Rev. A English 09 / 2020: Specification

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N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020




The CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee provides guidance on the interpretation

of this Standard when questions arise regarding its contents. The Department of
PETROBRAS that uses this Standard is responsible for adopting and applying
the clauses thereof.
Technical Requirement: a provision established as the most adequate and
which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision is
taken not to follow the requirement (“non-conformity” to this Standard) it shall be
CONTEC based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be approved
Comissão de Normalização and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is
Técnica characterized by the verb forms “shall,” “it is necessary...,” “is required to...,” “it is
required that...,” “is to...,” “has to...,” “only ... is permitted,” and other equivalent
expressions having an imperative nature.
Recommended Practice: a provision that may be adopted under the conditions
of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention to) the possibility of
there being a more adequate alternative (not written in this Standard) to the
particular application. The alternative adopted shall be approved and registered
by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized
by the verbal form “should” and equivalent expressions such as “it is
recommended that...” and “ought to...” (verbs of a nonmandatory nature). It is
indicated by the expression: [Recommended Practice].
Copies of the registered “non-conformities” to this Standard that may contribute
to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the CONTEC - Authoring
SC - 14 Subcommittee.
Paintwork and Anticorrosive Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC -
Coatings Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision
of the Standard, the clause(s) to be revised, the proposed text, and
technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals are evaluated during
the work for alteration of this Standard.
“The present Standard is the exclusive property of PETRÓLEO
BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the Company,
and any reproduction for external use or disclosure, without
previous and express authorization from the owner, will imply an
unlawful act pursuant to the relevant legislation through which the
applicable responsibilities shall be imputed. External circulation
shall be regulated by a specific clause of Secrecy and
Confidentiality pursuant to the terms of intellectual and industrial
property law.”

PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG
(consisting of specialists from PETROBRAS and its Subsidiaries), are commented by PETROBRAS
Units and PETROBRAS Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees - SCs
(consisting of specialists from the same specialty, representing the various PETROBRAS Units and
PETROBRAS Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of
the PETROBRAS Units and PETROBRAS Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is
subject to revision at any time by its Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to
be revalidated, revised or cancelled. PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance
with PETROBRAS N-1 standard. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards
see PETROBRAS Technical Standards Catalog.
PROPERTY OF PETROBRAS 10 pages and Index of Revisions

N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020


This Standard is the English version (issued in DECEMBER/2020) of PETROBRAS N-2680 Rev. A
standard SET/2020.


1.1 This Standard establishes the characteristics, verifiable in the laboratory, required for surface
tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces, supplied in 2 containers: one containing the epoxy
resin (component A) and the other containing the polyamine-based curing agent (component B).

1.2 The paint mentioned in the item 1.1 shall be used to paint steel surfaces and can be applied on
dry surfaces, surfaces with residual humidity and wet surfaces, in ambients without restriction to
relative humidity and dew point.

1.3 If there is conflicts between the Technical Requirements and Recommended Practices
established in this Standard and in other standards mentioned in the Chapter 2, the requirements of
this Standard shall prevail.

1.4 This Standard is applied to specifications started as of its date of issuance.

1.5 This Standard contains Technical Requirements and Recommended Practices.

2 Normatives References

The following documents are cited in the text in such a way that their contents, total or partial, are
requirements for this document. For dated references, only the mentioned editions apply. For undated
references, the most recent editions of that document (including amendments) apply.

PETROBRAS N-13 - Requisitos Técnicos para Serviços de Pintura;

PETROBRAS N-1219 - Cores;

ABNT NBR 12103 - Tintas - Determinação do Descaimento;

ABNT NBR 15442 - Pintura Industrial - Inspeção de Recebimento de Recipientes Fechados;

ABNT NBR 15742 - Tintas e Vernizes - Avaliação do Tempo de Vida Útil da Mistura (pot life);

ABNT NBR 15877 - Pintura Industrial - Determinação da Resistência à Tração em Sistemas

de Pintura e Outros Revestimentos Anticorrosivos ;

ISO 2808 - Paints and Varnishes - Determination of Film Thickness;

ISO 3679 - Determination of Flash No-Flash and Flash Point - Rapid Equilibrium Closed Cup

ISO 8501-1 - Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related
Products - Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness;

