Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub (English)
Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub (English)
Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub (English)
1369 South 1100 East
Vernal, UT 84078
Tel: (435) 781-2856/2857
Fax: (435) 781-2858
OVERVIEW The immediate bumping action pre- The Lubricated Bumper Sub comes with
The primary purpose of the Lubricated vents cuttings and cavings — especially a standard box top connection and a
Bumper Sub is to enable the operator sticky, caving, or heavy mud formations pin bottom connection. Special connec-
to release the fishing tool in the event — from settling and wedging the drill tions, including left-hand threads, are
it becomes impossible to pull the fish. string making it well suited for light to available upon request.
It can provide the necessary vertical medium drilling operations. The tool is
impact in either direction — upward or equally effective in either direction. If
The shoulder-type, splined mandrel fits
downward — and deliver the required necessary, the operator can manipulate
into the mating splines of the mandrel
torque to release the tool from the fish the drill string and deliver forceful blows
body. The splines are always engaged
whether it is rotating or not. to release the string. The free stroke
and provide a continuous source of
feature enables the operator to accu-
There are several secondary uses for torque transmission whether bumping
rately control the weight on bit or other
the Lubricated Bumper Sub: to bump or not. The mandrel moves freely up
tools. When properly used, this feature
down, to bump a solid downward blow, and down while transmitting torque to
will aid in maintaining a straighter hole,
and to jar up in the hole. the mandrel body. A suitable knocker
thereby resulting in improved penetra-
and washpipe are made up on the lower
The Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub is tion and less bit wear.
end of the mandrel.
a dependable accessory that is suitable The Lubricated Bumper Sub is also an
for all fishing operations — especially Mandrel Body
excellent safety device when working
harsh, downhole applications and deep The mandrel body slides flat end up
in very deep, crooked holes, and drilling
workover operations. It can also meet over the mandrel. The inside diameter
out cement in heavy mud. The opera-
the demands of tools that require sharp, of the mandrel body is designed with
tor can manipulate the drill string as
sustained bumping action to actuate or a series of straight splines near the
needed and deliver forceful blows to
release them. Depending on the size lower end. These splines engage the
release the string if necessary.
of the tool, the vertical stroke length corresponding splines of the mandrel
ranges from 10 to 18 inches. The Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub is to transmit torque conveyed by the
also an ideal tool for coring operations. running string through the middle body,
USE The bumping action effectively breaks washpipe body, and attached tool. A
cores sharply and cleanly for easy fill plug located at the upper end of the
The Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub
removal. mandrel, similar to the fill plug on the
is especially suited for deep fishing
lower end of the middle body, allows the
operations, and light to medium drilling
CONSTRUCTION Lubricated Bumper Sub to be filled with
applications. Equally effective in either
The Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub is oil. (See page 4 for a detailed descrip-
direction, the tool is also ideal for coring
constructed from high-strength, heat- tion of the filling process.)
treated alloy steel to withstand severe Middle Body
The Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub stress caused by tension, jarring, and With the mandrel body at the upper
delivers the sharp downward blow and torque. end and the washpipe body at the lower
torque required to disengage a fish
The Lubricated Bumper Sub is com- end, the middle body forms an oil cham-
when it is impossible to pull the fish.
posed of six major parts: a mandrel, ber for the lubricating oil for the working
The tool can repeatedly bump in either
mandrel body, middle body, knocker, parts of the tool. The inside diameter of
direction or alternately bump up and
washpipe, and a washpipe body. Criti- the middle body is closely fitted to the
down to dislodge drill pipe, reamers,
cal seal points between the mandrel outside diameter of the knocker and the
drill collars, bits, or other tools that have
and washpipe are fitted with seal/ring upper end of the washpipe. This interior
become stuck.
assemblies (consisting of o-ring seals, surface is highly polished to reduce
seal protector rings, and seal non-ex- frictional wear. The middle body fill plug
trusion rings) to increase the life of the and seal are located at the lower end
rings and prevent o-ring extrusion. of the middle body.
