Swami Shraddhanand College (University of Delhi) Alipur, Delhi-110036
Swami Shraddhanand College (University of Delhi) Alipur, Delhi-110036
Swami Shraddhanand College (University of Delhi) Alipur, Delhi-110036
(University of Delhi)
Alipur, Delhi-110036
Swami Shraddhanand College invites online applications on regular basis for talented and
motivated candidates, for the following posts. Online application link is available on the
college website www.ss.du.ac.in. The last date will be 15 days from the date of publication of
this advertisement in “Employment News”.
1. Administrative Officer 1 - - - - - 1
2. Sr. P.A. to Principal 1 - - - - - 1
3. Senior Assistant - - - - - 1(VI) 1
4. Junior Assistant 2 - - 1 - - 3
5. Professional Assistant 1 - - - - - 1
6. Semi Professional Assistant 2 - - - - - 2
7. Sr. Tech. Assistant (Computer) 1 - - - - - 1
8. Laboratory Assistant 1 - - 1 - 1(HI) 3
9. Laboratory Attendant 5 3 2 4 - - 14
10. Library Attendant - - 1 2 - - 3
(Prof. Parveen Garg)
Administrative officer
Group- A, in the pay Level 10
Age Limit: - 35 years
Eligibility Conditions:
Essential Qualification:
Good academic record with Masters Degree with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent
grade of B in the UGC seven point scale.
Sr. Assistant
Group- B, in the pay Level 06
Age Limit: - 30 years
Eligibility Conditions
1 Graduate or Post-Graduate from a recognized University in any discipline with working
knowledge of computers.
1. The incumbent is expected to work under the supervision of Section Officer or Assistant
Registrar/Assistant Controller of Examination. He should possess an aptitude for
drafting/noting in English and office procedure in a computerized environment and is
expected to handle one or more functions related to Educational
Administration/Examination/General Administration/Accounts/Housekeeping
/Establishment/HR/Legal/Purchase/Accounts & Finance/Project Management/Public
2. The candidates for Direct Recruitment will be assessed on the basis of Scheme of
Examination as prescribed by the University from time to time.
3. All direct recruits are expected to work in a computerized environment and required to
qualify a skill test in handling computers within one year from their appointment before
completion of probation period.
Jr. Assistant
Group- C, in the pay Level 02
Age Limit: - 27 years
Eligibility Conditions
1. A Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) or its equivalent qualification from a
recognized Board/University/Institution.
2. Having a typing speed of 35 w.p.m in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi Typewriting through
Essential Qualification:
1. Graduate in Art/Science/Commerce or any other discipline or any other higher
2. B.Lib. Sc / B.L.I.Sc.
3. Course in computer application at Graduate or PG level or six months computer course
from a recognized/ registered institution.
Essential Qualification:
B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Computer Technology/
Information Technology/Electronic/ Electrical/ Electronics & Communications.
M.Sc. (Computer Science) or MCA, with 1 year experience in programming and Database
management or Network administration in a research/ Educational institute or commercial/
service industry establishment of repute.
Lab. Assistant
Pay Scale: ( Pay level 04) Age Limit: 30 years
Essential Qualification:
Should have passed senior secondary (10+2) or an equivalent examination with relevant science
Graduate with relevant subject.
Essential Qualification:
Should have passed Matriculation (10th) or an equivalent examination with science subjects
from recognized board.
Library Attendant
Pay Scale: (Pay Level 01) Age Limit: 30 years
Essential Qualification:
1. Before filling up the online application, candidates are advised to carefully go through the
Advertisement available on the college website and confirm their eligibility with regard to
qualification/experience/age etc., before submitting the application form.
4. All candidates who found apparently eligible based on the details given in the application form
will be called for the written test and skill test as the case may be and final checking of records of
the applicant will be made only for those candidates, who will qualify the examination.
6. All the posts will be filled as per the Recruitment Rules of the University of Delhi. The
qualifications and other service conditions shall be such as prescribed by the University of Delhi
from time to time.
7. The upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment shall be relax-able in case of candidates
belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (Central List) and
Persons with Disabilities etc., in accordance with the orders issued in this behalf from time to
time by the Central Government and adopted by the University.
8. The upper age-limit shall also be relax-able up to a maximum of five years or the number of
years (in completed years) whichever is less provided they have rendered at least three years
regular service in same or allied field in organization(s) under Government
Departments/Statutory or Autonomous bodies/Universities/Affiliated or constituent colleges
under the University/Public Sector Undertakings.
9. The upper age-limit as prescribed for direct recruits shall not be insisted upon in the case of
departmental candidates, provided they have rendered at least three years regular service.
10. The applicants should not cross the upper age-limit on the date of advertisement even after
relaxation in upper age-limit as per the rules.
12. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Persons with Disabilities categories should keep ready
a self-attested copy of certificate issued by competent authority in the prescribed format as
stipulated by Government of India. In case of candidates belonging to OBC category, certificate
should specifically contain a clause that candidate does not belong to creamy layer section
excluded from the benefits of reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil post & services
under Government of India.
13. Candidates are expected to possess the prescribed educational qualification and experience
before filling up the online application forms or as on date.
16. Applications which do not meet the criteria given in the advertisement &/ or incomplete
application are liable to be summarily rejected.
17. Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress
any material/information while submitting the application are self-Certified copies/testimonials.
18. The numbers of posts advertised may vary, and the College reserves the right not to fill up
some or all the posts advertised, if the circumstances so warrant.
19. Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
20. The College reserved the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without giving
any reason. Any consequential vacancies arising at the time of may also be filled up from the
available candidates.
21. The College shall not be responsible for any delay/loss due to technical reasons.
22. All candidates should have fulfilled the minimum eligibility on the date of advertisement.
23. Candidates called for written test & skill test shall do so at their own expenses. No TA/DA
shall be paid.
26. Candidates already working are required to upload “No Objection Certificate” along with
27. Applications, received after the stipulated time, will not be entertained under any
28. The college shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by the Candidate at the time
of document verification for appointment during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected
that the documents submitted by the candidate are false or the candidate has suppressed relevant
information, then his/her services shall be terminated without prejudice to any other action
initiated by the college.
29. The last date for filling up of online application is 15 days from the date of publication of
this advertisement in “Employment News”, thereafter link of online application will be de-
activated, ONLY those applicants, who qualify the exam, should bring their duly filled online
application form along with the self-attested copies of all testimonials to “The Principal,
Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi, Alipur, Delhi- 110036 as per schedule.
(Prof. Parveen Garg)
Appendix-4 to the Schedule
Scheme of Examination for the posts included in the Schedule (As applicable) .
(The tests as indicated in the Scheme of Examination detailed below may be computer based or
otherwise. For Computer based tests, the candidates will be required to mark/type their responses
including that for the descriptive papers on the computer).
4.1.1. Scheme of Examination for recruitment to the post of Assistant Registrar/Assistant Controller
of Examination/ Administrative Officer by direct recruitment:
The following shall be the Scheme of Examination, components of written test, personality test and its
syllabus for recruitment to the post of Assistant Registrar/Assistant Controller of Examination/
Administrative Officer by direct recruitment:
III. Syllabus:
In Current Events, knowledge of significant national and international events will be tested.
In History of India, emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic
and political aspects.
Questions on the Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth
century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence.
In Geography, emphasis will be on Geography of India. Questions on the Geography of India will relate to
physical, social and economic Geography of the country, including the main features of Indian agricultural
and natural resources.
On General Mental Ability, the candidates will be tested on reasoning and analytical abilities.
Personnel Administration including recruitment, training, promotion, pay scale and service conditions,
Union-Management Relationship.
Application of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and other modern technologies in the
University system.
the post is probed among other things, through academic qualifications, relevant experience, extra-curricular
activities, general awareness/knowledge, communication and problem solving skills and overall personality
1. The question paper would be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to
respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination, which is defined
as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45% for the unreserved
posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/
PwBD category. If the number of candidates qualifying is more than 30 times the advertised posts,
the merit list would be restricted to 30 times the advertised posts for shortlisting the candidates for
4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated, only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-
5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4th of marks allocated
per question.
6. Merit list shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify both the Papers I and II and Personality
Test/Interview separately. The Merit list shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of both the
papers and interview. However, the candidate must score at least 50% in Personality Test/Interview.
7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list
would be decided as follows:
a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is
defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given
c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
4.3.2 Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment to the post of Senior Assistant
The following shall be the Scheme of Examination, components of written test and its syllabus for
recruitment to the post of Senior Assistant by direct recruitment:
Written Test
Paper I Time: 2 hours* Max. marks:
MCQ Type 300 marks (150 questions)
Paper-II Time: 3 hours* Max. marks:
Descriptive Type 200 marks
Total Marks 500 marks
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped, Cerebral Palsy
candidates or similarly placed candidates from PwBD category.
B. Test components:
DURATION: 2 hours
(i) General awareness 30 60
(ii) Reasoning ability 40 80
DURATION: 3hours
Descriptive Type 200
C. Syllabus:
Paper - I:
(ii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may
include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis,
judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical
reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.
(iii) Mathematical Ability: The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification,
Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount,
Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested.
Paper - II:
Descriptive Type:
awareness about the subjects detailed below:
1. The question paper would be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to
respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination, which is defined
as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45% for the unreserved
posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/
PwBD category. If the number of candidates qualifying is more than 30 times the advertised posts,
the merit list would be restricted to 30 times the advertised posts.
