English 1302 KE02 Spring 2022 Syllabus
English 1302 KE02 Spring 2022 Syllabus
English 1302 KE02 Spring 2022 Syllabus
Course Description
Intensive study of and practice in the strategies and techniques for developing research-based
expository and persuasive texts. Emphasis on effective and ethical rhetorical inquiry, including
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primary and secondary research methods; critical reading of verbal, visual, and multimedia texts;
systematic evaluation, synthesis, and documentation of information sources; and critical thinking
about evidence and conclusions.
Core Objectives
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board mandated a set of Core Objectives, inspired by
the Association of American Colleges and Universities national initiative, Liberal Education and
America's Promise (LEAP). These four objectives apply to communication courses:
1. Critical Thinking Skills - to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis,
evaluation, and synthesis of information
2. Communication Skills - to include effective development, interpretation, and expression of
ideas through written and visual communicationi
3. Teamwork - to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work
effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal
4. Personal Responsibility - to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and
consequences to ethical decision-making
Learning Outcomes
The following learning outcomes must appear in the syllabus distributed to students. They can be
found at http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/AAR/UndergraduateEd/WorkforceEd/acgm.htm.
Communication: Most all of our communication will take place through email since this is an
online course. You will also join the Remind Text service (required). This will be your best way
to obtain quick answers to questions you may have. I will check email daily. We may also have
meetings through WebX in D2L. You can use this time to answer questions as well. Please
consider this is a college level course and professionalism should always be utilized in any
Attendance Policy: This is an online course so obviously face to face attendance is not required.
However, weekly engagement is required and this is how attendance credit is given. Any student
who goes more than two weeks without any online engagement in the course will dropped from
the course.
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Students who complete all assigned reading and class assignments will make steady progress
towards mastering the course objectives. In D2L, the instructor is able to note the exact time
and date of a submitted assignment. All assignments must be typed: double-spaced, 12 pt.
Times New Roman or Calibri font. In this class, MLA formatting is used. Assignments should
be submitted to the appropriate Dropbox in D2L, and all assignment submissions must be
correctly formatted (see acceptable file formats in D2L). You will be provided with specific
guidelines and due dates for each assignment, and each must be completed and submitted
according to the directions.
You are expected to conduct yourself appropriately while on College property or in an online
environment. You may receive disciplinary action up to and including suspension, if you violate
College rules, disrupt classes, or interfere with the opportunity of others to obtain an education.
Students who pose a threat to the safety of others will be subject to immediate withdrawal from
the classroom, campus environment, and/or online environment, as well as face subsequent
criminal charges, as appropriate. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct for additional
Counseling Services
Counseling services are available to students who are experiencing difficulty with academic
issues, selection of college major, career planning, disability accommodations, or personal issues.
You may contact Counseling, Career, and Disability Services at 281.290.3260 or stop by CASA
109 to make an appointment.
Course Requirements and Grading Policy: Describe the assignments that will be required in
your course. The chart below is just a suggestion. Include the statement below or one that
matches your course– it can be based on points or percentages, and you can determine what you
want each item to count. Just make sure it is clear for the students. The chart below should match
your own philosophy. Just make sure that you cover the minimum requirements as stated on the
department standard syllabus.
Withdrawal from the course after the official day of record (February 1, 2022) and prior to “W”
Day (April 6, 2022) will result in a final grade of “W” on your transcript. Instructor approval is
necessary if you want to withdraw after official day. No credit will be awarded for a course
earning a “W.” If you stop attending class, you must withdraw at the registration office prior to
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“W” day. If you stop attending class and do not officially withdraw, you will receive an “FN” for
the course.
Final grades are determined by averaging the total of each area listed below:
Assignment Percentage
Pre-Writing 20%
Assignments &
Discussion Boards
Essay 1 20%
Essay 2 20%
Essay 3 20%
Essay 4 20%
Grading Scale:
Percentage Grade
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 and below F
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Evaluation of Instruction:
Lone Star College-Tomball is committed to acting intentionally about student success. As part of
our institutional effectiveness efforts, our instructors are assessed in several ways. For the
continuous improvement of our instruction, you are encouraged to provide input for each course
you take each semester using the Course Evaluations Questionnaire, which can be accessed
through your myLoneStar account. This occurs approximately half way through your course, and
you will be notified when surveys are available for completion. Instructions on how to access and
complete the Course Evaluations Questionnaire can be found by logging into your myLoneStar
Account and clicking on the Quicklinks – “How To” Documents. The college deans review these
evaluations each semester. Additionally, the deans and/or department chairs may visit each
instructor’s class at some time during the semester to observe the instructional environment being
provided and complete an assessment of the instructor.
