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N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

Inspection and Repair of External

Anticorrosive Pipe Coatings During
Construction and Installation of Onshore


This Standard replaces and cancels its previous revision.

The CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee provides guidance on the
interpretation of this Standard when questions arise regarding its contents. The
Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard is responsible for adopting
and applying the sections, subsections and enumerates thereof.

Technical Requirement: A provision established as the most adequate and

which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision is
CONTEC taken not to follow the requirement (“non-conformity” to this Standard) it shall be
Comissão de Normalização based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be approved
Técnica and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is
characterized by imperative nature.
Recommended Practice: A provision that may be adopted under the conditions
of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention to) the possibility of
there being a more adequate alternative (not written in this Standard) to the
particular application. The alternative adopted shall be approved and registered
by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized
by verbs of a nonmandatory nature. It is indicated by the expression:
[Recommended Practice].
Copies of the registered “non-conformities” to this Standard that may contribute
to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the CONTEC - Authoring
SC - 14 Subcommittee.

Painting and Anticorrosive Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC -
Coatings Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision
of the Standard, the section, subsection and enumerate to be revised, the
proposed text, and technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals
are evaluated during the work for alteration of this Standard.

“The present Standard is the exclusive property of PETRÓLEO

BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the Company, and any
reproduction for external use or disclosure, without previous and express
authorization from the owner, will imply an unlawful act pursuant to the
relevant legislation through which the applicable responsibilities shall be
imputed. External circulation shall be regulated by a specific clause of
Secrecy and Confidentiality pursuant to the terms of intellectual and
industrial property law.”

PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG
(consisting specialized of Technical Collaborators from Company and its Subsidiaries), are
commented by Company Units and its Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees -
SCs (consisting of technicians from the same specialty, representing the various Company Units and
its Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of the Company
Units and its Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is subject to revision at any time by its
Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to be revalidated, revised or cancelled.
PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS Technical
Standard N-1. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards see PETROBRAS
Technical Standards Catalog.



N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010


1 Scope................................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Normative References......................................................................................................................... 4

3 Terms and Definitions.......................................................................................................................... 6

4 General Conditions.............................................................................................................................. 7

5 Inspection ............................................................................................................................................ 8

5.1 Receiving Inspection at the Warehouse of the Job Site ........................................................ 8

5.2 Inspection During Pipeline Assembly..................................................................................... 9

6 Technical Characteristics of Repair Materials ................................................................................... 10

6.1 Repairs on 3LPE Coating..................................................................................................... 10

6.1.1 Three-Layer Polyethylene Coating (3LPE) .................................................................. 10

6.1.2 Elastomeric Filler Mastic System Combined with Polyethylene Laminate (Patch)...... 10

6.1.3 Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves ............................................................................................. 12

6.2 Repairs on 3LPP Coating..................................................................................................... 12

6.2.1 Three-Layer Polypropylene Coating (3LPP) ................................................................ 12

6.2.2 Polypropylene Filler Adhesive Combined with Polypropylene Laminate (Patch) ........ 12

6.2.3 Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves ............................................................................................. 14

6.3 Repair on FBE Coating ........................................................................................................ 14

7 Receiving, Storage, Handling and Transportation of Repair Materials ............................................. 16

7.1 Receiving.............................................................................................................................. 16

7.2 Storage................................................................................................................................. 16

7.3 Handling and Transportation................................................................................................ 16

8 Classification of Damages and Selection Guide for Repair of Pipes Coated with 3LPE e 3LPP ..... 17

9 Classification of Damages and Selection Guide for Repair with Liquid Epoxy of FBE-Coated Pipes20

10 Repair Application ........................................................................................................................... 21

10.1 Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................. 21

10.2 General Application Conditions........................................................................................... 21

11 Specific Application Conditions ....................................................................................................... 23

11.1 Polyethylene or Polypropylene Coating ............................................................................. 23

11.2 Elastomeric Filler Mastic Combined with Polyethylene Laminate (Patch) ......................... 23


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

11.3 Polypropylene Filler Adhesive Combined with Polypropylene Laminate (Patch) .............. 24

11.4 Heat-Shrinkable Sleeve ..................................................................................................... 24

12 Inspection and Tests ....................................................................................................................... 24

12.1 Thickness Measurement .................................................................................................... 24

12.2 Visual.................................................................................................................................. 24

12.3 Holiday Detector Test......................................................................................................... 25

Annex A - Application Procedure (PA) .................................................................................................. 26

Annex B - Qualification .......................................................................................................................... 27

Annex C - Adhesion Test - Dynamometer Method - Polyethylene Laminate or Irradiated Polypropylene

with Adhesive (Patch) - Test in Region Overlapping Pipe Coating...................................... 29


Figure C.1 - Adhesion Test on Patch - Dynamometer Method ............................................................. 30


Table 1 - Properties of Three-Layer Polyethylene Coating ................................................................... 10

Table 2 - Requirements for Repair Applied with Three-Layer Polyethylene Coating............................ 10

Table 3 - Properties of Elastomeric Filler Mastic................................................................................... 11

Table 4 - Properties of Hot Melt Adhesive of Patch .............................................................................. 11

Table 5 - Properties of External Irradiated Polyethylene Film of Patch ................................................ 11

Table 6 - Requirements for Repair Applied with Irradiated Polyethylene Alaminate Complemented with
Hot Melt Adhesive.................................................................................................................. 12

Table 7 - Properties of Triple Layer Polypropylene Coating ................................................................. 12

Table 8 - Properties of Polypropylene Filler Adhesive .......................................................................... 13

Table 9 - Properties of Polypropylene Adhesive ................................................................................... 13

Table 10 - Properties of External Polypropylene Film of Patch............................................................. 13

Table 11 - Requirements for Repair Applied with Irradiated Polypropylene Laminate Complemented
with Polypropylene Adhesive .............................................................................................. 14

Table 12 - Dry Film Requirements ........................................................................................................ 15

Table 13 - Requirements for Applied Coating ....................................................................................... 15

Table 14 - Classification of Damages and Repair Methods for 3LPE and 3LPP Coatings................... 18

Table B.1 - Tests and Inspections for Qualification of Applicators and Inspectors ............................... 28


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010


This Standard is the English version (issued in 12/2011) of PETROBRAS N-2911 12/2010, (including
its Amendment - 05/2011). In case of doubt, the Portuguese version, which is the valid document for
all intents and purposes, shall be used.

1 Scope

1.1 This Standard specifies the conditions required for repair work to be done during construction and
installation on pipes coated with polyethylene (3LPE) or polypropylene (3LPP) or fusion-bonded epoxy
(FBE), intended for pipelines after the performance of the following field inspections:

a) receiving of pipes at the warehouse of the job site;

b) pipeline construction and installation.

1.2 Suppliers of the repair materials proposed by this Standard shall present an Application
Procedure (Annex A), which shall be qualified according to the requirements of Annex B.

