Logan Surface Bumper Sub (English)

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11006 Lucerne Street

Houston, TX 77016
Tel: (281) 219-6613
Fax: (281) 219-6638



Louisiana Canada
103 Bluffwood Drive Lee Oilfield Fishing Tools Ltd.
Broussard, LA 70518 4604 Eleniak Road NW
Tel: (337) 839-2331/2332 Edmonton, AB T6B2S1
Fax: (337) 839-2334 Canada
Tel: (780) 440-6705
118 Common Court
Fax: (780) 463-5570
Houma, LA 70360
Tel: (985) 868-7333 Dubai
Fax: (985) 868-7007 Woodhouse International
P.O. Box 23724
Dubai, UAE
6 Donald Drive
Tel: 971-4-347-2300
Laurel, MS 39440
Fax: 971-4-347-4642
Tel: (601) 649-0636
Fax: (601) 649-6909 Scotland
Smith Services, HE Group
Howe Moss Avenue
424 South Eagle Lane
Dyce, Aberdeen
Oklahoma City, OK 73128
Scotland AB21 OGP
Tel: (405) 782-0625/0699/0754
Tel: 44-1224-770707
Fax: (405) 782-0760
Fax: 44-1224-724182
101 Commerce Street
Alice, TX 78332
Tel: (361) 396-0139/0147
Fax: (361) 396-0112

1305 Energy Drive

Kilgore, TX 75662
Tel: (903) 984-6700
Fax: (903) 984-6755

1617 South Viceroy

Odessa, TX 79763
Tel: (432) 580-7414
Fax: (432) 580-7656

1369 South 1100 East
Vernal, UT 84078
Tel: (435) 781-2856/2857
Fax: (435) 781-2858

www.loganoiltools.com Surface Bumper Jar

© 2006 Logan Oil Tools

1M Rev. 0/1006

Surface Bumper Jar

Overview ................................................................... 2
Use ............................................................................ 2
Construction .............................................................. 2
Explanation of Mechanism ........................................ 2
Operatlon .................................................................. 3
Freeing a Stuck Drill String .................................... 3
Actuating a Surface Bumper Sub .......................... 3
Releasing a Fishing Tool ....................................... 4
Precautions ............................................................... 4
Assembly ................................................................... 4
Maintenance .............................................................. 5
Disassembly .............................................................. 5
Illustration .................................................................. 6
Specifications and Replacement Parts ..................... 6
Strength Data ............................................................ 7
Recommended Tightening Torques .......................... 7

