Module 2 EVN 2021 Scheme
Module 2 EVN 2021 Scheme
Module 2 EVN 2021 Scheme
4. Which of the following is the most popular application of hydrogen fuel cell?
a) Fuel cell vehicles
b) Fuel cell energy power plants
c) Fuel cells stand-alone power supplies
d) Fuel cells spacecraft
Answer: d 1
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
10. What is the main problem in using hydrogen as fuel for vehicles?
a) Capital intensive
b) Storage
c) Fuel cell technology is not well established
d) Cars will become heavy
Answer: b 2
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
16. Which of the following energy has the greatest potential among all the sources of
a) Solar energy
b) Wind Energy
c) Thermal energy
d) Hydro-electrical energy
Answer: a
18. What is total amount of solar energy received by earth and atmosphere?
a) 3.8 X 1024 J/year
b) 9.2 X 1024 J/year
c) 5.4 X 1024 J/year
d) 2.1 X 1024 J/year
Answer: a
19. Which is most common source of energy from which electricity is produced?
a) Hydroelectricity
b) Wind energy
c) Coal 3
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
d) Solar energy
Answer: c
24. Solar radiation which reaches the surface without scattering or absorbed is
a) Beam Radiation
b) Infrared radiation
c) Ultraviolet radiation
d) Diffuse radiation
Answer: a 4
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
28 . HW stands for
a) High and Low water
b) High Level Waste
c) Heated Low Level water
d) High and Low Waste
Answer: b
29. Which type of fuel is removed from the reactor core after reaching end of core life
a) Burnt Fuel
b) Spent fuel
c) Engine oil 5
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
d) Radioactive fuel
Answer: b
34. In ocean thermal energy conversion, the plant pumps the deep cold sea water and
do notpump the surface sea water.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b 6
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
d) Low viscosity
Answer: b
37. Warm surface sea water is pumped through a to vaporize the fluid.
a) Heat exchanger
b) Generator
c) Evaporator
d) Condenser
Answer: a
38. The heat exchanger the vapour into a liquid which is recycled.
a) Condenses
b) Heats
c) Cools
d) Evaporates Answer: a
39. Open cycle OTEC uses surface water directly to make electricity.
a) Hot
b) Warm
c) Cool
d) Icy
Answer: b
40. In some cases, the steam drives the low pressure turbine attached to the electrical
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
43. In method the sea water enters a vacuum chamber and flash evaporated.
a) Closed cycle system 7
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02 8
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
d) Pumps
Answer: b
51. For exactly how much time does it take for one tidal cycle?
a) 22h, 20min
b) 24h, 50min
c) 20h, 10min
d) 22h, 50min
Answer: b
52. What type of tide is it if the difference between high and low tide is greatest?
a) Diurnal tide
b) Neap tide
c) Spring tide
d) Ebb tide
Answer: c
53. A tide whose difference between high and low tides is least is called as
a) Diurnal tide
b) Neap tide
c) Spring tide
d) Ebb tide
Answer: b
55. What types of tides occur when there is so much interference with continents?
a) Diurnal tide
b) Neap tide
c) Spring tide
d) Ebb tide
Answer: a 9
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
57. How much is the energy available in the winds over the earth surface is estimated
to be?a) 2.9 X 120 MW
b) 1.6 X 107 MW
c) 1 MW
d) 5MW
Answer: b
61. “During the day, the air above the land heats up more quickly than the air over water”.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
62. What happens when the land near the earth’s equator is heated?
a) All the oceans gets heated up 10
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
64. What are used to turn wind energy into electrical energy?
a) Turbine
b) Generators
c) Yaw motor
d) Blades
Answer: a
66. At what range of speed is the electricity from the wind turbine is
generated?a) 100 – 125 mph
b) 450 – 650 mph
c) 250 – 450 mph
d) 30-35 mph
Answer: d 11
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
69. The annual flood peaks in India are recorded in months of:
a) June, July
b) July, August
c) July, September
d) August, September
Answer: d
72. Disaster management deals with situation that occurs after the disaster.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b 12
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
c) Cyclone
d) Draught
Answer: d
Answer: c
79. A legally binding agreement between 2 or more nation states relating to environment is:
a) BEA
b) BA
c) MA
d) MEA
Answer: d 13
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
82. Which of the below green building in India has received a platinum LEED
a) Dabur India, Chandigarh
b) Logix Cyber Park, UP
c) Unitech Commercial Tower, Chandigarh
d) Suzlon One Earth, Pune
Answer: d
83. is the conventional source for hydel power.
a) Tidal wave
b) Currents
c) Water
d) Ripples
Answer: c 14
Environmental Studies 21CIV57 MODULE-02
b) Biofuel
c) Bioenergy
d) Bio carbon
Answer: a
87. The ‘Miracle Material’ that can turn CO2 into liquid fuel is:
a) Propene
b) moCopper
c) Graphene
d) Potassium
Answer: c 15