1.3 The repairs contemplated by this Standard cover the following materials:

a) polypropylene filler adhesive filler combined with irradiated polypropylene laminate

complemented with polypropylene adhesive (Patch) for 3LPP;
b) polyethylene or polypropylene filler (Melt Stick);
c) liquid epoxy;
d) heat-shrinkable sleeve;
e) elastomeric filler mastic combined with irradiated polyethylene laminate complemented
with hot melt adhesive (Patch) for 3LPE.

NOTE The order of the repairs indicated does not indicate priority of use. They are in alphabetical

1.4 It is not permitted, under any circumstances whatsoever, to apply sleeves over sleeves or the “fish
scale” type process.

1.5 Such materials and the selection guide for repair of each one of them are described in Sections 6,
8, and 9, respectively, of this Standard.

1.6 This Standard is not applicable to repairs of the thermal insulation system of the pipeline.

1.7 This Standard is applicable as of its date of issuance.

1.8 This Standard contains Technical Requirements and Recommended Practices.

2 Normative References

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document applies.

PETROBRAS N-2328 - Revestimento de Junta de Campo para Duto Enterrado;


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

ABNT NBR 10443 - Tintas e Vernizes - Determinação da Espessura da Película Seca sobre
Superfícies Rugosas;

ABNT NBR 14847 - Inspeção de Serviços de Pintura em Superfícies Metálicas;

ABNT NBR 15158 - Limpeza de Superfície de Aço por Compostos Químicos;

ABNT NBR 15185 - Inspeção de Superfícies para Pintura Industrial;

ABNT NBR 15239 - Tratamento de Superfícies de Aço com Ferramentas Manuais e


ABNT NBR 15877 - Pintura Industrial - Ensaio de Aderência por Tração;

ABNT NBR ISO 9001 - Sistema de Gestão de Qualidade - Requisitos;

ISO 8501-1 - Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related
Products-Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness - Part 1: Rust Grades and Preparation
of Grades of Uncoated Steel Substrates and of Steel Substrates After Overall Removal of
Previous Coatings;

ASTM B 117 - Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus;

ASTM D 149 - Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric
Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Commercial Power Frequencies;

ASTM D 257 - Standard Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating


ASTM D 570 - Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics;

ASTM D 638 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics;

ASTM D 790 - Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and
Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials;

ASTM D 870 - Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water

ASTM D 1000 - Standard Test Method for Pressure - Sensitive Adhesive-Coated Tapes
Used For Electrical and Electronic Applications;

ASTM D 1002 - Standard Test Method for Apparent Shear Strength of Single-Lap-Joint
Adhesively Bonded Metal Specimens by Tension Loading (Metal-to-Metal);

ASTM D 1238 - Standard Test Method for Melt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion

ASTM D 1525 - Standard Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics;

ASTM D 2240 - Standard Method Test for Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness;

ASTM D 2247 - Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100 %
Relative Humidity;

ASTM D 2370 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Organic Coatings;

ASTM D 2671 - Standard Test Method for Heat-Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Use;

ASTM D 4541:2009 - Standard Test Method for Pull-off Strenght of Coatings Using Portable
Adhesion Testers;


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

ASTM E 28 - Standard Test Methods for Softening Point of Resins by Ring-and-Ball


ASTM E 96 - Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials;

ASTM G 14 - Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings (Falling
Weight Test);

CAN/CSA-Z245.20: 2006 - External Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating for Steel Pipe;

DIN 30672 - Wrappings of Corrosion Protection Tapes and Heat Shrinkable Material for
Pipelines for Continuous Operating Temperatures of Up to 50 °C;

NACE Nº2/SSPC-SP10 - Joint Surface Preparation Standard Near-White Metal Blast


NACE RP 0274 - High Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coating;

NACE SP 0188 - Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive


AFNOR NF A49-711 - Steel Tubes. External Coating with Three Polypropylene Layers
Coating. Application by Extrusion;

SSPC SP 11 - Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal.

NOTE For documents referred in this Standard and for which only the Portuguese version is
available, the PETROBRAS department that uses this Standard should be consulted for any
information required for the specific application.

3 Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

professional responsible for applying the repair

conformity certificate
document issued by the manufacturer or applicator, referring to each material supplied, where the
tests required in this Standard are recorded, with the respective typical values in accordance with the
limit values

quality certificate
document issued by the manufacturer or applicator, referring to each lot of material supplied, where
the tests required in this Standard are recorded, with the respective values found

company that manufactures raw materials


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

company that provides the repair

holiday detector
equipment used to detect discontinuities on the surface of the anticorrosive coating when it is
subjected to a particular potential difference

irradiated polyethylene laminate with hot melt adhesive (patch)
it is comprised of a non-heat shrinkable irradiated and cross-linked polyethylene laminate coated on
one of the sides with heat-activated hot melt adhesive

lot (batch)
typical produced quantity of a given material or product defined by the manufacturer, which shall
inform the methodology used for its definition. This information shall be submitted to the client in a
separate document only once, unless changes are made to systematic procedure adopted for defining
the lot or if the typical quantity is modified

elastomeric filler mastic
it is comprised of a heat-activated elastomeric mass

heat-shrinkable sleeve
it is comprised of an external cross-linked polyethylene film by the electronic irradiation process,
complemented with hot melt adhesive on one of the sides, or an external polypropylene film by an
electronic irradiation process, complemented with polypropylene adhesive. In both cases an
anticorrosive epoxy primer is necessary (provided by the sleeve manufacturer) and a closure seal or
butt strap

anticorrosive liquid epoxy coating
coating applied by means of an airless gun, roller, brush or spatula, comprised of a solvent-free liquid
epoxy, 100 % solids by mass, cured with polyamine at ambient temperature

4 General Conditions

4.1 The receiving inspection at the warehouse of the job site and during pipeline assembly shall be
performed according to an Inspection Procedure prepared by the pipeline construction company for
each of these 2 items, according to Section 5 of this Standard and previously approved by

4.2 The repair shall be applied in accordance with an Application Procedure (PA) prepared by the
manufacturer of the respective material, according to Annex A of this Standard. The PA shall be
qualified by PETROBRAS according to Annex B of this Standard before the beginning of field repair
activities. In those cases in which the manufacturer’s PA has already been qualified by PETROBRAS
(see B.1.6) the PA number shall be informed in the technical bid presentation phase.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

4.3 PETROBRAS may carry out field tests on pipelines already in operation whose coating repairs
are those listed in the PA in order to check the quality of their performance. A new qualification may be
required in the event the tests prescribed in the PA used present flaws.

4.4 Before the beginning of field repair activities, the applicators of the pipeline construction company
shall be evaluated by PETROBRAS according to B.2.

4.5 Qualification of the PA and the tests mentioned in 4.2 and 4.4 shall be performed by the repair
material supplier and the repair applicator of the pipeline construction company, respectively, at their
own expense and with follow-up by PETROBRAS technicians or professionals designated by the

5 Inspection

5.1 Receiving Inspection at the Warehouse of the Job Site

5.1.1 Check if the coating is in accordance with the purchase documents and design specifications,
recording the identification of pipes in such a manner as to allow their traceability to the material
quality certificate.