Knocker When lift load is applied, the Lubricated Applying an Upward Blow
The knocker strikes a heavy impact Bumper Sub will slide open until the At the surface, mark the pipe to indicate
blow to the lower end of the mandrel knocker hits the mandrel body. Slack- the open and closed positions of the
body. The knocker material is specially ing weight off the string will cause the Lubricated Bumper Sub. Raise the fish-
selected for use in impact loading. It is mandrel to slide back down the man- ing string to open the bumper sub and
closely fitted to restrict high frequency drel body until the bottom shoulder of allow for additional string stretch. Drop
lateral vibration, or chatter, that can the mandrel hits the top shoulder of the the string by the amount of the stretch
shorten the life of the tool. mandrel body. only and stop it abruptly with the brake.
As the pipe rebounds at the bottom of
Washpipe Fishing Operations
the hole, the Lubricated Bumper Sub
The upper end of the washpipe is A Lubricated Bumper Sub should be
will quickly reopen. This will cause the
designed with stabilizing features simi- included in the fishing string whenever
knocker to strike the lower end of the
lar to the knocker. The lower end is a releasing type fishing tool will be
mandrel body with a solid upward blow.
hardfaced and ground to a high polish used. If it becomes impossible to pull
to reduce frictional wear in the sealed the fish, the operator will have means
upper end of the washpipe body. available to release the fishing tool.
The Lubricated Bumper Sub will deliver The Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub can
Washpipe Body be assembled at the rig site where it will
a sharp blow and transmit the torque
The lowermost part of the tool is the be used.
required to disengage and release a
washpipe body. Its primary purposes
fishing tool from the fish. Check all parts to ensure that they are
are to close the lower end of the mid-
dle body (oil chamber) and to transmit A properly made-up Lubricated Bumper in good working condition before begin-
torque. Sub is generally placed immediately ning assembly. Make sure the tool is the
above the fishing tool safety joint or proper size for the operation.
Critical Seals
unlatching joint. Thoroughly clean and lubricate parts. If
Tandem seal points located at the upper
end of the mandrel and the lower end Drilling Operations the tool will be stored for a long period,
of the washpipe are fitted with seal ring The Lubricated Bumper Sub is general- paint or lubricate the exterior surfaces
assemblies consisting of o-ring seals, ly installed in the drill string immediately to prevent corrosion.
seal protector rings, and seal non-extru- above the drill colllars. NOTE: Do not paint or lubricate the
sion rings. As hydraulic pressure is ap- seals. Paint, sunlight, solvents, and
Applying a Downward Blow
plied (in either direction), these seal/ring most lubricants are harmful to rub-
At the surface, mark the pipe to indicate
assemblies reduce normal diametric ber products.
the open and closed positions of the
clearance at the seal points to nearly
Lubricated Bumper Sub. Raise the fish- Refer to the photographs on pages
zero. The non-extrusion rings prevent
ing string to open the full stroke length 5 – 7 and proceed with seal/ring assem-
the o-rings from being pushed out or
of the Lubricated Bumper Sub (10 – 18 bly installation as follows:
rolled out of position.
inches depending on the size of the
tool) and allow for extra string stretch. 1. Install the non-extrusion seal assem-
OPERATION blies in the mandrel body and wash-
The Logan Lubricated Bumper Sub is Sharply drop the string and stop with pipe body:
typically run directly above the spear, the brake approximately four to six
inches above the closed position of the a. Carefully examine each non-
overshot, screw-in sub, or safety joint.
bumper sub to deliver a sharp down- extrusion ring and remove any
The tool is designed to allow a verti-
ward blow. To deliver a solid downward burrs or rough edges with a hand
cal stroke — upward or downward
blow, drop the full weight of the fishing file.
— whether it is rotating or not, and is
always availbale to the operator. The string without braking. b. Holding the non-extrusion ring
Lubricated Bumper Sub will transmit full between thumbs and forefingers,
torque at all times during rotation and overlap the ends until the diam-
bumping operations. eter fits inside the body.
Place the edge opposite the split Align the splines and push it through Assembly is now complete and the tool
into the lower groove and spread the splines in the mandrel body. is ready for service.
the ring towards the ends. Continue to gently push it through
until the mandrel bumps against the Filling the Jar
d. Press the ring into the groove with
mandrel body, bringing the polished 1. Tilt the mandrel body end upward
the thumbs until the ends meet
section of the mandrel past the seal at a 30° angle. If possible, position
and the ring is firmly seated in the
ring assemblies. The mandrel should mandrel body fill plug and middle
move freely back and forth. Do not body fill plug at the top.
