A New Static P-Y Approach For Piles With Arbitrary Dimensions in Sand
A New Static P-Y Approach For Piles With Arbitrary Dimensions in Sand
A New Static P-Y Approach For Piles With Arbitrary Dimensions in Sand
© 2015 Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · geotechnik 38 (2015), Heft 4 267
K. Thieken/M. Achmus/K. Lemke · A new static p-y approach for piles with arbitrary dimensions in sand
being the critical aspects in the design of the foundation. The determination of structural loads in an overall
To date, monopiles with diameters D = 6 m have already dynamic analysis of the whole OWEC system is usually
been installed and diameters up to D = 8 m are being carried out by considering a linear elastic system. For the
planned. The relative pile length, i.e. ratio of embedded calculation models it is necessary to derive constant
pile length L to diameter D, usually has a value of about spring stiffness values from the non-linear system which
L/D ≈ 5. Experience with monopile foundations with such characterize the system behaviour under relevant opera-
large dimensions is essentially lacking. tional loads. The spring stiffness is often determined with
In a similar way to common pile foundations, the ul- a typical operational load by calculating the secant stiff-
timate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS) ness at the depth considered from the resulting p and y
design analyses have to be fulfilled for the design of values (Epy = p/y). Assuming that the deflections under
monopile foundations. In the ULS analysis, a sufficient such operational loads remain small, the initial bedding
soil resistance has to be present to ensure the structural stiffness of the p-y curves considered is used in most cases.
safety of the wind turbine. Therefore, the effects of cyclic Degradation of the initial bedding stiffness due to a re-
loading have to be considered, i.e. degradation of the soil peated (cyclic/dynamic) loading is not generally taken in-
resistance has to be accounted for. In the SLS analysis, the to account. This assumption is supported by the model
deflections and rotations under the characteristic extreme tests of LeBlanc et al. [11], which indicate that the unload-
load cases (subsequently denoted as extreme loads) have ing and reloading system stiffnesses do not decrease, but
to remain below a certain limit, and the accumulation of rather increase marginally with the number of load cycles.
deflection due to cyclic loading has to be considered in As mentioned above, the effects of cyclic loading
that (see [1]). In addition to these design analyses, the stiff- have to be considered in the ULS and the SLS design
ness of the monopile foundation system under small oper- analyses. Therefore, p-y curves that account for these ef-
ational loads has to be determined. Considering this foun- fects have to be used. These “cyclic” p-y curves, as given by
dation stiffness in an overall dynamic analysis of the the OGL or the EAP recommendations [12], are based on
whole OWEC structure, the eigenfrequencies of the wind the “static” p-y curves, i.e. the cyclic load case is consid-
turbine must be far enough away from the main excitation ered by modifying the static curves. A deficient formula-
frequencies of the dynamic loading. Here, neither an over- tion of the p-y curves for static loading will therefore not
estimation nor an underestimation of the foundation stiff- only influence the predicted foundation stiffness for the
ness is generally conservative. An incorrect estimation of overall dynamic analysis, but also the estimated horizontal
the foundation stiffness would result in an increase in un- deflections and the ultimate resistance of the monopile.
certainties regarding the structural loading. In the worst Three-dimensional numerical simulations of a
case it could have a serious negative influence on the monopile foundation in homogeneous sand under static
structural lifetime of the OWEC [2]. loading conditions are used to evaluate the p-y method
For all design analyses it is common practice to use currently used according to the OGL for the design of hor-
the subgrade reaction method to simulate the soil resis- izontally loaded piles with various dimensions. The simu-
tance p occurring depending on the horizontal displace- lations are based on a stress- and shear strain-dependent
ment y. The soil is replaced by a number of uncoupled soil stiffness formulation that enables the loadbearing be-
spring elements along the pile shaft connected to a beam haviour to be predicted quite accurately, even for small
element, where the bending stiffness Ep · Ip represents the loads. Hence, a meaningful evaluation of the p-y method
pile (Fig. 1). In most cases the so-called p-y method, rec- can be performed for piles with arbitrary dimensions and
ommended by the offshore guidelines (OGL) of the Amer- loads in the range of the ULS and SLS design analyses,
ican Petroleum Institute [3] and Det Norske Veritas [4], is but also for the foundation stiffness used in the overall dy-
used. Based on experience in the oil and gas industry, the namic analysis. In addition to the OGL method, modified
p-y method seems to be sufficiently accurate for flexible p-y formulations intending to account for the effect of the
piles with diameters of up to 2 m. For larger pile diame- pile diameter are evaluated by the numerical simulations.
ters, several numerical investigations have shown that the As none of the formulations currently available appear to
horizontal deflections are underestimated for extreme be applicable for the design of piles with arbitrary dimen-
loads [5], [6], [7]. In contrast, experience from operational sions and loading conditions, the numerical simulations
offshore wind farms with monopile foundations indicate are further used for the derivation and calibration of a
that the deflections for small (dynamic) operational loads new p-y approach.
are overestimated and so the foundation stiffness is under-
estimated [2], [8]. In this regard, it has to be remarked that 2 State of the art
discussions are still ongoing regarding whether or not this
larger stiffness is partly due to dynamic effects such as in- The original subgrade reaction method was established by
ertia effects and damping. Assuming that the frequency of Winkler [13] using the model of a beam supported by
the wind and wave loading is rather low, however, it is cur- a number of uncoupled or independent elastic springs.
rent practice to neglect the dynamic effects. Investigations McClelland & Focht [14] first proposed a solution to the
of the accuracy of predicting the ultimate resistance de- problem of an elastic beam by considering a non-linear p-
pending on the pile diameter are not known to the au- y formulation that is able to represent the soil behaviour
thors. Nevertheless, [9] shows that the ultimate bedding re- much more accurately. This method has subsequently
sistance of the p-y method is, irrespective of the pile diam- been termed the p-y method and is now the predominant
eter, conservative in conjunction with the German stan- method for designing horizontally loaded piles. Several
dard for earth pressure DIN 4085 [10]. p-y curve formulations have been proposed since then.
The first notable formulation dates back to Reese et al. A good approximation of kOGL below groundwater level is
[15], who proposed sectional p-y curves calibrated on the introduced by Augustesen et al. [18] (see Eq. (2)). By
Mustang Island Field Test [16]. This test is presented in de- analysing Eq. (1), it can be easily derived that kOGL · z is
tail in section 3.3. The Reese et al. formulation was incor- the initial slope of the p-y curve, which is also termed the
porated in the standard of the American Petroleum Insti- initial bedding stiffness Epy:
tute until it was replaced by a continuous hyperbolic tan-
gent function proposed by Murchison & O’Neill [17] in kOGL[MN/m3] = 0.008085 · ϕ′2.45 – 26.09
1984. This formulation was calibrated on a total of 10 for 29° ≤ ϕ′ ≤ 45° (2)
small-diameter field tests of different kinds. Tubular steel
piles (including the Mustang Island Field Test) and I-sec- The base value of the maximum bedding resistance pu can
tions as well as precast concrete piles and tapered timber be derived by using Eq. (3):
piles, all with various dimensions, were included in the
study. It was found that the hyperbolic tangent function ⎧⎪ p = (c · z + c · D) · γ′ · z
pu = min ⎨ us 1 2 (3)
currently used (see Eq. (1)) was most suitable for the de- ⎪⎩ pud = c3 · D · γ′ · z
sign. However, it is necessary to point out that no explicit
consideration of the influence of the pile diameter was where c1, c2 and c3 are coefficients depending on the an-
performed. It is remarkable that the results of the largest gle of internal friction (see Fig. 2, left).