5.1.2 The coating shall be inspected according to 5.1.4 of this Standard right after it is received,
observing the following:

a) the devices and instruments used in the tests shall be duly identified and adjusted;
b) all defects or damages detected shall be marked on the surface of the coating by means
of paint, crayon or other similar materials;
c) pipes to be inspected shall rest on appropriate supports in such a manner as to allow
access to 100 % of their surface. If possible, the area intended for the inspection shall be
d) inspection results shall be presented through previously prepared spreadsheets.

5.1.3 The damages found shall be classified according to Sections 8 or 9 and the respective repair
work shall be done according to the instructions of this Standard.

5.1.4 The inspection shall include the following items:

a) visual inspection of coating:

— it shall be performed on the entire surface of all coated pipes;
— non-uniform color and appearance, bubbles, notches, tears, cracks, holes, cuts, pulled
off parts, disbondment or any indication of deterioration are unacceptable;
— damage and/or onset of corrosion process in the collar region;
— surface defects such as wrinkles and protrusions shall be corrected;
b) holiday test on coating:
— the holiday detector test shall be performed on the entire surface of all pipes;
— each pipe shall be inspected using a pulsating current holiday detector according to
recommended practice NACE RP 0274 along the full length of the pipe. The test
voltage shall be 12 kV per millimeter of total coating thickness, limited to 25 kV (in the
case of FBE-coated pipes, the device shall be of the dry, full rectified wave direct
current type and the voltage shall be from 3 kV to 3.5 kV). The device shall be
adjusted to its sensitivity at least once every 8 working hours, according to Section 8
of the above-mentioned Standard;
— the contact electrode shall be made of conductive rubber or a square-wire spring, and
shall travel over the pipe at a maximum speed of 18 m/min.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

5.1.5 If the coated pipes are stored in an area exposed to the weather for more than 12 months,
visual, impact, and melt flow index tests shall be performed. The melt flow index test is not applicable
to FBE-coated pipes.

5.1.6 Impact and melt flow index tests shall be performed as described below:

a) impact test:
— it shall be performed on 1 pipe from each stack for every 100 pipes. For less than 100
pipes, at least one pipe shall be tested;
— select the pipe that is exposed the most to the sun;
— perform the impact test on the side of the pipe exposed to the sun;
— tests shall be performed at 3 points of the pipe at least 30 mm from each other;
— the energy used for the impact tests shall be 7 J per millimeter in thickness for 3LPE
and 10 J per millimeter in thickness for 3LPP. For FBE the total energy applied
is 1.5 J;
— after the impact test, the coating shall be subjected to the holiday test according to
5.1.4 b) for 3LPE and 3LPP coatings. For FBE coatings, the voltage used in the test
shall be 2.5 kV ± 0.2 kV;
— no holes shall appear on the coating;
— impact points on non-rejected pipes coated with 3LPE and 3LPP shall be repaired
according to Table 14 and Section 12; for FBE-coated pipes, follow the provisions in
Sections 9 and 12;
b) melt flow test:
— it shall be performed on a pipe from each stack for every 100 pipes. For less than
100 pipes, at least one pipe shall be tested;
— select the pipe that is exposed the most to the sun;
— remove the polyethylene or polypropylene samples from the side exposed to the sun
and on the diametrically opposite side;
— the thickness of the polyethylene or polypropylene layer of the samples shall be the
largest possible, taking care not to reach the adhesive layer;
— determine the melt flow index according to ASTM D 1238 (190 ºC / 2.16 kg for
polyethylene and 230 ºC / 2.16 kg for polypropylene);
— the difference in melt flow indices on the exposed side and on the side not exposed to
the sun shall not be smaller than 25 %;
— in case any flaw is found, the pipe shall be rejected and a verification procedure shall
be started in order to delimit the irregularity;
— if rejection does not occur, all areas damaged by the tests shall be repaired as
prescribed in Section 8.

5.2 Inspection During Pipeline Assembly

5.2.1 It shall be performed on all pipes immediately before the pipeline is laid in the ditch.

5.2.2 It shall comply with the provisions in 5.1, and only the visual inspection and holiday test are
required to be performed on the coating.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

6 Technical Characteristics of Repair Materials

6.1 Repairs on 3LPE Coating

6.1.1 Three-Layer Polyethylene Coating (3LPE) It comprises a heat-activated polyethylene-based adhesive. It is recommended for small

coating repairs, as described in Table 14. The three-later polyethylene coating for a design temperature up to 80 ºC shall comply with
the requirements of Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 - Properties of Three-Layer Polyethylene Coating

Properties Units Limit Values Test methods

Shear strength (23 ºC  2 ºC) (see Note 2) N/cm2 min. 235 ASTM D 1002
Dielectric strength (23 ºC  2 ºC) kV/mm min. 10 ASTM D 149
Tensile strength (23 ºC  2 ºC) MPa min. 5 ASTM D 638
Elongation at rupture (23 ºC  2 ºC) % min. 350 ASTM D 638
Softening point ( see Note 2) °C min. 100 ASTM E 28
Hardness (23 ºC  2 ºC) Shore D min. 30 ASTM D 2240
- Length (see Notes 1 and 2) mm - ASTM D 1000
- Diameter (see Notes 1 and 2) mm - ASTM D 1000
NOTE 1 According to material manufacturer’s standard.
NOTE 2 To be informed by manufacturer in the Material Quality Certificate.

Table 2 - Requirements for Repair Applied with Three-Layer Polyethylene Coating

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

Visual - passes / fails (see Note 1)
12 KV/mm
Discontinuity of repair kV NACE RP 0274
limited to 25 KV
Impact resistance (23 ºC to 30 ºC)
J min. 15 ASTM G14
(see Note 2)
NOTE 1 It shall present a uniform surface without fissures and holes.
NOTE 2 At least 2 impact points 30 mm apart from each other shall be made.

6.1.2 Elastomeric Filler Mastic System Combined with Polyethylene Laminate (Patch) The coating is comprised of the application of elastomeric filler mastic combined with
irradiated polyethylene laminate complemented with hot melt adhesive (patch). It is recommended for filling spaces and recomposing thicknesses, and is used together with a
patch as described in Table 14.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010 Elastomeric filler mastic with polyethylene laminate (patch) shall be used on pipes coated with
triple later polyethylene for a maximum temperature of 80 ºC. It shall comply with Tables 3 to 6. The total thickness of the polyethylene laminate shall be, at least, 1 mm.

