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Power quality phenomena in electrified railways: Conventional and new

trends in power quality improvement toward public power systems

Conference Paper · May 2018

DOI: 10.1109/YEF-ECE.2018.8368934


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6 authors, including:

Mohamed Tanta Vitor Monteiro

University of Minho University of Minho


Antonio Pina Martins Adriano Carvalho

University of Porto University of Porto


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Power Quality Phenomena in Electrified Railways:
Conventional and New Trends in Power Quality
Improvement toward Public Power Systems
Mohamed Tanta1, Vítor Monteiro1, Tiago J. C. Sousa1, António P. Martins2
Adriano S. Carvalho2 and João L. Afonso1
Centro ALGORITMI – University of Minho, Guimarães – Portugal
SYSTEC Research Center – University of Porto, Porto – Portugal

Abstract—Nowadays, railway electrification is the most efficient The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the
way to power the trains. However, power quality (PQ) phenomena PQ phenomena in AC railway electrification, Section III
toward public power systems (PPSs) have always a main concern presents the hazards associated to the PQ deterioration in AC
to the railway operators, especially when the single-phase traction railway electrification. Section IV discusses the conventional
power system is interconnected to the three-phase PPS. The last PQ compensation methods. Section V presents the PQ
decades have witnessed an on-going evolution of PQ improvement compensation methods based on power electronics
and traction power supply systems, contributing to diminish the compensators. Finally, section VI summarizes the conclusion of
negative impacts of AC railway networks on PQ of the three-phase
the work.
PPS. In this context, this paper presents a global overview of the
PQ phenomena in AC railway electrification, as well as the
impacts of the potential hazards on the safe operation of electrified II. PQ PHENOMENA IN AC RAILWAY ELECTRIFICATION
railways. The paper also reviews PQ improvement methods from The typical PQ problems in high-speed electrified railways
the early use of AC railway electrification until the emergence of are the system currents imbalance, harmonic content, low power
the new power electronics devices in railways industry. factor, low-frequency voltage fluctuations and the voltage arcing
[1]. The next subsections present a described overview of the PQ
Keywords— Negative Sequence Components (NSCs); Power problems in electrified railways.
Quality (PQ); Public Power System (PPS); Traction Power System
(TPS). A. Currents Imbalance
The PPS is considered balanced when the three-phase
I. INTRODUCTION voltages and currents are sinusoidal and have the same
Railway electrification has been set out in the early of 20th amplitude with a phase angle difference of 120˚. However, in
century. It was undertaken in many countries because of its AC railway electrification, the NSCs of voltages are normally
advantages such as the lower air pollution, the higher efficiency, negligible since the TPS is connected to an infinite bus-bar of
and the reduced Carbon Dioxide emissions [1]. From the early the PPS through several power transformers [1]. It is expected
use of railway electrification, the power quality (PQ) that the infinite bus-bar has always constant RMS voltage
improvement was a significant concern for the railway operators values. Therefore, system imbalance in AC railway
and the scholars. Therefore, many research studies have been electrification usually refers to the NSCs of currents injected in
devoted for this purpose. Nowadays, most of the high-speed the PPS [1]. Considering the other possibility, which could
electric trains are using the AC power for a long-distance happen when the TPS is not connected to an infinite bus-bar,
electrification [2]. The single-phase AC traction power system then, voltage drops in the three-phase system will be noticeable.
(TPS) is connected through several power transformers to the Using uncontrolled loads, the three-phase voltage unbalance will
three-phase public power system (PPS). Consequently, the result in three-phase currents imbalance. In other words, the
electrified railways are causing significant harmonic distortion NSCs of voltages will produce the NSCs of currents as well [3].
and unbalance in voltages and in currents on both PPS and TPS. The traction motors of electric locomotives are normally
However, the PQ improvement on TPS was not under interest designed to properly operate at reduced voltage amplitude by
because the traction load has a poor PQ by nature [3], and most 24%, or at bigger amplitudes by 10%, than the nominal voltage
of PQ studies in AC railway electrification are focusing on the [3]. Hence, currents imbalance has more priority to be solved
PQ improvement of the PPS. than the voltage problems in AC railway electrification.

