FTGS Requirements On Trackwork
FTGS Requirements On Trackwork
FTGS Requirements On Trackwork
Revision Log
All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent
are reserved.
Siemens AG
P.O. Box 33 27
38023 Brunswick
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Scope and Purpose ............................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 Abbreviations & Definitions.................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Reference Documents........................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Technical Reviews................................................................................................................. 5
2 Track Vacancy Detection System ...................................................................................... 6
2.1 S- Bond and Running Rail Installation................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Hidden Installation (Design of Reinforcement within Track Slabs) ....................................... 9 Track Slabs within which Reinforcement requires to be insulated .......................................13 Allocation of the Track Slabs underneath the S- Bond Area................................................16 Overall Concept for Earthing and Bonding...........................................................................17 Electrically Isolating Reinforcement Bars ComBAR® ..........................................................21
2.1.2 Visible Installation (Design of Rail Mounting Parts) ............................................................ 22 Design of Rail Isolation.........................................................................................................22 Installation of S-Bonds..........................................................................................................23 Track Connection .................................................................................................................24 Insulated Rail Joint ...............................................................................................................24 Running Rail Impedance ......................................................................................................24
3 ATP- Loops......................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Synchronisation Loops (Train Position at Platform) ............................................................ 25
1 Introduction
This interface specification submits requirements from the Signalling Contractor
to the Track Contractor. The adherence of requirements given within this docu-
ment is a precondition for the correct function and trouble free operation of the
signalling system.
• Loops (LZB)
1.1.2 Abbreviations
AC Alternating Current
ATP Automatic Train Protection
E Emitter
EZS Elektronische Zugsicherung, Electronic Train Control
FTGS Far distant Tone frequency track vacancy detection System SIEMENS
LH Left Hand Side
LZB Linienzugbeeinflussung; Continuous Train Control System
R Receiver
RH Right Hand Side
SIG Signalling Contractor
TC Track Circuit
TCM Track Circuit (System) Modular
TRW Track Work contractor
TVDS Track Vacancy Detection System
[1] Concept for Earthing and Bonding of Power Supply System and Overhead
Equipment (PST) by Klaus Dietrich, I MO CT ED TP;
[2] Concept for Earthing and Bonding Annex 1: Requirements for Civil Works
and Trackwork by Klaus Dietrich, I MO CT ED TP;
SPS-422-000-1105001-Annex 1
• an electrical conductor which lead the current which is necessary for the
vacancy detection
In case of a short circuit of both running rails due to an axle - the corresponding
receiver won’t detect the emitted signal anymore and this leads to the “Occupied”
The borders of the TVD zones are mostly formed by so called “S-Bonds”. There
are furthermore “End-Bonds”, “Short-Circuit-Bonds” and so called “Modified
Equipotential Bonds” which must be considered all in the same manner as the S-
Early versions of track circuit systems were made for ballasted track (first patent
by the American William Robinson, 1871) and the requirement of a huge envi-
ronmental metal free space around each rail could be easily adhered to.
In the case of non-ballasted track design - as normally used for modern systems -
the above mentioned measure would lead to the following conflict:
Since the reinforcement of the track slabs must be placed for stability reasons
close to the concrete’s surface, a compromise has to be found.
The track and the running rails are part of the Signalling System. Misoperation
of the entire TCM/FTGS/ETS system will occur if the requirements – given
within this specification - are not adhered to.
Figure 5 explains the principle of inductive coupling between the S-Bond and the
rail. The concentric magnetic field lines include not only the rail itself but also the
reinforcement bars, see Figure 6 and Figure 7. As a result of this a voltage will be
induced into the reinforcement as well and – if due to the transverse and vertical
bars short-circuited – a part of the energy could be led out of the track circuit sys-
tem and could cause unwanted effects.
Unwanted effects:
In order to ensure the mechanical stability at the same time so called “Isolation
Clips” shall be used to make the mechanical connection between lengthwise (y)
and transverse (x) and vertical (z) reinforcement bars. Another possibility is to
use electrically isolating reinforcement bars, see chapter Due to this as-
sembling principle Comb - Structures will be realised from the electrical point of
Two example types of isolation clips are shown in the Figure 10. These two types
of isolation clips can both provide the electrical isolation condition for cross rein-
forcement. The installation is different: As shown within the Figure 10, the clip A
requires an additional plastic* strap (* it is most important that the strap is made of
electrical isolating material). The clip B can be fixed without another component.
An alternative for isolation clips are crosswise laid electrical isolation tubes which
have to be imposed on the crossing reinforcement bars. These electrical isolation
tubes have to be at least 0.1 m long and the crossing point must be in the middle.
