Cambridge IGCSE™: Economics 0455/22 October/November 2021
Cambridge IGCSE™: Economics 0455/22 October/November 2021
Cambridge IGCSE™: Economics 0455/22 October/November 2021
Paper 2 Structured Questions October/November 2021
Maximum Mark: 90
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for
Cambridge international will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2021 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE™, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some Cambridge O Level
These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the
specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these
marking principles.
• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.
Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).
• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the
scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the
question as indicated by the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.
Rules must be applied consistently, e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level
Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may
be limited according to the quality of the candidate responses seen).
Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or
grade descriptors in mind.
a DO credit answers which are worded differently from the mark scheme if they clearly convey the same meaning (unless the mark
scheme requires a specific term)
b DO credit alternative answers/examples which are not written in the mark scheme if they are correct
c DO credit answers where candidates give more than one correct answer in one prompt/numbered/scaffolded space where extended
writing is required rather than list-type answers. For example, questions that require n reasons (e.g. State two reasons …).
d DO NOT credit answers simply for using a ‘key term’ unless that is all that is required. (Check for evidence it is understood and not used
e DO NOT credit answers which are obviously self-contradicting or trying to cover all possibilities
f DO NOT give further credit for what is effectively repetition of a correct point already credited unless the language itself is being tested.
This applies equally to ‘mirror statements’ (i.e. polluted/not polluted).
g DO NOT require spellings to be correct, unless this is part of the test. However spellings of syllabus terms must allow for clear and
unambiguous separation from other syllabus terms with which they may be confused (e.g. Corrasion/Corrosion)
3 Calculation questions:
• The mark scheme will show the steps in the most likely correct method(s), the mark for each step, the correct answer(s) and the mark
for each answer
• If working/explanation is considered essential for full credit, this will be indicated in the question paper and in the mark scheme. In all
other instances, the correct answer to a calculation should be given full credit, even if no supporting working is shown.
• Where the candidate uses a valid method which is not covered by the mark scheme, award equivalent marks for reaching equivalent
• Where an answer makes use of a candidate’s own incorrect figure from previous working, the ‘own figure rule’ applies: full marks will be
given if a correct and complete method is used. Further guidance will be included in the mark scheme where necessary and any
exceptions to this general principle will be noted.
4 Annotation:
• For point marking, ticks can be used to indicate correct answers and crosses can be used to indicate wrong answers. There is no direct
relationship between ticks and marks. Ticks have no defined meaning for levels of response marking.
• For levels of response marking, the level awarded should be annotated on the script.
• Other annotations will be used by examiners as agreed during standardisation, and the meaning will be understood by all examiners
who marked that paper.
Blank page
L Nothing creditworthy
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Too vague
1(b) Identify two substitutes for air travel. 2 For ‘ships’ accept water travel.
Share of the market was 100% (1) only firm / share above
25% of the market / share above 40% / a complete/pure
monopoly / no competition (1).
Able to set price (1) a price-maker (1).
1(d) Explain two reasons why a government may privatise an 4 One mark each for each of two reasons identified and one
industry. mark each for each of two explanations.
1(e) Analyse how India’s position on the current account of 4 Up to 2 marks maximum for idea of size of current account
its balance of payments in 2017 compares with the other balance without reference to deficit or surplus e.g. China
four countries. has the largest current account balance and India the
Coherent analysis which might include: So maximum of 2 marks without reference to deficit/s or
Brazil, India and Kenya had a current account deficit (1) while surplus/es.
China and Russia had a current account surplus (1).
India’s current account deficit is the largest in terms of $s (1) No marks for writing about a budget balance.
but the second largest in % terms (1).
China’s current account had a larger impact on its economy
in terms of $s (1) and Kenya’s in percentage terms (1).
Russia’s current account surplus is larger than China’s in
terms of % of GDP (1).
China has the largest surplus in $s (1).