Table 3 - Properties of Elastomeric Filler Mastic

Properties Units Limit Values Test Methods

Water absorption (23 ºC  2 ºC) % max. 1,00 ASTM D 570
Softening Point (see Note 2) °C min. 100 ASTM E 28
Shear strength (23 ºC  2 ºC) (see Note 3) MPa min. 0,01 ASTM D 1002
Length (see Notes 1 and 2) mm - ASTM D 1000
Width ( see Notes 1 and 2) mm - ASTM D 1000
Thickness ( see Notes 1 and 2) mm - ASTM D 1000
NOTE 1 As informed by the material manufacturer.
NOTE 2 To be informed by the manufacturer in the Material Quality Certificate.
NOTE 3 The thickness of the test plate shall be 0.045 in.

Table 4 - Properties of Hot Melt Adhesive of Patch

Properties Units Limit Values Test methods

Softening point C min. 100 ASTM E 28
Shear strength (23 VºC  2 ºC) MPa min. 1,00 ASTM D 1002
Water Absorption % max. 0.30 ASTM D 570

Table 5 - Properties of External Irradiated Polyethylene Film of Patch

Properties Units Limit Values Test Methods

Elongation at rupture (23 ºC  2 ºC) (see
% min. 350 ASTM D 638
Note 2)
Tensile strength (23 ºC  2 ºC) (see Note 2) MPa min. 15 ASTM D 638
Hardness (23 ºC  2 ºC) Shore D min. 40 ASTM D 2240
Volumetric resistivity (23 ºC  2 ºC) .cm min. 1012 ASTM D 257
Dielectric strength - voltage rise (23 ºC 
kV/mm min. 12 ASTM D 149
2 ºC) at 500 V/s
ASTM D 2671
Heat shock (4 hours at 225 ºC) - (1)
Procedure C
Heat aging 168 hours at 150 ºC  2 ºC,
followed by
- Tensile stress MPa min. 14 ASTM D 638
- Elongation at rupture % min. 300 ASTM D 638
NOTE 1 No cracks.
NOTE 2 To be informed by the manufacturer in the Material Quality Certificate.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

Table 6 - Requirements for Repair Applied with Irradiated Polyethylene Alaminate

Complemented with Hot Melt Adhesive

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

Visual - passes / fails (see Note 1)
12 kV/mm
Holiday on repair kV NACE RP 0274
limited to 25 kV
Adhesion (23 ºC to 33 ºC) mm/min min. 80 Annex C
Impact Resistance (23 ºC to 33 ºC)
J min. 4 ASTM G14
(see Note 2)
NOTE 1 It shall present a uniform surface, without fissures and holes.
NOTE 2 At least, 2 impact points shall be provided 30 mm from each other.

6.1.3 Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves

PETROBRAS N-2328 shall be followed.

6.2 Repairs on 3LPP Coating

6.2.1 Three-Layer Polypropylene Coating (3LPP) It is comprised of a heat-activated polypropylene-based adhesive. It is recommended for small

repairs on the coating as described in Table 14. For a design temperature up to 110 ºC, the coating shall comply with the requirements of
Tables 2 and 7.

Table 7 - Properties of Triple Layer Polypropylene Coating

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

Shear strength (23 ºC  2 ºC) (see Note 2) N/cm2 min. 240 DIN 30672
Dielectric strength (23 ºC  2 ºC) kV/mm min. 10 ASTM D 149
Tensile strength (23 ºC  2 ºC) MPa min. 8 ASTM D 638
Elongation at rupture (23 ºC  2 ºC) % min. 350 ASTM D 638
Softening Point (see Note 2) °C min. 135 ASTM E 28
Hardness (23 ºC  2 ºC) Shore D min. 40 ASTM D 2240
- Length (see Notes 1 and 2) mm - ASTM D 1000
- Diameter (see Notes 1 and 2) mm - ASTM D 1000
NOTE 1 According to the material manufacturer’s standard.
NOTE 2 It shall be informed by the manufacture in the Material Quality Certificate.

6.2.2 Polypropylene Filler Adhesive Combined with Polypropylene Laminate (Patch) The coating is comprised of the application of polypropylene filler adhesive combined with
irradiated polypropylene laminate complemented with polypropylene adhesive.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010 It is used for filling spaces and recomposing thicknesses together with the patch as described
in Table 14. Polypropylene adhesive combined with 3LPP laminate (Patch) shall be used on pipelines
coated with triple layer polypropylene for a maximum temperature of 110 ºC. The requirements set out
in Tables 8 to 11 shall be met. The total thickness of the polypropylene laminate shall be, at least, 2 mm.

Table 8 - Properties of Polypropylene Filler Adhesive

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

Shear strength at 23 °C (1 cm/mm)
min. 200
(see Note)
N/cm2 ASTM D 1002
Shear strength at 120 °C
min. 17
(1 cm/mm)
Softening point (ring and ball) (see Note) C min. 140 ASTM E 28
NOTE To be informed by the manufacturer in the Material Quality Certificate.

Table 9 - Properties of Polypropylene Adhesive

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

Shear strength at 23 °C (1 cm/mm)
min. 450
(see Note) N/cm2 ASTM D 1002
Shear strength at 120 °C (1 cm/mm) min. 60
Softening point (ring and ball) (see Note 1) C min. 140 ASTM E 28
NOTE To be informed by the manufacturer in the Material Quality Certificate.

Table 10 - Properties of External Polypropylene Film of Patch

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

Tensile strength at 23 °C (see Note 1) MPa min. 20 ASTM D 638
Elongation at rupture at 23 ºC
% min. 350 ASTM D 638
(see Note 1)
Dielectric strength at 23 °C V/mm min. 12,000 ASTM D 149
Volumetric resistivity at 23 °C .cm min. 1016 ASTM D 257
Elongation at 23 °C after heat aging
% min. 220 ASTM D 638
(150 ºC / 7 days)
Water absorption (23 °C / 24 hours) % max. 0,4 ASTM D 570
Water vapor transmission (38 °C / 90 %
g/h/m² max. 0,052 ASTM E 96
o ASTM D 2671
Low temperature flexibility (1” dia. mandrel) C max. - 20
Procedure C
Flexural Modulus MPa min. 750 ASTM D 790
Hardness Shore D min. 63 ASTM D 2240
Heat Aging (flexibility without fissures, passes /
passes AFNOR NF A 49-711
2 000 hours / 150 °C) fails
Heat aging (elongation variation) 168 hours
% max. 35 ASTM D 638
at 150 °C
Softening point (VICAT) ºC min. 129 ASTM D 1525
NOTE 1 To be informed by manufacturer in the Material Quality Certificate.
NOTE 2 Tests performed on film with incorporated adhesive.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

Table 11 - Requirements for Repair Applied with Irradiated Polypropylene Laminate

Complemented with Polypropylene Adhesive

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

Visual - passes / fails (see Note 1)
12 kV/mm
Holiday on repair kV NACE RP 0274
limited to 25 kV
Adhesion (23 °C to 33 °C) mm/min min. 80 Annex C
Impact resistance (23 °C to 33 °C)
J min. 4 ASTM G14
(see Note 2)
NOTE 1 It shall present a uniform surface without fissures and holes.
NOTE 2 At least, 2 impact points shall be provided 30 mm apart.

