NCHRP 9-44
NCHRP 9-44
NCHRP 9-44
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NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ iv
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................v
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................. vi
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................. vii
SUMMARY................................................................................................................................. viii
1. INTRODUCTION AND RESEARCH APPROACH .................................................................1
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement and Research Objective ........................................................................ 1
1.3 Research Approach .............................................................................................................. 2
2. FINDINGS................................................................................................................................13
2.1 HMA Endurance Limit ...................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Framework for Incorporating Endurance Limit Behavior in Flexible Pavement Design.. 15
3. INTERPRETATION, APPRAISAL AND APPLICATIONS..................................................30
4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................35
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................36
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The research reported herein was performed under NCHRP Project 9-44 by Advanced
Asphalt Technologies, LLC. Ramon Bonaquist, Chief Operating Officer for Advanced Asphalt
Technologies, LLC, served as Principal Investigator for the project and authored this report and
the research plan which was the primary product of NCHRP Project 9-44. Mr. Harold Von
Quintus, Principal Engineer for Applied Research Associates, Inc. co-authored the research plan.
NCHRP Project 9-44 included a facilitated workshop to discuss current asphalt concrete
fatigue research and to identify alternatives for incorporating an endurance limit for asphalt
concrete in mechanistic-empirical pavement design. Mr. Charles Markert, President of Dynamic
Leadership Consulting Group, facilitated the workshop. Mrs. Rane Wagner, President of Rane
Wagner and Associates, provided logistical support of the workshop. Special thanks are extended
to the participants of the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop listed below. These professionals
unselfishly presented ideas to the research team that helped shape the planned research.
Name Affiliation
Dr. David Anderson Consultant
Dr. Samuel Carpenter University of Illinois
Dr. Donald Christensen Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC
Dr. Herve Di Benedetto Ecole Nat. des TPE
Mr. Bruce Dietrich Florida Department of Transportation
Mr. Kenneth Fults KWF Pavement Consulting
Mr. Roger Green Ohio Department of Transportation
Dr. Kevin Hall University of Arkansas
Dr. Edward Harrigan National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Dr. Richard Kim North Carolina State University
Dr. Dallas Little Texas A&M University
Dr. Leslie Ann McCarthy Federal Highway Administration
Dr. Andre Molenaar Delft University
Professor Carl Monismith University of California Berkeley
Dr. David Newcomb National Asphalt Pavement Association
Dr. Michael Nunn Lane One Limited
Dr. Brian Prowell Advanced Material Services, LLC
Dr. Rey Roque University of Florida
Ms. Amy Schutzbach Illinois Department of Transportation
Dr. Jacob Uzan Technion University
Dr. Linbing Wang Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Dr. Matthew Witczak Arizona State University
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
This report documents the work completed in National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP) Project 9-44. The objective of NCHRP Project 9-44 was to prepare a
research plan and associated cost estimate for a future study to validate the endurance limit for
HMA and to improve mechanistic-empirical pavement design. The primary product of NCHRP
Project 9-44 is the HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study Research Plan.
The planned research is based on the hypothesis that the endurance limit for HMA is the
result of a balance of damage caused by loading and healing or damage recovery that occurs
during rest periods. Under this hypothesis the primary objective in designing a flexible
pavement to resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking will be to make sure that the damage induced
by loading remains small enough so that healing occurs and there is no accumulation of damage
over the life of the pavement. This is a significant departure from current cumulative or
incremental damage models, which assume that no healing occurs and that each load cycle uses
up a portion of the finite fatigue life of the HMA.
This research plan includes the framework for a design procedure that is based on layered
elastic analysis and compatible with the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide
(MEPDG). It uses allowable strains to identify satisfactory conditions for full healing. The
allowable strains are a function of the properties of the HMA, the pavement temperature, and the
duration of rest periods between traffic loads. Five laboratory experiments that are needed to
fully develop the procedure are described. Studies using data from completed accelerated
pavement tests and test roads are proposed to verify critical aspects of the design procedure.
Finally, an experiment to calibrate the design procedure using selected test sections from the
Long Term Pavement Performance Program is presented.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
This report documents the work completed in National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP) Project 9-44. The objective of NCHRP Project 9-44 was to prepare a
research plan and associated cost estimate for a future study to validate the endurance limit for
HMA and to improve mechanistic-empirical pavement design. The primary product of NCHRP
Project 9-44 is the HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study Research Plan. The research plan
was formulated from a review of relevant research and the recommendations from a workshop
that included participation by a number of international experts.
Completed laboratory and field investigations clearly show that hot mix asphalt (HMA)
exhibits endurance limit behavior. This endurance limit, however, does not reflect an absence of
load induced damage in the HMA. It is the result of a balance of damage caused by loading and
healing or damage recovery that occurs during rest periods. The endurance limit for HMA is,
therefore, not a single value, but will change depending on the loading and environmental
conditions applied to the HMA. To properly consider this form of an endurance limit in flexible
pavement design requires consideration of the effects of loading, environment and material
properties on both damage accumulation and healing. These findings concerning the endurance
limit for HMA served as the research hypothesis upon which the HMA Endurance Limit
Validation Study Research Plan was formulated.
To effectively design laboratory and field experiments for the HMA Endurance Limit
Validation Study, the framework for a pavement design procedure that incorporates healing and
endurance limit behavior was conceived during NCHRP 9-44. The procedure is based on
layered elastic analysis and is compatible with the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design
Guide (MEPDG). It uses allowable strains to identify satisfactory conditions for full healing.
The allowable strains are a function of the properties of the HMA, the pavement temperature,
and the duration of rest periods between traffic loads. The underlying principal of the design
procedure is to make sure that the damage induced by loading remains small enough so that full
healing occurs between traffic loads and there is no accumulation of damage over the life of the
pavement. This is a significant departure from current cumulative or incremental damage
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
models, which assume that no healing occurs and that each load cycle uses up a portion of the
finite fatigue life of the HMA.
The HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study is included as a stand-alone appendix to this
report. It is a comprehensive plan for research to rationally incorporate the concept of an
endurance limit for HMA into a mechanistic-empirical algorithm for bottom initiated fatigue
cracking in flexible pavements, and to validate the resulting procedure using performance data
from full-scale pavement sections. The plan presents details of five laboratory experiments that
are needed to fully develop the procedure. Studies using data from completed accelerated
pavement tests and test roads are proposed to verify critical aspects of the design procedure.
Finally, an experiment to calibrate the design procedure using selected test sections from the
Long Term Pavement Performance Program is presented.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
1.1 Introduction
This report documents the research completed in National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP) Project 9-44, Developing a Plan for Validating an Endurance Limit for HMA
Pavements. For hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavements, the endurance limit has been defined as a
level of strain below which there is no cumulative damage over an indefinite number of load
cycles (1). The endurance limit is an important concept in the design of long life flexible
pavements that is gaining increasing acceptance worldwide. Appropriate application of the
endurance limit in flexible pavement design will lead to more effective pavement sections with
significant benefit and cost savings to the public.
1.2.2 Objective
The objective of NCHRP Project 9-44 was to prepare a research plan and associated cost
estimate for a future study to validate the endurance limit for HMA and to improve mechanistic-
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
empirical pavement design. To be successful, the research plan must address the following:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The HMA Endurance Limit Workshop was held in Washington, D.C. on August 1 and 2,
2007. Participants included members of the NCHRP Project 9-44 panel and research team, key
researchers and consultants with extensive experience in HMA fatigue analysis, and engineers
from highway agencies who are responsible for designing, constructing, and maintaining flexible
pavements. Thirty-four individuals were invited to attend, including four members of the
research team, the NCHRP Project 9-44 panel members and Project Manager, and 22 invited
experts. There was a high degree of interest in the workshop with 82 percent of the invitees
participating. Table 1 presents summary information about the participants.
The HMA Endurance Limit Workshop was facilitated by Mr. Charles Markert, a Certified
Professional Facilitator. The agenda for the workshop was developed jointly by Mr. Markert and
Dr. Ramon Bonaquist, Principal Investigator for NCHRP Project 9-44. A copy of the agenda is
reproduced as Figure 1. The key element of the workshop was a series of discussion sessions
focusing on four major topics considered important to validating an endurance limit for HMA
A summary report documenting the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop was prepared. This
report in included as Appendix A.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Discussion: Alternative Methodologies for Characterizing Do we need alternative to Beam Fatigue? Can they
Fatigue address endurance limit? Are they implementable?
Flexible Pavement Damage Analysis How can we improve flexible pavement damage
analysis? What important issues are not currently
Review Agenda/Progress/Issues
Strategies for Incorporating Endurance Limit in Flexible What are the possible strategies for incorporating
Pavement Damage Analysis Endurance Limit?
Identify Barriers to Success? What are the barriers to success in this effort?
Identify Countermeasures? What are some countermeasures?
Identify Simplifying Assumptions Can we identify some simplifying assumptions that
will help?
Calibration/Verification Is calibration necessary?
How should it be done? Field sections, accelerated
pavement testing, etc?
Suggest Data Evaluation Approaches What are your suggestions for calibration/verification?
Identify Potential Action for NCHRP 9-44 What should be included in the workplan for future
research developed in NCHRP 9-44?
Silver Bullet Actions Which suggestions from Potential Actions can be
addressed in a 3-year project?
Recommendations, Findings & Conclusions What are your recommendations, findings &
conclusions as a group?
Figure 1. HMA Endurance Limit Workshop Agenda.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The framework of the design procedure that was developed is based on the following research
hypothesis that emanated from the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop. The endurance limit for
HMA does not reflect an absence of load induced damage in the HMA. It is the result of a
balance of damage caused by loading and healing or damage recovery that occurs during rest
periods. Under this hypothesis the primary objective in designing a flexible pavement to resist
bottom initiated fatigue cracking is to make sure that the damage induced by loading remains
small enough so that healing occurs and there is no accumulation of damage over the life of the
pavement. This is a significant departure from current cumulative or incremental damage
models, which assume that no healing occurs and that each load cycle uses up a portion of the
finite fatigue life of the HMA.
A number of approaches for designing pavements to resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking
were identified in Task 1. Table 2 briefly summarizes the approaches that were considered.
These range from relatively simple modifications of traditional mechanistic-empirical fatigue
algorithms to sophisticated finite element models based on damage mechanics and fracture
mechanics. The major deficiency of the more practical approaches is that they do not account
for the beneficial effects of healing. In the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop, healing was
identified as a significant factor affecting the endurance limit in HMA (1). The sophisticated
approaches can account for healing, but are not practical at this time for use in routine pavement
design. Since an acceptable existing design procedure could not be identified, the framework for
a new design procedure was developed. It is based on limiting strains at the bottom of the lowest
asphalt bound layer to those that will permit full healing to occur between traffic loads. This
approach results in lower allowable strains for conditions that result in less healing: higher traffic
volumes and colder temperatures. Chapter 2 includes a description of the framework for the new
design procedure.
An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Five experiments were identified to full develop the design procedure incorporating an HMA
endurance limit. Table 3 summarizes the laboratory experiments that are needed. The
experiments are briefly described below. Details of these experiments are included in the HMA
Endurance Limit Validation Study Research Plan that is presented in Appendix B.
Experiment 1 is a screening study to identify the mixture compositional factors that affect
healing and therefore, the allowable strain levels in HMA. The results from this experiment will
be used in the remaining experiments. Experiment 2 addresses a major assumption that was
made in developing the allowable strain limit procedure, that is, the healing rate is independent
of the applied strain level. In this experiment healing rates will be determined using different
strain levels. This experiment will be conducted on mixtures from Experiment 1 that have high
and low healing rates. Experiment 3 is a study to verify the applicability of time-temperature
superposition to healing in HMA. This was the second major assumption included in the
development of the allowable strain limit procedure. Experiment 3 will be conducted on a
mixture from Experiment 1 that exhibits a moderate healing rate. Testing and analysis methods
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
for determining allowable strain limits that result in complete healing will be developed in
Experiment 4. This experiment will include testing and analysis of selected mixtures from
Experiment 1 and mixtures used in the endurance limit testing completed in NCHRP Project 9-
38. This experiment will generate the Level 1 test procedure for use with a future modified
version of the MEPDG. In the last experiment, Experiment 5, a wide range of mixtures will be
tested using the methods developed in Experiment 4 to develop predictive models relating the
allowable strain limits to mixture compositional factors. This last experiment will generate the
relationships between allowable strain and easily measured mixture compositional properties that
will be used in calibrating the procedure and thus verifying the endurance limit for HMA.
These relationships will also provide the Level 2 and 3 analyses for a future modified version of
the MEPDG.
• Fatigue tests conducted during the Superpave validation study at the FHWA
Pavement Test Facility (11).
• Sections at the NCAT Test Track that have remained in service from the first cycle
through the current cycle (12).
• Sections from the WesTrack experiment containing mixtures with different
composition (13).
• Sections from the structural design experiment performed at the NCAT Test Track
(14, 15).
• Selected sections from the MNRoad project (16).
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The allowable strain limit design procedure will be calibrated and validated using in-service
pavement sections. It is important to recognize that the allowable strain limit design procedure is
not intended to be a tool for predicting the extent of bottom initiated cracking with time and
traffic like the MEPDG fatigue model. Its purpose is to identify design features that minimize
the possibility of bottom initiated fatigue cracking. Thus, field calibration of the allowable strain
limit design procedure will be easier and likely more precise than the calibration that was
completed for the MEPDG fatigue model.
Sections from the LTPP program (17) and pavements that have received perpetual pavement
awards from the Asphalt Pavement Alliance (18) were considered for use in the calibration and
validation. The LTPP sections were selected because these sections have received extensive
monitoring over a number of years, and distress, deflection, and material property data are
available from the LTPP database (17). Since sufficient sections for the analysis are available
from the LTPP program, only these sections were included in the research plan. Table 4 presents
the test matrix for using LTPP sections to calibrate and validate the allowable strain limit design
procedure. Since the procedure is not intended for prediction of the extent of cracking in a
pavement section, but rather as a tool to identify design features to minimize the potential for
bottom initiated fatigue cracking, an extremely large data set is not required. The recommended
matrix includes a total of 32 pavement sections: 16 not exhibiting alligator cracking and 16
exhibiting low to moderate amounts of alligator cracking. An equal number of sections from the
four environmental zones are included in the matrix. Only pavements with HMA thicknesses
exceeding 8 inches are included. Subgrade deformation becomes an important consideration in
thinner HMA pavements. Simultaneous calibration and validation can be performed on this data
set using jackknifing as described in Research Results Digest Number 283 (19). Jackknifing
allows the assessment of model accuracy without separating the 32 sections into calibration and
validation subsets. Jackknifing is performed by systematically removing one of the sections,
calibrating the model using the remaining sections, then predicting the value of the section that
was removed. For the section that was removed, the model error is computed as the difference
between the predicted and measured values. The process of withholding, calibrating, and
determining the error is repeated until each section has been removed. This process produces n
values of the error from which the jackknifing goodness of fit statistics can be computed. The
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Table 4. Matrix for Field Calibration of the Allowable Strain Limit Design Procedure.
No Low
HMA Thickness,
Environment Alligator Alligator
Cracking Cracking
8 to 12 2 2
Wet Freeze
>12 2 2
8 to 12 2 2
Wet No Freeze
>12 2 2
8 to 12 2 2
Dry Freeze
>12 2 2
8 to 12 2 2
Dry No Freeze
>12 2 2
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Detailed investigation of four heavily trafficked pavements in the United Kingdom support
the perpetual pavement concept and the likelihood of an endurance limit for HMA. This
comprehensive study found no evidence of fatigue damage at the bottom of properly constructed
thick flexible pavements with total HMA thickness ranging from 230 to 350 mm (27). Cracks in
these pavements were found to have initiated at the surface and deflections monitored over a
number of years generally showed steady or decreasing deflection with increasing cumulative
traffic, indicating that fatigue damage to the bottom of the HMA was not occurring. Similar
conclusions concerning the absence of cracking at the bottom of thick HMA pavements have
been reported by others (28, 29, 30).
In summary, there is mounting evidence that an endurance limit for HMA does exist. It has
been observed in laboratory studies of fatigue at low strain levels, and several documented case
studies indicate that bottom initiated fatigue cracking is almost non-existent in properly
constructed, thick HMA pavements. The HMA endurance limit, however, does not reflect an
absence of load induced damage in the HMA. It is the result of a balance of damage caused by
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
loading and healing or damage recovery that occurs during rest periods. The endurance limit for
HMA is, therefore, not a single value, but will change depending on the loading and
environmental conditions applied to the HMA. To properly consider this form of an endurance
limit in flexible pavement design requires consideration of the effects of loading, environment
and material properties on both damage accumulation and healing. These findings concerning
the endurance limit for HMA served as the research hypothesis upon which the HMA Endurance
Limit Validation Study Research Plan was formulated.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
being converted to damage. The University of Illinois research found a unique relationship
between the plateau value and the traditional definition of failure in flexural fatigue tests, 50
percent stiffness reduction, that holds for a range of mixtures and loading conditions (23).
PV = plateau value
Nf = number of cycles to 50 percent stiffness reduction
Lower plateau values correspond to longer fatigue lives. Based on the ratio of dissipated energy
change approach, an HMA mixture will exhibit endurance limit behavior when the plateau value
is 6.74x10-9 or less, which based on Equation 1 corresponds to a traditional fatigue life of
1.1x107 cycles or greater.
The effect of rest periods on the plateau value is shown in Figure 3 for the two mixtures that
were tested. Equations 2 and 3 present the relationship between plateau value and the length of
the rest period that were developed for the neat PG 64-22 and the modified PG 70-22 mixtures,
respectively for a strain level of 500 μstrain (25).
PV = 1.018 × 10 −5 (RP + 1)
For neat PG 64-22 (2)
PV = plateau value
RP = duration of intermittent rest period, sec
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
a. Neat PG 64-22
b. Polymer PG 70-22
The decreasing plateau values for tests with rest periods result in increasing fatigue lives.
This can be quantified by substituting plateau values from Equations 2 or 3 into Equation 1. The
results are summarized in Table 5. Figure 4 shows the beneficial effect of the rest periods on the
fatigue lives for the two mixtures. There is a substantial improvement in the fatigue life of both
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
mixtures. The values for the neat PG 64-22 mixture are of similar magnitude to improvements
previously reported by Bonnaure, et al. (31). The effect of rest periods on the modified PG 70-
22 mixture is much more pronounced.
Relative Fatigue Life
NEAT PG 64-22
Polymer PG 70-22
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Duration of Rest Period, sec
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
An estimate of approximate rest periods can be obtained from the 20 year design traffic level
typically used in mixture design. Table 6 summarizes rest periods for various design traffic
levels. The rest period for a 20 year design traffic level of 100 million ESAL is approximately 6
sec., which results in a factor of 5 improvement in the fatigue life of the mixture with the neat
PG 64-22 binder and a factor of 10 improvement for the polymer modified PG 70-22 mixture.
PV0 = plateau value for continuous loading
ε = tensile strain, μstrain
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Neat PG 64-22
Polymer PG 70-22
Plateau Value
y = 9.142E-16x
R2 = 9.689E-01
y = 5.347E-21x5.331E+00
R = 9.640E-01
10 100 1000 10000
Strain, μstrain
Figure 5. Plateau Value for Continuous Loading as a Function of Applied Strain Level.
Based on previous work by Bonnaure (31), it is reasonable to assume that the effect of the rest
periods is the same at each strain level. Substituting Equations 4 and 5 for the constants 1.018
x10-5 and 4.353 x10-6 in Equations 2 and 3 respectively, yield the following relationships
between the plateau value, applied strain and rest period for the two mixtures.
PV = plateau value
ε = tensile strain, μstrain
RP = duration of intermittent rest period, sec
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Equations 6 and 7 can then be substituted into Equation 1 and solved for the allowable strain
level to produce a selected mixture fatigue life.
⎡ (1 + RP )0.2507 ⎤
ε a = 11483.32⎢ ⎥
( )
For neat PG 64-22 0.3069
⎢⎣ N f ⎥⎦
⎡ (1 + RP )0.2536 ⎤
ε a = 5448.74 ⎢ ⎥
( )
For modified PG 70 -22 0.2082
⎢⎣ N f ⎥⎦
εa = allowable tensile strain, μstrain
RP = duration of intermittent rest period, sec
Nf = number of cycles to failure
Recalling that endurance limit behavior occurs when the number of cycles to failure exceeds
1.1 x107, then setting the number of cycles to failure in Equations 8 and 9 to a value above
1.1 x 107 will ensure that full healing occurs at the selected rest period. Conservatively using 2.0
x 107 as the number of cycles to failure yields Equations 10 and 11, which give allowable strain
levels as a function of rest period to ensure that full healing occurs.
εaf = allowable tensile strain for full healing, μstrain
RP = duration of intermittent rest period, sec
If the strains in a pavement at 20 °C are kept below the values given by Equations 10 and 11,
then complete healing will occur during intermittent rest periods, and the pavement will exhibit
endurance limit behavior. Table 7 summarizes these strain levels for various 20 year design
traffic levels.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Figure 6 illustrates the use of time-temperature superposition for rest periods at temperatures of
40, 20, and 4 °C using 20° C as the reference temperature. In developing Figure 6, typical time-
temperature shift factors were used (log(AT) for 4 °C =2.0 and log(AT) for 40 °C = -2.2).
Reduced Rest Period at 20 C, sec
1.0E+02 20 C
40 C
1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10
20 Year Design Traffic, ESAL
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
mph. The purpose of the analysis is to determine if the pavement section is sufficiently thick to
resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking assuming the fatigue properties of the neat PG 64-22
mixture discussed in the preceding section.
Material Properties
For this analysis the modulus of the subgrade is assumed to be 4,500 psi and constant
throughout the year. The modulus of the aggregate subbase is assumed to be 25,000 psi and is
also assumed constant throughout the year. Dynamic modulus testing of a typical 19 mm
mixture with PG 64-22 binder using the Simple Performance Test System yielded the master
curve and shift factors given in Equations 13 and 14 for a reference temperature of 20 °C. The
allowable strains for full healing are given in Equation 15.