Logan Surface Bumper Jar • 1

Surface Bumper Jar

OVERVIEW In many instances, the Logan Surface EXPLANATION OF MECHANISM

The Logan Surface Bumper Jar is Bumper Jar has been successfully Refer to the illustration on page 6.
installed in the drill string at the surface utilized when all previous methods have
and is used whenever the downhole failed. The friction slip is restricted within the
drilling, fishing, or washover running tapered bowl by the control ring. Turn-
string becomes stuck and requires a CONSTRUCTION ing the control ring to the right or to the
heavy downward force to release it. It The Logan Surface Bumper Jar is left moves the friction slip up or down
is often used to free keyseated drill pipe basically composed of a mandrel the taper, thereby either increasing or
and drill collars, and initiate sharp jar- assembly that works in conjunction with decreasing its ability to expand. There
ring blows down the string to actuate a bowl assembly. The mandrel assem- are internal rings (raised areas) within
drilling bumper subs, bumper safety bly is composed of a top sub, mandrel, the friction slip which must pass over
joints, and other similar downhole bump- and friction mandrel. The bowl assem- the external rings (raised areas) of the
ing tools. It is also useful for transmitting bly consists of a bowl, bowl extension, friction mandrel in order to pull the Jar
heavy downward impact to release bottom sub, knocker sub, friction slip into its open position and to produce
imbedded grappling tools. Since it is not spacer, control ring, control ring plug, the jarring blow.
necessary that the two striking surfaces and a washpipe.
When the Surface Bumper Jar is
meet, the tool’s 48-inch stroke allows
The washpipe is connected to the bot- opened or tripped, the friction mandrel
the fish to be hammered down farther
tom sub and moves inside of the main pulls the friction slip into a reduced sec-
than what is possible with conventional
mandrel. It is sealed from the main tion of the taper in the bowl and against
jarring tools. By a simple adjustment,
mandrel by the packing confining the the bottom of the control ring. Depend-
the Logan Surface Bumper Jar may be
well fluids within the washpipe and out ing upon the position of the control ring,
set to deliver very light blows of very
of the restraining mechanism within only a slight pull or a pull of many tons
high impact. Because it is intermittently
the bowl. is required to open the jar.
used only on the surface to release a
stuck fish, this tool has an extended The hexagon-shaped main mandrel fits When the Surface Bumper Jar is
service life when compared to conven- into the correspondingly shaped bore installed at the surface and a straight
tional bumper subs. in the knocker sub, where it is capable upward pull is exerted against it, the
of transmitting torque, while also free friction slip applies friction to the
USE to move up and down over its entire enclosed friction mandrel and arrests
The Logan Surface Bumper Jar may be 48-inch stroke. upward movement while the drill pipe
used to great advantage in any situation is being stretched. When the upward
Control of the Logan Surface Bumper
where the downhole running string pull reaches the pre-set tripping load,
Jar is exercised by the action of the
(drilling, fishing or washover) becomes the friction mandrel is pulled through
restraining mechanism of the friction
stuck, and a heavy downward blow is the friction slip. The downward surge
mandrel, the friction slip, the friction slip
required to release it. The Logan Sur- of the drill pipe in returning to its normal
spacer and the control ring. The load,
face Bumper Jar is often used to free length causes a sudden separation of
measured in tons, is adjusted by setting
keyseated drill pipe and drill collars. the main mandrel and bowl assemblies
the control ring.
which are free to move apart for the
It is also used to initiate abrupt jarring Top and bottom subs are furnished with length of its 48-inch stroke and drive
blows down the string to actuate drilling an API connection. The top sub is a box the weight of the free pipe against the
bumper subs, bumper safety joints and connection and the bottom sub is a pin point where the fish is stuck.
other similar downhole bumping tools. connection. A lifting sub is provided for
When the Surface Bumper Jar is
The Logan Surface Bumper Jar is par- the top connection for the purpose of
closed, the friction mandrel pushes the
ticularly useful for transmitting very transporting and/or lifting the Surface
friction slip into the enlarged section
heavy downward blows to effect the Bumper Jar.
of the taper in the bowl and then slides
release of tools such as overshots or easily through it.
spears, in situations where the grap-
ples or slips have become imbedded
in the fish, or become friction locked
due to repeated and prolonged down-
hole jarring.

2 • Logan Surface Bumper Jar

Surface Bumper Jar

The control ring plug has a lug on its The jarring force is set by a simple This could also damage the rig. A
inner end which engages a slot in the adjustment. Always begin a jarring similar procedure is observed in all
control ring and prevents it from turning. operation with a light load, gradually cases of stuck pipe.
Removing the control ring plug from the increasing the load as the operation
bowl exposes a port through which the proceeds. Set the restraining mecha- Actuating a Surface Bumper Sub
control ring may be turned with a large nism to a light load by adjusting the Many drilling operators employ drilling
screwdriver. control ring as indicated by the stencil bumper subs in the drilling string. Also,
on the bowl at the control ring plug. almost all fishing operators install a
Turning the control ring to the right
bumper sub above the engaging tool
moves it up, allowing the friction slip to To adjust the control ring, remove the
in a fishing string. In either case, when
move into the smaller diameter of the control ring plug. Use a large screw-
the string becomes stuck and the bump-
tapered bowl — constricting the rings driver, rotate the control ring to the right
er sub is ineffective, install a Logan
more and requiring more load to open to increase the tripping load, or to the
Surface Bumper Jar in the drill string as
the jar. The words “Increase Load” are left to decrease the tripping load.
explained above.
stamped on the right side of the control
Take an upward strain on the Logan
ring port. Set the Surface Bumper Jar for a light
Surface Bumper Jar. When the upward
load — just enough to open it. Then
Turning the control ring to the left moves strain is equal to the previously set load,
gradually increase load but observe the
it down, which moves the friction slip the restraining mechanism will release
precaution cited below. Do not set the
into the larger diameter of the tapered and allow the bowl assembly to fall
tripping load so high that it exceeds the
bowl — expanding the rings more and rapidly for the 48-inch stroke length of
weight of the free pipe above the stuck
requiring less load to open the jar. The the mandrel assembly. This will cause
point. Continue jarring with the Surface
words “Decrease Load” are stamped the weight of the stretched pipe to fall
Bumper Jar until the stuck drill string is
on the left side of the control ring port. downward against the stuck fish.