It is most important that no electrical conductive wire is used for the fixation (use
plastic strap instead of that).
Requirement 2.1
In the vicinity of the S-Bonds of the track vacancy detection system
TCM/FTGS the lengthwise (y)*, transverse (x)* and vertical (z)* reinforcement
bars within the track slabs must be isolated from each other so that the con-
ducting reinforcement forms a “Comb- Structure” regarding each geometric
The length of the isolated section is 5 meter (y) from both ends of the S-Bond
in each driving direction. The depth (z) of the isolated section is at least 0.4
meter from the lower rail edge. The side clearance (x) is at least 0.4 meter
from the outer rail edge in each transverse direction.
*The directions of the dimensions x,y,z are freely defined within this specification.
It is possible to realise reinforcement with comb structures which direction differs
from the definition made here. The essential criterion is that the reinforcement is
electrical loop-free regarding each geometric plane (forms comb-structures,
makes no electrical conductive meshes).
z 0.4 m 0.4 m
y 5m
x 3.5m
Track Slabs
0.4 m
Reinforcement Layers
> 0.4m distant
Structure Earth (SE)
5m 5m 5m 5m
Comb Comb
0.4 m
If the end of the lengthwise +/-5 m keep out ends within a track slab, the rein-
forcement of the entire effected slab must be isolated.
3.5m 3.5m
Track slab Track slab Track slab Track slab ec Track slab
5m 5m
Electrical bonds of track circuit
S-Bond area where track slab steel reinforcement shall not form closed mesh
Example: The reinforcement within the four track slabs in the hatched area
shown in Figure 15 requires to be insulated. As the length of track slabs is differ-
ent from each other, the quantity and positions of the track slabs within which re-
inforcement requires to be insulated must be determined by the specific positions
of electrical bonds provided by SIG (see 4.1, “Bonding Plan”).
These earthing requirements – caused by the need for refeeding, personal secu-
rity, lightning protection etc. – could easily come into a goal conflict with the isola-
tion requirements given by the TCM/FTGS- system.
The usage of “Comb Structures” can solve both problems – the urgent demand
on earthing rules and the adherence of TCM/FTGS- requirements as well.
Therefore the “Comb-Structures” must have welded seams and shall consist of
steel bars of at least 16 mm diameter.
Requirement 2.2
The “Comb- Structures” of the x/y* – plane (see Requirement 2.1) shall be
made of steel bars of at least 16 mm diameter
There shall be one vertical (z)* earth bar per track slab only. The vertical (z)*
earth bar shall have a diameter of at least 16 mm.
*The directions of the dimensions x,y,z are freely defined within this specification.
It is possible to realise reinforcement with comb structures which direction differs
from the definition made here. In this case the single earth bar per track slab can
have another direction. The essential criterion is that the reinforcement is electri-
cal loop-free regarding each geometric plane (forms comb-structures, makes no
electrical conductive meshes).
The “Comb- Structures” of the Requirement 2.1 shall be carried out as depicted
within the Figure 16.
Figure 16 Diameter and welded Seams of the Reinforcement Bars of the Combs
Requirement 2.3
The length of two opposite welded seams shall be at least 55 mm. In case of
single side welding the length of the seam shall be at least 100 mm.
Refer to Figure 16
Since the concrete route element is usually made of several layers (Sleeper,
Track Slab, Sub Structure for example) it is very necessary to avoid closed elec-
trical meshes which could be generated by tying together outstanding reinforce-
ment of the lower layer with the reinforcement of the upper layer.
In many cases so called “plinths” are used in order to support the running rails.
The figure 18 depicts an example reinforcement design for such “plinths”.
It is most important that a correct reinforcement design isn’t carried out only
within the plinths but also within the substructure. That means in particular that
closed electrical meshes which could be formed due to starter bars and rein-
forcement made by the contractor of civil works must be prevented as well.
Requirement 2.4
With the exception of the one vertical (z)* earth bar per track slab, all the other
vertical (z) reinforcement bars of different layers (as sleeper, track slab and sub
structure) must be electrical isolated against each other. That means that these
vertical reinforcement bars of the different layers within the S-Bond area shall
not be tied together. Refer to Figure 13, Figure 17 and Figure 18.
*The directions of the dimensions x,y,z are freely defined within this specification.
It is possible to realise reinforcement with comb structures which direction differs
from the definition made here. In this case the single earth bar per track slab can
have another direction. The essential criterion is that the reinforcement is electri-
cal loop-free regarding each geometric plane (forms comb-structures, makes no
electrical conductive meshes).