⎡ 3.259 ⎤
log E * = 0.234 + ⎢
⎣ 1+ e( )
−1.213−0.499 log( f r ) ⎥
⎛1 1 ⎞
log f r = log f + 10448.2⎜ − ⎟ (14)
⎝ T 293.2 ⎠
⎪E*⎪ = dynamic modulus, ksi
f = loading frequency, Hz
fr = reduced frequency, Hz
T = temperature, °K
εaf = allowable tensile strain of full healing, μstrain
RPr = reduced rest period at 20 °C, sec
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Allowable Strains
Allowable strains at the bottom of the asphalt layer are determined from Equation 15 using
reduced rest periods that depend on the traffic volume and the monthly pavement temperature.
Mean monthly pavement temperatures can be estimated from the mean monthly air temperature
using Equation 16 (33).
⎛ 1 ⎞ 34
M p = M a ⎜1 + ⎟− +6 (16)
⎝ z +4⎠ z +4
Mp = mean monthly pavement temperature at depth z, °F
Ma = mean monthly air temperature, °F
z = depth, in
For a 20 year design traffic of 1 x 108 ESAL, the rest period is 6.3 sec. The reduced rest period
for each month is determined from Equation 12 using the shift factors from the dynamic modulus
master curve and the mean monthly pavement temperature. Table 8 summarizes the computation
of the allowable strains. Because the reduced rest period is much shorter during cold months
compared to warm months, the allowable strain levels for full healing are significantly lower.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Applied Strains
The strains applied by the traffic loading are computed for the design axle load using layered
elastic analysis. In this example an 18 kip single axle load was used for computing applied
strains. For this example the modulus of the subgrade and subbase are constant at 4.5 and 25 ksi,
respectively. The modulus of the asphalt depends on the pavement temperature and the speed of
traffic. Recent research by Al-Qadi, et al., using in-situ instrumentation at the Virginia Smart
Road (34) indicates that loading rates computed by the transformed section analysis in the
MEPDG and other approaches such as that recommended by Barksdale (35) overestimate the
frequency of the load pulse. Based on data presented by Al-Qadi, a loading rate of 16 Hz
appears reasonable for a depth of 9 in under 45 mph traffic. Table 10 summarizes the applied
strains for each month computed using the KENLAYER software (33). The applied strains are
compared to the allowable strains in Figure 7. Since the applied strains in Table 9 are less than
the allowable strains, the proposed section is acceptable with respect to bottom initiated fatigue
cracking. An interesting observation in Figure 7 is that this analysis shows that the critical
condition for bottom initiated fatigue cracking occurs at intermediate to low pavement
temperatures, which is in contrast with traditional cumulative or incremental damage analyses,
which show that the majority of the fatigue damage occurs at high pavement temperatures.
Monthly AC Subbase Subgrade Applied
Pavement Load Reduced Modulus, Modulus Modulus, Strain,
Month Temp, C Log (AT) Freq, Hz Freq, Hz ksi , ksi ksi μstrain
Jan 5.6 1.841 16 1108.93 1969.7 25 4.5 51
Feb 7.5 1.584 16 614.01 1858.0 25 4.5 54
Mar 12.8 0.900 16 127.08 1535.8 25 4.5 62
Apr 19.0 0.122 16 21.21 1148.4 25 4.5 77
May 25.1 -0.608 16 3.95 801.7 25 4.5 100
Jun 30.8 -1.265 16 0.87 535.6 25 4.5 133
Jul 33.9 -1.616 16 0.39 418.2 25 4.5 157
Aug 32.8 -1.488 16 0.52 458.9 25 4.5 148
Sep 28.4 -0.987 16 1.65 641.1 25 4.5 117
Oct 20.8 -0.096 16 12.83 1041.1 25 4.5 83
Nov 14.4 0.688 16 78.05 1431.1 25 4.5 65
Dec 8.7 1.432 16 432.33 1789.1 25 4.5 55
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Ratio of Allowable Strain to Applied Strain
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0
Pavement Temperature, C
Traffic Level
The analysis presented above can be performed to determine minimum asphalt thicknesses to
resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking for the given subgrade and subbase conditions as a
function of traffic level. The results are shown in Figure 8 for a 22 kip single axle load. A 22
kip axle load was used to allow comparison with observed data from the analysis of in-service
pavements that was conducted in the United Kingdom (27). Figure 8 also shows the thickness
and accumulated traffic for the four pavements that were analyzed in detail and it was
documented that bottom initiated fatigue cracking had not occurred. This comparison shows the
engineering reasonableness of the proposed approach. It is reasonable to expect that when the
proposed approach is improved to consider the effects of aging and design reliability, the
minimum asphalt thicknesses will increase. It is important to note that at the low traffic levels,
deformation of the subgrade may govern the analysis rather than bottom initiated fatigue
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
cracking. Research in the United Kingdom indicates that for asphalt thicknesses less than about
7 in subgrade deformation governs the performance of the pavement (27). This limit is shown as
the dashed line in Figure 8.
UK Pavements With No
Bottom Initiated
14 Fatigue Cracking
Minimum Asphalt Thickness, in
Minimum Asphalt
10 Thickness for Structural
1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10
20 Year Design Traffic, 22 kip ESAL
2.2.5 Aging
The example presented above does not consider the important effect of aging on either the
applied or allowable strains. As a pavement ages, the modulus of the HMA will increase due to
the increased stiffness of the asphalt binder resulting in lower applied strains. Aging will also
affect the healing rate for the HMA. Although no data is currently available for the effect of
aging on the healing rate, it is reasonable to expect that the healing rate will decrease
significantly on aging resulting in lower allowable strains for full healing. Early research on
healing by Bonnaure, et al. (31) showed that healing rates were much greater in softer binders.
The effect of aging can be incorporated in the procedure outlined above, by computing allowable
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
and applied strains as a function of pavement age. The global aging model currently
incorporated in the MEPDG provides a method for computing aged modulus values (36).
Additional research will be required to develop a model of the effect of aging on HMA healing
and the allowable strains that result in full healing. For perpetual pavement design, it may only
be necessary to perform the analysis for highly aged conditions.
2.2.7 Reliability
Because the computations involved in the analysis do not require substantial computer time,
reliability can be included in the analysis using Monte-Carlo simulation. This approach has
already been implemented in the PerRoad program (2). In fact, the allowable strains computed
based on rest periods can be input as the threshold criteria for HMA the in the PerRoad program
and the analysis for a single season can be performed.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The primary product of NCHRP Project 9-44 is the HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study
Research Plan. This section presents a summary of the research plan. The complete plan is
presented in Appendix B.
The HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study consists of five major tasks: (1) Management
and Reporting, (2) Formulate Design Procedure, (3) Database Management, (4) Laboratory
Studies, and (5) Analysis of Pavement Sections. Figure 9 presents an overall flow chart for the
project with major interactions between tasks identified. Table 10 lists the subtasks for each of
the five major tasks and presents estimated labor hours and costs. The HMA Endurance Limit
Validation Study is estimated to require approximately 12,923 man-hours of effort at a cost of
approximately $1.5 million. Figure 10 presents the overall schedule for the project, which is
estimated to require 48 months to complete.
Task 1
Management and
Task 4 Task 2
Laboratory Formulate Design
Studies Procedure
Task 3 Task 5
Database Analysis of
Management Pavement Sections
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Task 1, Management and Reporting, includes all activities normally associated with
management and reporting for NCHRP Projects. Major management tasks include scheduling,
coordinating, and directing various technical work activities as well as project financial
management. Reporting activities include monthly and quarterly progress reports, the
preparation of several interim reports and presentations, and the preparation of the final report.
Interim reports are required at approximately 6 month intervals and coincide with the completion
of five critical milestones:
(1) Formulation of the preliminary design procedure and selection of the laboratory analysis
(2) Selection of pavement sections for analysis,
(3) Completion of the laboratory studies,
(4) Modification of the preliminary design procedure to reflect the findings from the
laboratory studies and the analysis of accelerated pavement tests, and
(5) Analysis of the calibration sections and preparation of the final design procedure.
The final report will document the entire study and will be prepared from the interim reports.
Task 2, Formulate Design Procedure, is a critical project task that will be active throughout
the project. This task includes finalizing the preliminary approach that was presented in Chapter
2, modifying the preliminary approach based on the results of the laboratory studies and selected
accelerated pavement tests, and preparation of the final design procedure after analysis of the
calibration pavement sections. It is important to emphasize that the preliminary approach
prepared early in this task will shape the laboratory studies and guide the selection of pavement
sections, both accelerated pavement tests and in-service pavement sections.
Task 3, Database Management, is a support task that will be active throughout the project. A
database will be developed in this task to store and analyze data from the laboratory studies and
the analysis of the pavement sections. It is envisioned that the database will be an adaptation of
the one developed in NCHRP Project 9-30.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Task 4, Laboratory Studies, includes the planning and execution of five laboratory studies that
are needed to complete the design procedure that will be formulated in Task 2. The laboratory
studies concentrate on quantifying what affects the healing properties of HMA. The laboratory
studies will be sufficient in breadth to develop models relating mixture and binder properties to
the key engineering properties required for the analysis.
Task 5, Analysis of Pavement Sections, includes several activities associated with the
selection and analysis of full-scale pavements. The preliminary design procedure formulated in
Task 2 will be tested using data from completed accelerated pavement tests, such as the fatigue
studies from the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Pavement Testing Facility or the
structural sections included in the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) test track.
Calibration of the design procedure will be accomplished through an analysis of in-service
pavements where it has been documented that bottom-up fatigue cracking has occurred or has
not occurred. These analyses will serve to calibrate the design procedure and validate the HMA
endurance limit concept. The predictive models developed in Task 4 will be used in the analysis
of the full-scale pavement sections. This will allow consideration of pavement sections where
original materials are not available since the required data can be obtained from cores taken from
the pavement section.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Completed laboratory and field investigations clearly show that HMA exhibits endurance
limit behavior. This endurance limit, however, does not reflect an absence of load induced
damage in the HMA. It is the result of a balance of damage caused by loading and healing or
damage recovery that occurs during rest periods. The endurance limit for HMA is, therefore, not
a single value, but will change depending on the loading and environmental conditions applied to
the HMA. To properly consider this form of an endurance limit in flexible pavement design
requires consideration of the effects of loading, environment and material properties on both
damage accumulation and healing.
The framework for a pavement design procedure that incorporates healing and endurance
limit behavior was conceived during NCHRP 9-44. The procedure is based on layered elastic
analysis and is compatible with the MEPDG. It uses allowable strains to identify satisfactory
conditions for full healing. The allowable strains are a function of the properties of the HMA,
the pavement temperature, and the duration of rest periods between traffic loads. The underlying
principal of the design procedure is to make sure that the damage induced by loading remains
small enough so that healing occurs and there is no accumulation of damage over the life of the
pavement. This is a significant departure from current cumulative or incremental damage
models, which assume that no healing occurs and that each load cycle uses up a portion of the
finite fatigue life of the HMA.
Additional laboratory and field studies are needed to fully develop and calibrate the design
procedure. The HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study Research Plan prepared in NCHRP
Project 9-44 presents a comprehensive work plan and cost estimate for the needed research. The
research plan includes laboratory experiments to fully develop the new design procedure.
Studies using data from completed accelerated pavement tests and test roads are proposed to
verify critical aspects of the design procedure. Finally, an experiment to calibrate and validate
the new design procedure using selected test sections from the Long Term Pavement
Performance Program is presented.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
1. Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC, “Hot Mix Asphalt Endurance Limit Workshop:
Executive Summary,” National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 9-44,
November, 2007.
2. Timm, D., H., and Young, J., B., “Effects of Load Spectra and Variability on Perpetual
Pavement Design,” Proceedings, International Symposium of Design and Construction
of Long Lasting Asphalt Pavements, National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn,
AL, 2004.
4. Thompson, M.R., ad Carpenter, S.H., “Design Principles for Long Lasting Pavement,”
Proceedings, International Symposium of Design and Construction of Long Lasting
Asphalt Pavements, National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn, AL, 2004.
5. Sidess, A. and Uzan, J., “A Design Method for Perpetual Flexible Pavement in Israel,”
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, February, 2008.
6. Von Quintus, H. L., “Hot-Mix Asphalt Layer Thickness Design for Longer Life Bituminous
Pavements,” Transportation Research Circular Number 503, Perpetual Bituminous
Pavements, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., December, 2001.
8. Tsai, B.W., Harvey, J., Monismith, C., and Bejarano, M., “Calibration of Fatigue Surface
Cracking Using Simplified Recursive Miner’s Law,” Journal of the Association of Asphalt
Paving Technologists, Vol., 76, 2007.
9. Mun, S., Guddati, M. N., and Kim, Y. R., “Fatigue Cracking Mechanisms in Asphalt
Pavements with Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Finite-Element Program,” Transportation
Research Record No. 1896, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2004.
10. Roque, R., B. Birgisson, B. Sangpetngam and Z. Zhang, “Hot Mix Asphalt Fracture
Mechanics: A Fundamental Crack Growth Law for Asphalt Mixtures,” Journal of the
Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 71, 2002.
11. Stuart, K.D., Mogawer, W.S., and Romero, P., “Validation of the Superpave Asphalt Binder
Fatigue Cracking Parameter Using an Accelerated Loading Facility,” Report Number
FHWA-RD-01-093, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 2002.
12. National Center for Asphalt Technology. (accessed June, 2008).
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
13. Epps, J. A., Hand, A., Seeds, S., Schultz, T., Alavi, S., Ashmore, C., Monismith, C., Deacon,
J.A., Harvey, J.T., and Leahy, R., “Recommended Performance Related Specifications for
Hot-Mix Asphalt Construction: Results of the WesTrack Project,” NCHRP Report 455,
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Washington, D.C., 2002.
14. Timm, D. West, R., Priest, A., Powell, B., Selvaraj, I., Zhang, J., and Brwon, R., “Phase II
NCAT Test Track Results,” NCAT Report 06-05, National Center for Asphalt Technology,
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, December, 2006.
15. Timm, D. and Priest, A., “Material Properties of the 2003 NCAT Test Track Structural
Study,” NCAT Report 06-01, National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn University,
Auburn, AL, April, 2006.
19. VonQuintus, H.L, Schwartz, C.E., McCuen, R.H., and Andrei, D., “Jackknife Testing – An
Experimental Approach to Refine Model Calibration and Validation,” NCHRP Research
Results Digest Number 283, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Washington, D.C, December, 2003.
20. Monismith, C.L., and McLean, D.B., “Structural Design Considerations,” Proceedings of
the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 41, 1972.
21. Newcomb, D.E., Buncher, M., and Huddleston, I.J., “Concepts of Perpetual Pavements,”
Transportation Research Circular Number 503, Perpetual Bituminous Pavements,
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., December, 2001.
22. Carpenter, S.H., Ghuzlan, K.A., and Shen, S., “Fatigue Endurance Limit for Highway and
Airport Pavements,” Transportation Research Record No. 1832, Transportation Research
Board, Washington, D.C., 2003.
23. Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Application of the Dissipated Energy Concept in Fatigue
Endurance Limit Testing,” Transportation Research Record No. 1929, Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2005.
24. Prowell, B., Brown, E., R., Daniel, J., Bhattacharjee, S., Von Quintus, H., Carpenter, S.,
Shen, S., Anderson, M., Swamy, A. K., and Maghsoodloo, S., “Endurance Limit of Hot Mix
Asphalt Mixtures to Prevent Fatigue Cracking in Flexible Pavements,“ Updated Draft Final
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Report, NCHRP 9-38, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Washington, D.C.,
May, 2008.
25. Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Dissipated Energy Approach to Study Hot-Mix Asphalt
Healing in Fatigue,” Transportation Research Record No. 1970, Transportation Research
Board, Washington, D.C., 2006.
26. Kim, B. and Roque, R., “Evaluation of Healing Property of Asphalt Mixtures,”
Transportation Research Record No. 1970, Transportation Research Board, Washington,
D.C., 2006.
27. Nunn, M. and Ferne, B.W., “Design and Assessment of Long-Life Flexible Pavements,”
Transportation Research Circular Number 503, Perpetual Bituminous Pavements,
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., December, 2001.
28. Brown, S.R., Thom, N.H., and Hakim, B.A., “Performance and Rehabilitation of Heavy-duty
Pavements in the UK: Some Case Studies,” Proceedings, International Symposium of
Design and Construction of Long Lasting Asphalt Pavements, National Center for
Asphalt Technology, Auburn, AL, 2004.
29. Wu, Z., Siddiqui, Z.Q., Hossain, M., and Gisi, A.J., “Kansas Turnpike – An Example of
Long Lasting Asphalt Pavement,” Proceedings, International Symposium of Design and
Construction of Long Lasting Asphalt Pavements, National Center for Asphalt
Technology, Auburn, AL, 2004.
30. Uhlmeyer, J.S., Willoughby, K., Pierce, L.M., and Mahoney, J.P., “Top-Down Cracking in
Washington State Asphalt Concrete Wearing Courses,” Transportation Research Record
No. 1730, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2000.
31. Bonnaure, F.P, Huibers, A.H.J.J., Boonders, A., “A Laboratory Investigation of the Influence
of Rest Periods on the Fatigue Response of Bituminous Mixes,” Proceedings, Association of
Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 51, 1982.
32. Chehab, G.R., Kim, Y.R., Schapery, R.A., Witczak, M.W., and Bonaquist, R.,
"Characterization of Asphalt Concrete in Uniaxial Tension Using a Viscoelastoplastic
Continuum Damage Model," Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
Vol. 72, 2003.
33. Huang, Y. H., Pavement Analysis and Design, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
34. Al-Qadi, I., Xie, W., and Elseifi, M., “Frequency Determination from Vehicular Loading
Time Pulse to Predict Appropriate Complex Modulus in MEPDG," Paper P:reprint CD,
Association of Asphalt Paving Annual Meeting and Technical Sessions, Philadelphia, PA,
April 27-30, 2008.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
35. Barksdale, R.G., “Compressive Stress Pulse Times in Flexible Pavements for Use in
Dynamic Testing,” Highway Research Record 345, Highway Research Board, Washington,
D.C., 1971.
36. Mirza, M. W., and M. W. Witczak, “Development of a Global Aging System for Short and
Long Term Aging of Asphalt Cements,” Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving
Technologists, Vol. 64, 1995.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Table of Contents
List of Tables ..............................................................................................................................A-ii
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................A-ii
Introduction................................................................................................................................. A-1
Participants.................................................................................................................................. A-1
Workshop Overview ................................................................................................................... A-2
Endurance Limit and Other Important Fatigue Effects............................................................... A-6
Methodologies for HMA Fatigue Characterization .................................................................. A-11
Flexible Pavement Damage Analysis ....................................................................................... A-14
Verification and Calibration ..................................................................................................... A-18
Recommendations to the Research Team ................................................................................. A-20
Summary and Conclusion ......................................................................................................... A-24
Attachment. Participant Comments from the Opening and Closing Sessions......................... A-26
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
List of Tables
Table 1. HMA Endurance Limit Workshop Invitees and Attendees. ........................................ A-2
Table 2. Issues Identified During Open Brainstorming Discussion. ......................................... A-7
Table 3. Summary of Breakout Group Results.......................................................................... A-8
Table 4. Ideas From the Fatigue Testing Brainstorming Session. ........................................... A-12
Table 5. Barriers and Countermeasures Identified for Incorporating Endurance Limit
in Flexible Pavement Damage Analysis. .................................................................. A-17
Table 6. Ideas From the Verification/Calibration Brainstorming Session............................... A-19
Table 7. Summary of Workshop Recommendations for the NCHRP 9-44 Research Team. .. A-22
List of Figures
Figure 1. Facilitator’s Agenda. .................................................................................................. A-3
Figure 2. Conceptual Representation of Improved Flexible Pavement Fatigue Model........... A-15
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
This report documents the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Endurance Limit Workshop held in
Washington, D.C. on August 1 and 2, 2007. The workshop was sponsored by the National
Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) as part of NCHRP Project 9-44, Developing
a Plan for Validating an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements. Participants included members
of the NCHRP Project 9-44 panel and research team, key researchers and consultants with
extensive experience in HMA fatigue analysis, and engineers from highway agencies who are
responsible for designing, constructing, and maintaining flexible pavements. The objective of
the workshop was to discuss several topics relevant to an endurance limit for HMA pavements,
and to provide recommendations for consideration by the research team for the work plan that
will be prepared in NCHRP 9-44.
Participants in the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop included members of the research team,
the NCHRP Project 9-44 panel, and invited experts that were recommended by the research team
and approved by the project panel. Thirty-four individuals were invited to attend, including four
members of the research team, the NCHRP Project 9-44 panel members and Project Manager,
and 22 invited experts. There was a high degree of interest in the workshop with 82 percent of
the invitees participating. Only three invited experts, two panel members, and one liaison to the
panel were not able to participate due to schedule conflicts. Another invited expert was unable
to attend due to an airline delay. Table 1 presents summary information about the participants.
Detailed information on the invitees and participants is included Sections 2 and 9 of the HMA
Endurance Limit Workshop Notebook.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Workshop Overview
The HMA Endurance Limit Workshop was facilitated by Mr. Charles Markert, a Certified
Professional Facilitator. The agenda for the workshop was developed jointly by Mr. Markert and
Dr. Ramon Bonaquist, Principal Investigator for NCHRP Project 9-44. A copy of the
Facilitator’s Agenda is reproduced as Figure 1.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The HMA Endurance Limit Workshop started with an opening session where the participants
expressed their personal expectations concerning the workshop. Excerpts from this session are
included in the attachment.
The introductory session was followed by three invited presentations on relevant research to
provide background information to the participants. The first presentation, Use of HMA Fatigue
Endurance Limits in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, was made by Dr.
Matthew Witczak. Dr. Witczak was responsible for developing the flexible pavement design
methodology contained in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG)
developed in NCHRP Project 1-37A. Dr. Witczak’s presentation summarized how fatigue
cracking is addressed in the MEPDG, and showed the effect of incorporating endurance limits of
varying magnitude on fatigue damage predicted with the MEPDG. The second presentation,
Endurance Limit of HMA Mixtures to Prevent Fatigue Cracking in Flexible Pavements: NCHRP
9-38, was made by Dr. Brian Prowell. Dr. Prowell is Co-Principal Investigator for NCHRP
Project 9-38. The objectives of this on-going research project are to: (1) confirm the existence of
an HMA endurance limit through laboratory testing, (2) investigate the effect of HMA material
properties on the endurance limit, (3) develop a shortcut method to determine the endurance
limit, and (4) suggest changes to the MEPDG to include an endurance limit. Dr. Prowell’s
presentation updated the participants on the progress that has been made in NCHRP Project 9-38.
