Wi-Fi Controlled Automatic Food Maker: December 2017
Wi-Fi Controlled Automatic Food Maker: December 2017
Wi-Fi Controlled Automatic Food Maker: December 2017
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4 authors, including:
Prakash Ramamurthy
The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ramya M V on 02 July 2021.
K R Prakash Madan G
Department of Industrial Production Regional coordinator, NAIN project
National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru,
Abstract— A proverb says breakfast is the most important1. Man power Reduction- dependency of chef reduces to
meal of the day. Our lives today are busy and rushed. We minimum.
want to achieve more and experience more. This pursuit of2. Food standardization- Maintains the same taste.
fitting more into each day leaves little time for perhaps the3. Increased safety- for disabled and old aged people
most important factor which affects our life quality- the food
4. Utilization- Better control over resource through IoT
we eat. A lot of great innovations have come about which help
us to monitor our health, sleep, steps, pulse to live better. But
the problem of eating fresh & healthy minus the hassle is yet In general, an elderly person with limitations of vision,
to be addressed. Unfortunately, mornings are hectic for most hearing and physically challenged persons can be made
people, especially families with children. In the current day more independent with the Wi-Fi based Automatic food
situation it’s very difficult to cope with hunger pangs at maker also the system helps in reducing the risk in their
breakfast time. Most people usually rush through the meal, daily life style. There are various techniques to control
gobble down whatever’s handy in the kitchen, or grab a food maker such as IoT based home automation over the
quick, on-the-go bite. That’s where the Automatic Food cloud, home automation under Wi-Fi through android apps
Maker comes to the rescue. It’s all about making a fresh
from any Smartphone etc.
breakfast that one can grab and go. All it needs is to add the
necessary ingredients and then selecting the preset menu of
various dishes. In a very quick time, a perfectly cooked A review highlights the different types of food makers:
breakfast is ready to eat. The user can customize their
breakfast with a practically endless variety of fresh1. An automatic pasta machine [1], [2], [3] that cooks dry
ingredients. It lets the user enjoy a homemade breakfast, semolina pasta automatically. The pasta machine can cook
made their way, in the comfort of their own kitchen in a the special patented "geared spaghetti" in less than a
completely automated way. Cleanup is easy because all minute and every other type of spaghetti in half the time.
removable parts go in the dishwasher. 2. ‘Design and Development of Automatic Dosa Maker for
Keywords— Food technology; Automatic food maker;
Indian Households’ [4] by considering cost, usability,
Innovation; IoT; Wi-Fi based; Remote control. safety, easy handling and hygiene.
3. Automatic Tea Making [5] is a device that prepares healthy
I. INTRODUCTION tea with high performance and hygiene using fuzzy
Food is the most essential part of our life. Cooking the techniques.
food automatically without the support of human makes4. Automated Appam Maker [6], [7] has immense scope for
the life even better. Due to the hectic schedule in our mass production and the main process stages such as
today’s environment people can take advantage of the pouring; spreading and removal of cooked food are
technology to lead their life smoother. Even elder, mentally automated.
disordered and physically challenged people will be cared
more with the growth of technology. Innovation in food The surveys from early to recent period [1]-[13] of
technology has been constantly stepping up and also been different Automatic Food Maker gives the main
growing. The intention of building Wi-Fi based automatic disadvantages and are listed as follows:
food maker is mainly to mark a new step in internet1. The earlier automatic food maker machines can prepare
cooking. The model is developed with low cost and can be only one kind of dish.
expandable to prepare a variety of food. 2. Huge investment is to be done to prepare only one kind of
Early record evidence shows that on August 27, 1930 food recipe.
Inez H Pierce of ChicagoIllinois filed a patent for the first3. Absences of IoT technology leads to less flexibility.
vacuum coffee maker that truly automated the vacuum
brewing process while eliminating the next for stove top The complete review of different automatic food
burner or liquid fuel. The paper introduces you to making machine and implementing it to an Indian dish
wonderful world of Automatic Food Maker machines with requirement is of great challenge. Here the focus is to
IoT benefit. The following gives the advantages of develop a food maker which can take 10 to 12 varieties of
Automatic Food Maker machines: dishes for an Indian requirement. Also bringing the IOTs
into the life of food sector makes our choices easier. The
1) Ingredient containers
The design of automatic food maker
consists of four ingredient containers and the
ingredients quantity will drop to the vessel from the
bottom of the container to the vessel, which is
controlled by open and close of the valve by the
servo motor and the rotation of all the ingredient
containers from starting point, while cooking the
food in taken care by the stepper motor interface as
shown in the Fig 2.
Fig 1. Block diagram of the Wi-Fi controlled automatic
Liquid materials like water and oil will be
food maker
handled more comfortably by placing at the same
level of induction stove to avoid leakage problems.
A. Arduino Board
Hence two DC motors are provided in the design to
Arduino is a single-board microcontroller which is the
pump oil and water into the vessel when it is
main part of the food maker. The arduino board was mainly
required while cooking the food.
used because of its wide area of application and user
2) Bottom portion of the ingredient box
friendly architecture. The food making machine consists of
Truly required attention is for the ingredients
grocery to prepare particular type of food, the flexibility
container and the container valves which are
available within the arduino programming helps the user to
controlled by servo motors and the bottom of the
select the required quantity.
container is having different kind of opening
techniques for the different ingredients filled inside
B. ESP8266 Wi-Fi
the container. Fig 3 shows simple view of bottom
portion of the ingredients container. The
ingredients container bottom opening will be of D. Internet of Things
larger size, medium size and small size for the With the advancement in the Internet of Things (IoT)
vegetables, medium solid ingredients and for very automatic food maker can be connected remotely with the
small ingredients respectively. support of cloud MQTT. MQTT is a binary client-server
publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol,
standardized by OASIS. Creation of user in cloud MQTT
can able to send a signal to start automatic food maker.
Just a signal sent from web page of cloud MQTT to the
Wi-Fi module located at prototype of automatic food maker
initials to cook as per the program uploaded to the arduino
[9]. Nizam Uddin Ahamed; Zahari Bin Taha; Ismail B. Mohd
Khairuddin; Mohammad Fazle Rabbi; Tasriva Sikandar; Rajkumar
Palaniappan; Md. Asraf Ali; Sam Matiur Rahman; K. Sundaraj
“Development Of Fuzzy Inference System For Automatic Tea Making”
2016 IEEE International Conference On Automatic Control And
Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS) Pages: 196 – 201.
[10]. Kaviraj. N “Automatic Vegetable Curry Maker (AVC -
Maker)” International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research
Technology (IJESRT) (Vol.6, No. 2) 2017-03-02, Page: 53-55, ISSN:
2277-9655 6(2): February, 2017.
[11]. Kamlesh Pradhan, Amar Dandale, Akshay Dhenge, Prof. Ritesh
Banpurkar “Review Paper on Semi Automatic Chips Machine”
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-
ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017, p-ISSN: 2395-0072.
[12]. Praise Sabu, Sreerag M P, Sukesh P P, Toney Varghese “Design and
Development of Automated Appam Maker” IJIRST –International
Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 |
Issue 11 | April 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-6010.
[13]. Siraj M Tamboli, “Smart Dough Making Machine” Imperial Journal of
Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362.