Instructions For On-Board Maintenance: Shipyard Hull No
Instructions For On-Board Maintenance: Shipyard Hull No
Instructions For On-Board Maintenance: Shipyard Hull No
Unified Maintenance Manual for Non-Tanker Version (HDL-NONTANKER-01-R2) and Tanker Version
Maintenance of this Lifeboat and all it's systems is of critical importance to your own safety.
The Engine and Hook Release Systems are fully explained and detailed as to their Operations and
Maintenance in their own Manuals which mush be consulted and their content be included with the
Maintenance requirements for the boats hull and other equipment detailed herein.
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance SECTION 1: FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY(1/1)
1. Have read and fully understood the accompanying system's Operations Manuals.
2. Have practised thoroughly and become proficient and experienced in the use of each System
and be able to recognised when it is operating correctly-and even more importantly, when it is not.
3. Have the boat already Hanging Off or ashore (supported in a cradle) if working on even near to
the Hooks and their Release Mechanism.
4. NOT attempt any adjustments, dismantling or replacement of load bearing parts, when the boat
is suspended from he Hooks.
5. NOT attempt any major technical maintenance with the boat afloat, parts may fall overboard
and you may not be able to be sufficiently accurate.
6. Check spare parts on board. Whenever you are about to carry out a maintenance Job which
may possibly require a spare part, make sure you have a replacement part available before
This section is intended only to contain guidance as to the safety precautions that must be taken
before carrying out any maintenance task, as indicated below.
(a) If working on a boat at sea inform the bridge, or if in port inform the officer(s) on duty.
Report to them also when the job is completed and the boat is again ready for emergency use.
(b) Ensure that the means of access to the boat is safe and that the boat is secure in its davit
before boarding.
(e) Do not touch any part of the release gear unless special precautions have been taken.
See 2. below.
(f) Do not run the engine for more than 5 minutes unless it is afloat.
(g) Do not engage gear when running the engine out of the water, except for a few seconds only,
the stern-bearing may be damaged.
(h) Take all necessary electrical safety precautions if working on that type of equipment.
(I) Never attempt major hull or canopy glassfibre repairs, special facilities and skills are required.
Seek the manufacturers advice for any repair which is more than cosmetic.
Details of the procedures for Hanging-Off are given in Annex at the back of
the Lifeboat's Training Manual.
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance SECTION 3: Organizing Maintenance(1/1)
Any large project can be a daunting prospect, but when it is broken down into smaller sections,
it becomes a series of small projects which can then be easily and quickly carried out.
This Manual has been created that way to make it easy to follow and to make it simple to enter into
a computerized Planned Maintenance system for your ship if you have one.
Jobs are grouped together by System and under the headings of weekly, monthly, 6 monthly,
annual and 5 yearly.
Jobs are also related to the main elements of each System so that work can be organised into further
small tasks.
Some Jobs require only the eyes of a person who is familiar and experienced in the boat and
a system's operation, others require tools and / or materials, some require a special jig to be used,
and in time, some may require spare parts.
All these requirements, plus people power, are or can be given on each of the Job Sheets which
comprise this Maintenance Manual.
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance SECTION 4: General Maintenance Information(1/1)
In the Job Sheets which follow will be found references to various actions and necessary materials,
details are given below.
Grease : Use only a multi grade marine type water resistant type suitable for both high and low
temperatures, Shell EP2 or equivalent.
Oil : Use only a thin acid free clear oil of marine type, Shell Wire Oil or equivalent.
Cleaning : A clean lint-free cloth with paraffin (kerosene) is recommended for the removal of most
dirt and excess grease.
Protectio : For most rust inhabitant purposes a thin layer of grease is adequate after cleaning.
Spare : Requests for spare parts may be sent direct to us or preferably to the System's
Parts manufacturer, accompanied by a Serial NO., type, model and SWL if applicable.