The final presentation, Mechanistic-Empirical Design and Fatigue in the United Kingdom, was
made by Dr. Michael Nunn. Dr. Nunn played a key role in the work that led to maximum
asphalt layer thicknesses being included in the flexible pavement design procedure used in the
United Kingdom. His presentation summarized the rationale behind the approach taken in the
United Kingdom. Copies of the presentations and supporting materials that were provided by the
speakers are included in Sections 5, 6, and 7 of the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop Notebook.
The key element of the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop was a series of discussion sessions
focusing on four major topics considered important in the approach for validating an endurance
limit for HMA pavements that was proposed by the research team. This approach involves the
development of an improved mechanistic-empirical fatigue damage analysis that accounts for the
presence of an endurance limit as well as the effects of healing and changes in damage tolerance
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
due to temperature and aging. Elements of this improved damage analysis will be developed
through laboratory studies and will require verification using data from accelerated pavement
tests before applying the approach to the analysis of in-service pavements. To validate the
endurance limit, the improved damage analysis will be applied to several in-service pavements
that have documented evidence of no bottom-up fatigue cracking. More detailed information on
this approach was included in Section 4 of the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop Notebook. The
four major topics relevant to this approach that were discussed during the workshop were:
The discussion of these topics concluded with a session to identify action items. In this session,
the participants outlined their recommendations for items to be included in the work plan that
will be developed in NCHRP Project 9-44.
A variety of techniques were used in these discussion sessions to develop and prioritize ideas,
focus the discussion, and develop recommendations for the research team. These included
brainstorming ideas on a “sticky wall,” “dot polling” to prioritize ideas, small breakout groups to
further develop ideas, and guided discussion. Separate sections discussing each of these sessions
are presented later in this report.
An unplanned discussion session was added during the workshop to develop a definition of
endurance limit for use in NCHRP Projects 9-38 and 9-44. This session was generated by
discussions during the early stages of the workshop. It produced the following definition:
HMA Fatigue Endurance Limit – A level of strain below which there is no cumulative
damage over an indefinite number of load cycles.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The HMA Endurance Limit Workshop concluded with final comments from each of the
participants. Excerpts of comments contributed by the participants are included in the
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
captured the issues on cards that were later prioritized using a “dot poll” technique. The issues
that were identified are summarized in Table 2 along with the number of votes that each issue
received. The issues receiving the highest number of votes were then further developed using
small breakout groups. Eight breakout groups were formed to address the top 10 issues.
Because of their similarities, Issues 7, 8, and 9 were combined. The small breakout groups were
asked to further develop an issue by identifying key points and suggestions for the NCHRP
Project 9-44 research team. The results from the breakout groups are summarized in Table 3.
cracks, (3) structural cracks, (4) • Visco-elastic material. • LTPP? • Properties of each layer.
where cracking initiated. • Temperature – frequency • NCAT Track- yes 7-5” • Load.
• Ensure sample covers range dependent. • Westrack? • Mix Properties
within the design procedure • Healing. • Aging increases stiffness. • Anisotropy.
that will be used. • Lab testing leaves out • Healing? • Volumetrics.
• Most pavements should be in- importance of crack • Fatigue properties of aged • Binder/Mastic.
service roadways as opposed to propagation. material are probably different • External variables
accelerated pavement sections. than unaged materials. • Temperature.
• Construction defects that may
• Rest periods.
have caused cracking must be
• Traffic speed.
identified – segregation, de-
bonding between layers, etc. • Pressing need to weight design
and mix properties.
• Potential to evaluate strain
response magnitude versus • Based on above, consider
mixture composition and local benefit cost ratio approach
condition for pavements with where the cost is a function of
and without structural cracking. tolerable risk.
Suggestions • Make deflection measurements • Use crack initiation, number of • Fatigue tests on material from • Same as key points.
to define structural related cycles ( Ni ) before localization. roads of different ages.
cracking. Check hysteresis • Number of cycles to failure • Measure pavement stiffness as
loop between cracked and un- (Nf ) equals 50% stiffness a function of time.
cracked sections. reduction. • LTPP database for a range
• Measure mixture composition • Use Ni for design of long of pavement thickness.
between sections. lasting pavement. • Indirect Tensile modulus
• Take cores and trenches to on field cores.
confirm direction of cracking
also to ensure construction
defects do not exist or identify
where construction defects
have influenced results.
An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Key Points • Design versus analysis: • Evaluate significance of • Variation of endurance limit • In-service pavements.
• Design - prevent fatigue material type and climate on with mix and binder properties, • Good performance and no
from occurring. pavement thicknesses. temperature, aging, healing bottom up cracks.
• Analysis - predict damage • Develop a catalog of endurance (this is not likely to be a routine • Traffic history – large
e.g. MEPDG. limit values based on binder test). commercial volume.
• Use endurance limit as an type, gradation, void content, • Design approach / philosophy • Range of environments.
HMA material property. asphalt content, etc. (risk, load definition). • Performance vs. time.
• Characterize endurance limit • Evidence both in the lab and • Material property relationships • Only with surface maintenance.
versus using a predetermined field indicate endurance limit is (catalog of properties). • Accelerated pavement tests,
value: related to temperature. • Seasonal variation in material HVS, NCAT, MnRoad, ALF,
• Level 1 testing. • Effect of moisture not clear. properties. WESTRACK
• Level 2 catalog of values • Stress state conditions must be • What is the most appropriate • Original construction materials,
based on mix composition. considered. fatigue relationship (or failure)? design.
• Level 3 single default
Suggestions • Recognize need for different • Further lab testing. • From a practical point of view: • Volumetric and binder
levels in material testing. • Use field instrumentation to • Pick very long design life characteristics in-service.
• Recognize that use of define lab testing conditions. – 500 E6 ESALs • FWD and modulus tests on
endurance limit in design is a • Review completed lab testing • Sensitivity analysis to cores.
design policy decision. to potentially establish determine thickness • Analysis:
• Healing effects must be empirical relations. beyond which no • Layered elastic analysis
identified to account for • Stress state conditions may be significant increase in life • Fatigue analysis – MEPDG
overloads / seasonal effects. related to the lab to field shift is observed.
factor. Use computational • Define scope of design
modeling and field approach in terms of:
instrumentation to refine lab • Design model relations
test conditions. (i.e., approach will depend
• Comprehensive analysis to link on model used).
endurance limit to shift factor. • Material properties
available – risk
An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Much of the brainstorming portion of the session was devoted to a discussion of terminology.
The terms endurance limit, and long-life or perpetual pavements are often used interchangeably,
in spite of the fact that they have different meanings. Endurance limit implies that no damage
occurs in the asphalt concrete leading to an infinite fatigue life. However, for asphalt concrete at
low strain levels it is possible that damage occurs but it is offset by healing or that only crack
initiation without propagation occurs, both resulting in an apparent endurance limit characterized
by very long fatigue lives. In the interest of time the discussion of terminology was terminated
during this session, but was later addressed in an unplanned session at the end the workshop.
This session led to the definition of endurance limit for HMA that was presented earlier.
Another issue raised during the brainstorming session was whether top-down cracking was
within the scope of NCHRP Project 9-44. The panel members confirmed that NCHRP Project 9-
44 was to develop a work plan to validate an endurance limit for bottom-up fatigue cracking
Many of the issues raised during this session, although relevant to the overall objective of the
workshop, were not directly related the objectives of this particular session. The participants
confirmed the research team’s position that the effects of temperature, aging, healing, and
mixture composition must be considered in any laboratory or field experiment included in the
work plan. One fatigue effect discussed during this session that was not initially identified by
the research team was the concept of crack propagation. At low strain levels cracks that initiate
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
in asphalt concrete may not propagate resulting in a change in the slope of laboratory fatigue
relationships. The standard definition of failure in flexural fatigue tests, 50 percent reduction in
stiffness, is accompanied by propagation of cracks from the bottom of the specimen. The
numbers of cycles to crack initiation, which may be substantially less than the number of cycles
to 50 percent stiffness reduction, could potentially be used as a design criterion for long-life
pavements. This approach has been used by Dr. Uzan in a methodology for design of perpetual
pavements developed for Israel.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
In addition to the discussion of the various test methods, there was a significant amount of
discussion about healing. Some participants questioned whether healing is an important
consideration for field pavements. Professor Monismith explained that healing does not seem to
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
be a significant factor in the Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) tests that have been completed in
California. When loading is stopped, there appears to be a fairly large recovery of damage, but
after reloading the damage quickly returns to close to where it was before the rest period. Others
pointed out that healing is most important when the damage is small and that to observe the
effect the testing must use short alternating cycles of loading and resting. If long cycles are used,
the damage may become too large for healing to occur. It was noted that the torsion fatigue test
developed at Texas A&M University for testing asphalt mastics and sand asphalt mixtures
provided a very good tool for evaluating the effects of healing.
Another issue that was discussed at length was the credibility of the various fatigue test
methods. Only the flexural fatigue test has been standardized. There appeared to be general
consensus that if another method was selected, it would be important to demonstrate how the
approach related to results from the flexural fatigue for both high and low strain levels.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
• For studies of healing and other effects that are likely dominated by the binder and
filler portion of the mixture the torsional fatigue test in the dynamic shear rheometer
should be considered.
• When recommending tests in the work plan, priority should be given to those with
standard test methods or where standard test methods are in the process of being
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Log εt
Log εt
Log Nf Log Nf
a. Current Fatigue Model b. Proposed Fatigue Model
Group A
The strategy suggested by Group A is very similar to the pre-workshop position of the
research team and shown in Figure 2b. The endurance limit and fatigue relationship would be a
function of temperature and healing. The primary issues identified for this approach were: (1)
laboratory data to support the changes in endurance limit and fatigue life with temperature and
healing, and (2) field data to calibrate the relationship for use in pavement design models.
Group B
The strategy suggested by Group B is to add a variable or modified endurance limit to current
fatigue models. This endurance limit would be a function of the factors that affect the endurance
limit: mixture properties, binder properties, temperature, rest periods, etc.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
EL = average endurance limit for HMA mixtures from laboratory testing
Ci = modification factors to account for factors affecting the endurance limit
This group identified several important issues associated with this approach including:
Group C
The strategy suggested by Group C is to base pavement design on a comprehensive analysis
of damage and recovery in pavement systems. This analysis would address all forms of
pavement distress (rutting, bottom-up cracking, top-down cracking, thermal cracking, etc) not
just fatigue cracking. For fatigue cracking, an “endurance limit” would occur when there is a
balance between the rate of damage and the rate of healing in the pavement. These rates would
be obtained from appropriate fundamental tests. Endurance limit testing would serve as one
verification of the overall modeling process.
This group identified several issues associated with this approach. First is research to obtain
the damage and healing rates as a function of mixture properties, binder properties, temperature,
age hardening, stress state, etc. Second is the development of an appropriate computational tool
for the analysis. Third is the selection of critical design conditions.
Group D
This group provided an overview of approaches used in France, Israel, and the Netherlands
for fatigue analysis of flexible pavements. This group recommended that to improve flexible
pavement fatigue analysis, consideration should be given to using finite element modeling with
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
fracture mechanics because this approach can account for initiation and propagation of cracks in
the pavement. They noted, however, that the approach is not practical at this time. They also
suggested that it may be important to develop a method to account for construction defects.
The discussion of the barriers and countermeasures focused on two general approaches for
incorporating an endurance limit in flexible pavement damage analysis that were suggested by
the breakout groups: (1) add an endurance limit that is a function of design factors to current
fatigue analysis, which is the approach suggested by Groups A and B, and (2) detailed
computation of damage and recovery rates which is the approach suggest by Group C and
supported by the issues raised by Group D. Table 5 summarizes the barriers and
countermeasures that were identified for these approaches.
Add Variable Endurance Limit to Existing Fatigue Detailed Computation of Healing and Damage Rates
Barriers Countermeasures Barriers Countermeasures
• Data to support • Additional laboratory • Data to define damage • Additional laboratory
endurance limit as a testing. and healing rates. testing.
function of design
• Lab to field shift • Test materials from • Appropriate analysis • Finite element
factor. field pavements. tool. analysis, fracture
• Calibration. mechanics, etc.
• There is an interaction • Included in current • There is an interaction • Use mechanistic
of base/foundation. stress/strain analysis. of base/foundation. approach on the entire
• Effect of construction • Use appropriate • Effect of construction • Use appropriate
defects. material properties. defects. material properties
• Solving bottom-up • Solving bottom-up • Both forms can be
cracking will not cracking will not addressed with this
solve top-down solve top-down approach.
cracking. cracking.
• Cost of • Cost of overbuilding. • Cost of • Cost of overbuilding.
implementation. implementation.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
There was general agreement among the workshop participants that the work plan to be
developed in NCHRP 9-44 should focus on the first approach: modification of current
mechanistic-empirical fatigue relationships to include a variable endurance limit.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
are summarized in Table 6. These have been organized into three categories: data sources,
analysis approaches, and data collection.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
and evaluation of in-service pavement sections. Ken Fults noted that the Rolling Dynamic
Deflectometer could be used like an accelerated pavement testing machine to rapidly apply a
large number of load pulses to selected pavements in a short period of time.
There was also an extended discussion of whether it was important to document whether
bottom-up fatigue cracking has occurred. Some participants recommended that it was critical
and the validation/calibration must include sections with and without bottom-up fatigue cracks.
Others argued that the important issue is whether the cracks have propagated to the surface,
noting that is very difficult to propagate bottom initiated cracks to the surface of a thick asphalt
concrete pavement. It was suggested that Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) or Spectral Analysis
of Surface Waves (SASW) could be used to identify cracks that have not propagated to the
pavement surface.
There was general agreement that for the analysis of in-service pavements it will be very
difficult to determine the composition and construction details of the pavements; therefore, many
assumptions will have to be made and documented. There were mixed opinions concerning the
number of pavements that should be included. Some participants argued for a more in-depth
analysis of a small number of pavements, while others recommended an analysis of a large
number of pavements.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
and the related recommendations are summarized in Table 7. The recommendations for each
group are discussed below.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Table 7. Summary of Workshop Recommendations for the NCHRP 9-44 Research Team.
Category Recommendation
Laboratory Material Need to go through existing data and literature (material properties).
Characterization Review past work on dissipated energy, rest periods.
Perform experiments to identify relationships between damage and healing properties from
practical short-term tests for endurance limit.
Identification of surrogate test method for sensitivity analysis.
Selection of practical short-term tests for endurance limit.
Lab evaluation of relationships between endurance limit, temperature, rest periods, mix
volumetrics, binder properties, etc.
Additional very long fatigue tests (beam) – evaluate a variety of binders, aggregate types,
volumetric factors, temperature, frequency, etc.
Evaluate surrogate tests (torsion on mastic, push-pull).
Develop plan to tie surrogate tests to beam fatigue.
Prove endurance limit by tests with torsion fatigue on mortar including evaluation of factors
that influence the endurance limit.
Identify material properties that resist bottom-up fatigue and influence the level of the
endurance limit.
Field European LTPP studies particularly Germany (high quality database).
Calibration/Validation Need to consider various accelerated pavement tests (APT) NCAT, Mn/ROAD,
Need to consider in-service pavements: Perpetual Pavement award, SPS (state forensics),
and non-perpetual pavements.
Select appropriate validation sites and obtain data (in-service and accelerated pavement tests
Determine “shift” or “transfer function” from lab to APT to in-service pavements.
Field verification/calibration using APT/LTPP/forensic cases studies.
Must include both cracked and un-cracked sections in work plan. Analyze each with
reasonable flexible pavement analysis model.
Use LTPP sections include (SPS).
Evaluate how to use APT to measure endurance limit.
Include APT and in-service pavements (inherent assumptions).
Test field samples from wheel path and between wheel paths.
Damage Analysis in Identify and evaluate methods to incorporate endurance limit in design.
Design Modeling (MEPDG, continuum damage mechanics, Models + FEM, crack propagation).
Assess cost/conservatism.
Big Picture Follow-up work should be integrated – suggest single contractor rather then separate
contracts – think system.
Plan should coordinate damage analysis approach with lab/field testing and validation.
Have all pieces fit together.
Field Evaluation Identify nondestructive test methods to detect cracks in HMA layer.
Techniques Identify, evaluate and select methods for identifying macro-cracks.
Technology Transfer Develop training modules.
Cost (FHWA Life Develop a methodology for benefit/cost ratio calculation.
Cycle Cost) Risk analysis.
Definitions Standardize definition terminology (9-38 – 9-44).
Develop glossary/definitions of terms related to endurance limit.
Apparent endurance limit/fatigue endurance limit.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Field Calibration/Validation
The workshop participants agreed that field calibration or validation should be a component
of the work plan. Although some participants favored use of in-service pavements over
accelerated pavement tests, the participants generally agreed that both should be considered in
the work plan. The participants also agreed that both cracked and un-cracked sections should be
analyzed. There was a high level of support for using sections from the LTPP program.
Big Picture
During the workshop, the research team suggested that the future work may require multiple
contracts with agencies having experience in laboratory testing of asphalt concrete and
evaluation and analysis of field pavements. The workshop participants disagreed with this
approach and recommended that the future work be done under a single contract to ensure full
coordination of the work.
Technology Transfer
The workshop participants recommended that the development of initial training materials be
included in the work plan. Topics for training materials include: defining terminology associated
with the endurance limit, factors affecting the endurance limit in asphalt concrete, methods to
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
incorporate an endurance limit in flexible pavement design, and the effect of an endurance limit
of the performance of asphalt concrete pavements.
Cost Analysis
Workshop participants were in general agreement that it is important to use some form of cost
analysis to justify the additional effort that may be required to properly consider an endurance
limit in the design of flexible pavements. It was generally agreed that a more sophisticated
damage analysis with additional material characterization would be required to incorporate an
endurance limit in flexible pavement design. Cost savings associated with minimizing the
occurrence of overdesigned pavements would more than offset the additional design costs.
Most workshop participants agreed that it was important to develop standard definitions for
terms associated with the endurance limit. Terms that were mentioned included: endurance
limit, apparent endurance limit, long-life pavement, and perpetual pavement. The workshop
participants took part in a spirited debate to develop a definition of endurance limit that could be
used in NCHRP Project 9-38 and 9-44. This debate produced the following definition:
This definition was strongly accepted by only a few participants, but was acceptable to all
participants except one. That participant strongly objected to the word “cumulative” in the
definition maintaining that endurance limit means there is no damage in the asphalt material.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
of the NCHRP Project 9-44 panel and research team, key researchers and consultants with
extensive experience in HMA fatigue analysis, and engineers from highway agencies who are
responsible for designing, constructing, and maintaining flexible pavements. The objective of
the workshop was to discuss several topics relevant to an endurance limit for HMA pavements,
and to provide recommendations for consideration by the research team for the work plan that
will be prepared in NCHRP 9-44.
The HMA Endurance Limit Workshop focused on four topics relevant to this approach being
considered by the NCHRP Project 9-44 research team:
Numerous recommendations were made by workshop participants that will be considered by the
research team in preparing the NCHRP 9-44 work plan.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Opening Session
Expectations for the workshop from the participants contributed in Round Robin fashion at the
beginning of the workshop.
• State of the art perspective on endurance limit and related topics so that I can best serve
my role on the panel.
• Take home a few ideas.
• Get an idea of what others are doing in the lab.
• Get a clear definition of what the endurance limit is and what are factors that may affect
• See how we can integrate concepts of an endurance limit in design
• How to field verify the endurance limit concept.
• Latest developments in fatigue measurements in the lab, relationships to field
performance, and incorporation in the design process.
• Develop a process leading to what states can endorse.
• What others are thinking in terms of material and structural level analysis.
• Looking at mechanism of damage recovery during rest periods affecting the endurance
• Scaling factors from laboratory to field and the testing conditions.
• Practicality.
• What’s now and next generation.
• Getting discussion going on healing and how healing mechanism actually produces an
endurance limit.
• Practical methodology that states can handle and use and how it varies by mix.
• Be convinced that endurance limit exists and why it is important.
• Conclude with a clear plan and not repeat work done on previous projects – Don’t
reinvent the wheel and move towards the next project.
• Definition and material processes.
• Consensus of what endurance limit is exists and what are the conditions.
• Clarify different concepts: fatigue cracking and deformation.
• Concept of failure defined
• Define endurance limit for asphalt concrete.
• How to integrate the concept into design after calibration.
• Concept taken from steel and does it exist in asphalt.
• Integrate endurance limit into Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG)
and whether it’s a function of temperature.
• Figure out what needs to go into the work plan.
• Broaden horizons as to what’s going on with endurance limit so that we can better work
with the panel members and the contractors.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Closing Session
Final thoughts about the workshop from the participants contributed in Round Robin fashion at
the end of the workshop.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Table of Contents
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
List of Figures
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
List of Tables
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The work reported herein was performed under NCHRP Project 9-44 by Advanced Asphalt
Technologies, LLC, and Applied Research Associates, Inc. Ramon Bonaquist, Chief Operating
Officer for Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC, served as Principal Investigator for the project
and was the primary author of this research plan. Mr. Harold Von Quintus, Principal Engineer
for Applied Research Associates, Inc. co-authored this research plan.
Special thanks are extended to the participants of the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop listed
below. These professionals unselfishly presented ideas to the research team that helped shape
the planned research.
Name Affiliation
Dr. David Anderson Consultant
Dr. Samuel Carpenter University of Illinois
Dr. Donald Christensen Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC
Dr. Herve Di Benedetto Ecole Nat. des TPE
Mr. Bruce Dietrich Florida Department of Transportation
Mr. Kenneth Fults KWF Pavement Consulting
Mr. Roger Green Ohio Department of Transportation
Dr. Kevin Hall University of Arkansas
Dr. Edward Harrigan National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Dr. Richard Kim North Carolina State University
Dr. Dallas Little Texas A&M University
Dr. Leslie Ann McCarthy Federal Highway Administration
Dr. Andre Molenaar Delft University
Professor Carl Monismith University of California Berkeley
Dr. David Newcomb National Asphalt Pavement Association
Dr. Michael Nunn Lane One Limited
Dr. Brian Prowell Advanced Material Services, LLC
Dr. Rey Roque University of Florida
Ms. Amy Schutzbach Illinois Department of Transportation
Dr. Jacob Uzan Technion University
Dr. Linbing Wang Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Dr. Matthew Witczak Arizona State University
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
This document presents a plan for research to rationally incorporate the concept of an
endurance limit for hot mix asphalt (HMA) into a mechanistic-empirical algorithm for bottom
initiated fatigue cracking in flexible pavements, and to validate the resulting procedure using
performance data from full-scale pavement sections.