2. Install the seal protector rings: force the mandrel; damage to the
2. Attach the six-foot exhaust hose
seal surface may result. If resistance
a. Bend the ring until it is small (Logan Part No. J1072) from the
is encountered, remove the mandrel.
enough to fit into the bore. Jar Service Kit (see pages 16 – 17)
Reset the seal assemblies and
to the mandrel body fill plug hole.
b. Insert one edge of the ring into the remove any foreign matter.
groove. Insert the opposite edge 3. Attach the pump hose from the jar
8. Install the large and small middle
and press down until entire ring is service kit to the middle body fill
body seals.
in place. plug hole.
9. Lubricate and install the knocker
c. Straighten and flatten the ring by 4. Position a clean, open-mouthed
on the lower end of the mandrel.
pressing against it with the bent-tip receptacle under the tool. Place the
Tighten using the wrench flats.
installation tool (Logan Part No. free end of the exhaust hose into
J1073) from the jar service kit. CAUTION: Do not wrench on the the receptacle.
hardfaced bands between the
3. Install the o-rings: 5. Fill the volume pump (Logan Part
wrench flats or gouge them with the
No. J1069) from the jar service kit
a. Bend the o-ring until it is small sides of the wrench jaws. If they are
with oil and connect the volume
enough to fit into the bore. inadvertantly upset or otherwise
pump hose.
damaged, remove the upset or burr
b. Insert the o-ring between the seal
with fine emery cloth or a hand file. 6. Pump oil into the tool at moderate
protector rings in each groove.
Clean and lubricate. speed to allow a smooth, uniform
4. With both seal assemblies pressed flow of oil.
0. Screw the washpipe onto the man-
into place as best as possible by
drel. Mate it with the mandrel body. 7. As the tool fills with oil, oil will begin
hand with the aid of the installation
Tighten, exercising the same care to flow out of the exhaust hose.
tool, properly seat the seals with the
as described for the knocker install- Air bubbles will be observed in the
setting tool. Refer to the installation
ation. exhaust oil. Continue to pump oil
photographs on page 7.
into the tool until air bubbles cease
1. Thoroughly coat the washpipe with
5. Clamp the upper mandrel body end in the outflowing exhaust oil.
light oil. Slide the middle body onto
horizontally into a suitable vise.
the washpipe and over the lower 8. Immediately detach the exhaust
Thoroughly coat the polished surface
end of the mandrel body. Tighten hose and insert the mandrel body
with a good grade of clean, light-
connection to the lower end of the fill plug. Tighten the mandrel fill plug
weight oil.
mandrel body. snuggly but do not overtighten.
CAUTION: Use only enough grip-
2. Slide the washpipe body over the
1 9. Bleed off any residual air by pump-
ping action in the vise to secure
washpipe. Tighten, exercising the ing moderate pressure into the tool
the body. Avoid making heavy tool
same care as described for the and allowing it to bleed back into the
mandrel installation. volume pump. Detach the volume
6. Install the washpipe seal onto the pump hose and install the middle
3. Tighten all connections to the
lower end of the mandrel. body fill plug. Tighten the fill plug
recommended torque before running
snuggly but do not overtighten.
7. Insert the splined end of the mandrel the tool in the hole.
through the top of the mandrel body.
4. Paint or lubricate exterior surfaces
to prevent corrosion.
Before installation, examine each non-extrusion Install the non-extrusion ring in the mandrel Place the edge of the ring opposite the split
ring and remove any burrs or rough edges body. Overlap the ends of the ring until the into the lower groove. Be sure the beveled side
with a small file. Hold the non-extrusion ring diameter fits inside the body. of the ring matches the beveled side of the
between the thumbs and forefingers. groove.
Spread the ring from the center out towards Press the non-extrusion ring into place as best Seal protector ring before it is bent. It will
the ends. Press the ring into the groove with as possible by hand. look like this after it is properly installed
the thumbs until the ends meet and the ring in the groove.
is firmly seated in the groove.
