in
human nutrition not only for its richness in minerals and vitamins but also for the fact
that nowadays it is produced all year round, and consumed fresh so that all the
ingredients stay intact. As part of the study of antioxidant features of lettuce, vitamin C
different types and varieties of lettuce and its affiliation with yellow-green-red vegetables
provides human nutrition with a very significant and high content of biologically
well as the color of substances from chlorophyll to anthocyanin (Djokovic, et al. 2011).
Over the last years, the World lettuce production has been constantly increasing (FAO
According to Cantliffe, et al. (2005) there are two methods to grow lettuce: Direct
sown from seed and from seed-started transplants. Some gardeners only direct sow
because they do not have time to start smaller. Poor stand establishment of direct-
seeded lettuce crops using both pelleted and raw seeds, particularly during conditions
economically viable plant stands. Other reasons growers were transplanting rather than
harvested crop such as lettuce, early-season weed control, more uniform spacing of
plants, and elimination of manual thinning densely seed rows. The general rule to
determine if the seedling is ready for transplant is when the seedling has three to four
leaves, it’s large enough to plant out in the garden (after it has been hardened off).
The crop cycle varies with the variety and growing conditions: in the greenhouse,
soil or hydroponic solutions, 40-50 days from sowing to harvest, and in the open field,
from 65 to 80 days. The recommended spacing ranges from 10 to 12 inches on the line
lettuce; marketable head weight (yield), number of marketable leaves, leaf area, plant
height and diameters, plant dry weight, core diameters and firmness of head, leaf
chlorophyll content.
condition, since its adaptation to places of high temperature and luminosity can cause
problems in its growth, preventing the crop from expressing its full productive potential.
When exposed to stress conditions, as in high temperatures, lettuce tends to reduce its
cycle, compromising the production and making the leaves more rigid, and also to
lettuce is around 30°C, with the optimal growing temperatures are 4°C during night and
27°C during day. Thus, in regions with temperatures higher than the indicated, the
According to an Agriculturist from DA-BPI Mrs. Divina Jose, lettuce grows best in
soil with a ph of 6 to 6.8 and in a silty clay loam, loam and clay loams soil. Soils with
high organic matter are preferred for good water holding capacity. When the soil is clay
coconut coir dust, rice hulls or carbonized rice hulls (burned rice hulls) to make the soil
1. There is no significant difference in the mean length of time for pump operations
2. There is no significant difference in the soil moisture sensor reading and the soil
Definition of terms
To ensure that this research study is fully understood, the following terms are
Drip Irrigation-a system that provides slow but frequent dripping of water directly in the
root zone.
Arduino- an open source electronics platform based on easy to use hardware and
Solar Panel- generates power from a renewable source, the sun. In this study, a 100 W
Water Pump- usually 12 V, it conveys water from the source to the plants.
Emitter- end devices which deliver water to the plants in a specific manner.
Growth performance- is the biological response of plants to cultured practices. In this
study, growth performance refers to length of leaves, width of leaves, height of the plant
Growth- refers to the quantitative development of lettuce that was observable by the
Length- is the quantity measured from the base to the tip of the leaves of lettuce using
Lettuce- refers to the lettuce green wave variety which is a leafy vegetable crop that
Soil moisture sensors- measured the soil moisture content. In this study, industry
Weight- the measurement of the mass of the harvested leaves of lettuce, by using
Width of leaves- refers to the measurements on the distance of lettuce leaves taken
Yield- refers to the qualitative development of lettuce that was observable in the
This chapter includes the research methods used in the study. The location of
the study area, experimental site preparation, experimental layout, development of the
system, installation of the system, data gathering and harvesting were also included.
The field study was conducted at the net house of Romblon State University from
January to April 2020. This study was a collaboration between the Department of
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The site has an
area of 162 square meters.
List of Materials
Materials Qty.
Panel Nema3r 1 unit
12V Relay Module 4 channel 4 units
real time clock 1 unit
Arduino Mega 1 unit
Female header 1 set
Universal PCB 1 pc
Terminal Block 10 pcs
shrinkable tube 1 set
solar charging controller 1 unit
terminal lugs 1.25 mm2 200 pcs.
solid wire number #22 2m
royal cord 0.75mm2 500m
PVC Marker 1 set
wire connector female to male 1 bundle
moisture sensor 12 pcs
12V solenoid valve 12 pcs
12 DC motor pump 3 units
DC Speed Controller 3 units
1/2 PVC pipe 40 pcs
1/2 PVC pipe connector and 1 lot
Solar Panel and Battery Support 1 lot
Raceway 1 lot
Stainless steel Pipe support 1 lot
Water tank support 1 lot
Dripper 144 pcs
dripper connecting hose 72 ft
cable tie (1 ft) 600 pcs
net house, preparation of seedling and proper transplanting method. The said
house. Opportunely, the Romblon State University has a constructed net house near
Research and Extension building from 5 years ago. In order to promote proper
utilization of the said net house, the site was cleared from weeds (Appendix fig. 1) and
the nets were removed while the damaged parts of the frame were welded (Appendix
fig. 2). Repainting (Appendix fig. 3) was done after sanding and application of red oxide.