The planned research is based on the hypothesis that the endurance limit for HMA is the
result of a balance of damage caused by loading and healing or damage recovery that occurs
during rest periods. Under this hypothesis the primary objective in designing a flexible
pavement to resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking will be to make sure that the damage induced
by loading remains small enough so that healing occurs and there is no accumulation of damage
over the life of the pavement. This is a significant departure from current cumulative or
incremental damage models, which assume that no healing occurs and that each load cycle uses
up a portion of the finite fatigue life of the HMA.
This research plan includes a preliminary design procedure that is based on layered elastic
analysis and compatible with the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). It
uses allowable strains to identify satisfactory conditions for full healing. The allowable strains
are a function of the properties of the HMA, the pavement temperature, and the duration of rest
periods between traffic loads. Five laboratory experiments that are needed to fully develop the
procedure are described. Studies using data from completed accelerated pavement tests and test
roads are proposed to verify critical aspects of the design procedure. Finally, an experiment to
calibrate the design procedure using selected test sections from the Long Term Pavement
Performance Program is presented.
The recommended research study has been titled the HMA Endurance Limit Validation
Study. It addresses an important concept in the design of perpetual pavements that is gaining
increasing acceptance worldwide. It is envisioned that application of an endurance limit in
flexible pavement design will lead to more effective pavement sections with significant benefit
and cost savings to the public.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
This document presents a plan for research to rationally incorporate the concept of an
endurance limit for hot mix asphalt (HMA) into a mechanistic-empirical algorithm for bottom
initiated fatigue cracking in flexible pavements, and to validate the resulting procedure using
performance data from full-scale pavement sections. For HMA pavements, the endurance limit
has been defined as a level of strain below which there is no cumulative damage over an
indefinite number of load cycles (1).
This research plan is the primary product of National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP) Project 9-44, Developing a Plan for Validating an Endurance Limit for HMA
Pavements. The recommended research study has been titled the HMA Endurance Limit
Validation Study. It addresses an important concept in the design of perpetual pavements that is
gaining increasing acceptance worldwide. It is envisioned that application of an endurance limit
in flexible pavement design will lead to more effective pavement sections with significant
benefit and cost savings to the public.
The fatigue behavior of materials is evaluated using laboratory fatigue tests, where a sample
is loaded repeatedly using a known stress or strain and the number of load applications are
counted until the sample fails. By performing tests at different stress or strain levels a Wöhler
curve or S-N diagram can be developed. These diagrams are simply plots of the applied stress or
strain and the corresponding number of cycles to failure. Figure 1 shows two typical S-N
diagrams generated from laboratory test data. In curve (a), the fatigue life increases at a
gradually increasing rate with decreasing stress amplitude. In curve (b), on the other hand, the
fatigue life gradually increases until a limit is reached (50 MPa in this case) where the fatigue
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
life becomes indefinite. This is called the endurance limit for the material. The endurance limit is
a critical concept in the design of structures that must resist large numbers of repeated loads. If
stresses or strains are kept below the endurance limit, the structure will be able to withstand an
infinite number of load applications.
Stress Amplitude, S (MPa)
Many materials do not have the well-defined endurance limit shown schematically in Figure
1. HMA is one of these materials. Although early HMA fatigue research conducted by
Monismith and his colleagues suggested that HMA exhibited an endurance limit at
approximately 70 μstrain (2), only limited HMA fatigue research was conducted at low strain
levels until recently when the Asphalt Pavement Alliance began promoting the concept of
perpetual pavement design (3). A perpetual pavement is an asphalt pavement that provides a
very long life without structural failure and only requires periodic replacement of the surface. A
key element of perpetual pavement design is to eliminate fatigue cracking that initiates at the
bottom of the HMA base due to repeated flexure under traffic loading and to confine distresses to
the surface of the pavement, which can easily be renewed by milling and resurfacing.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Detailed investigation of four heavily trafficked pavements in the United Kingdom support
the perpetual pavement concept and the likelihood of an endurance limit for HMA. This
comprehensive study found no evidence of fatigue damage at the bottom of properly constructed
thick flexible pavements with total HMA thickness ranging from 230 to 350 mm (9). Cracks in
these pavements were found to have initiated at the surface and deflections monitored over a
number of years generally showed steady or decreasing deflection with increasing cumulative
traffic, indicating that fatigue damage to the bottom of the HMA was not occurring. Similar
conclusions concerning the absence of cracking at the bottom of thick HMA pavements have
been reported by others (10, 11, 12).
In summary, there is mounting evidence that an endurance limit for HMA does exist. It has
been observed in laboratory studies of fatigue at low strain levels, and several documented case
studies indicate that bottom initiated fatigue cracking is almost non-existent in properly
constructed, thick HMA pavements. A concentrated research effort, however, is needed to
validate the endurance limit concept, and to devise effective methods for incorporating it in
mechanistic-empirical pavement design methods.
These objectives could potentially be satisfied using a number of research approaches. The
specific approach presented in this plan is based on the following hypothesis, which was
developed from a review of recent literature concerning the fatigue response of HMA, and
recommendations made during the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop conducted early in
NCHRP Project 9-44 (1):
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
HMA does exhibit an endurance limit. This endurance limit, however, does not
reflect an absence of load induced damage in the HMA. It is the result of a
balance of damage caused by loading and healing or damage recovery that
occurs during rest periods. The endurance limit for HMA is, therefore, not a
single value, but will change depending on the loading and environmental
conditions applied to the HMA. To properly consider this form of an endurance
limit in flexible pavement design requires consideration of the effects of loading,
environment and material properties on both damage accumulation and healing.
Under this hypothesis the primary objective in designing a flexible pavement to resist
bottom initiated fatigue cracking will be to make sure that the damage induced by loading
remains small enough so that healing occurs and there is no accumulation of damage over
the life of the pavement. This is a significant departure from current cumulative or
incremental damage models which assume that no healing occurs and that each load
cycle uses up a portion of the finite fatigue life of the HMA. The hypothesis presented
above implies that any flexible pavement structure can be designed to indefinitely resist
bottom initiated fatigue cracking. Thicker pavements will be required for heavier loads,
shorter rest periods (higher traffic volume), and poorer foundation conditions. To
successfully formulate this type of design procedure will require research to quantify the
effects of temperature, aging, and materials properties on damage accumulation and
damage recovery in HMA. Once formulated, the procedure can be validated using
performance data from full-scale pavement sections.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
project. The schedule addresses the sequence of the research tasks and the interactions between
tasks. Finally, the fourth presents the proposed budget for the project. The budget includes
detailed estimates of labor and other costs associated with each task and subtask.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Task 1
Management and
Task 4 Task 2
Laboratory Formulate Design
Studies Procedure
Task 3 Task 5
Database Analysis of
Management Pavement Sections
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Task 1, Management and Reporting, includes all activities normally associated with
management and reporting for NCHRP Projects. Major management tasks include scheduling,
coordinating, and directing various technical work activities as well as project financial
management. Reporting activities include monthly and quarterly progress reports, the
preparation of several interim reports and presentations, and the preparation of the final report.
Interim reports are required at approximately 6 month intervals and coincide with the completion
of five critical milestones:
(1) Formulation of the preliminary design procedure and selection of the laboratory analysis
(2) Selection of pavement sections for analysis,
(3) Completion of the laboratory studies,
(4) Modification of the preliminary design procedure to reflect the findings from the
laboratory studies and the analysis of accelerated pavement tests, and
(5) Analysis of the calibration sections and preparation of the final design procedure.
The final report will document the entire study and will be prepared from the interim reports.
Task 2, Formulate Design Procedure, is a critical project task that will be active throughout
the project. This task includes finalizing the preliminary approach that is presented in this
research plan, modifying the preliminary approach based on the results of the laboratory studies
and selected accelerated pavement tests, and preparation of the final design procedure after
analysis of the calibration pavement sections. It is important to emphasize that the preliminary
approach prepared early in this task will shape the laboratory studies and guide the selection of
pavement sections, both accelerated pavement tests and in-service pavement sections.
Task 3, Database Management, is a support task that will be active throughout the project. A
database will be developed in this task to store and analyze data from the laboratory studies and
the analysis of the pavement sections. It is envisioned that the database will be an adaptation of
the one developed in NCHRP Project 9-30.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Task 4, Laboratory Studies, includes the planning and execution of five laboratory studies that
are needed to complete the design procedure that will be formulated in Task 2. The laboratory
studies concentrate on quantifying what affects the healing properties of HMA. The laboratory
studies will be sufficient in breadth to develop models relating mixture and binder properties to
the key engineering properties required for the analysis.
Task 5, Analysis of Pavement Sections, includes several activities associated with the
selection and analysis of full-scale pavements. The preliminary design procedure formulated in
Task 2 will be tested using data from completed accelerated pavement tests, such as the fatigue
studies from the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Pavement Testing Facility or the
structural sections included in the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) test track.
Calibration of the design procedure will be accomplished through an analysis of in-service
pavements where it has been documented that bottom-up fatigue cracking has occurred or has
not occurred. These analyses will serve to calibrate the design procedure and validate the HMA
endurance limit concept. The predictive models developed in Task 4 will be used in the analysis
of the full-scale pavement sections. This will allow consideration of pavement sections where
original materials are not available since the required data can be obtained from cores taken from
the pavement section.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Since the design procedure incorporating an endurance limit for bottom initiated fatigue cracking
will determine the details of the laboratory and field studies, the Principal Investigator should
directly lead Task 2, Formulate Design Procedure. To efficiently manage several tasks that will
be conducted concurrently, the team structure shown in Figure 5 is recommended. In this
structure, the Principal Investigator is supported by three teams: Laboratory, Pavement, and
Data Support, each with a separate team leader. Additionally, it is strongly recommended that a
Statistician be included in the project team to assist the Principal Investigator and team leaders
with detailed experimental design, model formulation, and model calibration. The Principal
Investigator will be responsible for the overall technical content of the project, while the team
leaders will be responsible for the details of the work in their area of expertise. In addition to the
scenario shown in Figure 5 where the management team consists of the Principal Investigator
and three team leaders, other structures are possible depending on the skills and commitment
levels of the senior members of the research team. For example, the Principal Investigator may
also serve as one of the team leaders and one individual may serve as the leader of the remaining
two teams. It is recommended, however, that a single individual not fill more than two
leadership roles.
This research plan as modified during the proposal process will serve as the principal project
management tool. Shortly after contract award, the research management team should meet and
the Principal Investigator should make initial task assignments to the project team. The research
management team should then meet semi-monthly to discuss the progress of the work and
resolve any problems that may develop. These meetings should be scheduled to provide timely
information for the monthly and quarterly progress reports discussed in the next section.
Another important aspect of project management is coordination with other on-going research
efforts. Several studies addressing cracking in flexible pavements are on-going including: (1)
NCHRP 1-41, Models for Predicting Reflection Cracking of Hot-Mix Asphalt Overlays,
(2) NCHRP 1-42A, Models for Predicting Top-Down Cracking of Hot-Mix Asphalt Layers, and
(3) the fatigue studies being conducted in the Asphalt Research Consortium. Although different
approaches are being used in each of these studies, it is important that the research team monitor
and share information with these studies.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Principal Investigator
• Formulate Design Procedure
• Experimental Design
• Laboratory and Pavement Data Analysis
• Reporting
• Experimental Design
• Model Formulation
• Model Calibration
Laboratory Team Leader
• Laboratory Experimental Design
• Oversee Laboratory Testing
• Laboratory Data Analysis
• Model Formulation
• Reporting
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
(1) Formulation of the preliminary design procedure and selection of the laboratory analysis
(2) Selection of pavement sections for analysis,
(3) Completion of the laboratory studies,
(4) Modification of the preliminary design procedure to reflect the findings from the
laboratory studies and the analysis of accelerated pavement tests, and
(5) Analysis of the calibration sections and preparation of the final design procedure.
Each interim report should be prepared in accordance with NCHRP requirements (14) and
specifically address the work completed in the relevant tasks. These interim reports will provide
more detailed information than normally contained in the progress reports. The final report will
be compiled from the interim reports.
Presentations to the project panel are included after the second and fourth interim reports.
The purpose of these presentations is to encourage a dialog between the project panel and the
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Principal Investigator on the progress and direction of the work. One full day should be planned
for each of these presentations sessions. Each session should include:
(1) A presentation from the Principal Investigator focusing on the completed interim
reports, planned work, and any changes to the direction of the research.
(2) A discussion period where the project panel discusses critical aspects of the
completed and planned work with the Principal Investigator and other key members
of the research team.
(3) Recommendations concerning the direction of the research.
Task 1 Milestones
Table 2 summarizes the major milestones for Task 1. This milestone schedule assumes that
this research plan as modified during the proposal process will serve as the work plan for the
project. In addition to the major milestones listed in Table 2, meetings of the research
management team will occur semi-monthly throughout the project, and monthly progress reports
will be submitted as required by NCHRP.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Laboratory Pavement
Principal Data Support Administrative
Subtask Statistician Team Team
Investigator Team Leader Assistant
Leader Leader
1.1 Project Management 112 0 104 104 104 40
1.2 Progress Reporting 120 0 30 30 30 20
1.3 Interim Reports and Presentations 432 0 116 116 116 80
1.4 Final Report and Presentation 216 0 68 68 68 40
Total 880 0 318 318 318 180
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Task 1 Sources
Preparing Your CRP Final Report, Transportation Research Board, September, 2006
In step 1, the research team will become familiar with the preliminary procedure described in this
research plan, and develop improvements based on their review of the relevant literature and
research in progress. Then in steps 2, 3, and 4 information obtained from Tasks 4 and 5 of the
project will be used to further improve the procedure. The final product will be a procedure for
designing flexible pavements to resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking that accounts for the
effects of an HMA endurance limit. This procedure will be compatible with current mechanistic-
empirical flexible pavement design methods such as the MEPDG.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
loading and healing or damage recovery that occurs during rest periods. Under this hypothesis
the primary objective in designing a flexible pavement to resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking
will be to make sure that the damage induced by loading remains small enough so that healing
occurs and there is no accumulation of damage over the life of the pavement. This is a
significant departure from current cumulative or incremental damage models, which assume that
no healing occurs and that each load cycle uses up a portion of the finite fatigue life of the HMA.
A number of approaches for designing pavements to resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking
were reviewed during NCHRP Project 9-44. Table 4 briefly summarizes the approaches that
were considered. These range from relatively simple modifications of traditional mechanistic-
empirical fatigue algorithms to sophisticated finite element models based on damage mechanics
and fracture mechanics. The major deficiency of the more practical approaches is that they do
not account for the beneficial effects of healing. In the HMA Endurance Limit Workshop,
healing was identified as a significant factor affecting the endurance limit in HMA (1). The
sophisticated approaches can account for healing, but are not practical at this time for use in
routine pavement design.
An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The resulting data were analyzed using the ratio of dissipated energy change (RDEC)
approach developed at the University of Illinois (5). In this approach, the ratio of dissipated
energy change reaches a plateau value (PV) where a constant percentage of the input energy is
being converted to damage. The University of Illinois research found a unique relationship
between the plateau value and the traditional definition of failure in flexural fatigue tests, 50
percent stiffness reduction, that holds for a range of mixtures and loading conditions (5).
PV = plateau value
Nf = number of cycles to 50 percent stiffness reduction
Lower plateau values correspond to longer fatigue lives. Based on the ratio of dissipated energy
change approach, an HMA mixture will exhibit endurance limit behavior when the plateau value
is 6.74x10-9 or less, which based on Equation 1 corresponds to a traditional fatigue life of
1.1x107 cycles or greater.
The effect of rest periods on the plateau value is shown in Figure 6 for the two mixtures that
were tested. Equations 2 and 3 present the relationship between plateau value and the length of
the rest period that were developed for the neat PG 64-22 and the modified PG 70-22 mixtures,
respectively for a strain level of 500 μstrain (7).
PV = 1.018 × 10 −5 (RP + 1)
For neat PG 64-22 (2)
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
a. Neat PG 64-22
b. Polymer PG 70-22
The decreasing plateau values for tests with rest periods result in increasing fatigue lives.
This can be quantified by substituting plateau values from Equations 2 or 3 into Equation 1. The
results are summarized in Table 5. Figure 7 shows the beneficial effect of the rest periods on the
fatigue lives for the two mixtures. There is a substantial improvement in the fatigue life of both
mixtures. The values for the neat PG 64-22 mixture are of similar magnitude to improvements
previously reported by Bonnaure, et al. (24). The effect of rest periods on the modified PG 70-
22 mixture is much more pronounced.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Relative Fatigue Life
NEAT PG 64-22
Polymer PG 70-22
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Duration of Rest Period, sec
An estimate of approximate rest periods can be obtained from the 20 year design traffic level
typically used in mixture design. Table 6 summarizes rest periods for various design traffic
levels. The rest period for a 20 year design traffic level of 100 million ESAL is approximately 6
sec., which results in a factor of 5 improvement in the fatigue life of the mixture with the neat
PG 64-22 binder and a factor of 10 improvement for the polymer modified PG 70-22 mixture.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Allowable Strains
Continuous loading tests at different strain levels were also conducted by Carpenter and Shen
on the two mixtures and the plateau values are shown in Figure 6 for a rest period of zero
(RP+1=1) (7). From these data relationships between the plateau value for continuous loading
and the applied strain level can be developed as shown in Figure 8. These relationships are given
in Equations 4 and 5 for the neat PG 64-22 mixture and the polymer modified PG 70-22 mixture.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Neat PG 64-22
Polymer PG 70-22
Plateau Value
y = 9.142E-16x
R2 = 9.689E-01
y = 5.347E-21x5.331E+00
R = 9.640E-01
10 100 1000 10000
Strain, μstrain
Figure 8. Plateau Value for Continuous Loading as a Function of Applied Strain Level.
Based on previous work by Bonnaure (24), it is reasonable to assume that the effect of the rest
periods is the same at each strain level. Substituting Equations 4 and 5 for the constants 1.018
x10-5 and 4.353 x10-6 in Equations 2 and 3 respectively, yield the following relationships
between the plateau value, applied strain and rest period for the two mixtures.
PV = plateau value
ε = tensile strain, μstrain
RP = duration of intermittent rest period, sec
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Equations 6 and 7 can then be substituted into Equation 1 and solved for the allowable strain
level to produce a selected mixture fatigue life.
⎡ (1 + RP )0.2507 ⎤
ε a = 11483.32⎢ ⎥
( )
For neat PG 64-22 0.3069
⎢⎣ N f ⎥⎦
⎡ (1 + RP )0.2536 ⎤
ε a = 5448.74 ⎢ ⎥
( )
For modified PG 70 -22 0.2082
⎢⎣ N f ⎥⎦
εa = allowable tensile strain, μstrain
RP = duration of intermittent rest period, sec
Nf = number of cycles to failure
Recalling that endurance limit behavior occurs when the number of cycles to failure exceeds
1.1 x107, then setting the number of cycles to failure in Equations 8 and 9 to a value above
1.1 x 107 will ensure that full healing occurs at the selected rest period. Conservatively using 2.0
x 107 as the number of cycles to failure yields Equations 10 and 11, which give allowable strain
levels as a function of rest period to ensure that full healing occurs.
εaf = allowable tensile strain for full healing, μstrain
RP = duration of intermittent rest period, sec
If the strains in a pavement at 20 °C are kept below the values given by Equations 10 and 11,
then complete healing will occur during intermittent rest periods, and the pavement will exhibit
endurance limit behavior. Table 7 summarizes these strain levels for various 20 year design
traffic levels.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Multiple Temperatures
The allowable strains presented in the previous section were developed from test data
obtained at 20 °C. To be useful in a pavement design procedure, the allowable strains for a wide
range of temperatures must be available. In this procedure the major concern is the effect of
temperature on the healing properties of the mixture. Previous research by Bonnaure, et al. (24)
concluded that the beneficial effect of rest periods increased with increasing temperature. Since
healing can be envisioned as a type of flow phenomenon where the binder flows together to
repair microcracks, it has been hypothesized that the effect of healing at multiple temperatures
can be accounted for using time-temperature superposition. By applying time-temperature
superposition, rest periods at different temperatures can be reduced to an equivalent rest period at
20 °C. The reduced rest period for temperatures above 20 °C will be longer than the actual rest
period, while those for temperatures below 20 °C will be shorter than the actual rest period.
Research conducted in NCHRP Project 9-19 showed that linear, viscoelastic time-temperature
shift factors obtained from dynamic modulus tests could be applied when a high level of
nonlinear damage is present (25). Equation 12 presents the application of time-temperature
superposition to the duration of the rest period.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Figure 9 illustrates the use of time-temperature superposition for rest periods at temperatures of
40, 20, and 4 °C using 20° C as the reference temperature. In developing Figure 9, typical time-
temperature shift factors were used (log(AT) for 4 °C =2.0 and log(AT) for 40 °C = -2.2).
Reduced Rest Period at 20 C, sec
1.0E+02 20 C
40 C
1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10
20 Year Design Traffic, ESAL
Design Example
This section illustrates how the proposed methodology would be used in a mechanistic-
empirical design system such as the MEPDG. To limit the number of computations, a monthly
analysis is illustrated using typical pavement temperatures estimated from mean monthly air
temperature data from Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC. The pavement being
analyzed is 9 in of HMA constructed on a 6 in aggregate subbase base layer and a silty clay
subgrade. The 20 year design traffic level is 1 x 108 ESALs, and the design traffic speed is 45
mph. The purpose of the analysis is to determine if the pavement section is sufficiently thick to
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking assuming the fatigue properties of the neat PG 64-22
mixture discussed in the preceding section.
Material Properties
For this analysis the modulus of the subgrade is assumed to be 4,500 psi and constant
throughout the year. The modulus of the aggregate subbase is assumed to be 25,000 psi and is
also assumed constant throughout the year. Dynamic modulus testing of a typical 19 mm
mixture with PG 64-22 binder using the Simple Performance Test System yielded the master
curve and shift factors given in Equations 13 and 14 for a reference temperature of 20 °C. The
allowable strains for full healing are given in Equation 15.