ISO 9227 - Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres - Salt Spray Tests;

ISO 12944-9 - Paints and Varnishes - Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures by Protective
Paint Systems - Part 9: Protective paint systems and laboratory performance test methods for
offshore and related structures;


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020

ISO 16474-3 - Paints and Varnishes - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources -
Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps;

ASTM D56 - Standard Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester;

ASTM D523 - Standard Test Method for Specular Gloss;

ASTM D562 - Standard Test Method for Consistency of Paints Measuring Krebs Unit (KU)
Viscosity Using a Stormer-Type Viscometer;

ASTM D1141 - Standard Practice for the Preparation of Substitute Ocean Water;

ASTM D1308 - Standard Test Method for Effect of Household Chemicals on Clear and
Pigmented Organic Finishes;

ASTM D1475 - Standard Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks, and Relacted

ASTM D1640 - Standard Test Methods for Drying, Curing, or Film Formation of Organic

ASTM D2369 - Standard Test Method for Volatile Content of Coatings;

ASTM D4214 - Standard Test Methods for Evaluating the Degree of Chalking of Exterior Paint

ASTM D4541 - Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable
Adhesion Testers;

ASTM D6943 - Standard Practice for Immersion Testing of Industrial Protective Coatings and

ASTM G8 - Standard Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings;

3 General Conditions

3.1 Appearance of Components A and B

Components A and B shall be homogeneous and show no skinning and thickening in a freshly-opened

3.2 Packaging

3.2.1 Containers shall be straight circular cylindrical in shape.

3.2.2 For sealing packaging, any material capable of causing degradation or contamination of the
paint shall not be used.

3.3 Conditions and Filling of Containers

3.3.1 The containers holding the components of the surface tolerant solvent frre epoxy paint for wet
surfaces shall be in good conditions and duly labeled or marked on the side, in accordance with the
requirements of this Standard and PETROBRAS N-1288 standard.


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020

3.3.2 The containers shall contain at least the quantity mentioned in the respective indicated

3.4 Storage Stability

3.4.1 Components A and B shall demonstrate stability during storage in a closed container at a
temperature below 40 °C, ensuring their use for at least 12 months from the date of manufacture.

3.4.2 This period of use may be extended for 2 additional periods of 6 months, through repetition and
prior approval of the tests performed at the time of supply, in accordance with PETROBRAS N-13
standard. [Recommended Practice]

3.5 Dilution

The surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces paint shall not be diluted.

3.6 Mixture of Components A and B

The mixture of components shall be done in the suitable proportion recommended by the paint

3.7 Total Paint Cure

The paint shall be completely cured in 7 d, at temperatures near to 25 °C.

3.8 Marking

The label or body of the containers shall bear at least the following information:

a) PETROBRAS N-2680 standard;

b) surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces;
c) identification of components: A or B;
d) quantity contained in container, in L and in kg;
e) manufacturer’s name, address and phone number;
f) lot number or identifying signal;
g) product expiration date;
h) mixing ratio by mass and volume;
i) “Munsell” notation.

3.9 Color

The surface tolerant solvent free epoxy paint for wet surfaces shall be supplied in any colours
mentioned in PETROBRAS N-1219 standard.

4 Specific Conditions

4.1 Requirements for Components A and B

4.1.1 Components A and B shall be homogeneous. Should they show any evidence of settling, it shall
be capable of being easily homogenized (manually).


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020

4.2 Requirements for the Ready-to-Apply Product

The requirements for the ready-to-apply product, with components A and B duly mixed, are set out in
TABLE 1. The tests shall be done at 23 °C ± 2 °C.