and best instrumented pile test at Mustang Island cannot Wiemann et al. [6] suggested a theoretically derived
be reproduced adequately by the OGL formulation (see modification of the initial stiffness of the p-y curve de-
section 3.3, Fig. 5). Typical p-y curves for both approaches pending on the pile diameter D (see Eq. (4)). The ap-
are depicted for a small- and a large-diameter pile in Figs. proach introduced intends to account for an overestima-
3a and 3b respectively. It becomes obvious that both for- tion of the bedding stiffness for large-diameter piles under
mulations differ significantly despite having almost identi- extreme loads. In Eq. (4), Dref is the reference pile diame-
cal values for the initial stiffness Epy and the ultimate bed- ter of 0.61 m, which is identical to the diameter of the Mus-
ding resistance pu. For details regarding the construction tang Island Field Test [16]. Parameter “a” describes the
of the Reese et al. curves, see [15]. The p-y basic formula- change in the original initial stiffness coefficient kOGL
tion according to the offshore guidelines is introduced in with pile diameter D and lies between 0.5 and 0.6 depend-
Eq. (1): ing on the relative density of the sand. Starting from iden-
tical initial stiffness coefficients kOGL = kWiemann for pile
⎛k ·z ⎞ diameter D = 0.61 m, the formulation leads to a decreasing
p = A · pu · tanh ⎜ OGL · y⎟ (1)
⎝ A · pu ⎠ magnitude of kWiemann with increasing pile diameter:
4 · (1–a)
where: ⎛D ⎞ 4+a
A · pu maximum bedding resistance, which depends on in- k Wiemann = kOGL · ⎜ ref ⎟ (4)
ternal friction angle ϕ′, buoyant unit weight γ ′, ⎝ D ⎠
depth z below ground surface and pile diameter D
A calibration factor, specified as A = 3.0–0.8 · (z/D) ≥ In 2010 Sørensen et al. [19] proposed a further modified
0.9 for static loading and A = 0.9 for cyclic loading initial stiffness formulation to account for an overesti-
kOGL initial stiffness coefficient, which depends on the mation of the bedding stiffness under extreme loads (see
angle of internal friction ϕ′ or relative density of the Eq. (5)). Here, “a” is a reference value, with a = 50 MPa
sand (see Fig. 2, right) being recommended. The reference values were set to
zref = 1 m and Dref = 1 m. The dimensionless constants are
Fig. 2. Coefficients c1, c2, c3 and initial stiffness coefficient k according to the Offshore Guidelines (OGL) [3], [4]
Bild 2. Koeffizienten c1, c2, c3 und Anfangssteifigkeitskoeffizient k gemäß der Offshore-Richtlinien (OGL) [3], [4]
given as b = 0.6, c = 0.5, d = 3.6. Note that ϕ′ is to be en- stiffness is defined by the stress-dependent formulation in
tered in radians. Eq. (14), which is assumed to give reasonable results, at
least for OWECs located in the North Sea. The formula-
b c tions of the p-y curves for large-diameter monopiles all lead
1 ⎛ z ⎞ ⎛ D ⎞
kSørensen(2010) = · a · ⎜ · · ϕ′d (5)
⎝ zref ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ Dref ⎟⎠
to a significantly softer initial stiffness Epy than is the case
when using the p-y method of the OGL (see Fig. 3d). This
smaller initial stiffness should prevent an underestimation
Two years later Sørensen [7] extended the formulation by of pile head deflections for extreme loads but will also
changing the term of the friction angle to a stiffness-de- cause a softer behaviour for small loads.
pendent term (see Eq. (6)). The values b = 0.3, c = 0.5 and A softer behaviour for small loads contradicts with
d = 0.8 are recommended for the dimensionless constants the results of field measurements on operational offshore
b, c, d. The reference stiffness a = 1 MPa is valid for a ref- wind turbines at the Walney [2] and Horns Rev [8] wind
erence depth zref = 1 m, a reference pile diameter Dref = farms, which indicate that the initial stiffness for a small
1 m and a reference soil stiffness Es = 1 MPa. Please note operational loading is significantly larger than the results
that the results of both Sørensen’s formulations can differ from the OGL formulation. Based on the differences be-
significantly [20]. However, only the latest version (see tween the measured and calculated soil stiffnesses, Kalle-
Eq. (6)) is evaluated in the following. have et al. [2] suggested a modification of the initial stiff-
ness of the p-y curve according to the OGL (see Eq. (7),
b c d
1 ⎛ z ⎞ ⎛ D ⎞ ⎛ E ⎞ Figs. 3e and 3f).
kSørensen(2012) = ·a·⎜ · ·⎜ s
⎟ (6)
z ⎝ zref ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ Dref ⎟⎠ ⎝ Es,ref ⎠ m 0.5
1 ⎛ z⎞ ⎛ D⎞
kKallehave = ·k ·z · · (7)
z OGL 0 ⎜⎝ z0 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ D0 ⎟⎠
Representative p-y curves for the three aforementioned for-
mulations are presented in Figs. 3c and 3d for a small- and
a large-diameter pile respectively. It should be noted that Here, the recommended initial stiffness coefficient
the results according to the Sørensen (2012) formulation kKallehave depends on the initial bedding stiffness accord-
depend on the soil stiffness ES used. In this regard, the soil ing to the offshore guidelines (kOGL · z) at a reference
Fig. 3. Comparison of p-y curves for a small- and a large-diameter pile for a typical depth
Bild 3. Vergleich der p-y-Kurven für einen Pfahl mit kleinem und großem Durchmesser in einer beispielhaften Tiefe
depth z0 = 2.5 m. The dimensionless parameter m, which element program [22]. With regard to the symmetry of
governs the course of the initial stiffness with the depth, is both geometrical and loading conditions, only one half of
suggested as m = 0.6. The reference diameter is equal to the pile-soil system was modelled in order to reduce com-
the diameter of the Mustang Island Field Test, D0 = 0.61 m. putational effort. Preliminary analyses focused on the
Kirsch et al. [21] proposed a p-y approach to account mesh fineness and model dimensions in order to obtain
for an underestimation of foundation stiffness under small sufficiently accurate results and avoid an impact of the
operational loads and a simultaneous underestimation of boundary conditions. Finally, the soil model width was
pile deflection under extreme loads. In contrast to the p-y chosen to be 25 times the pile diameter D on the load axis
formulations presented previously, the Kirsch et al. formu- and 6 times in the orthogonal direction, with the model
lation should also include the effects of a cyclic loading. depth chosen as two times the pile length L. The reference
Therefore, the results of this approach are not fully com- system was discretized with a total of 118 579 ten-node
parable with the “static” approach of the OGL considered tetrahedral elements. A significant increase in the mesh
and the numerical simulations conducted. However, based fineness was used close to the pile. As PLAXIS simulates
on the aforementioned assumption that the foundation the cylindrical pile with triangular elements, this large
stiffness due to small operational loads does not degrade mesh fineness is very important in order to minimize a
with the number of load cycles, the Kirsch et al. approach peak out of the elements at the corners. Fig. 4 shows a typ-
should be able to account for the foundation stiffness for ical mesh of the finite element model with geometrical pa-
small loads. As Kirsch et al. purports to account for an ac- rameters.
cumulation of pile deflections, a significantly softer re- The monopile was modelled as an open tubular steel
sponse than that obtained with the OGL method is ex- pile with wall thickness t. The steel material properties
pected to result from this formulation for larger loads. E = 210 GPa, ν = 0.27 were applied, where E and ν repre-
Owing to the consideration of cyclic loads, the ap- sent the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of the
proach by Kirsch et al. is based on the “cyclic” p-y curve of steel respectively. The monopile was extended above the
the OGL (identical kOGL, A = 0.9, see Eq. (1)). Further- soil surface with an almost rigid pile to enable the applica-
more, the ultimate bedding resistance pu and the basic val- tion of the horizontal and moment loading by a single hor-
ue of the initial bedding stiffness coefficient kred (using izontal load H with a load eccentricity h.