⎡ 3.259 ⎤
log E * = 0.234 + ⎢
⎣ 1+ e( )
−1.213−0.499 log( f r ) ⎥
⎛1 1 ⎞
log f r = log f + 10448.2⎜ − ⎟ (14)
⎝ T 293.2 ⎠
⎪E*⎪ = dynamic modulus, ksi
f = loading frequency, Hz
fr = reduced frequency, Hz
T = temperature, °K
εaf = allowable tensile strain of full healing, μstrain
RPr = reduced rest period at 20 °C, sec
Allowable Strains
Allowable strains at the bottom of the asphalt layer are determined from Equation 15 using
reduced rest periods that depend on the traffic volume and the monthly pavement temperature.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Mean monthly pavement temperatures can be estimated from the mean monthly air temperature
using Equation 16 (26).
⎛ 1 ⎞ 34
M p = M a ⎜1 + ⎟− +6 (16)
⎝ z +4⎠ z +4
Mp = mean monthly pavement temperature at depth z, °F
Ma = mean monthly air temperature, °F
z = depth, in
For a 20 year design traffic of 1 x 108 ESAL, the rest period is 6.3 sec. The reduced rest period
for each month is determined from Equation 12 using the shift factors from the dynamic modulus
master curve and the mean monthly pavement temperature. Table 8 summarizes the computation
of the allowable strains. Because the reduced rest period is much shorter during cold months
compared to warm months, the allowable strain levels for full healing are significantly lower.
Monthly Reduced Allowable
Pavement Rest Rest Strain
Temp, Period, Period, Level,
Month C Log (AT) sec sec μstrain
Jan 5.5 1.851 6.3 0.09 67
Feb 7.3 1.611 6.3 0.15 68
Mar 12.2 0.971 6.3 0.67 75
Apr 18.0 0.242 6.3 3.61 97
May 23.7 -0.445 6.3 17.56 137
Jun 29.0 -1.065 6.3 73.20 194
Jul 32.0 -1.397 6.3 157.26 235
Aug 30.9 -1.276 6.3 118.95 219
Sep 26.8 -0.803 6.3 40.04 167
Oct 19.7 0.036 6.3 5.79 107
Nov 13.8 0.773 6.3 1.06 79
Dec 8.4 1.469 6.3 0.21 69
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Applied Strains
The strains applied by the traffic loading are computed for the design axle load using layered
elastic analysis. In this example an 18 kip single axle load was used for computing applied
strains. For this example the modulus of the subgrade and subbase are constant at 4.5 and 25 ksi,
respectively. The modulus of the asphalt depends on the pavement temperature and the speed of
traffic. Recent research by Al-Qadi, et al, using in-situ instrumentation at the Virginia Smart
Road (27) indicates that loading rates computed by the transformed section analysis in the
MEPDG and other approaches such as that recommended by Barksdale (28) overestimate the
frequency of the load pulse. Based on data presented by Al-Qadi, a loading rate of 16 Hz
appears reasonable for a depth of 9 in under 45 mph traffic. Table 10 summarizes the applied
strains for each month computed using the KENLAYER software (26). The applied strains are
compared to the allowable strains in Figure 10. Since the applied strains in Table 9 are less than
the allowable strains, the proposed section is acceptable with respect to bottom initiated fatigue
cracking. An interesting observation in Figure 10 is that this analysis shows that the critical
condition for bottom initiated fatigue cracking occurs at intermediate to low pavement
temperatures, which is in contrast with traditional cumulative or incremental damage analyses,
which show that the majority of the fatigue damage occurs at high pavement temperatures.
Pavement Load Reduced AC Subbase Subgrade Applied
Temp, Frequency, Frequency, Modulus, Modulus, Modulus, Strain,
Month C Log (AT) Hz Hz ksi ksi ksi μstrain
Jan 5.6 1.841 16 1108.93 1969.7 25 4.5 51
Feb 7.5 1.584 16 614.01 1858.0 25 4.5 54
Mar 12.8 0.900 16 127.08 1535.8 25 4.5 62
Apr 19.0 0.122 16 21.21 1148.4 25 4.5 77
May 25.1 -0.608 16 3.95 801.7 25 4.5 100
Jun 30.8 -1.265 16 0.87 535.6 25 4.5 133
Jul 33.9 -1.616 16 0.39 418.2 25 4.5 157
Aug 32.8 -1.488 16 0.52 458.9 25 4.5 148
Sep 28.4 -0.987 16 1.65 641.1 25 4.5 117
Oct 20.8 -0.096 16 12.83 1041.1 25 4.5 83
Nov 14.4 0.688 16 78.05 1431.1 25 4.5 65
Dec 8.7 1.432 16 432.33 1789.1 25 4.5 55
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Ratio of Allowable Strain to Applied Strain
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0
Pavement Temperature, C
Traffic Level
The analysis presented above can be performed to determine minimum asphalt thicknesses to
resist bottom initiated fatigue cracking for the given subgrade and subbase conditions as a
function of traffic level. The results are shown in Figure 11 for a 22 kip single axle load. A 22
kip axle load was used to allow comparison with observed data from the analysis of in-service
pavements that was conducted in the United Kingdom (9). Figure 11 also shows the thickness
and accumulated traffic for the four pavements that were analyzed in detail and it was
documented that bottom initiated fatigue cracking had not occurred. This comparison shows the
engineering reasonableness of the proposed approach. It is reasonable to expect that when the
proposed approach is improved to consider the effects of aging and design reliability, the
minimum asphalt thicknesses will increase. It is important to note that at the low traffic levels,
deformation of the subgrade may govern the analysis rather than bottom initiated fatigue
cracking. Research in the United Kingdom indicates that for asphalt thicknesses less than about
7 in subgrade deformation governs the performance of the pavement (9). This limit is shown as
the dashed line in Figure 11.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
UK Pavements With No
Bottom Initiated
14 Fatigue Cracking
Minimum Asphalt Thickness, in
Minimum Asphalt
10 Thickness for Structural
1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10
20 Year Design Traffic, 22 kip ESAL
Figure 11. Example of Minimum Asphalt Thicknesses to Resist Bottom Initiated Fatigue
Cracking With Observed Performance of Four UK Pavement Sections.
The example presented above does not consider the important effect of aging on either the
applied or allowable strains. As a pavement ages, the modulus of the HMA will increase due to
the increased stiffness of the asphalt binder resulting in lower applied strains. Aging will also
affect the healing rate for the HMA. Although no data is currently available for the effect of
aging on the healing rate, it is reasonable to expect that the healing rate will decrease
significantly on aging resulting in lower allowable strains for full healing. Early research on
healing by Bonnaure, et al.(24) showed that healing rates were much greater in softer binders.
The effect of aging can be incorporated in the procedure outlined above, by computing allowable
and applied strains as a function of pavement age. The global aging model currently
incorporated in the MEPDG provides a method for computing aged modulus values (29).
Additional research proposed in the laboratory studies discussed in Task 4 will be required to
develop a model of the effect of aging on HMA healing and the allowable strains that result in
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
full healing. For perpetual pavement design, it may only be necessary to perform the analysis for
highly aged conditions.
Because the computations involved in the analysis do not require substantial computer time,
reliability can be included in the analysis using Monte-Carlo simulation. This approach has
already been implemented in the PerRoad program (15). In fact, the allowable strains computed
based on rest periods can be input as the threshold criteria for HMA the in the PerRoad program
and the analysis for a single season can be performed.
Duration of Rest Periods. In the preliminary procedure a very simple approach was
used to estimate the duration of rest periods as a function of design traffic level.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
A detailed review of the documentation and source code for the MEPDG will be required
to determine specific modifications that will be needed to implement the approach. This
review should concentrate on how the MEDPG addresses the following:
1. Climatic effects,
2. Mixed traffic (Currently hourly traffic distribution factors are not included in
any flexible pavement analysis, they are only considered for the rigid
pavement analysis. It may be necessary to tie daily truck traffic distributions
to temperature distributions to accurately consider the effect of healing),
3. Vehicle speed effects,
4. Vehicle wander (Currently being considered for revision under NCHRP
Project 9-30A),
5. Location of maximum strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer for various axle
6. Aging, and
7. Reliability.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The MEPDG source code should also be reviewed to determine how to remove the
current bottom initiated fatigue cracking algorithm and implement the allowable strain
Since the major new component of the design procedure is the determination of allowable
strain levels that provide for complete healing between traffic loads, completed research on
healing in HMA should be reviewed before finalizing the laboratory testing program. Several
important publications addressing healing in HMA that should be reviewed are listed at the end
of the Task 2 work description.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The products of this subtask will be detailed documentation of the improved procedure and a
modified research version of the MEPDG software designated NCHRP9-44A_Version 0.2 that
will be used in Subtask 5.3 for the analysis of selected accelerated pavement test and test road
sections. This documentation and software will be further improved in Subtask 2.4.
The products of this subtask will be detailed documentation of the improved procedure and a
modified research version of the MEPDG software designated NCHRP9-44A_Version 0.3 that
will be used in Subtask 5.5 for the analysis of selected in-service pavement test sections. The
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
documentation and software will be submitted as part of the fourth interim report that is
scheduled for delivery during the 30th month of the project.
The products of Subtask 2.5 will be detailed documentation of the final procedure and a
modified research version of the MEPDG software designated NCHRP9-44A_Version 1.0. The
documentation and software will be submitted as part of the draft final report that is scheduled
for delivery during the 45th month of the project.
Task 2 Milestones
Table 10 summarizes the major milestones for Task 2. These are all associated with
improvements to the preliminary design procedure described in this research plan, and the
development of various modified research versions of the MEPDG software.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Laboratory Pavement
Principal Data Support
Subtask Statistician Team Team
Investigator Team Leader Programmer
Leader Leader
Review Selected Literature 80 0 80 80 0 160
Finalize Preliminary Approach 40 0 20 20 0 160
Incorporate Findings from 40 0 40 0 0 160
Laboratory Studies
Modify Approach Based on Analysis 40 0 0 40 0 80
of Accelerated Pavement Tests
Prepare Final Design Procedure 80 0 20 20 0 80
Total 280 0 160 160 0 640
Task 2 Sources
Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Application of the Dissipated Energy Concept in Fatigue
Endurance Limit Testing,” Transportation Research Record No. 1929, Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2005.
Prowell, B., Brown, E., R., Daniel, J., Bhattacharjee, S., Von Quintus, H., Carpenter, S.,
Shen, S., Anderson, M., Swamy, A. K., and Maghsoodloo, S., “Endurance Limit of Hot
Mix Asphalt Mixtures to Prevent Fatigue Cracking in Flexible Pavements,“ Updated
Draft Final Report, NCHRP 9-38, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Washington, D.C., May, 2008.
Soltani, A., Solaimanian, M., and Anderson, D.A., “An Investigation of the Endurance
Limit of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Using a New Uniaxial Fatigue Protocol,” Report
Number FHWA-HIF-07-002, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.,
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Application of the Dissipated Energy Concept in Fatigue
Endurance Limit Testing,” Transportation Research Record No. 1929, Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2005.
Kim, Y.R., Little, D.N., and Benson, F.C., “Chemical and Mechanical Evaluation of
Healing of Asphalt Concrete, Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving
Technologists, Vol. 59, 1990.
Little, D. N., Lytton, R. L., Williams, D., and Chen, C. W., “Microdamage Healing in
Asphalt and Asphalt Concrete, Volume I: Microdamage and Microdamage Healing
Project Summary Report,” Report Number FHWA-RD-98-141, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C., June 2001.
Pronk, A.C., “Partial Healing, “A New Approach for the Damage Process During Fatigue
Testing of Asphalt Specimens,” Asphalt Concrete Simulation, Modeling, and
Experimental Characterization, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 146, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 2005.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
(accessed June 30, 2008).
Rest Periods
Hajek, J. J., Selezneva, O., I., Mladenovic, G., and Jiang, Y., J., “Estimating Cumulative
Traffic Loads, Volume II: Traffic Data Assessment and Axle Load Projection for the
Sites With Acceptable Axle Weight Data, Final Report for Phase 2,” Report Number
FHWA-RD-03-094, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., March, 2005.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Third
Edition, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC 1994.
• Descriptive Database. This part of the database includes text files that document
details for the data included in the model inputs portion of the database. This part of
the database provides the flexibility to define the new type of data that will be needed
in the HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study.
• Model Inputs. This part of the database includes the data required to execute the
mechanistic-empirical models. The data are contained in tables that define (1)
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
pavement structure, (2) material properties, (3) traffic, and (4) climate. For the HMA
Endurance Limit Validation Study new material properties associated with the
allowable strain levels for full healing will be required.
• Performance Data. This part of the database includes various measures of pavement
distress including (1) area of alligator cracking, (2) longitudinal cracking, (3)
transverse cracking, (4) rutting, (5) smoothness, and (6) other distresses such as
potholes and the extent of patching. Additional detail concerning the performance
data will be required by the Endurance Limit Validation Study to differentiate
bottom-initiated cracking from surface initiated cracking.
In Subtask 3.1, the current version of M-E_DPM and its documentation will be reviewed and
a plan will be developed for modifying this database for use in the analysis of the pavement
sections in Task 5. M-E_DPM is currently being improved and additional data is being added in
NCHRP Project 9-30A. The key HMA property needed for the analysis approach described
earlier in this plan is the allowable strains for full healing, which will be a function of HMA
damage and healing properties, age, and climate. The laboratory experiments in Task 4 will
establish methods for measuring the HMA damage and healing properties and will develop
models for estimating these properties from mixture composition and binder properties that can
be easily measured on field cores. The required material property data tables will have to be
added to the model inputs portion of M-E_DPM. The extent of bottom-initiated fatigue cracking
will be the pavement distress needed for the analysis of the pavement sections. Only the extent
of surface cracking is currently contained in M-E_DPM; therefore, additional tables will be
needed to store this data. The data will be obtained from the crack coring operations described in
Task 5.
A plan for storing the data from the Task 4 laboratory experiments will also be developed in
Subtask 3.1. This will likely be a separate database that can be linked to M-E_DPM upon
completion of the analysis of the laboratory experiments and the development of the models and
procedures for computation of allowable strains for full healing.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Task 3 Milestones
Table 12 summarizes the major milestones for Task 3. These are all associated with the
modification of M-E_DPM for use in this project. In addition to the major milestones listed in
Table 12, data entry and management will occur as needed from month 8 through the completion
of Tasks 3, 4, and 5 in month 41 of the project.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Laboratory Pavement
Subtask Principal Support Programmer/
Statistician Team Team
Investigator Team Engineer
Leader Leader
Develop Plan to Use NCHRP 9-30 20 0 10 10 80 0
Develop Needed Tables 0 0 0 0 80 240
Input and Manage Data 0 0 0 0 40 396
Total 20 0 10 10 200 636
Task 3 Sources
Von Quintus, H.L., Schwartz, C., McQuen, R., and Andrei, D., “Experimental Plan for
Calibration and Validation of Hot-Mix Asphalt Performance Models for Mix and
Structural Design,” Final Report for National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Project 9-30, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, January, 2004.
Experiment 1 is a screening study to identify the mixture compositional factors that affect
healing and therefore, the allowable strain levels in HMA. The results from this experiment will
be used in the remaining experiments. Experiment 2 addresses a major assumption that was
made in developing the allowable strain limit procedure that was described in Task 2. In this
experiment healing rates will be determined using different strain levels. This experiment will
be conducted on mixtures from Experiment 1 that have high and low healing rates. Experiment
3 is a study to verify the applicability of time-temperature superposition to healing in HMA.
This was the second major assumption included in the development of the allowable strain limit
procedure described in Task 2. Experiment 3 will be conducted on a mixture from Experiment 1
that exhibits a moderate healing rate. Testing and analysis methods for determining allowable
strain limits that result in complete healing will be developed in Experiment 4. This experiment
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
will include testing and analysis of selected mixtures from Experiment 1 and mixtures used in
the endurance limit testing completed in NCHRP 9-38. This experiment will generate the Level
1 test procedure for use with the modified version of the MEPDG. In the last experiment,
Experiment 5, a wide range of mixtures will be tested using the methods developed in
Experiment 4 to develop predictive models relating the allowable strain limits to mixture
compositional factors. This last experiment will generate the relationships between allowable
strain and easily measured mixture compositional properties that will be used in the analysis of
the pavement sections in Task 5. These relationships will provide the Level 2 and 3 analysis for
the modified version of the MEPDG.
For each experiment, detailed laboratory work plans will be prepared based on the experiment
descriptions and preliminary designs in this research plan and the results from completed
experiments. The experiments will then be executed and the resulting data analyzed. Pertinent
interim findings from the laboratory studies will be included in the quarterly progress reports.
The laboratory testing and analysis will be fully documented in the third interim report that will
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
be submitted at the end of the 22nd month of the project. The five experiments are described in
greater detail below.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Table 15. Design for a Two Level, Seven Factor Plackett-Burman Experiment.
Determination A B C D E F G
1 + + + - + - -
2 - + + + - + -
3 - - + + + - +
4 + - - + + + -
5 - + - - + + +
6 + - + - - + +
7 + + - + - - +
8 - - - - - - -
Selection of Factors
The selection of factors for Experiment 1 was based on a review of literature concerning
fatigue damage and healing in HMA. The factors are discussed individually below.
Binder Type. Several studies of fatigue and healing in HMA have shown that binder
properties affect the fatigue response of the mixture (35). The Shell fatigue equation is,
perhaps, the earliest example (36). It included the penetration index, which was an early
measure of the rheology of the binder. Research into healing that has been conducted at
the Texas Transportation Institute has shown that the properties of the binder affect
healing (34).
Less information is available on the effect of polymer modification on the fatigue and
healing characteristics HMA. Using continuum damage analysis, Lee, et al.demonstrated
better fatigue resistance for mixtures incorporating SBS modified binders (37). Recent
research on healing conducted at the University of Illinois using one neat and one
polymer modified binder showed the mixture with the polymer modified binder had
improved healing characteristics compared to the mixture with the neat binder (7). In
both of these studies, the neat and polymer modified binders were different grades.
Clearly, Experiment 5 will have to include a wide variety of binders, both neat and
modified, from different sources. In an attempt to better quantify the effect of polymer
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
modification on healing, Experiment 1 will use two binders from the same source having
the same performance grade, one neat and one modified with styrene butadiene styrene
(SBS). The recommended binders are neat PG 70-22 and a modified PG 70-22 produced
by adding SBS polymer to neat PG 58-28 binder obtained from the same refinery as the
neat PG 70-22.
Binder Aging. It is generally assumed by pavement and materials engineers that binder
aging has a detrimental effect on the fatigue life of asphalt mixtures. With this in mind, it
is interesting that only one study was identified where the effect of binder aging on
laboratory fatigue results was directly evaluated (38). In most laboratory fatigue studies,
unaged or short-term aged binders of different consistencies were used, and the results
generalized to describe the effect of mixture stiffness on fatigue life. The general
conclusions drawn from these studies that used relatively unaged binders are (35):
These conclusions imply that binder aging improves the fatigue life of pavements with
relatively thick asphalt layers. Because unaged and short-term aged binders were used in
these studies, the important effect of binder embittlement was not included in the
analysis. As asphalt binders age, they become, not only stiffer, but also more brittle due
to oxidation.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Effective Binder Content. Models for predicting the fatigue life of asphalt concrete
based on the results of continuous laboratory fatigue tests all indicate that fatigue life
increases as the mixture becomes increasingly rich in asphalt binder (39). These models
use either the effective volumetric binder content of the mixture, VBE, or voids filled
with asphalt, VFA, to indicate the richness of the mixture. Binder content effects have
not been included in past studies of healing in asphalt concrete.
It is reasonable to expect that richer mixtures may have improved healing characteristics,
resulting in improved fatigue lives, and higher allowable strains for complete healing.
Binder content will, therefore, be one of the factors included in Experiment 1.
Volumetric design procedures for asphalt mixtures set minimum limits for the effective
binder content of the mixture. These limits depend on the nominal maximum aggregate
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
size; increasing with decreasing nominal maximum aggregate size. Since this project is
concerned with fatigue cracking that initiates at the bottom of the asphalt layer, a typical
25 mm base course mixture will be used. The minimum effective binder content for 25
mm mixtures in AASHTO M323 is 8.0 percent by volume. The recommended
production tolerance for asphalt content in ASTM D 3535 is ± 0.5 percent by weight,
which is approximately ± 1 percent for the effective binder content by volume. These are
reasonable ranges for use in Experiment 1.
Air Voids. Nearly all laboratory fatigue studies have found the air void content of the
mixture to be a significant factor affecting mixture fatigue life (35, 39). Fatigue life
decreases with increasing air voids. It is reasonable to expect that air voids will also have
a significant effect on healing in asphalt concrete mixtures. Based on typical compaction
specifications, specimen air void contents of 4 and 8 percent will be included in
Experiment 1.
Gradation. The WesTrack project demonstrated that there is a difference in the fatigue
life of coarse-graded mixtures compared to fine-graded mixtures. Significantly more
cracking was observed in the coarse-graded mixture sections (41). Mixture gradation has
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
not been found to be a significant factor in fatigue models based on analysis of laboratory
test data.
Filler Content. Like aging, the effect of filler on the fatigue life of asphalt concrete has
not been systematically investigated. Currently, the influence of mineral filler on HMA
properties is being studied in NCHRP Project 9-45. The dust to binder ratio, defined as
the percent by weight passing the 0.075 mm sieve divided by the effective binder content
by weight of total mixture, is used in AASHTO M323 to control the filler content of
mixtures. A reasonable median value for the dust to binder ratio for design is 1.0. The
recommended production tolerance for the percent passing the 0.075 mm sieve in ASTM
D 3535 is ± 3.0 percent. This range is considered reasonable for Experiment 1.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Binder Air Passing
Determination Binder Aging Content Voids Ndesign 4.75 mm Filler
1 Polymer LTOA + 0.5 4.0 100 Coarse Low
2 Neat LTOA + 0.5 8.0 65 Fine Low
3 Neat STOA + 0.5 8.0 100 Coarse High
4 Polymer STOA - 0.5 8.0 100 Fine Low
5 Neat LTOA - 0.5 4.0 100 Fine High
6 Polymer STOA + 0.5 4.0 65 Fine High
7 Polymer LTOA - 0.5 8.0 65 Coarse High
8 Neat STOA - 0.5 4.0 65 Coarse Low
In designing these mixtures, the target effective binder content for all mixtures should be kept
constant at approximately 8.5 percent by volume, which will result in design voids in the mineral
aggregate (VMA) of 12.5 percent. The design dust to binder ratio should also be kept constant
for the four mixtures at approximately 1.0. These binder selection and mixture design
requirements will eliminate major interactions between the factors. During binder selection,
preliminary dynamic modulus and tensile strength tests should be conducted on specimens after
short- and long-term aging to ensure that the selected binders exhibit significant stiffening and
embrittlement as a result of the long-term aging.