The plots were cultivated using crowbar and shovel (Appendix fig. 4). New nets were
sewed manually (Appendix fig. 5) using nylon thread and needle before attaching to the
Loose-leaf variety was used in the study. With this, heat tolerance will be
ensured. Seeds were initially sown in plastic cups (Appendix fig. 7) to encourage well
growth. Two (2) seeds were sown in every cup having a mixture of vermi cast, partially
decomposed rice hull and garden soil with 1:1:1 ratio (Appendix fig. 8).
The seedlings were transplanted in the plots when these developed 4-6 true
leaves. The seedlings were watered 1 hour before transplanting. The soil was
compacted before cutting the paper cups to avoid damaging the roots. The lettuce was
A mixture of vermi cast, partially decomposed rice hull and garden soil with 1:1:1 ratio
Experimental Layout
The experiment was laid Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three
replications. The site has an area of 9m x 18m. There were 3 plots with a size of 1m x
16m and each plot was divided into 4 equal blocks with 2 treatments assigned
randomly. The distance between each plot was 1m. There was a total of 12 blocks with
rows (Appendix fig. 9) with spacing of 30cm within rows and 30cm between rows based
on the recommended planting spacing of lettuce. The layout of the experiment is shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Layout of the experimental site
The design for the automation of the solar-powered drip irrigation system used a
system to control the irrigation’s water pressure and water delivery. The system was
composed of a solar panel (Appendix fig. 10), 12V Battery (Appendix fig. 11), Solar
Charge Controller, Relay, Moisture Sensor, DC water pump, motor controller, Solenoid
Valve, Real Time Clock (RTC), and an Arduino microcontroller (Appendix fig. 12). In
order to prevent power fluctuation and to have a reliable system, a stable power supply
was needed even at night time and to run the system as designed. The solar panel was
used to absorb solar energy and converted it into 12V DC electrical energy. The
converted electrical energy was stored in a battery in order for the system to have a
continuous supply of power. The solar charge controller was used to regulate the
energy to be stored in the battery to prevent it from overcharging. In this study, Arduino
based platform as MCU was used but based on the I/O requirements, Arduino Uno I/O
is not capable to handle such number of I/O’s therefore Arduino Mega was used. The
arduino microcontroller served as the brain of the system, it receives data and gives
command to run the system. The moisture sensor gathered data from the soil and send
it to the arduino microcontroller. A real time clock (RTC) was used to control the
operating time of the system. A motor controller was also used to control the speed of
the motor. The microcontroller processed the received data and was sent then to the
relay to switch on the water pump only if the soil has reached the specified moisture
content. The pressure of water coming from the water pump was regulated by the use
of solenoid valve and was then equally distributed through the dripper. At a specified
time delay the system switches off. A diagram of the system was shown below.
time and moisture of the soil are been monitored by the Arduino System. Irrigation was
done twice daily, 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. and stopped until it reached its
saturation point within these time range. Bu irrigating depends on the soil moisture
content if it is below the set level which is 95%. Figure 3 shows the flow chart of
Figure 3.
A solar panel at 100W with 1.2m x 0.55m x 0.03m dimension was used in this
study. A casing was constructed where the solar panel, battery and Arduino system was
Tap water is used as source of water throughout the study. Water was conveyed
from the Research Building to the container drums (Appendix fig. 13) by a ½ diameter
pipe. A frame (Appendix fig. 14), 1.4m x 0.6m having a height of 0.65m was constructed
to hold the 2 drums, one for each treatment. Each 200 liter drum had a floating valve
that automatically stopped the flow of water from the source when it reached its
maximum capacity. Each drum had a tape measure to monitor the quantity of water
Each plot will have an individual DC water pump (Appendix fig. 15) that will
control water pressure and volume flow rate to attain discharge uniformity. Each plot
was installed by 16.5m main pipe line (Appendix fig. 16) having a ½ diameter. Below the
main line, sub main lines were installed, each having a dimension of 4m. The
arrangement of the drip irrigation and manual watering were randomly selected, that’s
why sub main pipes were installed for delivering of water to each block having drip
irrigation treatment. End caps were placed at the end of every pipe to avoid flowing of
water. To connect the extension pipes to the main line, an elbow was used. In between
the two pipe lines, the solenoid valve and the gate valve were installed (Appendix fig.