6.2.3 Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves

PETROBRAS N-2328 shall be followed.

NOTA For 3LPP coated pipes polypropylene sleeves shall be used.

6.3 Repair on FBE Coating

6.3.1 Use shall be made of liquid epoxy applied in the field in the repair region and it shall comply with
the requirements of Tables 12 and 13. The product shall be applied by a specific painting process on the substrate at ambient
temperature. The dry film thickness required for the coating is 450150
50 µm.

6.3.2 Dry Film Characteristics

The tests to be conducted to evaluate the performance of the dry film are those contained in Table 12.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

Table 12 - Dry Film Requirements

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

15877:2010, Annex 2
Pull-off Strength (see Note 1) MPa min. 12 or ASTM D
4541:2009, Method D
- Equipment Type IV
Salt spray resistance at 35 °C (see Notes 2
h 2 000 ASTM B 117
and 3)
Resistance at 100 % relative humidity at
h 2 000 ASTM D 2247
40 °C (see Note 3)
Resistance to immersion in distilled water at
h 2 000 ASTM D 870
40 ºC (see Note 3)
Cathodic disbondment (28 days) at -1.5 V CAN/CSA
mm max. 10
at 23 ºC (see Note 4) Z245.20:2006
Water absorption (24 hours) % max. 0.1 ASTM D 570
Tensile Strength MPa min. 42 ASTM D 2370
Elongation % min. 9,0 ASTM D 2370
Dielectric strength kV/mm 16 ASTM D 149
NOTE 1 After the adhesion test, the nature of the flaw may not be of the types: adhesive between
the substrate and the coating (AB), or cohesive on the paint layer for breaking stress
values lower than 12 MPa. However, the occurrence of a cohesive type flaw on the paint
layer is acceptable if the breaking stress value is 12 MPa or above.
NOTE 2 For salt spray resistance tests the test specimens shall be cut 7 cm in length by 1 mm in
width parallel to their largest dimension and 50 mm from the top edge of the plate. After
2 000 hours of testing, the maximum corrosion progress from the incision shall be 3 mm.
NOTE 3 At the end of the tests to verify the salt spray resistance, the resistance at 100 % relative
humidity and the immersion resistance in distilled water at 40 °C, anomalies such as
bubbles, fissures or corrosion spots shall not be observed.
NOTE 4 The coating shall not present cracks, disbondment or holidays when tested according to
Section 8, but with a potential difference of 2.5 kV ± 0.2 kV.

Table 13 - Requirements for Applied Coating

Properties Units Limit values Test methods

Hardness after testing for one second Shore D min. 75 ASTM D 2240
Pull-off strength on steel MPa min. 12 ASTM D 4541:2009,
Method D - Equipment
Pull-off strength on FBE MPa min. 12 Type IV or ABNT NBR
15877:2010, Annex 2
Impact at 0 °C J min. 1.5 CAN/CSA Z245.20:2006
Impact at 25 °C J min. 1.5 Section 10.12
Cathodic disbondment 28 days @ 23 ± CAN/CSA Z245.20:2006
mm max. 10.0
2 °C @ - 1.5 V Section 10.8
Degrees, 1
Immersion in hot water for 28 days max.1 CAN/CSA Z245.20:2006
to 5
Electrical volume resistivity Ω cm min. 10 ASTM D 257
NOTE The chemical resistance of the coating to chemical agents that come into contact with the
coating during pipeline operation shall be checked.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

7 Receiving, Storage, Handling and Transportation of Repair Materials

7.1 Receiving

7.1.1 The materials comprising the repair system shall be inspected upon receipt, including
verification of the integrity of their packing and packaging. They shall be in accordance with the
purchase documents, design specifications and under normal conditions for application.

7.1.2 Each lot shall be perfectly characterized, under normal conditions for application and
accompanied by the quality certificate and its packaging shall contain the following information:

a) product type;
b) reference standard;
c) product name and brand;
d) technical and dimensional characteristics of product;
e) identification number or sign of manufacturing lot;
f) product expiration date.

7.1.3 The receiving inspection shall include at least the following:

a) check if the materials to be used have been produced by manufacturers included in

PETROBRAS’ vendor list and are accompanied by the respective conformity certificates
according to this Standard;
b) check the Quality Certificates, which shall attest conformity to the requirements of Tables
1 to 13. The requirements are those indicated by the Notes “to be informed by the
manufacturer in the material quality certificate” in the respective Tables;
c) check the expiration dates of the components of the anticorrosive coatings and the
integrity of the packaging;
d) check for the presence of moisture inside the packaging; if moisture does occur,
packaging items shall be segregated and the manufacturer shall be consulted concerning
the possibility of the materials losing their properties and the measures which shall be

7.2 Storage

7.2.1 All materials needed for the coating shall be stored in a sheltered and ventilated location where
the ambient temperature shall not exceed 45 °C, at least, 10 cm from the ground, so as to prevent
damages, away from occasional heat sources and in their original packaging.

7.2.2 All materials shall be stored in such a manner as to ensure that those manufactured first are
used first, provided their period of validity has not expired.

7.2.3 Storage conditions shall comply with the material manufacturer’s instructions.

7.3 Handling and Transportation

7.3.1 All materials required for coating shall be handled and transported in such a way as to prevent
damages to their packaging.


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7.3.2 During transportation, packaging with the components of the anticorrosive coatings shall not be
left exposed to weathering.

8 Classification of Damages and Selection Guide for Repair of Pipes Coated with

8.1 The classification of damages and the repair method for each type are described in Table 14.


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Table 14 - Classification of Damages and Repair Methods for 3LPE and 3LPP Coatings

Pipe coating
Dimensions Polyethylene or
Type Primer Steel Repair method Holiday test
of damages polypropylene Adhesive
not not not no holidays
I A  100 cm2 thickness no repair required
reached reached reached detected
 75 %
any length with thickness not not not polyethylene or holidays not
width  15 mm  25 % and reached reached reached polypropylene filler detected
< 75%
1st layer: adhesive
remaining (polypropylene) or
A  100 cm2 reached / mastic
thickness not not holidays not
III c  50 cm not (polyethylene)
 25 % and reached reached detected
l  1/4 P reached
< 75%
2nd layer: patch

1st layer: adhesive

A  25 cm2 (polypropylene) or
IV c  50 cm reached reached reached reached holidays detected
l  1/4 P
2nd layer: patch

1st layer: primer

25 cm2 < A < 2nd layer: adhesive
100 cm2 (polypropylene) or
V reached reached reached reached holidays detected
c  50 cm filler mastic
l  1/4 P (polyethylene)
3rd layer: patch
1st layer: adhesive
(polypropylene) or
reached / (polyethylene)
not not undetected
VI.a reached not 2nd layer:
reached reached holidays
reached Heat-shrinkable
sleeve with hot melt
or polypropylene
A > 100 cm2
and/or c > 50
and/or l >
1/4 P 1st layer: primer

(see reached reached reached reached detected holidays
Note1) 2nd layer:
sleeve with hot
melt or


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Table 14 - Classification of Repair Damages and Methods for 3LPE and 3LPP Coatings

Pipe coating
Type PE or PP Primer Steel Repair method Holiday test
of damages Adhesive
coating (FBE)
NOTE 1 For making Type II, III, and VI repairs, the following shall be observed:
a) the surface to be repaired shall be sandpapered, using an electric rotary sander or by cross hand
sanding with a sandpaper having a maximum grit size of 36 in order to obtain a uniform and rough
anchor profile;
b) before applying the repair material, the area shall be cleaned with the aid of dry compressed air,
rags or paintbrushes, which shall be dry and free of contaminants, thereby eliminating all remaining
c) the repair shall then be made according to Section 10.