The factor levels for binder content and filler will be obtained by making the appropriate
adjustment to the design mixture during batching. The factor levels for aging will be obtained by
appropriately aging the loose mixture and, for long-term aging, the test specimen. Finally, the
factor levels for air voids will be obtained by compacting specimens to the height needed to
achieve the target air voids.
Replicate tests for each determination in Table 16 will be made. This results in a total of 16
healing tests for Experiment 1.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Test Procedure
The objective of Experiment 1 is to identify the mixture compositional factors that affect
healing in asphalt concrete. To evaluate healing, a pulsed, strain controlled fatigue test must be
used. Either direct tension or flexural beam fatigue tests may be used, but the loading must be
such that a rest period is included after each load pulse. Figure 12 presents a schematic of the
required loading. The amount of healing that occurs will be evaluated by conducting fatigue
tests at 20 °C using two rest periods: 0 sec (continuous loading), and 3 sec. The modulus of the
specimen will be recorded for each load pulse. For each test, the accumulated damage in the
specimen will be determined from the ratio of the current modulus to the initial modulus. Figure
13 presents a schematic of the expected results when significant healing occurs.
Target Strain
Rest Period
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
0.8 3 sec Rest Period
Damage (1-E*/E*I)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
The same strain level must be used for all specimens tested in Experiment 1. The strain level
should be selected to produce a high degree of damage, approximately 30 to 40 percent, in the
specimens after 10,000 cycles when tested with continuous loading. Fifty percent damage is
typically used as the failure criterion for controlled strain tests. A maximum of 10,000 cycles
was selected because tests using the 3 sec rest period will require approximately 8.6 hours to
complete. Selection of an appropriate strain level will require some initial trial and error testing
with selected combinations. For example, the combination of factors used in Determination 6 in
Table 16 (polymer modified binder, short-term aging, high binder content, low air voids) would
be expected to give low amounts of damage during the testing. On the other had, the
combination of factors used in Determination 7 (polymer modified binder, long-term aging, low
binder content, high air voids) would be expected to give high amounts of damage during the
testing. Initial testing with these combinations at various strain levels will be needed to select an
appropriate strain level for the testing.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Data Analysis
For Experiment 1, healing is defined as the difference in damage between continuous loading
and loading with 3 sec rest period at 30,000 cycles. Linear regression is an efficient method for
analyzing the resulting healing data. The healing can be fit to a linear model of the form:
Y = B0 + B1 X 1 + B2 X 2 + B3 X 3 + B4 X 4 + B5 X 5 + B6 X 6 + B7 X 7 + Error (17)
Y = healing
Xi = seven factors included in the experiment
Bi = model coefficients
Error = model error
From this analysis, the statistical significance of the model coefficients can be used to determine
which factors affect healing in HMA. For statistically significant factors, the model coefficients
can be used to select appropriate factor levels to be used in other experiments. Combinations
yielding low, moderate, and high levels of healing in Experiment 1 will be used in Experiments
2, 3, and 4. Significant factors identified in Experiment 1 will be included in Experiment 5.
In Experiment 2, the healing tests described for Experiment 1 will be conducted using three
different strain levels. Two different mixtures from Experiment 1 will be used: one exhibiting a
high amount of healing and one exhibiting a low amount of healing. All tests will be conducted
at 20 °C. The strain level used in Experiment 1 will be the medium strain level for Experiment
2. Tests at higher and lower strain levels will be added to complete the factorial. In selecting the
high strain level, it is important that the strain be such that macro-cracking does not occur during
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
the tests. Three replicates will be tested for each mixture. The experimental design is
summarized in Table 17.
Data Analysis
Analysis of variance will be used to analyze the data from Experiment 2. For each mixture a
one-way analysis of variance will be conducted. It is anticipated that this analysis will confirm
that healing in HMA is not significantly affected by the applied strain level, provided the strains
are low enough that macro-cracking does not occur.
Subtask 4.3 Experiment 3: Effect of Temperature and Rest Period Duration on Healing
Experimental Design
The second major assumption that was made in developing the allowable strain limit design
approach described in Task 2 is that time-temperature superposition can be applied to the rest
periods to account for the effect of varying temperatures. The objective of Experiment 3 is to
confirm that this assumption is valid. Previous research on healing clearly showed that healing
effects were greater at higher temperatures (24). It is reasonable to expect that time-temperature
superposition will apply to rest period effects as it does for many other aspects of asphalt
material response. It is well known that time-temperature superposition is valid for measures of
binder and mixture stiffness. Time-temperature superposition is also an integral part of the
continuum damage approach to fatigue analysis that has become popular with a number of
researchers (42, 43, 44).
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
In Experiment 3, the healing tests described for Experiment 1 will be conducted using a
factorial of temperatures and rest period duration. A single mixture from Experiment 1, one
exhibiting a moderate amount of healing, will be used. Two replicates will be tested for each
mixture. The experimental design is summarized in Table 18. In addition to the healing tests
outlined in Table 18, dynamic modulus tests will be performed on replicate specimens at the
temperatures and frequencies listed in Table 19 to determine time-temperature shift factors for
the mixture. The dynamic modulus testing will be performed in accordance with NCHRP 9-29:
PT1, Determining the Dynamic Modulus and Flow Number for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using
the Simple Performance Test System (45).
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Table 19. Temperature and Frequency Combinations for Dynamic Modulus Tests.
Temperature, C Frequency, Hz
4 10
4 1
4 0.1
4 0.01
10 10
10 1
10 0.1
10 0.01
20 10
20 1
20 0.1
20 0.01
30 10
30 1
30 0.1
30 0.01
40 10
40 1
40 0.1
40 0.01
Data Analysis
The data analysis for Experiment 3 is somewhat more complicated than that for Experiments
1 and 2. First, time-temperature shift factors must be determined from the dynamic modulus
measurements. Then the time-temperature shift factors will be applied to the rest periods to shift
the measured healing data. If time-temperature superposition applies to the rest periods, then the
healing results will form a continuous function after shifting.
log E * = δ +
(log E * max
−δ ) (18)
β +γ log f r
1+ e
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
⎮E*⎮ = dynamic modulus
fr = reduced frequency, Hz
⎮E*⎮max = limiting maximum modulus
δ, β, and γ = fitting parameters
A second order polynomial can be used to describe the time-temperature shift factors:
A(T) = time-temperature factor
T = test temperature
TR = reference temperature (normally 20 °C)
a1, a2 = fitting coefficients
fr = reduced frequency at the reference temperature
f = loading frequency at the test temperature
Substituting Equation 20 into Equation 18 yields the final form of the dynamic modulus master
curve equation.
log E * = δ +
(log E * max
−δ )
1+ e [
β +γ log f + a1 (TR −T ) + a2 (TR −T ) 2 ] (21)
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The limiting maximum modulus, ⎮E*⎮max, in Equation 21 is estimated from mixture volumetric
properties using the Hirsch model (47) and a limiting binder modulus of 1 GPa (145,000 psi),
using Equations 22 and 23. Chirstensen and Anderson recommended 1 GPa as a reasonable
estimate of the glassy modulus for all asphalt binders (48).
Using the limiting maximum modulus estimated from the volumetric properties of the test
specimens, the fitting coefficients (δ, β, γ, a1, and a2) are determined by numerical optimization
of Equation 21 using the measured modulus data. The optimization can be performed using the
Solver function in Microsoft EXCEL®. This is done by setting up a spreadsheet to compute the
sum of the squared errors between the logarithm of the average measured dynamic moduli at
each temperature/frequency combination and the values predicted by Equation 21.
∑ error
2 n
= ∑ log Eˆ * − log E * i
∑ error = sum of squared errors
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
temperature/frequency combination
log E * i = logarithm of the average measured dynamic modulus for each
temperature/frequency combination.
The time-temperature shift factors are then determined from Equation 18 using the fitting
coefficients, a1 and a2, obtained from the numerical optimization.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
70 4C
Healing, %
10 C
20 C
30 C
40 40 C
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Reduced Rest Period, sec
a. Original Data
70 4C
Healing, %
60 10 C
20 C
30 C
40 C
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Reduced Rest Period, sec
a. Shifted Data
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
(DEa − DEb ) (26)
(b − a ) × DEa
RDECa = ratio of dissipated energy change for cycle a
DEa = dissipated energy for cycle a
DEb = dissipated energy for cycle b
For a given mixture a plot of the ratio of dissipated energy change as a function of loading cycles
forms a broad “U” shape as shown in Figure 15. The ratio of dissipated energy change initially
decreases, then reaches a broad plateau, where a constant percentage of the input energy is being
converted to damage, then finally increases as the sample begins to fail. Because of the high
variability of the cyclic dissipated energy measurements due to the small amount of energy
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
dissipated in each cycle, statistical methods were developed to determine the plateau value (5).
Lower plateau values imply lower damage per cycle. The plateau value for a given mixture
depends on the mixture properties, the applied strain level, and the duration of rest periods.
Plateau values decrease with decreasing applied strain and increasing rest period duration (7).
The effect of mixture properties on the plateau value is not clear from the research that has been
completed to date. From tests on a number of mixtures, the University of Illinois researchers
also found a unique relationship between the plateau value and number of cycles to 50 percent
reduction in stiffness, the traditional definition of failure in constant strain fatigue tests (7).
Figure 15. Typical Plot of Ratio of Dissipated Energy Change Versus Loading Cycles (6).
PV = plateau value
Nf = number of cycles to 50 percent stiffness reduction
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The University of Illinois research further found that an HMA mixture will exhibit endurance
limit behavior when the plateau value is 6.74x10-9 or less, which based on Equation 27
corresponds to a traditional fatigue life of 1.1x107 cycles or greater.
The testing and analysis required to use the ratio of dissipated energy change to establish
allowable strain limits for complete healing is summarized below:
1. Conduct dynamic modulus tests on the mixture and develop a dynamic modulus
master curve and associated time-temperature shift factors.
3. Conduct pulsed, controlled strain flexural fatigue tests at a moderate strain level using
various temperatures and rest periods to determine a relationship between the plateau
value and reduced rest period (Equations 2 and 3 in Task 2).
4. Combine the relationships from Steps 2 and 3 to form a relationship for the plateau
value as a function of applied strain level and reduced rest period (Equations 6 and 7
in Task 2).
5. Substitute the relationship from Step 4 into the unique plateau value – number of
cycles to 50 percent stiffness reduction relationship (Equation 27) established by the
University of Illinois research (Equations 8 and 9 in Task 2).
6. Solve the equation developed in Step 5 for the allowable strain level for full healing
by substituting a value greater than 1.1 x107 for the number of cycles to 50 percent
stiffness reduction (Equations 10 and 11 in Task 2).
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Continuum damage analysis models the decay of the modulus of the mixture with increasing
load cycles. Figure 16 shows typical cyclic direct tension data. In traditional continuum damage
analysis, the curves for different strain levels and temperatures are collapsed into a unique
relationship by introducing an internal state variable, S, to represent the current damage in the
material. The internal state variable is difficult for many practicing engineers to understand and
can only be computed using approximate, numerical integration. Additionally, traditional
continuum damage analysis assumes that even very small levels of strain induce damage in the
material, implying that asphalt concrete does not exhibit endurance limit behavior. Recently
Christensen and Bonaquist, simplified continuum damage analysis and included the direct
consideration of the endurance limit (49). This improved analysis uses the concept of reduced
cycles defined by Equation 28 to collapse the data shown in Figure 16 into a unique relationship.
The endurance limit of asphalt concrete is accounted for using the concept of effective strain.
Effective strain is defined as applied strain minus the endurance limit. This innovation in
continuum damage analysis allows for the calculation of endurance limits from relatively limited
fatigue data.
2α 2α
⎛ f ⎞⎛ E * LVE ⎞ ⎛ε E ⎞ ⎡ 1 ⎤
N R = N R −ini + N ⎜⎜ 0 ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ E
⎜ε ⎟ ⎢
⎟ a(T / T ) ⎥ (28)
⎝ f ⎠⎜⎝ E * LVE / 0 ⎟
⎠ ⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎣ 0 ⎦
NR = reduced cycles
NR-ini = initial value of reduced cycles, prior to the selected loading period
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
C(N) =E*/E*Initial
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000
Figure 16. Typical Damage Ratio Curves From a Cyclic Direct Tension Fatigue Test.
Analysis of uniaxial fatigue data using the reduced cycles approach is done using the
following procedure.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
1. Select the reference conditions. The suggested reference strain is 0.000200, peak-to-peak.
The recommended reference temperature is 68 °F (20°C). The reference modulus should
be the undamaged dynamic modulus or linear viscoelastic LVE modulus at 68 °F (20°C).
The reference frequency should be 10 Hz—the same as the most commonly used test
frequency for modulus and fatigue testing of asphalt concrete mixtures.
2. Perform dynamic modulus master curve testing on two samples to determine time-
temperature shift factors for the mixture.
3. Test a total of four to eight specimens, two to four at both 39.2 °F (4°C) and 68 °F
(20°C). Other temperatures may be used if desired, but temperatures much higher or
lower than these might prove difficult to test using the procedures given here. At each
test temperature, the specimens should be tested at different strain levels for each test.
4. Set up a spreadsheet to compute the damage ratio, C, and the reduced cycles for each test.
The damage ratio is given by Equation 29:
C= (29)
C = damage ratio
|E*|n = damaged modulus at cycle n
|E*|LVE = undamaged (linear viscoealstic or LVE) dynamic modulus
Reduced cycles are calculated using Equation 28 and value of 2.00 for the continuum
damage constant α and an endurance limit strain of zero. Variation in the applied strain
during the test can be accounted for by splitting the data up into a number of segments,
calculating reduced cycles for each segment, and adding this value to the initial value
calculated at the end of the previous segment.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The LVE modulus can be estimated by visual examination of a plot of |E*| as a function
of loading cycles at the lowest strain level tested. The LVE modulus should be within a
few percent of the maximum observed value.
In some tests, macro damage (“localization”) might occur, which means that data beyond
this point is not valid for analysis using continuum damage methods. Macro damage is
indicated when there is a sudden drop in the modulus, or if modulus values suddenly
become erratic, rather than decreasing smoothly. Data after macro damage has occurred
should be eliminated from the analysis.
C= (30)
1 + (N R K1 )K 2
K1 = cycles to 50 % damage = the fatigue half-life
K2 = fitting parameter
Linear regression can be used for the fitting by performing a logarithmic transformation
of Equation 30 to produce:
⎛1 ⎞
ln⎜ − 1⎟ = A + B ln N R (31)
⎝C ⎠
A = -K2(lnK1)
B = K2
least squares approach to linear regression should be used, with a weight of N R 0.5 . This
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
approach gives very little weight to data points representing little or no damage, while
giving relatively more weight to data points associated with more heavily damaged states.
This prevents noisy data collected at low temperatures and/or low strains from skewing
the function relating C and NR, and also results in a more ideal distribution of the
6. Keeping the value of α at 2.00, adjust the endurance limit strain for the data at 68 °F
(20°C) until the R2 value for the regression is maximized. Then adjust the endurance limit
strain value for the data at 39.2 °F (4°C), again, until the R2 value for the regression is
Although it is possible to vary the value of α, it has been found that excellent
convergence of the data is generally possible while keeping α at 2.00 for all asphalt
concrete mixtures tested to date using this procedure. However, if the steps above do not
result in complete convergence, it might be necessary to vary the assumed value of α.
Figure 17 presents a typical fatigue damage curve developed using the procedure described
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Continuum damage analysis has not been applied to pulsed fatigue tests where intermittent
healing is permitted to occur. It is expected that the endurance limit will increase as the duration
of rest period increases. The testing and analysis required to use continuum damage analysis to
establish allowable strain limits for complete healing is summarized below:
1. Conduct dynamic modulus tests on the mixture and develop a dynamic modulus
master curve and associated time-temperature shift factors.
2. Conduct cyclic direct tension controlled strain fatigue tests using various
temperatures, strain levels, and rest periods.
3. Perform continuum damage analysis and determine the endurance limit for each of
the test conditions.
5. The endurance limit relationship developed in Step 4 is the allowable strain for full
It should be noted that the allowable strains from the continuum damage analysis will likely
be lower than the allowable strains developed using flexural fatigue testing and the RDEC
method. The reason is the endurance limit in the continuum damage analysis is defined as the
strain below which no measurable damage occurs in the mixture. The endurance limit in the
RDEC approach is defined as the strain that results in less than a 50 percent reduction in the
modulus of the material after an infinite number of loading cycles.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
periods where no damage accumulates in the HMA. The primary issue for both approaches is
determining the testing conditions that provide for an efficient and robust analysis. This
• Strain levels,
• Test temperatures,
• Duration of rest periods,
• Number of replicates.
The results of Experiments 1, 2, and 3 will provide initial estimates for the testing conditions.
Data will then be collected on two mixtures from Experiment 1, one exhibiting a low healing rate
and one exhibiting a high healing rate using a wider than estimated range and more intervals for
each of the testing conditions. The analysis will then be repeated using a reduced data set to
determine the optimum testing conditions. Tests using the optimum testing conditions will then
be conducted on selected mixtures from NCHRP 9-38 and the results will be compared to the
endurance limit strain levels determined in NCHRP 9-38.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Experiment Design
Regression analysis will be used to develop a predictive model to estimate allowable strain
levels from mixture composition. In Experiment 5 a database of allowable strains and mixture
properties will be assembled by performing the analysis developed in Experiment 4 on a
representative sample of HMA base course mixtures. Since it is envisioned that the model will
be used for both analysis of existing pavements and the design of future pavements, the mixtures
tested should include past, current, and likely future features that affect HMA fatigue response
and healing. For example the base course of many existing pavements was designed using
Marshall compaction resulting in somewhat richer mixtures than designed today using gyratory
compaction. If healing is found to be much greater in modified binders, then it may be likely
that modified binders will be considered for base courses in the future, an uncommon practice
Guidance on the factors and their ranges to be included in Experiment 5 will be obtained from
Experiment 1. As discussed previously, the following factors have been identified as potentially
affecting the allowable strain levels:
• Binder grade
• Binder modification
• Aging
• Effective Binder Content
• Air Voids
• Design Compaction
• Gradation
• Filler Content
The purpose of Experiment 1 is to narrow this list to the factors that significantly affect the
fatigue damage and healing characteristics of HMA. The results of Experiment 1 and a review
of past and current mixture design and mixture production specifications will be used to
determine the specific factors and the ranges that must be included in Experiment 5. It is
envisioned that approximately 30 mixtures will be tested in Experiment 5. It is not necessary
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
that Experiment 5 be a full or partial factorial design. The major experimental design
requirements are that (1) the mixtures that are selected to be representative of base courses (2)
they span the desired range of each important factor, and (3) at least three levels are included for
each factor so that non-linear analyses can be made.
Data Analysis
The database of allowable strains and associated mixture compositional properties will be
analyzed using graphical and regression techniques. First scatter plots will be prepared for each
of the factors included in the experiment to determine appropriate mathematical functions for the
model. At this point consideration will be given to using a more general factor that combines
some of the individual factors. For example, the effects of binder grade and aging could both be
addressed using the rheological index obtained from a binder master curve. Or the effects of air
voids and effective binder content could both be addressed using the voids in the mineral
aggregate or voids filled with asphalt. Additionally, consideration will be given to using easily
measured or estimated mechanical properties such as indirect tensile strength or modulus.
Once appropriate model forms have been identified using graphical analysis, a regression
analysis will be performed to determine the model coefficients. Most likely the relationships
will be non-linear resulting in the need to use numerical optimization. Several statistical
packages are available for performing non-linear regression analyses.
The final step in the process, which is often overlooked, is to evaluate the appropriateness of
the model. There are several analyses that must be performed to evaluate the model including:
1. Goodness of Fit. Two measures of the goodness of fit of the model should be evaluated.
The first is the square of the correlation coefficient, R2, which is the percentage of the
variance of the criterion variable explained by the predictor variables. The second
measure of the goodness of fit of the model is the standard error of estimate, Se, which is
the standard deviation of the errors. The standard error of estimate has the same units as
the criterion, and its magnitude is a direct indicator of the model errors. If the model
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
provides a good prediction, the standard error of estimate should be much lower than the
standard deviation of the data used to fit the model.
Task 4 Milestones
Table 20 summarizes the major milestones for Task 4. These are all associated with the
design, execution, and analysis of the five laboratory experiments.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Laboratory Pavement
Subtask Principal Support
Statistician Team Team
Investigator Team Technicians
Leader Leader
Experiment 1: Mixture 4 4 34 0 0 388
Compositional Factors Affecting
Experiment 2: Effect of Applied 4 4 24 0 0 214
Strain on Healing
Experiment 3: Effect of Temperature 8 4 57 0 0 242
and Rest Period Duration on Healing
Experiment 4: Testing and Analysis 54 16 98 0 0 392
Procedures for Allowable Strain
Experiment 5: Estimation of 146 40 270 0 0 1890
Allowable Strain Levels from
Mixture Composition
Total 216 68 483 0 0 3126
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Task 4 Sources
HMA Fatigue
Christensen, D.W., and Bonaquist, R.F., “Volumetric Requirements for Superpave Mix
Design,” NCHRP Report 567, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Washington, D.C., 2006.
Rao Tangella, S.C.S., Craus, J., Deacon, J.A., and Monismith, C.L., “Summary Report on
Fatigue Response of Asphalt Mixtures,” Report Number SHRP-A/IR-90-011, Strategic
Highway Research Program, Washington, D.C., 1990.