OPERATION Freeing a Stuck Drill String CAUTION: Do not set the tripping
Setting Load (Tons) ................. 0 – 50 * Drill strings frequently stick on the trip load of the Jar higher than the weight
*100,000 lbs. out of the hole by pulling into a keyseat. between the surface and the point
Install the Logan Surface Bumper Jar in where it is stuck. If the tripping load
In all types of jarring operations, the the drill string as explained above. Set is set higher than the weight of the
Logan Surface Bumper Jar is installed the Jar for a light load and begin jarring amount of free pipe above the stuck
in the drilling string or fishing string just operations, gradually increasing the point, it will result in the pipe being
above the rotary table or at the joint load as jarring proceeds, until the drill pulled tighter into the keyseat.
nearest the table. pipe is free.
Do not use a load setting that will
Full circulation through the tool can CAUTION: Do not set the tripping create a stretch in the drill string that
be maintained during operation and full load of the jar higher than the weight is greater than the stroke of the jar.
torque may be utilized in either direc- between the surface and the point This could cause an impact within
tion. If circulation is desired, connect where it is stuck. If the tripping load the jar and possibly damage the
the kelly to the top of the jar. If circula- is set higher than the weight of the hook or other rig components.
tion is not required, connect a single amount of free pipe above the stuck
joint of pipe above the jar. Sufficient Be aware that a sudden freeing of a
point, the pipe will be pulled tighter
weight (300 to 400 lbs.) should be run heavy fish will allow the fish to drop
into the keyseat.
above the jar to close and re-set it. and strike a jarring blow with the jar.
Do not use a load setting that will This could also damage the rig. A
create a stretch in the drill string that similar procedure is observed in all
is greater than the stroke of the jar. cases of stuck pipe.
This could cause an impact within
the jar and possibly damage the
hook or other rig components.
Be aware that a sudden freeing of a
heavy fish will allow the fish to drop
and strike a jarring blow with the jar.

Logan Surface Bumper Jar • 3

Surface Bumper Jar

Releasing a Fishing Tool It is then necessary to break the Jar out 9. Lubricate the packing set and install
Occasionally, fishing tools such as of the string. Protect the pin connection it into the seal area of the mandrel.
overshots or spears cannot be released thread on the bottom and strike the Jar Install the male adapter first followed
by the normal procedure of bumping sharply against some solid object until by the packing, lips facing toward
down with the weight of the fishing the Jar is closed. The control ring may the top sub end. Install the female
string. This is usually the result of the then be adjusted for less tripping load adapter last.
grapple or the slips having become and the operation resumed. If the insert must be seated, place a
locked due to repeated and prolonged wood block against it and strike the
bumping and jarring on the fish. block with a hammer.

In such cases, install a Logan Surface ASSEMBLY 10. Make the top sub up to the end
Bumper Jar in the fishing string as Before assembling the Logan Surface of the main mandrel and tighten it.
explained above. Set the load at a Bumper Jar, make sure that all of the 11. Insert the friction mandrel into the
medium load but do not exceed the parts are thoroughly cleaned, lubricated main mandrel. Tighten, wrenching
weight of the free pipe below the Sur- and inspected. Lubricate parts with only on the wrench flats provided.
face Bumper Jar. If there is a bumper good quality grease or heavyweight
sub in the string, set the load high oil as they are assembled. Replace all 12. Install the control ring inside the
enough to insure that the Bumper Sub damaged or badly worn parts before bowl in the threads provided. In
is pulled into its fully open position. proceeding. making the setting, the control ring
Open the Surface Bumper Jar to effect is turned back to the lowest point;
the release of the fishing tool. This will 1. Install the packing set into the seal then, the slip setting gauge is used
usually require only one or two blows. insert. to achieve the proper low tripping
2. Install the two o-ring seals in the load setting. (A slip setting gauge
PRECAUTIONS grooves on the outside diameter is a rigid tube of the same outside
Always begin Surface Bumper Jar oper- of the seal insert. Set the seal insert dimensions and appearance as that
ations with the Jar set for light jarring. aside. of the friction slip, except that it does
Gradually increase the load as jarring not have the vertical slots cut in it.
NOTE: Apply clean, good quality A rod is provided to screw into the
operations proceed.
thread dope to each connection as top edge to serve as a handle for
Avoid setting the load of the Surface it is made up. inserting the slip setting gauge into
Bumper Jar to exceed the weight of the the bowl of the tool.) The slip setting
3. Clamp the bottom sub in a suitable
free pipe between the Jar and the stuck gauge is placed in the taper of the
point. This will usually result in defeat- bowl, as far into the bowl as possi-
ing the purpose of the Jar and may stick 4. Make the washpipe up to the bottom ble, and held securely.
the pipe tighter. sub. Support the free end of the
washpipe. Do not wrench on the The control ring should then be
Occasionally, the Logan Surface Bump- screwed until it moves toward the
sealing surface of the washpipe.
er Jar may become half-cocked — slip setting gauge. To screw the
when the Jar is neither fully opened nor 5. Remove the bottom sub/washpipe control ring up until it touches the
fully closed. This situation results from subassembly from the vise and lay bottom of the slip setting gauge,
having set the tripping load so high it aside. the control plug should be removed
that there is insufficient pulling power from the bowl. A screwdriver can be
6. Clamp the bowl extension in the
to trip the Jar and the weight of the pipe inserted to engage with the adjust-
above the Jar is insufficient to close it. ing slots in the control ring and
7. Assemble the knocker sub in the easily permit screwing the control
bowl extension. Tighten it with a ring toward the slip setting gauge.
13. Insert the friction slip inside the bowl.
8. Insert the threaded end of the main
mandrel through the bowl extension
and knocker sub.