4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated, only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-
5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4 th of marks allocated
per question.
6. Merit list shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify both the Papers I and II separately. The
Merit list shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of both the papers.
7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list
would be decided as follows:
a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is
defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given
c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
4.3.4 Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Junior Assistant
The following shall be the scheme of Examination, components of written test and its syllabus for
recruitment to the post of Junior Assistant and equivalent by direct recruitment:
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped, Cerebral Palsy
candidates or similarly placed candidates from PwBD category.
B. Test components:
DURATION: 3 hours
(i) General awareness 50 50
(ii) Reasoning ability 50 50
DURATION: 1 hour
Paper-II Essay, comprehension & letter writing 100
* PwBD candidates for whom complete exemption for type test is provided as per guidelines
issued by Central Government, will be exempt from the skill test.
C. Syllabus:
Paper I:
(ii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may
include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis,
judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical
reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.
(iii) Mathematical Ability: The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification,
Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount,
Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
Paper II:
Essay, comprehension & letter writing: This test is meant for testing the applicability and correct usage of
the language, where the candidates would be assessed through essay writing, comprehension and letter
writing, situation test analysis etc.
Skill Test:
The typing test shall be a skill test, which shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same
shall be allocated.
1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to
respond in either of the language. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined
as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45% for the unreserved
posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/
PwBD category. If the number of candidates qualifying is more than 30 times the advertised posts,
the merit list would be restricted to 30 times the advertised posts for the purpose of shortlisting the
candidates for skill test.
4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-
5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4 th of marks allocated
per question.
6. Merit list shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I, Paper II and skill test, separately.
The Merit list shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of Paper I and Paper II only.
7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list
would be decided as follows:
a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is
defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given
c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
4.4. Technical Posts:
4.4.1 Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment for the post of SENIOR TECHNICAL
The following shall be the scheme of examination, components of written test and its syllabus for the
A. Scheme of Examination:
DURATION: 2 hours
(i) General science: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge of science, laboratory equipment
and lab practice. The questions may be from all the spheres of science, however, emphasis would be on
the field of science pertaining to the department for which the candidate is being assessed. In case of
appointment in departments under the Faculty of Arts/Social Sciences/Mathematical Sciences questions
pertaining to the subject matter of the concerned department may also be included.
For Senior Technical Assistant (Computer) the questions may be based on computer science and
computer applications.
(iii) Reasoning ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-
verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization,
problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation,
relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series
(iv) Mathematical ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System
including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion,
Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time &
Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested.
D. Skill Test:
The skill test shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same shall be allocated. This
The following shall be the scheme of examination, components of written test and its syllabus for the
A. Scheme of Examination:
Written Test
Paper I (MCQ) Time: 2 hrs.* Max. Marks:
General Science & Awareness 300 marks
(150 questions) (150 questions)
Paper II Time: 3 hrs.* Max. Marks:
Subject specific laboratory based practical 150 marks
Skill Test Time: The test will be of 50 marks. To
Skills pertaining to subject matter of the 1 hr. qualify the candidate should
concerned post would be assessed through a obtain 30 marks.
skill test to be conducted by the concerned This will, however, be only
department under the direct supervision of qualifying in nature.
HOD/Dean of concerned Faculty/Principal of
The skill test shall be conducted in a manner
which will elicit the ability of the candidate
in handling various scientific/ humanities
experiments/tests, as the case may be in a
typical laboratory setup of the concerned
department. This skill test is aimed to check
the practical knowledge of the candidate in
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped, Cerebral Palsy candidates or
similarly placed candidates from PwBD category.
DURATION: 2 hours
(i) General Science 60 120
(i) General Science: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge of science, laboratory equipment
and lab practice. The questions may be from all the spheres of science, however, emphasis would be on
the field of science pertaining to the department for which the candidate is being assessed. In case of
appointment in departments under the Faculty of Arts/Social Sciences/Mathematical Sciences questions
pertaining to the subject matter of the concerned department may also be included.
(iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-
verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization,
problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation,
relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series
(iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System
including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion,
Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work,
Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
D. Skill Test:
The skill test shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same shall be allocated.
1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to
respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined
as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II shall be 45% for the unreserved
posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/
PwBD category. If the number of candidates qualifying is more than 30 times the advertised posts,
the merit list would be restricted to 30 times the advertised posts for the purpose of shortlisting the
candidates for skill test.
4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-
5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in MCQ based questions to the tune of 1/4 th of
marks allocated per question.
6. Merit list shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I, Paper II and skill test, separately.
The Merit list shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of Paper I and Paper II only.