Walubita, L.F., Epps-Martin, A., Jung, S. H., Glover, C. J., Park, E.S., Chowdhury, A.,
and Lytton, R. L., “Comparison of Fatigue Analysis Approaches for Two Hot Mix
Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) Mixtures, Report Number FHWA/TX-05/0-4468-2, Texas
Department of Transportation, Austin, TX, August, 2005.
Healing in HMA
Influence of Rest Periods on the Fatigue Response of Bituminous Mixes,” Proceedings,
Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 51, 1982.
Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Application of the Dissipated Energy Concept in Fatigue
Endurance Limit Testing,” Transportation Research Record No. 1929, Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2005.
Kim, Y.R., Little, D.N., and Benson, F.C., “Chemical and Mechanical Evaluation of
Healing of Asphalt Concrete, Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving
Technologists, Vol. 59, 1990.
Little, D. N., Lytton, R. L., Williams, D., and Chen, C. W., “Microdamage Healing in
Asphalt and Asphalt Concrete, Volume I: Microdamage and Microdamage Healing
Project Summary Report,” Report Number FHWA-RD-98-141, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C., June 2001.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Pronk, A.C., “Partial Healing, “A New Approach for the Damage Process During Fatigue
Testing of Asphalt Specimens,” Asphalt Concrete Simulation, Modeling, and
Experimental Characterization, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 146, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 2005.
Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Application of the Dissipated Energy Concept in Fatigue
Endurance Limit Testing,” Transportation Research Record No. 1929, Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2005.
Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Dissipated Energy Approach to Study Hot-Mix Asphalt
Healing in Fatigue,” Transportation Research Record No. 1970, Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2006.
Prowell, B., Brown, E., R., Daniel, J., Bhattacharjee, S., Von Quintus, H., Carpenter, S.,
Shen, S., Anderson, M., Swamy, A. K., and Maghsoodloo, S., “Endurance Limit of Hot
Mix Asphalt Mixtures to Prevent Fatigue Cracking in Flexible Pavements,“ Updated
Draft Final Report, NCHRP 9-38, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Washington, D.C., May, 2008.
Kim, Y. R., Little, D. N., and Lytton, R. L., “Use of Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
(DMA) to Evaluate the Fatigue and Healing Potential of Asphalt Binders in Sand Asphalt
Mixtures,” Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 71, 2002
Kim, Y.R., Lee, H. J., and Little, D. N ., “Fatigue Characterization of Asphalt Concrete
Using Viscoelasticity and Continuum Damage Theory,” Journal of the Association of
Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 66, 1997.
Lee, H. J., and Kim, Y. R. “A Uniaxial Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Asphalt
Concrete Under cyclic Loading,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 124,
1998, No. 11.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Statistical Analysis
American Society for Testing Materials, “ASTM Designation E 1169-02: Standard Guide
for Conducting Ruggedness Tests,” Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 14.02.
Statistica for Windows. [Computer software]. StatSoft, Inc., Tulas, Oklahoma, 1994.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Subtask 5.1 Review Data Sources and Select Sections for Analysis
In this subtask the sources identified in this research plan will be reviewed considering the
final preliminary approach developed in Subtask 2.2 and specific pavement sections will be
selected for subsequent analysis. Subtask 5.1 will begin immediately after the preliminary
approach is finalized in Subtask 2.2. Initial selection of sections for analysis will be documented
in the second interim report that will be submitted at the end of the 13th month of the project.
This initial selection will be reviewed as results from the laboratory experiments become
available and adjusted as needed. Two types of full-scale pavements: accelerated pavement tests
and test roads, and in-service pavements will be selected for analysis. The sections that follow
describe specific pavement sections that are recommended for consideration in Task 5.
Although there are now a number of accelerated pavement testing devices and test road
facilities in the United States, few of the testing programs have addressed fatigue of HMA in a
structured manner. For flexible pavements, accelerated pavement testing has mostly been used
to investigate rutting in HMA surfaces, or to evaluate specific materials or design features. Only
four projects were identified where structured, full-scale testing was conducted that is useful in
verifying the above aspects of the allowable strain limit design procedure. The following
projects are recommended for analysis:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
• Fatigue tests conducted during the Superpave validation study at the FHWA
Pavement Test Facility (50).
• Sections at the NCAT Test Track that have remained in service from the first cycle
through the current cycle (51).
• Sections from the WesTrack experiment containing mixtures with different
composition (41).
• Sections from the structural design experiment performed at the NCAT Test Track
(52, 53).
• Selected sections from the MNRoad project (54).
Although the MNRoad sections are actually in-service pavements loaded with normal traffic,
they are included in the verification studies because there are a number of sections that can be
analyzed and all of the sections are exposed to the same environmental conditions. If MNRoad
sections are included in the calibration, then only a limited number of sections can be used,
otherwise the analysis will be biased toward the environmental and construction conditions at
MNRoad. The sections that follow describe analyses that should be conducted considering the
preliminary design approach described in Task 2.
It should be noted that the allowable strain limit design procedure developed in Task 2 does
not require the pavement to exhibit endurance limit behavior. Equations 8 and 9 in Task 2 can
be solved for the allowable strains for any number of loading cycles. Endurance limit behavior
occurs when the number of cycles to failure exceeds 1.1x107. This will be very useful for
analysis of the structural sections at the NCAT test track. Table 22 presents the HMA
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
thicknesses in the NCAT structural sections (51). For the materials used in the base course of
these sections, analysis can be done assuming endurance limit behavior, then the analysis can be
repeated using the observed load cycles to failure and the allowable and actual strains can be
The MNRoad sections also provide the opportunity to perform a systematic analysis of the
overall reasonableness of the approach for pavements of different thickness and composition
exposed to the same traffic and environment. At MNRoad, sections were constructed using
different thicknesses, design compaction levels, and binders. Table 23 summarizes the main line
HMA cells at MNRoad that could be used in the verification analyses (54). Although bottom
initiated fatigue cracking was not reported as a distress for any of the HMA sections in the last
condition report (55), the pavements have received seven years of additional traffic and selected
sections will remain in service after reconstruction is completed in 2008 and 2009 (54).
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The instrumented structural sections at the NCAT Test Track can be used to evaluate the
effect of damage and healing during different temperature conditions. Measured strains and
deflections in these sections can be used to determine the effects of rest periods on healing at
different temperatures. Within the current loading experiment, four of the structural test sections
are instrumented.
The predictive model developed in Experiment 5 of Task 4 addresses the effect of material
properties on allowable strains. The effects predicted by this model can be compared to the
observed effects within each of the experiments.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
LTPP Sections
In NCHRP Project 9-38, analyses were conducted using data from the LTPP database to
determine if an endurance limit for HMA could be identified from field data (6). The following
assumptions were made in these analyses:
1. Alligator cracking reported in the LTPP database initiated at the bottom of the section.
2. Wheel path longitudinal cracking reported in the LTPP database initiated at the surface.
3. The endurance limit can be defined by a single value of strain that is independent of
temperature, mixture modulus, and type of mixture.
From these analyses, an endurance limit could not be definitively identified. The NCHRP 9-38
research team hypothesized that one of the reasons why an endurance limit could not be defined
is that the endurance limit is mixture composition dependent and it varies with temperature.
Figures 18 and 19 compare the amount of fatigue cracking (percent of wheel path area) from
the most recent LTPP distress survey with HMA thickness and maximum tensile strain at the
bottom of the HMA, respectively. As shown and expected, the test sections with thinner HMA
layers and higher tensile strains generally exhibit more fatigue cracking.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Area Fatigue Cracking, %
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
HMA Thickness, inches
Figure 18. Comparison of Area Fatigue Cracking (Area Alligator Cracking Based on a
Percent of Wheel Path Area) and HMA Layer Thickness (6).
Fatigue Cracking, %
10 100 1000 10000
Tensile Strain, micro-inches
Figure 19. Comparison of the Area Fatigue Cracking for and Maximum Tensile Strain
Computed at the Bottom of the HMA Layer (6).
A number of test sections with thick HMA layers and low tensile strains, however, have
levels of fatigue cracking exceeding 5 percent. Reasons given for the cracking in these sections
included (6):
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Forensic evaluation of the thick HMA sections with reported alligator cracking was
recommended for future endurance limit validation studies.
An observation of the data in Figures 18 and 19 that was not made by the NCHRP Project 9-
38 research team is the pavements in the LTPP database are generally properly designed to resist
fatigue cracking for the level of traffic that they have received. This is indicated by the large
number of sections having zero alligator cracking. This is particularly true for pavements having
maximum tensile strains at the bottom of the asphalt layer below about 100 microstrain when
calculated using the equivalent annual layer moduli for each pavement layer. Figure 20 presents
a plot of tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer versus HMA layer thickness that was
used to develop Figure 19. From Figure 20 tensile strains of 100 microstrain correspond to
approximately 10 inches of HMA, which is similar to the thicknesses reported for the heavily
trafficked pavements in the United Kingdom having no evidence of bottom initiated fatigue
cracking (9). This observation suggests that the thick sections with high levels of alligator
cracking likely contain construction defects and should not be included in the calibration of the
allowable strain limit design procedure. Forensic evaluation of these sections should definitely
be conducted, but not as part of the HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
HMA Thickness, inches
Figure 20. Comparison of the Maximum Tensile Strain at the Bottom of the HMA Layer
and HMA Thickness (6).
Table 25 presents the preliminary test matrix for using LTPP sections to calibrate the
allowable strain limit design procedure. Since the procedure is not intended for prediction of the
extent of cracking in a pavement section, but rather as a tool to identify design features to
minimize the potential for bottom initiated fatigue cracking, an extremely large data set is not
required. The recommended matrix includes a total of 32 pavement sections: 16 not exhibiting
alligator cracking and 16 exhibiting low to moderate amounts of alligator cracking. An equal
number of sections from the four environmental zones are included in the matrix. Only
pavements with HMA thicknesses exceeding 8 inches are included. Subgrade deformation
becomes an important consideration in thinner HMA pavements.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Table 25. Preliminary Matrix for Field Calibration of the Allowable Strain Limit Design
No Low
HMA Thickness,
Environment Alligator Alligator
Cracking Cracking
8 to 12 2 2
Wet Freeze
>12 2 2
8 to 12 2 2
Wet No Freeze
>12 2 2
8 to 12 2 2
Dry Freeze
>12 2 2
8 to 12 2 2
Dry No Freeze
>12 2 2
Table 26 presents a summary of applicable LTPP sections for each of the cells in the
experimental matrix. Information from the LTPP database on these sections and others that may
be considered is presented in the attachment. Specific sections to be included in the calibration
effort will be selected in Subtask 5.1. Items that should be considered in the final selection
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Subtask 5.2 Obtain Materials and Data for Accelerated Pavement Tests and Test
The primary activity required in Subtask 5.2 is extracting the data required for analysis of the
accelerated pavement tests and test road sections from various research reports. This includes
information on the pavement structure, loading, environmental conditions, material properties,
and distress for each section that will be analyzed. The data will be entered into the database and
managed in Subtask 3.2.
The inputs needed to apply the allowable strain limit design procedure to accelerated
pavement tests and test roads are similar to those required for current mechanistic-empirical
design, such as the MEPDG. Table 27 summarizes the required inputs. The elements in bold in
Table 27 are ones required by the allowable strain limit design procedure that are not included in
current mechanistic-empirical analysis. Since mechanistic-empirical pavement analyses were
included in the recommended projects, most of the information needed for the analyses are in
published reports for the projects or available from the project websites (41, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Table 27. Summary of Required Inputs for Allowable Strain Limit Design.
It is envisioned that the model for predicting allowable strains in HMA developed in
Experiment 5 of Task 4 will relate allowable strains to mixture composition and binder
properties. The required mixture composition data are available in the published research
reports; however, it is expected that binder properties in addition to the performance grade of the
binder will be required. Extensive testing of the binders used in the FHWA Superpave validation
study, WesTrack, and MNRoad was completed during NCHRP Project 9-19 (59, 60, 61).
Therefore, the only material sampling and testing that will be needed for analysis of the
accelerated pavement tests and test roads will be characterization of the binders used in the
structural sections at the NCAT Test Track. One quart samples of these binders will be
requested from NCAT or the test section sponsors.
The required performance data for the recommended projects are included in published
reports. Updated information on performance of the MNRoad test sections is available by
request through the MNRoad website (54). Traffic loading for the 2006 sections included in the
structural sections at the NCAT Test Track is scheduled for completion in the Fall of 2008 (51).
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Subtask 5.3 Perform Lab Testing and Analyze Accelerated Pavement Tests and Test
The only laboratory testing envisioned in Subtask 5.3 is further characterization of the binders
used in the structural test sections from the NCAT test track. It is unlikely that master curves
characterizing the flow characteristics of the binders over a wide temperature range and for
various aging conditions are available; therefore, they will have to be developed. Master curves
are developed by testing the binder at multiple temperatures and frequencies using the dynamic
shear rheometer, AASHTO T315, and conducting bending beam rheometer tests, AASHTO
T313, at multiple temperatures.
For each accelerated pavement test and test road section, an analysis will be performed with
the research version of the MEPDG software, NCHRP9-44A_Version 0.2, using section specific
material properties, loading, and environment. Two analyses will be performed. For all sections
an analysis will be conducted to determine the allowable strains that will produce endurance
limit behavior (full healing). Then, for those sections that have exhibited cracking an analysis
will be performed using the observed cycles to first cracking. Comparisons will be made within
projects and between projects to verify the following aspects of the allowable strain limit design
Pertinent interim results from these analyses will be discussed in the quarterly progress
reports. The analyses will be thoroughly documented in the fourth interim report submitted at
the end of the 30th month of the project.
Subtask 5.4 Obtain Materials and Data for In-Service Pavement Sections
In this Subtask, data and materials needed to analyze each of the LTPP sections included in
the final matrix of in-service pavements will be obtained. First, the most recent data for the test
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
section will be retrieved from the LTPP database (56). This data will be entered into the project
database and managed under Subtask 3.2. The relevant data for the analyses include:
• Traffic.
• Time-series deflection data.
• Time-series fatigue cracking.
• Time-series longitudinal cracking.
• Layer material properties.
A site visit to each of the selected pavement sections is required. The site visit will include:
1. A visual condition survey to confirm the distresses obtained from the LTPP database,
2. Non-destructive testing at various locations in the section using the Portable Seismic
Pavement Analyzer (PSPA) (62, 63) to identify damage in the base layers that is not
apparent from surface distress measurements.
3. Coring to obtain 3 to 5 full depth samples for laboratory testing, and
4. Additional coring to confirm the distress survey and seismic testing. If cracks are
present, cores will be taken through selected cracks to confirm where the cracks
initiated and confirm the cause of cracking.
Each site visit will require two full days. It is envisioned that the necessary traffic control and
coring will be provided by the state highway agencies. Their willingness to participate in the
field testing is an important consideration in the final selection of pavements for analysis.
Subtask 5.5 Perform Lab Testing and Analyze In-Service Pavement Sections
Laboratory Testing
The pavement section cores will be used to determine modulus values for analysis of the
seismic test data and to obtain the properties of the HMA base for use in the predictive model
developed in Experiment 5 of Task 4. This model will relate allowable strains for full healing to
easily measured volumetric properties of the mixture and flow characteristics of the binder.
Mixture properties will be obtained from normal volumetric analysis of the cores. The binder
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
will be recovered to determine the required binder properties. A preliminary testing plan is
presented in Table 28 assuming that an indirect tensile strength will be used in the model and a
binder master curve will be required to characterize the flow properties of the binder in the
predictive model developed in Experiment 5 of Task 4.
Table 28. Preliminary Testing Plan for Cores From the LTPP Sections.
Analysis of the LTPP sections will be performed using the research version of the MEPDG
software, NCHRP9-44A_Version 0.3, developed in Subtask 2.4. The analysis will involve
performing simulations for each of the 32 pavement sections to determine the frequency at which
the allowable strains for full healing (endurance limit behavior) are exceeded. For all of the
simulations, the best available information on the traffic and unbound layers will be used.
Since the field data consists of cracked and uncracked sections, the analysis will produce
binary data (either cracked or uncracked) as shown schematically in Figure 21. From this data a
model for the probability that bottom initiated cracking will occur can be developed using the
logistic function given in Equation 32.
e[b0 + b1 ( PE ) ]
p= (32)
1 + e[b0 + b1 ( PE )]
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
p = probability of bottom initiated fatigue cracking
PE = percent of axle loads with strains exceeding the endurance limit
b0 and b1 = fitting parameters
Probability of Bottom Inititated Cracking
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent of Axle Loads Exceeding Endurance Limit Strain, %
Jackknifing as described in Research Results Digest Number 283 (64) can be used to assess
the accuracy of the of the model coefficients without having to separate the 32 sections into
calibration and validation subsets. Jackknifing is performed by systematically removing one of
the sections, calibrating the model using the remaining sections, then predicting the value of the
section that was removed. For the section that was removed, the model error, ei, is computed as
the difference between the predicted and measured values. The process of withholding,
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
calibrating, and determining the error is repeated until each section has been removed. This
process produces n values of the error from which the following jackknifing goodness of fit
statistics can be computed.
0.5 0.5
⎡1 n ⎤ ⎡1 n ⎤
S e = ⎢ ∑ ei 2 ⎥ = ⎢ ∑ (Yˆi − Yi ) 2 ⎥
⎣ν i =1 ⎦ ⎣ν i =1 ⎦
Se = standard error
ei = errors computed from jackknifing
n = number of measurements taken
ν = degrees of freedom = n minus number of unknowns
⎡⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎤
2 ⎢⎜ S e ⎟⎛ n − p ⎞⎥
R = 1− ⎜ ⎟ (34)
⎢⎜ S y 2 ⎟⎝ n − 1 ⎠⎥
⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎦
R2 = explained variance
Se = standard error
Sy = standard deviation of the measured data
n = number of measurements taken
p = number of unknowns
bias = ∑ ei (35)
i =1
ei = errors computed from jackknifing
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The advantage of jackknifing is the goodness of fit statistics are based on predictions of
measurements that are not included in the calibration. They are, therefore, better estimates of the
accuracy of future predictions than goodness of fit statistics based on calibration using the full
data set. The stability of the model can also be assessed by performing the jackknifing again by
withholding two sets of measurements and calibrating using the remaining n-2 measurements.
For n-2 jackknifing, two errors are computed for each set of two measurements that are withheld.
The change in the jackknifing goodness of fit statistics between n-1 and n-2 jackknifing is an
indicator of the stability of the statistics. Stable goodness of fit statistics indicate a model with
reliable prediction accuracy.
Pertinent interim results from these analyses will be discussed in the quarterly progress
reports. The analyses will be thoroughly documented in the fifth interim report submitted at the
end of the 42nd month of the project.
Task 5 Milestones
Table 29 summarizes the major milestones for Task 5. Initially the emphasis of the project
will be on the formulation of the design procedure and the laboratory testing and analysis. This
provides substantial time for compiling the accelerated pavement test and test road data and for
final selection of the LTPP sections. After the laboratory testing and analysis are complete, the
emphasis of the project shifts to collection and analysis of the data from the LTPP sections.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Laboratory Pavement
Principal Statistician Support
Team Team
Subtask Investigator Team Engineers Technicians
Leader Leader
5.1 Review Data Sources and Select 16 8 0 28 0 320 0
Sections for Analysis
5.2 Obtain Materials and Data for 20 0 0 28 0 280 0
Accelerated Pavement Tests and Test
5.3 Perform Lab Testing and 36 16 4 108 0 512 32
Analyze Accelerated Pavement Tests
and Test Roads
5.4 Obtain Materials and Data for 20 0 0 100 0 1280 0
In-Service Pavement Sections
5.5 Perform Lab Testing and 90 30 90 90 0 512 1280
Analyze In-Service Pavement
Total 182 54 94 354 0 2904 1312
Task 5 Sources
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Minnesota Department of Transportation. (accessed
June, 2008).
Palmquist, D., Worel, B., Zerfas, W., “2002 Hot-Mix Asphalt Mainline Test Cell
Condition Report,” Minnesota Department of Transportation, September 6, 2002.
LTPP Sections
Federal Highway Administration. http//
(accessed June, 2008).
Timm, D. West, R., Priest, A., Powell, B., Selvaraj, I., Zhang, J., and Brown, R., “Phase
II NCAT Test Track Results,” NCAT Report 06-05, National Center for Asphalt
Technology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, December, 2006.
Timm, D. and Priest, A., “Material Properties of the 2003 NCAT Test Track Structural
Study,” NCAT Report 06-01, National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn
University, Auburn, AL, April, 2006.
Willis, J., and Timm, D., “Forensic Investigation of a Rich Bottom Pavement”, NCAT
Report 06-04, National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL,
December, 2006.
Timm, D.H., Priest, A.L., and McEwen, T. V., “Design and Instrumentation of the
Structural Pavement Experiment at the NCAT Test Track,” NCAT Report 04-01,
National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, April, 2004.
Brown, E.R., Cooley, L.A., Hanson, D., Lynn, C., Powell, B., Prowell, B., and Watson,
D., “NCAT Test Track Design, Construction, and Performance,” NCAT Report 02-12,
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, November,
Epps, J. A., Hand, A., Seeds, S., Schultz, T., Alavi, S., Ashmore, C., Monismith, C.,
Deacon, J.A., Harvey, J.T., and Leahy, R., “Recommended Performance Related
Specifications for Hot-Mix Asphalt Construction: Results of the WesTrack Project,”
NCHRP Report 455, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Washington,
D.C., 2002.
McDaniel, M., Yuan. D., Chen, D., and Nazarian, S., “Use of Seismic Pavement
Analyzer in Forensic Studies in Texas,” Nondestructive Testing of Pavements and
Backcalculation of Moduli, Third Volume, ASTM STP 1735, American Society for
Testing and Materials, West Conshohoken, PA, 2000.
Nazarian, S., Baker, M. R., and Crain, K., “Development and Testing of a Seismic
Pavement Analyzer,” Report Number SHRP-H-377 Strategic Highway Research
Program, Washington, D.C., 1993.
Steyn, W., and Sadzik, E., “Application of the Portable Seismic Pavement Analyzer
(PSPA) for Pavement Analysis,”, 2007.
Von Quintus, et al., Nondestructive Testing Technology for Quality Control and
Acceptance of Flexible Pavement Construction; Volume I - Procedure Manual, Final
Report, NCHRP Project 10-65, June 2008.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Schedule of Tasks
The HMA Endurance Limit Validation Study will require 48 months to complete. Figure 22
presents a Gantt Chart for the project with the critical path identified. Table 31 presents a
complete listing of milestones for the project.