4 • Logan Surface Bumper Jar

Surface Bumper Jar

14. Insert the friction slip spacer inside 3. Remove the friction slip spacer from 16. Examine the seals or packing for
the bowl and up against the friction the lower end of the bowl. evidence of damage or appear to
slip. be permanently set. Replace them
4. Remove the control ring plug and
if they are not in good condition.
15. Install the washpipe/bottom sub rotate the control ring to a minimum
subassembly that was previously load position or as far as it will go, 17. Examine the washpipe in particular
assembled in steps 4 and 5. Grease if this has not previously been done. for nicks, scratches, or abrasions.
the washpipe to cut down friction Small, superficial scratches and
5. Slide the mandrel out far enough
on the packing. Carefully insert the abrasions can be polished out with
to partially open the Jar, releasing
washpipe inside the main mandrel fine emery cloth. A washpipe with
the friction mandrel from the friction
to avoid damaging the packing. any severe gouges or scratches
Make up the bottom sub to the bowl. must be replaced.
6. Remove the friction slip from the
16. Place assembled tool in a jar tester a. To replace the washpipe, clamp
inside of the bowl.
and adjust the control ring to the the bottom sub horizontally in a
desired tripping load. 7. Re-clamp the tool, clamping on the vise. Support the washpipe end
bowl extension. farthest from the bottom sub,
17. Install the control ring plug into the
unscrew and remove the dam-
control ring port located on the bowl. 8. Break loose and remove the friction
aged washpipe. Assemble the
mandrel from the main mandrel.
new washpipe into the bottom
MAINTENANCE Use the wrench flats provided on
sub. Support the free end to avoid
The Logan Surface Bumper Jar norm- the lower end of the friction mandrel
bending the washpipe.
ally requires very little maintenance. to remove it.
After each use, it should be thoroughly Disassembly is now complete.
CAUTION: Do not apply a wrench
rinsed out with clear water to remove to the finished slip surface.
any drilling fluid that may have been
circulated through it. The Jar should be 9. Remove the packing set from the
opened so that the surface of the hex- inside, lower end of the main man-
agonal main mandrel may be lubricated drel. A bent-tip screwdriver will aid
with a good grade of heavyweight oil the operator to reach through the
or grease. After lubricating the main bore of the packing set and pull it
mandrel, the Jar should be set to a min- out.
imum load and then closed. The exterior 10. Break out and remove the top sub.
surface may be painted or lubricated to
prevent any rust or deterioration. 11. Slide the mandrel down through the
knocker sub and bowl extension to
Disassembly remove it. Lay it aside.
Complete disassembly of the Logan 12. Remove the knocker sub from the
Surface Bumper Jar should proceed as bowl extension and set it aside.
13. Remove the bowl extension from
1. Secure the tool in a suitable vise, the bowl and set it aside.
clamping it at the bowl. Do not
clamp on the control ring plug. 14. Remove the control ring from the
end of the bowl extension. Turn the
2. Loosen the bottom sub in the bowl. control ring counter-clockwise to
Remove the bottom sub and wash- remove it.
pipe as a unit and lay them aside.
Since the washpipe is tightened into 15. Thoroughly clean and examine all
the bottom sub, they will remain the parts. Replace any damaged
attached. or badly worn parts.

