Cebu Wine Factory
Cebu Wine Factory
Cebu Wine Factory
Raw Materials Available for Use 235,000 Factory Cost 663,000 (C)
Amortization 50,000
Requirement 2:
Vanilla Food Processing
Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured
For the year ended December 31, 20B
Requirement 3:
Vanilla Food Processing
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended December 31, 20B
Sales P 1,350,000
Less: Cost of Sales
Finished Goods, Jan. 1 P 150,000
Add: Cost of Goods Manufactured 1,218,200
Total Cost of Goods Available for Sale P 1,368,200
Less: Finished Goods, Dec. 31 350,000 1,018,200
Gross Profit P 331,800
Less: Operating Expenses:
Repairs & Maintenance 16,800
Taxes & Licenses 30,000
Light & Water 24,000
Office Salaries 240,000
Depreciation – Office Equipment 24,000 334,800
Profit (Loss) (P 3,000)
Requirement 4:
Vanilla Food Processing
Statement of Financial Position
As of 31 December 20B
Current Assets:
Cash in Bank P 375,000
Petty Cash Fund 10,000
Accounts Receivable 65,000
Finished Goods, End 350,000
Goods in Process, End 286,000
Raw Materials, End 90,000
Total Current Assets P 1,176,000
Non-Current Assets:
Machinery P 380,000
Less: Accumulated Dep’n.-Machinery 152,000 228,000
Office Equipment 120,000
Less: Accumulated Dep’n.-Office Equipment 48,000 72,000
Franchise 280,000
Total Non-Current Assets 580,000
Total Assets P 1,756,000
Requirement 5:
Amortization-Franchise P 35,000
Franchise P 35,000
Sales P 1,350,000
Income Summary P 1,350,000