Perhaps the most critical task in the project is Task 2.2, Finalize Preliminary Approach,
because the procedure assembled in this task will shape the final design of the laboratory
experiments and the final selection of in-service pavements for analysis. Once the preliminary
design procedure is finalized, then the critical path shifts to the laboratory studies in Task 4.
When the laboratory studies are completed, the critical path splits. The development of
NCHRP944A_Version 0.2 of the research MEPDG software in Task 2.3 becomes critical. This
version of the software will be used to analyze the accelerated pavement and test road data in
Task 5.3. Then based on the finding from these analyses, NCHRP944A_Version 0.3 will be
developed for the calibration studies using data from the LTPP sections. The collection of data
from the LTPP sections in Task 5.4 also becomes critical. The site visits required in this task
can not begin until the form of the model for predicting allowable strains from mixture
composition is determined. The final field coring and laboratory testing plans will depend on the
form of the model developed in Task 4.5. The schedule provides 12 months to perform the 32
site visits. This is a compressed schedule for the site visits and likely will require at least two
field engineers to complete the work as scheduled.
Analysis of the LTPP sections can begin as soon as the NCHRP944A_Version 0.3 is
completed in Task 2.4. Laboratory testing of the field cores will lag the site visits by
approximately 1 month; therefore, the data required to analyze most of the LTPP sections will be
available when NCHRP944A_Version 0.3 is completed.
The final tasks of the project begin after the calibration analyses are completed in Task 5.5.
This includes development of the final design procedure, NCHRP9-44A_Version 1.0 of the
software, and the preparation of the final report for the project.
An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The budget for the project is based on the labor hour estimates provided in the Task by Task
Description of the Research Plan and the loaded hourly rates presented in Table 32 for various
categories of labor. Travel costs were included for the panel meetings in Task 1.3 and for the
LTPP site visits in Task 5.4. Printing costs were also included in Task 1.3 for each of the Interim
Reports and the Final Report. The overall budget is presented in Figure 23. Details of the travel
and printing estimates are provided in Tables 33 and 34, respectively.
An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
The total cost of the the project is $1,485,360. Figure 24 provides a estimate of monthly
expenditures for the project. Monthly expenditures reach approximately $52,000 per month
when the laboratory experiments are being conducted.
Cumulative $1,400,000
$40,000 $1,000,000
$0 $0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Month After Contract Award
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
1. Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC, “Hot Mix Asphalt Endurance Limit Workshop:
Executive Summary,” National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 9-44,
November, 2007.
3. Newcomb, D.E., Buncher, M., and Huddleston, I.J., “Concepts of Perpetual Pavements,”
Transportation Research Circular Number 503, Perpetual Bituminous Pavements,
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., December, 2001.
4. Carpenter, S.H., Ghuzlan, K.A., and Shen, S., “Fatigue Endurance Limit for Highway and
Airport Pavements,” Transportation Research Record No. 1832, Transportation Research
Board, Washington, D.C., 2003.
5. Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Application of the Dissipated Energy Concept in Fatigue
Endurance Limit Testing,” Transportation Research Record No. 1929, Transportation
Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2005.
6. Prowell, B., Brown, E., R., Daniel, J., Bhattacharjee, S., Von Quintus, H., Carpenter, S.,
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7. Carpenter, S.H., and Shen, S., “Dissipated Energy Approach to Study Hot-Mix Asphalt
Healing in Fatigue,” Transportation Research Record No. 1970, Transportation Research
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9. Nunn, M. and Ferne, B.W., “Design and Assessment of Long-Life Flexible Pavements,”
Transportation Research Circular Number 503, Perpetual Bituminous Pavements,
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10. Brown, S.R., Thom, N.H., and Hakim, B.A., “Performance and Rehabilitation of Heavy-duty
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11. Wu, Z., Siddiqui, Z.Q., Hossain, M., and Gisi, A.J., “Kansas Turnpike – An Example of
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NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
12. Uhlmeyer, J.S., Willoughby, K., Pierce, L.M., and Mahoney, J.P., “Top-Down Cracking in
Washington State Asphalt Concrete Wearing Courses,” Transportation Research Record
No. 1730, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2000.
13. Procedural Manual for Agencies Conducting Research in the National Cooperative Highway
Research Program, Transportation Research Board, August, 2006.
14. Preparing Your CRP Final Report, Transportation Research Board, September, 2006.
15. Timm, D., H., and Young, J., B., “Effects of Load Spectra and Variability on Perpetual
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of Long Lasting Asphalt Pavements, National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn,
AL, 2004.
16. Witczak, M.W., “Use of HMA Fatigue Endurance Limits in the Mechanistic-Empirical
Pavement Design Guide,” Presentation at the Hot Mix Asphalt Endurance Limit Workshop,
August 1, 2007.
17. Thompson, M.R., ad Carpenter, S.H., “Design Principles for Long Lasting Pavement,”
Proceedings, International Symposium of Design and Construction of Long Lasting
Asphalt Pavements, National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn, AL, 2004.
18. Sidess, A. and Uzan, J., “A Design Method for Perpetual Flexible Pavement in Israel,”
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, February, 2008.
19. Von Quintus, H. L., “Hot-Mix Asphalt Layer Thickness Design for Longer Life Bituminous
Pavements,” Transportation Research Circular Number 503, Perpetual Bituminous
Pavements, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., December, 2001.
20. Von Quintus, Harold L., “Application of the Endurance Limit in Mechanistic-Empirical
Based Pavement Design Procedures,” paper prepared for presentation and publication at the
International Conference on Perpetual Pavements, Columbus, Ohio, September 13-15, 2006.
21. Tsai, B.W., Harvey, J., Monismith, C., and Bejarano, M., “Calibration of Fatigue Surface
Cracking Using Simplified Recursive Miner’s Law,” Journal of the Association of Asphalt
Paving Technologists, Vol., 76, 2007.
22. Mun, S., Guddati, M. N., and Kim, Y. R., “Fatigue Cracking Mechanisms in Asphalt
Pavements with Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Finite-Element Program,” Transportation
Research Record No. 1896, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2004.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
23. Roque, R., B. Birgisson, B. Sangpetngam and Z. Zhang, “Hot Mix Asphalt Fracture
Mechanics: A Fundamental Crack Growth Law for Asphalt Mixtures,” Journal of the
Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 71, 2002.
24. Bonnaure, F.P, Huibers, A.H.J.J., Boonders, A., “A Laboratory Investigation of the Influence
of Rest Periods on the Fatigue Response of Bituminous Mixes,” Proceedings, Association of
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25. Chehab, G.R., Kim, Y.R., Schapery, R.A., Witczak, M.W., and Bonaquist, R.,
"Characterization of Asphalt Concrete in Uniaxial Tension Using a Viscoelastoplastic
Continuum Damage Model," Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
Vol. 72, 2003.
26. Huang, Y. H., Pavement Analysis and Design, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
27. Al-Qadi, I., Xie, W., and Elseifi, M., “Frequency Determination from Vehicular Loading
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Association of Asphalt Paving Annual Meeting and Technical Sessions, Philadelphia, PA,
April 27-30, 2008.
28. Barksdale, R.G., “Compressive Stress Pulse Times in Flexible Pavements for Use in
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D.C., 1971.
29. Mirza, M. W., and M. W. Witczak, “Development of a Global Aging System for Short and
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Technologists, Vol. 64, 1995.
30. Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Third
Edition, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC 1994.
31. Hajek, J. J., Selezneva, O., I., Mladenovic, G., and Jiang, Y., J., “Estimating Cumulative
Traffic Loads, Volume II: Traffic Data Assessment and Axle Load Projection for the Sites
With Acceptable Axle Weight Data, Final Report for Phase 2,” Report Number FHWA-
RD-03-094, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., March, 2005.
33. Von Quintus, H.L., Schwartz, C., McQuen, R., and Andrei, D., “Experimental Plan for
Calibration and Validation of Hot-Mix Asphalt Performance Models for Mix and Structural
Design,” Final Report for National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 9-30,
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, January, 2004.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
34. Little, D. N., Lytton, R. L., Williams, D., and Chen, C. W., “Microdamage Healing in
Asphalt and Asphalt Concrete, Volume I: Microdamage and Microdamage Healing Project
Summary Report,” Report Number FHWA-RD-98-141, Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, D.C., June 2001.
35. Rao Tangella, S.C.S., Craus, J., Deacon, J.A., and Monismith, C.L., “Summary Report on
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Highway Research Program, Washington, D.C., 1990.
36. Bonnaure, R., Gravois, A., and Udron, J., “A New Method for Predicting the Fatigue Life of
Bituminous Mixes,” Proceedings of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
Vol. 49, 1980.
37. Lee, H., J., Daniel, J.S., and Kim, Y.R., “Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Modified
Asphalt Mixtures for Inchon Airport Pavements,” International Journal of Pavement
Engineering, Volume 1, Number 2, 2000.
38. Walubita, L.F., Epps-Martin, A., Jung, S. H., Glover, C. J., Park, E.S., Chowdhury, A., and
Lytton, R. L., “Comparison of Fatigue Analysis Approaches for Two Hot Mix Asphalt
Concrete (HMAC) Mixtures, Report Number FHWA/TX-05/0-4468-2, Texas Department
of Transportation, Austin, TX, August, 2005.
39. Christensen, D.W., and Bonaquist, R.F., “Volumetric Requirements for Superpave Mix
Design,” NCHRP Report 567, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Washington, D.C., 2006.
40. Prowell, B. D., and Brown, E. R., “Superpave Mix Design: Verifying the Gyration Levels in
the Ndesign Table,” NCHRP Report 573, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Washington, D.C., 2007.
41. Epps, J. A., Hand, A., Seeds, S., Schultz, T., Alavi, S., Ashmore, C., Monismith, C., Deacon,
J.A., Harvey, J.T., and Leahy, R., “Recommended Performance Related Specifications for
Hot-Mix Asphalt Construction: Results of the WesTrack Project,” NCHRP Report 455,
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Washington, D.C., 2002.
42. Kim, Y.R., and Little, D.N., “One Dimensional Constitutive Modeling of Asphalt Concrete,”
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 116, No. 4, 1990.
43. Lundstrom, R., and Isacsson, U., “Characterization of Asphalt Concrete Deterioration Using
Monotonic and Cyclic Tests,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 4, No.
3, September, 2003.
44. Christensen, D.W., and Bonaquist, R.F., “Practical Application of Continuum Damage
Theory to Fatigue Phenomena in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures,” Journal of the Association of
Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 74, 2005.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
45. Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC, “NCHRP 9-29 Phase V Draft Final Report,” National
Cooperative Highway Research Program, July 30, 2007.
46. Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC, “NCHRP 9-29 Phase IV Draft Final Report,”
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, June, 2006.
47. Christensen, D.W., Pellinen, T, and Bonaquist, R.F., “Hirsch Model for Estimating the
Modulus of Asphalt Concrete,” Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving
Technologists, Vol. 72, 2003.
48. Christensen, D.W., and Anderson, D.A., “Interpretation of Dynamic Mechanical Test Data
for Paving Grade Asphalt Cements,” Proceedings of the Association of Asphalt Paving
Technologists, Vol. 61, 1992.
49. Christensen, D.W., and Bonaquist, R., “Analysis of HMA Fatigue Data Using The Concepts
of Reduced Loading Cycles and Endurance Limit,” Submitted for Presentation and
Publication at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Associations of Asphalt Paving
50. Stuart, K.D., Mogawer, W.S., and Romero, P., “Validation of the Superpave Asphalt Binder
Fatigue Cracking Parameter Using an Accelerated Loading Facility,” Report Number
FHWA-RD-01-093, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 2002.
51. National Center for Asphalt Technology. (accessed June, 2008).
52. Timm, D. West, R., Priest, A., Powell, B., Selvaraj, I., Zhang, J., and Brwon, R., “Phase II
NCAT Test Track Results,” NCAT Report 06-05, National Center for Asphalt Technology,
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, December, 2006.
53. Timm, D. and Priest, A., “Material Properties of the 2003 NCAT Test Track Structural
Study,” NCAT Report 06-01, National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn University,
Auburn, AL, April, 2006.
55. Palmquist, D., Worel, B., Zerfas, W., “2002 Hot-Mix Asphalt Mainline Test Cell Condition
Report,” Minnesota Department of Transportation, September 6, 2002.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
58. Worel, B., “MnRoad Database Guide,” Minnesota Department of Transportation, January,
59. NCHRP Project 9-19, “Binder Characterization, Team Report BC-4, “Rheological
Characterization of the FHWA-ALF Binders,” PDF File No, 04-E, CRP-CD-46, National
Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2005.
60. NCHRP Project 9-19, “Binder Characterization, Team Report BC-5, “Rheological
Characterization of the WesTrack Binders,” PDF File No, 04-F, CRP-CD-46, National
Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2005.
61. NCHRP Project 9-19, “Binder Characterization, Team Report BC-3, “Rheological
Characterization of the MnRoad Binders,” PDF File No. 04-D, CRP-CD-46, National
Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2005.
62. Von Quintus, et al., Nondestructive Testing Technology for Quality Control and Acceptance
of Flexible Pavement Construction; Volume I - Procedure Manual, Final Report, NCHRP
Project 10-65, June 2008
64. VonQuintus, H.L, Schwartz, C.E., McCuen, R.H., and Andrei, D., “Jackknife Testing – An
Experimental Approach to Refine Model Calibration and Validation,” NCHRP Research
Results Digest Number 283, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Washington, D.C, December, 2003.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 85.25 Latitude: 32.62 Elevation: 151
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 85.25 Latitude: 32.62 Elevation: 151
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 85.25 Latitude: 32.61 Elevation: 151
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 114.2 Latitude: 35.39 Elevation: 3580
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 3
AADTT (One-way): 1190 Year: 1995
KESALS per year: 300
Asphalt Content, % 4.7 4.5
Air Voids, % 10.3 6.1
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 114.2 Latitude: 35.39 Elevation: 3580
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 3
AADTT (One-way): 1190 Year: 1995
KESALS per year: 300
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 113.34 Latitude: 35.19 Elevation: 5060
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 8
AADTT (One-way): 1900 Year: 1998
KESALS per year: 1200
Asphalt Content, % 5.3
Air Voids, % 5.5
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 113.26 Latitude: 35.2 Elevation: 5301
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 8
AADTT (One-way): 1900 Year: 1998
KESALS per year: 1200
Asphalt Content, % 5.6
Air Voids, % 4.2
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 90.58 Latitude: 35.72 Elevation: 222
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 3
AADTT (One-way): 800 Year: 1998
KESALS per year: 776
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 90.58 Latitude: 35.72 Elevation: 222
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 3
AADTT (One-way): 800 Year: 1998
KESALS per year: 776
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 90.58 Latitude: 35.72 Elevation: 222
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 3
AADTT (One-way): 800 Year: 1998
KESALS per year: 776
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 94.15 Latitude: 36.26 Elevation: 1311
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 6
AADTT (One-way): 2925 Year: 1998
KESALS per year: 3102
Asphalt Content, % 4.9 4.45
Air Voids, % 3.7 6.0
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 80.69 Latitude: 26.54 Elevation: 14
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 80.69 Latitude: 26.54 Elevation: 14
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 80.69 Latitude: 26.54 Elevation: 14
4 HMA Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (1) 2.0
3 HMA Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (1) 4.8
2 GB Crushed Stone (303) 8.1
1 Subgrade Soil Silty Sand with Gravel (215) 68.4
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 80.69 Latitude: 26.54 Elevation: 14
4 HMA Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (1) 2.0
3 HMA Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (1) 2.1
2 ATB Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (319) 8.0
1 Subgrade Soil Poorly Graded Sand with Gravel & Silt (205) 87.6
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 80.69 Latitude: 26.54 Elevation: 14
4 HMA Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (1) 3.8
3 ATB Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (325) 4.1
2 GB Crushed Stone (303) 4.1
1 Subgrade Soil Poorly Graded Sand with Gravel & Silt (205) 105.6
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 80.69 Latitude: 26.54 Elevation: 14
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 81.61 Latitude: 31.08 Elevation: 13
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 6
AADTT (One-way): 3703 Year: 1997
KESALS per year: 1933
Asphalt Content, % 5.31 4.14
Air Voids, % 2.1 4.5
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 84.21 Latitude: 34.09 Elevation: 815
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 3
AADTT (One-way): 5568 Year: 1996
KESALS per year: 2906
Asphalt Content, % 5.6 4.75
Air Voids, % 3.0 5.9
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 81.6 Latitude: 31.02 Elevation: 13
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 6
AADTT (One-way): 3703 Year: 1997
KESALS per year: 1933
Asphalt Content, % 5.69 4.63
Air Voids, % 2.1 5.9
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 116.5 Latitude: 48.42 Elevation: 2119
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 86 Latitude: 40.03 Elevation: 785
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 2
AADTT (One-way): 481 Year: 1991
KESALS per year: 408
Asphalt Content, % 3.4
Air Voids, % 6.6
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 91.25 Latitude: 40.70 Elevation: 530
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 425 Year: 1992
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, % 4.8 4.5
Air Voids, % 10.0 8.5
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 91.25 Latitude: 40.70 Elevation: 530
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 425 Year: 1992
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 91.25 Latitude: 40.70 Elevation: 530
5 HMA Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (1) 2.1
4 HMA Hot Mixed, Hot Laid AC, Dense Graded (1) 1.7
3 ATB Dense Graded Asphalt Treated Base (319) 8.4
2 GS Embankment Soil; Clay with Gravel (104) 24
1 Subgrade Soil Clay with Sand (107) ---
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 425 Year: 1992
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 91.25 Latitude: 40.70 Elevation: 530
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 425 Year: 1992
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 93.20 Latitude: 30.33 Elevation: 27
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 93.20 Latitude: 30.33 Elevation: 27
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 93.20 Latitude: 30.33 Elevation: 27
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 93.20 Latitude: 30.33 Elevation: 27
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 84.52 Latitude: 42.99 Elevation: 810
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 84.52 Latitude: 42.99 Elevation: 810
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 111.53 Latitude: 47.41 Elevation: 3343
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 800 Year: 1998
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 111.53 Latitude: 47.41 Elevation: 3343
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 800 Year: 1998
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, % 5.0
Air Voids, % 7.5
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 111.53 Latitude: 47.41 Elevation: 3343
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 800 Year: 1998
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 111.53 Latitude: 47.41 Elevation: 3343
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 800 Year: 1998
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 97.62 Latitude: 40.07 Elevation: 1611
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 450 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, % 4.5 4.5
Air Voids, % 6.8 3.0
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 97.62 Latitude: 40.07 Elevation: 1611
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 450 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, % 4.8 4.1
Air Voids, % 5.0 9.0
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 97.62 Latitude: 40.07 Elevation: 1611
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 450 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, % 4.7 4.1
Air Voids, % 4.5 7.0
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 117.01 Latitude: 40.69 Elevation: 4550
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 1
AADTT (One-way): 926 Year: 1996
KESALS per year: 492
Asphalt Content, % 4.7 4.6
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 117.01 Latitude: 40.69 Elevation: 4550
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 1
AADTT (One-way): 926 Year: 1996
KESALS per year: 492
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 117.01 Latitude: 40.69 Elevation: 4550
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 1
AADTT (One-way): 926 Year: 1996
KESALS per year: 492
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 117.01 Latitude: 40.69 Elevation: 4550
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 1
AADTT (One-way): 926 Year: 1996
KESALS per year: 492
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 117.01 Latitude: 40.69 Elevation: 4550
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 1
AADTT (One-way): 926 Year: 1996
KESALS per year: 492
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 117.01 Latitude: 40.69 Elevation: 4550
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 1
AADTT (One-way): 926 Year: 1996
KESALS per year: 492
Asphalt Content, % 4.7 4.6
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 107.07 Latitude: 32.68 Elevation: 4117
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 594 Year: 1997
KESALS per year: 152
Asphalt Content, % 4.8 4.5
Air Voids, % 7.0 7.3
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 107.07 Latitude: 32.68 Elevation: 4117
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 594 Year: 1997
KESALS per year: 152
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 107.07 Latitude: 32.68 Elevation: 4117
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 594 Year: 1997
KESALS per year: 152
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 107.07 Latitude: 32.68 Elevation: 4117
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 594 Year: 1997
KESALS per year: 152
Asphalt Content, % 4.3 4.2
Air Voids, % 8.2 7.3
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 83.07 Latitude: 40.43 Elevation: 950
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 83.07 Latitude: 40.43 Elevation: 950
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 83.07 Latitude: 40.43 Elevation: 950
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, % 6.4 5.4
Air Voids, % 7.1 9.1
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 83.07 Latitude: 40.43 Elevation: 950
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, % 5.4 5.4
Air Voids, % 12.8 11.4
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 98.66 Latitude: 34.64 Elevation:
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 775 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 98.66 Latitude: 34.64 Elevation:
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 775 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 98.66 Latitude: 34.64 Elevation:
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 775 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 98.66 Latitude: 34.64 Elevation:
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 775 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 98.11 Latitude: 26.74 Elevation: 84
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 98.11 Latitude: 26.74 Elevation: 84
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data:
AADTT (One-way): Year:
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 96.38 Latitude: 32.59 Elevation: 429
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 8
AADTT (One-way): 532 Year: 1997
KESALS per year: 153
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 102.38 Latitude: 31.88 Elevation: 2942
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 6
AADTT (One-way): 103 Year: 1996
KESALS per year: 20
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 89.29 Latitude: 44.87 Elevation: 1239
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 260 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 89.29 Latitude: 44.87 Elevation: 1239
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 260 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 89.29 Latitude: 44.87 Elevation: 1239
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 260 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 89.29 Latitude: 44.87 Elevation: 1239
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 260 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 89.29 Latitude: 44.87 Elevation: 1239
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 260 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, % 5.0 5.0
Air Voids, % 8.0 8.0
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 89.29 Latitude: 44.87 Elevation: 1239
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 260 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %
NCHRP Web-Only Document 134: An Experimental Plan for Validation of an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements
Longitude: 89.29 Latitude: 44.87 Elevation: 1239
Traffic Data:
Number of Years with Data: 4
AADTT (One-way): 260 Year: 1997
KESALS per year:
Asphalt Content, %
Air Voids, %