16). The solenoid valve was used to regulate the flow of water while gate valve can be
used as replacement if the solenoid valve did not function. Each block has also an
individual moisture content sensor (Appendix fig. 17) for monitoring of moisture. Twenty
four (24) drip holes having 5mm diameter were made in each sub main pipe line using
soldering iron having a spacing of 30cm based on the recommended plant spacing of
lettuce. Six (6) inches hose having a diameter of 5mm was connected to the pipe using
PVC pipe cement. The emitters were then attached to the hose.
The calibration conducted were the amount of water delivered for dripping,
moisture content reading and operation time of pump. To test the amount of water
dripped by the emitters, plastic cups were placed under the emitters (Appendix fig. 18)
to gather water as the pump is turned on for 1 minute. The water gathered was
measured using syringe (Appendix fig. 19). The moisture content sensor was also
calibrated. To calibrate the moisture content sensor the reading obtained from this was
compared to the reading obtained from moisture meter. To test the running time of the
pump an android phone was used as a timer to measure the operating time. Three trials
Data Gathering
The plant growth parameters were recorded weekly throughout the study. For
this purpose, six (6) plants in each replicate were randomly selected and tagged
(Appendix fig. 20) for growth monitoring. The growth and yield of the drip irrigation and
the manual watering were compared. The data obtained from these parameters were
statistically analyzed to find out the difference in growth and yield between drip irrigation
Water Consumption
consumed in every plant was measured using syringe (Appendix fig. 21). The result was
The dripping system is composed of three (3) 12V DC pump that pushed the
water from the container drums to the emitters. It was specified at 5 liters per minute
maximum. Water flowed through PVC pipes divided into two components: the main pipe
line and the sub main pipe line. Each plot was installed by ½ diameter PVC pipe which
served as main pipe line, 16 m in length. Below the main pipe line, sub main line was
installed in each block. The emitters were attached to the sub main line. Moisture
sensor was also placed in each block allotted for drip irrigation.
The power system is composed of maximum 100 watts solar panel, a charge
controller and a 12 V battery. The system supplied power to the pump and the Arduino-
based control system. The charge controller regulated the amount of power from the
solar panel that was saved in the battery. It also protected the battery from over-
The Arduino-based control system is the center of the drip irrigation. This
performed many functions, which were to monitor the moisture content of the soil and to
start the pump when the soil moisture was below 95 %. To perform these functions, soil
moisture sensors placed in every block allotted for drip irrigation was coupled with
Arduino system. The program was made by Engr. Alvin John D. Brecia, a faculty of the
was encoded in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of the Arduino. The
program ordered the relay switch that ran the pump. The pump ran for 1 minute and the
system checked the moisture content of the soil. After 4 seconds, if the required
moisture was not met, the pump would again start the operation. The date, time and
moisture content were stored in the system. The date and time were obtained from a
Real Time Clock (RTC). The relay also provided 5 volts to the Arduino in order to
operate systematically.
The schematic diagram of the drip irrigation system is found in Figure 4. The
figure showed the outline of the system that adapted an Arduino-based system for
controlling the discharge of water. It starts with the source of power, the solar panel. It
was used to convert the solar energy into DC electrical energy, which was usually 12
volts. This energy was used to provide automation in the system. A charge controller
regulated the amount of power stored in the battery. The data that were obtained by the
The Arduino system processed the data from the soil moisture content and let
the pump to close at a specified time. To prevent the system from overvoltage, the relay
acted as a regulator.
Reliability Test and Calibration
The calibration and testing was made to show whether or not the system can
The amount of water dripped by the emitters was determined in this test. To
obtain a uniform amount of water discharged, the emitter was calibrated. To calibrate
the discharged amount of water, plastic cups were used to collect the water from the
emitter. The water collected in the plastic cups was measured using syringe. The setup
of testing was shown in figure 5. The following tables shows the data obtained from the
3 trials.