NOTE 2 For making Type IV, V, and VI.b repairs, the following shall be observed:
a) remove the loose coating and the adhesive from the damaged areas;
b) treat the metal surface by abrasive blasting according to NACE
No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 to grade Sa 2 1/2 of ISO 8501-1. As an alternative, in the event it is not possible
to use abrasive blasting, and provided this is approved by PETROBRAS, mechanical treatment with
a rotary tool shall be used according to SSPC SP 11;
c) the region to be repaired shall be cleaned with the aid of dry compressed air, a rag or a paintbrush,
which shall be dry and free of contaminants, thereby eliminating all remaining residues (loose
coating, dust, and other contaminants);
d) the repair shall then be made according to Section 10.

NOTE 3 If any of the dimensions of the damaged area is smaller than 20 cm, after primer application, fill the
area with filler adhesive so that the sleeve fits the surface perfectly.

A is the area;
c is the damage length;
l is the damage width;
P is the pipe perimeter ( D, where D is the pipe outside diameter).

8.2 The minimum overlap of repair material over the original pipe coating shall be 100 mm. The
original pipe coating shall be sanded with sandpaper with a maximum grit size of 36 in the overlapping
area within a region between 120 mm and 150 mm around the repair area.

8.3 The coating of the entire repaired area shall be subjected to holiday testing according to 12.3.

8.4 During the inspection of pipelines the defective area shall be marked with paint, crayon or a
similar material, thereby facilitating the location of areas with defects.

8.5 The maximum number of repairs permitted shall comply with the following criteria:

a) type II damage - 10 repairs;

b) type III damage - 5 repairs;
c) type IV damage - 5 repairs;
d) type VI.a damage- 1 repair;
e) type VI.b damage - 1 repair.


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9 Classification of Damages and Selection Guide for Repair with Liquid Epoxy of FBE-
Coated Pipes

9.1 After the inspection, the damaged area shall be marked with paint, chalk, crayon or a similar
material, thereby facilitating the location of the areas to be repaired.

9.1.1 Damages subject to repairs are classified into 2 types:

a) type I damage: spot damage detected in the holiday test or with an area equal to or
smaller than 1 mm2;
b) Type II damage: non-spot type damage smaller than 100 cm2, with the largest length not
greater than 3 cm.

9.1.2 Pipes with more than 3 Type II damages or with an area larger than 100 cm2 shall be rejected.

9.1.3 The repair material to be used shall be of the 2 component liquid epoxy type (solvent free) and
be compatible with the powder epoxy used for the pipe coating, or thermoplastic materials.

9.1.4 The repair material shall be prepared according to the instructions provided in the technical
bulletin of the product to be used.

9.1.5 Right after mixing together the 2 components, the product shall be applied over the area to be
repaired with the aid of a putty knife, thereby covering the entire region previously prepared.

9.1.6 The maximum thickness of the repairs shall be 50 % larger than the nominal thickness of the
original pipe coating.

9.1.7 After the material has been cured, the entire repaired area shall be inspected through a holiday
detector according to 12.3.

9.2 Repair on Type I Damages

The surface shall be prepared as described below:

a) the damaged coating shall be removed by means of sharp-edged instruments (knife,

pocket knife or retractable knife) or a bastard file, until the metal substrate is reached,
resulting in a countersunk area;
b) after the damaged coating is removed, the region to be repaired shall be cleaned with a
rag or a brush, which shall be dry and free of contaminants, thereby eliminating all
remaining residues (coating, dust etc.) and shall be free of moisture;
c) if the substrate presents signs of oxidation a sandpaper having a grit size of 80 or a
bastard file shall be used to fully remove these signs and then a clean and dry rag or
brush shall be used for cleaning the area to be repaired.

9.3 Repair on Type II Damages

9.3.1 Remove all the damaged coating by means of a bastard file until the substrate is reached,
eliminating any traces of oxidation that may possibly exist.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

9.3.2 After the damaged coating is removed, a 10 mm wide strip surrounding the area to be repaired
shall be reamed to ensure overlapping of the repair material over the original coating.

9.3.3 The surface of the filed region shall then be sanded, using sandpaper having a grit size of 80 in
the overlapping area in a strip between 120 mm and 150 mm around the repair area in order to allow
anchoring of the repair to be applied.

9.3.4 The area to be repaired shall be delimited by applying adhesive tape on the undamaged region.

9.3.5 Before the repair material is applied, the area shall be cleaned with the aid of a rag or brush,
which shall be dry and free of contaminants, thereby eliminating all remaining residues, and it shall be
free of moisture.

10 Repair Application

10.1 Environmental Conditions

10.1.1 At the beginning of each workday or when changes occur in weather conditions, the ambient
temperature, the pipeline temperature and the relative air humidity shall be measured.

10.1.2 In unsheltered locations, the application shall not be made on rainy days or days in which rain
is expected if it is not possible to install proper covering.

10.1.3 The ambient temperature, during the application of the anticorrosive coating, shall be between
10 °C and 50 °C.

10.1.4 The temperature of the pipeline where the anticorrosive coating shall be applied shall be equal
to or greater than the temperature corresponding to the dew point temperature plus 3 °C and not
above 50 °C.

10.1.5 The relative humidity, when the anticorrosive coating is applied, shall not exceed 85 %.

10.1.6 The anticorrosive coating may be applied with a relative air humidity between 85 % and 95 %,
provided one of the following conditions is satisfied: [Recommended Practice]

a) pipeline surface temperature 3 °C above the dew point temperature;

b) pipelines are preheated between 45 °C and 50 °C.

10.2 General Application Conditions

10.2.1 The coating shall be applied based on an application procedure (Annex A).


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10.2.2 All paint, varnish, old coating, corrosion products, oil, grease, dust, and any foreign materials
found on the surface of the pipeline shall be inspected according to ABNT NBR 14847 and
ABNT NBR 15185 and removed according to ABNT NBR 15158 and ABNT NBR 15239.

