1. Enriched uranium is required as a fuel in a nuclear reactor, if light water is used as moderator
and coolant, because light water has
2. The efficiency of a nuclear power plant in comparison to conventional and nuclear consideration
(A) Higher cost of nuclear fuel
(B) High initial cost
(C) High heat rejection in condenser
(D) Lower temperature and pressure conditions
Correct Answer
3. The control rods in the control system of nuclear reactors are used to
5. A moderator, in nuclear power plants, is a medium introduced into the fuel mass in order to
7. Which of the following type of pump is used in liquid metal cooled reactor for circulation of
liquid metal
(A) Centrifugal
(B) Axial
(C) Reciprocation
(D) Electromagnetic
Correct Answer
8. Where reactor operation is designed with fast neutrons such as in reactors using highly enriched
fuel, the moderator used is
12. Which of the following statement is correct regarding the features of a Breeder reactor?
15. Each fission of U₂₃₅ produces on the average _________ fast neutrons as a product of reaction.
(A) 2.46
(B) 24.6
(C) 246
(D) 2460
16. The process by which a heavy nucleus is spitted into two light nuclei is known as
(A) Splitting
(B) Fission
(C) Fusion
(D) Disintegration
Correct Answer
17. Which of the following is more appropriate for a moderator? One which
(A) Does not absorb neutrons
(B) Absorbs neutrons
(C) Accelerates neutrons
(D) Eats up neutrons
Correct Answer
18. A nuclear reactor is said to be critical when the neutron population in the reactor core is
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Have no effect on
(D) None of these
Correct Answer
25. The fuel needed, with reflector in nuclear power plant, in order to generate sufficient neutrons
to sustain a chain reaction, would be
(A) More
(B) Less
(C) Same
(D) Zero
Correct Answer
30. A moderator
31. A nuclear fission is initiated when the critical energy as compared to neutron binding energy of
the atoms is
(A) Same
(B) More
(C) Less
(D) There is no such criterion
Correct Answer
32. In a thermal power plant, coal from the coal handling plant is moved to the boiler bunker
through a
34. The most practical fuel for a thermonuclear reactor, both from economical and nuclear
consideration is
(A) Plutonium
(B) Uranium
(C) Deuterium
(D) Thorium
Correct Answer
35. A power plant giving least running cost of production of electrical power is
36. The breeding gain in case of thermal breeder reactor as compared to fast breeder reactor is
(A) Same
(B) Lower
(C) Higher
(D) Unity
Correct Answer
37. The energy produced by a thermal reactor of same size as a breeder reactor is
(A) Almost same
(B) Slightly more
(C) Slightly less
(D) Much less
Correct Answer
38. Which of the following nuclear reactor does not need a heat exchanger for generation of steam?
(A) Gas cooled
(B) Liquid metal cooled
(C) Pressurised water
(D) Boiling water
Correct Answer
(A) U₂₃₅
(B) U₂₃₈
(C) Pu₂₃₉
(D) Pu₂₃₃
Correct Answer
41. In natural uranium, the constituents of three naturally occurring isotopes are
(A) U₂₃₅
(B) U₂₃₈
(C) Pu₂₃₃
(D) Pu₂₃₉
Correct Answer
(A) Artificially
(B) As basic raw material
(C) When thorium is irradiated by neutrons
(D) By fission of U₂₃₈
Correct Answer
52. Solid fuel for nuclear reactions may be fabricated into various small shapes such as
(A) Plates
(B) Pallets
(C) Pins
(D) Any one of the above
Correct Answer
55. Each fission of U₂₃₅ produces following number of fast neutrons per fission
(A) 1 neutron
(B) 3 neutrons
(C) 1, 2 neutrons
(D) 2 neutrons
Correct Answer
58. The energy released during the fission of one atom of Uranium 235 in million electron volts is
(A) 100
(B) 200
(C) 300
(D) 400
Correct Answer
60. The efficiency of a nuclear power plant in comparison to a conventional thermal power plant is
(A) Same
(B) More
(C) Less
(D) May be less or mote depending on size
Correct Answer