Course Schedule
Syllabus Disclaimer
It is the instructor’s right to modify the class schedule when necessary and cover course topics as
he/she feels is necessary to meet the learning outcomes, therefore this syllabus is subject to
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JANUARY 18, Course Introductions Introductions in Discussion Boards
2022 Chapter One Everything’s An Argument
JANUARY 24, Visual Rhetorical Analysis Chapter’s Two, Three and Four
2022 Everything’s An Argument
JANUARY 31, Examining a Rhetorical Kristof “Fleeing to the Mountains”
2022 Analysis Pg. 117 Everything’s An Argument
FEB. 14, 2022 TBD
FEB. 21, 2022 TBD
FEB. 28, 2022 TBD
MARCH 7, 2022 TBD
MARCH 21, 2022 TBD
MARCH 28, 2022 TBD
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APRIL 4, 2022 TBD
APRIL 11, 2022 TBD
APRIL 18, 2022 TBD
APRIL 25, 2022 TBD
MAY 2, 2022 TBD
The English department highly recommends taking advantage of the resources available through
our tutors and reference librarians.
Library Resources
You may access library services via:
****Students are encouraged to read the Student Handbook and LSC Catalog for a
comprehensive list of guidelines and procedures.****
Title IX
Academic Integrity
Academic Appeals
ADA 504/508
Emergency Procedures
Concealed Carry
The College will comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
when collecting, maintaining, and releasing student records. Students have rights regarding their
Title IX
Clery Act
LSC complies with the Jeanne Clery Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, Violence
Against Women Act of 2013, and the Jacob Wetterling Crimes against Children and Sexually
Violent Offender Registration Act. Relevant information can be found in the Lone Star College
Annual Security Report available online at LoneStar.edu/police.
Academic Integrity
Lone Star College upholds the academic core values of learning: honesty, respect, fairness, and
accountability. LSC promotes the importance of personal and academic honesty from its students,
instructors, and faculty members. LSC's academic integrity policies embrace the belief that all
learners-students, faculty, staff, and administrators - produce their own work and give appropriate
credit to the work of others. No fabrication of sources, cheating, or unauthorized collaboration is
permitted on any work submitted to the College or work submitted to third parties.
Academic Appeals
An academic appeal is a formal request by a student to change a grade for an approved basis. A
grade appeal must be made within 12 months of the date the grade was posted by the registrar. A
grade may only be changed by the instructor of record, the instructor's department chair, the
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Withdrawal Policy
Withdrawal from the course after the official day of record and prior to the “W” Day (see current
catalog) will result in a final grade of “W” on the student transcript, and no credit will be
awarded. Prior to the official day, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a
request for withdrawal from any course. Withdrawals are processed only if the student completes
and submits for signature(s) the required withdrawal form(s) available from the Admissions
Six Drop Rule: Students are limited to six (6) drops total while they are enrolled in any
institution of higher education in Texas. A first time in college student is a student not currently
enrolled in high school and who has never taken a college or university course anywhere at any
time. If you consider dropping this course during the semester, you should go to advising prior to
dropping and get information about the Six-Drop Rule.
ADA Statement
If you require reasonable accommodations because of a physical, mental, or learning disability, it
is your responsibility to contact the instructor during the first two weeks of class. Check the
System Office Catalog for the statement concerning people with disabilities.
Check the System Office Catalog for the statement concerning the equal opportunity principle.
Concealed Carry
To carry a concealed handgun on LSC campuses, an individual must have a valid License to
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Carry issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety. License holders may carry a concealed
handgun on or about their person on LSC's premises except within exclusion zones. LSC students,
employees, and visitors on LSC's premises or at LSC-sponsored or affiliated events are prohibited
from openly carrying a handgun-holstered or not-on LSC premises. LSC has established rules and
regulations regarding enforcement of Campus Carry, which are found at
LoneStar.edu/WeaponsProcedures. For more information about Campus Carry, visit the LSC
Campus Carry website at lonestar.edu/campuscarry.
Lone Star College is committed to providing a safe environment in which to learn, study, and
work. Knowing what to do is your best protection and your responsibility. In the event of a health,
safety, or environmental emergency while on campus, students should immediately contact LSC
Police at 281.290.5911 or the administrator on duty. If you know you will need assistance to
evacuate during an emergency, please register by calling 281.290.3667 or emailing
oem@lonestar.edu. We encourage you to register to receive emergency notification via your cell
phone or personal email by updating your my.LoneStar.edu information or registering at
Oral communication is handled explicitly in the 42 credit hour LSCS Core through the Speech
course Core requirement. The LSCS General Education Committee determined that courses in the
Core clearly can and should and usually must complement each other in order to achieve full
coverage of th