In cases where no manufacturer of a part is known to you we may be able to supply
direct or give advice as to from where it may be obtained.
In many cases the supply of the parts will be accompanied by our fitting advice.
General information
Job numbers.
These are coded according to the System to be maintained above and their timing and also as to
whether they are necessary to bo done during or following a regular inspection.
W = Weekly F = Five Yearly
M = Monthly E = Emergency situation
H = Half Yearly (6 months) U = Urgent situation
Y = Yearly C = Corrective Action, not urgent
Special Precautions:
2) Check that fall links are correctly engaged in both the Hooks and that the Musing/Keeper
Plate is in place.
Check both Release Cam Position Indicators are correctly aligned.
If not do Job urgently, See MANUFACTURER'S MANUAL immediately.
Instructions for:
The maintenance instruction and schedule of HOOKS RELEASE SYSTEM is fully described in Appendix
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 2: ENGINE, PROPULSION & SHAFTING SYSTEM(1/3)
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
The maintenance and repair of engine is fully described in in Appendix MANUFACTURER'S MANUAL.
Also, a maintenance schedule is given in Engine manual, to this manual a spare parts catalogue
is added to give all the information about spares in case of an overhaul.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 2: ENGINE, PROPULSION & SHAFTING SYSTEM(2/3)
Job No: PW010 Job Title: Stuffing box & Bearing Checks
Frequency: Weekly
Refer to: Tools:
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
a) If boat is afloat ;
Check the bilges and examine the stuffing box for leakage.
If found leakage, screw tight slightly by driver.
If this is not fully successful then it may be necessary to replace the oil seal.
1) Check play between the prop. shaft and stern tube bearing, it should be minimum.
2) With the engine in neutral, rotate the propeller by hand inspecting for ease of turning and true
rotation looking also for signs of mis alignment, bending, or looseness of any hardware
connection into the FRP hull.
c) Check the propeller blades for damage or loosens from the shaft.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 2: ENGINE, PROPULSION & SHAFTING SYSTEM(3/3)
Special Precautions:
See Job PW010.
Note: This Job can only be carried out when the boat is not afloat.
Instructions for:
a) Note how close the cover is to it's limit. Unscrew it from the gland and slide it clear.
b) Remove the worn oil seal and check damage of worn oil seal.
If oil seal was damaged, it should be replaced.
c) Replace the cover but do not overtighten, grease the oil seal and rotate the shaft by hand to
distribute it evenly. Test and check when the boat is next afloat.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Special Precautions:
Standard Precautions
Instructions for:
a) When boat is not afloat check lower & upper rudder bearings for excessive wear.
Check the play in the upper bearing/gland and if re- packing necessary carry out Job SW002.
b) Check connection of steering cable to the tiller arm, check it's ease of disconnection also for
fitting disconnection also for fitting.
c) Fit and operate the emergency tiller, give persons training in this if possible.
Replace it after use.
d) Examine carefully the mounting of the fixed outer sheath of the steering cable, if loose then
rectify immediately.
While turning the wheel apply lubricant to the exposed part of the inner moving cable as
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Special Precautions:
See Job SW001
Note: This Job can only be carried out when the boat is not afloat.
Instructions for:
a) Note how close the cover is to it's limit. Unscrew it from the gland and slide it clear.
b) Remove the worn packing and check the width it has compressed to, count the number of pieces
and confirm that the new material is of greater width.
c) Measure the shaft circumference. Cut new packing material to this length but angle the cut
so that when wrapped around the shaft a close fit is achieved.
d) Wrap the first length around the shaft and insert into the gland noting the position where the
ends meet. Wrap each following length around the shaft in succession with the ends at least
40 degrees offset from the ends of that previously inserted.
e) Replace the cover but do not overtighten, grease the gland and rotate the rudder by hand to
distribute it evenly. Test and check when the boat is next afloat.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
a) Check that suction points in bilge is clear and free from debris.
b) Ensure that the bilge is kept clean, dry and free from debris.