1(g) Discuss whether the Indian government should increase 6 Apply this example to all questions with the command
the tax on airline fuel. word DISCUSS
(1g, 1h, 2d, 3d, 4d and 5d)
Award up to 4 marks for why it should:
• Raise revenue (1) can be used to finance e.g. education /
training of pilots / increase government spending (1) Each point may be credited only once, on either side of an
burden more likely to fall on the rich / may enable tax on argument, but separate development as to how/why the
basic necessities to be reduced (1). outcome may differ is rewarded.
• May reduce market failure (1) air travel causes external
costs / social cost exceeds social benefit (1) air/noise Generic example mark
pollution (1) a tax may reduce air travel / lower demand
for air travel (1) by raising price (1) encourage people to Tax revenue may decrease … 1
switch to other forms of transport (1).
... because of reason e.g. incomes may be 1
Award up to 4 marks for why it should not: lower.
• Will increase airlines’ costs / reduce airlines’ profits /
cause a loss (1) airlines’ other costs are rising (1) difficult Tax revenue may increase because incomes 0
for them to cover higher costs / raise prices (1) due to may be higher i.e. reverse of a previous
elastic demand / price sensitive demand (1) may go out argument.
of business (1) may discourage investment (1) causing
unemployment (1). Tax revenue may increase because of a different 1
• May reduce tourism in the country (1) harming the reason i.e. not the reverse of a previous
current account position (1). argument e.g. government spending on
• Airline fuel is already highly taxed (1) may be difficult to subsidies may stimulate the economy more than
tax further (1). spending on education.
• Ait travel is safer than car travel in many countries (1) so
injuries may increase if there is a switch between the two
1(h) Discuss whether more people will apply to be pilots for 6 Note: some points may be given in reverse e.g. education
Indian airlines in the future. standards may rise.
2(b) Explain, with examples, the difference between the 4 For tertiary sector, it is not sufficient to just have the sector
secondary sector and the tertiary sector. which sells products as this is only part of the sector.
Logical explanation which might include: But for the tertiary sector example accept the sale of a
Secondary sector covers manufacturing (and construction) / product e.g. the sale of jewellery.
converts primary products into finished goods (1) e.g. car
industry (1).
Tertiary sector covers services / final stage of production (1)
e.g. insurance (1).
2(c) Analyse, using a production possibility curve (PPC), the 6 Nothing for higher output, higher GDP as this is uncertain.
effect of an increase in the quality of its resources on an
Level Description Marks
Two from:
• ability to store
• level of stocks
• perishability
• production time
• level of spare capacity
• cost of altering supply
• time period under consideration – short/long run
3(b) Explain two advantages to an economy of ending child 4 One mark each for each of two advantages identified and
labour. one mark each for each of two explanations.
3(c) Analyse how average cost can change as output 6 Nothing for reference to causes of changes in total costs
increases. e.g. employing more workers will increase wages paid.
Level Description Marks
Two from:
• what to produce
• how to produce
• who to produce for
4(b) Explain two reasons why households may save less even 4 One mark each for each of two reasons identified and one
though their income has increased. mark each for each of two explanations.
Level Description Marks
5(a) Identify two ways a government could reduce income 2 Accept higher taxes on high incomes and lower taxes on
inequality. low incomes but do not accept increasing taxes on
incomes as this is TV.
Two from:
• progressive taxation Redistributing income is TV – could be redistributing from
• state benefits the poor to the rich.
• spending on state education / training
• spending on state healthcare
• equal pay legislation
• minimum wage
5(b) Explain two advantages of a market economic system. 4 One mark each for each of two advantages identified and
one mark each for each of two explanations.
Logical explanation which might include:
Consumer sovereignty (1) with consumers deciding what Nothing for no taxes.
goods and services are produced (1).
Low prices (1) due to competition (1).
High quality (1) due to innovation (1).
Consumer choice (1) variety of products produced (1).
Greater efficiency (1) due to the profit motive (1).
Automatic adjustment to changes in demand and supply /
quick response to changes in demand and supply (1) via
changes in price / with use of the price mechanism / increase
consumer satisfaction (1).
5(d) Discuss whether or not supply-side policy measures can 8 Only accept lower interest rates, if linked to increasing total
reduce inflation. supply.
Level Description Marks