7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list
would be decided as follows:
a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is
defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given
c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
4.4.4 Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment for the post of LABORATORY ATTENDANT
The following shall be the scheme of examination, components of written test and its syllabus for the
A. Scheme of Examination:
Written Test
Objective Type (MCQ) Time: 3 hrs.* Max. Marks:
General Science and Awareness 300 marks
(150 questions)
Total Marks 300 marks
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped, Cerebral Palsy
candidates or similarly placed candidates from PwBD category.
DURATION: 3 hours
Objective NO. OF MARKS
(i) General Science 60 120
B. Detailed Syllabus:
(i) General Science: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge of science, laboratory equipment
and lab practice. The questions may be from all the spheres of science, however, emphasis would be on
the field of science pertaining to the department for which the candidate is being assessed. In case of
appointment in departments under the Faculty of Arts/Social Sciences/Mathematical Sciences questions
pertaining to the subject matter of the concerned department may also be included.
For Computer Laboratory Attendant the questions may be based on computer science and computer
(iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-
verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization,
problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation,
relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series
(iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System
including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion,
Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work,
Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option
to respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined
as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for written test shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and
40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/ PwBD
category. If the number of candidates qualifying is more than 30 times the advertised posts, the merit
list would be restricted to 30 times the advertised posts for the purpose of shortlisting the candidates
for skill test.
4. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in MCQ based questions to the tune of 1/4th of
marks allocated per question.
5. Merit list shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify written test.
6. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list
would be decided as follows:
a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is
defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given
c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
4.5. Library Posts:
4.5.1 Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment to the post of Professional Assistant
The following shall be the scheme of Examination. Components of written test and its syllabus for
recruitment to the post of Professional Assistant by direct recruitment:
DURATION: 2 hours
(i) Library Aptitude 50 100
(i) Library Aptitude: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library
Information Science and recent development in the field of Library Science. The questions may be from all
the spheres of library science.
(ii) General Awareness: Questions will be
of the environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of
the current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person.
The test will include questions relating to India and her neighboring countries, especially pertaining to
History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science &
Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.
(iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-
verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem
solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship,
concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.
(iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System
including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage,
Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time &
Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
C. Paper - II
on Library and Information Science and recent development in the field and on the following subjects.
D. Skill Test:
The skill test shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same shall be allocated.
The skill test shall be conducted in a manner to check the practical knowledge of the candidate in handling
The following shall be the scheme of Examination, components of written test and its syllabus etc.
for recruitment to the post of Semi Professional Assistant by direct recruitment.
Written Test
Paper -I (MCQ) Time: 2 hrs.* Max. Marks:
Library Aptitude, General Awareness etc. 300 marks
(150 questions) (150 questions)
Paper II Time: 3 hrs.* Max. Marks:
Library Operations etc. 150 marks
Total Marks (300+150) 450 marks
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped, Cerebral Palsy
candidates or similarly placed candidates from PwBD category.
DURATION: 2 hours
(i) Library Aptitude 50 100
(i) Library Aptitude: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library
Information Science and recent development in the field of Library Science. The questions may be from all
the spheres of library science.
(iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-
verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem
solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship,
concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.
(iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System
including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage,
Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time &
Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
C. Paper - II
on Library and Information Science and recent development in the field and on the following subjects.
1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to
respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined
as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II shall be 45% for the unreserved
posts and 40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/
PwBD category. If the number of candidates qualifying is more than 30 times the advertised posts,
the merit list would be restricted to 30 times the advertised posts.
4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-
5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4 th of marks allocated
per question.
6. Merit list shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I and Paper II, separately. The Merit
list shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of the two papers.
7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list
would be decided as follows:
a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is
defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given
c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
4.5.4 Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment to the post of Library Attendant
The following shall be the scheme of Examination, components of written test and its syllabus for
recruitment to the post of Library Attendant by the direct recruitment:
A. Scheme of Examination:
Written Test
Objective Type (MCQ) Time: 3 hrs.* Max. Marks:
Library Aptitude, General Awareness etc. 300 marks
(150 questions)
Total Marks 300 marks
*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped, Cerebral Palsy
candidates or similarly placed candidates from PwBD category.
B. Detailed Syllabus:
(i) Library Aptitude: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library
Information Science and recent development in the field of Library Science. The questions may be from all
the spheres of library science.
(iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-
verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem
solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship,
concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.
(iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System
including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage,
Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time &
Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to
respond in either of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined
as the minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for the written test shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and
40% for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/ PwBD
category. If the number of candidates qualifying is more than 30 times the advertised posts, the
merit list would be restricted to 30 times the advertised posts.
4. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in written test to the tune of 1/4 th of marks
allocated per question.
5. Merit list shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify written test.
6. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list
would be decided as follows:
a) The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is
defined as the minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b) In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given
c) In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.