In this context, this paper presents an overview of the PQ B. Harmonic Content

issues in railway electrification, as well as the PQ improvement Electric locomotives are normally using the AC/DC/AC
methods that can be either traditional ones or based on the new power converters to drive the traction motors. However, these
power electronics technology. [2]. The main contribution of this converters, especially the old half-controlled ones, are causing
paper is to present an overview of the PQ phenomena in AC different harmonic content that flow into the PPS [4], [5]. There
railway electrification, as well as the innovative methods used will be a series of harmonic components that have the double,
for PQ improvement. third, fourth, etc., of the fundamental frequency. Among them,
the most dangerous is the 3rd order harmonic. In the three-phase E. Voltage Arcing
four-wire systems, the 3rd order harmonics are generated when Voltage arcing is partially an unavoidable problem in
unbalanced nonlinear loads (e.g., electric locomotives) are under railway electrification and it is normally more predominant at
operation [1]. Harmonic distortion is considered as the second high-speed trains [10]. This phenomenon occurs because of the
main factor for PQ deterioration in railway electrification. The interaction between the pantograph and the overhead line or
power system may have a harmonic resonance frequency between the brushes and the third/fourth rail. The main reason
because of the interaction between the transmission lines of the voltage arcing in railway electrification is the varied
inductive and capacitive reactances. However, a related point to airgap due to the train mechanical oscillations [3]. The arcs
consider is the harmonic problem can be worsened when the increase at a subzero temperature, where a skinny ice layer
harmonic resonance may occur, once the harmonic currents isolates and prevents the direct contact between the pantograph
injected by the locomotives match one or more of the power and the catenary line. Since the voltage level in the DC railway
system natural frequencies (the natural frequency refers to a electrification is lower than the one in AC railways, the produced
value at which the electric power system tends to perform the current is always higher, the arcs are stronger, and the
resonance phenomenon) [1], [6]. In such situations, harmonic electromagnetic interference radiation is more intense in the DC
distortion will increase to reach high levels and the harmonic railway electrification [11]. Therefore, visible and bright arcs
resonance will happen accompanied by large waveform moving along the pantograph or along the brushes are well
oscillations of amplitude. This scenario leads to serious impacts noticed in the DC rails underground metros.
on both PPS and TPS, and it may cause the total collapse of the
adjacent power devices, especially on the TPS side [6].
C. Power Factor The effects of PQ deterioration vary according to the type of
A low power factor value indicates a high amount of reactive active PQ problems. For instance, a high-risk factor is
power, which is an amount of the exchanged energy between the considered in the case of three-phase currents imbalance. PQ
PPS and the reactive part of the TPS. The reactive power is deterioration can be seriously hazardous, without forgetting the
necessary for the traction system operation, but it should be potential great financial damages as well [3]. Next
reduced as much as possible to reduce the operating costs of the subparagraphs give an overview of PQ deterioration impacts on
electric trains [7]. Nowadays, the new locomotives contain PPS, communication system and the electric locomotives.
power electronics converters controlled by a pulse width
modulation technique and they produce zero reactive power [3]. A. Impacts on Electric Power Systems
Regarding the TPS, reactive power is required to compensate the Since the traction load is a huge single-phase load connected
NSCs of currents, hence, a contradiction between the NSCs to the three-phase PPS, the NSCs of currents injected in the PPS
compensation and the reactive power compensation may occur are existing by default. If the NSCs are not compensated, then
[4]. Therefore, the NSCs in the single-phase TPS must be in they will flow in the phases, increasing the heat losses of the
antiphase with the three-phase voltages/currents of the PPS [3]. transmission lines. The synchronous generators will also suffer
As a result, the reactive power and the NSCs compensation are from the NSCs of currents, in which the rotors parts will be
performed jointly. overheated, resulting in additional losses and mechanical stress
of generators [12]. In addition, NSCs of currents may lead to
D. Low-Frequency Voltage Fluctuations overheat the power transformers windings, decreasing the total
These fluctuations indicate the voltages with a loading capacity of power transformers [12].
low-frequency equal or less than 10 Hz when the fundamental
frequency is equal to 50 Hz [1]. In some cases, the fluctuations The electric locomotives power converters are the main
could trigger the locomotives protection devices to disconnect responsible for the harmonic distortion. However, and in case of
the train. It is hard to know the direct reason for the harmonics allowance, they will cause additional heat losses in
low-frequency voltage fluctuations, where this topic did not take the transmission lines, synchronous generators, and the power
enough attention by the researchers. However, the fluctuations, transformers, followed by additional noise [1]. On the other
in fact, could appear as a complicated locomotive-grid hand, a failure or a wrong response of the protection relays
interaction problem [8], [9], and they have been noted devices may occur, especially at a high-level of harmonics.
worldwide in a variety of AC locomotives and at different When a harmonic resonance happens, which is the most serious
operating conditions. According to the published literature, this scenario, the resonance may saturate the transformer core of the
phenomenon was first noted in a Norwegian railway, where the measuring transformers in the power substation, which will
rotary converters were used in the TPS substations. The decrease the measurement accuracy [1].
fluctuations have been distinguished later in Germany, As aforementioned, a low power factor indicates a high
Switzerland, France, China and USA. The problem in France amount of reactive power. However, if the reactive power ratio
and China occurred due to the same reasons, in which many in the PPS is more than 10-20% of the apparent power, this leads
electric locomotives were totally under a standstill state in the to decrease the loading capacity of the generators [12]. The costs
railway stations with only the auxiliary load powered by the of electricity generation and the transmission lines are also
DC-link of the AC/DC/AC converters [8]. A study has been increased. Furthermore, the currents and the voltage drops in the
performed in [9] on a traction substation in China that extremely power transmission lines increase.
suffered from the low-frequency voltage fluctuations. The
scholars have concluded that, the fluctuations were caused by Finally, the voltage arcs can distort the voltage and current
the current collectors of the Chinese HXD2B locomotives. waveforms, in which they may deteriorate the PQ during
specific transient periods [10]. In addition, a transient current B. Phase-Shift Method Using Adjacent Power Transformers
component in the TPS could be produced and trigger one or In this method, the overhead catenary lines are sectionized
more of the protection relays to disconnect the main feeder lines in electrically isolated parts to avoid short circuits between
of the electric locomotive. phases. The non-electrified zones are called the neutral sections
B. Impacts on Signaling and Communication Systems (NSs), and their length varies between several meters up to some
kilometers [13]. Each zone along the catenary line is a
The circuits of communication and signaling systems are single-phase one and the alternation between phases normally
designed to operate at a high frequency (higher than the occurs at each traction substation. This is an old and economical
fundamental frequency), different from the power fundamental way to achieve balance between phases [14]. However, when the
frequency to avoid any possible interference. However, if the electrified sections are not equally loaded, the NSCs of currents
power system suffers from a high harmonic ratio, the high-order are relatively reduced, but they remain as a result of
harmonic frequencies may disturb the communication signals, asymmetrical three-phase currents [3]. The alternation between
resulting in incorrect values and a fault in train monitoring [3], phases does not totally solve the problem of currents imbalance
which could lead to a catastrophe. The voltage arcs are the main unless the loads of each electrified section are equal. In addition,
reason for the stray currents. However, and since the this topology prevents load sharing between the adjacent
communication cables usually lie in parallel close to the power single-phase power transformers. Fig 1 demonstrates the
cables, the stray currents may generate magnetic fields in the phase-shift method in three single-phase traction substations.
communication cables and induce voltages that pollute the
communication signal [3], [11]. A PPS 220 kV
C. Impacts on Electric Locomotives C