Bend the seal protector ring until it is small Insert one edge of the seal protector ring into Straighten and flatten the seal protector ring by
enough to fit into the bore. the groove. Insert the opposite edge and press pressing against it with the bent-tip installation
down until entire ring is in place. tool (Logan Part No. J1073) from the Jar Service
Repeat the installation sequence for the seal Bend the seal protector ring until it is small Insert one edge of the seal protector ring into
protector ring. enough to fit into the bore. the groove. Insert the opposite edge and press
down until entire ring is in place.
Straighten and flatten the seal protector ring by Grasp the non-extrusion ring between the Overlap the ends of the ring until the diameter
pressing against it with the bent-tip installation thumbs and forefingers. fits inside the body. Place the edge of the ring
tool (Logan Part No. J1073) from the Jar Service opposite the split into the lower groove. Be
Kit. sure the beveled side of the ring matches the
beveled side of the groove.
Spread the ring from the center out towards Place the setting tool in a sling and position it Insert a bar or rod through the top of the setting
the ends. Press the ring into the groove with over the top of the mandrel. tool to make handles to hold the tool.
the thumbs until the ends meet and the ring
Coat the polished surface of the setting tool
is firmly seated in the groove.
with a good grade of clean, lightweight oil.
Thoroughly coat the surfaces of the seals with
Lower the setting tool into position and remove
a good grade of clean, lightweight oil. Do not
the sling.
apply lubricant to the seals if the tool is going
to be stored.
Properly seat the seals with the aid of the set- Remove the setting tool and continue with seal Make sure the seal protector rings are straight
ting tool, tapping around the entire top edge assembly installation. and flat. Press against them with the bent-tip
of the setting tool to seat the rings if necessary. installation tool (Logan Part No. J1073) from
(Setting tools are not included in the Jar Service the Jar Service Kit if necessary. The o-rings will
Kit and must be ordered separately. Refer to be inserted in the grooves between the seal
Parts Lists on pages 10 – 13 for part numbers.) protector rings.
Grasp the o-ring between the thumbs and Insert one edge of the o-ring into the groove O-rings are inserted in each groove between
forefingers. between the seal protector rings. Insert the seal protector rings.
the opposite edge and press down until entire
Bend the o-ring until it is small enough to fit
o-ring is in place.
into the bore.
Repeat the installation sequence for the second Completed seal assemblies.
Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.
When ordering, please specify:
(1) Name and number of assembly or part
(2) Connections, if other than standard
(3) Outside diameter, if other than standard
(4) Name and number of any desired spares
Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.
When ordering, please specify:
(1) Name and number of assembly or part
(2) Connections, if other than standard
(3) Outside diameter, if other than standard
(4) Name and number of any desired spares
Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.
When ordering, please specify:
(1) Name and number of assembly or part
(2) Connections, if other than standard
(3) Outside diameter, if other than standard
(4) Name and number of any desired spares
CONNECTION 2-7/8 3-1/2 API 3-1/2 API 4-1/2 API 4-1/2 API 5-1/2 API 6-5/8 API
OUTSIDE DIAMETER 4-1/2 4-3/4 4-3/4 6 6-1/4 6-3/4 7-3/4
INSIDE DIAMETER 2-3/8 2 2-1/4 2-13/16 3-1/8 2-3/4 3-1/2
STROKE LENGTH 15-1/2 15-1/2 15-1/2 18 18 18 18
COMPLETE ASSEMBLY Logan Part No. 607-450 607-475 607-476 607-600 607-625 607-675 607-775
Bowen No. 42700 39727 … 39732 39737 39778 39752
SERVICE KIT Logan Part No. 26000-055 26000-055 26000-055 26000-055 26000-055 26000-055 26000-055