An alternative solution for the usage of “Isolation Clips” is to apply electrically iso-
lating reinforcement bars made of special material. Siemens prefers to cooperate
with the German company Schöck which can provide patented products known
under the name of the registered trademark ComBAR®.
Using a ComBAR® - based solution the same requirements as given within the
chapter must be adhered to. That means that the Requirements 2.1, 2.2,
2.3 must be fulfilled all in the exact same manner.
These effects must be considered when comparing the cost effectiveness with
the “Isolation Clip” method.
A precondition for the use of track circuits is that the rails are isolated against
each other (refer to Figure 20). It is necessary to have isolation pads which allow
a bedding resistance of 2.5Ωkm. That means that the bedding resistance of 1 km
track shall be 2.5Ω (Definition as given in Figure 20).
Requirement 2.5
Isolation pads shall be carried out so that the bedding resistance is at least
2.5 Ωkm.
The Requirement 2.5 is normally fulfilled by using isolation pads with 8.0 mm
thickness and 20 mm excess length, see Figure 20.
The cross section of the S-Bond depends on the maximum rail current which is
given by Power Supply Department. It can increase up to 600mm2 . The connec-
tion to the rail will be carried out with help of an integrated copper bush as de-
picted within the Figure 21. The diameter of the hole is 19 mm.
Requirement 2.6
The connection between S-Bond and Rail must have an excellent constant
electrical conductivity and shall be carried out according to SIG procedure.
Requirement 2.7
The running rails shall be continuously welded. In case of bolted joints the
rails must have additional electrical connections (ropes).
Insulated Rail Joints should have an isolation resistance of greater that 10Ω even
at the life cycle’s end (deformation due to rolling).
The running rail’s impedance can be derived from the UIC 60 standard. If UIC 60
is used no further requirement is given here.
3 ATP- Loops
In order to enable the train to stop at an exact position at the platform, so called
“Synchronisation Loops” have to be installed between the running rails within
each station. The Synchronisation Loops are part of the LZB- System.
Figure 24 Top View of the Synchronisation Loop placed between the Running Rails
Another problem are very big meshes which include both tracks all in once (see
Figure 25) : These meshes make an inductive coupling between the the up-track-
and the down-track- synchronisation loops. This can lead to unacceptable
crosstalk between the sysnchronisation loops of both parallel running tracks.
The latter is the case especially within stations where a crosstalk could trigger an
unwanted “Fast Start Up Function” of the LZB. It is essential to avoid such case
for it is otherwise not excluded that trains could start on a collision course.
Track 1
Track 2
Figure 25 Top View of the Synchronisation Loops placed between Up- and Down- Track
In order to avoid parasitic electrical meshes as shown in Figure 24 and Figure 25,
a split structure of the reinforcement shall be realised underneath the Synchroni-
sation Loops.
Figure 26 Split Structure of the Reinforcement placed underneath the Running Rails
Figure 27 Split Structure of the Reinforcement between two parallel running Tracks
Requirement 3.1
The reinforcement which is placed underneath the Synchronisation Loops
shall have axial interrupts according to the Figure 26 and the Figure 27. This
construction requirement shall be adhered to up to a depth (z) of 0.3m.
In case of concrete route elements which use so called “plinths” in order to sup-
port the running rails - a split structure as demanded within Requirement 3.1 is
mainly fulfilled. In this case it is most important that the plinths have at least 0.3m
height and that the axial interrupt isn’t bridged by starter bars and reinforcement
of the substructure made by the civil works (see Figure 28).
The positions of S- Bonds, Synchronisation- and PTI- Loops are given within the
so called “Bonding Plan” which has to be provided by the signalling contractor.
The track contractor has to adhere the exact km - position which is shown in the
Bonding Plan. The accuracy has to be as well as possible with the measuring
wheel. The track contractor must fulfill the requirements (given within chapter 2
and chapter 3) at these positions.
Requirement 4.1
The positions of S- Bonds, Synchronisation- and PTI- Loops must be deter-
mined by the so called “Bonding Plan” provided by the Signalling Contractor.
The Bonding Plan must be strictly adhered to by the Trackwork Contractor.
This is the precondition for a correct reinforcement design.
The verification and site supervision must be performed according to the follow-
ing procedure:
• The Signalling Contractor must verify and release the reinforcement draw-
• A concrete mark shall be made at the beginning and the end of the isola-
tion clip section.
Requirement 4.2
A site supervision must be carried out by the Signalling contractor in order to
make sure that the reinforcement meets the SIG requirements.
The successful site inspection is the precondition for the casting with concrete.