Table 1 - Characteristics of the Ready-To-Apply Product

(Components A And B Duly Mixed)

Dry Film Requirements

Tests Thickness Standards to be Used
(µm) Min. Max.
Density, g/cm3 - - 1,35 ASTM D 1475
85 (See ASTM D2369
Solids by mass (%)
NOTE1) (See NOTE 2)
Pot-Life of Mixture, h - 3 - ABNT NBR 15742
Consistency (UK) - 90 110 ASTM D 562
Flash-Point of Components A and ASTM D56 or ISO 3679
- 55 -
B, °C (See NOTE 3)
Sagging, µm - 150 - ABNT NBR 12103
Dry to Touch, h 100 to 150 - 6 ASTM D1640
Dry Through, h 100 to 150 - 16 ASTM D1640
Dry to Recoat, h 100 to 150 100 120 ASTM D1640

NOTE 1 N-2680 paint shall not contain organic solvents in its formulation. The content of volatile
substances obtained from this test refers to compounds of different chemical nature
NOTE 2 The solids by mass test shall be carried out according to the following procedure: cure at
23 ° C ± 2 ° C for 24 hours, followed by 2 hours in an oven at 60 ° C.
NOTE 3 In the option for ASTM D56, the determined flash point shall be greater than 55 ° C.
In the option for ISO 3679, procedure A should be used at a temperature of 55 ° C.


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020

4.3 Dry Film Characteristics

The dry film characteristics are established in TABLE 2 and in items 4.3.1 up to 4.3.4.

Table 2 - Dry Film Characteristics

Dry Film Requirements

Standards to be
Tests Thickness
Min. Max. Used
Cyclic Corrosion Test (Ageing Test for CX ISO 12944-9
425 to 475 25 -
environment, Cycle (168 h) NOTE: See item
Cathodic Disbonding (30 days), mm (See
425 to 475 - 10 ASTM G8
Atlas Cell @ 40 ºC, h (See NOTE 1) 425 to 475 2000 - ASTM D6943
Xylene Immersion Resistance, h 425 to 475 2 000 - ASTM D1308
Artificial Sea Water Immersion Resistance
425 to 475 2 000 - ASTM D1141
at 40 °C, h
Initial Adhesion to substrate (Pull-Off Test), ABNT NBR 15877 or
425 to 475 12 -
MPa (See Note 2) ASTM D4541
Final Adhesion after Cyclic Corrosion Test ABNT NBR 15877 or
425 to 475 6 -
(Pull-Off Test), MPa (See Note 3) ASTM D4541
Gloss - 60°, UB 425 to 475 70 - ASTM D523
NOTE 1 The solution to be used must have the following composition: 70 000 ppm of chloride ions,
21.0 g / L sodium acetate trihydrate, initial pH equal to 5.0, adjusted with hydrochloric acid.
NOTE 2 The pull-off test shall be carried out on panels whose metal surface has been prepared
using standard CSt3 mechanical treatment and on panels whose metal surface has been
prepared by abrasive blasting up to Sa 2 ½ standard, according to ISO 8501-1. For
panels submitted to mechanical treatment up to the CSt3 standard, it is acceptable that
the nature of the failure, after pulling the dollies, can be adhesive type between the
substrate and the coating (A / B), for values of breaking strength of at least 12 MPa. For
panels submitted to abrasive blasting to Sa 2½ standard, the minimum value and
acceptable failures are, respectively, 12 MPa and B, - / Y, Y or Y / Z. The test must be
performed according to ABNT NBR 15877 using pneumatic or automatic hydraulic
equipment, according to the figures in Annex A, or ASTM D4541, using pneumatic
equipment Type IV - Test Method D or Automatic Hydraulic Equipment Type V - Test
Method E.
NOTE 3 The pull-off adhesion test shall be performed according to ABNT NBR 15877 using
pneumatic or automatic hydraulic equipment, according to figures in Annex A, or ASTM
D4541, using Type IV pneumatic equipment - Test Method D or Type V Automatic
Hydraulic Equipment - Test Method E. The test shall be performed after two weeks after
the end of the cyclic test. The minimum value and acceptable failures are, respectively, 6
MPa and B, - / Y, Y or Y / Z for panels subjected to abrasive blasting up to the Sa 2½

4.3.1 The notch made in the test panel for the cyclic corrosion test must be 50 mm long and 2 mm
wide, as shown in Figure A.1 It must be at least 12.5 mm from the smaller edges and from at least 25
mm from one of the largest edges of the panel. It must completely cut the coating and expose the
carbon steel. The depth of penetration into carbon steel should be as small as possible.

4.3.2 The notch shall be made manually with a tool that has dimensions, on the cutting tip and that
directly confers 2 mm in width, according to Figure A.2, in one or more cutting passages of the organic
coating.The use of a metal ruler or any accessory that serves as a guide during the cut is
recommended to avoid tortuosities along the notch.