Figure 5. Gathering of water discharged
The result shows that table 3 block A3 has a highest mean discharged rate with
213 ml/min, while table 2 block B2 got the lowest mean discharged rate with only 143.5
ml/min. The emitter has a required pressure of 0.39 MPa to have a discharge of 2.2
L/min, but because there was no pressure gauge, a non-uniform discharge rate was
Amount of water gathered from each emitter
per block
Unlike others, these sensors were rust-free even prolonged exposure to soil and
moisture. To obtain a uniform moisture content reading, the soil moisture sensor was
calibrated. To calibrate the sensor properly, a moisture meter was used and their
readings were compared to ensure the reliability of moisture sensor reading. The result
of this study shown in table 7 shows that the reading from moisture sensor and moisture
The calibration was conducted to ensure the reliability of the operation time of
pump. In the program, the operating time was set as "delay" and it was set for 1 minute.
The real time clock (RTC) was included in the system, serves as an independent time
record keeping device to record operating time. The device used was an android phone
with a stopwatch application. As soon as the pump starts its operation, the time
recording will begin and when the pump operation was stopped, the recording of time
will stop. The results of 5 trials are shown in table 8. The recorded times were constant
at 1minute.
Trial 1 1 minute
Trial 2 1 minute
Trial 3 1 minute
Trial 4 1 minute
Trial 5 1 minute
Data Gathering
Leaf area meter (Appendix fig. 22) was initially used to measure the leaf length
and leaf width of the lettuce (Appendix fig. 23). However, it was observed that the
leaves tore while using the instrument. Lettuce leaves were curly while leaf area meter
was often used for flat surfaces only. Table 9 shows the accumulated data from the leaf
area meter.
Figure 7 presents the average length obtained from two treatments from week 1
to 4. The length of the leaf from “Drip Irrigation” treatment in first week was 0.52 cm
longer than “Manual Watering” treatment. On second week, the plants performed better
under “Manual Watering” treatment compared to the plants under “Drip Irrigation”
treatment reason why there was a high increase in the length of leaves in “Manual
Watering” than “Drip Irrigation” treatment. For third week, the length of leaves under
“Drip Irrigation” treatment increased 1.94cm while 1.84cm increased under “Manual
Watering” treatments. The average length of leaves in the fourth week increase 1.4cm
Length of Leaves (cm)
6 Manual
1 2 3 4
Weeks after planting
Figure 6. Length of Leaves in (cm) under two treatments
Width of Leaves
Figure 8 presents the average leaf width as obtained in two treatments from first
week to fourth week. ”Drip Irrigation” treatment recorded 0.53cm higher than “Manual
Watering” treatment therefore, there was an increase in the average leaf width from the
first week of the experiment and started reducing from the second week until fourth
week. In second week, “Manual Watering” treatment increased higher leaf width
(3.98cm) while the shorter (2.6cm) was obtained from “Drip Irrigation” treatment. For
third week the leaf width under “Manual Watering” treatment increased 1.84cm
compared to “Drip Irrigation” treatment. At the end of the fourth week, “Manual
Watering” treatment had the highest leaf width (0.95cm) whereas the lowest was
Width of Leaves (cm)
6 Drip
1 2 3 4
Weeks after planting
Figure 7. Width of Leaves in (cm) under two treatments
Plant Height
Figure 9 presents the average plant height observed for the two treatments
during the plant growth. Generally, there was an increase in the height of the plants
over the weeks. In the first week, it was observed that the average plant height in “Drip
Irrigation” treatment was 0.03 cm higher than in “Manual Watering” treatment. In the
second week, there was a 3.52 cm increase in the “Manual Watering” treatment while
only 2.2 cm observed in “Drip Irrigation” treatment. In the third week, “Manual Watering”
5.28. In the fourth week, “Manual Watering” treatment obtained the maximum average
height (24.05 cm) while only 22. 84 cm was recorded for “Drip Irrigation” treatment.
Plant Height (cm)
1 2 3 4
Weeks after planting
Figure 8. Plant Height in (cm) under two treatments
Number of Leaves
Figure 10 presents the average number of leaves obtained for two treatments.
There was an increase in average number of leaves for all treatments from the start of
the experiment to the end of fourth week. The average number of leaves for “Drip
Irrigation” treatment on first week was the same on the average number of leaves
recorded on “Manual Watering” treatment. From the second week through fourth week
there was a higher increased in “Manual Watering” treatment compared from “Drip
Irrigation” treatment with 3 average numbers of leaves added. For fourth week both
No. of Leaves
8 Drip
1 2 3 4
Weeks after planting
As shown in Table 10, Block B1 (manual watering) recorded the maximum ( 2.55
kg) fresh weight of leaves while Block A3 (drip irrigation) obtained the minimum weight
of leaves.