The NSCs of currents will induce double frequency currents Power

in the rotors surface of the induction motors used in traction. Transformer Neutral
Consequently, this may increase the rotor temperature and it will Section
harm the machine at the long-term use. On the other hand, the Catenary Line
NSCs of currents can create a magnetic flux in the rotor that TPS 25 kV
Running Rail
opposes the main rotation direction, whereby the torque
produced by the traction motors will be reduced [12]. In Fig. 1. Phase-shift method to alternate between PPS phases.
addition, and since the induction motors torque value is
proportional to the square value of the applied RMS voltage, any C. Using Balanced Three-Phase Power Transformers
voltage oscillations will directly be reflexed on the torque Some special types of three-phase power transformers are
characteristics of the induction motors. familiar to be used in two-phase power connections and in rail
distribution networks. This is due to some technical
IV. PQ IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTRIFIED RAILWAYS: characteristics that can help in PQ improvement, such as the
CONVENTIONAL METHODS ability to reduce the NSCs on the PPS side. Among the most
commonly used balanced transformers are the Scott, the
From the early use of railway electrification, several LeBlanc, the impedance matching and the Woodbridge power
methods have been applied and investigated to overcome the PQ transformers. The NSCs of currents injected in the PPS are
deterioration on PPS side. The following techniques have been neglected when the electrified sections have the same loads [15].
put in service several decades ago, and for the time being, they Regarding the harmonic distortion, balanced transformers can be
are still used worldwide in several traction substations. Next an interesting choice, since they can lead to some harmonics
subsections outline a summary of the traditional methods that cancellation [6]. However, and after considering the facts of
have been applied in order to improve the PQ. complex winding configurations and an unequal number of turns
A. Three-Phase Electric Trains on each phase, these reasons can cause non-perfect balanced
situation even when the load sections are equally loaded [3].
The three-phase asynchronous motors were universally used
There are some disadvantages that should be respected when
in the last decades for traction applications. Therefore, some of
using the balanced power transformers. Initially, the material
TPSs have been created under the three-phase AC power with
(iron and copper) utilization factors of these power transformers
two catenary lines plus the third and/or the fourth rail. The main
are relatively low comparing to the normal unbalanced V/V
complexity of this system was the need for three conductors,
power transformers. In addition, the required voltage insulation
which highly increased the total costs. Italy was the major user
level is high and expensive for the Scott and LeBlanc power
for the three-phase AC traction system under the frequency of
transformers, since there is no neutral point in the primary
16.7 Hz and voltage around 3.6 kV for the mountain lines [3].
windings of these power transformers [16]. Fig 2(a) shows Scott
Since the traction load in this case is a three-phase one, the main
power transformer connections, whereas Fig 2(b) presents
advantage of this system was the negligible NSCs of currents
LeBlanc power transformer. The impedance matching power
injected in the PPS. However, using the second pantograph and
transformer presented in Fig 2(c) is the most used one in China.
electrifying the rails were the main reasons to abandon this
Woodbridge power transformer normally requires two
additional autotransformers for the two-phase railway traction
power supply [6], [16]. The unbalanced V/V power transformer
has a very simple construction comparing to the balanced power
transformers and it can be overloaded [4]. Therefore, it is widely V. PQ IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTRIFIED RAILWAYS: POWER
used in the railway applications. ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY-BASED METHODS
B C A In order to implement a dynamic compensation, new power
compensators based on power electronics technology were put
Scott N1 2 in service since the 1970s [17], especially after the registered
evolution in power electronics devices. This section presents the
iy ix power electronics-based methods that are using to improve the
N2 N2