Eq. (2)) are determined based on a reduced friction angle An elasto-plastic contact was inserted between the
ϕ′red (see Eq. (8)) in order to account for the effect of the inside and the outside of the steel pile and the adjacent
pile diameter D (see [21]). Here, diameter D must be soil. The maximum shear stress on the contact surface
entered in metres and the internal friction angle ϕ′ in de- τmax results from the product of the horizontal stress σH
grees in order to obtain ϕ′red in degrees as well. and the contact friction angle δ = 2/3ϕ′. The interface ele-
ments enable the determination of the bedding behaviour
ϕ′red = ϕ′ – 0.50 · (D – 2) (8) at the soil-structure interface. Here, PLAXIS3D offers the
output of contact stresses only in the local coordinate sys-
Besides kred, the initial stiffness coefficient of the Kirsch et tem of the respective interface element at the integration
al. formulation kKirsch depends on the ratio of dynamic points. Consequently, the normal and orthogonal stress
(small strain) to static soil stiffness modulus Esd/Es and components have to be transformed to a global coordinate
the ratio of bedding resistance to ultimate bedding resis- system and integrated for the pile section considered
tance p/pu (see Eq. (9)). (weight factors of the integration points can be found in
[23]). This is a challenging task as the elements are usually
⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤ of different sizes and the integration point data is given in
p ⎞ ⎛ Esd
kKirsch = k red · ⎢1 + ⎜ 1 – ⎟ ·⎜ – 1⎟ ⎥ (9) tabular form more or less randomly. If p-y curves need to
⎢⎣ ⎝ pu ⎠ ⎝ Es ⎠ ⎦⎥
3 Numerical model
3.1 General Fig. 4. Finite element mesh of pile-soil system (D = 5 m,
L = 30 m)
A three-dimensional numerical model of a monopile foun- Bild 4. Finite-Element-Netz des Pfahl-Bodensystems
dation system was developed using the PLAXIS 3D finite (D = 5 m, L = 30 m)
be created, the results of several load increments must be Therefore, the ratio between the actual shear modulus G
exported and analysed. The deflection lines and the bend- and the dynamic shear modulus G0 depends on the value
ing moments of the pile also have to be extracted from of the shear strain γ. The reference shear strain γref corre-
node and integration point data in tabular form. In this sponds to a secant shear modulus that is reduced to
regard, in future it would be highly desirable to have 72.2 % of its initial value and is given as γref = 10–4 as is
PLAXIS3D offer the possibility of outputting the soil resis- common practice. The strain-dependent stiffness degrada-
tance force, the stress resultants and the deflection line of tion is limited by a minimum stiffness in order to prevent
a connected structure directly as is possible in comparable considering unrealistically small soil stiffnesses for large
finite element programs. shear strains. The minimum is set to the “static” soil stiff-
The calculation is divided into several steps. In the ness moduli defined in the model, which are the secant
first step the initial stress state is generated by considering stiffness in a drained triaxial test E50, the tangent stiffness
soil elements only. The horizontal stress σH is defined by a for primary oedometric loading Eoed and the unloading
coefficient of horizontal earth pressure at rest k0 = 1-sin ϕ′. and reloading stiffness at engineering strains Eur.
Subsequently, the predefined elements defining the The stiffness moduli in the HSsmall soil model are
monopile geometry are replaced by steel elements repre- based on a stress-dependent power law controlled by an
senting the structure. In the same step, the contact be- exponent m and a reference stress pref:
tween the pile and the surrounding soil is activated. In the m m
third step, the horizontal load is applied by assigning the ⎛ σ ⎞ ⎛ σ ⎞
Eoed = Eoed,ref · ⎜ 1 ⎟ E 50 = E 50,ref · ⎜ 3 ⎟
horizontal force to the centre of a rigid top plate. ⎝ pref ⎠ ⎝ pref ⎠
Assuming linear elastic behaviour, the dynamic shear Eur = 3 · E50 (16)
modulus G0 can be converted to an oedometric modulus,
denoted as dynamic soil stiffness Esd, taking into account Since the calculation depends on the current stress, the
the Poisson’s ratio ν of the soil (see Eq. (11)). reference moduli then become depth-dependent. There-
fore, soil strata with thickness Δz = 5 m were modelled so
2 · (1 – ν2 ) that reference moduli varying with depth could be consid-
Esd = G0 · (11)
(1 – ν – 2 · ν2 ) ered and thus increase the accuracy in fitting the assump-
tion for ES and G0.
To describe the stiffness degradation with shear strain, The soil parameters used in the simulations are in-
Santos & Correia [29] suggested using Eq. (12), which is al- troduced in Table 1 depending on the relative soil density.
so implemented in PLAXIS 3D. These values are based on the authors’ experience gained
in projects in the North Sea and are comparable with
G 1 the bandwidths given in the Recommendations of the
= (12)
G0 1 + (0.385 · γ )/γ ref Committee for Waterfront Structures, Harbours and Wa-
terways (EAU) by the German Society for Geotechnics Table 1). Since the grain size distribution and the suban-
(DGGT) [30]. gular grain shape is similar to soil conditions in the North
Sea, the choice of identical stiffness parameters is as-
3.3 Back-calculation of the Mustang Island Field Test sumed to be a good approximation for the back-calcula-
The Mustang Island Field Test is the largest and best in- Cox et al. [16] presented a load-deflection curve (with
strumented pile test considered for the determination of deflection measured at the soil surface) as well as a single
the p-y approach of the offshore guidelines currently rec- course of bending moments along the pile shaft which
ommended. Consequently, the field test mentioned de- were determined by strain measurements on the pile (see
scribed by Cox et al. [16] is also used for validating the Fig. 5). The results of the numerical back-calculations are
numerical model. The test pile had an embedded length included in the same diagrams. Very good agreement with
L = 21 m, diameter D = 0.61 m and constant wall thickness the Cox et al. field test was obtained, leading to the con-
t = 9.52 mm. The soil in the relevant domain z = 0 – clusion that the numerical model presented is suitable for
10.62 m (34.85 ft) was specified from borehole samples as the task considered.
poorly graded fine sand with a buoyant unit weight γ ′ = In addition, the field test was back-calculated with
10.37 kN/m³ and relative density ID ≈ 80–100 %. Based on the p-y approach of Reese et al. [15] and the offshore
data from two borehole and a combination of standard guidelines [3], [4]. The IGtHPile pile design program [31]
and wire-line penetration tests, Reese et al. [17] stated the was used for the calculations. As the approach of Reese et
friction angle to be ϕ′ = 39°. Regarding the simulations, the al. was adjusted to the test results, it is not surprising that
well-known parameters γ ′ and ϕ′ are adopted directly. In the results of this approach match the field test data. In
the case of the stiffness parameters and the dilatancy of contrast, the p-y approach found in the offshore guidelines
the soil, reasonable assumptions are made. The dilatancy and currently recommended predicts a significantly stiffer
is set to ψ = ϕ′ – 30° = 9°, whereas the chosen stiffness pa- behaviour for large horizontal head displacements. The
rameters are equal to the values for very dense sand (see overestimation of the soil resistance by the OGL method
also leads to a significant underestimation of pile bending than the p-y approach according to the offshore guide-
moments for depths > 3 m. This method has been calibrat- lines. For very small head displacements, the results are
ed by several field tests and therefore cannot be expected close to those of the Kallehave et al. approach. In con-
to agree perfectly with all the tests. However, it is remark- trast, for larger head displacements, the resistance result-
able that the largest and best instrumented pile test con- ing from FEM is smaller than that from the OGL method
sidered for this approach cannot be reproduced by the rec- (see Fig. 6, left). For head displacements y > 30 mm, the re-
ommended p-y method. sistance is even smaller than that of the p-y approach of
Sørensen (2012). The approach of Reese et al. leads to al-
4 Evaluation of existing p-y approaches for piles most identical results compared with the OGL method for
of arbitrary dimensions small loads due to the underlying identical initial stiffness
4.1 General formulation. For larger loads, however, a significantly soft-
er behaviour becomes apparent (see also Fig. 3b).