Logan Surface Bumper Jar • 5

Surface Bumper Jar Surface Bumper Jar

The control ring plug has a lug on its The jarring force is set by a simple Be aware that a sudden freeing of a
OUTSIDE DIAMETER (INCHES) 7 inner end which engages a slot in the adjustment. Always begin a jarring oper- heavy fish will allow the fish to drop
Top Sub
INSIDE DIAMETER (INCHES) 1-7/8 control ring and prevents it from turning. ation with a light load, gradually increas- and strike a jarring blow with the jar.
STROKE 48 Removing the control ring plug from the ing the load as the operation proceeds. This could also damage the rig. A
COMPLETE ASSEMBLY Logan Part No. 609-001 bowl exposes a port through which the Set the restraining mechanism to a light similar procedure is observed in all
Bowen No. 74520 control ring may be turned with a large load by adjusting the control ring as cases of stuck pipe.
TOP SUB Logan Part No. AS1000 screwdriver. indicated by the stencil on the bowl at
Knocker Sub
Bowen No. 13587 the control ring plug. Actuating a Surface Bumper Sub
KNOCKER SUB Logan Part No. AS2000 Turning the control ring to the right
Many drilling operators employ drilling
Bowen No. 74522 moves it up, allowing the friction slip to To adjust the control ring, remove the
BOWL EXTENSION Logan Part No. AS3000
bumper subs in the drilling string. Also,
move into the smaller diameter of the control ring plug. Use a large screw-
Bowen No. 74523 almost all fishing operators install a
tapered bowl — constricting the rings driver, rotate the control ring to the right
BOWL Logan Part No. AS4000 bumper sub above the engaging tool
more and requiring more load to open to increase the tripping load, or to the
Bowen No. 74524 Washpipe in a fishing string. In either case, when
BOTTOM SUB Logan Part No. AS5000
the jar. The words “Increase Load” are left to decrease the tripping load.
the string becomes stuck and the bump-
Bowen No. 74525 stamped on the right side of the control
Take an upward strain on the Logan er sub is ineffective, install a Logan
MAIN MANDREL Logan Part No. AS6000 ring port.
Surface Bumper Jar. When the upward Surface Bumper Jar in the drill string as
Bowen No. 78609
WASHPIPE Logan Part No. AS7000
Turning the control ring to the left strain is equal to the previously set load, explained above.
Bowen No. 13588 moves it down, which moves the fric- the restraining mechanism will release
Set the Surface Bumper Jar for a light
PACKING SET Logan Part No. AS8000 tion slip into the larger diameter of the and allow the bowl assembly to fall
load — just enough to open it. Then
Bowen No. 66816 tapered bowl — expanding the rings rapidly for the 48-inch stroke length of
gradually increase load but observe the
more and requiring less load to open the mandrel assembly. This will cause
Bowen No. 78610 Bowl Extension precaution cited below. Do not set the
the jar. The words “Decrease Load” are the weight of the stretched pipe to fall
CONTROL RING Logan Part No. AS10000 tripping load so high that it exceeds the
Main Mandrel
stamped on the left side of the control downward against the stuck fish.
Bowen No. 844 weight of the free pipe above the stuck
FRICTION SLIP Logan Part No. AS11000
ring port.
Packing Set point. Continue jarring with the Surface
Bowen No. B-236 Freeing a Stuck Drill String
Bumper Jar until the stuck drill string is
FRICTION SLIP SPACER Logan Part No. AS12000 OPERATION Drill strings frequently stick on the trip
Friction Mandrel free.
Bowen No. 13594 Setting Load (Tons).................. 0 – 50 * out of the hole by pulling into a keyseat.
Control Plug
CONTROL RING PLUG Logan Part No. AS13000 Screw *100,000 lbs. Install the Logan Surface Bumper Jar in CAUTION: Do not set the tripping
Bowen No. 4144 the drill string as explained above. Set load of the Jar higher than the weight
Control Ring Bowl In all types of jarring operations, the the Jar for a light load and begin jarring between the surface and the point
EQUIPMENT Logan Surface Bumper Jar is installed operations, gradually increasing the where it is stuck. If the tripping load
PLUG & CONTROL RING WRENCH Logan Part No. AS14000 Friction Slip in the drilling string or fishing string just load as jarring proceeds, until the drill is set higher than the weight of the
1 with Each Assembly Bowen No. 86 above the rotary table or at the joint
Friction Slip Spacer pipe is free. amount of free pipe above the stuck
nearest the table. point, it will result in the pipe being
Sold Separately Bowen No. 14773 CAUTION: Do not set the tripping
LIFTING SUB Logan Part No. AS17000 Bottom Sub Full circulation through the tool can pulled tighter into the keyseat.
load of the jar higher than the weight
Sold Separately Bowen No. 242 be maintained during operation and full between the surface and the point Do not use a load setting that will
FRICTION SLIP LUBE (1 Tube) Logan Part No. AS18000
torque may be utilized in either direc- where it is stuck. If the tripping load create a stretch in the drill string that
Sold Separately Bowen No. 74285
tion. If circulation is desired, connect the is set higher than the weight of the is greater than the stroke of the jar.
kelly to the top of the jar. If circulation amount of free pipe above the stuck This could cause an impact within
is not required, connect a single joint point, the pipe will be pulled tighter the jar and possibly damage the
of pipe above the jar. Sufficient weight into the keyseat. hook or other rig components.
(300 to 400 lbs.) should be run above
When ordering, please specify: Recommended Spare Parts: Do not use a load setting that will Be aware that a sudden freeing of a
the jar to close and re-set it.
(1) Name and number of assembly or part (1) 2 Washpipes create a stretch in the drill string that heavy fish will allow the fish to drop
(2) Connections, if other than standard (2) 1 Friction Mandrel is greater than the stroke of the jar. and strike a jarring blow with the jar.
(3) 1 Control Ring This could cause an impact within This could also damage the rig. A
(4) 1 Friction Slip the jar and possibly damage the similar procedure is observed in all
(5) 1 Control Ring Plug hook or other rig components. cases of stuck pipe.
(6) 6 Packing Sets

Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.

6 • Logan Surface Bumper Jar Logan Surface Bumper Jar • 3

Surface Bumper Jar



MAX PUMP PRESSURE (PSI) 8,000 (internal connection)
SETTING LOAD (TONS) 0 – 50 * Knocker Sub

* 100,000 lbs.



Bowl Extension

(internal connection)


(internal connection)

Bottom Sub

Logan Surface Bumper Jar • 7


8 • Logan Surface Bumper Jar

11006 Lucerne Street
Houston, TX 77016
Tel: (281) 219-6613
Fax: (281) 219-6638



Louisiana Canada
103 Bluffwood Drive Lee Oilfield Fishing Tools Ltd.
Broussard, LA 70518 4604 Eleniak Road NW
Tel: (337) 839-2331/2332 Edmonton, AB T6B2S1
Fax: (337) 839-2334 Canada
Tel: (780) 440-6705
118 Common Court
Fax: (780) 463-5570
Houma, LA 70360
Tel: (985) 868-7333 Dubai
Fax: (985) 868-7007 Woodhouse International
P.O. Box 23724
Dubai, UAE
6 Donald Drive
Tel: 971-4-347-2300
Laurel, MS 39440
Fax: 971-4-347-4642
Tel: (601) 649-0636
Fax: (601) 649-6909 Scotland
Smith Services, HE Group
Howe Moss Avenue
424 South Eagle Lane
Dyce, Aberdeen
Oklahoma City, OK 73128
Scotland AB21 OGP
Tel: (405) 782-0625/0699/0754
Tel: 44-1224-770707
Fax: (405) 782-0760
Fax: 44-1224-724182
101 Commerce Street
Alice, TX 78332
Tel: (361) 396-0139/0147
Fax: (361) 396-0112

1305 Energy Drive

Kilgore, TX 75662
Tel: (903) 984-6700
Fax: (903) 984-6755

1617 South Viceroy

Odessa, TX 79763
Tel: (432) 580-7414
Fax: (432) 580-7656

1369 South 1100 East
Vernal, UT 84078
Tel: (435) 781-2856/2857
Fax: (435) 781-2858

www.loganoiltools.com Surface Bumper Jar

© 2007 Logan Oil Tools

Rev. 1/0607

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