10.2.3 Solvents recommended by the supplier of the repair to be applied shall be used.

10.2.4 The end of the original coating shall be beveled to an angle smaller than 30º in relation to the
pipeline surface.

10.2.5 The repair shall be applied on the same workday in which the surface treatment is performed.
If, when the repair is applied, the surface presents signs of corrosion, the surface treatment shall be

10.2.6 Primer is not used for the following types of coatings: epoxy, polyethylene or polypropylene. Immediately after the surface is prepared, a uniform coat of primer shall be applied on the
pipeline. The thickness of the primer film after drying shall be at least 20 μm. The primer shall not extend over the original coating in case it is triple layer polyethylene or
polypropylene, and its application shall be restricted to the metal substrate. In the case of heat-shrinkable sleeves, the primer shall have a minimum thickness
of 100 μm. Primer application shall be free of flaws and may be made by spraying or by using a roller or
brush, except on weld seams where a brush shall be obligatorily used. Material contaminated by foreign substances or displaying settling preventing primer from
being properly homogenized shall not be used. The contents of each primer container shall be completely homogenized before used. The solution shall be diluted according to the instructions provided by the coating
manufacturer. The primer film shall present a uniform thickness and shall be free of flaws such as dripping,
blistering, bubbles and impregnation of solid particles. The repair shall only be applied after the primer has dried tack free. If the primer has been
completely cured, it shall be removed and primer shall once again be applied on the surface. When the spraying method is utilized, suitable air filters shall be used to remove all the oil
and moisture from the compressed air. Mechanically or pneumatically agitated pressurized tanks shall
be used.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010 For regions in which the solution has already been applied and which have incorporated
dust during drying, the solution shall be removed and a new application shall be made.

11 Specific Application Conditions

11.1 Polyethylene or Polypropylene Coating

Preheat the area to be repaired and then heat the coating at one of the ends preferably with hot air or
another method indicated by the supplier in the “Qualified Application Procedure (PA)” and make the
application in the area to be repaired so as to uniformly fill it. Then continue to apply heat with hot air
or another method indicated by the supplier in the qualified PA, so as to simultaneously heat the
deposited product and the repaired area. Using a putty knife, render the surface uniform, checking if
the product is perfectly adhered to the pipe coating.

11.2 Elastomeric Filler Mastic Combined with Polyethylene Laminate (Patch)

11.2.1 Preheat the surface to be repaired as indicated in the qualified PA, remove the protective
paper from the mastic and manually mold it so as to fill the entire area to be repaired. Then apply
heat by means of propane or LPG torches with a moderate flame on the product deposited on the
damaged area. Using a heated putty knife, render the surface of the mastic on the pipe coating
uniform. After removing excess material, if any, apply the patch for its mechanical protection.

11.2.2 The area prepared as described in the Notes of Table 14 (metal and adjacent coating) shall be
preheated as indicated in the qualified Application Procedure (PA). In the area from which the coating
has been removed, primer and a suitable adhesive shall be applied, if necessary, as indicated in Table

11.2.3 Cut a apiece of polyolefin sleeve (patch) so as to allow the damaged area to be covered and
its corners to be rounded (see Annex C) overlapping at least 100 mm to each side of the damaged

11.2.4 Provision shall be made to prevent pieces of adhesive from being attached between the
surface of the original coating and the patch.

11.2.5 The polyolefin patch shall have its adhesive preheated by means of a propane or LPG torch
with a moderate flame until it acquires a glossy appearance. The area to be repaired shall also be
preheated as indicated in the qualified Application Procedure (PA).

11.2.6 After its centered application on the air to be repaired, the external film of the patch shall be
once again uniformly heated and pressed against the piping to prevent the occurrence of roughness or
air bubbles and ensure proper adhesion.

11.2.7 Provision shall be made to prevent the filler mastic from flowing and penetrating between the
patch and the surface of the original pipe coating.

11.2.8 No edges shall be allowed to be raised over the original coating. Provision shall be made to
ensure that after the repair is cooled down the adhesive has flowed through the edges of the patch.


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11.2.9 The repair shall be completely conformed to the original coating. Repair patches may not be
placed one on top of the other.

11.3 Polypropylene Filler Adhesive Combined with Polypropylene Laminate (Patch)

11.3.1 Preheat the surface to be repaired as indicated in the qualified PA, cut a piece of the
adhesive that is large enough to cover the entire area to be repaired. Then apply heat preferably
with hot air or by means of propane or LPG torches with a moderate flame on the product deposited
on the damaged area. Using a heated putty knife, render the surface of the adhesive to the pipe
coating uniform. After removing the excess material, if any, apply the patch for its mechanical
protection, when applicable.

11.3.2 Follow the procedures described in 11.2.2 to 11.2.9, considering that in 11.2.7 the filler
material is polypropylene adhesive.

11.4 Heat-Shrinkable Sleeve

Heat-shrinkable sleeves shall comply with the provisions in PETROBRAS N-2328.

12 Inspection and Tests

During the repair application phase, provision shall be made for at least the tests described in 12.1 to
12.3. All repaired areas that come into contact with pipe handling accessories shall be re-inspected
and, if necessary, the repair work shall be redone.

12.1 Thickness Measurement

12.1.1 Four measurements uniformly distributed along the repair area shall be made using an
electromagnetic, magnetic or ultrasonic device. All values measured shall be recorded and the dry film
thickness required shall be 450 150
50 μm.

12.1.2 Before the measurements are made, calibration procedures according to ABNT NBR 10443
shall be followed. Repeat these procedures at least once every 8 hours.

NOTE This test applies only to epoxy repairs.

12.2 Visual

12.2.1 A visual examination shall be performed in the entire surface of the repaired section.

12.2.2 A non-uniform color and appearance, bubbles, notches, wrinkles, protrusions, contaminants,
and other defects jeopardizing the performance of the repair are not acceptable and shall be


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

12.2.3 For repairs with polyethylene or polypropylene laminate (patch), the visual inspection shall
contemplate the following requirements:

a) the patch shall be fully in contact with the surface of the original pipe coating;
b) the minimum overlapping over the original pipe coating shall be at least 100 mm;
c) the patch shall present fluid adhesive on its edges;
d) the surface of the patch shall be in sound conditions, with no cracks caused by
e) the entire surface of the repair shall be smooth, with no traces of air bubbles or raised
f) if any of the conditions mentioned in the previous items are not satisfied (except
overheating), the patch may be reheated in order to satisfy all of the conditions. If this
does not occur, the repair shall be removed and remade.

12.3 Holiday Detector Test

12.3.1 It shall be performed on 100 % of the repair surface. The test voltage shall be indicated by the
repair supplier, but it shall not be less than 1.5 kV. A dry type full rectified wave DC holiday detector
shall be used according to NACE SP 0188. The measuring device shall be adjusted to its sensitivity
before each test starts.

NOTE As a safety measure, it is not permitted to use holiday detectors on days in which there is
risk of lightning. All safety requirements prescribed in NACE SP 0188 shall be met before the
test is released.