In the following, the p-y approaches presented in section 2 The corresponding deflection lines and secant bed-
are evaluated using the numerical model. This evaluation ding stiffnesses (Epy = p/y) for a small load (H = 0.25 MN)
represents a summary of two studies published by the and a large load (H = 15 MN) are presented in Fig. 7. For
authors. The OGL method and the modified formulations
of Sørensen (2012) [7] and Kallehave et al. [2] were con-
sidered in [20]. The modified p-y formulations of Wie-
mann et al. [6] and Kirsch et al. [21] as well as the ap-
proach of Reese et al. [15] were evaluated in [32]. In the
following, the results for a reference system representing a
monopile system are shown and discussed in detail. Sub-
sequently, the results of a comprehensive parametric study
are summarized.
Fig. 8. Quotient of horizontal resistance Hp-y/HFEM for existing p-y approaches (very dense sand)
Bild 8. Quotient des horizontalen Widerstands Hp-y/HFEM für existierende p-y-Ansätze (sehr dichter Sand)
the small load, the deflection lines of the OGL method y = 0.03 · D, but the overestimation of the resistance is
and the Reese et al. (1974) [15] approach are in qualitative much smaller, especially for larger pile diameters. As ex-
agreement with the numerical results. In contrast, the pected, results identical with the OGL method are ob-
Kallehave et al. (2012) [2] formulation overestimates the tained for y = 0.0005 · D. The Wiemann et al. formulation
foundation stiffness, whereas the Sørensen (2012) [7] for- reduces the overestimation of the OGL method for large
mulation shows an underestimation. For the large load, pile diameters, although the results are almost identical
the numerically derived stiff pile behaviour can only be ap- for small-diameter piles. However, the overestimation of
proximated by the approach of Sørensen (2012) [7]. It has resistance for y = 0.03 · D is still > 50 % and the smaller ini-
to be concluded that none of the current approaches real- tial stiffness also causes the foundation stiffness to be un-
istically accounts for the distribution of the bedding resis- derestimated for y = 0.0005 · D. The same trend can be
tance along the pile shaft (see Fig. 7, right). found when using the Sørensen (2012) formulation, with
the results more in agreement with the numerical results
4.3 Parametric study for large-diameter piles than results from the Wiemann et
al. formulation. The reduction in the initial stiffness for
To give a comprehensive overview of the discrepancy be- y = 0.0005 · D, however, appears much too great for small-
tween the p-y approaches and the simulations, the numer- diameter piles. The formulation of Kallehave et al. leads
ical model was applied to a total of 224 pile-soil systems. to a qualitatively similar distribution compared with the
Horizontally loaded piles with diameters in the range D = OGL method, but the resistance overestimation is general-
0.5 to 8 m and relative lengths L/D = 4 to 10 were consid- ly higher. Therefore, the validity of the Kallehave et al.
ered. To enable a reasonable evaluation of the p-y ap- formulation is limited to horizontal head displacements
proaches depending on the pile dimensions, the load ec- smaller than y < 0.0005 · D (see also Fig. 6). The approach
centricity h and the wall thickness t were normalized with of Kirsch et al. significantly overestimates the foundation
the pile diameter D. The wall thickness was defined taking resistance for y = 0.0005 · D, with no approximation to the
into account the driveability criterion [3] as t [mm] = numerical results being obtained for smaller loads [32].
0.0125 · D [mm] + 6.35 [mm] and the load eccentricity was For y = 0.03 · D, an overestimation comparable with the
arranged as h = 5 · D, which enabled the reference system formulation of Wiemann et al. is found. Please keep in
to be integrated into the study. mind that the approach of Kirsch et al. purports to ac-
The quotients of the horizontal load resulting from count for a cyclic accumulation of head displacement and
the p-y approaches and the numerical simulations QH = should therefore yield a significantly smaller resistance
(Hp-y/HFEM) are presented in terms of contour plots. Con- than the numerical simulations under static conditions.
sequently, a value > 1 means that the p-y approaches result
in a stiffer behaviour than predicted by the FE simulations. 4.4 Interim conclusion
These contour plots are given in [20], [32] for the six p-y ap-
proaches mentioned for both medium and very dense An evaluation of the suitability of the p-y approaches cur-
sand. In these studies, three normalized head displace- rently available was conducted in detail for a reference
ments y = 0.0005 · D, 0.01 · D and 0.03 · D are considered system and by means of a comprehensive parametric
to give a comprehensive view of the discrepancies occur- study. It must be concluded that none of the existing p-y
ring with regard to the horizontal resistance. In the fol- approaches is generally appropriate for the design of large-
lowing, the results for normalized head displacements y = diameter monopiles. It is doubted that a simple modifica-
0.0005 · D and y = 0.03 · D are shown for the very dense tion of the initial stiffness coefficient of the OGL method
sand only (see Fig. 8). It should be noted that qualitatively is the way to success as the modification of the initial stiff-
similar results occur if the relative density is changed to ness influences the bedding stiffness for small and large
medium dense conditions [20], [32]. However, the devia- loads in the same way. Therefore, it will not be possible to
tions from the numerical simulations are up to 30 % larg- use a single formulation to account for a stiffer behaviour
er than for the very dense sand presented afterwards. for small loads and a softer behaviour for larger loads. In
Based on the presentation in Fig. 6 it is understood that, general, the concept of the Reese et al. approach could ful-
for small horizontal head displacements especially, the fil this requirement by modifying the supporting points of
discrepancy determined will largely vary with the head the formulations [20]. Anyway, a major revision of the ex-
displacement considered. However, this presentation en- isting p-y formulations is urgently needed to account more
ables an excellent characterization of the p-y approaches accurately for the course of the bedding resistance as well
with regard to the validity for piles of arbitrary dimen- as the pile deflections and bending moments along the
sions. pile shaft.
For large pile diameters, the OGL method shows
good agreement with the results of the numerical simu- 5 Limitations of the common subgrade reaction method
lations for the small normalized head displacement
(y = 0.0005 · D). The overestimation derived for the foun- All p-y formulations introduced and analysed above are
dation resistance increases significantly with increasing based on the traditional p-y method and therefore com-
pile diameter D, relative pile stiffness and loading. For prise the limitations of uncoupled springs and the lack of
y = 0.03 · D, values of QH = 2.0 result, which means that the consideration of the “pile tip effect”. The approach of
the pile resistance is twice as large as the value predicted uncoupled springs does not account for the soil as a con-
by the OGL method. The approach of Reese et al. gives re- tinuum, i.e. the bedding resistance on a pile segment is not
sults qualitatively comparable with the OGL method for influenced by the bedding resistance on adjacent pile seg-
ments. The lack of the pile tip effect means that the bed- required horizontal displacement was not reached for a
ding resistances are considered independently of the dis- pile head displacement y = 500 mm by the realistically
tance to the pile tip, i.e. effects from the soil continuity be- loaded piles near to the point of rotation, no Epy values
neath the pile are neglected. In the following, the conse- can be determined in these cases.
quences of these limitations on the bedding behaviour of a Considering Fig. 9 as a whole, the effects of both lim-
large-diameter monopile are depicted using numerical itations in the traditional p-y method become fully evi-
simulations of three systems. dent. Even if the same numerical model was used, strongly
The three simulations are based on the reference deviating bedding resistances are found depending on the
system already introduced in sections 3 and 4.2. For the pile deflection line. Shear stresses acting in the soil along
first two simulations, only the wall thickness is altered to the pile length lead to redistributions in the load transfer,
t = 40 mm and t = 400 mm for the first and the second sim- causing changes to the bedding resistance depending on
ulation respectively. Both pile-soil systems, subsequently the deflection line of the pile. These differences cannot be
denoted as realistically loaded piles, are loaded by a hori- considered by the traditional p-y method as the recom-
zontal load H with eccentricity h = 25 m. In the third sim- mended p-y curves are independent of the pile behaviour.