Bowen No. 55403 55403 55403 55403 55403 55403 55403
SETTING TOOL Logan Part No. AG1000-43 AG1000-42 AG1000-42 AJ8000 AG1000-53 AG1000-54 AG1000-61
Bowen No. 22709-43 22709-42 22709-42 10572 22709-53 22709-54 22709-61
SEAL PACKING Logan Part No. 28000-020 28000-021 28000-021 28000-022 28000-023 28000-024 28000-025
Consists of: Bowen No. 42709 39730 … 39735 39740 39781 39755
MAIN MANDREL & Logan Part No. 568-340 568-339 568-339 568-347 568-426 568-427 568-434
W.P. BODY SEAL Bowen No. 568340 568339 568339 568347 568426 568427 568434
No. Req’d 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
MIDDLE BODY SEAL Logan Part No. 568-242 568-242 568-242 568-250 568-253 568-256 568-261
LARGE Bowen No. 568242 568242 568242 568250 568253 568256 568261
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
MIDDLE BODY SEAL Logan Part No. 568-239 568-239 568-239 568-247 568-251 568-254 568-260
SMALL Bowen No. 568239 568239 568239 568247 568251 568254 568260
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
WASHPIPE SEAL Logan Part No. 568-231 568-229 568-036 568-236 568-239 568-238 568-246
Bowen No. 568231 568229 … 568236 568239 568238 568246
MIDDLE BODY Logan Part No. 568-005 568-005 568-005 568-005 568-005 568-005 568-005
FILL PLUG SEAL Bowen No. 568005 568005 568005 568005 568005 568005 568005
MANDREL BODY Logan Part No. 568-006 568-006 568-006 568-006 568-006 568-006 568-006
FILL PLUG SEAL Bowen No. 568006 568006 568006 568006 568006 568006 568006
Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.
When ordering, please specify:
(1) Name and number of assembly or part
(2) Connections, if other than standard
(3) Outside diameter, if other than standard
(4) Name and number of any desired spares
CONNECTION 2-7/8 3-1/2 API 3-1/2 API 4-1/2 API 4-1/2 API 5-1/2 API 6-5/8 API
OUTSIDE DIAMETER 4-1/2 4-3/4 4-3/4 6 6-1/4 6-3/4 7-3/4
INSIDE DIAMETER 2-3/8 2 2-1/4 2-13/16 3-1/8 2-3/4 3-1/2
STROKE LENGTH 15-1/2 15-1/2 15-1/2 18 18 18 18
COMPLETE ASSEMBLY Logan Part No. 607-450 607-475 607-476 607-600 607-625 607-675 607-775
Bowen No. 42700 39727 … 39732 39737 39778 39752
TENSILE STRENGTH (LBS) 388,650 484,650 433,000 622,295 777,150 1,130,400 1,276,950
BUMPER SUB YIELD TORQUE (FT-LBS) 7,100 11,030 15,000 23,000 32,600 43,200 62,400
MAx OPERATING TORQUE (FT-LBS) 3,550 5,518 7,500 11,500 16,300 21,600 31,200
The tensile strengths listed above are calculated theoretical yield strengths and are considered accurate to ±20%.
Operating torques are set at 50% of the calculated theoretical yield torque and are the maximum recommended operating torques.
These figures do not constitute a guarantee, actual or implied. They are meant to serve as a guide only, and an appropriate
safety allowance must be made in use.
Middle Body
The makeup torques listed above are the maximum recommended makeup torques for each connection.
Values are set at 50% of the calculated theoretical yield torque. Torques this high are not required for all fishing jobs.
Lower values will result in less thread wear.
The tightening torque values were calculated assuming Itcolube or similar zinc-based grease was applied to all threads and shoulders.
J1376 J1085 J1078
Hose Fitting 1/4" Male Couplers 1/4" x 1" Pipe Nipple
Line Filter
Fill Plug Wrench
Torx Head
Fill Plug Wrench
AG1000-xx *
Mandrel Setting Tool
Setting Tools are not included in the Service Kit and must be
J1073 J1074 ordered separately for each tool size at additional cost.
Installation Tool O-Ring Installation Tool * Refer to Parts Lists on pages 9 and 11 for complete part numbers.
Pump Hose
Volume Pump
J1072 J1070
6 Ft. Exhaust Hose Metal Box
Mandrel Setting Tools are not included in the Service Kit and must be When ordering, please specify:
ordered separately for each tool size at additional cost. See pages 9 (1) Name and number of assembly or part
and 11 for part numbers.
1369 South 1100 East
Vernal, UT 84078
Tel: (435) 781-2856/2857
Fax: (435) 781-2858