12.3.2 The contact electrode shall be comprised of a copper brush, conductive rubber or square wire
spring and shall travel over the pipeline at a maximum speed of 18 m/min.

12.3.3 If holidays are detected, the repair shall be fully replaced.


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Annex A - Application Procedure (PA)

A.1 The PA of the manufacturer of the repair system shall comply with all of the requirements of this
Standard and contain, at least, the following items:

a) technical document on which the PA was based;

b) qualified repair materials to be used, with commercial reference and physical and
chemical characteristics according to Section 6;
c) repair identification, indicating the application temperature and the maximum pipeline
operating temperature;
d) characteristics of measuring equipment and instruments to be used;
e) repair material receiving, storage, and transportation plan;
f) repair application method, contemplating:
— proper type of solvent for cleaning the surface to be repaired;
— environmental conditions;
— cleaning of steel pipeline and its original coating, mentioning the preparation grade of
the steel pipeline surface in the repair region and how to prepare the original coating
in the overlapping area;
— repair application;
g) requirements of repair applied;
h) inspection and test methods of the items listed below, contemplating frequency of
inspections, dimensions, and number of test specimens and their acceptance or rejection
— in the repair material;
— in the repair applied;
i) handling of repaired pipe;
j) entity responsible for tests.

A.2 There shall be a specific PA for each repair material listed in 1.3.


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Annex B - Qualification

B.1 Qualification of PA

B.1.1 PETROBRAS or professionals designated by the latter shall witness all qualification tests and
inspections mentioned in Annex A, that is, the raw materials comprising the repair and the
requirements of the repair applied, as mentioned in Section 6.

B.1.2 Before this qualification starts, the repair supplier shall present the PA approved by
PETROBRAS, as well as the respective material quality certificates containing at least the commercial
reference and the physical and chemical characteristics according to Section 6.

NOTE Final qualification of the PA of the repair supplier is contingent upon full compliance with the
requirements of Section 6 and the other requirements specified by PETROBRAS, such as,
for example, the implementation of a quality system in accordance with

B.1.3 Tests shall be performed on repairs applied as described below:

a) create 3 types of damages of each of types II to VI of Table 14, for which the repair is
applicable, in pipes coated with triple layer polyethylene or polypropylene and 3 damages
of each of types I and II of Section 9 for FBE-coated pipes, with a minimum diameter of 8”
and at least 40” long, for each operating temperature and type of repair to be applied;
b) in the sequence, damages on pipes coated with polyethylene, polypropylene or FBE shall
be repaired in accordance with the PA indicated for each repair and, in each one of them,
all tests and inspections defined in Sections 6 and 12 shall be performed and recorded
according to the limit temperature of the repair to be applied.

B.1.4 The dimension and number of test specimens, the acceptance and rejection criteria, the
location and the time schedule for the performance of qualification tests shall be attached to the PA.

NOTE Qualification of the PA shall be interrupted when any test or inspection performed presents
an unacceptable result, and the entire qualification process shall be restarted. During a new
qualification, the raw materials comprising the repair that have already satisfied B.1.3 will not
be required to undergo new lab tests. The PA shall be considered qualified when all tests
and inspection are in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Standard.

B.1.5 Qualification tests are valid for the specific conditions that were used for applying the repair.

NOTE In case any of the raw materials comprising the repair are modified, a new qualification shall
be undertaken, and, for heat-shrinkable sleeves, the provisions in PETROBRAS N-2328
shall be performed.

B.1.6 Upon completion of qualification works, the supplier shall issue, for final approval of
PETROBRAS and before the beginning of field production activities, a duly identified qualification file
in digital form, containing at least the following information and/or documents:

a) manufacturers of raw materials comprising the repair;

b) specification of raw materials with their respective temperature limits;
c) raw material quality certificate;
d) application procedure;
e) measuring equipment and instruments with the respective calibration certificates of the
application process;
f) thickness and other repair dimensions;
g) treatment of steel pipe surface and original coating in the area to be repaired;


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

h) results of the inspections and tests of raw materials and repair applied, with the
respective entities that performed the tests;
i) list of application agents and inspectors trained by the repair supplier.

B.2 Qualification of Coating System Applicators and Inspectors

B.2.1 Before field repair application services are started and in the presence of PETROBRAS or
professionals designated by the latter, each applicator previously trained by the repair supplier shall
proceed as described below:

a) apply 3 repairs for type II, V and VI.b damages of Table 14 on pipes coated with
polyethylene or polypropylene or 3 repairs for type I and II damages of Section 9 in case
pipes are coated with FBE;
b) all the tests and inspections defined in Table B.1 shall be performed, recording the results

Table B.1 - Tests and Inspections for Qualification of Applicators and Inspectors

Type of repair Tests and inspections

Liquid epoxy Section 12 and Adhesion Test of Table 13
Section 12 and Adhesion Test - dynamometer
Heat-shrinkable sleeve
method of PETROBRAS N-2328
Elastomeric mastic combined with
Section 12 and Annex C of this Standard
polyethylene laminate
Polypropylene adhesive combined with
Section 12 and Annex C of this Standard
polypropylene laminate

B.2.2 Applicators whose tests and inspections mentioned in B.2.1 comply with the acceptance criteria
of the Application Procedure are qualified to apply the repair in the field. Inspectors shall take part in
the entire coating inspection training program and shall provide evidence that they are qualified to
inspect the repairs applied according to the supplier’s recommendations. If the applicator or inspector
has already been qualified for a type of repair on a particular PETROBRAS project within the past two
years, he/she will not be required to undergo this qualification phase.

B.2.3 Applicators and inspectors should be qualified during the PA qualification phase with follow-up
by the supplier.[Recommended Practice]


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

Annex C - Adhesion Test - Dynamometer Method - Polyethylene Laminate or Irradiated

Polypropylene with Adhesive (Patch) - Test in Region Overlapping Pipe

a) mark the surface of the patch in the area overlapping the original steel pipe coating with
25 mm wide and 125 mm long strips in the direction crosswise to the pipe centerline;
b) cut the demarcated strips until the surface of the pipe coating is reached;
c) raise one of the ends of the strip to attach the dynamometer yoke, ensuring that the
adhesive is removed from the original coating and not only the polyethylene or
polypropylene film from the adhesive, since this would mask the test results;
d) apply loading increasing from 1.0 kgf/s to 4.0 kgf;
e) keep this load for 60 seconds, always in the direction orthogonal to the pipe centerline;
f) after the testing period, the maximum pull-off shall be 80 mm.


N-2911 ENGLISH 12 / 2010

100 100





Start of test

P = 4,0 kgf
(see Note 2)

80 mm

End of test

Section A-A

Note 1: Dimensions in millimeters, unless otherwise indicated.

Note 2: Keep a force of P = 4.0 kgf in the radial direction for 60 seconds.

Figure C.1 - Adhesion Test on Patch - Dynamometer Method


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