ulation, the pile length is doubled, with the pile bending Existing p-y relationships, derived from field tests or nu-
stiffness being set so high that the pile behaviour is almost merical considerations, are therefore only valid for the re-
rigid (Ep = 1 · 1012 kN/m², ν = 0.27). A horizontal surface spective underlying relative pile stiffness. An idea to deal
loading was applied to the whole pile shaft, resulting in a with these differences could be to modify the p-y relation-
constant horizontal displacement of the complete pile. ships depending on relative pile stiffness criteria. Howev-
The results of the three simulations are illustrated in er, these criteria are independent of the magnitude of load-
Fig. 9. The deflection lines of both realistically loaded ing which is – considering the behaviour of the point of ro-
piles are shown for a horizontal head displacement y = tation (see Fig. 9, left) – seen as less realistic. An iterative
50 mm in Fig. 9 (left). Here, a flexible and a relatively stiff procedure is therefore regarded as indispensable to ac-
pile behaviour are found for wall thicknesses t = 40 mm count for the mutual influence of pile deflection line and
and t = 400 mm respectively. The same diagram illustrates bedding resistance.
the depth of the point of rotation corresponding to the re- The effect of the pile tip can also be seen in Fig. 9
spective pile head displacement. It becomes apparent that, (right). The bedding resistances of the realistically loaded
for the flexible pile especially, the point of rotation moves piles increase significantly near the pile tip in comparison
significantly downwards as the pile head displacement in- to the horizontally loaded pile, which is assumed to be un-
creases, indicating an increasing relative stiffness of the affected by any pile tip effect due to the doubling of the
pile. The deflection line of the third pile is not shown as it pile length. These large bedding resistances clearly show
is simply a vertical line at y = 50 mm. The corresponding that as the traditional p-y method disregards the soil con-
p-y curves resulting from the three simulations are illus- tinuity beneath the pile, this causes significant inaccura-
trated for depths z = 8 m and z = 13 m in Fig. 9 (centre). cies in the prediction of the pile’s loadbearing behaviour.
Fig. 9 (right) presents the secant bedding stiffness (Epy = However, the almost identical resistances of the two real-
p/y) for a horizontal displacement y = 20 mm, i.e. the dia- istically loaded piles supports the assumption that the pile
gram represents a profile from the p-y curves along the tip effect is a predominately geometrical effect that could
pile shaft for a horizontal displacement y = 20 mm. As the also be included in a traditional p-y method. It should be
noted that the tubular pile considered does not allow a dis- tion 3. The pile is considered as almost rigid (E = 1 ·
tinction between a load-spreading of bedding resistances 1012 kN/m², ν = 0.27) and loaded with a surface displace-
and the so-called pile toe shearing. However, this distinc- ment on the whole pile shaft to reach a constant horizon-
tion appears to be less important for the determination of tal displacement (see section 5). In order to eliminate the
the pile behaviour as the resistances act on the pile at the pile tip effects in the results, the pile has twice the length
same depth. of the depth considered. Owing to mesh distortions, the
In conclusion, the comparison of the bedding behav- ultimate resistance is hard to determine in greater soil
iour clearly shows that the limitations of the traditional p- depths if the soil stiffnesses described in section 3 are
y method necessarily result in significant inaccuracies in used. Therefore, the soil stiffness here was set as 10 times
the predicted pile behaviour. A more sophisticated ap- larger than the aforementioned values. The ultimate resis-
proach, able to account for the mutual interaction of de- tances could thus be reached in the numerical simulation.
flection line and bedding resistance as well as the effect of This larger soil stiffness would definitely manipulate the
the pile tip, is urgently needed. calculation results for realistic pile loadings due to
changes in the load histories of the single elements. In
6 Derivation of a new p-y approach contrast, the larger soil stiffness has no influence on the
6.1 Conception of the new approach ultimate bedding resistances of a constant horizontally
displaced pile. This was confirmed by additional calcula-
This section will introduce the derivation of a new p-y ap- tions with realistic soil stiffness (comparison in the part
proach, the aim of which is to improve the model accura- close to the soil surface) as well as with calculations con-
cy compared with the p-y method commonly used. For sidering even larger soil stiffnesses (20 times larger than
this purpose, the findings from the parametric study and the aforementioned values). Four pile diameters in a
the discussion regarding the limitations of the traditional range D = 1 to 8 m and relative densities from very loose
p-y method in section 5 are included. The approach is to very dense sand were considered. The results of the nu-
based on a two-step procedure. In the first step, the p-y re- merical simulations are shown in Fig. 10.
lationship is determined for a pile of infinite length which The diagrams show a comparison of the ultimate
exhibits a constant horizontal displacement along the pile bedding resistance for the OGL method and the German
shaft (see section 6.3). This relationship will serve as a standard for earth pressure DIN 4085 [10] with the results
“basic p-y curve”, which excludes any effects of the pile de- of the numerical simulations. Please note that the ultimate
flection line or the pile tip. In the analytical formulation, bedding resistance approach of the OGL was already in-
regarding maximum resistance, the ultimate bedding resis- troduced in Eq. (3). DIN 4085 assigns the resultant ulti-
tance approach (see section 6.2) according to the German mate horizontal resistance of a structural element com-
standard for earth pressure DIN 4085 [10] is applied. The prising an embedded length L and a width D depending
shape of the basic p-y curves thus uses a completely new on the passive earth pressure coefficient Kpgh (see
formulation, accounting for the stiffer behaviour for small Eq. (17)).
loads as well as the softer behaviour for larger loads. In the
second step, the basic p-y curves are modified in an itera- L2
pgh = γ ·
E 3D · K pgh · 0.55 · (1 + 2 · tan ϕ′) · L · D (17)
tive procedure to account for the interaction of deflection 2
line and bedding resistance as well as the pile tip effect
(see section 6.4). ”Stretching factors” are used here which The passive earth pressure coefficient Kpgh value depends
are applied to the basic p-y curves and thus modify the p-y on the internal friction angle ϕ′ and the passive wall
curves depending on the course of the pile deflection line friction angle, which in this study is assumed to be
and the distance to the pile tip. δp = –2/3 · ϕ′, as it is common practice for steel or concrete
It should be pointed out that the introduction of de- surfaces (Eq. (18)). The determination of Kpgh is described
flection mode-dependent stretching factors is not a gener- in [33], to which DIN 4085 [10] refers.
ally applicable way of overcoming the shortcomings of ne-
glecting soil continuity in a Winkler-type model. However, 2
⎛ ⎛ 1 + sin ϕ′ ⎞ 0.26 + 5.96 · ϕ′
for the system under consideration, the approach devel- ⎜ ⎜⎝ 1 – sin ϕ′ ⎟⎠ · (1 – 0.53 · δ p ) ⎟
oped significantly improves the accuracy of a common ⎝ ⎠
K pgh = (18)
subgrade reaction method. The validity range is of course 1 + (tan δ p )2
bounded by the systems on which the approach is cali-
brated. Therefore, more than 250 pile-soil systems with The ultimate bedding resistance for a constant horizontal
wide ranges of pile dimensions, relative densities and load- displacement pC can therefore be calculated by deriv-
ing conditions were evaluated in this study in order to en- ing Eq. (17) with respect to depth z (or L in Eq. (19)), as
sure almost general applicability of the approach for hori- presented in Eq. (19).
zontally loaded piles in homogeneous sand.