Figure 11 shows the weekly consumption of the two methods. The result shows
that manual watering consumed a maintained average of 706 liters of water weekly
while drip irrigation only consumed an average of 229.5 liters. After 4 weeks, a total of
2822.4 liters of water was used in manual watering while drip irrigation used a total
919.3 liters. It was revealed that about 67% of water was saved by adopting Solar-
Manual Watering
1 2 3 4
Harvested lettuces were distributed to the RSU staff, front liners during the ECQ,
and students.
This chapter presents the summary of the study, the conclusion and the
irrigation system for lettuce production. The automated drip irrigation consists of solar
panel, arduino microcontroller, charge controller, battery, pump, container drum, soil
moisture sensor and the drip irrigation kit. Calibration was done in terms of reliability in
the pump operation in dripping, reliability of soil moisture sensors and uniformity in the
discharge of each emitter to ensure the system performed as designed. This study also
watering. The amount of water usage for each treatment was also calculated.
There were five parameters used in evaluating the automated drip irrigation
system in terms of growth performance of lettuce. These were plant height, number of
leaves, length of leaves, width of leaves, and the fresh weight of leaves. These were
irrigating the farm land. The Subcomponents of SPADIS consists of Arduino micro-
controller, Solar Panel Battery, Charge Control controller and other accessories such as
pump, water tank, and drip irrigation kit. It is an effective tool for the farmers who want
to conserve water and who also faces power shortage at their places where sufficient
sunlight is available.
Growth and yield performance of lettuce was also observed and found out that
leaves, length of leaves, width of leaves, height of leaves and fresh weight of lettuce
leaves. Due to this pandemic, manual watering performed better than the drip irrigation.
This occurred because the system was not monitored properly and also due to limited
knowledge of the student researchers on the system. On the other hand, this study
designed and with this we calculated the actual usage water weekly. The water can be
saved up to 67% based on the data gathered, also based on the study we conclude that
67% of water irrigated by the farmer turns to nothing were it can be used for other
purposes like extension of agricultural land with same crop. And the result is very
promising to the farmers that will benefits in this study without knowing that the water
they irrigate can be utilize effectively by adopting this development study. Also by
adopting this development, irrigation of plant works automatically without human
intervention. The automated drip irrigation system is a feasible and cost effective
3. Study the feasibility of the system and the potential of commercialization in the
4. Use different type of dripper which is the Multi-stream Dripper and evaluate its water
application efficiency.
6. Use the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for the innovation of the system and
compare to the Arduino system to determine which is the most efficient for automation
in terms of technology.
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Appendix fig.1 Clearing of weeds Appendix fig.2 Welding damage part
Appendix fig.15 Water pump Appendix fig.16 Pipe lines, Solenoid and
Gate valve
Appendix fig.17 Moisture sensor Appendix fig.18 Calibration of discharge
Manual Watering
1995. He was the second among the four siblings of Mr. Tally G. Agascon and Mrs.
Brgy. Comod-om, Alcatara, Romblon year 2006. He took his secondary education at
The Researcher was born in Togong, Banton, Romblon on July 20, 1998. She
was the second among the five siblings of Mr. Vercinal F. Faderanga and Mrs. Mariani
She finished her primary education at Banici Elementary School located in Brgy.
Banici, Banton, Romblon year 2011. She took her secondary education at Banton
1998. She was the youngest among the four siblings of Mr. Audie f. Gado and Mrs.
Maria Loty M. Gado. She is presently residing at Barangay Balogo, Calatrava, Romblon.
Brgy. Balogo, Calatrava, Romblon year 2011. She took her secondary education at San
The Researcher was born in Agutay, Magdiwang, Romblon on March 11, 1994.
She was the eldest among the four siblings of Mr. Rey Sandy R. Pacio and Mrs. Emily
Agsao, Magdiwang, Romblon year 2006. He took his secondary education at Agutay
06,1998. She was the youngest among three siblings of Mr. Arturo C. Macapas and
Occidental, Mindoro.
Brgy. Magsaysay, Occidental, Mindoro year 2011. She took her secondary education at
The Researcher was born in Tuguis, Looc, Romblon on July 19, 1998. She was
the youngest among the six siblings of Mr. Sunny G. Saturnino Sr. and Mrs. Daphne L.
located in Brgy. Tuguis, Looc, Romblon year 2011. She took her secondary education