uy PQ of the PPS.
A. Static VAr Compensator (SVC)
In the late 1970s, a solution based on power electronics
C B A switches was introduced to improve the PQ. The thyristor power
switches took the main interest in that epoch and they were
LeBlanc N1 N1 N1 mainly used for the dynamic compensation. Some of the SVC
Transformer structures are designed to combine several reactive elements that
N2 N2 2 N2 N2 N2 could be fixed or controlled by thyristor power switches. SVCs
3 3 3 3 3
iy ix are well recognized to compensate both of NSCs and reactive
power, but their main drawback is the production of harmonic
uy ux content that results from the low switching frequency of the
thyristor power switches [18]. The SVC installation can be
(b) accomplished via a step-down transformer at the PPS, as shown
C B A in Fig. 3, or at the secondary feeder sections of the V/V power
Impedance Matching transformer, i.e., the TPS.
N1 N1 N1 The SVC is branded nowadays as a low-cost compensator
iy ix
N2 because it may reduce the power factor of the system when it is
3-1 3-1
uy 2
N2 N2 2
N2 ux designed for NSCs compensation. In other words, there is a
tradeoff between power factor correction and NSCs
(c) compensation when using the SVC [4]. If the system carries
Fig. 2. Balanced railway power transformers; (a) Scott transformer; reactive power, then the SVC cannot be a useful compensator.
(b) LeBlanc transformer; (c) Impedance matching transformer. Therefore, the manufacturers nowadays are customizing the
SVC to fit each customer with their specific needs, since there
D. Using Passive Power Filters are various SVC types in the market.
Passive filters present a simple structure, containing passive PPS
elements such as inductors and capacitors. These filters were Coupling
220 kV
firstly used in 1940 to reduce the injection of harmonic currents Transformer
from locomotive converters to the TPS [17]. This was the
typically used method for harmonic reduction and power factor SVC V/V Transformer
correction in railway electrification. Normally, these passive
power devices can be used in conjunction with a balanced power
TPS 25 kV
transformer or power electronics compensators to reduce the
compensator power ratings, costs, and volume [6]. There are
many types of passive power filters, such as the single-tuned,
double-tuned or third-tuned ones [1]. In general, these types of Fig. 3. SVC compensator connected to the PPS via a step-down transformer.
filters can diminish the low-order harmonic content (e.g., 5th and
7th), whereas the damping passive filter has been proposed to B. Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)
eliminate higher order harmonics [1]. In order to limit the During the last two decades, the insulated-gate bipolar
harmonic distortion to an allowable level, installing passive filter transistor (IGBT) power switches have begun replacing the
banks linked in parallel was the recommended solution to Thyristor based SVCs. Consequently, the static synchronous
perceive the filtering effect, which might require a large space compensator (STATCOM) devices have been considered as the
for installation, besides the high implementation costs [1]. next-generation of the power compensators [2]. These devices
Another problem was related to the change in the filter consist of a voltage-source converter with a DC-link capacitor,
parameters affected by the heat or lifetime, which gradually coupling transformer and inductances installed on the AC side.
caused misoperations in the filter functionality. It is noteworthy
STATCOM devices can be used in medium voltage levels at
that the compensation system, when using the passive power
the frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Consequently, they are
filters, cannot reach a unitary power factor correction, as long as
normally manufactured with a bigger volume in comparison to
the reactive power of the TPS changes frequently. The fixed
SVCs devices. Fig. 4 shows the STATCOM device connected in
capacitor value in each passive filter cannot totally compensate
parallel with the PPS. This parallel connection signifies that the
the reactive power, since these devices are not able to follow the
STATCOM can be connected or disconnected without
dynamic changes in time [1].
disturbing the operation of the traction substation.
Consequently, the robustness and readiness of the railway continuous catenary line without any NSs. On the other hand,
substation will not be affected by the STATCOM operation. and since the V/V power transformer is not used in conjunction
Moreover, the STATCOM does not require an internal power with SFC, the overload capability of this system is very limited
supplier, meaning that this device has a neutral contribution in comparing to the STATCOM and the RPC compensators [20].
terms of the active power. By another meaning, STATCOM will In addition, two coupling transformers are required to
not consume active power, and its main objective is to exchange interconnect the SFC between the different voltage levels of the
only reactive power with the PPS. As a result, the volt-ampere PPS and the TPS. However, the new and innovative topologies
(VA) rate of the STATCOM can be significantly lower than the are recommending the SFC based on the modular multilevel
traction substation VA rate [19]. Compared to the SVC, converter (MMC), which can be connected directly to the high
STATCOM behaves as a bidirectional reactive power voltage levels and dispensing the need of coupling transformers
compensator, with a faster response time, larger load capability, installation [20].
lower harmonic contents and more compact design structure.
PPS 220 kV
220 KV
Coupling Transformer