C = · γ · z1.5 · K pgh · (1 + 2 · tan ϕ′) · D (19)
6.2 Determination of ultimate bedding resistance 16
for constant horizontal pile displacement
Fig. 10 shows that the DIN 4085 approach is in good
The ultimate bedding resistance for piles with constant agreement with the numerical results. This can be con-
horizontal displacement (pure horizontal translation) is firmed by the distributions along a small- (D = 1 m) and a
determined using the numerical model presented in sec- large-diameter (D = 5 m) pile (see Fig. 10, top) as well as in
Fig. 10. Ultimate bedding resistance resulting from FEM, offshore guidelines [3], [4] and DIN 4085 [10]
Bild 10. Maximalwert des Bettungswiderstands nach FEM, Offshore-Richtlinien [3], [4] und DIN 4085 [10]
terms of a comparison of ultimate resistances for two rela- sand above groundwater level (γ = 19.76 kN/m³) are pre-
tive depths z/D = 2 and z/D = 5 in Fig. 10 (bottom). In sented in Fig. 12.
contrast, the OGL formulation leads to a significant Figs. 11 and 12 include the results obtained using the
underestimation of the bedding resistance at depths “basic p-y curves” formulation. The conception of and the
> 1.5 times the pile diameter. However, it should be noted equations for the basic curve are summarized in Fig. 14
that the larger soil resistance of the OGL approach in the (top) and are explained in detail below. The stretching fac-
upper part of the pile (z ≤ 2.625 · D) results from the cali- tor SFpy, considering pile deflection line and pile tip effect,
bration factor A (see Eq. (1)). This factor is intended to ac- is already included in the following equations. The calcu-
count for the effect of a realistic loading and should there- lation of this factor is explained in section 6.4. For the ba-
fore be neglected here. In conclusion, the DIN 4085 ap- sic p-y curve, SFpy = 1.0 applies.
proach gives more reasonable results for a constant hori- The new basic p-y curve consists of three sections,
zontal pile displacement and, consequently, is included in which are valid depending on the ratio between the ulti-
the new p-y approach. mate bedding resistance pC and the soil stiffness modulus
ES. For displacements y ≤ pC/(ES · SFpy) = yB, the new p-y
6.3 Determination of “basic” p-y curve curve is described by a parabolic formulation according to
Eq. (20).
Results from numerical simulations analogous to section
6.2 are used for the calibration of the “basic p-y curves”. 1/n
⎛ y ⎞
p(y ≤ y B ) = pB · ⎜ ≤ E0py (20)
⎝ y B ⎟⎠
Here, the soil stiffnesses given in Table 1 are used to
account for realistic load-displacement characteristics.
Again, piles with diameters in a range D = 1 to 8 m and
five relative densities between very loose and very dense For displacements y ≥ 4 · pC/(Es · SFpy ) = yC, the ultimate
sand were considered. For example, the results for a typi- bedding resistance pC is assumed to be reached. For inter-
cal monopile with a pile diameter D = 5 m in very dense mediate displacements, p is determined from a linear in-
sand below groundwater level are presented. Similarly to terpolation between pB and pC (see Eq. (21)).
section 6.2, the pile length was enlarged to eliminate the
effect of the pile tip. The numerical results are presented
⎛ p – pB ⎞
in Fig. 11 in terms of p-y curves and secant bedding stiff- p(y B ≤ y < y C ) = pB + ⎜ C · (y – y B ) (21)
ness displacement curves (Epy-y) for three representative ⎝ y C – y B ⎟⎠
As a second example, the p-y relations for a typical The exponent n in Eq. (20) of the first curve section has to
onshore pile with a diameter D = 1 m in medium dense be calculated with Eq. (22). For displacements y ≥ 0.005 ·
Fig. 11. Comparison of p-y relations for a pile with constant horizontal displacement (D = 5 m, L = 60 m,
very dense sand, buoyant unit weight γ ′)
Bild 11. Vergleich der p-y-Beziehungen für einen konstant horizontal verschobenen Pfahl, (D = 5 m, L = 60 m,
sehr dichter Sand, Wichte unter Auftrieb γ ′ )
pC/(ES · SFpy) = yA, n is a function of the internal friction If the initial foundation stiffness is of minor importance,
angle ϕ′ (see Eq. (23)), whereas for displacements smaller Epy can be derived – as a lower bound solution – from the
than y ≤ 10–5 · D, the initial stiffness E0py is taken into ac- static soil stiffness modulus Es as well (see Eq. (26)). For
count. Please note that the initial stiffness (see Eq. (25)) is the design of offshore wind energy converters, however,
identical to the dynamic shear modulus G0 converted to designers are strongly recommended to determine Epy
an oedometric stiffness modulus Esd (see Eq. (11)). The based on Eq. (25) in order to account realistically for the
corresponding exponent n = n0 reaching the initial stiff- loadbearing behaviour under small loads.
ness at a displacement y = 10–5 · D can be determined us-
ing Eq. (24). In between these displacements, the expo- E0py = ES · SFpy (26)
nent n is affected in a way that results in a smooth transi-
tion between both values. The shape of the transition is The bedding resistance pB, valid for a displacement yB,
given by the exponential formulation in Eq. (22). results from the product of the ultimate bedding resistance
pc and a depth-dependent reduction factor RB (see
⎧n if y ≥ y A Eq. (27)).
⎪⎪ A 0.25
n=⎨ ⎛ y ⎞ (22)
⎪ n0 + (n A – n0 ) · ⎜ y ⎟ if y < y A pB = pC · RB (27)
⎪⎩ ⎝ A⎠
⎛ z/D ⎞
where: nA = 2.4 – (ϕ′ – 30°) · 0.08 where: R B = 0.63 – ⎜ · 0.33 ≥ 0.35 (28)
⎝ 7.5 ⎟⎠
⎛ 10–5 · D ⎞ ⎛ E0 · 10–5 · D ⎞
n0 = log ⎜ ⎟ / log ⎜ ⎟ (24) To obtain the basic p-y curves from the approach present-
⎝ y B ⎠ ⎜
⎝ pB ⎟⎠ Basic
ed, pC has to be set equal to pC and the stretching fac-
tor to SFpy = 1.0. The meaning of these two parameters
⎛ 2 · (1 – ν2 ) ⎞ will be introduced in section 6.4.
E0py = G0 · ⎜ ⎟ · SFpy = Esd · SFpy (25)
⎝ 1 – ν – 2ν2 ⎠
Fig. 12. Comparison of p-y relations for a pile with constant horizontal displacement (D = 1 m, L = 10 m, medium dense
sand, unit weight γ )
Bild 12. Vergleich der p-y-Beziehungen für einen konstant horizontal verschobenen Pfahl (D = 1 m, L = 10 m, mitteldichter
Sand, Wichte γ )
6.4 Consideration of pile deflection line and pile tip effect The p-y curves, based on the ultimate bedding resistance
pC, have to be modified depending on the deflection line
As introduced in section 5, the mutual interactions of pile and the distance of the respective depth to the pile tip. For
deflection line and bedding resistance as well as the effect this purpose, a stretching factor SFpy is to be introduced.
of the pile tip have to be included in a p-y approach gener- The stretching factor directly influences the stiffness of the
ally valid for arbitrary pile-soil systems. This requirement p-y curve by dividing the supporting displacements (yA, yB,
necessitates the modification of the basic p-y curves. The yC) by the stretching factor SFpy (see Fig. 14, top). There-
final modifications were obtained by adjusting the basic p- fore, a stretching factor < 1 results in a softer response of
y curves systematically to the results of the numerical sim- the p-y curve, whereas a stretching factor > 1 results in a
ulations. To guarantee a best possible fit for the new p-y stiffer behaviour (see Fig. 14, bottom). With regard to this,
method, these adjustments were made for more than 100 it should be noted that the initial stiffness E0py also needs
realistic pile-soil systems with various dimensions and soil to be multiplied by the stretching factor because the initial
conditions, each for several load levels. stiffness is influenced by the same effects (see Eq. (25)).