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
Explanation ;
The bilge pump system consists of a self priming pump which suck water from bilge.
The bilge pump is of the diaphragm type and is not susceptible to blockage, but should a blockage
occurities a simple matter to clear it.
a) Check that pump is operating correctly. If in doubt, remove pump cover and inspect, removing
any material which may be blocking or obstructing the flow of water.
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 5: THE FRP HULL & CANOPY(1/3)
Job No: GM001 Job Title: Visual Inspection,FRP Hull & Canopy
Frequency: Monthly
Refer to: Tools: Torch
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
Visual inspection.
d) Clean boat in-and outside with mild soap and fresh water.
Waxing and polishing for outside surface recommended.
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 5: THE FRP HULL & CANOPY(2/3)
Materials: Gelcoat.
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
Repairing gelcoat.
Explanation ;
Small gelcoat damages or hair cracks can't be avoided during handling of lifeboat and do not
influence the strength of it.
a) However to avoid water penetration such areas should be sand papered and covered with
new gelcoat or paint.
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 5: THE FRP HULL & CANOPY(3/3)
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
Repairing laminate.
Special Precautions:
Never discharge batteries below 11.4V, otherwise it can be damaged.
Switch off all consumers and battery on-off switch before leaving the boat to prevent
discharging and destroying of batteries.
When the lifeboat engine is running, the engine driven alternator charges the batteries
Instructions for:
Explanation ;
The 24 volt ship supply is connected to the lifeboat by a weatherproof plug and socket situated on
the boat side shell. The plug will pull out of the socket automatically in an emergency launch,
but generally the disconnection should be carried out manually by crew member.
The batteries fitted by the lifeboat manufacturer are of a maintenance free type provided that the
charging system is properly maintained. A 12 volt DC electric system is installed.
When the lifeboat engine is running, the engine driven alternator charges the batteries.
Do not switch off the battery switch when engine runs.
When the lifeboat is stowed in davits, the batteries are charged from ship supply through a battery
charger provided in the boat.
a) Ensure that the ship to lifeboat 24 volt supply plug and socket is properly sealed and undamaged.
b) Ensure that the battery charger is working correctly and that the light operates.
c) Check all bulbs and N. F. B to ensure they are operational. Clean or replace as necessary.
d) Check that all wiring is properly clipped into place and that all joints are clean and protected.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Special Precautions:
Never discharge batteries below 11.4V, otherwise it can be damaged.
Switch off all consumers and battery on-off switch before leaving the boat to prevent
discharging and destroying of batteries.
When the lifeboat engine is running, the engine driven alternator charges the batteries
Instructions for:
e) Check tightness of terminal connections ensuring that both the positive and negative terminals
are absolutely tight. Clean battery poles and coat with grease.
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
Explanation ;
The maintenance of many of the items of loose equipment is either self-evident or is described in the
operation manual and specific instructions with the equipment.
The following recommended maintenance instructions apply to those items not included in these
c) Check all oars and wooden equipment for rot, shakes, splits, etc.. Replace if necessary.
d) Check all rope, cordage, etc. for damage, fraying or rot. Replace if necessary.
e) Check all galvanized steel equipment for rust. Wire brush and repaint. Replace if necessary.
g) Check electric torch operates satisfactorily. If in doubt, dismantle and clean battery and contacts.
Replace battery or bulb if necessary and obtain fresh spares.
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
Note ;
Equipment should be kept dry and it should be checked periodically to ensure that it is not affected
by dampness or mildew.
All items of loose equipment with a limited life e. g. polytechnics, should be replaced at the intervals
required by the certificating authority.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
c) Open door and hatches for ventilation for about 2 hours under dry conditions.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
a) Check safety belt are not tangled and are free to fasten.
Special Precautions:
Instructions for:
Special Precautions:
1) A high pressure air system is fitted into this boat and care must be exercised when
handling this type of equipment.