STATCOM V/V Transformer

TPS 25 kV
TPS 25 kV

Fig. 5. SFC system in railway electrification.

Fig. 4. STATCOM connected to the PPS via a step-down coupling transformer.
D. Rail Power Conditioner (RPC)
C. Static Frequency Converter (SFC)
RPC is a very effective topology to overcome the negative
The SFC consists of a three-phase AC/DC converter effects of currents NSCs and harmonics in electrified railways.
connected back-to-back to a single-phase DC/AC converter with Its structure contains two single-phase back-to-back converters
a single DC-link as shown in Fig. 5. SFCs can prevent the with a single DC-link, as shown in Fig. 6. Each converter is
harmonic currents to pass from the TPS into the PPS. In other connected to a load section through a step-down coupling
words, the harmonics produced by locomotives do not pass into transformer. The RPC can equalize the active power drawn by
the PPS [20]. In addition, SFCs can easily overcome the problem the main feeder two-phases of the TPS. This is possible by
of NSCs, since they can present the single-phase load on the TPS shifting half of the load active power difference from the highly
as a balanced three-phase load on the PPS [20]. Therefore, the loaded section to the lightly loaded one [5]. However, balancing
harmonics and NSCs compensation are considered as an the active power drawn by two phases is not enough to achieve
inherent behavior when using the SFC. If the catenary line is balanced currents in the PPS. Therefore, the RPC also
supplied by many SFCs, then they need to operate in all four compensates the reactive power, where one of the RPC
quadrants and to have suitable power ratings to supply the full converters provides a capacitive reactive power while the other
power required by the locomotives [2]. Comparing to the other converter compensates an inductive reactive power [21]. Since
power compensators like SVC, STATCOM and the rail power the load power is mainly provided by the PPS through a V/V or
conditioner (RPC), the cost of the SFC system is significantly a Scott power transformer, unlike the SFC, these devices cannot
higher than the referred systems since it must be rated for a full perform a frequency conversion but, on the other hand, the load
train power, while the other power compensators must be rated sections can be overloaded as an advantage of using the V/V
only for a fraction of the load power [3]. power transformer [4]. In addition, problem of the NSs can be
In some countries, like Germany and Austria, the applied omitted by using a co-phase RPC system [3]. Table. 1 shows a
TPS frequency is 16.7 Hz, where the SFC can be a useful choice comparison between the aforementioned compensator
since it has the advantage of frequency conversion [20]. topologies in railway electrification. The new recommended
Another SFC advantage in railway electrification is the RPC topologies are based on the MMC, so the two step-down
coupling power transformers can be avoided [21].
Table 1. Comparison between different compensator topologies in railway electrification.



SVC No Yes No Yes No ≈ 0.58 Large

STATCOM Yes Yes No Yes Yes ≈ 0.58 Small
SFC Yes Yes (inherent) Yes No No = 1.00 Small
RPC Yes Yes No Can be omitted Yes ≈ 0.50 Small
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