Before adapting the stiffness of the p-y curves itera- The total stretching factor SFpy results from both compo-
tively using the stretching factors SFpy, an increased ulti- nents SFpy,bend and SFpy,tip, which account for the deflec-
mate resistance near the soil surface has to be included in tion line and the influence of the pile tip respectively (see
the new p-y approach. Here, the ultimate bedding resis- Eq. (30)).
tance pC is determined based on the basic value for con-
stant horizontal displacement pC (see Eq. (19)) using SFpy = SFpy,bend + SFpy,tip (30)
Eq. (29). This equation leads to an increased ultimate re-
sistance for depths smaller than z < 2.5 · D and is – with The basis for the shape of the stretching factor is revealed
regard to shape and magnitude – comparable with the A in Fig. 13. The figure compares the secant bedding stiff-
factor of the OGL or Reese et al. (1974) methods. ness for the numerical results and the p-y curves (based on
pC and SFpy = 1.0) for the two realistically loaded piles in-
⎡ ⎛ z ⎞
0.25 ⎤
troduced in section 5. These p-y systems are loaded with
pC = pBasic · ⎢ 3 – 2 · ⎥ ≥ pBasic (29)
⎢ ⎜⎝ 2.5 · D ⎟⎠ ⎥ c the same loads, which induce a pile head deflection y =
⎣ ⎦ 20 mm in the numerical simulations. It becomes obvious
Fig. 13. Comparison of secant bedding stiffnesses between FE results and new p-y method based on pC and SFpy = 1.0
Bild 13. Vergleich der Bettungssteifigkeiten zwischen FE-Ergebnissen und neuer p-y-Methode unter Zugrundelegung von
pC und SFpy = 1,0
that in both cases the analytical model behaviour is softer effect will have very limited influence on the bearing be-
than that of the numerical one, a fact caused by deviating haviour of the pile.
bedding stiffnesses. These differences in bedding stiffness- The shape of the stretching factor is not directly com-
es are depicted by the quotient between the numerically parable with the deviations in bedding stiffness due to the
determined bedding stiffness Epy FEM and the analytically non-linearities in the modified p-y curves. However, the
determined bedding stiffness Epy SFpy=1.0 (see Fig. 13, same basic shape for the stretching factors was found in
right). Here, a value > 1 means that the p-y curves behave the comparative study conducted to reach a best possible
softer and a value < 1 means that the p-y curves behave fit between the numerical and the analytical results. In
stiffer than is the case with the numerical simulations. this regard, the fitted stretching factors for the deflection
These deviations in the bedding stiffness have to be line SFpy,bend are shown in Eqs. (30), (31) and (32). Here,
compensated for by the stretching factors to reach a bear- ymax is the maximum pile deflection (assumed to occur at
ing behaviour comparable with the numerical simulations. the pile head), ymin is the minimum deflection on the rear
Considering the shape of the deviations in bedding stiff- side of the pile, zy0 is the depth of the rotation point and
ness (Fig. 13, right) it becomes obvious that the bedding zymin is the depth of the minimum deflection. In this re-
stiffnesses are underestimated close to the soil surface, di- gard, a schematic drawing of the stretching factor resulting
rectly below at the point of rotation and close to the pile from the pile deflection line as well as the geometrical pa-
tip. In contrast, the bedding stiffness is overestimated rameters mentioned before is introduced in Fig. 14 (bot-
above the point of rotation. Furthermore, the significant tom).
dependence of these deviations on the pile deflection line
and the distance to the pile tip was observed for all sys- SFpy,bend = · 2.3 + 0.3 if z ≤ z y (31)
y max 0
tems considered. The basic mechanism supporting these
findings is the occurrence of shear stresses acting in the
soil along the pile length which lead to redistributions in SFpy,bend = · 1.2 + 0.3 if z y < z ≤ z y (32)
y min 0 min
the load transfer, i.e. pile segments with larger displace-
ments than adjacent pile segments mobilize a larger resis-
tance. It should be noted that the extreme values at the SFpy,bend = · 1.2 + 0.3 ≥ 1.0 if z > z y (33)
point of rotation are due to the very small displacements y min min
and the complex load transfer due to the change in the di-
rection of deflection. As the corresponding resistance and As mentioned earlier, the pile tip effect is supposed to be a
the distance to the point of rotation are rather small, this geometrical problem limited to a small pile section near
Fig. 14. Conception of and equations for the new p-y approach
Bild 14. Konzept und Gleichungen des neuen p-y-Ansatzes
the pile tip. The stretching factor for the effect of the pile 6.5 Calculation procedure
tip SFpy,tip is determined using Eqs. (34) and (35) (see
Fig. 14, bottom). The loadbearing behaviour of piles in homogeneous sand
under static loading conditions can be determined based
5 on the complete scheme of the proposed method present-
⎛z–L ⎞
SFpy,tip = 5 · ⎜ + 1⎟ if z ≥ L – 2 · D (34) ed in Fig. 14. The calculation is carried out using an itera-
⎝ 2·D ⎠
tive procedure. Starting with the basic p-y curves intro-
duced in sections 6.2 and 6.3 (see Fig. 14, top), the pile de-
⎛z–L ⎞ flections are calculated in the first iteration step by setting
SFpy,tip = 5 · ⎜ + 1⎟ + 3 if z ≥ L – 0.1 · D (35)
⎝ 2·D ⎠ SFpy = 1.0. The resulting deflection line is used for deter-
mining the stretching factors (see Fig. 14, bottom) applied sidered for the evaluation of the existing p-y curves in
to the p-y curves considered in the next iteration step. The Figs. 6 and 7, representing a monopile foundation. The
iteration is continued until convergence is reached for the second system represents a pile for a foundation beneath
pile head displacement. an onshore structure, i.e. a small-diameter pile above
Altogether, the new method is similar to the method groundwater level.
by the offshore guidelines and therefore easy to imple-
ment in existing p-y programs. The calculations presented 7.2 Evaluation by means of a monopile foundation
here were conducted with the pile design program IGtH-
Pile [31]. It is worth mentioning that the iterative adaption A pile with diameter D = 5 m, embedded length L = 30 m
of the p-y curves mentioned before does not necessitate an and wall thickness t = 68.85 mm in very dense sand was
additional iteration process in the program since it can be considered. The load eccentricity was chosen as h = 25 m,
included in the equilibration iteration necessary to ac- i.e. the moment loading results from M = H · 25 m. In
count for the non-linearity of the p-y curves. Therefore, Fig. 15, the upper two figures represent a comparison of
the new concept causes almost no additional calculation the loadbearing behaviour of the pile in terms of the load-
time. displacement curves and secant stiffness-displacement
curves with displacements taken at the soil surface. Both
7 Evaluation of the new p-y approach diagrams indicate a much better agreement using the new
7.1 General approach than is the case with the OGL method. Further-
more, the local behaviour is compared in terms of the de-
In the following, the new p-y approach is evaluated based flection line, the bedding resistance and the bending mo-
on the results of the numerical simulations. A detailed ment along the pile shaft for H = 5 MN. It can be demon-
comparison is conducted on two representative systems. strated that the course of bedding resistance is predicted
The first system is identical to the reference system con- accurately by the new approach. In particular, excellent
Fig. 15. Evaluation of the OGL method and the new Fig. 16. Evaluation of the OGL method and the new
approach for a monopile foundation approach for an onshore pile
Bild 15. Bewertung der OGL-Methode und des neuen Bild 16. Bewertung der OGL-Methode und des neuen
Ansatzes anhand einer Monopile-Gründung Ansatzes anhand eines Onshore-Pfahls
agreement in the lower part of the pile could be reached 7.3 Evaluation by means of an onshore pile
after modifying the basic p-y curves by the stretching fac-
tors. In addition, a good prediction of the bedding resis- A pile with diameter D = 1 m, embedded length L = 12.5 m
tance could be achieved in the residual part of the pile and wall thickness t = 16.35 mm in medium dense sand
length. This good agreement directly causes a significantly above groundwater level was considered. In this case no
improved prediction of the deflection line and the bend- additional moment loading was applied. The comparison
ing moments. For completeness, the corresponding of the numerical simulation results, the OGL method and
stretching factors considered for a horizontal load H = the new approach is presented in Fig. 16. It is apparent
5 MN are also presented. that the new approach, in contrast to the OGL method,
Fig. 17. Parametric study for evaluation of the OGL method and the new approach
Bild 17. Parameterstudie für die Bewertung der OGL-Methode und des neuen Ansatzes
coincides very well with the results of the numerical simu- not an input parameter in this method, but is correlated to
lation. This shows that the new approach can be used not the friction angle and thus remains constant when fES is
only for rather stiff monopiles, but also for flexible pile sys- varied. In contrast, the new approach is able to account
tems. for this varied soil stiffness quite accurately. This stiffness-
dependent formulation is assumed to be quite advanta-
7.4 Parametric study geous as different soils exhibit different relations between
soil stiffness and shear strength. Besides, this consider-
Starting from the reference monopile foundation system ation demonstrates the accuracy of the new approach
introduced in section 7.2, the relative density was initially even if other soil stiffness formulations were used in the
varied. The relative density correlates with the angle of in- study.
