LP TD Business Letters
LP TD Business Letters
LP TD Business Letters
1) Letters of enquiry
They are sent from a potential customer to a potential supplier. They help the former
compare goods, prices, terms and choose the best supplier. The details contained in a letter
of enquiry are :
3 the prices of the goods including discounts and taxes
4 the delivery cost
5 delivery times
2) Quotations
are the reply to enquiries. The supplier may send a quotation provide the potential client with all
the information he needs. The supplier should enclose a catalogue, a current price list or a pro
forma invoice. The pro forma invoice is what the invoice would look like if the customer decided
to order.
3) Orders
are sent once the customer has decided to buy the goods. They state
6 the goods required
7 the catalogue number of such goods
8 the prices agreed
9 the delivery place
10 the delivery date
11 the delivery terms
12 the terms of payment
5) The invoice
Certainly one of the most important documents in business; it is the contract between a supplier
and a customer. Its legal value is prevalent.
9) The receipt
issued by the supplier as evidence that the customer has paid.
Indented style or blocked style
I will I’ll
I have I’ve
See attached sheet
Structure of a letter
Sender’s address
Recipient’s address
Subject line :
RE :
Opening salutation
Complimentary close
Position/job title
General remarks
1 Be clear
2 Be courteous in any situation
3 Use spell and grammar checks
4 Check punctuation
5 Be brief and concise
6 Get the names and addresses right
7 Remember to date and sign the letter
How to start
How to end
1) Export
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your order N° 23564 of February 22 nd, which we will complete and ship
according to your instructions.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that delivery may be delayed since an official
export licence is necessary to get automatic fire arms out of this country and a consular invoice is
required by the customs authorities at the port of destination. We will of course do our best to speed
up the process and will advise you as soon as the shipment is ready for dispatch.
We are handing you herewith our pro forma invoice covering the shipment Cost Insurance
Freight port of destination. We very much regret to tell you that all export transactions are dealt with
on terms of settlement by confirmed letter of credit established in our favor.
We would therefore ask you to make the necessary arrangements and advise us in due time.
Yours sincerely
A.G. Winkelried
Export manager
We have pleasure in enclosing several drawings, the detailed descriptions and the pro forma invoice for
the machines ordered by you and for which we had to undertake a special study.
To get the machines ready for shipment, we require three months at the least and would therefore be
glad to have the order confirmed by you as soon as possible.
Since you want to take advantage of your own shipping facilities, the price as per pro forma invoice is
free on rail and does not include any insurance rate.
After carefully considering your views as regards payment, we are ready to comply with you wish to
settle at 3 months’ date. We will consequently have the documents released against acceptance of our
draft covering the amount of our definite invoice, including all charges incurred according to your
further shipping instructions.
Your order N° 63 for spare parts N°23 – 64 has reached us today and we will have the goods
dispatched by tomorrow afternoon.
We agree to your suggestion regarding payment and have opened an account in your favor on the
understanding that the credit limit amounts to € 100,000. We will send you our statement of account
quarterly, together with our bill covering the amount in question and payable at 30 days from sight.
We thank you for informing us of the new regulations according to which our products will be imported
under quotas next year. We have got in touch with your country’s embassy in Brussels for further
details so as to be able to take up the matter seriously.
La lettre de crédit en votre faveur a été établie en date du 18 et vous êtes sans doute maintenant en
possession de l’avis de notre banquier. Le montant de votre facture vous sera versé contre remise de
documents de route.
5) Agency
January 7th, 2005
Solomon Bros
New Delhi
Dear Sirs,
It has occurred to us that our DIGITIMER, which has proved a major success in the EU, may also
appeal to the Indian public, in bigger cities in particular. Various surveys with Swiss and English
companies closely connected to the Indian market have convinced us that it would be worth getting a
foothold in a country we have not targeted so far.
One of the commercial executives we have been in contact with suggested that yours would be the
right company to introduce our products in India. We therefore take the liberty of asking you whether
you would accept acting as our agents for your country. Exclusive import rights would also need
We are enclosing full details about our DIGITIMER together with our illustrated price list. These and the
five specimens we are sending under separate cover will give you an idea of the excellent quality, style
and precision of our 100% Swiss-made product.
Sincerely yours,
Temporis S.A.
Roger Leurre
Executive manager
6) Reply
We thank you for your letter of January 7 th and for the specimens you were kind enough to submit for
our appreciation. We are glad to say that there seem to be good prospects for your DIGITIMER but we
are anxious not to overrate them especially as the market for your product would be limited to a certain
class of customers.
As far as we can see, the main difficulty in marketing the DIGITIMER will be its price. We therefore
suggest that you give us a free hand in pricing after fixing a reserve price to be agreed on.
Further, we think it might be worth trying to adapt the style of your product to oriental taste. To this
effect, we are enclosing a few photographs showing Indian jewellery and watches specially designed
for our market.
For the time being, we suggest testing the market and propose that you send us a small consignment
of DIGITIMERS together with leaflets and pamphlets so we can contact the retailers. A further step
would be to launch an advertizing campaign in the press. We would be ready to make the necessary
arrangements for this on the understanding that you appoint us exclusive agents for India by formal
contract on mutual agreement.
Nous vous remercions de votre letter du 16 courant. Votre offre nous intéresse vivement et nous vous
serions obligés de nous donner des renseignements détaillés concernant les points suivants :
- quels sont les articles similaires qui existent sur le marché ? Quand ont-ils été introduits ?
Quels en sont les prix ?
- Pouvez-vous nous donner une idée approximative du volume des ventes auquel nous
pouvons nous attendre ?
Pour ce qui est de nos conditions, nous traitons, en règle générale, comme il suit :
Tous nos agents soumettent leurs relevés de vente mensuellement et nous ne pourrions faire
d’exception dans votre cas
Nous accordons une commission de 20% mais nous prenons à notre charge les frais de
campagne publicitaire dans la presse locale pour une durée de 6 mois
Nous laissons à nos agents toute liberté pour fixer les prix
Si vous pouvez accepter nos conditions et si les renseignements obtenus sont favorables, nous serons
disposés à prendre votre offre en considération et à vous accorder nos droits exclusifs pour le Brésil.