2) This system includes a connecting hoses from the air cylinders to the control valve
which is under constant pressure.
Therefore no attempt must be made to disconnect the hoses or fittings BEFORE
shutting off the air supply at the bottle valves.
Instructions for:
Explanation ;
This system provides air to enable the engine to run at maximum load r. p. m and for the occupants
to breathe when the lifeboat is closed down and running through fire and/or toxic gases.
Note ;
1. Effective service life of each air reservoir is 5 years.
2. Air bottles have to re-certified after 5 years.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Special Precautions:
1) A high pressure air system is fitted into this boat and care must be exercised when
handling this type of equipment.
2) This system includes a connecting hoses from the air cylinders to the control valve
which is under constant pressure.
Therefore no attempt must be made to disconnect the hoses or fittings BEFORE
shutting off the air supply at the bottle valves.
Instructions for:
Re-charging air cylinder.
a) The main acting valve on the manifold and regulator must be in closed.
c) Remove cap from the inward side of the air re-filling connector.
Special Precautions:
1) A high pressure air system is fitted into this boat and care must be exercised when
handling this type of equipment.
2) This system includes a connecting hoses from the air cylinders to the control valve
which is under constant pressure.
Therefore no attempt must be made to disconnect the hoses or fittings BEFORE
shutting off the air supply at the bottle valves.
Instructions for:
Re-charging air cylinder.
Note ;
a) The air supplied for bottle recharging must be of breathing quality.
It must be dry, oil-free, clean, and with a water contained of not more than 3-4 P.P.M.
Excessive moisture will cause misting of the inner surface of the air cylinders and also can result
in severe icing around the pressure controller and orifices when in the process of discharging.
b) If it is necessary to test the air system, facilities must be available for the immediate recharging
of the bottles after the test.
c) If and when these components are removed from the system, care must be taken upon
subsequent assembly to ensure that they are completely free internally from oil, grease and water.
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 10: THE WATER SPRAY SYSTEM(1/3)
Special Precautions:
This Job can only be carried out when the boat is not afloat.
Instructions for:
Water spray system Check
a) Check that the main water supply valve operates freely, from fully closed to fully open positions.
Dismantle and investigate if it does not.
b) Check spray sea inlet valve lever is free to operate, lubricate if necessary.
c) Check that the hose clamps on the hose to the pipe are tight but not seized.
d) Ensure that the spray pump drain line fixings are secure and that the drain valve is operational.
e) Ensure that all spray nozzles are clear and that the spray deflectors are not damaged.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 10: THE WATER SPRAY SYSTEM(2/3)
Special Precautions:
This Job can only be carried out when the boat is afloat.
The spray system must be clean by flushing through with fresh water after every drill.
Instructions for:
Water spray system Check
c) Run engine.
e) Check the bilge and examine the all systems for leakage. Tight hose clamps if necessary,
g) Insure that the pump mounting bolts are secure and that the pump is aligned correctly.
h) Check that the water spray film covers the whole of the boat.
i) Clean by flushing through with fresh water. See Job No. CW001.
SECTION 5: Maintenance Routines
Instructions for ON-BOARD Maintenance PART 10: THE WATER SPRAY SYSTEM(3/3)
Special Precautions:
This Job can only be carried out when the boat is not afloat.
Instructions for:
Prevention of blocked with salt.
Explanation ;
This process is essential to prevent blockages and an accumulation of salt in the system.
It should be carried out immediately after the spray system has been used or tested.
a) Arrange for suitable flexible hose supplying fresh water from the platform.
d) Leave boat after shutting all hatches. Shut all doors securely.
f) Observe all sprinkler and nozzles and ensure that water is flowing freely.
g) When flushing is finished, turn off water supply, enter the boat and disconnect the flexible hose
from the flushing devise, replace the drain plug of spray pump and tighten, and open fully the sea
suction valve.