ternal friction f′ as introduced in Table 1. In Fig. 17 (1)
(left), the secant stiffness KFEM = HFEM/y resulting from 7.5 Parametric study of pile dimensions
the numerical simulations is presented for different hori-
zontal head displacements y. The secant stiffness increas- The comprehensive parametric study presented in section
es almost linearly with an increasing friction angle. Fig. 17 4.3 was used again to evaluate the new approach for piles
(1) (centre) shows the comparison of results from the p-y of various dimensions. The evaluation is limited to the
approach according to the OGL method. The secant stiff- new p-y approach as the results of the OGL method are al-
ness of the OGL method KOGL is compared with the re- ready illustrated in section 4.3 (see also [20], [32]). The
sults of the numerical model KFEM. The value QH = 1.0 is complete parametric study is presented here, i.e. the re-
marked by a grey line to indicate identical results of both sults for medium dense and very dense sand are shown for
methods. A wide range between 0.5 and 1.9 is obtained for three relative displacements y/D (see Fig. 18). For com-
the quotients QH = KOGL/KFEM. The trend shows QH in- parison, the quotient QH = Hp-y/HFEM resulting from the
creasing with relative density and horizontal head dis- OGL method was found to vary over a range QH = 0.6 to
placement y. For friction angles larger than ϕ′ = 35°, the 2.0 for very dense sand and QH = 0.4 to 2.2 for medium
underestimation of the initial stiffness is limited to head dense sand. The new approach leads to contour plots that
displacements smaller than y = 0.005 · D = 2.5 mm. Fig. 17 do not give a smooth image of the discrepancies due to
(1) (right) shows the comparison between the numerical much smaller differences in the results. The quotients are
results and the new approach. Here, it was found that found to vary over a much smaller range QH = 0.90–1.05.
QH = KNEW/KFEM ranges between 0.96 and 1.04, which in- In conclusion, much better compliance is obtained using
dicates quite good agreement irrespective of the load level the new approach than when using the method in the off-
and relative density. shore guidelines.
In the same way, Fig. 17 (2) presents a variation in
the wall thickness t in the results. Again the results of the 8 Further p-y approaches
reference system are included (t = 81.35 mm). From the
numerical results it becomes apparent that an increasing At present, the new p-y approach is limited to piles in ho-
wall thickness leads to increasing foundation stiffness, es- mogeneous non-cohesive soil under static loading condi-
pecially for small head displacements. It is obvious that tions. Further studies based on the same concept have al-
the overestimation of resistance by the OGL method in- ready been started in order to determine a new p-y ap-
creases with increasing wall thickness. This is caused by proach for homogeneous cohesive soils. In addition, the
the increasing overestimation of bedding resistance with two-step procedure introduced appears quite promising in
depth. In contrast, the new approach accounts for the ef- its ability to reach an approach for stratified soils, too.
fect of the wall thickness very well. A small range of values Here, the constant horizontal pile displacement consid-
between 0.94 and 1.02 is obtained. ered will enable a systematic consideration of the stratifi-
A parametric study concerning the influence of the cation and, with that, an accurate description of the effects
load eccentricity h is shown in Fig. 17 (3). Load eccentric- occurring. The new approaches together will constitute a
ities in a wide range between h = 0 and 100 m are consid- major advantage over the p-y methods currently used,
ered. First, a significant decrease in foundation stiffness which were derived for homogeneous soil conditions only.
KFEM is found with increasing load eccentricity. The dis- An existing approach to consider the soil stratification of
crepancy between the OGL method and the numerical re- Georgiadis [34] is assumed to be a first step, but is not seen
sults is large but almost constant, except for the smallest as a proven method due to the very small database of only
load eccentricities. In contrast, the new approach gives two field tests. Furthermore, the new approach can also be
reasonable results for all cases considered. extended to assess the loadbearing behaviour for piles in
Fig. 17 (4) evaluates the influence of varying soil stiff- sand under cyclic loading conditions. This is planned by
nesses on the results of both p-y approaches. For this pur- adapting the new approach to the results of the Stiffness
pose, the soil stiffness factor fES describes the ratio of the Degradation Method (SDM) [35] often used for the design
soil stiffnesses considered in this study according to the of monopile foundations for OWECs.
values given in Table 1. As is to be expected, the founda-
tion stiffness KFEM determined by the numerical simula- 9 Conclusion
tions increases with increasing soil stiffness. The compari-
son with the OGL method shows a significant increase in Monopile foundations for offshore wind energy converters
the overestimation of the results with decreasing soil stiff- are usually designed using the p-y method. The corre-
ness. The reason for this is simply that the soil stiffness is sponding p-y curves affect both the magnitude of the
Fig. 18. Comparison of resistance Hp-y/HFEM for the new p-y approach; very dense sand (top); medium dense sand (bottom)
Bild 18. Quotient des horizontalen Widerstands Hp-y/HFEM für die neue p-y-Methode; sehr dichter Sand (oben); mitteldich-
ter Sand (unten)
monopile deformations under extreme loads and the foun- proach is similar to the method in the offshore guidelines
dation stiffness – which influences the eigenfrequency and therefore easy to implement in existing p-y programs
and, with that, the structural loading on the OWEC – un- as is already the case for the IGtHPile pile design program
der small operational loads. Previous investigations given [31].
in the literature indicate that the use of the p-y curves stat- The new approach has been developed for homoge-
ed in the offshore guidelines yield erroneous results for neous sand and is therefore only valid for comparable soil
large-diameter piles. It is supposed by different authors conditions. However, the limitations of the new approach
that the foundation stiffness is overestimated under ex- should be the same as for the method in the offshore
treme loads but underestimated for small operational guidelines, which are only calibrated on piles in homoge-
loads. neous soil conditions. Indeed, these recommended curves
In a comprehensive parametric study using three-di- are commonly used for stratified soils, too, which also jus-
mensional numerical simulations, the p-y method of the tifies using the new approach for stratified soil conditions.
offshore guidelines was evaluated using numerical simula- As the effect of the soil stratification has not been exten-
tions, including the sophisticated HSsmall soil model. It sively investigated, pile design in such cases should still be
was found that both the underestimation of foundation handled with caution.
stiffness for extreme loads as well as the overestimation for The scheme of the new p-y approach appears
small operational loads can be confirmed. Furthermore, promising when it comes to determining more adequate
modified p-y formulations presented in the literature to ac- p-y approaches for cohesive and stratified soils as well.
count for the effect of the pile diameter are also found to Furthermore, by adapting the new approach to the results
be not generally suitable for piles with arbitrary dimen- of the Stiffness Degradation Method [35], an extension to
sions and arbitrary load levels. cyclic loading conditions is also planned.
The derivation of a new p-y approach for piles in ho-
mogeneous sand under static loading conditions is pre- Acknowledgments
sented. By means of two reference systems and a compre-
hensive parametric study, the new approach is proved to This study was partly carried out within the scope of the
give much better predictions for the loadbearing behav- “GIGAWINDlife” research project funded by the Federal
iour as well as for the local behaviour, i.e. deflection line, Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI). The
bending moment and bedding resistance. The new ap- authors sincerely acknowledge BMWI’s support.
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