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020

4.3.3 When observing the panels, blisters or corrosion points shall not be found on the surface,
neither shall penetration in the notch exceeding 8 mm be observed after 25 cycles (4 200 h) of cyclic
corrosion test type I. The maximum chalk allowable shall be correspondent to chalk rate No. 4 of
ASTM D 4214 standard.

4.3.4 When observing the panels, after the immersion tests in xylene and synthetic seawater, the
presence of bubbles, corrosion points and failures in the coating must not be verified

5 Inspection

5.1 Visual Inspection

Check if the conditions indicated in items 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.8 have been fulfilled and reject items
supplied in disagreement therewith.

5.2 Tests

5.2.1 The tests to be performed are those contained in TABLES 1 and 2.

5.2.2 For the performance of the tests indicated in TABLES 1 and 2, the conditions established in
items up to, shall be observed. The application of paint on the test panels shall be made, at least, 15 minutes after mixing and
homogenizing the components. The test panels shall be made in AISI-1020 carbon steel plate and the dimensions shall be
150 mm x 100 mm and at least 4 mm of thickness. Surface preparation shall be performed by
abrasive blasting to near white metal (minimum), grade Sa 2 1/2 of ISO 8501-1 standard. The anchor
profile shall be 50 µm to 70 μm, angular type. Three panels for each test shall be made. Three coats of paint, at least 150 μm of dry film thickness, shall be applied in each panel of
test. The thickness measures shall be performed in each coat of paint applied and in accordance with
the non-destrutive suitable methods established in ISO 2808 standard (Method 10). Panels should be painted by gun [Recommended Practice] The edges of the test panels shall be suitably protected in order to prevent the premature
appearance of a corrosive process at those points. The tests in TABLE 2 shall be performed 10 days after paint is applied on the panels. During
this period, the panels shall be kept at a temperature of 25 °C  2 °C and a relative humidity of 60 % ±
5 %.


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020 In the cyclic corrosion test (Ageing Test) shall be performed 25 cycles, 168 h each one
[according paragraphs a) to c) below], totalizing 4 200 h, exposing the test panels to the followings

a) UV exposure and condensation of humidity for 72 hours, in accordance with ISO 16474-
3, considering the following conditions:
- method A, cycle 1 of ISO 16474-3 alternating periods of 4 h of exposure to UVA-340
lamps (60 ± 3) ° C and 4 h of exposure to condensation at (50 ± 3) ° C.
b) neutral salt spray exposure for 72 h, in accordance with ISO 9227.
c) 24 h of exposure to the temperature of (−20 ± 2) °C. In the test described in item, the surface preparation of the panels must be done
according to the Sa 2½ standard of ISO 8501-1. The test shall start with the UVA exposure stage and end with the condensation stage. Between the salt spray stage and the low temperature chamber, rinse the test panels with
deionized water without drying them. At the beginning of the period of exposure to low temperature, the test panels must reach a
temperature of (−20 ± 2) ° C within 30 min. In the Cathodic Disbonding Test, to be carried out in accordance with ASTM G8 (Method B),
the test panels must be subjected to a range of electrochemical potential between -1.45 V and -1.55
V, measured in relation to a Cu / CuSO4 reference electrode, using a printed current system or a
magnesium galvanic sacrifice anode. The test panel and the sacrificial anode must be immersed in an
electrolyte with a temperature in the 21 ° C to 25 ° C and with the following chemical composition: 1%
sodium chloride +1% sodium sulfate +1% sodium carbonate. A hole of 6.35 mm in diameter and depth
equivalent to the thickness of the coating must be made in the center of the test panel. The test
duration must be 30 d. The notch in the coating aims to enable the evaluation of data such as: the propagation of
corrosion, formation of bubbles and cracking resulting from the failure in the coating. In addition, it
provides a means for assessing the corrosion protection capacity of the coating system submitted to
the test.


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020

Figure A.1 – Test Panel with Notch

Figure A.2 – Example of Cutting Tool


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020

Figure A.3 – Chambers Sequence for the Ageing Cycle


N-2680 REV. A ENGLISH 09 / 2020


Affected Parts Description of Alteration
All Revised


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