Short Introduction To The Sony Vegas Movie Studio
Short Introduction To The Sony Vegas Movie Studio
Short Introduction To The Sony Vegas Movie Studio
1. Preparation: Put all the documents to use (photos, voice etc.) into one separated folder and keep
them there during the whole process.
2. Launch the software
• New (project)
• chose the ‘Europe/Asia PAL’ option and the Internet Video / Internet (HD)
• ’name’ the project
3. The program’s windows
1., Project media – all medias’ (audio, video, photo, title) bin
2., Screen
• click to the ADD MEDIA button and add all the files you need (audio, image, video)
8. Audio editing
• play the active voice element and stop on the editing point (using the buttons under the screen or
press ‘enter’), for the fine tuning use the left/right arrow buttons (frame to frame)
• split (‘cut’) the active element pressing the ‘s’
search for the editing point and press ‘S’ for split activate the following element than search for
the next editing point and press ‘S’ for split again
delete the element what you would like to cut out pull the two parts together
of your story
9. Image editing
After having the completed and edited voice, we can start to put images above the voice track, you
can insert and move the images the same way as with the voice elements:
•you can move all the images you need from the project media bin onto the timeline
•for modification the length of an element, click to the beginning or the end of the element, find a
‘↔’ sign (trim event start/end), click on it and you can prolong or reduce the length of the element
(for a still image/photo: as long as you need, for a moving image and audio until the original length of
the element)
•if you pull the image onto the previous element, a cross fade automatically activates
•you put all the images onto the video track in the order you planned in your storyboard and you can
modify the length of the images according to your story
•if you delete any element from the timeline it still stays in the bin, you can reuse it later
•in the beginning and end of your movie or in dramaturgical important momentum you can use the
fade in / fade out effect:
•click to the right (for fade in) or left (for fade out) angle of the element and pull the fade in offset /
fade off offset until the length you need
•It is useful having a 3-5 second “black” section before your film starts
•the length of the cross fades should be more or less the same during a film unless if there is any
special reason or purpose
•don’t forget to save (Ctrl+S) as often as possible during the work
•if you close the Movie Studio and you intend to continue to work on your film later, don’t change the
files ‘ spot, position and name you use in your movie (keep everything – voice, photos etc. – in one
folder) otherwise the program won’t find the changed elements.