High-Pressure 100 Barg Oil-Flooded Screw Compressor: Yasushi Amano
High-Pressure 100 Barg Oil-Flooded Screw Compressor: Yasushi Amano
High-Pressure 100 Barg Oil-Flooded Screw Compressor: Yasushi Amano
Kobe Steel has developed a series of oil-flooded screw Table 1 Basic specifications of 100 barG oil-flooded screw
compressors for high-pressure. The company's original
rotor technology, along with larger bearings and Max. working discharge pressure (barG) 100
Max. working suction pressure (barG) 100
special mechanical seals, has enabled discharge
Casing design pressure (barG) 115
pressures up to 100 barG. The compressors, with their 3
Capacity range (m /h) 200∼20,000
high performance and reliability, are suitable for fuel Rotor material Forged steel
gas boosting and, in particular, for high-efficiency gas Casing material Cast steel
turbines. They are finding an increasing number of Mechanical seal SiC+SiC
Bearings : Radial Babbittes sleeve type
applications, such as the desulfurization of fuels, and
Thrust Tilting pad type
further increases are anticipated. Capacity Control Step less 100∼15%
compressor with a maximum discharge pressure of
Screw compressors are positive displacement 100 barG. Also included are the examples of
compressors, but also have characteristics of rotary applications using the newly developed compressors
compressors. Screw compressors are widely used and their future applications, which are expected to
across the industry for their characteristics of high increase in number 1) - 3).
efficiency, a small footprint and long-lasting features.
Oil-flooded screw compressors, in which oil is 1. Construction and features of 100 barG oil-flooded
poured into the gas being compressed, can achieve screw compressor
high discharge pressures in one stage with high
pressure ratios. The oil-flooded compressors are Fig. 2 is a cut-away view of an oil-flooded screw
finding increasing applications, as their technology is compressor having a discharge pressure of 100 barG.
improved for higher pressures, larger gas volumes, Gas is introduced into a suction nozzle, compressed
better lubrication and advanced oil separation. by a pair of male and female rotors engaging each
Kobe Steel has developed a series of oil-flooded other and discharged from an outlet. Each rotor has
screw compressors, the "EH series", which are radial bearings on both of the sides along the shaft
applicable to discharge pressures up to 100 barG. and a thrust bearing installed on the discharge side of
Fig. 1 is a range chart for the oil-flooded screw the radial bearing away from the rotor. A mechanical
compressors, including the conventional series, seal, disposed at the portion of the male rotor passing
developed by Kobe Steel. Table 1 summarizes their through the casing, prevents the compressed gas
specifications. from leaking outside.
This paper introduces an oil-flooded screw
1.1 Rotor tooth profile
The most important feature of Kobe Steel's screw
compressors is their tooth profiles, which have been
Discharge pressure (barG/psiG)
EH series
KS ○○ SEH/MEH/LEH (single)
KS ○○□□ SEH/MEH/LEH (tandem)
90/1305 continually developed and adapted for various
applications. The following conditions must be met
in order to achieve high volume efficiency:
X/TX series - shortening the seal line between the rotors for each
KS ○○ SX/LX (single) 30/435
KS ○○ STX/LTX (tandem) unit of displacement volume,
NB/GB series 20/290 - minimizing the size of the passage way called
"blow-whole" created by the male/ female rotors
TV/LV series
KS○○ LV (single) and the casing,
KS○○ TV (tandem)
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30
Displacement volume ×1,000m3/h or ×588CFM - optimizing the rotor wrap angles for minimizing
Fig. 1 Range chart for KOBELCO EH series the pressure ratio in each of the grooves.
Slide valve
GAS outlet
position indicator
Male rotor
Radial bearing
Hydraulic cylinder Mechanical seal
Fig. 2 Construction of 100 barG oil-flooded screw compressor Fig. 3 FEM analysis of casing stress
3.0MPaG 3.5
discharge pressure, achieve the gas volumes and MPaG 4.0
pressures required by almost all the modern gas 50 4.5
MPaG 43%
turbines. Fig. 7 shows the appearance of a fuel gas
compressor unit.
Power reduction by slide valve
A fuel gas compressor for gas turbines must be
able to maintain a constant discharge pressure 0
100 116 132 148
regardless of the variations in the turbine load and Capacity* (%)
supply pressure (suction pressure). Kobe Steel * Temperature 0℃, ambient pressure 101.3kPa abs
exploits the combined features of two valves, slide Fig. 8 Typical load characteristics of an oil-flooded compressor
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